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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ett hål i känseln : Om språkupplevelsens fenomenologi i Ann Jäderlunds författarskap

Wiklander, Osvald January 2019 (has links)
This thesis aims to analyze and interpret a number of central works – Vimpelstaden (1985), Som en gång varit äng (1988), Blomman och människobenet (2003), I en cylinder i vattnet av vattengråt (2005) and Vad hjälper det en människa om hon häller rent vatten över sig i alla sina dagar (2009) – by the Swedish poet Ann Jäderlund (1955-) in the context of phenomenology and affect theory. The analysis consists of three chapters and proceeds chronologically with technical scrutinies of separate phases of Jäderlund’s œuvre – from the aphasic-like treatment of established phraseologies in Vimpelstaden and frozen expressions of the botanical discourse in Som en gång varit äng, to the uncanny focus on perceptual patterns as such in her later works. Throughout these analyses the thesis observes a series of techniques with which the author presents us with a kind of sensory paradox, through a) creating language-based complex appearances, non-appropriable by means of the normal perceptual patterns of embodied perception, while still b) simulating, and thus implicitly emphasizing, these appearances as something already concretely looked at and felt. In short, to experience what cannot be experienced, to live the unlivable. Many of these technical observations made are pinned down analytically using concepts from the field of cognitive poetics, namely George Lakoff and Mark Johnsons findings of experiential image schemata underpinning spoken phraseologies and their influential theories on conceptual metaphors. The interpretative conclusion following these observations is that Jäderlund handles her writing aesthetically as a kind of sensory material in a very literal sense, a “being of sensation” in the terminology of French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. Not as means of experiential or intellectual representation, not as some sort of critical enterprise through mere language-gaming of free- floating signifiers – but as a material able to preserve and perform sensory processes immanent to its own material compilation, a tendency that earlier research fails to grasp or simply ignores altogether. Thus the affectivity immanent to the literary material – often being the starting point of studies in affect theory and cognitive poetics – is here proven to be a characteristic, thereby playing the role more of a conclusion than a field of inquiry. The aesthetics of interrogating the limits of sensory experience, introducing a sort of crisis to embodied perception through the experience of poetic language – and the experience of it as having a “metaphysical significance”, as French phenomenologist Maurice Merleau- Ponty puts it – is articulated in the thesis against the background of influential readings of modern art carried out by Merleau-Ponty and Deleuze.

DALL'ARTICOLO SCIENTIFICO ALLA COSTRUZIONE DELLA NOTIZIA Proposte per la divulgazione della salute e analisi della stampa in Italia / From scientific articles to news. Proposals for health Journalism and analysis of the Italian lay press

DI CROCE, MARIANNA 03 May 2010 (has links)
L’obiettivo di questo lavoro di ricerca è fare luce su alcuni dei motivi alla base di un rapporto tra scienza e media non sempre facile, nel tentativo di definire gli elementi fondamentali per un giornalismo biomedico divulgativo di qualità. In particolare l’analisi è rivolta al passaggio che più di tutti gli altri, nella costruzione della notizia, pone il giornalista e il metodo scientifico uno di fronte all’altro: la “traduzione” dell’articolo scientifico in articolo divulgativo. La valutazione di elementi quali l’approccio dei giornalisti alla significatività statistica e alla rilevanza clinica dei risultati di uno studio, l’utilizzo dei parametri statistici per esprimere gli esiti ha consentito di delineare una mappa dei punti di maggiore criticità del giornalismo biomedico. La “miscommunication” tra il mondo della ricerca e quello dei media può essere superata dall’acquisizione di un metodo che consenta al giornalista di individuare gli studi che hanno le caratteristiche per diventare notizie da divulgare. Questo lavoro è centrato sull’attività del giornalista, ma occorre ricordare come la comunicazione della salute sia un processo che dalla ricerca fino alla divulgazione pubblica delle notizie coinvolge diversi attori, ciascuno con il proprio ruolo e responsabilità ben precise. / The aim of this research is to investigate some of the reasons at the roots of the tension between science and media, trying to define some of the most important elements that could ensure the quality of biomedical lay journalism. In particular the attention is focused on the step that in the construction of the news puts the journalist and the scientific method one in front of the other: the “translation” of the scientific article in lay press article. From the analysis a picture emerges in which often the journalist is lacking an indispensable background knowledge needed to be able to recognize what is statistically significant or clinically relevant. The “miscommunication” theory, that both journalists and scientists consider an obstacle to scientific information, could be overcome by the acquisition of a method for medical journalists to recognize medical researches that can be used and moved into lay press articles. This research focuses on the correct role of journalist in divulging medical information. However, is important to underline the fact that many are the actors that partecipate to health communication and everyone has a specific role and than responsability.

