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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Jag ville inte sitta på digitala fikor": En kvalitativ intervjustuide om Aller medias kommunikativa övergång till distansarbete under covid-19. / "I didn´t want to participate in digital coffee breaks": A qualitative interview study about Aller media's communicative transition to telework during covid-19.

Thelander, Hanna, Devantier, Nathalie January 2021 (has links)
Covid-19 har lett till att många företag har behövt göra en hastig övergång från kontorsarbete till distansarbete. Denna studie har undersökt hur mediebolaget Aller medias interna kommunikation har påverkats av övergången till distansarbete till följd av covid-19. En forskningslucka har identifierats gällande organisationskommunikation under distansarbete, specifikt oplanerat distansarbete till följd av covid-19. Studien kommer utgå från ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv på organisationskommunikation och analysera hur digitala kommunikativa processer har skapats och bidragit till meningsskapande upplevelser under distansarbetet.    Studiens huvudsakliga teoretiska ramverk består av två teorier sett ur ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv; Communicative Constitution of Organizations och Affordance. Kvalitativa intervjuer har utfört med sex anställda på Aller media, tre medarbetare och tre chefer. Intervjuerna var semistrukturerade och utfördes på plats, via zoom och via telefonsamtal med hänsyn till intervjupersonernas geografiska position. Målet med intervjuerna var att urskilja intervjupersonernas olika upplevelser av hur kommunikationen har förändrats under distansarbetet.    Studiens resultat föreslår att Aller medias interna kommunikation har ändrat form och har upplevts olika av olika personer. Den informella kommunikationen har begränsats då det är svårt att skapa naturliga samtal via digitala kommunikationsmedel. Slutligen kan det påvisas att den interna kommunikationen på ett kontor är svår att efterlikna i en digital miljö. / Covid-19 has forced many organizations to make a rapid transition from having their employees work in an office to them being required to work from home. This new form of working from home has been called "to telework". The aim of this study has been to examine how the transition to telework, due to covid-19, has affected the media company Aller Media's internal communication. A research gap has been identified concerning organizational communication during telework, specifically unplanned telework due to covid-19. The study will assume a social constructivist perspective on organizational communication and analyze how digital communicative processes have been created and how they have contributed to sensemaking experiences during telework.    The theoretical framework of this study will mainly consist of two theories seen from a social constructivist perspective; Communicative Constitution of Organizations and Affordance. Qualitative interviews have been conducted with six individuals at Aller media, three employees and three bosses. The interviews were semi-structured and conducted at Aller Media's office, through Zoom and through phone calls depending on the interviewees geographical position. The goal of the interviews was to tell the different experiences of the interviewees and how the communication has changed during the period of telework.     The result of the study suggests that Aller Media's internal communication has changed form and been experienced differently by the coworkers. The informal communication has been limited considering the difficulty of creating natural conversations through digital communication platforms. In conclusion, the study suggests that informal communication in an office is difficult to imitate in a digital environment.

The Twisted Logic of Remote Work : A qualitative study on employees’ perceptions and experiences of working remotely in the presence of Covid-19

Arneson, Malin January 2022 (has links)
This master thesis highlights employees’ perceptions and experiences of working remotely in the presence of the Covid-19 pandemic. The aim of the thesis is to understand how remote work during pandemic times impacts employees’ perception of their overall working life. In addition to that, it highlights employees’ experience of their social interaction, impression exchange, feedback sharing, trust-building, and performance at work. It strives to illuminate employees’ impression of their work-life balance and the specific company’s organizational culture when working remotely in pandemic times. The research problem is built upon possible reductions of informal interaction between employees when working remotely, which further on can cause separation of teams and a decreased employee identification with the organization. The research problem also has its foundation in the possible blurring of boundaries between two components, personal- and professional life, when working from home. The thesis was formed by a qualitative research approach where the empirical data was collected through semi-structured interviews with employees at a specific company. The analysis illuminates insightful findings with support from previous research, theories, and concepts. The empirical results show that employees have a variety of opinions about their work situation. Some argued for positive work-life balance, workflow, and collaboration, whereas other interviewees pointed out that informal interaction, trust-building, and feedback-sharing suffer when working remotely. Empirical data claim that remote work influences employees’ identification and sense of belonging within organizations, especially for new employees. Additionally, work-life balance became more balanced for some but challenging for others. Another finding shows that the perception and experience about the overall work life and organizational culture might not only be impacted by Covid-19 but also by the fast-growing company size.

