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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Performance of Digital Currency and Improvements : An analysis of current implementations and the future of digital currency / Prestanda av digital valuta och förbättrningar

Johannesson, Tobias January 2022 (has links)
Currency has changed a lot, and the introduction of the Internet sped up the evolution of the currency. Digital currency introduced many benefits compared to physical currencies. Ideas such as cryptocurrencies work as an option for other means of payment. During the recent pandemic, interest in new digital currencies has increased, leading to more research on digital currency. With the introduction of new currencies and their increased popularity, many central banks have started looking into the idea of innovating currency. All this new research has coined the term central bank digital currency. As of today, there is no single idea on how a digital currency should work or be implemented. With many variations, the future is still unclear. There seem to be vulnerabilities to solve and many potential ways to improve current systems. When building this new currency it is crucial to know what different use cases could demand from the implementation. In conclusion, the results show that digital currency is still in early development, with central bank digital currency research showing promise. It is theoretically possible to create a better transaction solution contra traditional currencies. More research is needed on the topic of digital currency, but there could be incremental improvements to today’s currency leading to better future solutions. / Valuta har förändrats genom tiderna och introductionen av internet skyndade på denna utveckling. Digital valuta har introducerat många fördelar jämfört med fysiska valutor. Fler idéer som till exempel kryptovalutor har introducerats som alternativa betalmedel. Under den senaste pandemin så har intresset för nya digitala valutor ökat, vilket har lett till mer forskning inom området av digitala valutor. På grund av växande popularitet och nya digitala valutor så har många central banker börjat testa idéen om att nyskapa valuta, och med detta så har termen centralbanks valuta skapats. Det finns inte idag en enda lösning på hur digitala valutor ska fungera eller bli implementerade. Med många varianter så är framtiden fortfarande oklar. Det verkar finnas problem att lösa och många möjliga sätt att förbättra existerande system. Vid byggandet av denna nya valuta så är det extremt viktigt att veta vad som är viktigt och hur det kan finnas olika krav beroende på hur valutan ska användas. Enligt resultaten så är digital valuta fortfarande tidigt i sin utveckling och forsking gällande centralbanks styrda digitala valutor verkar lovande. Mer forsking kommer att behövas inom området digital valuta, men det kan komma många små förbättringar på dagens valuta som leder till bättre framtida lösningar.

Cash is [no longer] king: is an e-krona the answer? : - a de lege ferenda investigation of the Swedish Riksbank's issuing mandate and other legal callenges in relation to economic effects on the payment market

Imamovic, Arnela January 2019 (has links)
For the past decades, the Swedish public’s payment habits have changed, where the majority of the public has abandoned the old way of making payments, using cash, and instead opted for more modern payment solutions, digital money. The difference between cash and digital money is that cash is physical and only issued by the Riksbank, whereas digital money is created by and stored on accounts at commercial banks. The question of what role the state should have on the payment market is an important point of discussion. But it is not categorically a new question; the Swedish government is tackling essentially the same problem today as it has been doing many times before. Today’s problem is to some extent however manifested in a different way. During the 20th century, discussions were held whether or not the Riksbank should have the exclusive right to issue banknotes. It was considered unnecessary, inappropriate and dangerous. The idea that the Riksbank could cover the entire economy’s need for banknotes was, according to the commercial banks, unreasonable. Nonetheless, in 1904 the exclusive right became fait accompli; the government intervened and gave the Riksbank the banknote monopoly. We are now finding ourselves facing a similar situation, where there is a difference of opinion regarding the Riksbank’s role on the payment market. It is therefore nothing new, but rather an expected task for the government, and thus the central bank, to analyze major changes and draw conclusions from them. The problem is essentially about cash being phased out by digital means of payment. In order to therefore solve the problem, the Riksbank has started a project to investigate whether or not the Riksbank should issue digital cash to the Swedish public, what the Riksbank calls an e-krona. To introduce an e-krona would be a major step, but for the public to not have access to a government alternative, seeing as cash usage is declining, is also a major step. No decision has been made yet regarding whether the e-krona will be introduced on the market or not. A decision that however has been made, is that the Riksbank is now working on building an e-krona to develop and assess the technique. Nonetheless, an introduction would undoubtedly have consequences for both the Riksbank and the commercial banks, which ultimately means it would have effects on the economy as a whole. What about regulatory aspects; is the Riksbank even allowed to issue an e-krona under current legislation? The answer is affirmative, to a certain extent. There are furthermore many other uncertainties regarding how an e-krona would affect the economy; the Riksbank does not fully answer many of the system issues in its project reports. The question of whether or not it even is up to the Riksbank to make a decision on the matter of an introduction is also questioned by the author in the thesis.

