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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sequence Stratigraphy of the Bridal Veil Falls Limestone, Carboniferous, Lower Oquirrh Group, on Cascade Mountain, Utah: A standard Morrowan Cyclostratigraphy for the Oquirrh Basin

Shoore, David Joseph 21 March 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The Bridal Veil Falls Limestone (lowest 400 meters of the Permo-Carboniferous Oquirrh Group) is well exposed on the flanks of Cascade Mountain (Wasatch Front and adjacent mountain ranges) near Provo, Utah. Because of its excellent exposure and location in the heart of the Oquirrh depocenter, this area was selected to develop a sequence stratigraphic framework for Morrowan rocks that may be applied throughout the Oquirrh basin (NW Utah and southern Idaho) as well as the adjacent Ely and Bird Springs troughs. Eleven partial to complete sections of the Bridal Veil Falls Limestone were measured along the west and north flanks of Cascade Mountain and the south end of Mt. Timpanogos. There the limestone is comprised principally of mud-rich carbonate lithofacies punctuated by thin, and sometimes discontinuous quartzose sandstone beds. The predominance of muddy to grain-rich heterozoan limestone microfacies suggests deposition on a west-dipping low energy carbonate ramp that prograded westward throughout Morrowan time. Sandstones reflect transport of siliciclastics from the incipient Weber shelf (located to the NE) during episodes of sea-level lowstand. The Bridal Veil Falls Limestone is subdivided into 21, third and fourth order depositional sequences ranging in thickness from 3 to 60 meters, and 62 parasequences. Parasequences are commonly asymmetrical, reflecting rapid flooding followed by protracted shoaling and/or sea level drop. Selected cycles are recognized in the Lake Mountains, Thorpe Hills, and the southern Oquirrh Mountains to the west of Cascade Mountain indicating that Parasequences delineated at Cascade Mountain are regionally extensive over an area of at least 300 square kilometers.

Parent Company Liability for Torts of Subsidiaries : A Comparative Study of Swedish and UK Company Law with Emphasis on Piercing the Corporate Veil and Implications for Victims of Torts and Human Rights Violations

Lindblad, Matilda January 2020 (has links)
The gas leak disaster in Bhopal, India, in 1984 illustrates a situation of catastrophe and mass torts resulting in loss of life and health as well as environmental degradation. The Indian company Union Carbide India Limited, who owned and operated the chemical plant that caused the disaster, did not have sufficient assets to compensate the victims in contrast to its financially well-equipped US parent company Union Carbide Corporation. The courts never reached a decision regarding parent company liability for the subsidiary’s debts arising from tort claims against the subsidiary. However, where the subsidiary cannot satisfy its tort creditors, as in the Bhopal case, questions regarding parent company liability become highly relevant in relation to both foreign and domestic subsidiaries. Therefore, parent company liability for subsidiaries’ torts is discussed in this thesis with reference to Swedish and UK company law and with a focus on the tort creditors’ situation and the business and human rights debate. From limited liability for shareholders and each company being a separate legal entity follows that a parent company is not liable for its subsidiaries’ debts in neither Swedish nor UK company law. These concepts serve the important function of facilitating risk-taking and entrepreneurial activities. However, they also contribute to the problem of uncompensated tort victims arising where a subsidiary is involved in liability- producing activities but lacks assets to compensate the tort victims. Where limited liability and each company being a separate legal entity leads to particularly inappropriate results, the doctrine of piercing the corporate veil in both Sweden and the UK allows the court to disregard the separate legal personalities and hold the parent company liable for its subsidiary’s acts or omissions. The doctrine is characterised by uncertainty and is seemingly only available under exceptional circumstances. The doctrine does little to mitigate the problems for subsidiaries’ tort creditors at large. The business and human rights debate calls for access to judicial remedies for victims of businesses’ human rights violations. As some human rights violations can form the basis of a tort claim, it is relevant to discuss parent company liability according to company law in relation to human rights violations. The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights emphasise the need to ensure that corporate law does not prevent access to judicial remedies. However, the company law regulation of liability in company groups seems in practice to function as an obstacle for access to judicial remedies for human rights victims, particularly when also considering the inadequate legal regimes in some host states and the hurdles of jurisdiction and applicable law in multinational company groups. It is concluded in this thesis that the company law regulation of liability in company groups is seemingly not equipped to meet the challenges arising with the development of company groups, the global reach of the private business sector, the risks of mass torts and the influence of the business sector on human rights.

