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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution à la conception et conduite des systèmes d’information dans un contexte d’usine du futur par une approche basée co-évolution / Assisting the design and integration of information systems into the context of the factory of the future through a coevolution-based approach

Marti Nieto, Flor de Asis 30 August 2019 (has links)
Dans le contexte actuel, la transformation de l’outil industriel par l’intermédiaire de nouveaux paradigmes de performance tels qu’Usine du Futur (Factory of the Future FoF), Industry 4.0 (I4.0) ou encore Smart Factory (SF) est au cœur des préoccupations actuelles des industriels. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse portent sur la problématique de passage d’une situation spécifique existante (AS-IS) vers une situation cible type Usine du Futur (TO-BE) en prenant en compte la situation souhaitée AS-WISHED et les contraintes de ressources. Dans ce cadre, la principale contribution porte sur une approche reposant sur un modèle de co-évolution permettant de guider ce projet de transition au sein de l’organisation. Sur la base des travaux de Tolio et al. (2010), nous avons proposé un modèle de co-évolution amélioré en intégrant le niveau stratégique, le rôle du système d’information (SI) et celui de la place l’homme. Sur le plan théorique, le nouveau modèle de co-evolution aborde 3 domaines Produit/Production/SI qui sont structurés en deux niveaux d’analyse : externe (stratégique) et interne (structurel). L’ensemble de 6 sous-domaines comportent chacun 3 composants couvrant les choix relatifs à chaque sous-domaine et niveau d’analyse. Sur le plan managérial, la gestion de la co-évolution réside dans la modélisation des ces composants. Ensuite, nous caractérisons des liens de co-évolution existants entre les différents sous-domaines du modèle de co-évolution proposé. La démarche d’exploitation du modèle de co-évolution comporte trois étapes et considère les contraintes opérationnelles et les contraintes dites de co-évolution liées à la gestion des liens ou impacts entrant en jeu dans la co-évolution. Il permet de passer progressivement des modèles AS-IS et AS-WISHED pour aboutir à un modèle TO-BE. / Within the current context, the transformation of industries through new paradigms of performance such as The Factory of the Future (FoF), Industry 4.0 (I 4.0) or even The Smart Factory (SF) is at the heart of the industrials’ current concerns. The present work address the problem of the transition from a specific situation (AS-IS) to a target situation alike FoF (TO-BE) considering the desired situation AS-WISHED and the resources constraints. In this line of action, the main contribution concerns an approach based on a co-evolution model enabling to guide manufacturing industries to perform such a transition. Based on the work of Tolio et al. (2010), we propose an enhanced co-evolution model that integrates the strategic level of decisions, the information system role (IS) and the role of the human workforce. From the theoretical perspective, this new model consists in 3 domains: Product design/ Manufacturing/ IS which are structured into two levels of analysis: external (strategic) and internal (operational). The resulting structure of 6 sub-domains is in turn composed of 3 components covering the decisions related to each sub-domain and level of analysis. From the management perspective, the management of co-evolution relies on the modelling of their components. Hence, we exploit the modelling language constructs of the ISO 19440 (2007) standard for the internal components. Then, we characterize the existing co-evolution links between the different sub-domains of the proposed co-evolution model. At last, a 3 phase approach enabling to exploit the enhanced co-evolution model is proposed. It considers the feasibility constraints and the co-evolution constraints linked to the management of the links or impacts that came into play in the co-evolution. As such, it enables to work out progressively a feasible TO-BE model.

Untersuchungen zum „Controlled SBU Approach“ an metall-organischen Gerüstverbindungen und Syntheseversuche metallsubstituierter MOF-5- und MOF-177-Homologer

