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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementering av evidensbaserad omvårdnad. En systematisk litteraturstudie

Danielsson, Jaana, Signér, Johanna January 2004 (has links)
The aim of this systematic review is to study the scientific literature related to the implementation of evidence-based nursing. / Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie är att undersöka den vetenskapliga litteraturen angående implementering av evidensbaserad omvårdnad.

Kartläggning av hur rehabiliteringsåtgärder enligt Socialstyrelsens nationella riktlinjer för vård vid stroke har implementerats i Sverige. En enkätstudie bland fysioterapeuter som arbetar med rehabilitering efter stroke. / Mapping of how rehabilitation interventions accordning to the National guidelines for stroke care, have been implemented in Sweden. A survey among physiotherapists working with stroke rehabilitation.

Brycke, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: I de nationella riktlinjerna (NR) för vård vid stroke ger Socialstyrelsen rekommendationer om åtgärder som hälso- och sjukvården bör erbjuda personer som insjuknat i stroke. Det saknas idag kunskap om i vilken utsträckning fysioterapeuter inom strokerehabilitering, har implementerat rehabiliteringsåtgärder i enlighet med NR.    Syfte: Att undersöka i vilken utsträckning fysioterapeuter som arbetar med strokerehabilitering i olika delar av vårdkedjan i Sverige, har implementerat rehabiliteringsåtgärder enligt Socialstyrelsens NR, samt kartlägga vilka underlättande och hindrande faktorer som påverkat implementeringen i verksamheterna.     Metod: Studien har en kvantitativ tvärsnittsdesign. En webbenkät har använts som datainsamlingsmetod. Fysioterapeuter som arbetar i olika delar av strokevårdkedjan, har besvarat enkäten.    Resultat: 148 fysioterapeuter deltog i studien. De flesta rehabiliteringsåtgärder, som enligt NR bör erbjudas, erbjöds i hög grad. Rehabiliteringsåtgärder som uppgiftspecifik gångträning (90,5 %), fallpreventiva åtgärder (86,5 %) samt uppgiftspecifik träning vid nedsatt motorik (85,1 %), var implementerade. Faktorer som upplevdes underlätta implementeringen, var att det ansågs viktigt att efterfölja riktlinjerna, att man känner sig trygg med att utföra rehabiliteringsåtgärderna, och att rehabiliteringsåtgärderna är tydligt beskrivna i NR. Faktorer som upplevdes försvåra implementeringen var brist på fysioterapeutresurser, otillräckligt med tid och avsaknad av tydliga mål i verksamheterna att arbeta enligt riktlinjerna.    Slutsats: Studien visar att majoriteten av rehabiliteringsåtgärder med hög prioritet erbjuds av fysioterapeuter som arbetar med strokerehabilitering. För att underlätta implementeringen krävs kunskap, resurser, tid, och tydliga mål i verksamheten att arbeta enligt riktlinjerna. / Introduction: The National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden has published evidencebased National Stroke Guidelines that healthcare should follow. Currently, there is a lack of knowledge about the extent to which physiotherapists who work with stroke rehabilitation, have implemented the recommendations according to the National Stroke Guidelines.    Aims: To investigate to what extent physiotherapists who work with stroke rehabilitation in various parts of the of the care chain in Sweden, have implemented the National Stroke Guidelines, and to identify which facilitating and hindering factors have influenced the implementation.     Method: The study has a quantitative cross-sectional design. An online survey has been used as a data collection method and has been answered by physiotherapists working with stroke rehabilitation in various parts of the care chain.    Results: 148 physiotherapists participated in the study. Most recommendations, whith high priority, were provided to a great extent. The most implemented rehabilitation interventions were task-specific walking training (90,5 %), prevention of falls (86,5 %) and task-specific training when impaired motor function (85,1%). The main factors that facilitated the implementation was that it was considered important to comply with guidlines, that it felt safe to carry out the recommendations, and that they are clearly described. The main factors that hindered the implementation, were lack of physiotherapist resources, limited time and no clear goals to promote the work of implementing the guidelines.   Conclusion: This study shows that most rehabilitation interventions, with high priority, are provided by physiotherapists working with stroke rehabilitation. To facilitate the implementation, knowledge, resources, time, and clear goals are required to promote the work.