Spettacolarità e scenografia a Milano tra età teresiana e giuseppina

BARBIERI, FRANCESCA 13 March 2012 (has links)
Nella seconda metà del Settecento Milano diventò un centro di riferimento per la scenografia a livello internazionale. La tesi studia l’evoluzione della spettacolarità e della scenografia in un periodo cruciale per la città (1765-1792) prendendo in esame non solo il teatro, ma anche gli aspetti connessi agli eventi festivi legati al potere. La ricerca è basata primariamente sulle fonti iconografiche, soprattutto disegni e incisioni, reperite negli archivi milanesi e nazionali; l’analisi di libretti, relazioni, periodici e altra documentazione ha inoltre offerto altri elementi utili alla delineazione dello scenario culturale di riferimento. In primo luogo, si prendono in esame eventi dinastici, quali i festeggiamenti nuziali, i passaggi e gli ingressi dei sovrani, le feste per nascita e le esequie. Sono inoltre considerati gli sviluppi della scenografia milanese prima al Regio Ducal Teatro e poi al Teatro alla Scala, con particolare riguardo all’opera di personalità di primo piano come i fratelli Galliari e Pietro Gonzaga. Ne emerge un quadro complesso che aspira a ricostruire la trama di rapporti che legano la scenografia all’universo della rappresentazione nella Milano del XVIII secolo. / In the second half of the 18th century Milan became a very influent centre for the art of stage designing. This PhD thesis seeks to investigate the developments of the visual aspects of theatricality in a crucial period (1765-1792) for Milan. This study is based on iconographic sources, namely engravings and drawings. The analysis focuses on public and political events (wedding festivals, state funerals and royal entries) and, at the same time, on theatre. The research considers the development of stage design at the Regio Ducal Teatro and the Teatro alla Scala. It concentrates on the works of the most important scene-painters of the period: the brothers Fabrizio and Bernardino Galliari and Pietro Gonzaga. As a result, the study provides an analysis of the several components of visual representation and their features.

Hur äventyrspedagogik tillämpas på en Reggio Emilia-inspirerad förskola : Reggio Emilia-pedagogers tankar om äventyrspedagogik / How adventure education is being applied in a Reggio Emilia-inspired preschool : Reggio Emilia educators thoughts of adventure education

Pettersson, Mikael, Palm, Sebastian January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med det självständiga arbetet var att undersöka hur äventyrspedagogik tillämpas i en Reggio Emilia-inspirerad förskola. Genom att jämföra dessa pedagogiker kan man få syn på likheter och skillnader som motiverar tillämpningens betydelse för barns lärandeprocesser. Undersökningen fick sitt praktiska utförande i en skogsmiljö på en av förskolorna, där två förskollärare hade teoretiska kunskaper inom äventyrspedagogik och Reggio Emilia. Tio pedagoger och en förälder deltog som observatörer i äventyret. Utöver dessa deltog två studenter från förskollärarutbildningen, Stockholms universitet som också är författarna till denna undersökning. Deras observationer och intervjusvar från de två förskollärarna ingår i undersökningen. I äventyret deltog femtiofem sexåringar från fem förskolor inom enheten. Utformningen av äventyret bestod av sju stationer med diverse samarbetsövningar där utmaningarna i övningarna hade olika svårighetsgrader. Barnen skulle utmanas i och få utforska sina frågor i en spännande miljö med hela kroppen. Det framkom att resurser i form av tid för planering, föräldrar och pedagoger ute i äventyret både som observatörer och som säkerhet och trygghet krävdes. Resultatet av vår undersökning visar att tillämpningen av äventyrspedagogik med sin syn på sinnliga samspelsövningar med motoriska inslag och med naturen som stöd, berikar och kompletterar förskolors arbete med barns lärandeprocesser samt Reggio Emilias syn på barns möjligheter till utveckling och lärande. / The purpose of the independent work was to investigate the adventure pedagogy applied in a Reggio Emilia-inspired preschool. By comparing these pedagogies can catch sight of the similarities and differences that justify the application's impact on children's learning processes. The survey received a practical point in a woodland setting on one of the pre-schools, where two preschool teachers had theoretical knowledge in adventure education and Reggio Emilia. Ten teachers and a parent participated as observers in the adventure. In addition to these two students attended from preschool teacher, Stockholm University, who is also the authors of this study. Their observations and interview responses from the two preschool teachers surveyed. The adventure took fifty-six year olds from five kindergartens within the unit. The design of the adventure consisted of seven stations with various team-building exercises where the challenges of the exercises had different difficulty levels. The children were challenged to explore and get their questions in an exciting environment with your whole body. It was revealed that the resources in terms of time for planning, parents, and educators around the adventures both as observers and that safety and security was required. The results of our study show that the application of adventure education with its view of sensuous interplay exercises with motor elements and with nature that support, enrich and complement förskolors work with children's learning processes and the Reggio Emilia approach to children's opportunities to learn and develop. / <p>Sebastian Palm har efter att uppsatsen skrevs bytt efternamn till Denus.</p>

