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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Karlstad växer, men hur och var? : Exploateringsmönster i bostadssektorn i en större svensk stad / Karlstad is growing, but how and where? : Development patterns in the housing sector in a major Swedish city

Didong, Gustav, Hansson, Ludvig January 2023 (has links)
This thesis will focus on a major Swedish city, Karlstad. The study uses a combined method consisting of a content analysis and semi-structured interviews. The qualitative content analysis is based on categorizing ongoing detailed plans for housing development in Karlstad. The respondents in the semi-structured interviews consist of people active in real estate development in Karlstad, the current chairman of the urban planning committee in Karlstad, and another politician with experience of urban planning. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the development pattern in the housing sector in a Swedish city. This in connection with investigating how the cooperation between local actors works regarding housing development. In the next step, the purpose is operationalized by studying Karlstad as a case. The section on previous research presents relevant research on the topic of development in the housing sector. The theory chapter provides the theoretical framework for the study. A theoretical model regarding how development is achieved in the housing sector is central, the model summarizes various factors that contribute to achieving development. The results section presents the respondents' experience of how housing planning looks like in Karlstad and how cooperation works between different local actors. How Karlstad is growing with a focus on both densification and expansion in the city is central to the empirical data. A central part of the empirical data is that there is a picture of differing opinions on how cooperation looks between different local actors. One conclusion reached is that Karlstad works for an inclusive and varied densification while the city is expanding. Another conclusion that can be reached is that sustainability thinking in terms of social, economic and ecological aspects is to some extent guiding contemporary housing planning but will become even more important in the future. The main research question relevant to this thesis is: What is the pattern of development in the housing sector in Karlstad? / I denna uppsats är en svensk större stad i fokus, Karlstad. I studien används en kombinerad metod som består av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Den kvalitativa innehållsanalysen utgår från att kategorisera pågående detaljplaner gällande bostadsutveckling i Karlstad. Respondenterna i de semistrukturerade intervjuerna utgörs av tre personer verksamma inom fastighetsutveckling i Karlstad. Dessutom har den nuvarande ordförande för stadsbyggnadsnämnden i Karlstad och en annan politiskt aktiv person med erfarenhet från stadsbyggnad intervjuats. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka exploateringsmönstret i bostadssektorn i en större svensk stad. Detta i samband med att undersöka hur samarbetet mellan lokala aktörer fungerar gällande bostadsutveckling. I nästa led operationaliseras syftet genom att studera Karlstad som fall. I avsnittet gällande tidigare forskning presenteras relevant forskning kring ämnet exploatering. Teorikapitlet utgör det teoretiska ramverket för studien. En teoretisk modell gällande hur en exploatering nås är central och modellen sammanfattar olika faktorer som möjliggör exploatering av bostäder. I resultatdelen presenteras respondenternas upplevelse av hur bostadsplaneringen ser ut i Karlstad och hur samarbetet fungerar mellan olika aktörer. Hur Karlstad växer med fokus på att det både sker en förtätning i staden och en expansion av staden är centralt i empirin. En central del i empirin är att det finns en bild av att det finns åsikter som skiljer sig åt kring hur samarbetet ser ut mellan olika lokala aktörer. En slutsats som nås är att Karlstad verkar för en inkluderande och varierande förtätning samtidigt som staden expanderar. En annan slutsats som går att nå är att hållbarhetstänket ur sociala, ekonomiska och ekologiska aspekter är till viss del vägledande i nutida bostadsplanering men kommer i framtiden att bli ännu viktigare. Den huvudsakliga forskningsfrågan som är aktuell i detta uppsatsskrivande är: Hur ser mönstret av exploatering ut i bostadssektorn i Karlstad?