Müller, Tobias 25 June 2012 (has links)
Die potentiellen Precursor Magnesiumoxobromid bzw. Mangan(II,III)-oxopivalat für die noch unbekannten metallsubstituierten IRMOF-Homologen MOF-5(Mg) bzw. MOF-5(Mn) konnten erfolgreich synthetisiert und Charakterisiert werden. Deren experimenteller Einsatz zur Synthese der IRMOF-Homologen schlug jedoch fehl. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass unter den klassischen CSA-Reaktionsbedingungen sowie unter modifizierten Parametern keine Synthese der IRMOF-Homologen möglich ist. Diese Feststellung wurde mit der Diskussion um die Eigenschaften der Komplexe, der Metallionen sowie mit einer Aufarbeitung der dazu zugänglichen Literatur begründet. Es ist mit der Synthese der neuen MOF-177-Homologen MOF-177(Co) und MOF-177(Be) gelungen, die bereits bei MOF-5-Homologen eingesetzten Precursor und Parameter auf ein System anzuwenden, das nicht zu den Yaghi\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'schen IRMOFs gehört. Die Festkörper weisen mit ihren Oberflächenwerten SBET(MOF-177(Co)) = 3742 m²/g bzw. SBET(MOF-177(Be)) = 1816.4 m²/g klar mikroporöses Adsorptionsverhalten auf. Eine erste vereinfachte Anpassung der Kristallstrukturen an die experimentellen PXRDs konnte für beide MOFs vorgenommen werden. MOF-177(Co) zeigt wie auch MOF-5(Co) eine leicht vergrößerte Gitterkonstante. MOF-177(Be) konnte aufgrund der Verdrehung der Carboxylatgruppen am Berylliumoxocluster ausschließlich in röntgenamorpher Form hergestellt werden. Die Untersuchung der auftretenden Co-Spezies in reinen und mit Zinkprecursor gemischten Lösungen an Cobaltoxopivalat in den Lösungsmitteln Toluol brachte folgende Erkenntnisse: • Der im Feststoff dimere achtkernige Cobaltprecursor zerfällt während des Lösens in die vierkernige monomere Form und ist strukturanalog dem basischen Zinkcarboxylaten (Typ I). • Der Komplex unterliegt einem solvensabhängigem Komplexstabilitäts-gleichgewicht. Dieses ist aufgrund der koordinierenden Eigenschaften des DEF, in den DEF-Lösungen weiter in Richtung der Zersetzungsprodukte verschoben. In beiden Lösungen ist der Komplex zu über 90% undissoziiert. • Nur in DEF treten bei dem Zumischen verschiedener Zinkprecursor Metallaustauschreaktionen auf. Es ist somit die Existenz von vierkernigen Zn-Co-Mischclustern der allg. Form [CoyZn(4-y)O] bewiesen worden. • Es wurde nachgewiesen, dass beim Vorhandensein von Acetat und Pivalat Anionenaustauschreaktionen stattfinden und Komplexe der Form [CoyZn(4-y)O(Piv)xAc(6-x)] auftreten. Die Bedeutung für das Stattfinden des CSAs unter Berücksichtigung der empirischen Erkenntnisse aus der Literatur wurde erörtert.:1 Einleitung und Aufgabenstellung 1.1 Hintergrund und Motivation 1.2 Arbeitsfelder 2 Grundlagen 2.1 Der Weg zum Controlled SBU-Approach (CSA) 2.1.1 Von der Definition der Stoffklasse "MOF" bis zur "Retikular Chemistry" 2.2.2 Von den Zweifeln am "Design" bis zu computerchemischen Methoden des "AASBU" 2.1.3 CSA - die rationalere Synthese? 2.2. Precursor mit M4O-Metallcustern 2.2.1 Einteilung 2.2.2 bekannte Precursor für Zink, Beryllium und Cobalt basierte IRMOF- und MOF-177-Homologe 2.3 MOF-5 und MOF-177 2.4. EPR-Spektroskopie 2.4.3 Besonderheiten von CoII-High-Spin-Systemen 3 Experimenteller Teil 3.1 Allgemeines 3.1.1 Arbeitstechniken und Chemikalien 3.1.2.Analytik 3.2 Synthese der Precursor 3.2.1 Precursor für MOF-5(Mg) 3.2.2 Precursor für MOF-5(Mn) 3.3 Synthese metallsubstituierter MOF-5-Homologer 3.3.1 MOF-5(Mg) 3.3.2 MOF-5(Mn) 3.4 Synthese von neuen MOF-177-Homologen 3.4.1 MOF-177(Co) 3.4.2 MOF-177(Be) 3.5 EPR-spektroskopische Untersuchungen zink- und cobalthaltiger Metallcluster in Lösung 4 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse und Ausblick 4.1. Zusammenfassung 4.2. Ausblick 5 Anhang 5.1 Ergänzungen zum Teil Grundlagen E1 Netztheorie und Retikulare Chemie E2 Scale Chemistry E3 EPR-Spektroskopie 5.2 Datenausgabe Strukturanpassung 5.3 Tabellen 5.4 Ergänzende Abbildungen 5.5 Pulverdiffraktogramme 5.6 Messkurven 5.7 EPR-Spektren 5.8 UV/VIS-Spektren 5.9 Sonstiges

