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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att ta del av det svenska som asylsökande : En kvalitativ studie om vuxna asylsökande och volontärers perspektiv på språkinlärning / To take in a Swedish language course as asylum seeker : A qualitative study on adult asylum seekers and volunteers perspective on language learning

Säfström, Alice, Englund, Ida January 2017 (has links)
När förändringens vindar blåser och världen blir alltmer global, förändras även befolkningen i länderna världen över. Immigration blir en alltmer vanlig företeelse och Sverige är inget undantag. Vilka utmaningar står dessa immigranter inför i det nya landet gällande språk och inkludering? I denna studie har vi undersökt precis det genom observationer och intervjuer med vuxna asylsökande och volontärer i en biståndsorganisation i Västsverige. Denna organisation bedriver språkcafé där asylsökande och andra invandrare har chans att lära sig svenska genom samtal och umgänge med svenska volontärer samt andra invandrare. Essensen av vår empiri var att de asylsökande lärde sig genom socialt umgänge med svenskar och att en av de viktigaste förutsättningarna för lärande är en plats där sådant socialt utbyte kan ske. Det finns flera olika faktorer som påverkar inkludering, det har framkommit genom denna studie att språket är en av de viktigaste. För att kunna leva och verka i samhället krävs det att man kan kommunicera med människor, såväl i vardagen, som i skolan och på arbetsplatsen. / When the winds of change are blowing, and the world becomes a more global arena, the population in countries all over the world are changing. Immigration is becoming a common phenomenon all over the world and Sweden is not an exception. What are the challenges that these immigrants faces in their new country with regard to language and being a part of the community? In this study we have examined this through observations and interviews with adult asylum seekers and volunteers in a aid organisation located in the west of Sweden. This organisation operates a language café where asylum seekers and other immigrants are given a chance to learn Swedish through conversation and interaction with Swedish volunteers and other immigrants. The essence of our empiricism was that the asylum seekers learned through social interaction with swedes, and one of the most important conditions for learning is a place where such a kind of social exchange may happen. There are many different factors that affects how well immigrants will be included in society, this study have come to the conclusion that language is one of the most important. To be able to live and be a part of society it demands that you can communicate with other humans in everyday life, in school and at your worksite.

Ambitioner och en osäker framtid : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelser och erfarenheter med ett tillfälligt uppehållstillstånd

Mahdi, Nermin, Simsek, Büsra January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how people with a temporary residence permit are motivated to integrate into a society, though, among other things, language learning, work and studies. On July 20, 2016, a new temporary law was introduced, where instead of a permanent residence permit, a temporary residence permit is granted with requirements to fulfill for extension. The empirical evidence for the study has been collected through semistructured interviews with eight people who, at the time of the interview, had a temporary residence permit. Previous research describes topics related to integration in general ,temporary residence and lastly motivation, and contributes with knowledge to the research topic, where a knowledge gap is their own descriptions of motivation to integrate, as well as motivation to learn the language, work and study with a temporary residence permit. The theoretical framework for the study includes theories about the concepts of integration and motivation, but also Georg Simmel's contribution about the ‘Stranger’ in combination with temporality and mobility. The results show motivation for integration in the form of language learning, studies and work, despite high demands and an uncertain future. A permanent residence permit is for many a purpose for establishing themselves and realizing long-termgoals. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur personer med ett tillfälligt uppehållstillstånd motiveras till att integrera sig i ett samhälle, genom bland annat språklärande, arbete ochstudier. Den 20 juli 2016 infördes en ny tillfällig lag, där istället för ett permanent uppehållstillstånd ges ett tillfälligt uppehållstillstånd med krav att uppfylla för förlängning. Empirin för studien har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta personer som vid tiden intervjun ägde rum, hade tillfälligt uppehållstillstånd. Tidigare forskning redogör ämnen som berör integration i allmänhet, tillfälliga uppehållstillståndet och sist motivation, och bidrar med kunskap till eget forskningsämne, där en kunskapslucka är egna beskrivningar av motivation till att integrera sig, samt motivation till att lära sig språket, arbeta och studera med ett tillfälligt uppehållstillstånd. Den teoretiska ramen för studien innefattar teorier om begreppen integration och motivation, men även Georg Simmels bidrag om ‘Främlingen’ i kombination med temporalitet och mobilitet. Resultatet visar på motivation till integration i form av språklärande, studier och arbete, trots höga krav och en osäker framtid. Ett permanent uppehållstillstånd är för flera ett ändamål till att etablera sig och förverkliga långsiktiga mål.