Hur blev det? : Lärares uppfattningar av Gymnasiereformen 2011 och hur skolan skall styras

Walkert, Michael January 2019 (has links)
Almost all organizations sometimes undergo some form of transformation and reforms. How these transformations and reforms are designed, received by those it applies or implemented in practice may look different depending on who it is that is affected and for whom the reform applies. The Swedish education system and the school are no exception when it comes to implementing reforms and transformations. The single biggest transformation in recent years for the upper secondary school is Gymnasiereformen 2011. The main task of the reform was to create a new structure for the upper secondary school. Gymnasiereformen 2011 began to apply from the school year 2011/2012. The purpose of this study is to create new knowledge about an implementation of a reform in an organization, specifically the school, with traditions of inertia and an organization with street level bureaucracy and teacher´s idea of school governance. The method for collecting and analyzing data is done through a questionnaire to upper secondary school teachers about the implementation of Gymnasiereformen 2011. As a methodological analysis tool, an analysis is made of the questionnaire responses related to previous research and the expectations that can be expected when implementing a comprehensive reform in school. The results of this study show that the teachers' perception is that the implementation were led by the principals and that the financial resources for further training or time for teachers to familiarize themselves with the new reform to a limited extent. The teachers' view is also that the administrative work will increase in the long term and almost two-thirds of the teachers state that the new subject plans have made them add new content areas in their teaching. At the same time almost seventy percent have excluded only minor content areas. When it comes to the question of the teachers' perception of how the governance of the school should look, it is an overwhelming majority of the teachers who believe that the state should have a great influence over the school both in terms of governance and implementation of reforms.

“Vi kallar det för The Foundation” : – En kvalitativ intervjustudie om värderingsstyrning

Bodin, Linnéa, Skånberg, Lea January 2023 (has links)
In today's work life, values and their importance for organizations are a central and debated issue. Most organizations have a values foundation consisting of a number of specific values that are considered important guidelines for desirable behavior and common goals. This study aims to investigate more closely how the management can make value-based management work by analyzing an organization that works with value-based management, using Etzioni's (1975) compliance theory. The empirical basis of the study rests on eight qualitative semi-structured interviews with managers and employees within the organization. The result indicates that the management has involved the employees in the process of developing the values. The management has different strategies to implement the values: they have clarified the meaning and the scope of use of the values, the values are used as the first assessment within an internal career framework, and they conduct regular feedback conversations regarding the values. Using the compliance theory, these strategies can be understood as normative exercise of power, but with elements of rewarding exercise of power in that the values are used in the career framework. The result further shows that the values land with the employees. The employees are positive about the values and perceive them as important which, using the compliance theory, can be understood as moral commitment. However, a tendency identified in the results is skepticism towards the values being used for evaluation purposes as a first step before they are given the opportunity for promotion through the organization's career framework. The skeptical approach is interpreted as being due to the management exercising normative power and rewarding power at the same time. In general, the results of the study show that the management's value-based management works. Based on Etzioni's (1975) compliance theory, this means that the relationship between the management's strategies for implementing the values and how they resonate with the employees are congruent. The management's normative exercise of power is reflected by the employees' moral commitment. An important result of the study, however, is that value-based management has less effect when two different types of power are combined. This means that a prerequisite for value-based management to work is that the management exercises one type of power, and that it corresponds to the commitment of the employees. / I dagens arbetsliv är värderingar och deras betydelse för organisationer en central och omdiskuterad fråga. De flesta organisationer har en värdegrund bestående av ett antal bestämda värderingar som betraktas som viktiga riktlinjer för önskvärt beteende och gemensamma mål. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka närmare hur ledningen kan göra för att värderingsstyrning ska fungera genom att analysera en organisation som arbetar med värderingsstyrning med hjälp av Etzionis (1975) efterlevnadsteori. Studiens empiri grundar sig på åtta kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med chefer och medarbetare på organisationen. Resultatet visar att ledningen inkluderat medarbetarna i processen att ta fram värderingarna. Ledningen har olika strategier för att implementera värderingarna: de har tydliggjort värderingarnas innebörd och användningsområde, värderingarna används som första utvärdering i ett internt karriärsramverk, och de håller i regelbundna feedbacksamtal gällande värderingarna. Med hjälp av efterlevnadsteorin går dessa strategier att förstås som mestadels normativt maktutövande, men med inslag av belönande maktutövande. Resultatet visar vidare att värderingarna landar hos medarbetarna. Medarbetarna ställer sig positiva till värderingarna och upplever dem som viktiga, vilket med hjälp av efterlevnadsteorin går att förstås som moraliskt engagemang. En tendens som identifierats i resultatet är emellertid skepticism mot att värderingarna används i utvärderingssyfte som ett första steg innan de får möjlighet till befordran i och med organisationens karriärsramverk. Det skeptiska förhållningssättet tolkas grunda sig i att ledningen utövar normativ makt och belönande makt samtidigt. Generellt visar studiens resultat att ledningens värderingsstyrning fungerar. Utifrån Etzionis (1975) efterlevnadsteori betyder det att relationen mellan ledningens strategier för att implementera värderingarna och hur det landar hos medarbetarna är kongruent. Ett viktigt resultat i studien är emellertid att värderingsstyrningen får mindre effekt när två olika typer av makt kombineras. Det betyder att en möjlig förutsättning för att värderingsstyrningen ska fungera är att ledningen utövar en typ av makt, och att den motsvarar medarbetarnas engagemang.