Loss of Remote Work as Psychological Contract Violation: Implications for Working Mothers, Employee Attitudes and Retention

Barlow, Katherine 05 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Cybersäkerhet : Distansarbetets påverkan på cybersäkerhet inom företag

Håman, Philip, Kasum, Edin, Klingberg, Olof January 2022 (has links)
Digitaliseringen och den konstanta utvecklingen av teknologi i vårt samhälle har medfört många förändringar de senaste åren. I olika områden inom yrkeslivet har rutiner och system behövt uppdaterats för att hålla jämna steg med digitaliseringen. Idag är det inte ovanligt för anställda att arbeta på distans, vanligtvis från sina egna hem. Utöver detta, har Covid-19-pandemin som drabbade världen under 2020, endast utökat och påskyndat processen där företag behöver anpassa sig till denna typ av arbete. Trots att möjligheten att kunna jobba hemifrån reflekterar en modern arbetsplats såväl som ett modernt samhälle, öppnar det även upp frågan om potentiella cyberhot. På grund av detta undersöker nuvarande studie forskningsfrågan: Hur har cybersäkerhet inom företag påverkats av utökat distansarbete? Som avgränsning fokuserar studien specifikt på den finansiella sektorn. Forskningsmetoden som valts ut för studien har varit kvalitativ, i form av primär datainsamling genom semistrukturerade intervjuer som sedan analyserats med hjälp av tematisk analys. Samtliga respondenter arbetar med och har erfarenhet av cybersäkerhet samt har en koppling till finanssektorn. Vidare fokuserar dessa intervjuer på olika aspekter av hur säkerheten inom företag har påverkats av det ökade distansarbetet hemifrån. För att kunna besvara detta, ställdes en rad specifika frågor angående förändringar, kommunikation, cyberhot och utmaningar på grund av distansarbete till respondenterna. Det insamlade och analyserade resultatet visar på att majoriteten av respondenterna anser att jobba hemifrån betyder en ökad mängd förändringar i form av hantering av information, inloggningsrutiner, behörigheter, utrustning och ibland även förändring av IT-infrastrukturen i företagen. Resultaten visar även på hot och utmaningar som kan uppstå vid distansarbete. En slutsats som därmed kan dras från studien är att företagens cybersäkerhet påverkas och hanteras på olika sätt när det kommer till det ökade distansarbetet. Dessa bemöts enligt respondenterna med olika strategier, rutiner och riskminimering. För att vidare minimera cyberhoten vid arbete hemifrån i framtiden, är den generella uppfattningen i studien att företag behöver arbeta förebyggande och utbilda personal i frågan om cybersäkerhet när man inte befinner sig på ordinarie arbetsplats. Trots att respondenterna tillsammans med föregående studier anser att cyberhoten har ökat de senaste åren, håller de med varandra om svårigheten att fastställa om det är ett faktum att de har ökat på grund av just ökat distansarbete. Eftersom det inte alltid rapporteras om hoten som finns mot finanssektorn på grund av anseende- och trovärdighetsskäl, har det varit en utmaning att få tillräckliga svar i de i utförda intervjuerna. / The digitalization and constant development of technology in our society has brought many changes over the last few years. In various areas of the work field, routines and systems have been updated to keep up with the digitalization. Nowadays it is not unusual for employees to be teleworking, most commonly to work from their own homes. On top of that, the global Covid-19-pandemic that hit the world in 2020, has only increased and speeded up the process for companies to adjust to this type of work. Even though being able to work from home reflects a modern workplace as well as society, it does open the question about possible online threats. Therefore, this current study examines the question: How does the increasing teleworking trend affect cybersecurity in organizations? As a demarcation, the study specifically focuses on the financial sector. The research method selected for the study has been of qualitative nature, during which primary data was collected through semi-structured interviews which further were analyzed using thematic analysis. The respondents are all employees and have experience within cybersecurity, related to the financial sector. Furthermore, these interviews focus on different aspects of how the cybersecurity of companies has been affected by the recent increase in teleworking from home. To shed light on the matter, the respondents were asked a specific set of questions regarding changes in; communication, cyber threats and challenges all due to telework. The results gathered and analyzed do show that the majority of the respondents believe that working from home does mean an increased amount of changes in ways of handling information, login-routines, competence, equipment and sometimes even the infrastructure of their IT-systems. Additionally, the results also show threats and challenges that may occur due to increased teleworking, such as larger attack surfaces. Therefore, a conclusion that can be drawn from the study is that there are different ways in which the cybersecurity of companies can be affected by the increasing teleworking trend. According to the respondents, these challenges are met with different strategies, routines and risk minimization. To further minimize future cyberthreats when working from home, the general perception drawn from the study is that companies have to work preventively and as well as educate staff on threats and risks associated with increased teleworking. However, while the respondents and previous studies believe that threats have increased over the last couple of years, they do agree on the difficulty of determining whether it is in fact due to the increased amount of telework. Since the cyberthreats against the financial sector are not always spoken about or reported for reasons of reputation and credibility, there were also respondents who have been hersistant in providing full answers to the interviews.