Att förebygga sexuellt överförbara infektioner bland ungdomar : En kvalitativ studie om aktörers uppfattningar om ungdomars kunskap och förebyggande arbete

Haftemarim, Belul, Yosof, Hani January 2024 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING  Det förekommer en ökning med sexuellt överförbara infektioner (STI), främst gonorré bland ungdomar i Sverige. För att minska förekomsten av STI bland ungdomar krävs effektiva preventiva åtgärder, kontroll och ett effektivt samarbete. Sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa är lika viktigt som den psykiska, fysiska och sociala hälsan, samt utgör en grundläggande del av människors allmänna hälsa och välbefinnande.   Syftet med studien är att undersöka aktörers uppfattningar om ungdomarnas kunskap om STI-prevention och hur aktörerna arbetar förebyggande med STI. För ett systematiskt tillvägagångssätt i studien används en kvalitativ metod baserad på målstyrt urval för att besvara syftet. Därmed genomfördes en semistrukturerad intervju vid datainsamlingen med totalt sex deltagare från professioner inom ungdomsmottagning och elevhälsan i två olika regioner. Därefter analyserades den insamlade data med en manifest innehållsanalys där två huvudkategorier; Aktörerna vill arbeta med STI-prevention och Ungdomars kunskap om STI och STI-prevention räcker inte framkom.    Resultaten visar att ungdomars kunskap om STI varierar enligt aktörernas uppfattning, trots kunskaper underskattar ungdomar ofta risken att drabbas av STI. Det framkom också att ungdomarnas kunskap om STI-prevention påverkas av olika riskfaktorer såsom alkoholkonsumtion, vänskapskretsen och tidig sexuell aktivitet, vilket hindrar effektiviteten av skyddsfaktorer. Aktörerna vill arbeta med STI-prevention på olika arenor och har specifika insatser för olika grupper. Dock framkom brist på samverkan som ett hinder för att nå ut till fler. För ett effektivt förebyggande arbete krävs det en gemensam riktlinje och strategier i aktörers arbete som skapar bättre förutsättningar för ungdomar kring STI. / ABSTRACT  There is an increase in sexually transmitted infections (STI), mainly gonorrhea among young people in Sweden. To reduce the incidence of STIs among adolescents, effective preventive measures, control and effective cooperation are required. Sexual and reproductive health is as important as mental, physical and social health, and makes a fundamental part of people's well-being and overall health.   The aim of the study is to investigate actors' perception of adolescents' knowledge of STI-prevention and how they work preventively with STIs. For a systematic approach in the study, a qualitative method based on purposive sampling is used. Thus, a semi structured interview was carried out during the data collection with a total of six participants from professions in youth health clinics and school health services in two different regions. Then the collected data was analyzed with a manifest content analysis where two main categories; The actors aim to work with STI-prevention and Adolescents' knowledge of STIs and STI-prevention is not enough emerged.   The results show that adolescents' knowledge of STIs varies according to the actors' perception, despite knowledge adolescents often underestimate the risk of contracting STIs. It also emerged that adolescents' knowledge of STI-prevention is affected by various risk factors, which hinders the effectiveness of protective factors. The actors aim to work with STI prevention in different arenas and have specific initiatives for different groups. However, a challenge in reaching out to more people has risen due to a lack of cooperation. Effective preventive efforts require a common guideline and strategies in the work of actors that create better conditions for young people around STIs.

Dressed for success : designing and managing regional strategic networks

Andresen, Edith January 2011 (has links)
Inter-organizational network initiatives such as regional strategic networks (RSNs) are often used by firms and public agencies to support regional development and competitiveness. RSNs are designed networks managed by a hub and financed by public or private means. RSN management is complex as members are autonomous and initially often loosely connected. The effects of RSNs on regional development are disputed as engineered relationship development may interfere with ongoing business relationships.  Despite this, vast public funds are being invested in collaborative initiatives. Identifying factors affecting RSN performance will provide a better basis for evaluating and managing such initiatives. Based on concepts such as actors, resources, and activities findings are reported from longitudinal case-studies built on interviews with 68 members and hubs in four RSNs. Data were also collected through participant observation, conversations, archival data and emails. Findings indicate that factors such as evaluation criteria, member composition, relationships, location, goals, the hub, physical and human resources, knowledge sharing and development, resources, policies and norms, social activities, and communication exert an impact on entrepreneurship and cooperation. The first paper focuses on factors such as actor composition, actor goals, number of actors, and activities facilitating relationship development and commitment. The second paper identifies a framework of seven tasks to be performed by the hub. The effects on development of preferences and atmosphere are dealt with in the third paper. Effects of cooperation between public/private sector and universities are addressed in the fourth paper, and entrepreneurial processes in network contexts are analyzed in the fifth one. The important management role of the hub is emphasized as is carefully considered member composition. Relationships and commitment are found to be crucial. These factors are not covered by national and regional performance criteria. They merit a place of their own.

