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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur några elever beskriver förutsättningar för delaktighet under skoldagen / How some students describe the condition for participation during the school day

Larsson, Marie January 2020 (has links)
Delaktighet är ett forskningsområde som är centralt och aktuellt, inte minst sedan Barnkonventionen blev lag 1 januari 2020 (Unicef, 2018). Syftet med detta examensarbete var att beskriva hur fem elever med funktionsnedsättning uppfattar delaktighet.  Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ ansats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer av fem elever samt en observation för att synliggöra en elevs delaktighet i en aktivitet. I den tematiska innehållsanalysen har resultatet sedan analyserats utifrån de sex aspekterna; tillhörighet, tillgänglighet, erkännande, engagemang, samhandling och autonomi med stöd i delaktighetsmodellen (Szönyi & Söderqvist Dunkers, 2018) och den teoretiska innehållsanalysen KASAM (Antonovsky, 2005).  Resultatet visar att delaktigheten hos elever med funktionsnedsättning varierar i skolan. Eleverna ser inte funktionsnedsättningen som ett hinder för delaktighet, om rätt förutsättningar ges. De beskriver betydelsen av att omgivningen lyssnar på deras behov och anpassar villkoren så att alla ges möjlighet utifrån sina förmågor. Det framkommer att relationer, kamratskap, att få rätt stöd och förutsättningar är det som möjliggör delaktighet. Om detta inte tillgodoses så upplever eleverna att motivation, fokus och energi sänks. Konklusionen visar sig i denna studien vara att elevernas röst och upplevelser är viktiga för att skapa möjligheter till delaktighet. / Participation is a reserch area that is central and up-to-date, not least since the Children`s Convention became law on 1 January 2020. Participation is a reserch area that needs more research to get a greater piccture of student participation. The purpose of this thesis was to describe how five students with disabilities perceive participation.   The study has been conducted with a qualitative approach throgh semi-structured interwiews of five students and an oberservation to make visible a student`s participation in anactivity. In the Thematic content analysis, the result has been analyzed based on the six aspects: affiliation, accessibility, recognition, commitment, interaction and autonomy with support in the participation model (Szönyi & Söderqvist Dunkers, 2018) and the theoretical content analysis is KASAM (Antonovsky, 2005).   The results show that the partipation of pupils with disabilities varies in schools. Students do not see disability as an obstacle to participation, if the right conditions are given. They describe the importance of the environment adapting and listening to their needs so that everyone is given the opportunity based on their abilities. It appears that relationships, friendships, getting the right support and conditions are the themes that enable participation. If these themes are not met, students experience that motivation, focus and energy are lowed. The conclusion with the student`s opportunity for participation, this study show that the student`s voice about experiences creates opportunities to participate

Samundervisning - en form av inkludering : En studie av pedagogers erfarenheter från årskurs 6 till gymnasiet. / Co-teaching – a form of inclusive education.

