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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Francia Italia in mostra : les expositions comme observatoires des relations franco-italiennes dans la construction d’une diplomatie culturelle européenne après la Seconde Guerre mondiale / Francia Italia in mostra : exhibitions as observatories of Franco-Italian relations in the construction of an European cultural diplomacy after World War II / Francia Italia in mostra : le mostre in quanto punti d'osservazione delle relazioni italo-francesi nella costruzione di una diplomazia culturale europea dopo la Seconda Guerra mondiale

Pane, Caroline 09 December 2016 (has links)
S’inscrivant dans le courant historiographique de l’histoire culturelle des relations internationales, cette thèse interroge le rôle des échanges artistiques dans les relations diplomatiques franco-italiennes, du lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale à la construction européenne. L’analyse des expositions réalisées par les services culturels des Affaires étrangères français et italien, respectivement en Italie et en France, met en évidence les rapports de force et les clés du rapprochement franco-italien après 1945. La reconstruction des identités nationales, leurs représentations et leurs circulations de part et d’autre des Alpes, sont ici interrogées au regard de l’élaboration d’une nouvelle forme de diplomatie culturelle dans l’Europe de la Guerre froide. Nous nous attachons, d’abord, à reconstruire l’héritage des politiques culturelles de l’entre-deux-guerres ainsi que la transformation des institutions, et des discours, de l’avant à l’après-guerre. Puis nous détaillons les expositions « militantes », objets de tensions et de forts enjeux géopolitiques sur la scène internationale de 1944 à 1948. Enfin, nous analysons pendant les années 1950 l’émergence de modèles récurrents et des typologies d’expositions qui répondent au besoin d’équilibre diplomatique poursuivi par les gouvernements français et italien dans la formation de l’Europe culturelle après 1945. / As part of the current historiography of the cultural studies of international relationships, this thesis questions the role of artistic exchanges in Franco-Italian diplomatic relations, from the aftermath of World War II to the beginnings of European construction. The analysis of exhibitions held by the Cultural Services of the French and Italian Ministries of Foreign Affairs, respectively in Italy and France, highlights the balance of power and the keys to the Franco-Italian reconciliation after 1945. The reconstruction of national identities, their representations and their circulations in both sides of the Alps are questioned in the particular context of the Cold War leading to the rise of a new form of European cultural diplomacy. We focus, firstly, on the modalities of institutional and ideological transition before and after World War II, introducing elements of interruptions and continuities. We then analyze the "militant" exhibitions, main focus of tensions and strong geopolitical issues in the international stage. Finally, we show the emergence of recurring patterns and exhibition typologies which address the need for diplomatic balance pursued by the French and Italian governments in the formation of cultural Europe after 1945. / Questa tesi si inserisce nel quadro storiografico della Storia culturale delle relazioni internazionali e interroga piùspecificatamente il ruolo degli scambi artistici nelle relazioni diplomatiche italo-francesi, dalla fine della Seconda Guerramondiale agli esordi della costruzione europea. L’analisi delle mostre realizzate dai servizi culturali dei ministeri degli AffariEsteri francese e italiano, rispettivamente in Italia e in Francia, mette in evidenza i giochi di potere e le chiavi dellariconciliazione italo-francese dopo il 1945. La ricostruzione delle identità nazionali, le loro rappresentazioni e le circolazionida una parte all’altra delle Alpi sono qui interrogate in funzione dell’elaborazione di una nuova forma di diplomazia culturalenell’Europa della Guerra fredda. Ci siamo prima impegnati a ricostruire la transizione istituzionale e ideologica dal periodofra le due guerre all’indomani del 1945, mostrandone i punti di rottura e di continuità. Poi, abbiamo esaminato le mostre“militanti”, oggetti di tensioni dai forti accenti geopolitici nello scenario internazionale dal 1944 al 1948. Infine, abbiamoanalizzato il sorgere di modelli ripetitivi e delle tipologie di mostre che rispondono al bisogno di equilibrio diplomaticoperseguito dai governi francese e italiano nell’ambito della formazione di un’Europa culturale dopo il 1945.

Qualità della sicurezza in Europa: la formazione dell'operatore di Polizia come leva stategica per l'integrazione: studio di caso in quattro paesi UE e indicazioni metodologiche per una sperimentazione internazionale

DI FELICE, LORENA 31 March 2011 (has links)
La ricerca approfondisce il rapporto tra qualità della sicurezza e qualità della formazione ai fini di realizzare uno spazio di sicurezza libertà e giustizia in Europa. Lo studio rivolge particolare attenzione alla formazione di polizia erogata in Europa dai differenti sistemi organizzativi che determinano l’accesso alla professione sviluppando un’analisi trasversale dei diversi Paesi da cui trarre gli elementi comuni attinenti al profilo di poliziotto. L’organizzazione delle forze di polizia negli Stati dell’Unione è risultata complessa e diversificata si è quindi impostato lo sviluppo della ricerca secondo la metodologia dello studio di caso, riferendosi a Italia Francia, Regno Unito, Polonia, Quattro Paesi significativi e rappresentativi . Obiettivo specifico dell’ analisi è pervenire a un profilo professionale formativo comune che permetta l’elaborazione di un’azione finalizzata alla definizione e alla successiva sperimentazione di un sistema di monitoraggio della qualità della formazione erogata nelle Scuole di polizia europee. / This Research investigates the relationship between security and education to realize an Area of security, freedom and justice in Europe. The focus is on Constable Courses of Police Training Schools within The European Union to find out a competency framework for cope. The Study is fully aware of the fact that different Police Training Systems are used within the Member States. Regarding this aspect the Research proposes study cases about Italy, France, United Kingdom and Poland. Its purpose is to have a vision on the core tasks of police and then to propose quality control standards to be implemented in National Police Courses.