Barn till föräldrar med psykisk ohälsa : Barndom och uppväxtvillkor / Children of parents with a mental illness : Childhood conditions and challenges

Skerfving, Annemi January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this doctoral thesis is to – from a child perspective and with children as informants – describe and analyze childhood conditions for children whose parents suffer from severe mental illness. The method used is qualitative – 28 children, 10 boys and 18 girls, 7–18 years old, were interviewed about their parents’ mental disorder; the family situation and their own personal life – in school and during free time. The analyses are based on Sociology of Childhood and Family Sociology. Previous studies have, to a great extent, focused on the risk the children run of developing mental health- and social problems and what helps them to grow up healthy. The increased risk of mental health- and social problems has been well confirmed, but also that preventive interventions can contribute to resilience in the children. Although some studies have explored children’s experiences of their parents’ mental illness and the challenges they meet, research from a childhood perspective, has so far been scarce. The results of this study reveal different degrees of emotional, physical and social exposure for the children. Their childhood conditions were related to gender, relations, communication, problem load and social situation of the family. If the parent with a mental illness was a woman, the situation for the child was often more exposed than if it was the father – most likely due to parental roles and expectations on men and women in the Swedish society at that time. Girls seemed more emotionally involved in the parents’ problems than boys, especially if the parent with a mental illness was a father. Most of the parents were divorced or had never lived together. Parental conflicts complicated the life of the children, who were expected to have maintained relationships to both parents. Lack of communication about the parent’s mental disorder in - and outside the family - was common. The children were often uninformed about the parent’s problems.  If hindered to pass information between and outside their two homes, they were left to handle difficult, sometimes dangerous, situations with the mentally ill parent, alone. The home was not always the safe place for rest and recovery, as homes are expected to be. The heavier the total problem load of the family, the more exposed was the child. Most exposed were children whose both parents had severe problems – mental illness or addiction. They were often placed in out of home care, for longer or shorter periods. The kind and degree of exposure the children experienced varied. Four kinds of childhood sceneries could be recognized: (1) the well organized childhood, where the parent’s mental health problem was mainly an emotional burden for the children; (2) the complicated childhood, where the parents conflicts and inability to protect the child made the child either too involved or too lonely in handling the problems that the parent’s mental illness caused them; (3) the problematic childhood where the parent’s mental illness was not the only problem in the family, but factors like the other parent’s drinking, siblings’ problems, social and economical difficulties added to the burden and (4) the exposed childhood where none of the parents was able to take care of the child. Knowledge and openness, about the parents’ problems, seemed to increase competence and decrease feelings of guilt and responsibility for the parent. All of the children stood forward, not as passive victims, but as competent agents in their own lives – although often more or less powerless because of their dependence of their parents and other adults around them. It was clear, though, that there is a need for professionals in adult psychiatry, social services, school and preschool, to pay attention to the children of parents with mental health problems and see to that they get the information and support they need. Keywords: Children, childhood conditions, children as agents, parental mental illness/mental disorders, mental health knowledge, exposed life situations, competence.