Sparrman Persson, Britt January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur ämneslärare och speciallärare i samundervisning, på grundskolan och i gymnasiet, fångar upp och stöttar elever som har behov av extra anpassningar. Extra anpassningar innebär att pedagogen gör de anpassningar som eleven behöver så långt det är möjligt inom klassens ram. Intervjuer har gjorts med sju pedagoger som samtliga har erfarenhet av samundervisning på grundskolan och gymnasiet, varav fyra är ämneslärare och tre är speciallärare. Studien belyses genom ett kritiskt perspektiv vilket innebär att man istället för att se eleven eller dess hemmiljö som orsak till inlärningsproblemen vänder blicken mot skolsystemet och den pedagogik som förs. Denna studie försöker att hålla ett kritiskt perspektiv på specialpedagogiken och samundervisning. Metoden innebär att man är två pedagoger i en undervisande klass. Med inkluderande metod menas att eleverna passar in i den undervisning som förs och inte t ex behöver gå ifrån undervisningen för att få det den behöver. I min studie arbetar specialläraren tillsammans med huvudläraren i klassrummet och genom flexibla lösningar på plats behöver inte eleverna gå ifrån undervisningen till specialläraren för att få den undervisning som behövs. Istället får eleven sina behov tillgodosedda inom den ordinarie undervisningen. Det kan då betraktas som ett inkluderande arbetssätt. Samundervisningen visar sig ha olika former med varierande kvalitéer. Specialläraren och skolledningen har möjlighet att påverka samundervisningen till ett inkluderande arbetssätt. Ämneslärarna upplevde inte alltid att speciallärarna tillförde något särskilt förutom en extra pedagogisk insats. Studien visar därmed att upplägget kräver pedagogiska insikter och stöd av skolledningen för att få rätta de förutsättningarna för att metoden ska lyckas. Ökad måluppfyllelse är en grundfaktor för att arbeta med samundervisning men hur vet man om man lyckas om utvärderingar av metoden inte görs? / The purpose of this study is to examine how regular teachers and special needs teachers can work together in order to help students in need of special adjustments. These adjustments are preferably carried out within the framework of the regular classes if it is possible. Seven teachers have been interviewed, all of whom having experience from working with co-teaching at compulsory school level as well as upper secondary school and high school levels. This study takes on a critical approach in pointing out the school system and its pedagogy as mainly responsible for reduced learning ability rather than putting the blame on the student and his or her home environment. This study aims at keeping a critical perspective on remedial pedagogy and co-teaching. The ensuing question is then if this can really be regarded as an inclusive method. An inclusive pedagogy means that the student fits in and feels comfortable and does not have to leave the classroom in order to get what he or she wants. In this study the special needs teacher works alongside the regular teacher in the classroom and by making use of flexible solutions there is no need for a student with reduced learning ability to leave the class in order to find a special needs teacher. His or her needs are instead met directly in the classroom. This can be viewed as an inclusive method of working. The special needs teacher as well as the head of school can influence co-teaching to encompass an inclusive way of working. Subject teachers in this study sometimes felt that the addition of a special needs teacher did not mean more than an increase in the number of pedagogues. The study shows that in order for the method to be successful there needs to be pedagogic insight and awareness as well as support from the head of school. Reaching one’s goals is a mainstay in working with co-teaching but how do you know if you are successful if the method is not properly evaluated?

Specialpedagog på uppdrag : En studie av några lärares förväntningar på specialpedagogens yrkesfunktion / The Special Educators Assignment : A study of certain teacher´s expectations of special needs educator

Segerström, Ulrica January 2007 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Since 1990, special needs educators have been working in both primary and junior school. It has not been easy for the special needs educators to take authority when working with broader educational issues due to the varying requirements placed upon them. The object of this study is to examine how certain primary and junior school teachers describe their expectations of special needs educators and their professional role.</p><p>I have conducted individual interviews with three primary school teachers and three junior school teachers, who have at least five years experience of working within their respective fields. The interviews have been scrutinized, and the results are presented with the help of five different themes. The results were then analysed in accordance with the two perspectives of special needs education described by Persson (2001) those of both the relational and the categorical perspective.</p><p>Amongst other things the results show that the view of primary and junior school teachers with regards to special needs educators differ one from another. Primary school teachers have more expectations that the special educator will provide them with support for the whole working team, and how they can proceed to work with their pupils. Junior school teachers in contrast place more emphasis on the special educator working directly with the pupils, and not simply as a source of advice on working methods.</p><p>From the analysis we can conclude that primary school teachers have a viewpoint which lies much nearer to that of the relational perspective, whilst the junior school teachers’ are more recognizable as having a categorical viewpoint.</p><p>Keywords: Special needs educator, special education, one school for all, professional role, profession.</p> / <p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Sedan 1990 utbildas det specialpedagoger som arbetar i såväl förskola som grundskola. Det har inte alltid varit enkelt för specialpedagoger att få mandat att arbeta med sina uppdrag och förväntningarna på dem varierar. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur några förskollärare och grundskollärare skolår 1-5, beskriver sina förväntningar på specialpedagogens yrkesfunktion.</p><p>Jag har genomfört individuella intervjuer med tre förskollärare och tre grundskollärare samtliga med minst fem års erfarenhet inom yrket. Intervjuerna har bearbetats och resultatet presenteras i fem teman. Resultatet analyserades sedan i relation till de två perspektiv på specialpedagogisk verksamhet som bland annat beskrivits av Persson (2001), det relationella perspektivet och det kategoriska perspektivet.</p><p>Resultatet visar bland annat att förskollärares och grundskollärares syn på specialpedagogens yrkesfunktion skiljer sig åt i denna studie. Förskollärarna ger i högre utsträckning uttryck för en syn på specialpedagogen som en resursperson för arbetslaget som de kan använda som stöd i sitt arbete kring barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Grundskollärarna däremot ger i högre utsträckning uttryck för en syn på specialpedagogen som en resursperson som utför det direkta arbetet med eleverna.</p><p>Av analysen framgår att förskollärarna i högre grad ger uttryck för ett synsätt på specialpedagogisk verksamhet som ligger nära det relationella perspektivet, medan grundskollärarna i högre grad ger uttryck för ett synsätt på specialpedagogisk verksamhet som motsvarar ett kategoriskt perspektiv.</p><p>Nyckelord: Specialpedagog, specialpedagogik, en skola för alla, yrkesfunktion, profession.</p>

