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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Human capital disclosure in corporate annual reports

Adelowotan, Michael Olajide 19 May 2014 (has links)
It is generally acknowledged that human capital intangibles are major value drivers in the new economy characterised by information and technology. The main purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange disclose information on human capital related issues. The study combined both qualitative (literature reviews and content analysis) and quantitative (survey questionnaire) methods to collect data of 60 corporate annual reports (CARs) of listed companies in South Africa from survey questionnaires administered on various categories of preparers and users of these CARs. The study made use of 91 human capital disclosure checklists developed from literature reviews for the purpose of data collection. The data analysis was done with the aid of Atlasti-a qualitative data analysis software and SPSS- a quantitative data analysis software. The findings show that majority of the items on the disclosure checklist are not yet disclosed in the CARs even though most of the items on the checklist are adjudged to be useful for organisational value creation. In view of the initial findings of this study, a human capital disclosure framework is recommended. / Business Management / D. Accounting Science

Exploring the correlation between selected performance measurement tools for individual investors in South Africa

Totowa, Jacques 02 1900 (has links)
It is generally acknowledged that the share price of listed companies is not usually a true reflection of the value imbedded in the said companies. The main purpose of this study is to explore the correlation between selected performance measurement tools, namely Return on Equity (ROE) and Economic Value Added (EVA®), and the share price of companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. The study is a quantitative one as it uses data extracted from McGregor BFA database to investigate the relationship between the variables studied. Correlation and linear regression analyses were used in determining such relationships. This study found that there is a synergy in using ROE and EVA® as performance measurement tools and that their interaction explains 8.06% of the movement in the share price of listed companies, all things being equal. Hence it is recommended to identify and study possible synergies between other performance measurement tools. / Management Accounting / M. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)

Stakeholder instrument to complement the components of integrated reports for value creation, acountability and transparency