SALVI, GRETA 12 June 2013 (has links)
Nel Triennio 1796-1799, si svolge la breve parabola della Repubblica Cisalpina, una delle unità politiche fondate da Napoleone Bonaparte nel corso della Campagna d’Italia. Il presente lavoro studia la cultura teatrale e gli aspetti performativi che caratterizzano la Cisalpina e soprattutto la sua capitale, Milano, in questa congiuntura storica. La tesi che si vuole sostenere riguarda l’uso delle pratiche performative come strumento di educazione popolare e di diffusione dei principi della Rivoluzione del 1789. Un intento perseguito, con differenti finalità, tanto dalle autorità francesi quanto dai patrioti italiani filo-rivoluzionari. La trattazione si articola intorno a tre nuclei fondamentali: i mutamenti urbanistici e architettonici intervenuti a Milano durante il Triennio, la teoria e la pratica teatrale, la forma para-performativa delle feste pubbliche. Le relazioni culturali tra Italia e Francia sono state oggetto di particolare attenzione. La documentazione su cui lo studio si basa è costituita da edizioni a stampa di testi teatrali, descrizioni di feste, editti, corrispondenza e periodici dell’epoca conservati presso biblioteche e archivi milanesi e parigini. / In the Triennium 1796-1799 took place the short life of the Cisalpine Republic, one of the political units founded by Napoleon Bonaparte during the Italian Campaign. This work studies the theatrical culture and the performing aspects which characterized the Cisalpine Republic and particularly its capital, Milan, in that historical juncture. The thesis asserted here is about the use of performing practices as an instrument of popular education and spreading of the principles of the 1789 Revolution. This aim was pursued by both French authorities and Italian pro-Revolution patriots. This work tackles three main points: the architectural and urban changes which affected Milan during the Triennium, the theory and practice of theatre, the public celebrations. The cultural relations between Italy and France have been investigated with special attention. This study is based on some documents kept in archives and libraries of Milan and Paris, such as printed editions of theatrical plays, records of celebrations, correspondence and periodicals from the age of the Cisalpine Republic.

Los riesgos naturales en España y en la Unión Europea: incidencia y estrategias de actuación

Fernández Garrido, María Isabel 10 May 2007 (has links)
El carácter aplicado y estratégico del estudio de los Riesgos Naturales justifica el interés de abordar este tema desde el punto de vista global e integrador que caracteriza a la ciencia geográfica. En este campo, la comparación de las políticas desarrolladas en diferentes países, así como en la Unión Europea como ente supranacional, resulta muy valiosa para diseñar estrategias efectivas que puedan aplicarse a la mejora del sistema de gestión de riesgos naturales desarrollado en España. El fin último, el correcto ensamblaje entre las distintas fases de intervención y los organismos implicados, obedece al esfuerzo por comprender y reducir las inadaptaciones entre el ser humano y el medio en el que se inscriben sus actividades, contribuyendo de este modo a minimizar el impacto, tanto económico como social, de las catástrofes naturales. / The applicability and the strategic nature of Natural Risks investigation justify the interest to approach this subject from the global and binding point of view which characterizes Geography science. In this area, the comparison between policies that have been developed in different countries, as well as in the European Union as a higher body, could be extremely valuable in the design of effective strategies that might be applied to improve the Spanish natural risks management system. The final goal is to get the correct correlation between the different intervention phases and the organisms involved, in order to understand and reduce the failures in adaptation between human beings and the environment in which they live and act. This would contribute to minimize the economic as well as social impact of natural disasters.