Implementeringsforskning och förskolan : En del av specialpedagogens roll eller onödig kunskap? / Implementation Research and Preschool : A Part of the Role of Special Education Teacher or Unnecessary Knowledge?

Nordin, Linnéa, Lindberg, Elin January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to contribute to increased knowledge about how and to what extent special educators in preschool describe that they work with the implementation of, for example, guidelines, concepts, working methods and materials. The study also aimed to make visible the collaboration of special educators with other professional roles and how this in turn may affect the work with implementation. The theoretical starting point for the study is based on systems theory. The previous research that was considered relevant to the study is presented based on three different areas: The role of the special education teacher - not entirely clear, Implementation research and Implementation within educational activities. The study is based on qualitative interviews with 9 special educators who are all active in the preschool. To analyze the data and present the results, thematic analysis has been used. The result of the thematic analysis led to three main themes that together depict the informants' description of the work with and their thoughts on implementation. The three main themes that were created based on the data were: Different paths to decisions, The active role of the special education teacher and Implementation in a changing world. The results indicate that knowledge of implementation and implementation processes is important for the special education professional role but also for other professional roles in the preschool, such as the principal. The result also indicates that more knowledge about implementation and how different professional competences can cooperate regarding implementation is needed in preschooleducation. Awareness of how individuals are affected by change is also important for special educators in the work with implementation. / Syftet med denna studie var att bidra till ökad kunskap om hur och i vilken utsträckning specialpedagoger i förskolan beskriver att de arbetar med implementering av exempelvis riktlinjer, begrepp, arbetssätt och material. Studien syftade också till att synliggöra specialpedagogers samverkan med andra yrkesroller och hur det i sin tur kan komma att påverka arbetet med implementering. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten för studien grundas i systemteori. Den tidigare forskning som ansågs relevant för studien presenteras utifrån tre olika områden: Specialpedagogens roll – inte helt självklar, Implementeringsforskning och Implementering inom pedagogisk verksamhet. Studien bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med 9 specialpedagoger som alla är aktiva inom förskolans verksamhet. För att analysera data och presentera resultat har tematisk analys använts. Resultatet av den tematiska analysen ledde till tre huvudteman som tillsammans skildrar informanternas beskrivning av arbetet med- och deras tankar om implementering. De tre huvudteman som skapades utifrån datamaterialet var: Olika vägar till beslut, Specialpedagogens aktiva roll och Implementering i en föränderlig värld. Resultatet tyder på att kunskap om implementering och implementeringsprocesser är viktig för den specialpedagogiska yrkesrollen men också för andra yrkesroller i förskolan, såsom exempelvis rektor. Resultatet tyder också på att mer kunskap om implementering och hur olika yrkeskompetenser kan samarbeta beträffande implementering behövs i förskolans verksamhet. Även medvetenhet om hur individer påverkas av förändring blir betydelsefullt för specialpedagoger i arbetet med implementering.