Caratterizzazione di genotipi di sorgo in funzione di tratti legati alla tolleranza alla siccità / CHARACTERIZATION OF SORGHUM GENOTYPES FOR TRAITS RELATED TO DROUGHT TOLERANCE

FRACASSO, ALESSANDRA 28 January 2015 (has links)
L’incessante aumento della popolazione mondiale ed il conseguente incremento della richiesta di risorse alimentari ed energetiche, congiuntamente al mutevole scenario climatico, sempre più incline a periodi di siccità prolungata in misura sempre maggiore in alcune zone del pianeta, fa sì che sempre più attenzione sia rivolta allo sviluppo ed all’implementazione di risorse energetiche rinnovabili a bassi input. Il sorgo zuccherino (Sorghum bicolor Moench) è una coltura bioenergetica in grado di fornire cibo, bioetanolo e biogas. Lo studio di tale coltura in risposta al deficit idrico promuove una più approfondita conoscenza dei meccanismi alla base dei processi fotosintetici, e di come, e quanto, questi possano essere influenzati dall’assenza temporanea, o più o meno prolungata, di disponibilità idrica. La produzione di biomassa e la sua composizione chimica sono state valutate per genotipi di nuova costituzione in confronto a quelli già disponibili in commercio, ai fini della produzione di biogas e bioetanolo. Una più approfondita analisi fisio-fenologica e molecolare è stata condotta su sei genotipi di sorgo con lo scopo di combinare in una visione di insieme più integrata la risposta alla siccità in sorgo. Due genotipi (uno sensibile e l’altro tollerante la siccità) sono stati selezionati per l’analisi trascrittomica in risposta allo stress idrico al fine di individuare geni candidati potenzialmente utili ai fini di una selezione assistita da marcatore. / Due to the increasing human population and the consequent surging energy and water demand, it is necessary to implement energy and fuel production from low input renewable sources. Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor Moench) is a low input multipurpose crop that provides food, feed and bioethanol from conversion of sugars accumulated in the stalk and biogas from anaerobic digestion of whole aboveground dry biomass. This multipurpose crop was studied in response to water deficit. In particular, the biomass production and its composition were evaluated in response to drought for new developed and commercial genotypes for biogas and bioethanol production. The physiologic and molecular approaches were combined in order to provide an integrated view on drought tolerance in sorghum enabling to know which are the mechanisms and with which extent they were affected by drought in this bioenergy crop. The transcriptomic analysis was performed on two sorghum genotypes (one sensitive and the other one tolerant to drought) with RNA-Seq technology in order to evaluate the diversity existing in the sorghum transcriptome that could be related to drought tolerance and to identify candidate genes that could be used as potentially marker for the marker assisted selection.

Optimering av betongbjälklag med hänsyn till avgörande faktorer. / Optimization of concrete slabs with regard to critical factors.