Chabuda, Ngoni Dzashe 06 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Afrikaans / The stakeholder instrument (SI) is a conceptual framework developed to complement integrated reports for value creation, transparency and accountability. It is a tool developed specifically for stakeholders to have an understanding of the integrated reports and assist them in making informed decisions. Currently, integrated reports fail to provide meaningful insights into organisations’ performance and its strategy focus, thus making it difficult for stakeholders to understand the contents of the integrated reports. The research illuminated pertinent variables synonymous with value creation. The study involved analysis of data from 42 companies trading on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and administration of 80 questionnaires on randomly selected respondents. Significant and positive correlations between value creation and the attributes namely integrated reports; corporate governance and financial measures were established. Contributions: The results of the empirical study provide significant perceptions into the process of stakeholder value creation. The study established the significance of complementing the integrated reports in creating stakeholder value. The study, further, authenticated the stakeholder instrument as a distinct antecedent of value creation. The study further illuminated the attributes that matter to the stakeholders and assist with effective decision-making and value creation. / Ithuluzi lababambiqhaza wuhlaka olwenzelwe ukweseka nokuthasisela phezu kwemibiko edidiyelwe ukuze kuthuthukiswe ukuhlomula nokubhekelelwa kahle kwababambiqhaza (value creation), ukusebenza ngokusobala kanye nokuphendula. Leli yithuluzi elenzelwe ukuqinisekisa ukuthi ababambiqhaza bayayiqonda imibiko edidiyelwe (integrated reports) futhi libalekelele ukuthi bathathe izinqumo eziphusile emva kokuhlonyiswa ngalo lonke ulwazi olungaba wusizo kubona. Njengamanje, imibiko edidiyelwe iyahluleka ukuhlinzeka ngolwazi olubonisa ukuqonda okujulile ukusebenza kwezinhlangano kanye namaqhingasu ezigxile kuwona izinhlangano, futhi-ke lokho kwenza kube nzima kubabambiqhaza ukuqonda ulwazi oluqukethwe yimibiko edidiyelwe. Ucwaningo lwahlonza ama-variable afanelekile ahlobene kakhulu nokuhlomula nokubhekelelwa kahle kwababambiqhaza. Ucwaningo lwabandakanya ukuhlaziywa kwedatha eyaqoqwa ezinkampanini ezingama-42 ezihweba ku-Johannesburg Stock Exchange futhi kwakhishwa amaphepha-mibuzo angama-80 anikezwa ababambiqhaza abaqokwa ngaphandle kokulandela indlela ethile ehlelekile (randomly), ukuze bawaphendule. Ucwaningo lwaveza ukuba khona kobudlelwano obunohlonze phakathi kokuhlomula nokubhekelelwa kahle kwababambiqhaza kanye nezicibunjalo zenkampani, okusho, imibiko edidiyelwe, ukuphathwa nokulawulwa kahle kwenkampani kanye nezinyathelo eziphathelene nezimali. Ulwazi olusemqoka olwakhiqizwa wucwaningo: Imiphumela yocwaningo oluphathekayo futhi olusekelwe phezu kwezinto ezibonakalayo (empirical study) ihlinzeka ngolwazi olunohlonze oluzolekelela ekuqondeni inqubo yokuhlonyuliswa nokubhekelelwa kahle kwababambiqhaza. Ucwaningo lwabonisa ukubaluleka kokweseka kanye nokuthasisela phezu kwemibiko edidiyelwe enqubweni yokuhlonyuliswa nokubhekelelwa kahle kwababambiqhaza. Ithuluzi lababambiqhaza laqinisekiswa futhi njengethuluzi elicacile eliwusizo olukhulu ekuhlonzweni kobudlelwano obuphathelene nokuhlonyuliswa nokubhekelelwa kahle kwababambiqhaza. Futhi ngaphezu kwalokho ucwaningo lwahlonza izicibunjalo ezibonwa ngababambiqhaza njengezibalulekile futhi ezilekelelayo ekuthathweni kwezinqumo ngobunyoninco kanye nasekuhlonyulisweni nokubhekelelwa kwababambiqhaza ngendlela efanele. / Die belanghebberinstrument is 'n konseptuele raamwerk wat ontwikkel is om geïntegreerde verslae vir waardeskepping, deursigtigheid en aanspreeklikheid te komplementeer. Dit is 'n instrument wat spesifiek ontwikkel is sodat belanghebbers die geïntegreerde verslae kan verstaan en om hulle te help om ingeligte besluite te maak. Tans bied geïntegreerde verslae nie betekenisvolle insig in organisasies se prestasie en hulle strategiefokus nie wat dit dus moeilik maak vir belanghebbers om die inhoud van geïntegreerde verslae te verstaan. Die navorsing identifiseer toepaslike veranderlikes wat sinoniem is met waardeskepping. Die studie het ontleding behels van die data van 42 maatskappye wat op die Johannesburg Aandelebeurs sake doen en die administrasie van 80 vraelyste aan respondente wat ewekansig geselekteer is. Beduidende en positiewe korrelasies tussen waardeskepping en die attribute, naamlik geïntegreerde verslae, korporatiewe beheer en finansiële maatstawwe, is geskep. Bydraes: Die resultate van die empiriese studie verskaf beduidende persepsies van die proses van belanghebberwaardeskepping. Die studie het die belang van die geïntegreerde verslae om belanghebberwaarde te skep, daargestel. Die egtheid van die belanghebberinstrument is ook as 'n kennelike antesedent van waardeskepping bewys. Die studie het ook die attribute geïdentifiseer wat vir belanghebbers saak maak en wat help met effektiewe besluitneming en waardeskepping. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / D.B.L.

An assessment of the impact of climate change on the risks, returns and opportunities of selected South African companies

Moyo, Mandlenkosi 02 1900 (has links)
The risk of climate change has gained prominence globally and also in South Africa. Companies operating in developing countries such as South Africa are perceived to be particularly vulnerable to climate change. There have been mixed reactions to this risk by companies ranging from inaction to significant financial outlays expended on mitigating this risk. Whilst climate change is potentially a downside risk to financial performance, certain companies have identified opportunities to enhance their returns in the course of adapting to climate change. This study assessed whether there is a relationship between climate change and the financial performance, as manifested in the mitigation of risks and exploitation of opportunities of selected South African companies. The study sought to establish the extent to which climate change creates relevant and material risks, returns and opportunities for companies. The study was conducted using a combination of a literature review and empirical research in the form of secondary analysis. Data on climate-change performance, risks and opportunities was compared to data on financial indicators. The population of companies selected for the empirical research consisted of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange-listed companies that had publicly disclosed information to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) in 2012. Climate-change data was categorised to differentiate between varying levels of climate-change performance, and the identified categories were compared to a range of ratios that demonstrated financial return. The research concluded that climate-change risks and opportunities are expected to have a significant and highly likely impact on company operations, revenue and expenditure. Positive and statistically significant correlations were identified between climate-change performance and equity analyst recommendations, historical internal rates of return, market values to book values, forecasted earnings per share, beta coefficients, and return on equity. Climate-change performance was not found to have a significant effect on the cost of capital. / Management Accounting / M. Com. (Accounting)