Die Wirkung flexibler Arbeitsformen auf die Arbeitgeberattraktivität aus Perspektive der Person-Organization-Fit-Theorie

Klapczynski, Julia 30 August 2023 (has links)
Person-Organization Fit (POF) bezeichnet die Kompatibilität von Personen und Organisationen, wobei häufig Werte als Beurteilungsgrundlage dienen. Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass ein hoher POF zwischen Arbeitgebern und -nehmern nicht nur positive Auswirkungen auf die Arbeitszufriedenheit hat, auch sind für Arbeitsuchende solche Organisationen attraktiv, mit denen sie eine hohe Passung unterstellen. Die Arbeit widmet sich im Spiegel der Theorie des POF theoretisch und empirisch dem Einfluss von flexiblen Arbeitsformen (zur Ermöglichung von Zeit- und Ortsunabhängigkeit bei der Arbeit) auf die Wahrnehmung der Arbeitgeberattraktivität. Es wird untersucht, inwiefern POF als Erklärungsmechanismus für Arbeitgeberattraktivität dienen kann, in Abhängigkeit der verschiedenen Ausprägungen flexibler Arbeitsformen – u.a. werden allgemein flexibilitätsbezogene Angebote sowie die spezifische flexible Arbeitsform Telearbeit betrachtet, ebenfalls werden Effekte der Nichtverfügbarkeit flexibler Arbeitsformen in den Blick genommen. Neben POF wird auch der Einfluss von AOS (Anticipated Organizational Support) für den Effekt auf Arbeitgeberattraktivität untersucht. Darüber hinaus analysiert diese Arbeit die Rolle der Persönlichkeitsdisposition Work Locus of Control im Zusammenhang mit dem Person-Organization Fit. Die Ergebnisse erweitern nicht nur den wissenschaftlichen Kenntnisstand, auch liefern sie Impulse für die Praxis des Employer Branding.