Berggren, Julia, Andersson, Maja January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Business & Human Rights : imprese transnazionali e tutela del diritto alla salute / Business & Human Rights : entreprises transnationales et protection du droit à la santé / Business & Human Rights : transnational corporations and the protection of the Right to Health

Scocca, Grazia 19 July 2019 (has links)
La thèse se propose d’analyser la nature des relations générées entre le pouvoir des sociétés multinationales et transnationales et les Etats, afin de rechercher l’ensemble des obligations internationales impliquées concernant les droits de l'homme et, plus spécifiquement, celles relatives au droit universel à la santé. En effet, il est de plus en plus évident que les sociétés transnationales sont en mesure de causer des risques considérables, susceptibles de provoquer des conséquences néfastes sur le droit à la santé des individus, ou bien encore, sur les « déterminants de la santé ». À la lumière de ces considérations et en constatant l’ampleur de la problématique, la thèse se focalise sur les obligations spécifiques liées aux secteurs de l’industrie pharmaceutique, des compagnies de tabac et des multinationales du secteur alimentaire. Le travail de recherche a été rédigé selon les critères académiques utilisés classiquement en Italie et est fondée sur un argumentaire articulé en trois chapitres principaux, une introduction et une conclusion finale. / The thesis aims to analyse the nature of the relationships generated between the power of multinational and transnational corporations and States, in order to identify all the international human rights obligations involved and more specifically, those relating to the universal right to health. According to the economic system established by the Western Countries and the globalization, transnational corporations are able to cause considerable risks, which may have adverse consequences on the Human Right to Health, or even “determinants of health”. In the light of these considerations and due to the extent of the issue, the thesis has been focused on the analysis of specific obligations related to the sectors of pharmaceutical industries, the tobacco corporations and the multinational food companies. The thesis was written according to the academic criteria traditionally used in Italy and is based on argumentation articulated in three main chapters, an introduction and a final conclusion. / Il proposito della tesi è quello di offrire un’indagine accurata concernente la natura delle relazioni che si generano tra il potere delle imprese transnazionali e le autorità statali, della trama degli obblighi internazionali implicati, in modo particolare alla luce di violazioni di diritti umani che potrebbero generarsi. Il liberalismo economico, la promozione degli scambi con relativo abbattimento delle barriere territoriali, il mercato globale hanno condotto al generarsi di formazioni industriali globalizzate con forze economiche tali da influenzare gli assetti politici di un Paese, andando dunque ben oltre le funzioni specifiche di mera produzione e immissione sul mercato dei propri prodotti. Preliminarmente, è interessante capire come la dottrina internazionalistica affronta e definisce le perplessità relative alla configurazione di una soggettività di diritto internazionale “eccezionalmente riconosciuta”, che poi costituirà la base per le riflessioni a venire. La prima riguarda la transnazionalità dell’impresa. Questa peculiarità costitutiva, figlia del mercato globalizzato, consente al meccanismo del sistema produttivo di sottrarre un’unità specifica dalla riconduzione territoriale della cd. Casa madre, pur restandone parte integrante.Lo stato dell’arte del diritto internazionale prevede, in capo all’autorità statale ospitante, un obbligo incombente di regolamentazione e controllo dell’attività svolta dalle imprese sul proprio territorio. Tuttavia, nella prassi si riscontrano circostanze di Stati deboli dal punto di vista legislativo, con carenti strumenti di tutela e scarse risorse, tali da renderli proprio per questo, mete ideali di soggetti investitori che intendono eludere le più rigide disposizioni vigenti nei propri Paesi di origine.Il ruolo delle società multinazionali oggi, di quelle transnazionali in particolare per alcuni, consente di poter ridiscutere dei capisaldi di un diritto internazionale definito stato-centrico e della propria capacità di riuscire a rispondere alle esigenze dei tempi correnti. Se è vero che il diritto internazionale nasce con il precipuo scopo di regolare i rapporti tra Stati, ai quali viene attribuita un’esclusiva personalità giuridica che li rende idonei ad essere titolari di diritti e obblighi giuridici, nella prassi delle relazioni emerge una realtà molto più complessa di questa.L’istituzione dell’Open Ended Intergovernmental Working Group che proseguono il lavoro del Relatore Speciale, il Professor Ruggie, lascia trasparire quanto il tema sia al centro dello sviluppo sui diritti umani della Nazioni Unite. Sulla stessa linea si sta sviluppando una legislazione anche in seno al Consiglio d’Europa con l’adozione della raccomandazione CM/Rec (2016)3 del novembre 2016, nonché in UE con la direttiva 2014/95/UE sull’obbligo di pubblicazione delle informazioni non finanziarie.Alla luce di tali circostanze, la tesi analizza il tema specifico della responsabilità delle imprese transnazionali in materia di rispetto e promozione del diritto alla salute e dei suoi determinanti, a fronte della diffusione epidemica delle malattie non trasmissibili. Per questo il lavoro di ricerca si concentra sugli obblighi specifici relativi ai settori delle imprese farmaceutiche, produzione e commercializzazione di tabacco, food corporations.