En inblick i hur lärare använder programmering som verktyg i sin matematikundervisning / An insight into how teachers use programming as a tool inmathematic education practices

Valeri, Federico, Jemt, Mikaela January 2023 (has links)
I detta examenarbete undersöks lärares beskrivningar av hur de använder programmering i matematikundervisningen på gymnasienivå. Arbetet undersöker även vilka förkunskaper och vilket stöd som lärare beskriver som nödvändigt för att genomföra detta. Intervjuunderlaget analyseras med tematisk analys och med hjälp av didaktisk transponering samt praxeologier som teoretiskt ramverk. Resultatet visar bland annat att lärare använder programmering både för att vidare utveckla matematisk förståelse och för att undervisa eleverna om programmering. I relation till förkunskaper är det splittrade meningar bland de intervjuade lärarna. Frågan om vilket stöd som krävs fick mer plats än väntat i intervjuerna, och därmed i resultatet. Bland annat diskuteras stöd i form digitala och fysiska resurser samt i form av tid.

Framgångsrik implementering av ny teknik och AI : En kvalitativ undersökning av svenska myndigheters effektiviseringsarbeten med chattbots i kundtjänsten / Successful implementation of new technology and AI

Markiewicz, Maja January 2023 (has links)
The following thesis investigates how Transportstyrelsen, a Swedish authority, can use chatbots in their customer service to increase effectivity, save resources and be more available to their customers. Therefore, this report aims to map the effects a chatbot-implementation would have on Transportstyrelsen’s business and what technical and organisational factors that contribute to a successful implementation of the chatbot. To answer these questions, a qualitative approach has been used where participants from other authorities have been interviewed about their chatbot-implementations. The experiences from Skatteverket, Pensionsmyndigheten and Lantmäteriet are compared to the situation on Transportstyrselsen with the help from socio-technical theory, diffusion theory and change management theory. The discussion concludes that the difficulties with the implementation does not lie with the technology itself and that Transportstyrelsen should allocate a lot of time for AI-trainers, include people from the legal, communication, and IT divisions in the implementation team, have an interagency strategy, vision and goal, prepare for measurements, share the progress with the organisation, include the sceptics in the development and consider the benefits of using the same chatbot algorithm as the other authorities.

Känner mig vilse i pannkakan! : En fenomenografisk studie med fokus på implementeringsprocessen av det nya kunskapsområdet sexualitet, samtycke och relationer.