Hälso- och välfärdseffekter av distansarbete i pandemins avtryck : en litteraturstudie / Health and welfare effects of remote work in the wake of the pandemic : a literature study

Dankic, Barbara January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: Digital teknik har gjort det möjligt att kunna arbeta hemifrån under pandemin. Världshälsoorganisationen [WHO] rekommenderade att hålla social distans, vilket medförde att många människor övergick till distansarbete. Denna förändring innebar att vanor förändrades och nya beteenden anammades. Arbetet är en av de viktigaste hälsodeterminanterna för hälsan och dess effekt går åt båda hållen med både hälsa och ohälsa som följd. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka påverkan av distansarbete på arbetsrelaterad hälsa och välbefinnande till följd av pandemin. Metod: Metoden som tillämpades var en strukturerad litteraturstudie och data samlades in via databaserna CINAHL, PubMed och Web of Science. Det resulterade i 11 vetenskapliga artiklar som analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Resultat: Analysen av resultaten genererade fyra teman: arbetslivsbalans, sociala relationer, arbetsmiljö, hälsa och välmående. Resultatet visade att distansarbete påverkar arbetsrelaterad hälsa och välbefinnande både positivt och negativt. Upplevelserna varierade och de flesta distansarbetare hittade egna taktiker för att skapa en balans mellan arbete och privatliv. Slutsats: Under pandemin hade arbetare inget val än att följa restriktionerna för att minska smittspridning. De positiva aspekterna med distansarbete visade sig vara större flexibilitet och autonomi, besparingar i pendlingstid och ekonomi samt mer tid med familjen och minskad risk för att bli smittad av covid-19. De negativa aspekterna var bland annat den bristande interaktionen med kollegor, isolering och sämre arbetsförhållanden. / Introduction: Digital techonology has made it possible to work from home during the pandemic. World Health Organization recommended keeping social distance, which directed many people to switch to telework. This meant that habits changed and new behaviours were adopted. Work is one of the most important health determinants. The effects of work goes in both directions with both health promoting and deteriorating outcomes. Aim: The aim of the study is to investigate the impact of teleworking on work-related health and well-being as a result of the pandemic. Methods: The method used was a structured literature review with data collected from the databases CINAHL, PubMed and Web of Science. This resulted in 11 scientific articles that were analyzed trough a qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach. Results: The analysis of the results generated four themes: work life balance, relationships, work environment, health and well-being. The results showed that teleworking affects health and well-being both positively and negatively. The experiences varied and most teleworkers found their own tactics to create a balance between work and private life. Conclusion: During the pandemic, workers had no choice but to follow the restrictions to reduce the spread of infection. The positive aspects of teleworking during the pandemic turned out to be greater flexibility and autonomy, savings in commuting time and finances as well as more time with the family and reduced risk of becoming infected with covid-19. The negative aspects included the lack of interaction with colleagues, isolation and poorer working conditions.

Distansarbetets påverkan på utövandet av ledarskap under covid-19 : Betraktat utifrån ett ledningsperspektiv