PINCHETTI, ANNA LISA 01 April 2015 (has links)
La tesi intende analizzare l’idea coloniale in Francia durante la Terza Repubblica, le modalità attraverso cui essa veniva veicolata e gli argomenti con cui l’espansione veniva giustificata. Dopo un’introduzione storica, la ricerca si concentra sulle diverse “voci” che concorsero alla promozione e propaganda coloniale. Vengono analizzati il contributo dei diversi attori – primo fra tutti il “parti colonial” - che parteciparono a sostenere le motivazioni dell’espansione, oltre alle modalità e ai canali utilizzati, in un contesto in cui l’opinione pubblica era restia ad affezionarsi e a comprendere la necessità di un impero. La parte successiva si concentra sui contenuti del discorso di giustificazione e motivazione dell’imperialismo francese, tramite il richiamo di alcuni teorici e politici del periodo e dei principali temi -economici, politici e umanitari (la cd. “mission civilisatrice”) - evocati in tale contesto. L’ultimo capitolo è dedicato in modo particolare alla diffusione della cosiddette “scienze coloniali” e alla creazione, influenzata dall’esigenza di formare i futuri amministratori coloniali, di cattedre o sezioni coloniali negli istituti di studi superiori. E’ possibile in tal modo individuare un collegamento tra diversi gruppi ed entità operanti nel campo politico, economico e scientifico e, attraverso l’analisi degli appunti dei corsi, esaminare in che modo l’idea coloniale fosse trasmessa in tale ambito. / The research aims at analyzing the colonial idea in France during the Third Republic, the different ways it was conveyed and the main themes adopted to justify the colonial expansion. After a first historical overview, the second chapter focuses on the different actors that contributed in promoting the colonies and the colonial propaganda (above all the “parti colonial”), in a context in which the majority of the French citizens seemed not really interested in supporting the colonial empire nor in understanding its needs and methods. Subsequently, the research analyzes the different themes the supporters of the French colonial movement adopted to justify the need of a colonial empire at the economic, political and “humanitarian” levels. The last chapter is focused on the diffusion of the “colonial sciences” and the creation of ad hoc colonial sections or schools aimed at training the future colonial administrators. The analysis highlights the links between the different actors of the political, economic and scientific circles. Also, thanks to the exam of the student’s notes it is possible to see how the colonial idea was conveyed in this field.


POLI, CRISTIAN 25 March 2015 (has links)
L’argomento di questa indagine è la vicenda del carmelitano bretone Thomas Connecte, vissuto nella prima metà del XV secolo. Egli fece notevole impressione sui contemporanei quale ardente predicatore contro la moda del tempo, il gioco e il malcostume del clero. Convinto sostenitore dei propri principi e infiammato di zelo, intraprese un viaggio verso Roma per riformare i cardinali e lo stesso Papa. Giuntovi venne però processato per eresia e arso sul rogo durante i primi anni del turbolento pontificato di Eugenio IV. Il presente elaborato ha voluto ricostruire la figura storica di questo predicatore , utilizzando tutte le fonti, gli studi e le conoscenze disponibili attualmente, non perdendo di vista il processo di “mitizzazione” cui va incontro il suo personaggio dopo la morte. Il lavoro aggiunge alcune acquisizioni importanti che fanno luce sulla sua vicenda storica, quali il vero motivo della condanna, la data e il luogo dell’esecuzione. Emerge chiaramente dalle fonti come egli appartenga al gruppo di quelli che vengono definiti dagli storici “predicatori profetici e carismatici”. Egli scende in Italia al fine di riformare non solo l’Ordine, ritenuto corrotto, ma anche la Chiesa e gli stessi cardinali. Catturato, imprigionato e torturato viene giudicato eretico; accusato di aver celebrato messa e predicato pubblicamente senza essere sacerdote, e forse neppure carmelitano, viene bruciato al rogo. I superiori dell’Ordine sembrano appoggiare la condanna e fra i testimoni compaiono anche alcuni confratelli. Probabilmente l’Ordine temeva che il movimento di riforma da lui fondato creasse una spaccatura interna, come poi è effettivamente accaduto con la nascita della Congregazione mantovana. È proprio all’interno della Congregazione che la memoria del Connecte viene tramandata e “beatificata”. Durante gli anni di disputa con l’Ordine, sarà invece creata la figura leggendaria del “Beato Francesco Tommaso Dremellio di Francia”, che ben poco ha in comune col predicatore bretone, tranne alcuni particolari riconoscibili solo ai membri più vecchi della Congregazione. La memoria di Connecte trova eco anche all’interno della Riforma protestante, grazie ai carmelitani che vi avevano aderito, tra cui l’inglese John Bale. Anche qui lentamente si creerà la figura leggendaria di “Thomas Rhedon”, testimone della verità e precursore di Lutero e che acquisirà negli anni lo status di protestante ante litteram a scapito della sua reale figura storica. Il presente lavoro non ha la pretesa di aver trattato esaustivamente tutti gli aspetti emersi, ma ha cercato di aggiungere nuove acquisizioni agli studi finora condotti e di indicare nuove piste di ricerca interessanti. Chiude il tutto l’analisi di alcune fonti iconografiche che ritraggono il predicatore bretone e mostrano bene il passaggio dalla figura storica a quella leggendaria. / The subject of this research is the case of the Breton Carmelite Thomas Connecte, who lived in the first half of the 15th century. He made a strong impression on his contemporaries as a fervent preacher against the fashion of his time, against gambling and the immorality of the clergy. Firm upholder of his principles and inflamed with zeal, he set out on a journey to Rome to reform cardinals and even the Pope. But once he got there, he was tried for heresy and sent to the stake, during the first years of the turbulent papacy of Eugene IV. This paper was meant to reconstruct the historical figure of this preacher. For this purpose, all the sources, the studies and the knowledge currently available have been used, without losing sight of the “mythicization” process his character met after his death. This work adds some important acquisitions, which shed light on his historical vicissitudes, such as the real justification of his sentence and the date and the place of his execution. It is clear from the sources that he belonged to those called “prophetic and charismatic preachers” by the historians. He went down to Italy in order to reform not only the Order that he considered corrupted but also the Church and even cardinals. Captured, imprisoned and tortured, he was judged heretical; he was accused of celebrating Mass without being priest, and maybe not even being Carmelite, and he was sent to the stake. The Superiors of his Order seemed to support the sentence and among the witnesses there were also some of his brothers. Probably, the Order feared that the reform movement he had founded could create an internal rift, as it actually occurred with the birth of the Mantuan Congregation. And it was right inside the Congregation that the memory of Connecte was handed on and “beatified”. On the contrary, during the years of his dispute with the Order, it was created the legendary figure of the “Beatified Francesco Tommaso Dremellius from France”, who had little to do with the Breton preacher, out of some characteristics, that only the oldest members of the Congregation could recognize. The memory of Connecte was also echoed in the Protestant Reformation, thanks to Carmelites who adhered to it, like John Bale. Here also was slowly created the legendary figure of “Thomas Rhedon”, witness of the truth and forerunner of Luther, who acquired, in the years, the status of protestant ahead of his time, at the expense of his real historical figure. This work doesn’t mean to have dealt comprehensively with all the emerged details, but it has tried to add new acquisitions to the studies that have been carried out so far and it tries to suggest new interesting research tracks. The analysis of some iconographic sources close this paper. They portrayed the preacher and show clearly the passage from the historical to the legendary figure.

