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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Man måste vara mer känslostyrd inom psykiatrin. Det går inte att vara helt känslokall." : En kvalitativ studie på tre slutenvårdsavdelningar i en svensk psykiatrisk verksamhet och den emotionella påverkan på dess anställda.

Savina, Cristina, Johansson Gunnarsson, Yasmine January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie har, utifrån den hermeneutiska traditionen, utförts på en psykiatrisk verksamhet i syfte att nå en förståelse för vad det på mikronivå kan innebära att arbeta emotionellt. Inledningsvis fördjupade vi oss i vetenskapliga artiklar vilka gav oss verktyg att arbeta med för att öka förståelsen av fältet. Detta uppmärksammade viktiga faktorer som betydelsen av samarbete, gemenskap och emotionshantering som de anställda utför. Psykiatrin betraktas som ett emotionellt arbete vilket gör att de anställda kan påverkas av de starka emotioner som råder. Den känslomässiga karaktären kan medföra ett behov för den anställde att hantera sina emotioner i syfte att undvika den eventuella belastningen det kan innebära. Strategier de anställda använder sig utav kan exempelvis vara genom deras förhållning gentemot patienterna och emotionerna, det samarbete som återfinns bland kollegorna samt de interaktionsritualer de ingår i. Vårt empiriska material samlades in genom kvalitativa intervjuer som sedan studerades utifrån teorierna kring emotionellt arbete, interaktionsritualer och effektiva team. Detta, tillsammans med vetenskapliga artiklar, gav oss material för att kunna besvara vår frågeställning. / This study has, based on hermeneutic science, taken place in a psychiatric workplace in order to reach an understanding of what it can imply on micro level to work in such organizations. We initiated the study by reading scientific articles in order to increase our understanding of the field which also gave us tools to work with. This brought up the significance of collaboration and solidarity in the workplace and also the management of emotions the employees performs as important components for the study. The psychiatry is seen as an emotional labor which implies that employees may be affected by the strong emotions that are found at work. The emotional nature may imply the need for the employees to manage their emotions in order to avoid the possible impact it might entail. Their attitude towards patients and emotions along with the interaction rituals and collaboration within the workgroup are examples of strategies the employees use to manage the emotions. This stated above was studied based on the theories of emotional labor, interaction rituals and effective teams. This, along with scientific articles and qualitative interviews, gave us material to reach a result.

“Eu nasci para ser assistente social”: o trabalho em serviço social, profissionalização, identidade e gênero / I was born to be a social worker: work in social work, professionalism, identitiy and gender