”Har det aldrig slagit henne att jag är tyst, men inte beter mig tyst?” : En narratologiskt influerad analys av tystnaden i Kärleken vi inte förstår och Alla är ledsna nuförtiden

Larsson, Line January 2022 (has links)
In this paper, I study the silence in Bart Moeyaert’s two novels Kärleken vi inte förstår (eng. It’s Love We Don’t Understand, 1999) and Alla är ledsna nuförtiden (eng. Everyone’s Sorry Nowadays, 2018) with the help of Maria Nikolajeva’s theories of narrative perspective. I examine the narrative perspective in relation to the other characters’ appearances – focusing on the narrator’s priorities and voice – as well as how the silence is portrayed. Furthermore, by using a method of close-to-text reading I seek answers to the following questions: how is silence portrayed in Kärleken vi inte förstår and Alla är ledsna nuförtiden? What is the role of silence in the previous novels? The last question refers to in what way Moeyaert uses the silence in his novels. Finally, I concluded that the silence in Kärleken vi inte förstår is ambiguous. On the one hand, it is used by the characters as a tool of communication, and on the other hand, it works as a storytelling technique to withhold information from the reader as well as amplify the atmosphere or mood. Moreover, the silence in Alla är ledsna nuförtiden rather has the function of a theme or a motif as it forces the story to move forward. / I denna uppsats studerar jag tystnaden i Bart Moeyaerts romaner Kärleken vi inte förstår (1999) och Alla är ledsna nuförtiden (2018) med hjälp av Maria Nikolajevas teorier om berättarperspektiv. Jag utforskar berättarperspektivet i relation till hur de andra karaktärerna framträder – med fokus på berättarens prioriteringar och röst – liksom hur tystnaden gestaltas. Vidare söker jag svar på följande frågor genom att göra textnära läsningar av ovan nämnda verk: hur gestaltas tystnad i Kärleken vi inte förstår och Alla är ledsna nuförtiden? Vilken funktion har tystnaden i de ovanstående verken? Slutligen kom jag fram till att tystnadens funktion i Kärleken vi inte förstår är dubbel; å ena sidan används den av karaktärerna som ett verktyg för att kommunicera, å andra sidan som ett sätt att, av Moeyaert, undanhålla information från läsaren samt förstärka stämningar. Fortsättningsvis fungerar tystnaden i Alla är ledsna nuförtiden snarare som ett tema eller ett motiv då den tvingar historien framåt.

Design for all i en lärandemiljö : Kan man designa en skolmöbel för många typer av individer? / Design for all in a learning environment : Can you design a school furniture for many types of individuals?