Flyktingvågen 2015 – En samhällsbelastning eller en humanitär kris? : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsanalys av hur flyktingkrisen gestaltades i svensk nyhetsjournalistik. / The refugee wave 2015 – a burden to the society or a humanitarian crisis? : A quantitative and qualitative content analysis of how the refugee crisis was shaped in Swedish news journalism.

Ornat, Julia, Sankell, Josef January 2021 (has links)
This thesis examines how four of the national newspapers in Sweden portray the events in late 2015 referred to as the refugee crisis. According to previous research, theimmigration received a lot of media attention and has often been portrayed negatively. Due to the size of the wave and the time it lasted, it is necessary to narrow the selection of published news articles about the topic to a specific time frame and event, which is the introduction of temporary border controls in Sweden, that became a turning point during the wave. The selection makes this thesis unique among the broad previous research. The framing theory is a substantial part of this study, that uses both qualitative framing analysis and quantitative content analysis in order to examine whether the events are portrayed by newspapers through a crisis frame or a human interest frame. The mentioned frames mean that the wave is either portrayed as a negative impact on the country or that the media focuses on the humanitarian situation. The study will alsotake into consideration whether the Swedish newspapers frame politics as strategy andgame. As well as who is quoted in the articles and whether there are differences between news coverage before and after the introduction of temporary border controls. The examined newspapers most often portray the refugee wave as a burden to the society. Framing of the events is rarely done through the human interest frame while the crisis frame is applied in most articles. In addition, most of the quotes come from politicians and political commentators and it is only occasionally that quotes from the refugees occur. The applied framing can be then seen as one of politics as strategy andgame, where there are political winners and losers. The analysis showed no significant difference between news coverage before and after the introduction of border controls.

Främligarna mitt ibland oss : En kritisk diskursanalys om hur asylsökande konstrueras i svenska lokaltidningar. / The strangers that live among us

Holst, Simon, Bingöl, Mizgin January 2016 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate how local newspapers in Sweden frame newsstories involving asylumseekers and how the asylseekers in those stories are constructed from a postcolonial theoryperspective. Furthermore this thesis aims to analys and show the connection between the written word in the articles and a larger, social dimension where ideologies compete for cultural hegemony. To match the aims of this thesis we used a critical discourse analysis, more specificly one influenced by van Dijks socio-cognitive CDA and applied it to five articles from three different newspapers.Our analysis showed that the articles constructed the asylumseekers as Others, and created a dinstinct line between the asylumseekers and the other participants in the texts. This line, based on a constructed community including the article, the reader and some of the participants but excluding the asylumseekers, got significant meaning in the articles when the asylumseekers got identified as a homogenic social group. A perspecive coming from the constructed community and not from themselfes and therefor denying the asylsumseekers their right to define themselves.

Asylsökandes upplevelser av bemötande inom flyktinghälsan och primärvården - en intervjustudie.

Patrong-Uleskog, Angelika, Söderling, Ann-Sofi January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sverige tar emot många asylsökande vilket har medfört att arbetsbelastningen för distriktssköterskor inom primärvården har ökat. Några av de svårigheter som distriktssköterskan ställs inför när det gäller omvårdnaden och omhändertagandet kring asylsökande är bland annat, att bemöta dem med vänlighet och respekt och att försöka lindra deras lidande. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva asylsökandes upplevelser av bemötande från distriktssköterskor och övrig vårdpersonal på en flyktinghälsa och vårdcentral. Metod:Kvalitativ design med en induktiv ansats valdes till denna studie. Semistrukturerade intervjuer utfördes med hjälp av professionell telefontolk med 12 asylsökande. Materialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys med fokus på det latenta innehållet. Resultat: Bemötande har många dimensioner som kan ge upphov till många olika känslor. Asylsökande har i vårdmötet upplevt bemötande som orsakat dem otrygghet och vårdlidande men även bemötande som har gett dem trygghet och känslan av att vara betydelsefulla som människor. Slutsats: Upplevelser kring varje vårdmöte är individuella och unika. Vårdlidande kan uppstå genom att asylsökande upplever otrygghet i det vårdande mötet. Om asylsökande däremot upplever trygghet i vårdmötet kan deras lidande lindras. / Background: Sweden receives many asylum seekers which implies that the workload of district nurses in primary care has increased. Some of the difficulties that the district nurse face when it comes to the nursing care and the specific care of asylum seekers is, among other things, to treat them with kindness and respect and to try to lessen their suffering. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the asylum seekers' experiences of nurse-patient encounters with the district nurses and other health professionals at a refugee health clinic and health center. Method: Qualitative design with an inductive approach was chosen for this study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the help of professional telephone interpreters’ with 12 asylum seekers. The material was analyzed using qualitative content analysis focusing the latent content. Results: Treatment (nurse-patient encounters) have many dimensions that can cause many different feelings. Asylum seekers have in the health care encounter experienced treatment that caused them a sence of insecurity and suffering due to care but also the nursing staffs’ attitude has given them increased confidence and a feeling of being an important person. Conclusion: Experiences of each nurse-patient encounter is individual and unique. Care suffering can be caused by that asylum seekers are experiencing a sence of insecurity in the encounter with health care. But if they experience security in the encounter with health care staff, their suffering lessened.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda asylsökande patienter i psykiatrisk vård : En intervjustudie / Nurses' experiences of caring for asylum seeking patients in psychiatric care : An interview study