Viklund, Arvid, Norlin, Mikael January 2023 (has links)
Från och med hösten 2022 byttes den svenska läroplanens kunskapsområde sex- och samlevnad ut mot sexualitet, samtycke och relationer. Syftet har varit att förstärka skolans värdegrundsarbete med jämställdhet, trygghet och studiero som centrala teman. Inom gymnasieskolan ska arbetet bidra till elevernas hälsa och välbefinnande genom att uttrycka betydelsen av samtycke. Dessutom ska skolan verka för att ge eleverna kunskaper om de maktstrukturer som är knutna till könstillhörighet och hedersrelaterat våld. Målet är att eleverna förhåller sig kritisk till mediers framställning av sexualitet och relationer, inte minst inom pornografi. Implementeringen av det nya kunskapsområdet har gått relativt snabbt och frågan är om lärare har fått tillräckligt med tid att sätta sig in i dessa nya teman.                                                                                                     Den här studien vill därför undersöka hur några lärare uppfattar det nya kunskapsområdet sexualitet, samtycke och relationer. Hur har implementeringen lyckats nå fram till lärarna, har de viljan och kunskapen för att väva in dessa nya skrivningar i sin befintliga undervisning? Studien är intervjubaserad och undersöker fem religionslärares syn på det nya kunskapsområdet. Studiens resultat visar att det finns likartade uppfattningar hos religionslärarna, och kommer därmed till liknande slutsatser och menar att det nya kunskapsområdet inte fått tillräckligt utrymme och information för att lyckad implementering. Dessutom finns tydliga indikationer på att rektorerna inte gett tid, fortbildning och pedagogiskt material för att underlätta implementeringen av det nya kunskapsområdet. / As of autumn 2022, the Swedish curriculum's knowledge area of sex and sexuality was replaced by sexuality, consent and relationships. The aim has been to strengthen the school's values work with gender equality, safety and study atmosphere as central themes. In upper secondary school, the work is intended to contribute to pupils' health and well-being by expressing the importance of consent. In addition, the school will work to provide pupils with knowledge of the power structures associated with gender and honour-related violence. The aim is for pupils to take a critical approach to the media's portrayal of sexuality and relationships, particularly in pornography. The implementation of the new knowledge area has been relatively fast and the question is whether teachers have been given enough time to familiarize themselves with these new themes.                                                                                                                                                This study therefore aims to explore how some teachers perceive the new knowledge area of sexuality, consent and relationships. How has the implementation reached the teachers, do they have the will and the knowledge to weave these new writings into their existing teaching? The study is interview-based and examines five religion teachers' views on the new knowledge area. The results of the study show that the majority of the religion teachers come to similar conclusions and believe that the new knowledge area has not been given enough space and information for a successful implementation. In addition, there are clear indications that the head teachers did not provide time, training and pedagogical materials to facilitate the implementation of the new knowledge area.

Att Slå Huvudet På SPiK(en) : Om implementeringen av ett indikatorssystem inom det arbetsmarknadspolitiska området

Slabicka, Kinga, Rex, Lina January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study was to describe and analyse implementation of Beskæftigelses Indikator Projektet (BIP) in project Sammansatt problematik i Kronobergs län (SPiK). The questions this study aimed to answer are: What motivated implementation of BIP in the project SPiK and what factors promoted and inhibited implementation of BIP in the project? Qualitative method was used to answer the research questions, eight interviews with individuals involved in the project were conducted as well as an observation of a conference. The perspective used in the study consists of a critical realist viewpoint. The data gathered in this study was analysed through content analysis and coded through deductive coding. The results of the study showcased that implementation of BIP was inhibited by many aspects. The key aspects which inhibited implementation were the late course about use of BIP as well as the many parallel interventions being implemented in the project at the same time as BIP. What promoted implementation of this work tool was the staffs previous experience of work with the target group for the project as well as their previous experiences of work in projects.

Orsaker till organisationers misslyckade implementeringar av affärssystem : En kvalitativ studie om organisationers erfarenheter

Ökland, Hannes, Rask, Rasmus January 2023 (has links)
An enterprise resource planning system (ERP-system) is a data system that connects modules within several administrative areas. ERP-systems can give companies the opportunity for increased efficiency since all administrative areas can be managed through one system. However, ERP-systems do not always meet the expectations that the companies have, where it is estimated that only half of the companies manage to realize the benefits that ERP-systems offer. This raises the question why some companies fail in their implementation and how this can be avoided. The purpose is thus to investigate what experiences organizations have taken with them from failed ERP-implementations and through this gain an increased understanding of the causes of critical failure factors and how they can be counteracted. The study has been carried out using a qualitative method where data has been collected through semi-structured interviews with people who have experience in implementing ERP-systems. This is also complemented by previous research which is compiled into a framework used to better understand the collected data. The study states that leadership is often the basis for many of the problems but also the solution to the problems that arise in the implementation, the central aspects of leadership are discussed with the help of previous research as well as empirical findings. One of the most frequently discussed factors by the respondents is involvement, which refers to the difficulties for companies in determining how many and which people should be involved in the implementation. Success in this has a major impact on the internal attitude and receptivity to change. Furthermore, it is stated that there are certain differences between larger and smaller companies, where the smaller companies are more vulnerable to institutional forces. Also, that many organizations experience difficulties in communication with their supplier of the ERP-system, where the system does not meet all the client's needs as a result.

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