Erfarenheter från flerbostadshus som passivhus : En handflata och sex värmeljus / Experiences from apartment houses as passive house : A palm and six tea lights

Westerén, Markus, Löfgren, Oskar January 2013 (has links)
All new households were to be constructed with "near zero energy house standards" (NZE-house) by the year of 2020. The ambition to construct energy-efficient buildings had to increase rapidly in the spring of 2013.The purpose of this report was to increase the interest for building contractors to construct apartment buildings with passive house standards. By locating and evaluating experiences from an existing passive house a case study including interviews, field visits and document analysis was made. Research of literature regarding other passive houses in Sweden also helped to answer the following questions: - What positive and negative experiences have the study of the passive house meant to the involved stakeholders and residents? - What improvements can be made based on identified experiences? - How can an apartment building be designed as a passive house based on possible improvements? By collecting good and bad experiences, as well as improvements and potential design proposals, a diagram was created designed as a tool for developers when constructing apartment buildings with passive house standards. The diagram was organized in the categories; material, immaterial and image. Positive experiences from the case study were for instance that estimated time table, budget and planned energy level were achieved mainly due to a designed prefabricated sandwich element of concrete and the organizational form called partnering. Negative experiences were for example problems with high temperatures in staircase areas due to glassed facades and the lack of ventilation hatches, problems with condense and frost on windows, insufficient knowledge in using technical equipment and relatively high investment costs. Improvements and potential design proposals recommended by the authors were for example vertical lamellas for sunscreen and screening of the night sky, energy watchers in each apartment for higher energy awareness and a minor use of passive house independent qualities, in order to avoid the risk of building contractors not wanting to build passive houses due to high costs.   The experiences in the result diagram emphasized what building contractors should focus on in order to succeed with constructing apartment buildings, with similar requirements as the building in the case study, as a passive house. / Från år 2020 skulle alla nybyggda hus i Sverige vara av ”nära nollenergihus-standard” (NNE). Våren 2013 behövde därför ambitionsnivån att producera energisnåla nybyggnationer öka markant.   Syftet med rapporten var att öka attraktiviteten för byggherrar att konstruera flerbostadshus som passivhus. Genom att lokalisera och utvärdera erfarenheter från ett utfört passivhusprojekt i form av en fallstudie innefattande intervjuer, studiebesök och dokumentanalys, men även studerande av litteratur gällande andra genomförda projekt i Sverige, besvarades följande frågeställningar:   -        Vilka positiva och negativa erfarenheter har studerat passivhus medfört för inblandade aktörer och boende? -        Vilka förbättringsmöjligheter finns med utgångspunkt från identifierade erfarenheter? -        Hur kan ett flerbostadshus utformas som passivhus med hänsyn till eventuella förbättringsmöjligheter?   Genom att insamla positiva- och negativa erfarenheter, förbättringsmöjligheter samt potentiella utformningsförslag inom kategorierna materiella erfarenheter, immateriella erfarenheter samt image skapades förutsättningar för en sammanfattande resultattabell ämnad som ett verktyg för byggherrar vid framställande av flerbostadshus som passivhus.   Positiva erfarenheter från fallstudien var bland annat att uppsatt tidplan, budget och planerad energinivå levdes upp till, där ett framtaget prefabricerat sandwich-element i betong i kombination med organisationsformen partnering sågs som främsta anledningar till detta. Negativa erfarenheter var bland annat problem med övertemperaturer i trapphus på grund av stor andel glasad fasad i samband med avsaknaden av ventilationsluckor, utvändig kondens och frost på lägenhetsfönster, brister i teknikanvändandet samt en relativt hög investeringskostnad. Förbättringsmöjligheter och författarnas utformningsförslag bestod bland annat av inbyggda tvärställda lameller som sol- och natthimmelavskärmning, energibevakare i varje lägenhet för ökad energimedvetenhet samt en mindre omfattning av passivhusoberoende kvaliteter för att minska uppfattningen av passivhuskonceptet som kostnadsmässigt avskräckande.   Resultattabellen betonade vad en byggherre särskilt skulle tänka på för att lyckas med nybyggnation av flerbostadshus som passivhus vid likartade villkor som i fallstudien.

Om aktörer inom svensk arbetsförmedling. : En studie om intressekonflikter mellan medverkande på den arbetsmarknadspolitiska arenan.