How to enhance Shareholder Value through a Customer support in the Insurance industry : A BUSINESS DRIVEN APPROACH TOWARDS MOBILE- AND SELF-SERVICE- BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE

Smogner, Peter, Johnson, Niklas January 2013 (has links)
An increased competitive climate has enhanced the importance for companies to differentiate from other companies. Today, the customer support within service organizations are often disregarded as a source of value due to the focus on costs. Further, it has become more important to leverage the contact with the customer at all encounters. New technological advancements within Business Intelligence have also enabled companies to increase their competitiveness through improved decision support. The objective of this thesis is through a case study investigate how an insurance company could leverage its customer support as a source of creating shareholder value as well as how to apply trends within Business Intelligence for increased decision support. This was done through developing a conceptual model based on academic theory in order to provide a tool for analysis and development of a customer support. The research questions intends to investigate how an customer support can contribute to, and balance a focus on service quality, costs and sales in order to enhance shareholder value. A business driven approach was further used in order to understand how a customer support could leverage the emerging trends of Business Intelligence. This since the thesis also aims to provide some first insights into how to leverage the trends of mobile- and Self-Service- Business Intelligence within the customer support within insurance companies. The research emphasizes the need to have a holistic view of what drives value and costs with regard to the retention, growth and acquisition of customers when viewing the customer support as a source of value. The thesis concludes that both the trends of mobile- and Self-Service- Business Intelligence could enable an insurance company to gain new insights through utilizing existing internal as well as external data in order to conduct a more continuous and flexible analysis of important matters.


Kankainen, Noel, Pettersson, Victoria January 2023 (has links)
The interest in business benefits is an area that is constantly growing, especially in regard to the development of IT systems. As a result of this, it may be important to study the phenomenon and identify which factors and components are important for an organization to investigate when implementing a new IT system. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate organizational value creation during the implementation of a new IT system. This is done by studying system X and discovering its potential effects, as well as capturing relevant factors and describing their relationships to an organization. To investigate this area, we have conducted a qualitative case study that is consistently grounded in data. The data that we have collected throughout the work has been obtained from semi-structured interviews with daily users, as well as developers of system X. The primary findings for this study that have been discovered are mainly five factors that can affect business benefits. The overarching theme that has emerged is that communication is a large part that permeates most factors, although there are other important aspects that contribute to understanding business benefits.

Assessing the Operational Value Creation by the Private Equity Industry in the Nordics / Utvärdering av Private Equity Industrins Påverkan på Operationell Effektivitet i Nordiska Portföljbolag

Wuilmart, Adam, Harrysson, Erik January 2020 (has links)
More and more capital is being directed towards the private equity industry. As a result, private equity owned firms make up an increasingly large share of the economy. Therefore, it is becoming more important to understand the nature of how the operational performance of firms change under private equity ownership. This study looked at how the operational efficiency in terms of EBIT-margin changed over a three-year period after a private equity acquisition in the Nordic market. The study found that companies which had an initial positive EBIT margin behaved differently from companies with an initial negative EBIT margin and therefore two separate models where created. It was found that in the case where the company had a positive EBIT margin before being bought by a private equity firm saw an average decrease in EBIT margin of 1.14% units. In the case of a firm with initial negative EBIT-margin a private equity acquisition led to an average increase in EBIT margin by 1.99% units compared to the reference data. This study thus shows that private equity ownership affects the operational efficiency of companies. Moreover, it shows that one should make a distinction between PE ownership in profitable growth cases and turn-around cases of inefficient companies and that the impact of PE ownership in terms of effect on operational profitability can be vastly different depending on the nature of the acquisition in this regard. / Private Equity industrin ser ökande inströmning av investeringskapital, vilket resulterat i att en allt större del av ekonomin utgörs av private equity-ägda företag. Därmed ökar vikten av att förstå hur private equity firmor påverkar sina portföljbolag under ägandeperioden. Denna studie undersöker hur EBIT-marginalen i företag förändrats över en treårsperiod efter att företagen blivit förvärvade av ett nordiskt private equity-bolag. Studien hittade en signifikant skillnad mellan hur företag med initialt positiv, respektive negativ EBIT-marginal påverkades under treårsperioden och två separata modeller skapades för att utvärdera effekten. Resultaten påvisade med signifikans att företag med initial positiv EBIT-marginal minskade sin EBIT-marginal med 1.14% relativt jämförbara företag efter ett private equity förvärv. För företag med initialt negativ EBIT-marginal påvisades med signifikans en ökning av EBIT-marginalen med 1.99% relativt jämförbara företag efter ett private equity förvärv. Studien påvisar därmed att private equity ägande har en påverkan på operationell lönsamhet och att den skiljer sig markant beroende på ifall företaget initialt är operativt lönsamt eller ej.