Ett fritidshem för alla : En intervjustudie om fritidspersonals arbete med inkludering av elever som är inskrivna i grundsärskolan / A leisure-time center for all children : An interview study about how different leisure-time centers work with inclusion

Svensson, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur olika fritidshem arbetar med inkludering av elever som är inskrivna i grundsärskolan. I syftet ingår också att undersöka fritidspersonalens uppfattningar om de omständigheter som påverkar arbetet med inkludering samt hur samtliga elever i verksamheten påverkas av det inkluderande arbetssättet. Metoden som använts är kvalitativa intervjuer. Fem fritidspersonal som arbetar på fem olika fritidshem i Stockholms län har intervjuats. Intervjuerna har analyserats med stöd av det sociokulturella perspektivet samt de specialpedagogiska perspektiven: kategoriska- samt relationella perspektiven. I studien framkom att en inkluderad fritidsverksamhet var möjlig om än resurskrävande då många anpassningar behövde göras samt hög personaltäthet krävdes. Många pedagogiska fördelar i den inkluderade fritidsverksamheten framkom: som utveckling i socialt samspel samt att möta olikheter. En central framgångsfaktor för att bedriva den inkluderade verksamheten visade sig vara hur ledningen på skolan organiserade arbetet. Det visade sig att den inkluderade verksamheten bygger på tankar om att alla elever ska känna tillhörighet och gemenskap samt att olikheter ses som en tillgång. / The purpose of this study is to examine how different leisure-time centers work with inclusion of pupils who are enrolled in the compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities. The study will also examine the perceptions of the circumstances that affect the work with inclusion among the staff at the leisure-time centers. How the pupils are affected by the working methods for inclusion will also be examined. The methodology used in this study is qualitative interviews. Five staff from five different leisure-time centers in Stockholm County, who work in various ways with inclusion of pupils with learning disabilities, have been interviewed. The interviews have been analyzed by using the sociocultural perspective as well as the special educational perspectives; categorical and relational perspectives. The study showed that inclusive leisure-time centers were possible, although resource-demanding since many adaptations needed to be made and high staff density was required. Many educational benefits in the inclusive leisure-time centers emerged; such as development in social interaction and ways to meet differences. A central factor of success for conducting the inclusive leisure-time turned out to be how the management at the schools organized the work. Furthermore, the results showed that the work with inclusion was based on beliefs that all pupils should feel that they belong to the community and that differences should be celebrated.

Mottagandet av nyanlända elever : En intervjustudie om inkludering

Muratovic, Razija January 2019 (has links)
Reception of newly arrived students - an interview study on inclusionThe increased number of newly arrived pupils put the Swedish school under pressure. Previous research shows various organizational models and highlights the difficulty with inclusion. The purpose of my study is to investigate how the inclusion of newly arrived pupils that take place, based on their different organizational models and in witch way inclusion take place. The empirical material consists with interviews. The study results show that there are advantages to the preparation of class and how inclusion can be remedied. The study is viewed from the teachers' perspective. Furthermore, the result shows that the teachers' attitude, competence and, above all, the relationship with the students is crucial for creating an inclusive education. It is up to the schools themselves to decide which organizational model should be applied. For further research, a research interest that focus on examining newly arrived pupils' perspectives, about the preparation classes has been developed.

Elevhälsans komplexa uppdrag - "En skola för alla" : Rektorer och specialpedagogers syn på det förebyggande och hälsofrämjande arbetet i elevhälsan / Pupils' health complex assignment