Les mailles de la fiducie en contexte de dissolution de l'union matrimoniale : de l'application des mécanismes du C.C.Q. au soulèvement du voile fiduciaire en droit québécois

Olivier, Raphaëlle 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Hijab – the Islamic dress code: its historical development, evidence from sacred sources and views of selected Muslim scholars

Aziz, Rookhsana 04 October 2011 (has links)
The issue of a Muslim woman‟s dress code has been debated for centuries. This is of great importance as it is widely used as a criterion to measure the extent of a woman‟s piety or devotion to Allah. A study of the religious texts on the issue is essential. Therefore, Qur‟anic text, Prophetic Traditions and Qur‟anic exegesis of both classical and modern scholars would have been used in determining the correct dress code for Muslim women. While all research indicates that women dress conservatively, in order not to attract the attention of the opposite sex. The extent to which a woman must be covered has not been agreed upon. Even if what has to be covered is established by scholars, the manner in which this is to be done and the type of colours and fabric to be used needs further clarification. The issue of the female dress code needs to be presented from a female perspective. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M.A. (Islamic Studies)

勞工退休金及資遣費之追償與保護 / Law of retrieve and protection of labor pension and severance pay

李涓鳳, Li, Jiuan-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
勞動基準法、勞工退休金條例課予雇主於成就一定要件下,有給付勞工退休金、資遣費之責,以保護照顧勞工。然時至今日,為因應全球化趨勢,經營者透過交互協力的經營網絡,使人事調動亦趨於頻繁,產生多法人格經營組織形態下的調職。惟勞工退休金與資遣費係本於勞動契約之請求,故其求償對象為「勞動契約上雇主」,當事人一方(事業單位)改變,工作年資重新計算,將衍生應以誰承擔雇主責任及工作年資併計、平均工資計算等債權範圍問題。甚或雇主透過關係企業交叉控制,濫用公司法人格、掏空資產,導致關廠歇業,勞工之債權求償無門。 勞動基準法各條文所規範之雇主(責任主體),須斟酌各該法條的立法意旨與目的予以審酌認定,且未包含多重勞動關係之處理。我國公司法第154條第2項規定引進揭穿公司面紗原則,惟勞工如係因關係企業、家族企業調動,導致工作年資中斷或勞動條件不利益變更,損及其權益,尚難逕以該法條要求控制股東負清償之責,以擴張雇主責任。又104年2月4日修正公布勞動基準法第28條規定,提升退休金與資遣費之受償順位,並納入墊償,該條文對勞動債權之保護及施行以來之適用問題,亦為本文關切之重點。   本文將從雇主範圍、跨法人格企業調動、經營主體消滅等變動因素下,探討勞工退休金及資遣費之求償對象、求償範圍及債權保護等,並透過檢視現行勞動法制、公司法關係企業債權人保護之規定,介紹美國「揭穿公司面紗原則」、日本「法人格否認理論」、我國實務發展「實體同一性」概念等,試圖描繪擴充退休金與資遣費求償與保護法制之輪廓,並對於擴張勞工退休金與資遣費追償對象之可能,提出相關建議以供參考。