貨幣政策操作目標之選擇與法則: 政策透明度及央行行為對小型開放經濟體之影響 / Monetary policy rules and operation targets: the effects of the central bank policy transparency and the central bank behavior

蔡岳昆, Tsai, Yueh Kun Unknown Date (has links)
中央銀行政策透明度影響總體經濟的議題在近日漸受重視。以美國為例,2008年房貸嚴重違約,高順位債權受到波及,使多數金融業產生營運危機,讓聯邦準備銀行 (Fed) 政策執行受到關注。晚近貨幣當局的政策透明度漸受重視。貨幣政策應如何選定才能使總體經濟達到較高的社會福利?Cukierman在2002年指出中央銀行的透明度低易造成較高的物價膨脹。本研究以動態一般性均衡模型 (dynamic stochastic general equilibrium) ,建構新凱因斯小型開放總體模型。模型內含一定程度的價格僵固,並且擁有前瞻預期 (forward looking) 及後顧預期 (backward looking) 兩種型態的廠商存在其中。再採用貝氏方法估計台灣在該模型所應採用的參數後,並嘗試對體系內多個部門投入衝擊,然後檢視央行的政策透明度對總體經濟的影響,同時驗證是否支持Cukierman的結論。本研究印證Cukierman的結論,發現央行在操作貨幣政策面臨兩難時,不應採取透明度低的政策法則,而應優先針對物價的不穩定做出因應對策。 / Recently, people pay attention to central bank’s policy transparency, and most countries’ central banks have accepted the suggestion made by the Bank for International Settlements to adopt transparent monetary policy. Cukierman (2002) concluded that if the central bank’s policy was not transparency, it would cause higher inflation. The thesis will utilizes dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with New Keynesian concept proposed by Gali and Monacelli (2005) to analyze the effects of transparent monetary policy and to classify the macroeconomic different effects between transparent and hazy monetary policy. The conclusions support that higher monetary policy transparency will reduce social welfare loss, lower the volatility of inflation and output gap.

我國貨幣政策運作機制之全面性檢視 / The comprehensive review of the monetary policy operation mechanism in Taiwan