Les politiques de gestion de crises de Charles le Chauve en marche d’Espagne et de Bretagne : comparaison d’espaces politiques troubles

Havard-Trépanier, Geoffrey 01 1900 (has links)
Le règne de Charles le Chauve fut une période de transformations politiques et idéologiques pour la royauté carolingienne. Les conflits de la marche de Bretagne et d’Espagne ainsi que les incursions externes sont les troubles ayant probablement le plus retenu l’attention des médiévistes. La prétendue quête émancipatrice des Armoricains ou encore les ambitions personnelles et familiales des magnats aristocratiques septimaniens et ibériques sont encore citées comme preuves de l’affaiblissement du pouvoir royal carolingien, suite au traité de Verdun de 843. En s’attardant sur les politiques de résolution de conflit du roi dans ces deux territoires, à priori hostiles à son pouvoir, ce mémoire veut établir si les tensions dans les marches étaient aussi complexes et insurmontables que les sources primaires le laissent entendre. En comparant les politiques de terrain visibles dans les actes royaux, nous remarquons que ces troubles n’étaient pas fondamentalement différents de ceux présents ailleurs dans le royaume. Les stratégies employées par le souverain montrent que la royauté détenait les moyens de venir à bout des obstacles à sa suprématie politique. Visiblement, ces dissidences ne semblent pas aussi particulières. Les enjeux politiques et économiques qu’elles impliquaient étaient, de toute évidence, à l’image des principales préoccupations politiques des rois carolingiens suite à la guerre civile de 840-843. Il importait d’argumenter leur légitimité divine ainsi que d’apparaître comme le seul choix politique. / Charles the Bald’s reign was a period of political and ideological transformations for the carolingian royalty. The troubles with the Breton and Spanish march along with the external raids are probably the sources of tension which have captured the most attention from medievalists. The so-called armorican emancipatory quest or the personal and familial ambitions of the septimanian and iberian magnates are still cited as evidences of the weakening of Carolingian political power following the 843 treaty of Verdun. By focusing on the king’s conflict resolution policies in these two territories, apparently hostile to his power, this study wants to establish wheter the tensions in the marches were as complex and irremediable as the primary sources suggested. By comparing the field policies visible in the royal charters, we noticed that theses troubles were not fundamentally different from those present elsewhere in the kingdom. The strategies employed by the king shows that the royalty had the means to overcome these obstacles and to affirm his political supremacy. Noticeably, these oppositions do not seem to be so particular. The political and economic issues that they were impliying were reflecting the main political concerns of the Carolingian kings following the 840-843 civil war. It was important to them to promote their divine legitimacy as well as appearing as the only political choice for the kingdom’s elites.

Marseille et sa classe dirigeante à la Renaissance (env. 1460 - env. 1560). D'une principauté méditerranéenne au royaume de France. / Marseilles and its ruling class during the Renaissance (1460s - 1560s). From a Mediterranean principality to the kingdom of France. / Marsiglia e la sua classe dirigente nel Rinascimento (1460 - 1560). Da un principato del Mediterraneo al regno di Francia.