Bolzan, Débora de Paula 04 July 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Cássia Santos (cassia.bcufg@gmail.com) on 2014-11-10T16:15:14Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao Debora de Paula Bolzan - 2014.pdf: 934776 bytes, checksum: 7367a4b9e832e099ea11846f06c03031 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2014-11-18T11:16:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao Debora de Paula Bolzan - 2014.pdf: 934776 bytes, checksum: 7367a4b9e832e099ea11846f06c03031 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-11-18T11:16:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao Debora de Paula Bolzan - 2014.pdf: 934776 bytes, checksum: 7367a4b9e832e099ea11846f06c03031 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This dissertation aims to analyze sociologically labor relations in social work in the metropolitan area of Goiânia, revealing how the social workers are affected and experience the changes taking place in the universe of work and its implications for the category. Still, there are as specific objectives: to outline the socioeconomic profile of social workers; to analyze the process of construction of social identities of these professionals; and to identify how ownership of emotional labor and gender constructions affect the profession. The methodology has qualitative emphasis. A semistructured interview with social workers was the main procedure for the construction of qualitative data, with technical elements of narrative interviews. The quantitative data were used as sources of secondary data bases, as Census, PNAD and RAIS sources. The results indicate a visible process of casualization of working conditions in social service, particularly with respect to the type of job contract (temporary contracts, commissioned position, volunteer work), diferent types of work journey arrangements, widely disparate wages, unstable links and absence of social rights (holidays, maternity leave, etc). Even workers with effective statutory relationship are affected by the dichotomy of contracts, reduction of competitions for public servants and scarce investment in physical, material and human conditions of work. The results also indicate that the Social Work persists as female niche, which has a historical and social devaluation, exposed mainly in discriminatory manifestations related to career choice of Social Work. Social workers manage their gender relations in the permanence of housework reconciled to professional work, setting up a gender identity. Finally, the research exposes that emotional labor is done intermittently in this profession and that emotions are administered in depth level, contributing to the emotional labor be constituted as part of the professional identity. / Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar sociologicamente as relações de trabalho em serviço social na região metropolitana de Goiânia, desvendando de que forma as/os assistentes sociais são atingidas/os e vivenciam as transformações em curso no mundo do trabalho e suas implicações para a categoria. Têm-se ainda, como objetivos específicos: traçar o perfil socioeconômico da categoria; analisar o processo de construção das identidades sociais dessas/es profissionais; identificar como a apropriação do trabalho emocional e as construções de gênero afetam a profissão. A metodologia tem ênfase qualitativa. A entrevista semi-estruturada com assistentes sociais foi o principal procedimento para a construção de dados qualitativos, com elementos técnicos de entrevistas narrativas. O uso de dados quantitativos teve como fonte bases de dados secundários, como CENSO, PNAD e RAIS. Os resultados apontam um visível processo de precarização das condições de trabalho no serviço social, principalmente com relação ao tipo de vínculo de trabalho (contratos temporários, cargo comissionado, trabalho voluntário), jornadas de trabalho diversas, salários altamente discrepantes, vínculos instáveis e com ausência de direitos sociais (férias, licença maternidade, etc.). Mesmo trabalhadoras/es com vínculo estatutário efetivo são afetadas/os pela dicotomia de contratos, diminuição de concursos públicos e escasso investimento nas condições físicas, materiais e humanas de trabalho. Os resultados também indicam que o serviço social persiste enquanto nicho feminino, que possui uma desvalorização histórica e social, exposta principalmente em manifestações discriminatórias relacionadas com a escolha profissional do serviço social. As assistentes sociais administram suas relações de gênero na permanência do trabalho doméstico conciliado ao trabalho profissional, configurando uma identidade de gênero. Por fim, a pesquisa expõe que o trabalho emocional é desenvolvido de forma intermitente nessa profissão e que as emoções são administradas em nível de profundidade, contribuindo para que o trabalho emocional se constitua como parte da identidade profissional.

"It's never been this bad...ever": An analysis of K-12 teachers' standpoints related to parent-teacher communication.

Thomas-Seltzer, Ashley 05 1900 (has links)
With the rise of "helicopter" parents within primary and secondary education, school officials nationwide have started to address how to manage parental involvement in the educational system, specifically with regard to parent-teacher communication. Beginning in the 1980s, school administrators actively implemented programs targeting increased parental involvement in K-12 public schools, though the use of contact and relationship building strategies, in order to substantiate school-teacher-parent communication and further parental influence over decision making processes. While administrators and parents may view parent-teacher interactions as productive, teachers' negative experiences with parents may lead to stress, burnout, and attrition. Researchers have indicated that between 20 and 50% of first through third year teachers leave the profession due to increased, long-term stress, unrealistic workload, and an overall feeling of decreased personal and professional fulfillment. Likewise, through educational reform initiatives to standardize curriculum and increase parental involvement within public schools, teachers' roles within the educational system have shifted from positions of power, to figureheads for the system. The purpose of this study is to examine public school K-12 teachers' standpoints as they relate to parent-teacher communication.

