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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Läroplan för en ohållbar framtid? : En studie för att synliggöra förekomsten av hållbar utveckling i Lpo94 och Lgr11 samt den innehållsliga utvecklingen dem emellan / A curriculum for an unsustainable future? : A study to make the occurrence of sustainable development visible in Lpo94 and Lgr11 and if there has been any effectively changes between them.

Morén, Marie, Strömberg, Malin January 2011 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka förekomsten av hållbar utveckling i Lpo94, då vi utifrån våra erfarenheter inom skolan inte har sett någon undervisning för hållbar utveckling bedrivas. Ytterligare en anledning till att undersöka förekomsten är då Sverige ingår i flera internationella överenskommelser där det framkommer att undervisning för hållbar utveckling ska vara prioriterat. Då en ny läroplan, Lgr11, träder i kraft 1juli 2011 undersöktes även förekomsten av hållbar utveckling däri, då studien syftar till att undersöka huruvida det skett förändringar till fördel för undervisning för hållbar utveckling i Lgr11 i förhållande till Lpo94. Vid analysen av läroplanerna användes en metodtriangulering, i form av innehållsanalyser, textanalyser samt komparativa analyser. Inför analyserna fastställdes några kriterier som utgick från innebörden av hållbar utveckling, vilka hela studien sedan kom att bygga på. I resultatet framkom att hållbar utveckling förekommer i både Lpo94 samt i Lgr11 och att en mindre innehållslig utveckling har skett. I diskussionen belyses att alla delar, det vill säga de kriterier som studien utgick från, förekom, dock framkommer inte vikten av att undervisa för en hållbar utveckling utifrån ett helhetsperspektiv. Vidare förs en diskussion kring de förändringar gällande hållbar utveckling som skett i Lgr11 i förhållande till Lpo94 samt vilka orsaker som kan finnas till att vissa lärare inte bedriver en undervisning för hållbar utveckling. / The aim of this study is to research what levels of teaching sustainable development issues are to be found within Lpo94. Based on our own experience within school, it appears that sustainable development is barely apparent. This is despite the fact that Sweden is party to international agreements where it is specifically laid down that education for sustainable development has to be prioritised witch is a second major reason for undertaking this study. Another reason for the study into how far sustainable development actually occurs within Lpo94 arises from the fact that a new curriculum, Lgr11, is due to come into force on 1 July 2011. The study therefore in addition aims to ascertain whether in the Lgr11 curriculum the issue of sustainable development has been sufficiently and effectively taken forward from Lpo94. A method triangle was used as a tool when analysing the curricula, in a form of content analysis, text analysis and comparative analysis. Certain criteria were determined before the commencement of further studies based on our definition of sustainable development, on which the whole study would later build. The results showed, out of the criteria that the study took as its starting point, that sustainable development does appear in both curricula and that a small degree of progress has been made in Lgr11, however the importance of teaching sustainable development taken in its entirety is not shown to have been established. The actual developments of the teaching of sustainable development issues from the first to the new curriculum is not effectively apparent, nor are the wider reasons and underlying causes as to why some teachers do not include sustainable development as part of the education.

Structures de protection innovantes contre les décharges électrostatiques dédiées aux entrées/sorties hautes tensions de technologies SmartPower

Gendron, Amaury 29 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Les travaux effectués au cours de cette thèse visent à développer des structures de protections contre les décharges électrostatiques (ESD) adaptées aux Entrées/Sorties hautes tensions (40V100V) dans le cadre d'applications automobiles et Ethernet. Pour satisfaire ce type de spécification, caractérisé par une fenêtre de conception ESD étroite, la protection doit présenter une caractéristique électrique à faible repliement, ou sans repliement, une tension de fonctionnement élevée et une résistance à l'état passant (RON) faible. De plus, la robustesse ESD requise est d'au moins 2kV HBM (Human Body Model) et peut atteindre 8kV. Le transistor bipolaire autopolarisé a été retenu comme composant de base des protections développées, en raison de ses bonnes propriétés en termes de robustesse et de RON. Dans un premier temps, nous avons mené une étude théorique approfondie dans l'optique de déterminer les paramètres contrôlant son déclenchement et son comportement à l'état passant, sous l'effet des fortes densités de courant et des températures élevées induites par les ESD. En particulier, un nouveau modèle a été établi lorsque la diminution du rapport d'injection en forte injection conduit à de très faibles valeurs. Des règles de dessin adaptées aux spécifications visées ont ainsi pu être définies. Dans ce travail, nous proposons différentes solutions permettant de répondre aux exigences de protection des Entrées/Sorties hautes tensions. Ainsi, quatre types de protections innovantes ont été développés : des transistors bipolaires PNP dont le RON est optimisé, des structures couplant un transistor PNP latéral avec une diode verticale, un transistor NPN dont le gain est fortement dégradé afin d'augmenter la tension de fonctionnement et des transistors NPN avec une région flottante dans la base ou dans le collecteur. Dans chaque cas, en s'appuyant sur l'analyse des mécanismes physiques à l'aide de la simulation physique 2D, nous avons défini les stratégies d'optimisation appr opriées. Les résultats obtenus permettent de diviser par deux la surface des protections par rapport à la solution classique de mise en série de plusieurs protections basses tensions.