Vändahl, Ellen January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Asylsökande patienter drabbas ofta av psykisk ohälsa relaterat till stress i samband med flykt och svåra levnadsförhållanden. Som omvårdnadsansvarig ansvarar sjuksköterskan bland annat för att hjälpa människor med det som de själva hade utfört om de hade kraften. På grund av språkförbistringar och kulturbetingade förväntningar kan ibland vårdandet försvåras. För att kunna arbeta effektivt med asylsökande patienter behövs fördjupade kunskaper i hur sjuksköterskor beskriver sitt arbete med asylsökande patienter. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda asylsökande patienter i psykiatrisk vård. Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ studie med induktiv ansats där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fem sjuksköterskor verksamma inom psykiatrisk vård. Det insamlade datamaterialet analyserades enligt kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Dataanalysen resulterade i två kategorier med fem respektive två subkategorier vardera. Den första kategorin beskriver sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av hinder och möjligheter i relation till vårdandet av asylsökande patienter med underkategorier: kulturella skillnader, egenpåverkan och behovet av handledning, behov av information, förhållningssätt samt patientens nätverk. Den andra kategorin beskriver sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av hinder och möjligheter i relation till externa instanser, med underkategorier; tolk och asylsökningsprocessen. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuteras utifrån Leiningers Soluppgångsmodell samt annan relevant forskning. Soluppgångsmodellen ger stöd för sjuksköterskor i mötet med patienter med en annan kulturell bakgrund, vilket kan vara viktigt för att arbeta holistiskt. / Background: Asylum seeking patients often suffer from mental health problems related to stress during flight and harsh living conditions. Being responsible for the care, nurses are responsible to help people with what they themselves have difficulties performing or are unable to do themselves. Due to language difficulties and cultural conditional expectations the caring of patients within this group can sometimes be suffering. In order to work effectively with asylum seeking patients in psychiatric care, it is required to possess a thorough knowledge of how nurses describe their work with asylum seeking patients. Aim: The purpose of this paper is to describe nurses' experiences of caring for asylum seeking patients in psychiatric care. Method: The study is a qualitative study with the inductive approach in which semi-structured interviews were conducted with five nurses working in psychiatric care. The collected data were analyzed according to qualitative content analysis. Results: Data analysis resulted in two categories with five and two subcategories each. The first category describes the nurses' descriptions of the obstacles and opportunities in relation to asylum seekers patients with subcategories: cultural differences, personal impact and the need for guidance, the need of information, approaches, and patient social networks. The second category describes nurses' descriptions of the obstacles and opportunities in relation to external instances, with subcategories; interpreter and asylum process. Discussions: The results are discussed from Leininger’s Sunrise Model and other relevant research. Sunrise model provides support for nurses in the meeting with patients with a different cultural background, which can be important to work holistically.

Erfarenhter och uppfattningar kring arbete med hälsofrämjande kulturinsatser för asylsökande och nyanlända barn och ungdomar : En intervjustudie / Experiences and perceptions about work with health-promoting cultural inserts for asylum seekers and newly arrived children and adolescents