Borgelind Kaiser, Josefine January 2023 (has links)
I detta examensarbete utforskar jag hur en kan arbeta med en designprocess i möbler för en skolmiljö med ett bredare fokus än vad möblerna på marknaden är idag. Genom att utgå från barn i klassrummet med varierande behov, hoppas jag på att designa skolmöbler som passar fler individer. Med det har jag utgått i designprocessen med perspektivet och arbetsmetoden – Design for all och tagit fram en möbel som kan placeras in en skolmiljö i dagens klassrum. Min förhoppning är att kunna formge skolmöbler som inkluderar hjälpmedel som stimulerar och hjälper till i elevens arbete. Syftet med att fördjupa mig i ämnet skolmöbler är att jag vill fördjupa mig i skolans värld och lära känna miljöerna som möblerna sätts in i. Detta med en önskan att sedan i arbetslivet arbeta med att ta fram anpassade möbler. Arbetet inleds med en teoretisk undersökning där jag gör platsbesök på skolor, har samtal med pedagoger och med en fysioterapeut vid namn Ulrika Myhr som jag har samarbetat med samt dialog med handledare. Med ett valt fokus på mellanstadiet arbetar jag utifrån ett befintligt klassrum tillhörande en fyra bestående av två mentorer och 34 elever. Där har jag en dialog med eleverna och pedagogerna om hur de ser på och arbetar i sin miljö. Därefter gör jag egna analyser från de resultaten och gör ett förslag på möbler tänkta för det klassrum jag arbetat med. Därpå går jag över till en praktisk undersökning där jag har en kontinuerlig dialog om ergonomi med Ulrika Myhr samt jag testar hur ergonomi och design möts tillsammans i en form som till slut blir min design. Min slutsats visar på att det är svårt att få in alla funktioner i en möbel och tillgodose alla elever även ifall om man designar utifrån perspektivet design for all. Men däremot går det att designa för fler och för fler än vad det görs nu. Jag drar också slutsatsen att ha involverat eleverna själva i designprocessen har visat på att de har tydligt själva vet vad de vill ha och deras åsikter har gjort att mitt arbete har gett ett så gott resultat. / In this degree project, I explore how one can work with design processes in furniture for a school environment with a broader focus than the furniture on the market today. By focusing on children in a classroom, all with a broad spectrum of different needs, I hope to design school furniture that suits more individuals. I have started this particular design process with the perspective, and working method, of "design for all"; and produced a piece of furniture that can be placed in a school environment in today's classroom. My hope is to be able to design school furniture that includes features which can stimulate and assist the student's work. The further purpose of this project is that I want to immerse myself in the world of today's pupils, getting to know the environments that the furniture they use is placed in. My hope is that this will aid me in my further desire to then work on creating customized furniture in my professional working life. My working process begins with a theoretical investigation where I make on-site visits to schools, have conversations with educators and with a physiotherapist named Ulrika Myhr, with whom I have also collaborated, as well as dialogue with supervisors. With a chosen focus on the ages of 9-12, which constitutes the Swedish school system's later primary school years, I work on-site with access to a fourth-grade class and classroom, consisting of two mentors and 34 students. There, I have a dialogue with the students and teachers about how they view and use their working environment. I then make my own analyzes from those results which leads to a proposal for new furniture intended for the classroom I worked with. I then move on to a practical investigation where I have an on-going dialogue about ergonomics with Ulrika Myhr, and I test how ergonomics and design meet in the form that ultimately becomes my design. My conclusion shows that it is difficult to include all necessary functions in a piece of furniture while still satisfying the needs of all students, even if you design it from the perspective of "design for all". But on the other hand, it is possible to design for more people than is currently being done. I also conclude that having involved the students themselves in the design process has shown that they clearly know what they want, and their opinions have given the results of my work a greater legitimacy in its relevance.

Inkluderande litteraturundervisning på gymnasiet : Svensklärares resonemang om inkludering och inkluderande litteraturundervisning / Inclusive literary studies in high school : Swedish teachers' reasoning about inclusion and inclusive literature teaching

Holm, Christer January 2020 (has links)
Litteraturundervisningen i svenska på gymnasiet är ett utmanande område för många svensklärare och inkludering kan upplevas vara svår. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur några svensklärare i gymnasieskolan resonerar om inkludering i en pedagogisk miljö, samt hur lärarna resonerar angående hur de arbetar inkluderande i litteraturundervisningen, inom svenskämnet. Tidigare forskning om inkludering och inkluderande litteraturundervisning, samt styrdokument, ger en förförståelse som ligger till grund för intervjuerna med svensklärarna. Intervjuerna presenteras, analyseras och diskuteras i förhållande till forskning, styrdokument, teoretisk ram och studiens syfte och frågeställning. Mina slutsatser är att lärarna ser på inkludering ur ett rumsligt perspektiv där alla elever skall vara med i klassrummet och erbjudas anpassningar så att ingen pekas ut. Lärarna verkar se positivt på inkluderingstanken, men att par av lärarna ser även problem som kan uppstå om de inte har tillräckligt med lärare i och utanför klassrummet, och om de inte får relevant specialpedagogisk utbildning. När det gäller själva litteraturundervisningen arbetar lärarna utifrån att eleverna ska uppleva subjektiv relevans och delaktighet, att undervisningen ska fokusera på för eleven meningsfulla och intressanta teman och genrer, samt att undervisningen ska fokusera på multimodala presentationer för att motivera eleverna att närma sig litteraturen. Detta tillvägagångssätt kan ses som att lärarna går via social inkludering, inkludering som en bra miljö för alla elever och inkludering som gemenskap för att nå en litteraturdidaktisk inkludering.

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