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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utvecklingssamtal i grundsärskolan : En studie om elevers delaktighet sett ur pedagogens perspektiv

Berglund, Carina, Lindgren, Åsa January 2020 (has links)
Studiens övergripande syfte var att bidra med ökad kunskap om hur elever i grundsärskolan görs delaktiga i utvecklingssamtal. Därtill beskriva utvecklingssamtalets planering, genomförande och uppföljning, samt olika faktorer som möjliggör eller hindrar elevers delaktighet i utvecklingssamtal. Studien tog sin utgångspunkt i pedagogers upplevelser, erfarenheter och arbetsformer. I bakgrund och tidigare forskning behandlades det sociokulturella perspektivet, formativt lärande samt relationellt perspektiv. Vidare redovisades en sammanställning av tidigare specialpedagogisk forskning angående pedagogers betydelse för att möjliggöra och öka elevers delaktighet, kommunikationens betydelse för delaktighet samt i vilken utsträckning elevers röster uppmärksammas i grundsärskolans kontext. En kvalitativ forskningsansats har valts för studien. Empiriska data har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer som omfattar nio pedagoger från tre olika kommuner i Sverige. Resultatet visade att pedagogers synsätt, kunskap och förhållningssätt har betydelsen för elevens möjlighet till delaktighet. Resultatet pekar på, då eleven gavs kommunikativt stöd samt erbjöds attaktivt delta i utvecklingssamtalet skapades förutsättningar för delaktighet. En hindrande faktor som framkom var pedagogernas bristande tilltro till elevers förmåga att dela ansvar och ta beslut gällande sitt lärande och sin skolsituation. Vidare visar resultatet att pedagoger hade skilda uppfattningar om utvecklingssamtalets syfte där det å ena sidan sågs som ett samtal ämnat för eleven, å andra sidan var utvecklingssamtalet ämnat för vårdnadshavare. Detta indikerar att pedagogers olika synsätt påverkade hur de värderar utvecklingssamtalets nytta och funktion samt i vilken kontext och utsträckning elever fick vara delaktiga. Härav dras slutsatsen att pedagogen är den viktigaste faktorn för elevens möjligheter till delaktighet i utvecklingssamtalet gällande planering, genomförande och uppföljning,inom grundsärskolan. Ökad diskussion bör föras inom arbetslagen för att öka samsyn kring arbetsformer som gynnar grundsärskolans elevers delaktighet i utvecklingssamtal.

Inflytande och delaktighet på förskolans utegård : En studie om förskollärares strategier för att möjliggöra inflytande och delaktighet / Influence And Participation In The Preschool Yard : A study about preschool teachers strategies to enable influence and participation

Balder, Lina, Persson, Sandra January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to find and make visible strategies educators use to enable influence and participations for the children in the schoolyard. The purposewas investigated through an unstructed survey with qualitative questions to give educators space to formulate their experince and thoughts about children´s influence and paritcipation in the yard. Shier´s (2001) participation model was used when designed the questionnaire, as well as a theoretical starting point when analyzing data. The model is a tool to make participation and influence visible. Importent concepts is highlighted such as attitudes as it turns out to be a significant aspect of the children´s opportunities in the encounter with the adult. The results show that the educators listen to the children´s opinions and wishes, that they can largely meet the needs, but factors such as lack of time and lack of staff can stand in the way. We see that Shier´s (2001) model challenges the preschool, at the organizational level where the educators do not have the same opportunities to influence. The challenge also ends up with the educators, are they prepared for a change, for example in routine situations? The focus in this study is more on a here and now perspective where in the results part of the study, different strategies emerge that are useful for the educators in the work of increasing children´s participation and influence in the yard. In the study´s conclusion, we present our knowledge contribution to the presschool profesion where we, among other things, highlight a result that strengthens previous research and literature. One result that clearly emerged is how crucial the educator´s attitude is in the encounter with the children for what opportunities are given to them.