Hur görs jämställdhet i Sverige? : En analys av den svenska jämställdhetspolitiken mellan 2014 och 2019 utifrån ett postkolonialt feministiskt perspektiv / How is gender equality made in Sweden? : A postcolonial feministic perspective on Swedish Gender Equality politics between 2014 and 2019

Lind, Jasmin Doreen January 2020 (has links)
The starting point of this thesis is that gender equality should be studied as an empirical field. After the Swedish general election in 2014 the newly formed government proclaimed itself to be the world’s first feminist government. This study aims to examine how gender equality is made and filled with meaning by this feminist government since 2014 and to analyse the results by making use of postcolonial feminist theory and relevant research. Carol Bacchis analytical strategy, “What´s the problem represented to be?” is used as the study’s methodological framework. This approach to critical policy analysis focuses on how governing takes place through problematizations within policy. The results of the study show that gender equality is made by problematizing a lack of regulation, a lack of knowledge, a lack of collaboration, wrongful designation, a lack of attention for certain groups as well as a lack of Swedish strategy. One of the most significant results drawn from the analyses confirms previous research findings that neoliberalism as well as ethnocentric discourses dominate this field of policy. This leads to the conclusions that Swedish Gender Equality Politics, through to its fragmentation is emptied of a specific content and direction as well as that Swedishness and Norms of Honor are created in an asymmetric-diametrically relationship.

Konversionen zum Islam in westeuropäischen Gesellschaften. / Eine explorative Studie der Konversion zum "reflexiven Islam" und der Alternation zu einer jugendkulturellen Ausprägung des Salafismus.

Uhlmann, Milena 15 July 2021 (has links)
Konversionen zum Islam erregen Neugier, Faszination, und auch Angst – gerade seit den Terroranschlägen des 11. Septembers 2001 und den darauffolgenden islamistischen Anschlägen auch in Europa. Das Phänomen wirft besonders in diesem Kontext Fragen zu Motivation zur Konversion, dem Bezug der Konvertiten zu ihrem zum Herkunftskontext und zur sozialwissenschaftlichen und sicherheitspolitischen Bewertung des Phänomens auf. Um Antworten auf diese Fragen näher zu kommen, hat die Autorin zwischen 2009 und 2011 insgesamt 27 Konvertiten zum Islam in Deutschland, England und Frankreich interviewt und ihre Einstellungen, Identitätsausdeutungen und Relevanzen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse ihrer Auswertung setzt sie mit einer Betrachtung des Phänomens des jugendkulturellen Salafismus in Bezug und entwickelt auf dieser Basis zwei grundlegend unterschiedliche Kategorien des Wechsels zum Islam: Die „Konversion zum reflexiven Islam“ und die „Alternation zu einer jugendkulturellen Ausprägung des Salafismus“. / Conversions to Islam evoke curiosity, fascination, and also fear – especially since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and Islamist terrorist attacks that followed also in Europe. The phenomenon raises questions regarding the motifs for conversion, the relation of converts to their society of origin, and the sociological assessment as well as security policy aspects of the phenomenon. In order to come closer to answers to these questions, the author interviewed 27 converts to Islam in Germany, England and France, and analysed their attitudes, identity reconstruction and relevances. She compared the results with a reflection on the phenomenon of a youth-cultural phenomenon of Salafism and developed two fundamentally different categories of people choosing Islam as their religion: “conversion to reflexive Islam” and “alternation to a youth-cultural interpretation of Salafism”.

Islam und Integrationspolitik deutscher Bundesregierungen nach dem 11. September 2001 / eine Politikfeldanalyse der ersten Deutschen Islam Konferenz und ihrer Implikationen für die nationale Integrationspolitik