Bör man som professionell uttrycka egna känslor i arbetet? - En kvalitativ studine om LSS personalens känslohantering i arbetet med självbestämmande

Kajrup, Isabella, Håkansson, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att låta sina egna personliga känslor och värderingar uttryckas i den professionella rollen anses i tidigare forskning vara nödvändigt för att undvika utbrändhet. Det är viktigt att man som professionell är medveten om sina egna känslor och tillåter dem att ta plats men att man i arbetet med brukare ständigt låter fokuset vara på deras självbestämmande. Samtidigt som man skapar sig en relation till brukaren där man som professionell vet när man bör ta ett steg tillbaka för att öka och låta individen själv utveckla ett självbestämmande.Syfte & frågeställningar: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur personal inom LSS upplever att deras egna känslor påverkar deras arbete med att främja brukarens självbestämmande. Utifrån detta har vi tre frågeställningar som berör personalens hinder och möjligheter i att främja självbestämmandet och hur erfarenhet kan påverka personalens känslohantering. Sista frågan berör personalens egna upplevelse av känslor och värderingar i arbetet med självbestämmande.Metod: För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar har sju semistrukturerade intervjuer utförts med personal inom LSS olika verksamheter. För att skapa en förståelse och struktur i vår empiri utförde vi en tematisering och kodning. Studien har även utgått från emotionsteori och en teori om sociala band.Resultat: Resultatet uppmärksammar hur informanterna som deltagit i vår studie anser att det är av vikt att erhålla en professionell roll i arbetet med att främja brukarens självbestämmande. Samt hur de väljer att inte låta sin personliga roll med egna känslor och värderingar få utrymme i rollen som professionell och hur de utvecklat strategier för att hantera känslorna som kan uppstå. Anledningen till att de inte låter sina egna känslor och värderingar ta plats i sin professionella roll bygger enligt informanterna på en förväntan kring hur de som professionella bör agera i olika situationer i arbetet. / Background: In order to avoid burnout, previous research has shown the need to express one’s own personal feelings and values in the professional role. It is important that as a professional to be aware of your own feelings and allow them to take their place, but while working leave the focus on the users’ self-determination. While creating a relationship with the user, you as a professional know when to take a step back to increase and allow the individual to develop a self-determination.Aim & questions: The purpose of the study is to examine how staff at LSS experience that their own emotions affect their work in promoting the user's self-determination. Based on this, we have three research questions focusing on staff's barriers and opportunities in promoting self-determination and how experience can affect staff emotional management. The last question concerns the staff's own experience of feelings and values in the work of self-determination.Method: To answer the study's aim and questions, seven semi-structured interviews were conducted with staff at LSS different operations. In order to create an understanding and structure of our empiricism, we performed a thematic and a coding system. The study has also been based on emotion theory and a theory of social ties.Results: The result highlights how the informants who participated in our study believe it is important to obtain a professional role in the work of promoting the user's self-determination, as well as how they choose not to let their personal role with their own feelings and values take up space in the role of professional, and lastly how they have developed strategies for dealing with the emotions that may arise. The reason why they do not let their own feelings and values take their place in their professional role is, according to the informants, based on an expectation about how they as professionals should act in different situations at work.

Tillhörighet och konflikt : En kvalitativ studie om arbetsplatskonflikter inom kvinnodminerade serviceyrken