Maret, Auderic 25 March 2017 (has links)
Jusqu’en 1481, Marseille fait partie d’un Etat indépendant, le comté de Provence et en est la plus grande ville sans en être toutefois la capitale. Or, en 1481, le dernier comte de Provence meurt sans héritier et il lègue l’ensemble de ses territoires au roi de France, Louis XI. Cependant, en Provence, les structures et pratiques politiques sont différentes du royaume de France, et Marseille appartient à un espace politico-culturel méditerranéen où la vie politique des villes est marquée par le modèle de la commune, également présent en Italie du nord et du centre. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’observer le passage d’un espace politico-culturel marqué par l’héritage des comtes de Provence et des cadres politiques de la commune à un espace politico-culturel dominé par le roi de France, où la relation entre le souverain et les villes s’inscrit dans le cadre de la « bonne ville ». Pour mener à bien ce travail, nous avons choisi de nous intéresser au conseil de ville, qui est la pièce maîtresse du pouvoir municipal, et à ses membres, afin d’observer les mutations introduites par ce transfert de souveraineté. Nous avons décidé de voir ces mutations en ce qui concerne la culture et l’identité du groupe dirigeant de la ville afin de s'inscrire dans une histoire culturelle du pouvoir municipal. Toute ville peut se définir comme un système politique où différents pouvoirs coexistent et se réajustent en permanence les uns par rapport aux autres au gré des événements et des changements qui peuvent surgir. La première partie examine les réajustements aux XIVe et XVe siècles à Marseille, qui permettent au pouvoir municipal de devenir dominant à Marseille face aux autres pouvoirs sous le règne de René Ier d’Anjou (1434-1480). La deuxième partie étudie les hommes à le tête du conseil de ville, les fondements de leur pouvoir et leurs modifications autour du rattachement de 1481. Enfin, la dernière partie examine les changements de culture et d’identité du groupe introduits par le transfert de souveraineté et les nouvelles ambitions en Méditerranée du groupe dirigeant, qui jettent les bases d’une véritable thalassocratie qui s’épanouira au XVIIe siècle. / Until 1481, Marseilles is a part of an independant state, the county of Provence and it’s the biggest city, even if it’s not the capital. But, in 1481, the last count of Provence died without a son and he gives in his testament all his goods and territories to the king of France Louis XI. After that, Marseilles, like the rest of the former county is integrated in the French royal domain. But, in Provence the cultural and political structures and practices are different from the kingdom of France, and Marseilles belongs to a politico-cultural space where the political life is influenced by the model of “commune”, we can also see in the north of Italy. My aim in this thesis is to study the mobility between a politico-cultural space influences by the counts of Provence and the political structures and culture of the “commune” to a politico-cultural space dominated by the king of France thanks to a structure called “bonne ville”. I decided to study the council of the city which is the main structure of the municipal power and the leaders who are in this council in order to see the modifications after 1481 about the culture and the identity of this ruling class. I propose with this thesis an essay of cultural history of the municipal power. Each city is a political system, where different powers coexist. Those powers move and fix themselves towards the other ones. In the 1st part, I study how the municipal power becomes the most important one in Marseilles during the reign of René the 1st of Anjou. Then, in the second part, I study the leaders of the council, the foundations of their power and the modifications after 1481. Finally, in the 3rd part, I study the new ambitions of the leaders of Marseilles which lead in the 17th century to build a real thalassocracy in the Mediterranean world. / Fino al 1481, Marsiglia è la città più grande della contea di Provenza, uno stato indipendente, pur senza esserne la capitale. In quell’anno, l'ultimo conte di Provenza muore senza eredi e dona la sua contea al re di Francia, Luigi XI. Le strutture e le pratiche politiche della Provenza sono però molto diverse rispetto a quelle del regno di Francia: Marsiglia fa parte di uno spazio politico-culturale del Mediterraneo, dove la vita politica urbana è segnata da un modello comunale del tutto simile a quello che si riscontra nelle città dell'Italia centro-settentrionale. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è di studiare il passaggio di questo spazio politico-culturale, segnato dall’eredità angioina e da un governo di tipo comunale, a quello dominato dal re di Francia, nel quale la relazione tra il sovrano e le città è costruita attorno al modello della "bonne ville". Per studiare questo tema, si è scelto di concentrarsi sul consiglio della città di Marsiglia, l'istituzione simbolo del potere municipale, e sugli uomini che lo componevano, al fine di apprezzare le mutazioni dovute al cambiamento di sovranità avvenute al suo interno. L’intento è di analizzare i cambiamenti legati alla cultura e all’identità della classe dirigente, nell’ottica di una storia culturale del potere municipale. Tutte le città possono definirsi come un sistema politico all’interno del quale si trovano a coesistere diversi poteri, che si relazionano fra loro in base agli avvenimenti e ai cambiamenti interni ed esterni alla città stessa. La prima parte della tesi si concentra sul processo mediante il quale il potere municipale ha preso il sopravvento a Marsiglia sotto il regno di Renato I (1434-1480). Nella seconda, invece, si analizzano gli uomini che formano il consiglio della città, l’origine del loro potere e le mutazioni che avvengono dopo il 1481. Infine, l’ultima parte ha per oggetto le trasformazioni nell’identità e nella cultura del gruppo dirigente cittadino in seguito al cambiamento di sovranità, evento che getterà le basi della talassocrazia marsigliese del XVII secolo.