賴科宏, Lai, Ke Hung Unknown Date (has links)
隨著美國次級房貸衝擊世界經濟的影響不斷擴大,各國政府對於全球景氣的提振,莫不推出各種拯救方案。同時,為使相關拯救政策的效果得以發揮,各國央行莫不競相調降基準利率,以減輕投資者與消費者的資金成本壓力,企求藉此增加企業的投資意願與民眾的消費慾望,進而促使經濟景氣得以反轉為多。然而,欲使一國貨幣政策發揮其效果,除了社會大眾對於通貨膨脹預期的心理是否可以獲得消弭外,更重要的是央行貨幣政策傳遞管道是否暢通,是否對於整體經濟情勢仍具有相當的控制能力。而這些條件是否可以達成,而使央行貨幣政策確實可以發揮功效,其最主要的關鍵點除了與其所採行的貨幣運作機制有密切關係外,央行的獨立性、權責性與透明性的良窳更是具有決定性的因素。 然而,就臺灣而言,我國中央銀行法自一九七九年重新訂定後,僅於民國一九九七年大幅修訂,且於二OO二年時小幅修訂部分條文。但面對目前金融情勢變化快速與國內政治局勢的動盪,條文中對於有關央行獨立性地位的確認與央行權責性暨透明性的提昇等等現代化中央銀行所需具備的前提要件,卻似乎規範不甚明確。加以面對因金融自由化所造成市場中貨幣定義的模糊,以及貨幣目標制下政策效率不彰的困境,對於目前仍採行貨幣目標制做為政策執行架構的我國央行而言,其是否擁有其他可行的因應方式與選擇?是否需要追隨世界金融先進國家的腳步,更改目前的貨幣運作機制?是否通貨膨脹目標制對我國央行而言,具有執行上的絕對優勢?我國央行是否已經具備執行此項貨幣機制的相關必要條件?這些議題在國內相關文獻的探討中尚屬進一步探索的領域。故本文希冀透過對於我國央行獨立性、權責性、透明性以及其他主客觀經濟情勢的重新檢視,提出面臨的問題點以及可行的解決方案,以增進我國貨幣政策執行的有效性。 / With the more impacts on the economics in the world from the shocks of subprime-mortgage in America, many policies were proposed from every government to make the economic return the normal situation. For strengthening the effects of these policies, many central banks announced to cut the key interest rates. Because they wish could lighten the enterprises’ and consumers ‘costs of the capital by these policies, and then make them increasing the desires of the investments and consumptions to let the whole economic situations back to good ones. However, whether the monetary policies really have the effects or not, it depends on many elements, including if the central bank eliminates the expectations of inflation of the public or not, the monetary transmission channels could work successfully or not, the central bank could control the key economic variables or not and others seriously. Nevertheless, the monetary policy mechanism of this country, the level of independence, accountability and transparency of the central bank are the key factors that could influence these conditions work valid or not. In Taiwan, The Central Bank of China Act was amended in 1979. In 1997, this law was modify widely and revised few articles in 2002. However, these articles were not being considered how to make affirm the independence position of the central bank, and how to improve the accountability and transparency of the central bank to make the CBC meet the conditions of the modern central bank. Beside this, in the difficult status of the blurred definition of the money and of weakly effectiveness of the monetary policy in the monetary targeting framework, whether the CBC which still adopts the monetary targeting to be the main monetary policy mechanism has any choices to break these problems or not ? Whether the CBC needs to follow the advanced countries to alter the monetary policy mechanism to the inflation targeting framework? Whether the CBC could get more benefits to adopt the inflation targeting? And whether the CBC could meet all the preconditions of the inflation targeting? These issues are so important but not to be discussed in domestic academic literatures. Therefore we want to review the level of the independence, accountability and transparency of the CBC and other economic conditions to see the problems of the monetary policy mechanism in Taiwan. And then, we will provide the feasible suggestions to these problems to improve our monetary policy effectiveness.

Dohled nad bankovnictvím v zemích Evropské unie / Supervision over the banking industry in the EU Member States

Kropjok, Vít January 2014 (has links)
The goal of my thesis on Supervision over the banking industry in the EU member states is to describe critically and to define newly engendering concept of the banking union. It is a very actual topic because the effective mechanism creation, which should solve problems of the European banking sector, is currently one of the primary goals of the European Union. The study is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is the theoretical one. The definition and differentiation of the essential terms such as supervision and surveillance can be found there. Further the basic theoretical modules can be found there, from which it is possible to stem during the banking supervision implementation in practice. The second and the third chapters are the analytical parts. The introduction of the second chapter glances at the backgrounds of the legislative proposals acceptance in this area. Afterwards the chapter is already focused on four pillars of the proposed Banking union. The first pillar is formed with so called "single rule book", thus the uniform regulatory rules that are the implementation of the requirements expressed in so called Basel III. In this part of the study there is outlined why it is not quite happy at present to burden the credit institutions in the European Union even more through...

Česká národní banka, právní postavení a náplň činnosti / Czech national bank, legal status and content of activity

Semecký, Petr January 2011 (has links)
disertační práce Petr Semecký Česká národní banka, právní postavení a náplň činnosti 5 Abstract A. Objectives The main goal of the dissertation "The Czech National Bank, legal status and content of activity" is to quantify, qualify and draw as exact as possible conclusions about some aspects of the development, status and activities of the Czech National Bank in the future. To solve this task, the author has used in the introduction of this work three following key questions: 1. What are the implications for the Czech National Bank of the new bodies supervising the financial markets at european level? 2. What are the benefits and negatives of adopting the euro for the Czech Republic and should the Czech Republic actually join the European Monetary Union? 3. What impact will have the amendment of the Capital Adequacy Directive (the "Basel II") on the activities of the Czech National Bank? B. Methods By creating this work was used a wide range of research methods to ensure that there will be drawn conclusions with the best possible informative value. It is possible to mention particularly the method of recherche, abstraction, comparison and synthesis. C. Sources As the most important sources used by creating the work can be mentioned ecpecially, scientific publications, monographs, articles published...