Klinge, Marcel 22 June 2012 (has links)
Bei der dieser Studie handelt es sich um eine sozialwissenschaftliche Untersuchung der ersten Deutschen Islam Konferenz (DIK). Ausgangspunkt der Analyse ist die Beobachtung, dass sich der deutsche Integrationsdiskurs trotz des seit 2006 intensivierten Dialogs zwischen Staat und muslimischen Repräsentanten weiterhin als kontrovers darstellt und eine Reihe von integrationspolitischen Problemfeldern ungelöst sind. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht die Abhandlung die Funktion und Reichweite der DIK und ihre Implikationen für die Integrationspolitik in Deutschland. Die Betrachtung nimmt außerdem eine Einordnung der Islam Konferenz in die Integrationspolitik deutscher Bundesregierungen im Zeitraum von 1998 bis 2009 vor und ermöglicht es damit nicht nur, spezifische Policy-Charakteristika der Einrichtung zu identifizieren, sondern ebenso ihre Rolle im politischen Gesamtkontext unter Einbeziehung der islamistischen Terroranschläge vom 11. September 2001 zu erfassen. Die Betrachtung der ersten Islam Konferenz ist methodisch als quantitative Einzel-fallstudie konzipiert und hat mehrere Adressaten: die politischen Akteure, die autochthone deutsche Gesellschaft als auch die muslimische Gemeinschaft. Als Analysegrundlage fungieren neben einer detaillierten Dokumentenanalyse zwölf Expertenbefragungen mit Teil-nehmern und Beobachtern der DIK. Für die Untersuchung und Bewertung des Konferenzre-sultate kommen die Auswertungskategorien des akteurzentrierten Institutionalismus zum Einsatz, der den theoretisch-analytischen Bezugsrahmen der Studie bildet. Die zentralen Ergebnisse und Befunde der Untersuchung werden in Form von sieben zusammenfassenden Thesen dargestellt. Hierbei wird ein durchweg ambivalentes Bild des dreijährigen Dialogprozesses gezeichnet. / The present study is a social science-focussed research paper on the first German Islam Conference (DIK). The starting point of the analysis is the observation that the recent German integration discourse is still controversial and that a series of integration problems remain unresolved – despite the intensified dialogue between the national government and Muslim representatives. Against this background, the study analyses the function and scope of the DIK as well as its implications on Germany''s integration policy. The investigation reviews the Islam Conference in the context of the integration policy of the German Federal government in the period from 1998 to 2009, identifies specific policy characteristics of the institution, and evaluates the conference within the overall political context, including the Islamist terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001. Form a methodical point of view, this analysation of the first Islam Conference is considered a quantitative individual case study addressed towards: the political actors, the autochthonous German society as well as towards the Muslim community. Apart from a detailed document analysis, the study is based upon twelve expert interviews among DIK participants and observers. For researching and evaluating the conference’s results, the evaluation categories of actor-centered institutionalism are used, which provides the theoretical and analytical framework of the study. The study''s crucial results and findings are represented in the form of seven summarizing theses. Here, a consistently ambivalent picture of the three-year dialogue process is drawn.

Управление требованиями и проектирование системы менторинга сотрудников компании : магистерская диссертация / Requirements management and design of a mentoring system for company employees

Кучерявый, Д. А., Kucheryavyi, D. A. January 2024 (has links)
The paper examines business analysis and requirements collection methodologies. In the course of the study, the analysis of requirements collection methods, product value determination at the business metrics level, qualitative research methods, and customer experience, development team organization and deadline management is carried out. Then the business process of employee mentoring is considered, including the description of the company's business process, writing specifications, testing and implementation of the final solution in the company with subsequent evaluation of the effects of implementation (ELTV, NPS and other metrics). / В работе исследуется методологии бизнес-анализа и сбора требований. По ходу исследования проводится анализ методик сбора требований, определения ценности продукта на уровне бизнес-метрик, методики качественных исследований, и клиентского опыта, организацию команды разработки и управления сроками. Затем рассматривается бизнес-процесс менторинга сотрудников, включая описание бизнес-процесса компании, написание спецификаций, тестирование и внедрение конечного решения в компанию с последующей оценкой эффектов от внедрения (ELTV, NPS и другие метрики).

La protection des données personnelles sur l’internet.- Analyse des discours et des enjeux sociopolitiques. / "Protection of personal data on internet. Discourses and sociopolitical issues analysis"