Delaktighet - en självklar rättighet? : En kvalitativ studie om delaktighet för barn med funktionsnedsättning inom LSS-handläggning. / Participation - an obvious right? : A qualitative study about children with disabilities’ possibilities for participation in social work

Vidgren, Sofia, Aziz, Naz January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to investigate how social workers describe children’s participation and how children with disabilities are involved in decision-making processes in social work. Focus lies on how social workers encourage participation for children with disabilities, which possibilities and barriers for such participation they describe, and which methods they use to encourage children’s participation. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with seven social workers who work with children with disabilities. The data was analyzed with thematic analysis, using Shier’s (2001) Pathways to Participation as a theoretical raster. The results show that no distinct definition for participation could be identified among the social workers and that children rarely are involved in decision-making even though their opinions can be given importance. Social workers pursue to involve children in decision-making by meeting them face-to-face, and by providing them with information about the decision-making process. The results show multiple possibilities and barriers for participation. Overall, it is evident that the extent to which working methods pursuing children’s participation are used varies, and that the use of specific methods is undeveloped. There is also a lack of knowledge according to specific methods for children who don’t use spoken language.

Förändringen av barnets ställning i barnavårdsutredningen : En kvalitativ studie om hur barnets ställning förändrats i socialtjänstens barnavårdsutredningar sedan BBIC:s implementering / The development of the child’s position in child protective enquiries : A qualitative study of how the child’s position in the Swedish child protective services’ enquiries developed since the implementation of the BBIC-system

Sjöberg, Johan January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study is to through six interviews, with six experienced, social workers’, in three cities, understand how the child’s position in the Swedish child protective services’ enquiries has change, and the factors behind it. The aim is also to compare if the social workers’ view of the child’s position in the enquire has change accordingly to Socialstyrelsens intentions of BBIC. The theoretical approaches that was used is the new institutionalism, the Shier’s pathways to participation and the term discretion. The results of the study shows that through the perspective of social workers, the factors that helped the child’s position to improve are the new organization of working patterns and the new documentation system, the new mindset of the social workers’ and the way the social workers’ talk to the children. The study also shows that through the child’s position in child protective enquiries has improved accordingly to Socialstyrelsens intentions of BBIC.

Inflytande i förskolan, en rättighet för alla barn : Förskollärares uppfattningar och erfarenheter av att arbeta med de yngsta barnens möjligheter till inflytande / Children's right to influence in preschool : Preschool teachers perceptions and experiences of enabling the youngest children's possibility to influence

Tasbas, Sofia, Edkvist, Sofie January 2022 (has links)
Förskollärare har ett särskilt ansvar för att barn ska få inflytande i förskolan. Syftet med studien är att belysa förskollärares uppfattningar och erfarenheter avseende ansvaret för de yngsta barnens möjligheter till inflytande i förskolan. Metoden som användes för att samla in empirin var semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta förskollärare. Shiers (2010) delaktighetsmodell har synliggjort i vilken omfattning barnens inflytande kan förstås i relation till modellens fem nivåer. Resultatet är indelat i följande kategorier: 1) vikten av att se barns alla kommunikationsuttryck för att möjliggöra inflytande, 2) betydelsen av barns intressen för att möjliggöra inflytande, 3) barns personligheter och behov påverkar möjligheten att utöva inflytande och 4) begränsningar av barns inflytande. Det framkommer i resultatet att förskollärarna uppfattade vikten av att tillvara ta barnens intressen i utformningen av lärmiljön och i planering av undervisning för att möjliggöra barns inflytande. Förskollärarna uppfattade även att det är betydelsefullt att uppmärksamma barns alla kommunikationsuttryck, för att skapa förutsättningar till deras inflytande. Förskolans rutiner, barngruppens storlek och vad förskollärare anser vara barnets bästa, uppfattar förskollärarna som begränsningar av de enskilda barnens inflytande. Förskollärarna beskrev utifrån sina erfarenheter att barns varierande förutsättningar, liksom behov och personligheter, påverkar deras möjlighet till inflytande i förskolan. För att främja alla barns möjlighet till inflytande uppfattade förskollärarna gruppindelning som en givande pedagogisk metod. / Preschool teachers have a special responsibility to enable children's influence in preschool. The purpose of this study was to clarify preschool teachers perceptions and experiences regarding their task to ensure the youngest children's opportunities for influence in preschool. Semi-structured interviews were used to gather the empirical material Shiers (2010) model, pathways to participation, was used analyzed the extent of children's influence on the preschool activities. The results are divided into the following categories: 1) The importance of seeing all forms of communication that children express, 2) recognition of children's different interests are important for enabling influence, 3) the variation in personality and children's different abilities to exercise influence and 4) restriction of children's opportunity for influence. The result clarifies that preschool teachers experience of planning and designing the education and environment through children's interests is a way to enable children's influence. The preschool teachers also explain the importance of all children's communication expressions, because it creates opportunities for children to influence. According to preschool teachers, children's influence is limited by preschools routines, the largess of the children's group and what the preschool teachers consider to be the child's best interests. The preschool teachers experience is that children’s needs and personalities, affect their ability to influence in preschool. To promote that all children have opportunities to influence, the preschool teachers experiences is that group dividing is a rewarding pedagogical method.