Herslow Deijenberg, Anna, Lundin, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att synliggöra intressekonflikter som uppstått mellan kommun och branschorganisation när en kommun ansökt om att få bli leverantör till Arbetsförmedlingen för en tjänst som tidigare endast upphandlats med privata aktörer. Vidare är vårt syfte att undersöka huruvida demokratiska eller ekonomiska incitament ligger till grund för Karlshamns kommun respektive branschorganisationens ställningstagande i denna fråga. Karlshamns kommun har med bakgrund av SOU 2020:41 Kommuner som utförare av tjänster åt arbetsförmedlingen - en analys av de rättsliga förutsättningarna, skickat in en ansökan till arbetsförmedlingen för tjänsten Kundval Rusta och matcha. Karlshamns kommun var den första kommunen i Sverige att skicka in en sådan ansökan. Genom att analysera primärkällor i form av texter från Karlshamns kommun respektive branschorganisationen Almega med hjälp av Bacchis metod WPR analys avser vi att synliggöra hur problemet representeras från respektive part. Genom att koppla dessa representationer till politisk styrning, offentligt etos och makt visar vårt resultat att Karlshamns kommun drivs av både demokratiska och ekonomiska incitament medan å andra sidan branschorganisationen nästan uteslutande drivs av ekonomiska incitament. Vidare är vår slutsats att nuvarande politiska styrning av den Svenska arbetsmarknadspolitiken inte gynnar ett gott samarbete mellan medverkande på den svenska arbetsmarknadspolitiska arenan. Fokus bör vara den arbetssökande och reformer behöver komma till stånd. Det är Arbetsförmedlingen och därmed staten som besitter ansvaret och makten. Närmare bestämt den strukturella makten att fördela vem som ska få tillgång till kunskap och därmed aktörsmarknaden. I våra referensländer har ansvaret för arbetsmarknadspolitiken decentraliserats till lokala kommuner, vilket är ett alternativ som denna studie föreslår att Sverige bör undersöka närmare. / The purpose of this study is to make visible the conflicts of interest that have arisen between a municipality and one of Sweden's Trade associations. These conflicts arose when the municipality applied to become a provider for the Swedish Public Employment Service regarding a service that so far only has been procured with private actors. Furthermore, this study also aims to investigate whether democratic or economic incentives form the basis for Karlshamn's municipality and the Trade association's position regarding the conflict of interest. Based on SOU 2020:41 Municipalities as providers of services to the employment service - an analysis of the legal conditions, Karlshamn municipality has submitted an application to the Swedish Public Employment Service regarding the Kundval Rusta and matcha. The municipality of Karlshamn was the first municipality in Sweden to submit such an application. By analyzing texts from Karlshamn municipality and the Trade association as primary material through Bacchi's method WPR analysis, we intend to make visible how the problem is represented by each party as well as analyzing the incentives behind the representations of what is perceived as a problem. By linking these representations to political governance, public ethos and power, our results show that Karlshamn's municipality is driven by both democratic and economic incentives, while on the other hand the Trade association is almost exclusively driven by economic incentives. We also conclude that the current political governance of Swedish labor market policy does not favor good cooperation between actors on the Swedish labor market policy arena without reforms having to take place. It is the Swedish Public Employment Service and thus the state that possesses the power, responsibility and more specifically, the structural power to distribute who should have access to the player market. In our reference countries, this responsibility has been decentralized to local municipalities. Which we, after this study, consider to be an alternative that Sweden should investigate further.

Konkurrens om tid i rörelse : Har idrottsföreningarna tappat bollen till de privata aktörerna? / Competition for the time in motion : Have the sports clubs lost the game to the private players?