Country size, growth and the economic and monetary union

Alouini, Olfa 12 June 2012 (has links)
Der Zweck dieser Arbeit ist es, die Beziehung zwischen die Größe des Landes und das Wachstum auf internationaler Ebene und vergleichsweise in der Wirtschafts-und Währungsunion zu untersuchen und erarbeiten ihre Folgen für das Verhalten der wachstumsorientierte Finanzpolitik. Um ein globales Verständnis des Zusammenhangs zwischen Größe des Landes und das Wachstum in der EWU weiter verfolgen wir einen interdisziplinären Ansatz, einschließlich der makroökonomischen Modellierung (DSGE), Ökonometrie und Analyse der politischen Ökonomie. Die Kombination dieser Untersuchungen schließen wir, dass die Größe des Landes einen Einfluss auf die wirtschaftlichen Strukturen der Nationen, die Auswirkungen ihrer Politik und damit auf ihre Wachstumsdynamik hat. Aus diesem Grund ist es notwendig, die Bedeutung der Größe des Landes und ihre Folgen für die WWU wieder. / The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the relationship between country size and growth at the international level and comparatively in the Economic and Monetary Union, and to draw up its consequences for the conduct of growth-orientated fiscal policies. To further a global understanding of the link between country size and growth in the EMU, we follow an interdisciplinary approach, including macro-economic modelling (DSGE), econometrics and political economy analysis. Combining these analyses, we conclude that country size has an incidence on the economic structures of nations, the effects of their policies and therefore on their pace of growth. For this reason there is a need to reinstate the importance of country size and its consequences for the EMU.

La reconnaissance mutuelle en droit bancaire et financier européen / Mutual recognition in European banking and financial law

Gaspard, Roger 11 December 2018 (has links)
En instituant un système généralisé d’équivalence des législations des Etats membres de l’Union européenne, le principe de reconnaissance mutuelle irrigue l’ensemble du droit européen. En droit bancaire et financier, ce principe fonde deux méthodes bien distinctes. La première, méthode d’interdiction des cumuls de réglementations, est mise en œuvre par les tribunaux nationaux et européens sous l’égide du droit européen originaire. Elle permet de qualifier d’entrave à une liberté de circulation européenne toute réglementation d’un Etat membre d’accueil qui se cumulerait avec une réglementation de l’Etat membre d’origine. La deuxième, qui constitue une méthode de répartition des compétences entre les différents Etats membres européens, a été consacrée par le législateur européen dans plusieurs directives et règlements. Cette méthode, dite du passeport financier, a la particularité d’accorder une compétence de principe à l’Etat membre d’origine. Cette étude propose une analyse et une vue d’ensemble de chacune de ces méthodes, éminemment importantes pour la pratique du droit des affaires. Elle invite, plus généralement, à une réflexion globale sur les méthodes d’intégration des différents marchés bancaires et financiers nationaux. / The principle of mutual recognition is fundamental to European law whereby it stands for the equivalence of the regulations of member States of the European Union. In banking and financial law, the principle of mutual recognition is exemplified in two different applications. The first aims at eliminating duplicative regulations and is used by national and European courts in reliance on European Union primary law. It classifies any regulation of a host state that overlaps with a regulation of a home state that has already been applied to a certain matter as a restriction to a European freedom of movement. The second application is the financial passport, which was set forth by European lawmakers in various directives and regulations. The passport allocates regulatory powers among European member states and gives primary jurisdiction to the home member state within a harmonized field. This thesis describes and analyzes each of these applications which are crucial to the practice of business law. Overall, it calls for a reflection on the different methods of integrating financial markets.