"Vissa tycker att delaktighet är att bara komma till lektionen" : En studie om högstadieelevers syn på delaktighet inom ämnet idrott och hälsa / ”Some just think participation is to arrive at class” : A study about lower secondary school students view about participation in theathletics subject

Sjöberg, Arvid January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra med kunskap om elevers perspektiv på delaktighet i ämnet idrott och hälsa i årskurs 9. Eftersom det är känt att lärare saknar ett gemensamt synsätt på vad delaktighet är, är det viktigt att också undersöka vad elever i högstadiet uttrycker om delaktighet. Som teoretisk utgångspunkt utgår jag ifrån delaktighetsmodellen, som gjorts om för att anpassas till skolmiljön av specialpedagogiska skolmyndigheten. Datainsamlingen bestod av sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med elever som går i högstadiet. Resultatet visar att även eleverna resonerar olika om delaktighet. Det framkom att många av elevernas känsla av delaktighet påverkas av vilken aktivitet som utförs, några upplever att de påverkas olika beroende av deras relation till pedagogen samt hur tydlig idrottsläraren är i sitt ledarskap. Många av informanterna pekar på en uppdelning mellan de som är tävlingsinriktade och de elever som har ett annat fokus än tävling. Enligt eleverna skapar detta klyftor och vissa av eleverna väljer att inte vara delaktiga, pga. att de inte känner sig inkluderade. Denna uppsats visar att flera av eleverna inte kände sig delaktiga inom olika moment i ämnet idrott och hälsa. / The purpose of this independent project is to contribute with some student's perspective on participation concerning the physical education and health subject in lower secondary school. Since it is known that teachers lack a unified way to describe what participation in school-activities means, makes it important to also investigate what the students in lower secondary school think about participation. As a theoretical starting point, I've chosen a participation model that has been remade to fit into the school environment by Specialpedagogiska skolmyndigheten (special pedagogy school authority). The data collected consists of seven semi-structured interviews with students in lower secondary school. The results shows that students also can't agree on how to view participation. It appears that many of the students sense of participation was affected by what kind of activity that was performed, some saidthat the relationship to their physical education teacher could affect them and some thought that a clear leadership could affect their participation. Many of the informants spoke of a divide between the competitive students and the ones with focus on wellbeing. According to the students this divide makes some students don’t want to participate due to a lack of inclusion.

"Varför lyssnar ni inte på mig?" : En kvalitativ studie om hur barn som exponeras för våld mellan föräldrar görs delaktiga i socialsekreterares utredningsprocesser

Egbudiwe, Deborah, Thunberg, Elma January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how children who have been exposed to violence between their parents are involved in the social workers investigation process. For this study the empirical material has been collected through six qualitative and semi-structured interviews with social workers who are working with child protection cases. Through the study we explore social workers' descriptions of the children's involvement, and what factors they emphasize as limiting and enabling for the children's participation in the investigation process. By an analysis with the help of The Lundy model and Shier’s model of participation, we found out that children's age and maturity are a recurring pattern in terms of the extent to which children become involved and how their opinions are taken into account in the investigation process. The interviewees emphasize that there are different ways to involve the children based on children's different conditions, for example through observations and conversation methods. There are no one-sided explanations of how children exposed to violence were involved in social workers' investigation processes, but participation was influenced by a number of factors. The factors that the interviewees describe as limiting and enabling are structures in the organization, laws and methods, and parents.