Walczak, Nathalie 04 July 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse, dans le cadre des Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication, aborde la question de la protection des données personnelles sur l’internet à travers l’étude des discours de quatre acteurs concernés par ce sujet : les entreprises de l’internet, les instances régulatrices, la population française et la presse nationale. L’objectif est de comprendre comment, à travers les discours de chacun de ces acteurs, se dessinent la question du brouillage des sphères privée et publique sur l’internet. C’est une question qui prend de l’ampleur avec le développement de l’internet, notamment avec la multiplication des réseaux socionumériques, qui offrent aux internautes différentes possibilités pour afficher leur extimité. La multiplication des dispositifs de mise en relation interpersonnelle s'accompagne alors d'une nouvelle dialectique contemporaine entre le privé et le public, pas toujours maîtrisée par les personnes concernées.Cette interaction entre le public et le privé induit un déplacement de la frontière qui sépare les deux sphères et peut entraîner certaines dérives de la part des entreprises spécialisées, telles Google ou Facebook, par rapport à l'agrégation des données personnelles des internautes. En effet, les bases de données sont au cœur du système économique de ces entreprises et ont acquis une valeur marchande liée à des enjeux essentiels par rapport à leur fonctionnement. Or, l’utilisation commerciale des ces données n’est pas nécessairement connue par l’utilisateur et peut être réalisée sans son accord, du moins de manière explicite. Ce double questionnement lié au brouillage des sphères privée et publique, c'est-à-dire, premièrement, l’aspect individuel où l’internaute est incité à dévoiler de plus en plus d’éléments personnels, et, deuxièmement, l’aspect lié à la marchandisation des données par les entreprises de l’internet, engendre alors la question de la confidentialité des données et des libertés individuelles. Les instances régulatrices, que ce soit à l’échelle de la France ou de l’Union Européenne, tentent d’apporter des réponses afin de protéger l’internaute en mettant en place des actions concernant le droit à l’oubli ou en poursuivant juridiquement Google, par exemple, lorsque l’entreprise ne se conforme pas aux lois en vigueur sur le territoire concerné.Les différents angles d’approche ainsi que la diversité des acteurs étudiés ont nécessité la constitution d’un corpus multidimentionnel afin d’avoir une approche comparative des différents représentations. Ce corpus comprend à la fois des textes inscrits comme les discours politiques, les discours des instances régulatrices, les discours des entreprises de l’internet, plus spécifiquement Google et Facebook ou les discours de presse qui occupent une position méta-discursive puisqu’ils se font l’écho des discours des acteurs précédemment énoncés. Il comprend aussi des discours oraux constitués d’entretiens spécialement réalisés dans le cadre de cette recherche auprès d’individus pris au hasard de la population française. Une analyse quantitative des discours entre 2010 et 2013, période contemporaine à la thèse, a permis d’effectuer un premier tri et de ne sélectionner que les discours les plus pertinents par rapport à nos hypothèses. L’analyse qualitative qui a suivi a été basée sur le cadre théorique précédemment élaboré afin de croiser les représentations des acteurs à propos des données personnelles et mettre en évidence les différentes visions inhérentes à cette question. / This thesis, in Communication and Information Sciences, raises the question of the internet personal data protection through the discourses analysis of four actors concerned with this subject: internet companies, authorities regulating, French population and national press. The objective is to understand how, through the discourses of each one of these actors, the question of the jamming of the spheres private and public about the Internet takes shape. It is a question which increases with the development of the Internet, in particular with the multiplication of the social digital network, which gives to the Internet users various opportunities to display their privacy. The multiplication of the interpersonal relationship devices connection is then accompanied by a contemporary dialectical between private and public spheres, not always controlled by concerned people.This interaction between private and public leads to a transfert of the border wich separates the two spheres and can involves some drifts on behalf of specialized companies, such Google and Facebook, toward the aggregation of personal data contents. Indeed, databases are central in the economic system of these companies and gained a commercial value. However, the commercial use as of these data is not necessarily known by the user and can be realized without its agreement, at least in an explicit way. This double questioning related to the jamming of the private and public spheres, i.e., firstly, the individual aspect where the Internet user is incited to reveal personal elements more and more, and, secondly, the related aspect with the selling of the data by the Internet companies, then generates the question of the individual freedom and data confidentiality. The regulating authorities, in France or in European Union, try to provide answers in order to protect the Internet users by setting up actions relating to the right to be forgotten or by prosecuting Google, for example, when the company does not conform to the laws in force on the territory concerned. The various angles of incidence as well as the diversity of the studied actors required the constitution of a multidimentional corpus in order to have a comparative approach of the different representations. This corpus includes texts registered like political discourses, regulating authorities speeches, companies of the Internet speeches, specifically Google and Facebook, or press speeches which occupy a meta-discursive position since they repeat speeches of the actors previously stated. It includes also oral speeches made up of talks especially recorded for this research with some persons taken randomly in the French population. A quantitative analysis of the discourses between 2010 and 2013, contemporary period with the thesis, permit to carry out a first sorting and to select only the most relevant speeches compared to our hypothesis. The qualitative analysis which followed was based on the theoretical framework previously elaborate in order to cross the representations of the actors in connection with the personal data and to highlight the various visions about this question.