La Réforme Financière au centre de l’Efficacité de la Politique Monétaire au Cambodge / The Financial Reform in the center of the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy in Cambodia

Nget, Sovannarith 14 March 2013 (has links)
Après trois décennies des conflits armés, le Cambodge a enfin la capacité d’accélérer sa croissance et l’intégration de son économie dans la région et le monde. Pour cela, le pays doit reconstruire un système financier solide et mettre en place une politique monétaire. Nous proposons une étude de l’efficacité de la politique monétaire de la BNC (Banque Nationale du Cambodge) en tenant compte du fait que le sous-développement du secteur financier amoindrit les effets des canaux de transmission de la politique monétaire.Après avoir abordé les aspects théoriques en mettant en lumière le consensus de la politique monétaire et les différents canaux de transmission, nous passons en revue les travaux empiriques menés sur ce thème tant dans les pays développés, les pays en développement que les pays en transition. Il en ressort que les spécificités des systèmes financiers des différents pays, conditionnent la complexité et les effets des canaux de transmission et que le développement du système financier favorise la conduite de la politique monétaire, ne serait-ce que parce qu’elle étaye la confiance du public. Nous mettons ainsi en évidence l’importance d’une réforme du secteur financier préalable à toute politique monétaire. Par ailleurs, l’évolution du secteur financier est liée au développement économique mais celle-ci est aussi susceptible de créer de l’instabilité financière si le pays ne met pas en place des institutions suffisamment solides. Sa réussite demande que soient préalablement remplies un certain nombre de conditions comme la stabilité macroéconomique, la qualité de la réglementation financière et le développement du marché monétaire. Ce type de stratégie a été mise en place en 2001 (Blueprint [2001]) pour développer un système financier fondé sur les mécanismes du marché ; elle n’a que partiellement abouti. Elle a été revue en 2006 (le FSDS [06-15]) avec pour objectif d’harmoniser le calendrier de la réforme avec les améliorations en matière économiques, politiques, sociales et institutionnelles.Au stade actuel de développement du Cambodge, les canaux de transmission de la politique monétaire ne sont pas tous efficients à cause d’un système financier sous-développé, de globalisation financière et la dollarisation. Nous avons par conséquent mené une étude empirique sur la base de données Cambodgiennes pour évaluer leurs effets. Il en ressort que le canal du crédit n’a pas d’impact sur la croissance économique mais sur le niveau général des prix alors que le canal monétaire a un impact positif à court-terme sur le niveau général des prix. L’agrégat M1 et le crédit sont positivement reliés à court-terme. Notre étude suggère l’existence d’un canal monétaire et l’absence d’un canal du crédit. A la recherche du cadre le plus adapté de la politique monétaire dans le contexte du pays, nous analysons trois stratégies : le ciblage du taux d’inflation, celui du taux de change et celui des agrégats monétaires. Nous prenons aussi en compte les aspects institutionnels de la politique monétaire (l’indépendance, la responsabilité et la transparence de la conduite de la politique monétaire), la stratégie de communication et des mécanismes de décision de la Banque Centrale. Une stratégie basée sur un ciblage des agrégats monétaires semble l’option la plus adaptée. Un ciblage du taux de change paraît être une option secondaire (second-best) pour modérer la volatilité excessive et ancrer les anticipations des agents économiques. / After three decades of the armed conflicts, Cambodia finally has the capacity to accelerate her economic growth and integration into the region and the world. The country must rebuild a sound financial system and put in place an effective monetary policy. We propose to conduct a study on the efficacy of monetary policy of NBC (Central Bank of Cambodia) while taking into account of the underdevelopment of the financial system which weakens the effects of the transmission channels of the monetary policy.Following the literature reviews which highlight the consensus of an effective monetary policy and different channels of transmission, we undertake an empirical review in developed and developing countries. The specificities of financial system of each county condition the complexity and the effects of transmission channels. Moreover, the development of financial system enhances the implementation of monetary policy as long as it enjoys public confidence. We thus emphasize the importance of the reform of financial system prior to conducting an effective monetary policy. Besides, the development of financial system links closely with that of the economy but it is likely to foster financial instability if the country doesn’t have sufficiently sound institutions. The success of the reform requires a number of preconditions such as macroeconomic stability, acceptable quality of regulations, and development of monetary market. The reform was put in place in 2001 (Blueprint [2001]) to develop a sound and efficient financial system based on market mechanisms; it could only partially achieve its objectives. It was revised in 2006 (FSDS [06-15]) to harmonize its objectives with the pace of reform which experienced economic, political, social and institutional improvements.In the current state of development of Cambodia, transmission channels of monetary policy are not fully efficient. We conducted an empirical studies based on Cambodian data to evaluate its effects. It seems that credit channel doesn’t have the impacts on economic growth but on general level of prices while monetary channel has positive and short-term impacts on general level of prices. Our study suggests the existence of a monetary channel and absence of credit channel. In a quest of the suitable monetary policy framework in the current context of the country, we analyze three forms of framework: inflation targeting, exchange rate targeting and monetary aggregate targeting. We also take into account of institutional aspects (independence, accountability, and transparency of the monetary policy implementation), communication strategy, and decision mechanisms of NBC. A monetary policy strategy based on monetary aggregate targeting appears the most suitable option. Exchange rate targeting framework seems to be a second-best option to absorb the excessive volatility and anchor the public expectations.