Lindberg, Kristine January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to describe how the principal and the special pedagogue perceive and define pupil ill-health prevention and pupil health enhancement in their work. It explores how they understand the role they play in elevhälsan, literally meaning pupils' health. And how meetings are run and decisions are made within the pupils' health teams at selected schools. Questions that will be answered are: How do the principal and the special pedagogue perceive pupil ill-health prevention and health enhancement work of the pupil health team at the school? How do the principal and the special pedagogue perceive their roles in the health of the pupils? How are decisions made and followed through at the pupil healthcare meetings? This qualitative study used semi-structured interviews and phenomenological inspired methodology. Pupil health teams from three different schools were interviewed, and in total three principals and five special pedagogues took part in this study. The analysis of the results of this study show that further consensus between the different health promoting coordinators is needed in the implementation of the pupil ill-health prevention and health enhancement work. Further findings show inconsistencies in how the different pupil health teams conduct their meetings and in how decisions are implemented. A majority of the pupil health teams used the meetings to address existing problems, rather than ill-health prevention and health promotion efforts. The principals demonstrated that they have a greater consensus in how they define their role in promoting pupil health, as opposed to the special pedagogues who expressed a more varied picture of their role. This study also demonstrates that the pupil health team that was most effective in pupil health developments was the team that had further education in pupil health. Findings also show that the different health coordinators have an important role in furthering development and accessibility of the learning environment for the pupils, and in contributing to creating a 'school for everyone'. The demands on the special pedagogues to meet all pupils' differences, and to see these differences as an asset, are great. The requirement of a 'school for everyone' is a lot to ask for. To create a school that has learning environments tailored to everyone's individual needs requires an understanding and consensus between the different pupil health coordinators. This can sometimes be a dilemma, yet the pupil health coordinators have an important role to fill in these realms. This study also found that it was of utmost importance to have a clearly defined organisation and definition of the what the ill-health prevention and health enhancement work involved. To promote this the pupil health coordinators must create a meeting culture that supports the pupil ill-health prevention and health promotional work.

Äta för att lära? : - pedagogers uppfattning om sambandet mellan mat och koncentration i förskola och skola. / Eat to learn? : - educationalists understanding of food and concentration in pre-school and school.

Hammarström, Cecilia, Jagefeldt, Camilla January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka vilken uppfattning pedagoger i förskola och skola har om sambandet mellan mat och koncentration. Anser de att mat har en betydelse för barns förmåga att delta i de verksamheter de befinner sig i? För att barn och vuxna skall orka vara delaktiga i sociala sammanhang och kunna vara koncentrerade krävs en näringsriktig kost. Vi har därför sökt att få fram vad som betraktas vara en näringsriktig måltid för barn. Genom enkätundersökning, intervju, observation samt litteraturstudier har vi försökt att få fram svar på dessa frågor. Vi berör skolmatens historia och politiken kring hur det kom sig att barn överhuvudtaget skall serveras mat i de verksamheter de befinner sig i. Vi har försökt se bortanför det psykomedicinska paradigmet för att förklara vissa orsaker till koncentrationsvårigheter.</p><p>The purpose with this work is to examine how the pedagogy personnel in pre-school and school thinks about the connection between food and concentration. Do they believe that food has meaning for the children’s ability to participate in the educational programs they attend in? The strength children and adults need to have, for the ability to participate in social interaction, demands good nourishing food. Therefore we have tried to find answers to what a nutritious meal is for children. Trough questionnaire, interview, observation and litterateur studies we have tried to find answers to these questions. We discuss the history of the school-meal and the politics surrounding the question why children should be served food in the educational programs they attend in. We have tried to look beyond the psycho medical paradigm to explain some causes to behavior problem.</p>

”Inkludering betyder att vi räknar med alla<em>”</em> : En rektors och sex pedagogers resonemang runt inkludering av elever i behov av särskilt stöd

Johansson, Gitt January 2010 (has links)
<p>The terms”inclusion” and” a school for all” are closely connected. The question schools can ask themselves is how they choose to create inclusion and a school for all and also in what perspective. The purpose with this study was to find out how the headmasters and the teachers at “Blommans skola” reasoned about the definition “inclusion”. In order to fulfill the purpose I used the following questions: How do the teachers reason around the two definitions “inclusion” and “a school for all” and how does this school include children with special needs?</p><p>I chose to work with a qualitative research method and I performed interviews based on an interview guide. The empirical material I gathered was divided into themes in order to analyze how the participants in the study had concluded the central definition inclusion to individualization, pupils with special needs, a school for all and interest and motivation.  The result of my research show that the informants define inclusion as having the same human value regardless and include everyone accordingly even the ones at the moment not present in the classroom. My material shows that it is the segregated integration that dominates the education situations and that the informants think that it is necessary in order to individualize learning. The informants think it is not excluding to have the pupil attend the school best fitted for the individual needs. My conclusion is that “a school for all” needs to be individually laid out, no matter what special needs are required, since all of us have a different way of learning.</p>

Äta för att lära? : - pedagogers uppfattning om sambandet mellan mat och koncentration i förskola och skola. / Eat to learn? : - educationalists understanding of food and concentration in pre-school and school.