Aziz, Bahoz January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to describe experiences and perceptions of ongoing work with health promotion cultural inserts in four different associations in Gavle municipallity for asylum seekers and newly arrived children and adolescents. The method used was a descriptive empirical qualitative interview with a phenomenological research effort. Five interviews were conducted with four women and one man, from four associations in Gavle municipality. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed with a thematic analysis. The result showed that the staff's perceptions about their work were that the work being conducted was a good method of promoting well-being and contributing to a sense of context for remedying mental ill health. Cooperation with community actors was also a key in their work and made it possible to reach the children and adolescents who were the target group for health-promoting cultural activities. The difficulties perceived were lack of economics, information and structural changes, which made it difficult to implement, follow up and continue their work. The conclusion was that the work with health promoting activities was perceived as a method of integration as well as promoting health. There was also a consensus that the work performed had a good effect in bringing children and young people's families closer to the Swedish society. The obstacles discovered were structural changes, lack of information and too little of economy. One key to success was the cooperation in the local community which made it possible to reach the group. / Studiens syfte var att beskriva erfarenheter och uppfattningar av pågående arbete med hälsofrämjande kulturinsatser i fyra olika föreningar i Gävle kommun för målgruppen asylsökande och nyanlända barn och ungdomar. Metoden i denna studie var en beskrivande empirisk kvalitativ intervjustudie med en fenomenografisk forskningsansats. Fem intervjuer genomfördes med fyra kvinnor och en man, från fyra föreningar i Gävle kommun. Intervjuerna transkriberades ordagrant och analyserades med en tematisk analys. Resultatet visar att personalens uppfattningar kring arbetet med kulturinsatser för asylsökande och nyanlända barn och ungdomar var att arbetet som bedrivs var en bra metod för att främja välbefinnande och även bidra till en känsla av sammanhang för att motverka psykisk ohälsa. Samarbete med aktörer i lokalsamhället var dessutom en nyckel i deras arbeten och möjliggjorde att nå ut till de barn och ungdomar som var målgruppen för de hälsofrämjande kulturaktiviteterna. De svårigheter som uppfattades i arbetet var brist på ekonomi, information och strukturella förändringar vilket försvårade att genomföra, följa upp och fortsätta med arbetet. Slutsatsen av denna studie var att arbetet som bedrivs kring hälsofrämjande kulturinsatser uppfattas vara både en metod för integration och för att främja hälsa och förebygga ohälsa för målgruppen asylsökande och nyanlända barn och ungdomar. Arbetet uppfattades även ha en god effekt på barnens och ungdomarnas familjer för att komma närmare det svenska samhället. De hinder som upptäcktes var strukturella förändringar, brist på information och för lite ekonomiska medel. Avslutningsvis var samverkan i lokalsamhället en nyckel för framgång som möjliggjorde att nå ut till målgruppen.

”…först och främst är dom asylsökande liksom…” : En rättssociologisk studie om socialtjänstens ansvar för ensamkommande barn

Bergquist, Therese, Wennerblom, Anna January 2007 (has links)
<p>In 2006 there was a change in LMA (1994:37) that clarified the division of responsibility be-tween the Migration Board and the municipalities, concerning unaccompanied children. The social services should now be utmost responsible for the housing and care of these children, to assure that they gain the same standards and rights as all other children. The aim of this essay has been to examine how the division of responsibility has influenced the work of the social services and how they interpret their responsibility for the unaccompanied children. How do the social services investigate and make decisions concerning these children? Do these chil-dren have the same rights as other children? To answer these questions a legal study was made, followed by qualitative research interviews with four social services that receive unac-companied children. The study was made from a legal sociologist perspective, which involves analyzing the results from the interviews with the legal results, together with earlier research on unaccompanied children. The results show that the division of responsibility still is indis-tinct and that the investigations concerning these children often are brief and simplified. In two of the interviewed municipalities the view was that unaccompanied children did not have the right to efforts according to SoL (2001:453), which in practice means that the unaccom-panied children are discriminated.</p>

”…först och främst är dom asylsökande liksom…” : En rättssociologisk studie om socialtjänstens ansvar för ensamkommande barn.

Bergquist, Therese, Wennerblom, Anna January 2009 (has links)
<p>In 2006 there was a change in LMA (1994:37) that clarified the division of responsibility be-tween the Migration Board and the municipalities, concerning unaccompanied children. The social services should now be utmost responsible for the housing and care of these children, to assure that they gain the same standards and rights as all other children. The aim of this essay has been to examine how the division of responsibility has influenced the work of the social services and how they interpret their responsibility for the unaccompanied children. How do the social services investigate and make decisions concerning these children? Do these chil-dren have the same rights as other children? To answer these questions a legal study was made, followed by qualitative research interviews with four social services that receive unac-companied children. The study was made from a legal sociologist perspective, which involves analyzing the results from the interviews with the legal results, together with earlier research on unaccompanied children. The results show that the division of responsibility still is indis-tinct and that the investigations concerning these children often are brief and simplified. In two of the interviewed municipalities the view was that unaccompanied children did not have the right to efforts according to SoL (2001:453), which in practice means that the unaccom-panied children are discriminated.</p>

”Barnets bästa” i asylprocesser : - En diskursanalys av innebörden hos begreppet ”barnets bästa” i arbetet med ensamkommande barn i asylprocesser / ”In the Child's Best Interest” in the asylum process : A critical discourse analysis about the use and interpretation of the principle “In the Child's Best Interest” in work with unaccompanied asylum-seeking children.

Hallberg, Ida-Maria January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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