”Delaktighet är ju svårt” : Barns delaktighet i barnavårdsutredningar ur socialsekreterares perspektiv / “Participation is… hard” : Children’s participation in child protection investigation from the perspective of the social worker

Johansson, Linnea, Poijes, Matilda January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how social workers within the child protective services define children’s participation and what the strategies are to achieve it. Our method was to interview six social workers about their experiences of their pursuit to make children participate during a child protection investigation. The theoretical framework we used to analyze our results was Shier’s pathways to participation. This model is based on five levels of participation, which has different degrees of participation for children. The main finding of this study was that the social workers define children participation as that they should be listen to, be informed and have the ability to choose in what way they participate. Furthermore, we can see from the social workers descriptions about their strategies and the structure of the organisation that they live up to parts of Shier’s criterias for level one, two and tree. Our results both confirm and contrast international and national studies in this field of research.

Yngre barns inflytande i förskolan : En studie om pedagogers förhållningssätt till yngre barns möjligheter till inflytande i rutinsituationer / Younger Children´s Influence in Preschool : A Study About Educators Approach to Younger Children´s Influence in Routine Situations Present in the Preschool

Sonesson, Jolin January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to learn more about how educators in the preschool reason about younger children´s (1-3 years) opportunity to affect the actions in existing or daily routine situations. The target group is the work team at the preschool who is responsible for the younger children.  A semi-structured interview study was completed. I have performed interviews with two preschool teachers and one childcare worker who all belong to the same work team. The preschool is situated in a medium-sized city in Sweden with one section for younger children and one section for children in the age 3-6. The results show that the work team have an open-minded approach to facilitate opportunities for each child to influence the daily routine situations at this preschool.  The results indicate that there are both obstacles and limitations that makes the desire to enable children´s influence. One example mentioned by the work team is the large child group, that makes it more difficult to pay attention to all the children. Another obstacle mentioned is how the organizational constitution for some of the daily activities lack flexibility. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur pedagoger i förskolan resonerar kring yngre barns inflytande i de rutinsituationer som existerar i förskolan. Målgruppen för studien är all personal i ett arbetslag som arbetar med de yngre åldrarna i förskolan. För att besvara undersökningens syfte så har semistrukturerade intervjuer med öppna frågor genomförts. Tre pedagoger har blivit intervjuade på en och samma, denna förskola är belägen i en medelstor stad i Mellansverige. Resultatet visar att pedagogerna har ett öppet förhållningssätt gentemot barns inflytande och att de vill bli bättre på att skapa förutsättningar i de rutinsituationer som beaktats. Resultatet visar också att det finns utmaningar i verksamheten som gör arbetet med barns inflytande svårare. I denna studie nämns bland annat barngruppens storlek och strukturen på verksamheten.

Brukardelaktighet i arbetet med insatsen gruppboende enligt LSS : En explorativ intervjustudie med LSS-handläggare och stödpersonal på gruppboende / User participation in the work with supportive housing according to LSS : An exploratory interview study with social service administrators and support staff in supportive housing

Törnros, Micaela, Älloäng, Maria January 2020 (has links)
Previous research shows that people with severe disabilities often are neglected in the work of enhancing user participation. It is shown that even though professionals increase the possibility for user participation in their work, it is not necessary that the users receive it. This study aims to show how professionals working for people with disabilities applies user participation in their everyday work. We used a qualitative exploratory method and interviewed ten social workers within service administration and supportive housing, located at three different municipalities in the region of Stockholm. Using Shier’s participation model in combination with theory of recognition we got similar results as previous research. The social workers have a great intention in enhancing user’s participation in their work, though organizational structures stand in their way. That drives them to use what is known as “silent knowledge”, a combination of their personality, previous experience and their ingenuity.

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