Ecologically sustainable coastal management: A legal blueprint

Macdonald, Roslyn January 2003 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is that ecologically sustainable coastal management (ESCM) is achievable through the application of law. Once the legal principles and the administrative structures that that law supports have been put into place a framework is created within which the goal of ecologically sustainable development - 'Development that improves the total quality of life, both now and in the future, in a way that maintains the ecological processes on which life depends' can be realised. This thesis approaches the task by analysing the components of ecologically sustainable development (ESD), synthesising them into a set of principles for achieving ESCM and then, by using a comparative approach, devising a number of recommendations, which, if followed, will enable ESCM to be achieved. While the focus is on ESCM, the recommendations could be applied with minimal adaptation, to most, if not all, natural resource management. The thesis is divided into five Parts. Part A looks at the function of law in ESCM and proposes a theoretical model for a legal and administrative regime to be tested in the remaining Parts. Part B considers the context for ESCM and the policies and approaches followed by the different jurisdictions compared throughout this thesis, in addressing sustainable development, with emphasis in chapter four on devising the principles for ESCM. These principles are then developed and analysed in the remaining Parts of the thesis. Part C looks at the current constitutional legal regime for the coastal zone in each jurisdiction and then moves on to consider the first two of the principles for ESCM, international responsibilities and integrated coastal zone management, linked together in this part by the direct dependence on law as the agent for management Part D is about the four remaining principles of ESCM - the practical instruments for achieving ESCM. These are environmental impact assessment, public participation, coastal planning and economic instruments. In the last Part, Part E, the suggested principles for ESCM are brought together and, by a comparison of the various legal and administrative mechanisms used in the jurisdictions reviewed in this thesis, recommendations for achieving ESCM are drawn up. It is suggested that implementation of these recommendations will achieve ecologically sustainable coastal management.

Záznamového zařízení pro oblast civilního letectví / Data storage system for area of civil aviation

Kotulič, Dominik January 2018 (has links)
In the thesis the design of the Data Storage System (DSS) is proposed with the respect to the V-Model methodology. The design is based on users requirements, from which the system requirements are created and the technical specification of the DSS is developed. In the technical specifications the functionality of the DMM and HMI DSS subsystems are described and sub-system requirements are assigned to them, then they are subdivided and assigned to individual DMM (Data memory module) and HMI hardware items. Moreover, requirements are analyzed on hardware items, specific electronic components, are selected and implemented into the block design of the DMM hardware. Based on the block design of hardware, the hardware of the DMM subsystem is designed, selectively simulated and implemented along with the printed circuit board. On the implemented hardware of the DMM subsystems measurements are performed in order to verify the basic functionality of the hardware and the calculated, assimilated and measured values are compared as well. At the end of the thesis there is a short description of the implementation of the software design and its use for basic initialization of the selected processor, together with the verification of its basic function - measuring the frequency of the internal clock sources and the clock domains. The work is completed by sending a message of defined parameters to the selected communication line and sapling it by an oscilloscope, so that the basic function of the DMM subsystem is verified.

Value Sustainability: Developing Affective Learning in Sustainability Leadership Programs

Jutrakul, Rada, Ring, Erin, Reymann, Lennart January 2020 (has links)
As sustainability challenges increase in both frequency and magnitude, there is a growing need for leaders who can deal with such complexity. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) develops knowledge,skills, and attitudes to enable the development of such leaders. This thesis focuses on the elusive “attitude” piece, more widely referred to as the affective domain. The research team interviewed experts on affective learning in either higher education or ESD contexts. Additionally, staff members from the case study organisation, Teach for Austria (TFA) were interviewed to determine how affective learning can be further developed within their fellow program. The five-level model (5LM) was employed to frame the findings of each interview set to provide recommendations for TFA. A feature of the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development, the 5LM provides a strategic planning approach that allows for easier adaptation and implementation of the findings for other programs that wish to learn from this research. Therefore, this thesis serves to provide recommendations for developing affective learning in sustainability leadership programs. Making affective learning explicit and empowering one to reflect their own affective domain and their perspective on the world can have a positive impact on their life, as well as on their environment.