Éclairage de la tracéologie lithique sur le système techno-économique nomade châtelperronien / The chatelperronian settlement and techno-economical systems : a functional point of view / El aporte de la traceología sobre el sistema tecno-económico nómada chatelperroniense

Baillet, Mickaël 20 February 2017 (has links)
Pour l’extrême ouest eurasiatique, le problème demeure de savoir selon quelles modalités anthropologiques Neandertal et l’Homme d’Anatomie Moderne (HAM) se sont succédés, lors d’une sous-époque artificiellement qualifiée de « Transition ». Une solution pourrait selon nous venir d’une approche globale du système techno-économique nomade, là où l’approche technologique des industries lithiques, mise en oeuvre de façon privilégiée jusqu’à aujourd’hui, a montré ses limites. Notre thèse applique cette échelle systémique aux industries lithiques châtelperroniennes,depuis le nord de la France jusque dans la corniche vasco-cantabrique. Le Châtelperronien est pa railleurs une culture emblématique du problème évoqué. Nous avons placé la tracéologie lithiqueainsi que l’expérimentation au coeur de notre méthodologie analytique, afin de cerner à la fois les stratégies industrielles et les activités outillées des communautés châtelperroniennes. Tandis que nous nous sommes basé sur des modèles théoriques explicites pour appréhender plus généralement leur système de fonctionnement économique relativement à leur mode de nomadisme. Nous avons également utilisé la tracéologie afin d’éclaircir la problématique taphonomique spécifique au Châtelperronien.Nos observations sur l’état de surface des collections nous pousse finalement à suggérer que la dichotomie entre «sites à indices de passage » et « sites à dépôt archéologique » ne serait pas le résultat taphonomique d’évènements climatiques induisant une érosion à géométrie variable(i.e. intersites et/ou intrasites), comme nos prédécesseurs concevaient habituellement cette problématique spécifique. Au contraire, elles témoigneraient bien d’un mode d’occupation très contrasté du territoire. L’analyse fonctionnelle des industries, de son côté, abonde également dans ce sens en révélant que les stratégies industrielles reflètent une double partition, à la fois humaine et économique.En effet, d’une part, le « support de Châtelperron » équipe notamment des individus missionnés sur des sites logistiques tels que des haltes de chasse, afin qu’ils fabriquent et utilisent tour à tour des armatures de sagaie ou des couteaux de boucherie. D’autre part, d’autres haltes logistiques sont conçues comme la conjonction entre le renouvellement de l’industrie lithique et la réalisation d’activités spécialisées à caractère vivrier (boucherie) et artisanal (peausserie, et très probablement industrie osseuse). Quant aux campements résidentiels, manifestement très rares et alors sous abris rocheux, ils accueillent l’ensemble du groupe et sont le lieu où sont mis en oeuvre l’ensemble des industries lithique et osseuse, ainsi que la parure, reflétant le panel probablement complet des activités de ces communautés.En somme, il ressort une spécialisation des outils au Châtelperronien, et plus généralement une spécialisation cynégétique du système technique lithique, couplées à un mode logistique de nomadisme sur de vastes territoires. Ceci pourrait refléter une segmentation du groupe par spécialistes, et notamment une partition sociologique dans laquelle la figure du chasseur occupe une place majeure.Enfin, la confrontation de notre modèle châtelperronien spécifique avec les principales cultures de la Transition sur notre aire géographique fait ressortir une définition restrictive du Paléolithique supérieur. En effet, la spécialisation cynégétique du système technique lithique et, corrélativement,celle du statut de chasseur parmi les membres du groupe, représentent selon nous deux traits singularisant les communautés du Paléolithique supérieur. / At the far west of Eurasia, questions persist regarding what factors led anatomically modernhuman groups to succeed Neanderthals during the so called “Middle to Upper PaleolithicTransition.” Technological approaches to lithic analysis, which have until recently been the principal mean used to investigate these questions, have now shown their limitations. Instead, we suggest amore global approach, which examines both techno-economic and settlement systems.Here, we apply this mode of analysis to the Châtelperronian industry, which is found from northernFrance to the Vasco-Cantabrian region of northern Spain and is emblematic of the above-mentionedproblems. Methodologically, we approach this lithic industry by way of use wear analysis andexperimental archaeology. Our aim is to understand both overarching industry strategies and theways in which specific tools were used. We use theoretical models to investigate the relationshipbetween Châtelperronian functional economy and their mode of nomadism, and use traceology to clarify taphonomic problems specific to the Châtelperronian.We observed, using different levels of magnification, that the natural texture of most lithic artifacts appears to be surprisingly well preserved. This leads us to the conclusion that contrary to previous understandings, the perceived dichotomy between “sites à indices de passage” (i.e. coarse grained assemblages) and “sites à dépôt archéologique” (i.e. fine grained assemblages), cannot be the resultof climatic events resulting in different degrees of intersite and/or intrasite erosion. Instead, we suggest that this be the result of different pattern of movement of Châtelperronian groups. Additionally,the results of our use wear analysis suggest that Châtelperronian industrial strategies were the resultof a division