Li, Zhen January 2019 (has links)
Promoting the use of electric vehicles (EVs) has become an important measure to solve the environmental issue in China. In Beijing, the number of EVs has increased rapidly during recent years. In parallel, an extensive charging infrastructure has been deployed. However, most charging infrastructure operators find it difficult to make a profit by only providing charging services due to the lack of a sound business model. This thesis aims to investigate the current status of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in urban Beijing and the business models of Beijing’s main charging infrastructure operators. Furthermore, based on the empirical findings, the weaknesses in the business models are identified. Beijing was chosen as case study in which the three main operators were studied in order to identify their business models in terms of value proposition, value creation and value capture. Questionnaire and interview as data collection methods were used to collect qualitative data. The study has shown that owing to the market demand and governmental promotion, the charging infrastructure industry retains its rapid development in Beijing. Moreover, the study indicates that the EV users’ most important demands on the charging services are: safety, convenience, speed, and stability during charging. The services need to be delivered at a reasonable price, and this is the development orientation for the charging operators. The business models of the three main charging infrastructure operators are almost identical, as all of them both manufacture and deploy charging piles as well as deliver charging services. They create and capture value by providing charging piles and service as well as various services based on mobile apps. Furthermore, through the investigation and analysis of their business models, five weaknesses in the business model have been identified: the slow pace of technology adoption, high initial investment requirements, few revenue streams, high cost for both internal personnel and external contractors, and insufficient information from App/mobile platform. / Att främja användningen av elbilar har blivit en viktig åtgärd för att lösa miljöproblemet i Kina. I Peking har antalet elbilar ökat snabbt de senaste åren. Parallellt har en utbyggnad av laddningsinfrastruktur skett. De flesta laddningsinfrastrukturoperatörer har dock svårt att göra vinst genom att endast tillhandahålla laddningstjänster på grund av bristen på en sund affärsmodell. Denna avhandling syftar till att undersöka den nuvarande situationen för laddningsinfrastrukturen för elbilar i Peking samt affärsmodellerna hos Pekings främsta laddningsinfrastrukturoperatörer. Enligt de empiriska resultaten identifieras svagheterna i affärsmodellerna. Peking valdes som fallstudie där de tre huvudoperatörerna studerades för att identifiera deras affärsmodeller i fråga om värderbjudande, värdeskapande och värdefångst. Frågeformulär och intervju som datainsamlingsmetoder användes för att samla in kvalitativa data. Studien har visat att, på grund av efterfrågan på marknaden och statens främjande behåller laddningsinfrastrukturbranschen sin snabba utveckling i Peking. Dessutom visar studien att elbilanvändarnas viktigaste krav på laddningstjänsterna är: säkerhet, bekvämlighet, hastighet och stabilitet under laddning. Tjänsterna måste levereras till ett rimligt pris, och detta är utvecklingsorienteringen för laddningsoperatörerna. Affärsmodellerna för de tre huvudoperatörerna är nästan identiska, eftersom alla tillverkar och distribuerar laddstolpar samt levererar laddningstjänster. De skapar värde genom att tillhandahålla laddningspolar och service samt olika tjänster baserade på mobilapp. Vidare, har fem svagheter identifierats genom undersökningen och analysen av affärsmodellerna: den långsamma teknikspridningen, höga initiala investeringskrav, få inkomstströmmar och höga kostnader för både intern personal och externa entreprenörer samt otillräcklig information från app / mobil plattform.