Social Innovation for Sustainable Development: : Analyzing the Integration of Sustainability Competencies in Social Innovation Education.

Schnäckel, Katharina, Dannenberg, Max, Muruga, Kirathimo, Pakavaleetorn, Noon Suratchana January 2022 (has links)
Describing novel ideas and solutions that more effectively meet people’s needs than existing products, processes, or structures, social innovation (SI) is a promising concept to address the pressing issues of the sustainability challenge that society faces. Social innovation education (SIE) is a recent field in higher education that has gained attention regarding its potential contribution to sustainable development (SD); as such, SIE is nested within the system of education for sustainable development (ESD). The Sustainability Competencies Framework (SCF) suggests key competencies that equip students for work in SD. This thesis assesses the presence of sustainability competencies in SIE programs to provide insights on how SIE can strategically contribute to SD. A global sample of ten SIE programs has been qualitatively investigated; the findings map the content and pedagogies within the programs and provide recommendations for curriculum design that successfully teaches key sustainability competencies. Following a strategic approach for SD, the researchers take the nested system of ESD into consideration and suggest a science-based definition of sustainability across the diversity of programs to facilitate a common discourse and mutual contributions for successful education. The research addresses both educators and institutions of SIE and ESD programs.

Samhällskunskapens och geografins roll i utbildning för miljömässig hållbarhet - i svenska gymnasieskolor / The Role of Civics and Geography in Education for Environmental Sustainability -  in Swedish upper secondary schools

Andersson, Emma, Husain, Arzo January 2024 (has links)
Det har konstaterats både i globala och nationella styrdokument att skolan har en viktig roll i att undervisa för hållbar utveckling. Förenta Nationernas (FN) globala hållbarhetsmål, delmål 4.7 handlar exempelvis om att säkerställa att alla elever förvärvar kunskaper och färdigheter för att främja hållbar utveckling. Komplexiteten som hållbar utveckling innefattar kan däremot leda till att lärare finner det svårt att närma sig ämnet praktiskt i undervisningen. Även styrdokuments oprecisa karaktär utgör en risk att hållbar utveckling inte undervisas på ett sätt som optimerar elevers lärande om ämnet, vilket i sin tur kan minska deras möjligheter att ta hållbara beslut. Nuvarande forskning visar hur olika ämneslärare förstår och undervisar om hållbarhet i helhet men få studier har inriktat sig på ett specifikt skolämne och undersökt hur varje enskild dimension av hållbar utveckling får plats. Därför har denna studien fokuserat på hur miljömässig hållbarhet inkluderas i geografi och samhällskunskap. Syftet med studien var att få förståelse för hur den miljömässiga dimensionen av hållbar utveckling behandlas inom samhällsorienterade ämnen på gymnasiet samt hur undervisningssätt hos lärare inom samhällsorienterade ämnen resonerar med principer inom lärande för hållbar utveckling (LHU). Studien baserades på en kvalitativ metod, där åtta gymnasielärare intervjuades i Skåne, Sverige. En induktiv tematisk analys användes för att analysera intervjuerna. Resultatet av studien visade att samhällskunskap och geografi har olika ämnesinnehåll och undervisningsmetoder kopplade till miljömässig hållbarhet och LHU. Miljömässig hållbarhet hade en mer primär roll i geografiämnet, jämfört med i samhällskunskapen där det inkluderades ur ett mer sekundärt perspektiv. Resultatet visade även hur kompetensutveckling inom LHU är en utvecklingsmöjlighet för att lärare ska få större förståelse och genom det större intresse att använda LHU men också inkludera miljömässig hållbarhet i deras undervisning. Dessa utvecklingsmöjligheter måste dock ske från en högre nivå än lärarna själva men lärarna har också en roll i att kommunicera dessa behov. / Schools have been identified in both global and national policy documents as having an important role in educating about sustainable development. For example, the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4.7 aims to ensure that all students acquire the knowledge and skills to promote sustainable development. However, the complexity of sustainable development can lead teachers to find it difficult to approach the subject in their teaching. The imprecise nature of policy documents also poses a risk that sustainable development is not taught in a way that optimizes students' learning about the topic, which in turn may reduce their ability to make sustainable decisions. Current research shows how different subject teachers understand and teach sustainability as a whole, but few studies have focused on a specific school subject and examined how each individual dimension of sustainable development is addressed. Therefore this study focused on how environmental sustainability is included in geography and civics. The aim of the study was to gain an understanding of how the environmental dimension of sustainable development is treated in social studies at upper secondary school and how the teaching methods of social studies teachers resonate with the principles of education for sustainable development (ESD). The study was based on a qualitative method, where eight upper secondary school teachers were interviewed in Skåne, Sweden. An inductive thematic analysis was used to analyze the interviews. The results of the study showed that civics and geography have different subject content and teaching methods related to environmental sustainability and ESD. Environmental sustainability had a more primary role in the geography subject, compared to civics where it was included more indirectly. The results also showed how professional development in ESD is a development opportunity for teachers to gain greater understanding and through that greater interest in using ESD but also including environmental sustainability in their teaching. However, these development opportunities must come from a higher level than the teachers themselves, but the teachers also have a role in communicating these needs.