in both human and economic terms.We hypothesize that individuals carried lithic blanks to logistical sites (e.g. hunting camps), manufactured so called “Châtelperronian points”, and used these tools as both projectile points and knives for butchery. This type of specialized activity hints at segmentation within a given group. Different type of logistical sites can be associated with different combinations of activities performed at them including the rejuvenation of lithic tools (i.e. flint knapping), the production of food (i.e.butchery), and other craft activities (i.e. hide working and the production of bone and antler tools).In contrast, residential sites were likely home to entire groups. These are rare in the archaeological record, and are always associated with rock shelters. These sites contain lithic and bone tools, as well as personal ornaments, which were manufactured on site. These residential sites can be considered good representations of the Châtelperronian industry as a whole, and likely reflect nearly the entire range of daily activities performed.In sum, Châtelperronian tools were specialized elements of a lithic industry focused on hunting within a system of logistical mobility spanning vast territories. This could reflect a social division of Châtelperronian groups into specialists, with the role of the hunter occupying a primary position. Finally, a comparison of our model of the Châtelperronian to that of other “transitional” cultures of western Eurasia leads us to propose a more restrictive definition of the Upper Paleolithic. We posit that hunting specialization, both in terms of lithic technology and the status of the hunter relativeto other members of the group, represent the only traits which set apart Upper Paleolithic societies. / En el caso del extremo occidental de Eurasia, la cuestión reside en establecer los factores antropológicos que llevaron a la sucesión Neanderthal-“Humanos Anatómicamente Modernos”durante la transición entre el Paleolítico Medio y el Superior. Estimamos que una vía de acercamiento puede derivar de un análisis más global del sistema tecnoeconómico nómada, alejándose deuna perspectiva tecnológica sobre la industria lítica demasiado restringida.Nuestra perspectiva se ha aplicado al estudio de una cultura característica del periodo, el Chatelperroniense,introduciendo un énfasis particular en el análisis funcional de los utillajes líticos y en elestudio de los patrones territoriales de los asentamientos. Para abordar los patrones territoriales,hemos recurrido a modelos teóricos explícitos que los relacionan con sistemas económicos específicos.En el caso del análisis funcional, hemos situado la observación de las huellas de uso y unimportante referencial experimental como núcleo de la metodología desarrollada. En este caso el objetivo es doble ya que se trata de reconocer las estrategias técnicas aplicadas a los propios utillajesde piedra y de reconocer también estas estrategias en los procesos técnicos en los que estos utillajeshan participado. El estudio traceológico ha servido asimismo para abordar cuestiones tafonómicasrelativas a la conservación de los yacimientos estudiados gracias a la lectura de las alteraciones sufridas por las superficies de los utillajes de piedra. Estas evidencias sugieren una conservación inesperadamente buena de los contextos arqueológicos. Ello viene a demostrar que las diferencias entre tipos de yacimientos que se habían observado –que se atribuían a alteraciones tafonómicas diferenciales- son en realidad el resultado de comportamientos y modos de ocupación diferentes ybien contrastados en cada uno de ellos.Por otra parte, los resultados generales del análisis funcional redundan en esta percepción, la deuna partición doble –humana y económica- en el seno de las estrategias técnicas. Nuestros resultadossugieren que existe una primera estrategia que implica una circulación en el territorio depuntas-cuchillos de chatelperron, probablemente transportados por individuos que se desplazana ocupaciones especializadas, como los campamentos de caza; estos instrumentos se utilizarían como cuchillos de carnicería y también como parte de elementos de proyectil. Algunas de estas ocupaciones especializadas reunirían un conjunto algo más complejo de funciones incluyendo larenovación del utillaje lítico agotado y algunos trabajos especializados relacionados con la subsistencia–carnicería- o actividades de elaboración de algunos productos (en piel y materias óseas). Los campamentos residenciales son muy escasos, casi siempre en abrigos y cuevas, y en ellos se llevarían a cabo el conjunto de tareas necesarias para estas comunidades y, en este sentido, puedenconsiderarse representativas de los comportamientos generales durante el periodo.En conjunto, se aprecia una especialización del utillaje durante el Chatelperroniense, muy orientada hacia las actividades cazadores en el marco de un sistema territorial que implica una gran movilidad logística. Ello podría reflejar una segmentación social interna de las comunidades con la apariciónde especialistas entre los que jugaría un papel importante la figura del cazador.Como conclusión, la comparación del modelo que emerge acerca de los comportamientos chatelperronienses con los propios de otras culturas de este periodo de transición en torno al 40.000nos lleva a proponer una definición más restrictiva para caracterizar al conjunto del Paleolítico Superior.En este sentido, planteamos que la especialización cazadora, tanto en lo que afecta al sistema técnico lítico como al estatus del cazador respecto a los otros miembros del grupo, representa el rasgo diferencial esencial que define a las comunidades humanas del Paleolítico superior.