Forsberg Meinhart, Walter, Matteoni, Sofia January 2021 (has links)
Svensk idrottsrörelse är en marknad i förändring, idrottande utanför idrottsföreningar har ökat under de senaste åren och privata aktörer har tagit stora steg framåt. Runt om i världen sprids en ekonomisk nyliberalism där privata aktörer blivit vanligare genom avregleringar och fått tillgång till marknaders principer för att tillgodose behov på bästa sätt.  Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur ideella idrottsföreningar upplever konkurrensen från privata aktörer på idrottsmarknaden. Vidare syftar denna studie till att undersöka hur ideella idrottsföreningar hanterar denna konkurrens samt hur ideella idrottsföreningar kan komma att påverkas av den konkurrens som idag finns från privata aktörer på idrottsmarknaden. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och empiri har samlats in genom åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomförts genom digitala möten eller över telefon med anledning av rådande Covid-19 pandemi och dess begränsningar i fysiska möten. Respondenterna representerade varsin idrottsförening i Stockholmsområdet inom fyra olika idrotter: fotboll, ishockey, simning och friidrott.   Empirin har analyserats utifrån den teoretiska referensramen bestående av konkurrens, nyinstitutionell teori, organisationsformer och sektorböjning. Samtliga föreningar i studien upplever konkurrens från privata aktörer på något sätt. Det är tydligt att de som upplever den största konkurrensen är lagidrotterna ishockey och fotboll, vilka också kommit längst i sin hantering av den uppstådda konkurrensen. De upplever i dagsläget den största konkurrensen från privata aktörer inom lov- och campverksamheter. Inom friidrott och simning upplevs en annan typ av konkurrens primärt gällande anläggningar och med kommunen som konkurrent. En effekt som de privata aktörerna medför är att föreningarna förlorar deltagare i sin camp- och lägerverksamhet och att pengar går från idrottens föreningsliv till de privata aktörerna. För att hantera detta arbetar föreningarna med att utveckla kvaliteten i hela sin verksamhet för att bli mer konkurrenskraftiga. Den större delen av den löpande verksamheten påverkas i dagsläget dock inte av de privata aktörerna, men detta kan komma att förändras. / The Swedish sports movement is a market in transition, people engaging in sports outside of the typical sports clubs have raised in popularity over the last years and private players have taken big steps forward. Economic new liberalism, where private players are more common have gained access to previous regulated markets due to deregulation. The purpose of this study is to examine non-profit sports clubs ́ experience of competition from private players in the sports market. Furthermore, this study aims to examine how non-profit sports clubs are affected by the competition and how their organization handles it. This study has a qualitative approach and data has been collected through eight semi-structured interviews. The interviews were conducted through digital meetings or via telephone, due to the prevailing Covid-19 pandemic and the limitations it caused in physical meetings. Every respondent represented a sports club in the Stockholm area in different sports: soccer, ice hockey, swimming, and athletics. The collected data were analyzed with takeoff from previous research regarding competition, new institutional theory, organization forms, and sector-bending. All clubs in the study are exposed to competition with private players. The sports experiencing the most competition are the soccer and ice hockey clubs who are once facing this issue much more compared to the athletics and swimming clubs. The competition that ice hockey and soccer face is primarily through holiday camps. In the athletics and swimming clubs, the competition is primarily regarding facilities and the fact that the municipality is an actor in the market as well. The effects caused by the private players ́ existence is that the clubs lose participants in their camps and that money outflows from the sports clubs to the private sector. To manage this the clubs work with quality development to become more competitive. The clubs’ day-to-day operations are not affected by the private players in this current situation, but that might change.