Affärsmodellspåverkan vid införande av HCT i Sverige : Implikationer för fordonstillverkare vid förändrade villkor för styckegodstransporter / Business model implications of HCT introduction in Sweden

Tham, Henrik, Mogard, Caroline January 2014 (has links)
Syfte – Studiens syfte är att öka kunskapen om hur fordonstillverkares affärsmodeller påverkas vid förändring av statliga regelverk genom att studera ett framtida införande av HCT i Sverige. HCT, High Capacity Transports, är ett samlingsnamn för lastbilar som är tyngre och/eller längre än vad gällande lagstiftning tillåter. Regelförändringen övervägs för att sänka kostnader och miljöpåverkan.  Metod – Arbetet har genomförts i form av en case-studie. För att studera påverkan på både fordonstillverkares och åkeriers affärsmodeller har intervjuer genomförts med varuägare, åkerier och förare inom fjärrtransporter av styckegods. Detta har kompletterats med löpande kontakt med uppdragsgivande fordonstillverkare samt deltagande i konferenser inom ramen för det nationella HCT-arbetet.  Resultat – Inget större modalskifte mellan järnvägs- och landsvägstransporter förväntas eftersom järnvägens infrastruktur styr transportvalet och inte påverkas av ett HCT-tillåtande. Vidare riskerar fordonstillverkare att sälja färre lastbilar vid ett tillåtande av HCT men genom anpassning av affärsmodellen kan de öka värdet per fordon. Detta värde kan ökas genom att sänka kundernas driftkostnad, maximera fordonens drifttid och föra kundens talan mot myndigheter.  Praktiskt bidrag – Studien har resulterat i ett nytt affärsmodellsramverk för fordonstillverkare vid införande av HCT. Ramverket visar att samtliga nuvarande värdeområden bör inkluderas i kommande affärsmodell och att flertalet får ökad betydelse. På grund av nya förutsättningar blir vissa av dessa områden dessutom svårare att uppnå samtidigt som nya områden kan läggas till.  Vetenskapligt bidrag – Genom att öka kunskapen om affärsmodellspåverkan vid förändring av statliga regelverk utvidgar studien befintlig teori om förändringar av affärsmodeller. Studien belyser även vikten av att studera hela leverantörskedjan vid sådana förändringar. Detta eftersom statliga regelverk styr förutsättningarna för flera aktörer med starka inbördes relationer. Därmed sprider sig effekterna av en regelverksförändring till övriga aktörer i kedjan. / Purpose – The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge about how legislative changes affect the business model of vehicle manufactures by studying a future allowance of HCT in Sweden. HCT, High Capacity Transports, is a generic term for trucks exceeding today’s weight and/or length regulations. Reasons for implementing HCT include reducing costs and environmental consequences. Method – Effects of legislative changes have been studied through a case-study of how HCT would affect the Swedish transport system. In order to study business model implications for both vehicle manufactures and hauliers, interviews have been held with transport buyers, hauliers and drivers within long distance haulage of break bulk cargo. This has been complemented by continuous contact with the commissioning vehicle manufacturer and participation in HCT conferences. Findings – Findings indicate that there will be no major modal shift between railway and road since the railway infrastructure determines the modal choice and is unaffected by HCT. Furthermore findings show that vehicle manufactures risk to sell fewer vehicles in case of HCT allowance but a business model adaption can increase the value per vehicle. This can be achieved by reducing customer operating costs, increasing vehicle uptime and being the voice of the customer against authorities. Practical implications – The study has resulted in a HCT business model framework for vehicle manufactures. The framework shows that all present value areas should be included in a future business model and that several areas will increase in importance. In the effect of new conditions several areas will become more difficult to fulfill. Furthermore new areas will be added. Theoretical implications – This study expands current theories within business model changes by increasing knowledge about how legislative changes affect business models. Furthermore this study highlights the importance of studying the whole supply chain in the event of these changes. The reason for this is that legislations affect the conditions for several players with strong peer relationships. Thereby effects due to changed legislations will spread to other players in the chain.