Svensson, Sanna January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie är en magisterexamen i företagsekonomi med inriktning ledarskap, skriven av Sanna Svensson under vårterminen 2022. Studiens titel är; “Distansarbetets påverkan på utövandet av ledarskap under covid-19, betraktat utifrån ett ledningsperspektiv”. Distansarbete har under covid-19 blivit den nya normalen. Detta har resulterat i många olika utmaningar som ledare har varit tvungna att hantera. Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om hur distansarbete har påverkat utövandet av ledarskap under covid-19 utifrån ett ledningsperspektiv. Studien forskningsfråga är; ”Hur har distansarbete under covid-19 påverkat utövandet av ledarskap utifrån ett ledningsperspektiv?”. För att kartlägga kunskapen innanför ämnesområdet har det genomförts en litteraturgenomgång. I den teoretiska referensramen presenteras resultatet av litteraturgenomgången i form av tre ledarskapsbeteenden; kommunikation, tillit och stöd. Dessa tre ledarskapsbeteenden är viktiga vid övergången till distansarbete. Ledares förmåga att tillhandahålla tydlig kommunikation till medarbetare under covid-19 är viktig för att medarbetare ska kunna hantera krisen effektivt, mästra övergången till distansarbete och upprätthålla medarbetarnas produktivitet och arbetsvilja med distansarbete. För att medarbetare ska kunna arbeta på distans är det viktigt att organisationer litar på sina medarbetare och har tillit till att de utför sitt arbete på distans. Vidare är det viktigt att ledare är tillgängliga och ger medarbetare det stöd och den hjälp de behöver för att hantera arbetssituationen med distansarbete, detta för att uppnå produktivitet och framgång med distansarbete. Denna studie baseras på en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturella intervjuer med åtta HR-ledare i offentlig sektor i Norge. I empiriavsnittet presenteras respondenternas svar utifrån kategorierna kommunikation, tillit och stöd. Det framgår av intervjumaterialet att dessa tre kategorier har varit viktiga för samtliga respondenter under distansarbetssituationen. I analyskapitlet diskuteras och jämförs den teoretiska referensramen med datan från den empiriska undersökningen utifrån de tre underrubrikerna som presenterades i teori- och empiriavsnittet. Analysen utgör grunden för studiens slutsats. Studiens slutsats visar att respondenterna under distansarbetssituationen har varit mer tillgängliga för sina medarbetare och försett dem med mer stöd. Vidare framgår det av studiens resultat att samtliga respondenterhar använt Microsoft Temas för att informera om statusuppdateringar och upprätthålla mötesverksamhet, kommunikation och samarbete med distansarbetande medarbetare. Slutsatsen visar även att ledare måste ha en hög grad av tillit till distansarbetande medarbetare. Vidare framgår det av slutsatsen att tre respondenter under pandemin har givit sina distansarbetande medarbetare ökad autonomi. De medarbetare som inte har fungerat på hemmakontor, har tre av respondenterna följt upp extra genom ett mer kontrollerande och styrande beteende. Detta avviker från teorin som visar att ledare under distansarbetssituationen har haft ett mindre kontrollerande och styrande beteende. / This study is a master thesis in business administration with a focus on leadership, written by Sanna Svensson during the spring semester of 2022. The title of the study is; "Teleworks impact on the exercise of leadership during covid-19, viewed from a management perspective". Teleworking has become the new standard during covid-19. This has resulted in many different challenges that leaders have had to deal with. The purpose of the study is to contribute with knowledge of how telework has affected the exercise of leadership during covid-19 from a management perspective. The study research question is; "How has teleworking during covid-19 affected the exercise of leadership from a management perspective?". In order to map the knowledge within the subject area, a literature review has been carried out. In the theoretical frame of reference, the results of the literature review are presented in the form of three leadership behaviors: communication, trust and support. These three leadership behaviors are important in the transition to teleworking. Managers' ability to provide clear communication to employees during covid-19 is important for employees to be able to handle the crisis effectively, master the transition to teleworking and maintain employees' productivity and willingness to work remotely. For employees to be able to work remotely, it is important that organizations trust their employees and have confidence that they are performing their work as intended. Furthermore, it is important that leaders are available and give employees the support and help they need to handle the work situation during covid-19, this to achieve productivity and success in the telework situation the pandemic has created. This study is based on a qualitative method in the form of semi-structured interviews with eight HR leaders in the public sector in Norway. In the empirical section, the respondents' answers are presented based on the category’s communication, trust and support. It appears from the interview material that these three categories have been important for all respondents during the telework situation. The analysis chapter discusses and compares the theoretical frame of reference with data from the empirical study based on the three subheadings presented in the theory and empirical sections. The analysis forms the basis for the study's conclusion. The study's conclusion shows that the respondents during the teleworking situation have been more accessible to their employees and provided them with more support. Furthermore, the results of the study show that all respondents have used Microsoft Teams to inform teleworkers about status updates and maintain meeting activities, communication and collaboration with their employees. The conclusion also shows that leaders must have a high degree of trust in teleworkers. Furthermore, it appears from the conclusion that three respondents during the pandemic have given their teleworkers increased autonomy. The employees who have not functioned during the teleworking situation, have been followed up by three of the respondents through a more controlling and governing behavior.