Europadomstolen och slöjan : En kvinnas möjlighet till upprättelse

Maamri, Sara January 2019 (has links)
Det finns en utbredd kritik riktad mot Europadomstolen och dess tillämpning av religionsfriheten (artikel 9 i Europakonventionen). Akademiker har anklagat domstolen för att ha demonstrerat enbiasi fall som rör islam och slöjan. Domstolens bedömningar har upplevts som godtyckliga. Muslimer har framhävt att de upplever att de inte kan räkna med att få en rättvis domstolsprocess. Denna allvarliga kritik mot Europadomstolen ligger till grund för studiens övergripande syfte som är att undersöka vilka förutsättningar som finns för rättvisa i fall som rör religionsfriheten och slöjan.                       Forskare har uppmanat domstolen att anamma fyra proceduriella rättvisekriterier (deltagande, neutralitet, respekt och tillit) i syfte att åstadkomma rättvisa domstolsprocesser. Studien börjar därför med att analysera det huvudsakliga materialet, fyra rättsfall som alla behandlar en slöjbärande muslimsk kvinna utifrån de proceduriella rättvisekriterierna. Dessa kriterier kompletteras med en moralfilosofisk förståelse för alla individers grundläggande rätt till rättfärdigande. Studiens tes är dock att en proceduriell förståelse av rättvisa riskerar att vara otillräcklig. Det teoretiska ramverket består därför även av en substantiell förståelse av rättvisa, som istället för att fokusera på domstolens tillvägagångssätt fokuserar på utfall. Resultatet bekräftar denna tes genom att först anamma en förståelse för att vårt praktiska förnuft riskerar att vara invävt med ideologi. Det är inte förrän vi tillämpar ett dekonstruerande och dekoloniserande perspektiv som vi ser vad det är som hindrar domstolen från att upprätta substantiell rättvisa för slöjbärande kvinnor. Slöjan som symbol och sekularism som begrepp har tillskrivits särskilda värden vilket gör att domstolen förstår dessa som i direkt strid med varandra. Det är inte förrän domstolen självkritiskt reflekterar över och dekonstruerar dessa inneboende värden som substantiell rättvisa är möjligt. Studiens uppfattning är att muslimska slöjbärande kvinnor systematiskt nekas en verklig möjlighet till upprättelse i Europadomstolen. / The European Court of the Human Rights has been widely criticized regarding its implementation of the freedom of religion (article 9 in the European Convention on Human Rights). Researchers have noticed that the Court has demonstrated a bias in cases concerning Islam and the Islamic veil. The Courts judgements have been understood as arbitrary and European Muslims have argued that they do not have a fair chance to a just court procedure. This serious critique aimed at the Court grounds the aim of this study which is to explore the conditions for justice regarding freedom of religion cases and the Islamic veil in the European Court of Human Rights.                        Researchers have advised the court to apply four procedural justice criteria (participation, neutrality, respect and trust) in order to secure just and fair court procedures. Therefore, from a procedural understanding of justice, the study starts with an analysis of the main material, which is four cases, all concerning women wearing the Islamic veil. The theoretical framework is supplemented with a moral understanding of everyone’s basic right to justification and the two procedural justice criteria reciprocity and generality. However, the thesis of this study is that a procedural understanding of justice might be unsatisfying when discovering the general conditions for justice in the Court. The theoretical framework therefore needs to include substantive justice. Instead of focusing on pure procedural justice itaims at establishing substantively just outcomes. The result of this study confirms this thesis by acknowledging that our practical reason might be infused with ideology. It is not until a deconstructing and decolonial perspective is applied that it becomes clear what is hampering the court from establishing substantively just outcomes for women wearing the Islamic veil. As the veil and the term secularism has been ascribed certain values and ideas, the court put these two phenomena in direct contrast with each other. Substantive justice is not achievable until the court, in a self-critical manner deconstructs these values and ideas. The main result of this study is that until then, Muslim women wearing the Islamic veil are systematically denied substantive justice.

Ação rescisória por divergência jurisprudencial / The jurisprudential divergence rescissory action

Fidalgo, Alexandre 18 October 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:22:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Alexandre Fidalgo.pdf: 16088782 bytes, checksum: e136f0aff41651cea382a81612b81f29 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-10-18 / This study aims to discuss the possibility of rescissory action based on article 485, V, of the Code of Civil Procedure, under the justification of jurisprudential divergence. It defends that the merit decision transited in rem judicatam may be rescinded if it is contrary to prevailing jurisprudence at the time, considering analogous situations and incurred in a similar historical and social moment, under penalty of offense to the principle of isonomy, not applicable the Supreme Court Precedent Nr. 343 as being unconstitutional. Under the same argument, it presents the possibility of rescissory action against decision that does not obey the binding precedent and decision contrary to prevailing jurisprudence determined later. It also defends the possibility of rescissory action against sentence based on rule of law later declared unconstitutional and against decision declaring unconstitutional rule of law later declared constitutional. The study is presented in three main parts. The first one relates to the concepts and legal nature of the rescissory action, its admissibility presuppositions and the traditional assumptions of rescissory action. The second part addresses the issue of the possibility of rescissory action based on jurisprudential divergence. Finally; the third part is dedicated to the concepts of the rescissory action elements (parties, cause of action and claim - ius rescindens and ius rescissorium), as well as it address the jurisdiction and the suspension of effects of the rescinded decision / O presente 'trabalho tem por objeto discutir a possibilidade de ação rescisória, fundamentada no artigo 485, V, do Código de Processo Civil, sob a, justificativa de -', divergência jurisprudencial. Defende que a decisão de mérito transitada em julgado pode ser rescindida se for contrária à jurisprudência dominante à época, considerando situações análogas e havidas em um idêntico momento histórico e social, sob pena de ofensa ao princípio da isonomia, não sendo aplicável a Súmula. 343 do STF, por ser inconstitucional. Sob esse mesmo argumento, apresenta a possibilidade de ação rescisória contra decisão que não obedecer a súmula vinculante, além de decisão contrária a jurisprudência dominante fixada posteriormente. Também defende a possibilidade de ação rescisória contra sentença fundada em norma posteriormente declarada inconstitucional e contra decisão que considerou inconstitucional norma posteriormente declarada constitucional. O trabalho se apresenta em três grandes partes. A primeira diz respeito aos conceitos e natureza jurídica da ação rescisória, seus pressupostos de admissibilidade e as hipóteses tradicionais da ação rescisória. Na segunda parte, aborda o tema da possibilidade de ação rescisória fundamentada em Divergência jurisprudencial. Por fim, a parte final é dedicada aos conceitos da competência da ação rescisória e da suspensão dos efeitos da decisão rescindenda