La fonction de l'isolement : une méta-psycho-anthropologie du cadre : la chambre d'isolement des hôpitaux psychiatriques et la camarinha du candomblé / A quarto isolamento dos hospitais psiquiátricos e a camarinha do candomblé

Schlesinger, Ella 14 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s'interroge sur les différentes modalités et sur les fonctions de l'isolement. La chambre d'isolement rencontrée dans les hôpitaux psychiatriques suscite des questionnements concernant l'accueil de la souffrance. Cette souffrance réside dans le fait que le moi du sujet ne trouve pas d'écho dans ce qui l'entoure. Cela produit de la terreur et de l'effroi dans lesquels les éléments du moi butent sur la réalité externe et / ou son monde interne et se diffractent en se morcelant. Les soignants face à la détresse des patients, face à leur propre capacité interne d'accueil et aux moyens qui leur sont alloués imposent, dans certains cas, l'isolement comme réponse. Dans la perspective d'interroger la fonction de l'isolement sans que celle-ci ne soit réduite à son propre champ de référence, une méthode complémentariste s'est avérée un outil indispensable. Pour réinterroger le cadre dans lequel cette fonction est pensée, il paraît opportun d'étudier une pratique d'isolement dans un tout autre contexte. La rencontre imprévue avec le candomblé au Brésil, et son utilisation de la camarinha, offre un vaste champ d'étude. Et la confrontation de deux dispositifs, celui de l'hôpital psychiatrique et celui du candomblé, amène à démontrer, et c'est là l'articulation principale de ce travail, que la fonction de l'isolement participe à la remodélisation du processus hallucinatoire du sujet. Cette confrontation permet d'envisager de nouveaux outils permettant d'accompagner le sujet en isolement, lorsque cela est nécessaire. Seront principalement développées les notions suivantes : la « proposition à être », les « attracteurs vibratiles » et l'« objet prothèse ». / Esta tese se debruça sobre as diferentes modalidades e funções do isolamento. O quarto de isolamento encontrado em hospitais psiquiátricos levanta questões sobre o acolhimento do sofrimento. Este sofrimento reside no fato de que o ego do sujeito não encontra eco em seu entorno. Isso produz terror e susto quando os elementos do ego se chocam com a realidade externa e / ou seu mundo interno e se difratam, fragmentando-se. Os cuidadores, frente à aflição dos pacientes, diante de sua própria capacidade interna de acolhimento e dos recursos de que dispõem, impõem, em alguns casos, o isolamento como resposta. No intuito de investigar a função de isolamento sem que ela seja reduzida a seu próprio campo de referência, o método complementarista revelou-se uma ferramenta indispensável. Para re-examinar o marco em que essa função é pensada, parece apropriado considerar uma prática de isolamento em um contexto diferente. O encontro inesperado com o candomblé no Brasil, e seu uso da camarinha, oferece um vasto campo de estudo. O confronto dos dois dispositivos, o do hospital psiquiátrico e aquele do candomblé, leva a demonstrar – e essa é a principal articulação deste trabalho – que a função do isolamento contribui para a remodelagem do processo alucinatório do sujeito. Essa comparação permite considerar novas ferramentas para acompanhar o sujeito em isolamento, quando isso é necessário. Serão desenvolvidos principalmente os seguintes conceitos: a "proposta de ser" o "atratores vibráteis" e o "objeto prótese". / Esta tese se debruça sobre as diferentes modalidades e funções do isolamento. O quarto de isolamento encontrado em hospitais psiquiátricos levanta questões sobre o acolhimento do sofrimento. Este sofrimento reside no fato de que o ego do sujeito não encontra eco em seu entorno. Isso produz terror e susto quando os elementos do ego se chocam com a realidade externa e / ou seu mundo interno e se difratam, fragmentando-se. Os cuidadores, frente à aflição dos pacientes, diante de sua própria capacidade interna de acolhimento e dos recursos de que dispõem, impõem, em alguns casos, o isolamento como resposta. No intuito de investigar a função de isolamento sem que ela seja reduzida a seu próprio campo de referência, o método complementarista revelou-se uma ferramenta indispensável. Para re-examinar o marco em que essa função é pensada, parece apropriado considerar uma prática de isolamento em um contexto diferente. O encontro inesperado com o candomblé no Brasil, e seu uso da camarinha, oferece um vasto campo de estudo. O confronto dos dois dispositivos, o do hospital psiquiátrico e aquele do candomblé, leva a demonstrar – e essa é a principal articulação deste trabalho – que a função do isolamento contribui para a remodelagem do processo alucinatório do sujeito. Essa comparação permite considerar novas ferramentas para acompanhar o sujeito em isolamento, quando isso é necessário. Serão desenvolvidos principalmente os seguintes conceitos: a "proposta de ser" o "atratores vibráteis" e o "objeto prótese".