La situation juridique du télétravailleur / Teleworker's legal position

Sourbes, Boris 18 December 2017 (has links)
Le télétravail vient de faire son entrée dans le code du travail par la loi n°2012-387 du 22 mars 2012. Si au regard de la loi, le télétravailleur est considéré comme un salarié à part entière titulaire d’un contrat de travail et subordonné à l’employeur, il accompli cependant ses tâches hors les locaux de l’entreprise en utilisant les technologies de l’information et de la communication. Il en découle que si le travail à distance génère pour le télétravailleur une situation qui se caractérise par une certaine indépendance et une « relative autonomie dans la subordination », il n’en demeure pas moins qu’il reste placé dans une situation de subordination inhérente au contrat de travail. La position singulière du télétravailleur vient ainsi bouleverser le droit des relations individuelles et collectives de travail. Etudier la situation juridique du télétravailleur supposera de se « focaliser » sur la personne en situation de télétravail pour se demander comment sa position singulière peut à la fois le placer dans les liens du salariat, qui suppose l’exercice des droits de tout salarié, mais aussi déterminer les éléments spécifiques de sa situation. / Telework has been introduced in the Labor Code by the Law N° 2012-387 dated march 22d 2012. By law, the teleworker is considered a full-fledged employee holding an employment contract by which he is subordinate to his employer. Yet, thanks to the use of information and communication technologies he performs his labour outside of the company’s premises. It follows that, even though distance working will afford the teleworker a certain degree of independence and “autonomy within his subordination”, he remains nevertheless placed within the state of subordination characteristic of an employment contract. The teleworker’s peculiar situation therefore disrupts the traditional balance of individual and collective rights afforded to employees. Analysing the legal status of the teleworker will involve “focusing” our attention on the person placed within a telework environment to figure out how this singular situation can place him/her both within the employment relationship, which implies enjoying the rights of traditional employees, while still pinpointing elements that are specific to his situation.

Exploring the Adaptability of Ohio State University Extension County 4-H Professionals to an All-Digital Setting During the COVID-19 Remote Work Period Based on Selected Variables and Their Relationship to Change Style Preferences

Light, Mark D. 09 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Teleworks effect on job-related relocation decisions : A study of the Swedish workforce

Ramstedt, Ellinor January 2023 (has links)
With teleworking becoming an increasingly normalized work arrangement after the Covid-19 pandemic, it opens up possibilities for workers to be located elsewhere than their workplace. This indicates that work-related relocation may not be a necessity anymore for parts of the workforce, because they can choose to work remotely instead of relocating. The overall purpose of the thesis has been to investigate whether the normalization of telework as a part of the employee value proposition’s benefits will make people in the workforce less likely to relocate for work. The employee value proposition theory was used to understand the current role telework has as a part of the benefit component, and how telework may affect the employees' likelihood to relocate for work. Two research questions were used to answer the overall purpose:  Has telework resulted in the benefit component having a greater influence than other components for the workforce? Has telework offered as a benefit made people in the workforce less likely to relocate for work? The research purpose for the study was exploratory and the research approach was a deductive, qualitative study approach. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect the data and the sampling were selected by both the purposive and snowball sampling method. The sample for the interviews were employees who have a job where it is possible to do teleworking and were between 25-35 years old. After the interviews were conducted, the data was analyzed by using thematic analysis. The finding of the study indicates that the influence of the benefit component did not change compared to previous research and still had a mid-level of importance. It is not likely that telework has made the benefit component to have an overall greater influence compared to other components, but there were components such as affiliation that were very influential when making relocation decisions. It was also found that family members, especially partners and children, were a big influence on relocation decisions. The participants were more likely to consider teleworking instead of relocating when they had partners and children. Several of them could not see themselves only doing teleworking long-term though, because the connection with the colleagues and team at their workplace were also important. The findings of the study indicate that human connection and relationships have become increasingly important for the employees, and this affects both their teleworking and relocation decisions.

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