金融集團業務經營之法律問題-以關係人交易規範為中心 / A study of regulation of financial business -based on related party transaction

朱美蓮 Unknown Date (has links)
金融機構所經營之業務涵蓋種類繁多、型式各異並各有其相關之法令,而金融機構透過直接或間接投資方式,一般而言將構成金融集團間之關係人及其交易,本論文之目的在於分析各種金融集團關係人交易相關法令之缺漏,並進而提出建議。 本文首先從現行金融機構經營及投資規範及金融機構關係人交易法律規範,歸納整理出相關法規機制,並探討現行該等關係人及交易之法律規範之「過」與「不足」之處。 此外,本文也參考美國法及跨國性金融監理機構之相關規範,藉此與我國相關規範比較,以作為我國相關立法之參考方向。 接著,本文再以金融機構關係人之實際相關案例,深入分析本國實務上常見之問題,以探討實務上對關係人的認定標準,並釐清現行金融監理對關係人間非常規交易之管理缺漏。 最後本文以上述之分析結果,提出對現行金融機構關係人相關法規之建議,以提供未來修法之參考。 / Due to deregulation and globalization in banking system, financial institutions are increasingly burring traditional differences between banking, insurance, and other institutions. As results, intra-group transactions cause more concern about the conflicts of interests. From a legal point of view, different legal relationships will confer different rights and impose different duties on financial parties. Therefore, it is sensible to analyze the legal nature of the relationships of different participants and their roles in financial institutions’ related party transactions. This study presents an analysis of regulations of related party transactions within Financial Conglomerates, and proposes reforms to deal with conflicts of interest: Firstly, discusses the regulations about the business scope of financial holding company, bank, securities and insurance company. Then further analyzes the regulations of related party transactions within each above financial parties. Secondly, depicts the American regulatory scheme and the frames guidelines and principles of international financial supervisory institutions. The former focuses on the background of banking regulations and the latest issue about The Dodd-Frank Act. The later includes the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) and the Joint Forum on Financial Conglomerates. A comparative analysis of regulations of the above and Taiwan was made. Thirdly, further analyzes the controversial issues of intra-group transactions based on several judicial cases, and then discusses the operational deficiencies of financial institutions and flaws of law and regulations. Finally, summarizes the said issues and propositions about related party transactions of financial institutions.

Los grupos de empresa y la relación individual de trabajo en el marco de una economía productiva descentralizada

Jiménez Rojas, Francisco 30 March 2012 (has links)
La organización productiva descentralizada y flexible que, bajo el impulso de las nuevas tecnologías y la globalización, viene sustituyendo a partir del último cuarto del siglo XX al fordismo de inspiración keynesiana, está deteriorando los mercados laborales, lo que supone una precarización de las condiciones de empleo, un notable repliegue de los «Estados del bienestar» y la desactivación del factor trabajo. Superado el tradicional principio de «unicidad» empresarial, un empresario «complejo» y múltiple –el grupo de empresas-, caracterizado por su dificultad identificatoria, absorbe un protagonismo creciente, en un contexto normativo-laboral casi desregulado, en el que al margen del fraude, la dirección unitaria de las empresas agrupadas no implica deducir de su funcionamiento una responsabilidad (solidaria). En esa «cierta unidad económica» que constituye el grupo, se detecta un punto de conflicto o desconexión, entre las facultades empresariales decisorias -unidad de decisión- y las organizativas –dependencia y ajenidad de frutos-. / The decentralized and flexible productive organization, boosted by globalization, new information and knowledge technologies, has been replacing the Fordist Keynesian inspiration since the last quarter of the 20th century; besides it has been worsening the labour markets, which involves a precariousness of employment conditions and an outstanding backing down of “welfare states” and job factor neutralization. Once the traditional principle of business uniqueness has been overwhelmed, a complex and multiple –the corporate group- employer arises; this employer is characterized by the difficulty of being identified and acquires an increasingly featuring role, inside a regulatory working context almost deregulated, where, on the fringe fraud, the unitarian corporate group management doesn’t imply deducing a solidarity liability from its activity. Inside that “particular economical unity” made up by the group, a deal-breaker or a gap is detected between the decision-making management faculties –decision unity- and the organizational ones –dependence and another person’s benefits-.