Hammarström, Cecilia, Jagefeldt, Camilla January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka vilken uppfattning pedagoger i förskola och skola har om sambandet mellan mat och koncentration. Anser de att mat har en betydelse för barns förmåga att delta i de verksamheter de befinner sig i? För att barn och vuxna skall orka vara delaktiga i sociala sammanhang och kunna vara koncentrerade krävs en näringsriktig kost. Vi har därför sökt att få fram vad som betraktas vara en näringsriktig måltid för barn. Genom enkätundersökning, intervju, observation samt litteraturstudier har vi försökt att få fram svar på dessa frågor. Vi berör skolmatens historia och politiken kring hur det kom sig att barn överhuvudtaget skall serveras mat i de verksamheter de befinner sig i. Vi har försökt se bortanför det psykomedicinska paradigmet för att förklara vissa orsaker till koncentrationsvårigheter. The purpose with this work is to examine how the pedagogy personnel in pre-school and school thinks about the connection between food and concentration. Do they believe that food has meaning for the children’s ability to participate in the educational programs they attend in? The strength children and adults need to have, for the ability to participate in social interaction, demands good nourishing food. Therefore we have tried to find answers to what a nutritious meal is for children. Trough questionnaire, interview, observation and litterateur studies we have tried to find answers to these questions. We discuss the history of the school-meal and the politics surrounding the question why children should be served food in the educational programs they attend in. We have tried to look beyond the psycho medical paradigm to explain some causes to behavior problem.

Specialpedagog på uppdrag : En studie av några lärares förväntningar på specialpedagogens yrkesfunktion / The Special Educators Assignment : A study of certain teacher´s expectations of special needs educator

Segerström, Ulrica January 2007 (has links)
Abstract Since 1990, special needs educators have been working in both primary and junior school. It has not been easy for the special needs educators to take authority when working with broader educational issues due to the varying requirements placed upon them. The object of this study is to examine how certain primary and junior school teachers describe their expectations of special needs educators and their professional role. I have conducted individual interviews with three primary school teachers and three junior school teachers, who have at least five years experience of working within their respective fields. The interviews have been scrutinized, and the results are presented with the help of five different themes. The results were then analysed in accordance with the two perspectives of special needs education described by Persson (2001) those of both the relational and the categorical perspective. Amongst other things the results show that the view of primary and junior school teachers with regards to special needs educators differ one from another. Primary school teachers have more expectations that the special educator will provide them with support for the whole working team, and how they can proceed to work with their pupils. Junior school teachers in contrast place more emphasis on the special educator working directly with the pupils, and not simply as a source of advice on working methods. From the analysis we can conclude that primary school teachers have a viewpoint which lies much nearer to that of the relational perspective, whilst the junior school teachers’ are more recognizable as having a categorical viewpoint. Keywords: Special needs educator, special education, one school for all, professional role, profession. / Sammanfattning Sedan 1990 utbildas det specialpedagoger som arbetar i såväl förskola som grundskola. Det har inte alltid varit enkelt för specialpedagoger att få mandat att arbeta med sina uppdrag och förväntningarna på dem varierar. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur några förskollärare och grundskollärare skolår 1-5, beskriver sina förväntningar på specialpedagogens yrkesfunktion. Jag har genomfört individuella intervjuer med tre förskollärare och tre grundskollärare samtliga med minst fem års erfarenhet inom yrket. Intervjuerna har bearbetats och resultatet presenteras i fem teman. Resultatet analyserades sedan i relation till de två perspektiv på specialpedagogisk verksamhet som bland annat beskrivits av Persson (2001), det relationella perspektivet och det kategoriska perspektivet. Resultatet visar bland annat att förskollärares och grundskollärares syn på specialpedagogens yrkesfunktion skiljer sig åt i denna studie. Förskollärarna ger i högre utsträckning uttryck för en syn på specialpedagogen som en resursperson för arbetslaget som de kan använda som stöd i sitt arbete kring barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Grundskollärarna däremot ger i högre utsträckning uttryck för en syn på specialpedagogen som en resursperson som utför det direkta arbetet med eleverna. Av analysen framgår att förskollärarna i högre grad ger uttryck för ett synsätt på specialpedagogisk verksamhet som ligger nära det relationella perspektivet, medan grundskollärarna i högre grad ger uttryck för ett synsätt på specialpedagogisk verksamhet som motsvarar ett kategoriskt perspektiv. Nyckelord: Specialpedagog, specialpedagogik, en skola för alla, yrkesfunktion, profession.

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