La question de l'humanisme dans Le Liber de Sapiente de Charles de Bovelles (1479-1566) / The question of humanism in the Liber de Sapiente of Charles de Bovelles (1479-1566)

Gainsi, Grégoire-Sylvestre M. 12 November 2013 (has links)
Présenter Charles de Bovelles (1479-1566) au coeur de la question de l'humanisme qui préoccupe toutes les couches sociales, politiques, économiques et religieuses, c'est essayer de découvrir sa pensée sur l'homme et de l'homme qui a son socle dans l'adage socratique " Homme, connais-toi toi-même ". L'humanisme étant la célébration de la dignité de l'homme, il demeure nécessaire de connaître qui est cet homme pour en découvrir sa dignité. Et pour Bovelles, il n'y a pas meilleur lieu de connaissance de l'homme que soi-même. Se découvrir homme véritable, homme raisonnable, artisan de soi et médiateur, homme du monde ou homme-monde, homme cultivé, vertueux ou sage consentant à la divinité et résistant au néant, c'est entrer dans une lutte pour tenir bon dans cette dignité humaine. Le 'Sistere in homine' par la connaissance de soi en tant que moyen d'humanisation trouve son effectivité, au cœur de la théosophie bovillienne, dans la lutte contre le péché et l'ignorance de soi au moyen non seulement de la philautie mais aussi de la connaissance de soi en Jésus-Christ. C'est en Lui, authentique Humaniste de tous les temps, que l'homme se découvre comme vestige et indice de Dieu qui l'invite à la béatitude. / To present Charles de Bovelles (1479-1566) in the heart of the question of humanism which concerns all social strata, political, economic and religious, means to discover his thoughts about the man whose base is the Socratic saying " Man, know yourself ". Humanism is the celebration of the dignity of man, so it remains necessary to know who this man is to discover his dignity. So, for Bovelles, there is no better place for knowledge of human than oneself. To discover oneself as a real, reasonable man, a self-architect and mediator, a human of the world or human-world, as a cultured, virtuous or wise man consenting to divinity and resisting to nothingness, that means to enter into a struggle for holding in this dignity. In the heart of the bovilian Theosophy the 'Sistere in homine', self-knowledge as a way to humanizing, finds its effectiveness in the fight against sin and self- ignorance not only by means of philautie but also of self-knowing in Jesus Christ. It is in Him, genuine humanist of all time, that human reveals oneself as a relic and sign of God who invites him to bliss.

Se penso, é porque existo: as construções correlativas com \'se...verbo ser + porque\' sob uma perspectiva funcionalista / If I think, it is because I exist: correlative constructions with if verb to be + because in Brazilian Portuguese according to a functionalist approach to language