Schattauer, Victoria January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie har syftat att bidra med en förståelse av arbetsplatskonflikters socialiserande funktioner samt belysa konflikter som en vardaglig handlingsrepertoar inom organisationer. Jag ämnade att undersöka hur anställda socialiserades in i de konflikter som uppstod på arbetsplatsen och vad dessa konfliktförlopp hade för betydelse för delaktiga individer. Studiens empiriska material har bestått av semistrukturerade intervjuer, i vilket målgruppen har varit kvinnor tillhörande kvinnodominerade serviceyrken i Sverige. De kvinnor som intervjuats har berättat om egenupplevda konflikter på deras arbetsplatser. Analysen har bearbetats med utgångspunkt i Wengers (1998) teori om praktikgemenskaper samt Hochschilds (2012) studie om känsloarbete. Resultaten visade av de normer och värden som fanns inom arbetsgruppen var avgörande för kvinnornas sätt att agera i konflikter. I de arbetsgrupper där arbetsrelationer hölls på en formell nivå och emotionella band inte var framträdande förekom få meningsskiljaktigheter samt neutrala konfliktageranden när diskussioner uppstod. I de arbetsgrupper där emotionella band mellan kollegor var starka utagerades konflikter mer irrationellt och det fanns en rädsla för att ifrågasätta sociala strukturer inom gemenskapen. Detta resulterade i att konflikter ofta undveks och att individer istället använde ett selektivt utagerande av emotioner, förmedlade till specifika kollegor. Resultaten visade att den strategiska kommunikationen som förekom på samtliga arbetsplatser både hade en sammanhållande funktion samt skapade grupperingar och osäkerheter inom arbetsgruppen. Slutligen visade resultaten på att en specifik hantering av emotioner påverkade ageranden i konflikter negativt samt att det fanns starka behov av att ventilera emotioner i samband med konflikter. I de arbetsgrupper där emotioner visade sig framträdande flydde man från konflikter med orsak av att nära relationer gjorde konflikter med kollegor mer komplexa. När konflikterna sedan iscensattes blev emotionella uttryck dominerande i konflikterna. / The aim of this study was to contribute to an understanding of the socializing functions of workplace conflicts and illustrate these conflicts as everyday repertoires within organizations. I intended to research how employees could be socialized into conflicts in the workplace and what these conflicts meant for the individuals involved. The study's empirical material consisted of semi-structured interviews, in which the target group has been women belonging to women-dominated service professions in Sweden. The interviews focused on their personal experiences of conflicts in their workplaces. The analysis has been based on Wenger's (1998) theory communities of practice and Hochschild's (2012) study on emotional work. The results demonstrated by the norms and values ​​that existed within the working group were crucial to individual’s way of acting in conflicts. In the working groups where relationships were held on a formal level and the relationships between colleagues were not personal, the conflicts were few and small conflicts did not grow into major conflicts. In the working groups where emotional ties between colleagues were strong, conflicts became more irrational and there was a fear of questioning social structures within the community. As a result, conflicts were often avoided and individuals instead used a selective expression of emotions, conveyed to specific colleagues. The results showed that the strategic communication that went on in all the workplaces had a cohesive function but also created groupings and uncertainties within the workgroups. Finally, the results showed that a specific way of handling emotions affected conflict behavior negatively and that there was a strong need to ventilate emotions related to conflicts. In those working groups where emotional relationships between colleagues dominated, they often escaped from conflicts because close relationships made conflicts more complex. When conflicts took place, emotional expressions became dominant in the conflicts.

A Phenomenological Study of Correctional Officers' Perceived Emotions on the Job

Grammatico, Heather Susan 01 January 2017 (has links)
Correctional officers work in a stressful environment and are regularly exposed to dangerous and emotionally charged situations. Researchers have detailed the potential negative outcomes of this occupation, yet little research has examined the extent to which correctional officers experience emotion while on their shifts, and how those emotions may translate into stress, divorce, substance abuse issues, domestic violence, and high mortality rates upon retirement. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to learn how correctional officers experience their felt and expressed emotions while at work. Data collection was done using a 15-item open ended questionnaire designed by the researcher and accessed via an online website. The 15-item questionnaire was prescreened by correctional officers not participating in the survey to assure for trustworthiness. Anonymous online survey data was collected from 23 correctional custody staff members working throughout California. The responses from the survey were coded and analyzed using NVivo and Survey Monkey software to account for reoccurring themes in the data. The findings of this study show a high percentage of respondent's report feelings of anxiety throughout a shift at work. Further, the findings show that the participants consistently report a disconnect between felt and expressed emotions while at work. These findings may be used to reform training programs for correctional officers to offer them better ways to process the emotions they experience throughout their career.