Gymnasieelevers diskussioner utifrån hållbar utveckling : meningsskapande, naturkunskapande, demokratiskapande / Upper secondary school students' discussions arising from sustainability issues : meaning-making, science-making, democracy-making

Ottander, Katarina January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis the focus is on upper secondary school students’ meaning-making in sustainability in science civic education. The aim is to study how meaning is created, if/how natural science is used and how democratic participation is constructed in students’ group discussions. The thesis also aims to create an awareness of the role science has in both the creation of meaning and the construction of democratic participation. The study is based on audio-recorded group discussions arising from two different sustainability tasks. Discursive psychology is used as an analytical framework, through the concepts of interpretative repertoires, ideological dilemmas and subject positions. The students use different interpretative repertoires that draw on different conceptions of the “world” (discourses) in their meaning-making. These different conceptions create ideological dilemmas that recur several times during the discussions and are therefore negotiated in different ways. The students then use strategies where these dilemmas are solved in a relatively simple manner. They construct the sustainability issue they discuss so that their ways to live and act/not act are portrayed as acceptable in the current situation. The students use their knowledge in and about science in their meaning-making. Science is used to make the "world" more understandable and raise questions; to evaluate, decide and act; to give authority to arguments; and to solve societal problems. The students’ science-making process contains various kinds of use of scientific knowledge, for example, clarify the conditions, identify consequences, scrutinize information, compare, assess, evaluate and use scientific methods. The discussions increase the students’ experience of using scientific knowledge and which functions scientific knowledge can have. The students construct democratic participation in various ways: trust in science and technology are expressed and awareness of what is considered as actions that are “good” for the environment; different perspectives are expressed and ideological dilemmas discussed; students use their scientific knowledge in socioscientific reasoning to create a deeper understanding of the issues discussed; scientific knowledge is also used for evaluating actions in relation to sustainability issues. However, the students see themselves having a major responsibility to act “good”, but without power to influence the development of society as a whole. The students have two projects going on during their discussions: to discuss and learn about the sustainability issue and make their own existence acceptable.

Handlingskompetens för hållbar utveckling : Tre berättelser om vägen dit / Action Competence for Sustainable Development : Three Stories about the Path Leading There