Parcs nationaux en transition vers des parcs nationaux naturels anthropisés (PNNa) ? Étude comparative de trois parcs nationaux naturels habités du Continent américain (Colombie, Guyane française, Québec). / National parks in transition towards "nature and anthropic national parks" (PNNa)? Comparative study of three inhabited natural national parks of the American continent : the example of Quebecker, Guyanese and Colombian Cases. / ¿Parques nacionales naturales en transicion hacias parques nationales naturales antropicos (PNNa)? Estudio comparativo de tres parques nacionales naturales habitados del contiente americano : ejemplo de los casos Quebenquense, Guyanes y Colombanio.

Sierra Jimenez, Mara Johanna 27 May 2016 (has links)
L’évolution des politiques de gouvernance environnementale internationale et la transition des contextes nationaux et locaux de conservation favorisent de plus en plus l’intégration de la dimension anthropique au sein des parcs nationaux (catégorie II-UICN). Cette dimension s’adresse d’une part aux populations locales qui habitent de manière permanente les diverses zones de protection, et d’autre part, aux acteurs économiques (légaux et illégaux) qui exploitent le territoire protégé (tourisme, orpaillage, bois, etc.) ou qui participent de manière directe et indirecte aux processus de construction territoriale du parc national. L’intégration de la dimension anthropique au sein de ces territoires naturels de protection favorise en conséquence l’émergence de nouvelles dynamiques et stratégies de gestion et de gouvernance participatives.Avec une triple approche scientifique construite autour des regards croisés de la géographie politique, de la géographie socioculturelle et de la political ecology, cette thèse s’intéresse à l’analyse de trois cas d’études particuliers du continent américain afin de comprendre comment l’intégration de cette dimension anthropique (socioculturelle et économique) favorise la transition de certains espaces naturels protégés classiques vers une nouvelle configuration que nous proposons d’identifier ici sous le nom de « parcs nationaux naturels anthropisés - PNNa ». L’analyse systémique de la structure et du fonctionnement des macrostructures de gouvernance et des microstructures de gestion du Parc amazonien de la Guyane en France, du Parc marin du Saguenay-Saint-Laurent au Québec (Canada) et du Parc national naturel Amacayacu en Amazonie colombienne, nous ont permis ainsi de mettre en évidence quelques aspects de cette transition dans la gestion territoriale des espaces naturels protégés de catégorie II, ainsi que les conflits de pouvoir qui en résultent. / The evolution of international environmental policies and national and local conservation contexts gives increasing importance to the anthropic dimension within the national parks (category II UICN). Not only does this dimension takes into account the local population that lives permanently in these various natural areas, but also the economic actors who, legally or illegally, benefit from those protected areas (tourism, gold-washing, wood, etc.) or participate directly or indirectly in the process of the territorial elaboration of a national park. The integration of the anthropic aspect definitely help the emergence of new dynamics and strategies of collaborative management and policies. Building on political geography, socio-cultural geography and political ecology, this thesis aims to shed light how that anthropic dimension (sociocultural as well as economical) entails the transition of some protected areas from a classical type to a new category we identify as the “Nature and Anthropic National Park” (PNNa). We focus on three specific study cases in the American continent: the Amazonian park of the French Guiana, the Sea Park of Saguenay-Saint-Laurent of Québec, Canada, and the Amazonian Amacayacu National Park of Colombia. The systemic analysis of their structure and their functioning, as far as macrostructure of policies and microstructures of management are concerned, has allowed us to bring out that transition in the territorial management of these category II protected natural areas and the deriving conflicts for power. / La evolución de las políticas de gobernanza medioambiental internacional y la transición de los contextos nacionales y locales de conservación, favorecen cada vez más la integración de la dimensión antrópica al interior de los parques nacionales (categoría II-UICN). Esta dimensión corresponde de una parte, a las poblaciones locales que habitan de manera permanente las diversas zonas de protección dentro del parque nacional, y de otra parte, a los actores económicos (legales e ilegales) que explotan el territorio protegido (Turismo, explotación minera, explotación de madera, etc), o que participan de manera directa o indirecta en los procesos de construcción territorial del parque nacional. La integración de la dimensión antrópica dentro de estos territorios naturales de protección favorece en consecuencia la emergencia de nuevas dinámicas y estrategias participativas de gestión y de gobernanza. A través de un triple enfoque científico construido mediante el cruce de diversos puntos de vista de la geografía política, de la geografía sociocultural y de la political ecology, esta tesis se interesa en el análisis de tres casos de estudio particulares del Continente americano. El objetivo de esta contribución es el de intentar mostrar, cómo la integración de la dimensión antrópica (sociocultural y económica) influencia la transición de algunos espacios naturales protegidos hacia una nueva configuración que nosotros proponemos identificar aquí bajo el nombre de “parques nacionales naturales antropizados – PNNa”.El análisis sistémico de la estructura y del funcionamiento de las macroestructuras de gobernanza y de las microestructuras de gestión participativa del Parque amazónico de la Guayana, en Francia, del Parque marino del Saguenay-Saint-Laurent en Quebec, Canadá, y del Parque nacional natural Amacayacu en Amazonia colombiana, nos permitieron poner en evidencia este tipo de transición en la gestión territorial de los espacios naturales protegidos de categoría II, así que los conflictos de poder que resultan de esta transformación.

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