När skådespel utgör grunden för ett väl utfört emotionellt arbete : En kvalitativ studie av undersköterskans emotionella arbete inom hemtjänsten / When acting forms the basis of a well-done emotional labor : A qualitative study of the home care assistants’ emotional labor in the home care service

Larsson, Andreas, Nordström, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Kvinnliga undersköterskor inom äldreomsorgen i Sverige är en utsatt grupp där sjukskrivningar är vanligt förkommande och det finns rapporter som påvisar att sociala kontakter med vårdtagare ger en ökad risk för psykisk ohälsa. Syftet med studien är att få en djupare förståelse för det emotionella arbete som ingår i en undersköterskas yrkesroll. Studiens teoretiska grund vilar på symbolisk interaktionism, Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv och Hoschilds teori om emotionellt arbete. För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar genomfördes tio kvalitativa och semistrukturerade intervjuer där kvinnliga undersköterskor delade med sig av sina upplevelser och beskrivningar gällande sitt arbete inom hemtjänsten. Urvalsmetoden som används för studien är mål- och kriteriestyrt. Studiens resultat finner att samtliga undersköterskor beskriver sin yrkesroll som ett skådespel och att de måste hantera sina känslor för att kunna förhålla sig till de känsloregler som gäller i möte med vårdtagare. Emotionellt arbete inom hemtjänsten är ett viktigt redskap för att klara av de krav och förväntningar som vilar på yrkesrollen. Studien visar även att undersköterskorna saknar möjligheter och tid för gemensam reflektion över händelser och känslor som uppstår i arbetet. / Female assistant nurses in Swedish elderly care are an exposed group where sick leave is common and there are reports that show that social contacts with care recipients increase the risk of mental health. The purpose of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of the emotional labor that is part of a nurse´s professional role. The theoretical framework in this study consists of symbolic interactionism, Goffman's dramaturgical perspective and Hoschild's theory of emotional labor. In order to answer the study's purpose and questions, ten qualitative and semi-structured interviews were conducted in which the female home care assistants narrated their experiences and descriptions regarding their work in the home care service. The selection method used for the study is purposive sampling technique with a criterion selected. The results of the study find that all female home care assistants describe their professional role as an acting role and that they must manage their emotions in order to act according to the emotion rules that apply in meetings with care recipients. Emotional labor in the home care service is an important tool for meeting the demands and expectations that rest on the professional role. The study also shows that the home care assistants lack opportunities and time for joint reflections concerning incidents and emotions that arises at work.

Tystnadsplikt och en “professionell sköld” : - En kvalitativ studie om kuratorers och prästers upplevelser av att arbeta under tystnadsplikt.

Albihn, Ellen, Bäckström Östrand, Moa January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att undersöka yrkesverksamma kuratorers och prästers upplevelser och erfarenheter av att arbeta under tystnadsplikt. Utgångspunkten är att synliggöra och diskutera prästernas absoluta tystnadsplikt jämfört med kuratorernas tystnadsplikt som har vissa undantag. Empirin har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex respondenter, tre från respektive yrkesgrupp. Empirin har sedan analyserats utifrån Hochschilds teori om emotionellt lönearbete samt Lazarus och Folkmans teori om coping. Studiens resultat visar att de olika typerna av tystnadsplikt både har för- och nackdelar och där stor vikt läggs vid de förväntningar som fanns innan de yrkesverksamma tog sig an rollen som kurator respektive präst. Båda yrkesgrupperna är nöjda med hur deras tystnadsplikt är utformad och de har funnit strategier för att hantera problem och känslor som kan uppstå relaterat till deras respektive tystnadsplikt. / The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate the experiences of professional curators and priests in working under confidentiality. The starting point is to make visible and discuss the priests' absolute confidentiality compared to the curators' confidentiality, which has certain exceptions. The empirical data has been collected through semi-structured interviews with six respondents, three from each professional group. The empirical data has then been analyzed based on Hochschild's theory of emotional labor and Lazarus and Folkman's theory of coping. The results of the study show that the different types of confidentiality both have advantages and disadvantages, and where great emphasis is placed on the expectations that existed before the professionals took on the role of curator or priest. Both professional groups are satisfied with how their confidentiality is designed and they have found strategies to deal with problems and feelings that may arise related to their respective confidentiality.

Emotional Labor in Customer Service Work: The Perceived Difficulty and Dispositional Antecedents

Monaghan, Diane M. 05 October 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Examining the Emotional Labor Process: A Moderated Model of Emotional Labor and Its Effects on Job Performance

Chau, Samantha Le 02 October 2007 (has links)
No description available.

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