La liquidité et la structure par terme des taux d'intérêt dans la tradition britannique de Henry Thornton, Ralph George Hawtrey, John Maynard Keynes et John Richard Hicks / Liquidity and the term structure of interest rates in the british tradition ot Henry Thornton, Ralp George Hawtrey, John Maynard Keynes et John Richard Hicks

Brillant, Lucy 07 December 2015 (has links)
La spécificité de la tradition monétaire de Henry Thornton, Ralph George Hawtrey, John Maynard Keynes et John Richard Hicks, est de considérer le taux d'intérêt comme une variable influencée par la banque centrale. Ces auteurs peuvent être rattachés à une même tradition monétaire, différente de celle de Knut Wicksell, où le taux d'intérêt est déterminé par une variable réelle: le taux de profit. Dans la tradition de Thornton, le prêt et l'emprunt renvoient une vente et un achat de titres de dette. Ces derniers prennent une forme différente selon la période étudiée. Au dix-neuvième siècle, Thornton proposait que la Banque d'Angleterre contrôle, par des variations de son taux d'escompte, le prix de la liquidité de court-terme, étant la substituabilité des traites commerciales en monnaie. Un siècle plus tard, cette influence était effective. Cependant, au XXe siècle, avec le développement des marchés financiers, d'autre canaux de transmissions de la politique monétaire sont apparus. Bien que négligée par 1 littérature, une des controverses les plus représentatives de cette époque est celle d'Hawtre Keynes et Hicks. Ils conviennent que le taux court est un phénomène monétaire. En revanche, ils ne s'accordent pas sur la nature du taux long. Les débats portent sur la théorie pionnière d Keynes de la structure par terme des taux d'intérêt, les effets d'annonces, ainsi que les limite de l'arbitrage. / The specificity of the monetary tradition of Henry Thornton, Ralph George Hawtrey, John Maynard Keynes and John Richard Hicks is to consider the interest rate as mainly determined by the monetary policy. Those authors are part of the same monetary tradition, different that Knut Wicksell for whom the interest rate is a real variable: the rate of profit. The process of borrowing and lending, in the monetary tradition analyzed in my PhD thesis, corresponds to a sale and a purchase of debts. Debts take a different form according to the period studied. ln the nineteenth century, Thornton wrote that the Bank of England should be able to manage, by varying its discount rate, the price of short-term liquidity, which is the substitution of bills againt money. ln the twentieth century, other transmission channels of monetary policy appeared wit the evolution of financial markets. Although neglected by the literature, one of the most representative controversy at that time was between Hawtrey, Keynes and Hicks. All made a theory in which the short-term rate is a monetary phenomenon. They however disagreed on the nature of the long-term rate. The debate is on Keynes's pioneering theory of the term structur of interest rates, the announcement effects, and the limits to arbitrage.

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