Almers, Ellen January 2009 (has links)
Studiens mål är att bidra till kunskapsutveckling om hur unga människor utvecklar handlingskompetens för hållbar utveckling. Med handlingskompetens för hållbar utveckling avses i studien vilja och förmåga att påverka livsstil och levnadsvillkor på ett sätt sominkluderar intergenerationellt och globalt ansvar. I avhandlingen introduceras begreppet avståndsmoral för att beskriva detta ansvar, som utsträcker sig i både tid och rum, till kommande generationer och till nu levande människor globalt. En utgångspunkt för studien är att hållbar utveckling innefattar idén om avståndsmoraliskt ansvar. Studiens huvudfråga är: Hur erfar avståndsmoraliskt aktivt handlande unga människor att de utvecklat handlingskompetens för hållbar utveckling? Studiens teorigrund är livsvärldsfenomenologisk. En upplevd verklighet undersöks i studien via berättelser. Genom ett strategiskt urval har tre intervjupersoner, som motiverar sina handlingar med avståndsmoraliska argument, valts att ingå i studien. Datainsamlingen har skett genom en kombination av öppna livsberättelseintervjuer ochhalvstrukturerade intervjuer. Analys och tolkning har metodologiskt stöd i berättelseforskningstraditionen och empirisk fenomenologisk forskning. Resultaten presenteras som tre citatrika levnadsberättelser om Karin, Carl och Matilda, tre unga vuxna med flera års engagemang i hållbarhetsfrågor. Syftet med levnadsberättelserna är att bidra till förståelse av det speciella i en enskild individs upplevelse av attutveckla handlingskompetens för hållbar utveckling. En integrerande analys redovisar mönster i form av likheter och skillnader mellan de tre individernas berättelser om att utveckla olika aspekter av handlingskompetens i avståndsmoraliska frågor. Sex gemensammakärnpoänger framstår som betydelsefulla: känslomässiga reaktioner, upplevd kompetens, kontrasterande perspektiv och normativ grund, handlingsimpregnering, tillit från och tillit till vuxna samt social gemenskap kontra utanförskap. Som motiv och drivkrafterför engagemanget framstår känslomässiga reaktioner som initierar önskan om förändring och vilja till handling, längtan efter meningsfullhet, önskan om att komma till sin rätt och längtan efter gemenskap. Resultaten diskuteras i förhållande till tidigare forskningoch en modell av en möjlig väg att utveckla aspekter av handlingskompetens för hållbar utveckling presenteras. Diskussionskapitlet utmynnar i fyra didaktiska utmaningar för enutbildning för hållbar utveckling. / The aim of the study at hand is to develop knowledge about the process of developing action competence for sustainable development. The overall research question explored is: How do young people experience that they have developed aspects of action competence forsustainable development? For the purposes of this study, action competence for sustainable development is defined as willingness and capability to act for changes in individual life style, as well as for structural changes of society, in a way that includes responsibility for present and future generations,globally. Life-world phenomenology provides the theoretical foundation of the study. Through purposive sampling, individuals have been found who, through different action strategies, engage in sustainability issues as for example climate change, bio-diversity and social justice. From a larger sample, three young adults have been selected for several life storyinterviews. Data has been analyzed and interpreted by use of narrative methodology. The result is presented as three stories, presented as thick descriptions, through whichthe winding paths towards aspects of action competence, as experienced, appear. This is followed by an integrative analysis presenting six themes that have emerged in theanalyses as relevant in the process of developing action competence for sustainable development: emotional reactions; perceived competence; contrasts and normative foundation;action permeation; trust and faith from adults and in adults; and social belonging in contrastto outsidership. Major motives and driving-forces for sustainability actions that emerge inthe stories are: emotional reactions initiating a desire for change and a desire to act; longingfor meaningfulness; a desire to feel comfortable with what you can contribute; and longing for belongingness. The findings are discussed in relationship to previous research and a modelof a possible way to develop aspects of action competence for sustainable development is introduced. This dissertation is part of a project supported by Formas, The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning.

Beyond Education and Society : On the Political Life of Education for Sustainable Development

Bengtsson, Stefan L. January 2014 (has links)
The objective of this dissertation is to develop a theoretical and analytical framework for understanding the political in education from a social and global perspective. With this objective in mind, it employs an empirical engagement and theoretical reflection on how this political can be seen to emerge in policy making on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Policy making on ESD is interpreted as engaging in the constitution of the social and globalisation, where the non-determination of this practice is seen to require political acts of identification with particular perspectives on what education, society and, as a result, ESD should be. Book I constitutes a theoretical and analytical framework that outlines central concepts, such as antagonism, temporality, space and rhizomic globalisation, in order to conceive of how the political in education can be understood and analysed in concrete articulations, such as policy making on ESD. The findings of the empirical analysis underlying this dissertation and that address the political in policy making on ESD are presented in the papers that are incorporated into this dissertation as part of Book II. Paper I discusses how we can conceive of the relation between ESD and globalisation and makes an argument that this relation should be seen to be political and characterised by conflicting perspectives on what ESD is. Paper II presents the findings from a comparative study of policy making on ESD that engages with concrete policy on ESD in order to reflect on how globalisation can be seen to emerge in these instances of policy making. Paper III presents the findings of a comprehensive discourse analysis of Vietnamese policy making and shows how the concepts of ESD and Sustainable Development are contested among different perspectives of how Vietnamese society should be constituted. The dissertation as a whole makes an argument for the inescapable political condition for education and how this condition necessitates the articulation of concepts such as ESD that name an inaccessible state beyond conflict and social antagonisms that is to be achieved through education.

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