Om indirekt- och "indirekt" indirekt skada : Enskilda aktieägares rätt till ersättning vid skadegörande handling av organledamot jämte genomsyn i koncernförhållanden / Indirect- and "indirect" indirect injury : An individual shareholders right to indemnity for damages caused by a corporate member next to piercing the corporate veil in a corporate group

Wall, Anna January 2012 (has links)
I de fall enskilda aktieägare tillfogas skada, genom organledamots handlande, innehar dessa rättigheten att påkalla skadeståndsansvar enligt 29:1 1 st. 2 men. ABL. I den svenska rättstillämpningen ter sig dock tillämpningen av paragrafen, i samband med indirekta skador, problematisk. Problematiken hänför sig till vilka regler, vars åsidosättande, aktualiserar tillämpningen av paragrafen tillsammans med aktieägares talerätt. Två tolkningar kan i fallet identifieras, vilka framförts inom doktrinen, varvid en begränsad och en mer liberal. Även om den liberala tolkningen är förenad med viss problematik, är denna enligt mitt förmenande den vilken bör tillämpas. En sådan tillämpning skulle således innebära att enskilda aktieägare tillerkänns talerätt vid indirekt skada, då regler vilka ger uttryck för normskyddsläran och bolagsledningens lojalitetsplikt åsidosatts. Rättsutvecklingen har vidare givet upphov till frågan, huruvida en ”indirekt” indirekt skada kan omfattas av paragrafens tillämpningsområde. En sådan skada uppstår särskilt i koncernförhållanden då dotterbolaget tillfogas en direkt skada, vilken därigenom åsamkar aktieägarna i dess moderbolag en ”indirekt” indirekt skada. Skadan faller utanför paragrafens tillämpningsområde, då de skadedrabbade inte utgör aktieägare i dotterbolaget. En lösning enligt mitt förmenande, varigenom paragrafens tillämpning koncernanpassas, är att principen om ansvarsgenombrott i betydelsen genomsyn nyttjas. Principens aktualisering medför att ett moder- och dotterbolag betraktas som en juridisk enhet, om erforderliga rekvisit uppfylls, varigenom de skadedrabbade aktieägarna från ett teoretiskt perspektiv även ses som aktieägare i dotterbolaget. Effekten av principens tillämpning är sålunda att en ”indirekt” indirekt skada faller inom paragrafens tillämpningsområde. / Whenever individual shareholders inflict an injury, due to action taken by a corporate member, they possess the right to impose liability in accordance with 29:1 1 st. 2 men. ABL. The paragraph is though associated with some difficulties when it comes to an indirect injury. The difficulties regard which rules that have to be infringed, in order for the paragraph to be applicable and thereby providing shareholders with the right to sue. Two different interpretations can hereby be identified, whereby one limited and the other one more liberal. Even if the liberal interpretation is associated with some difficulties, I find that this one should be applied. Such an application would mean that an individual shareholder acquire the right to sue, for an indirect injury, when rules protecting a third person and the corporate member’s duty of loyalty have been infringed. Legal progress has also given rise to another question, whether an “indirect” indirect injury falls within the paragraphs application. Such an injury is mostly affiliated with corporate groups where the daughter company causes a direct injury, whereby the shareholders in the mother company causes an “indirect” indirect injury. Since the shareholder here is not an owner of the daughter company, the paragraph could not be applied. A solution to this problem is, according to me, an application of the principle piercing the corporate veil, whereby the paragraphs application extends to corporate groups. The effect of the principles application is that a mother- and daughter company becomes one legal entity, if the prerequisites are fulfilled. The outcome is hereby that a shareholder in the mother company, from a theoretical perspective, also is regarded to be an owner of the daughter company. Wherefore an “indirect” indirect injury hereby falls within the scope of the paragraphs application.

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