Angreppssätt till ett framgångsrikt innovationsarbete inom digital innovation

Johansson, Felix, Bjering, Rasmus January 2020 (has links)
Ett framgångsrikt innovationsarbete möjliggör för framtagningen och utvecklingen av nya och befintliga digitala produkter och tjänster. Digital innovation driver ett behov av att agera och samarbeta med andra företag och organisationer, vilket innebär att involveringen av externa aktörer kan leda till att utmaningar uppstår. Genom vår litteraturstudie har vi identifierat utmaningar, och undersökt hur dessa kan hanteras genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie, syftet med studien blir därför att genom en litteraturstudie skapa förståelse för vilka utmaningar som finns, samt identifiera hur dessa utmaningar kan hanteras genom en intervjustudie. De primära deltagarna i studien är anställda på ett etablerat och ledande företag som arbetar med digital innovation. Vi kommer att studera hur dessa utmaningar kan hanteras utifrån följande frågeställning: Hur kan utmaningar med involveringen av externa aktörer i digital innovation hanteras? Studiens resultat bidrar med föreslagna angreppssätt för att hantera utmaningar med involveringen av externa aktörer. / Successful innovation work enables the development of new and existing digital products andservices. Digital innovation drives a need to act and collaborate with other companies andorganizations, which means that involving external actors can lead to challenges. Through ourliterature study, we have identified challenges and investigated how these can be handledthrough qualitative interview studies. The purpose of the study is to create an understanding ofthe challenges that exist through a literature study, and to identify suggestions on how thesechallenges can be handled through interview studies. The primary participants in the study areemployees of an established and leading digital innovation company. We will study how thesechallenges can be addressed based on the following question: How can challenges with theinvolvement of external actors in digital innovation be handled? The study's results contributewith proposed approaches to succeed in dealing with challenges in the involvement of externalactors.

Edith eller Södergran? : En undersökning hur kvinnliga samt manliga författarskap presenteras utifrån anaforiska uttryck i två läromedel / Edith or Södergran? : A study of how female and male authorship is presented based on anaphoric expressions in two teaching materials

Sandberg, Ronja Sandberg January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how two teaching materials in Swedish and Swedish as a second language, from the same publishing company, presented and referred to male and female authorship based on anaphoric expressions. The method used in this study was grounded on an article by Per Ledin which analyzes how social actors is being portrayed in two Swedish papers based on anaphoric expression. Besides this method, the study also chooses to include social actors as well as whether the authors were portraited based on background or accomplishment. By choosing these criteria, the aim was to be able to investigate how Hirdmans two logics: men as a norm and the distinction between the sexes, are implemented in the teaching material that are examined. The research questions used in this study were: How is female and male authorship referred to in the materials based on anaphoric expressions? In which way is male and female authorship being presented in the various textbooks? Is there a difference between how female and male authorship is presented and referenced to, based on if the textbook is in Swedish or Swedish as a second language? The results of this study show that there is a difference between the teaching materials even though they are published by the same company. The different textbooks show how the teaching materials maintain the man as the norm, as in previous research, but in varying degrees. The textbook in Swedish shows a clear masculine norm through the anaphoric pattern that female writing becomes more individualized. The female writers are also presented mainly by background, while male authors are presented based on achievements. When comparing Swedish course literature for second language one can see how the male norm is prevalent, notably female authorship are represented through their accomplishments and the textbook problematizes male authorship.


Engfeldt, Pauline, Anderberg, Olivia, Faxe, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Antalet internetrelaterade sexualbrott mot barn ökar i Sverige. Polisens arbetsbelastning blir högre och deras insatser täcker inte behoven. Dumpen är en civil aktör som arbetar för att motverka sexualbrott mot barn genom att bland annat konfrontera och filma individer som tagit kontakt med barn i sexuellt syfte. Efter konfrontationen publiceras materialet på nätet och är tillgängligt för allmänheten. Studien syftar till att undersöka på vilket sätt Dumpens arbete påverkar polisens utrednings- och brottsförebyggande arbete inom detta ämne. Resultatet visar att Dumpen försvårar polisens utredningsarbete avseende digital bevisning samt att de bidrar till stigmatisering och främjar således inte det brottsförebyggande arbetet. / The number of Internet related sexual crimes against children is increasing in Sweden. The Police workload is getting higher and their efforts do not cover their needs. Dumpen is a civil actor who works to prevent sexual crimes against children by, among other things, confronting and filming individuals who have made contact with children for sexual purposes. After the confrontation, the material is published online and is available to the public. This study aims to investigate how Dumpen's work affects the Police investigation and crime prevention. The results show that Dumpen complicates the Police investigative work regarding digital evidence and that it contributes to stigmatization and thus does not promote crime prevention work.

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