Att balansera kraven : En kvalitativ studie om controllers funktion i relation till ledningens behov / How to balance the requirements : A qualitative study about the controller’s function in relation to the management's needs

Tranebacke, Sandra, Persson, Sara January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund & problem: Controllerfunktionen är i litteraturen ett omtalat ämne och det finns delade meningar om vad funktionen bör innefatta och hur utvecklingen sett ut. Det saknas däremot studier som undersöker hur funktionen samspelar med ledningens behov samt huruvida det kan uppstå spänningar mellan funktion och behov. Det är relevant att studera eftersom vi vet att det förekommer en agent-principalrelation i offentlig sektor men inte huruvida det kan kopplas till controllern och ledningen. Det medför att det finns en kunskapslucka att fylla avseende balansgången mellan funktion och behov samt spänningar när dessa kolliderar. Syftet: Syftet med studien är att studera controllers funktion i relation till ledningens behov för att kunna ta reda på vilka spänningar som kan uppstå när funktion och behov inte samspelar för att kunna förstå hur controllers balanserar kraven utifrån ledningens behov. Metod: För genomförande av studien har en kvalitativ forskningsansats applicerats. För att besvara frågeställningarna och syftet med studien har en intervjustudie genomförts med tio olika controllers och sex individer från ledningen i totalt sju olika svenska myndigheter. Studien har genomförts med semistrukturerade intervjuer och är uppbyggd utifrån fyra huvudsakliga avsnitt: teoretisk referensram, empiriska data, analys och slutligen resultat & slutsats. Den teoretiska referensramen beskriver controllers funktion inom de fyra arbetsområdena: informationshantering, planering & uppföljning, riskhantering samt strategiskt beslutsfattande. Empiriska data har sammanställts genom en omfattande empirigenomgång med fokus på controllers uppfattning samt ledningen uppfattning utifrån controllers fyra arbetsområden. Syftet med avsnittet är att skapa förståelse för controllers och ledningens uppfattning. Vidare presenteras analysavsnittet som avser att beskriva hur begreppsparet, funktion och behov, samspelar med varandra samt att identifiera spänningar. Slutligen konkluderas studiens resultat i ett slutsatsavsnitt för att besvara frågeställningarna. Slutsats: Studien konkluderar att spänningar kan uppstå mellan controllerfunktionen och ledningens behov när begreppsparet inte matchar varandra. De främsta spänningarna som identifierats är: agent-pricnipalproblematik, egenintresse, informationsasymmetri samt olika uppfattningar om funktionens innebörd. Vidare kan slutsatsen dras att controllern balanserar funktion gentemot ledningen. Balansering görs främst genom tydlig kommunikation, frekvent dialog samt ömsesidiga förväntningar. / Background & problem: The controller function is a discussed topic in the literature and there are divided opinions about what the function should include and how the development has looked. However, there is a lack of studies that examine how the function interacts with the management's needs and whether tensions can arise between function and needs. It is relevant to study because we know that there is an agent-principal relation in the public sector but not whether it can be linked to the controller and management. This means that there is a knowledge gap to be filled regarding the balance between function and needs and tensions when these collide. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to study the controller's function in relation to management's needs to find out what tensions can arise when function and needs do not work together in order to understand how the controller balances the requirements based on management's needs. Method: For the implementation of the study, a qualitative research approach has been applied. To answer the research questions and the purpose of the study, an interview study has been carried out with ten different controllers and six individuals from management in seven different Swedish authorities. The interview study has been conducted with semi-structured interviews and is structured based on four main sections: Theoretical reference frame, empirical data, analysis and finally conclusion & results. The theoretical reference frame describes the controller's function within the four work areas: information management, planning & control, risk management and strategic decision-making. The empirical data has been compiled through an extensive empirical review with a focus on the controller's perception of the management in contrast based on the controller's four work areas. The purpose of the section is to create an understanding of the controller's and management's view. Furthermore, the analysis section is presented, which intends to describe how the pair of concepts: function and need, interact with each other and to identify tensions. Finally, the results of the study are concluded in a conclusion section to answer the research questions. Conclusion: The study concludes that tensions can arise between the controller function and management's needs when the pair of concepts do not match each other. The main tensions identified are agent-principal problem, self-interest, information asymmetry and different perceptions of the function's meaning. Furthermore, the conclusion can be drawn that the controller balances its function against management needs. Balancing is mainly done through clear communication, frequent dialogue, and mutual expectations.

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