Margarido, Renata 29 September 2016 (has links)
Nesta tese, objetiva-se investigar o funcionamento sintático, semântico e pragmático das construções com se... verbo ser + porque sob uma perspectiva da teoria funcionalista da linguagem. Utilizam-se os postulados de Dik (1989), que propõe um modelo de interação verbal, segundo o qual, na construção dos enunciados linguísticos, o falante antecipa uma possível interpretação do ouvinte e este reconstrói a intenção comunicativa do falante. Assim, na análise dos enunciados, os fatores sintático e semântico são conjugados ao componente pragmático. Baseia-se, ainda, nas considerações de Taylor (2003) e Rosch (2004), que defendem que as fronteiras de uma categoria são flexíveis; tal ideia conduz à questão da fluidez semântica, presente na construção com se... ser porque. Em relação à metodologia, para a exemplificação da construção em estudo na parte teórica, usam-se textos jornalísticos contemporâneos de diversificados gêneros discursivos; para a análise semântica e pragmática, utilizam-se entrevistas jornalísticas (contemporâneas), pois estas trazem natureza interativa, compatível com a construção em pauta; para o exame da formação da estrutura com se... ser porque, adota-se, especialmente, o Corpus do Português, visto que esse material permite a visualização de dados em uma diacronia. No que concerne à natureza sintática das construções com se... ser porque, verifica-se que: i) elas constituem uma correlação entre duas hipotaxes; ii) elas são construções híbridas, e as orações condicional e causal não possuem oração matriz explícita. No que tange à questão semântica, aliada ao componente pragmático, observa-se que: i) a oração com se pode ser factual, demonstrando, por exemplo, concordância do locutor em relação à avaliação feita pelo interlocutor; ii) a oração com se pode ser hipotética, sentido que, na estrutura com se... ser porque, é compatível com a expressão da habitualidade, com a presença do matiz temporal; iii) há, muitas vezes, fluidez semântica em se... ser porque, com a manifestação dos valores de causa e de conclusão; iv) a leitura causal não se limita a uma relação entre causa e consequência, pois há casos em que se manifesta uma conexão entre motivação e ação; v) são expressos dois tipos de conclusão, a dedução e a abdução; e a determinação do tipo de conclusão envolve certa subjetividade, não se restringindo, assim, a uma questão lógica. Em relação à organização discursiva, constata-se que: i) a oração condicional atua como tópico, trazendo resumo, paráfrase, contraste ou exemplificação; ii) o verbo ser atua como focalizador, tomando como escopo a segunda oração da correlação e explicitando, muitas vezes, informação nova; iii) a oração com ser porque é utilizada para anular outras inferências possíveis, e o segmento focalizado indica, entre outros aspectos, informação solicitada pelo interlocutor, negação de ideia exposta anteriormente, confirmação. A partir dos resultados obtidos, é possível questionar conceitos tradicionalmente estabelecidos, como a atribuição apenas do sentido de hipótese à oração condicional e somente do valor semântico de causa à oração causal. Além disso, esta tese tem como objeto de estudo uma construção ainda pouco investigada em pesquisas linguísticas, podendo, assim, oferecer subsídios para novas reflexões sobre a estrutura com se... ser porque. / This research investigates the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic operation of constructions with \"if... verb to be + because\" under the perspective of the functionalist theory of language. The Dik\'s (1989) postulates are used. They propose a verbal interaction model, according to which, in the construction of linguistic utterances, the speaker anticipates a possible interpretation of the listener, who reconstructs the communicative intention of the speaker. Thus, in the analysis of the utterances, the syntactic and semantic factors are conjugated to the pragmatic component. It is also based on considerations of Taylor (2003) and Rosch (2004), who advocate that the boundaries of a category are flexible; such idea leads to the question of semantic fluidity, present in the construction with if... be because. Regarding the methodology for exemplification of the construction under study in theoretical part, contemporary journalistic texts of diverse genres are used; for semantic and pragmatic analysis, contemporary journalistic interviews are used, as these bring interactive nature, compatible with the construction in question; for examination of the formation of the structure if... be because, the \"Corpus of Portuguese \" is embraced, specially, as this material allows the visualization of data in a diachrony. Regarding the syntactic nature of constructions with if... be because, it can be noticed that: i) they constitute a correlation between two hypotaxis constructions; ii) they are hybrid constructions, and conditional and causal clauses have no matrix clause. Regarding the semantic issue, allied to pragmatic component, it is observed that: i) clauses with if may be factual, showing, for example, agreement of the speaker in relation to the assessment made by the interlocutor; ii) clauses with if may be hypothetical, a meaning that in the structure if... be because is compatible with the habitual expression, with presence of temporal nuance; iii) quite often, there is semantic fluidity in if... be because, due to manifestation of cause and conclusion values; iv) causal reading is not limited to a relation between cause and consequence, as there are cases in which a connection between motivation and action is manifested; v) two types of conclusion are expressed, deduction and abduction; and determining the type of conclusion involves some subjectivity, thus, it is not restricted to a logical issue. Regarding the discursive organization, it is confirmed that: i) conditional clauses act as a topic, bringing summary, paraphrase, contrast or exemplification; ii) the verb to be acts as a focusing event, taking the second correlation sentence as a scope and, quite often, clarifying new information; iii) clauses with be because are used to nullify other possible inferences, and the focused segment indicates, among other aspects, information requested by the interlocutor, denial of previously exposed idea, and confirmation. From the results obtained, it is possible to enquire traditionally established concepts, as the assignment of only hypothesis sense to conditional clauses and of only the cause semantic value to causal clauses. Moreover, this thesis has as object of study a construction still poorly investigated in linguistic research, thus, it can offer subsidies to new reflection about the structure if... be because.

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