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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”9+7 då, hur tänkte du där?” : En kvalitativ studie om SUM-elevers tillvägagångssätt i additionsuppgifter. / ”9+7 then, how did you think there?” : A qualitative study about SEM-students’ approach in addition tasks.

Mellquist, Emma, Curin Alvarez, Millaray, Karlsson, Hilde January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studien är att analysera vilka strategier SUM-elever väljer att använda sig av vid uträkning av additionsuppgifter i relation till räkneförmågan. I studien identifierades även likheter och skillnader mellan SUM-eleverna.  Med hjälp av två diagnoser har eleverna kategoriserats in i fyra elevgrupper utifrån vilka strategier de använt och hur väl de förstod dem. Eleverna använde sig av både konkreta och abstrakta strategier i både huvud- och skriftliga beräkningar. Utifrån analys kan det konstateras i studien att elevgrupperna befinner sig i Piagets olika utvecklingsstadier. De elevgrupper som använde sig av färre strategier befinner sig i det konkreta operationella stadiet eftersom de kan tänka mer formellt så länge det blir konkret för dem. De elevgrupper som använde sig av fler strategier befinner sig i ett högre utvecklingsstadie eftersom de kan tänka formellt utan att använda sig av konkreta hjälpmedel. Till sist drogs paralleller mellan elevgrupperna för att kunna se likheter och skillnader.

Studerande sjuksköterskors informationsbehov och användning av bibliotek : En användarstudie. / Nurses in continuing education, their information needs and use of libraries : A user study.

Elmerstål, Britt-Mari January 2015 (has links)
This Master´s thesis is a user study of nurses participating in continuing education. The nurses graduated before 1993, when education to become a nurse changed in Sweden. Now they are studying for 40 credits in Nursing at a university in order to get the same level of education as a newly graduated nurse. They were also working as nurses when this study took place. The main purpose of the study is to increase the understanding of what kind of information the nurses think they need and to find out if and in what way they use libraries in their studies and in their work. The empirical material was collected by qualitative, semi-structured interviews with six nurses. To analyze the answers Kuhlthau´s model of information search process, Sundin´s concept of the symbolic value of professional information and Wilson´s concept of cognitive authority were used.The results of this study show that the nurses need course literature, scientific articles and help to search for information in databases. They all felt anxiety for not finding the right information exactly as Kuhlthau´s model shows.The nurses know it is important to keep updated with new information in their specialty in nursing and they know where to find the information. Professional information could help the nurses in their cooperation with other occupational groups, for example physicians.They all use libraries; to borrow books, find articles and also to use the librarian´s expertise in searching. They prefer to visit the medical library at their work and they appreciate the library staff´s knowledge.

Bland tidningsartiklar och kurslitteratur : en studie om journalistikstudenters informationsanvändning i samband med uppsatsskrivande / Among newspaper articles and course literature : a study of journalism student’s information use in connection with the writing of their bachelor thesis

Appelberg, Tanja January 2014 (has links)
This study examines journalism student’s information use atSödertörn University during the writing process of theirbachelor thesis. The students are divided in two groupsfollowing the schools main bachelor programs majoring injournalism.The method used in this study has been a reference analysisof the student’s bibliographies along with five semistructuredinterviews. The study stems upon a socioculturalperspective and drives the thesis that information use is asituated activity. In order to analyze which criteria used bythe students to determine source credibility, the concept of“cognitive authorities” has been used.The results of the reference analysis show that the studentsuse a large quantity of empirical material, first and foremostnewspaper articles. Monographs and anthologies are alsofrequently used and a high quantity of those could also befound in the students’ curriculums.The interview study shows that the respondents are verymuch aware about the differences in writing a news articleand writing a bachelor thesis. But even if the information uselooks different between these two, the demands from thestudents of the sources are similar to the demands found inearlier research on active journalists; they ought to be current,easy to access and credible.This study strengthens the thesis that information use issituated and that the information use among these journalismstudents differs from earlier research groups. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Ungdomars attityder till tobak / Adolescents attitudes towards tobacco

Friberg, Amanda, Andersson, Emelie January 2014 (has links)
Denna undersöker hur ungdomars attityder till tobak påverkas av olika typer av exponering. Det finns idag specifika begränsningar och restriktioner för hur marknadsföring av tobak får se ut i Sverige men trots det exponeras vi dagligen på sociala medier, i affärer och liknande, ofta utan vidare medvetenhet. Vi ville genomföra en undersökning över hur ungdomars attityder till tobak skapas och påverkas av sociala, interna och externa påtryckningar. Genom våra två fokusgrupper har vi lyckats samla önskat material och där av kunnat klarlägga flera svar till hur olika typer av exponering påverkar ungdomars attityder till tobak.

Boka en bibliotekarie : en studie i förmedlad informationssökning / book

Gonta, Ewa January 2006 (has links)
This master thesis deals with events, dynamics and problems of mediated information seeking within the context of a new information service called "Book a librarian". The study, based on a survey and interviews both in academic and public libraries and participant observations in academic libraries, has its theoretical base in the cognitive theory of information retrieval interaction. The cognitive view is used to throw light upon the need of an ongoing dialogue during the session in order to detect the information needs of the user and to conduct a successful retrieval of information. The communicative interaction is seen as threepart interaction between the intermediary, the user and the information system, where the current cognitive states of all three participants are involved. The study shows that the cognitive obstacles for a successful mediation and information retrieval are mostly connected to participants current knowledge of the subject and of the retrieval techniques. Obstacles are also shown in the participants differing expectations concerning the retrieval event itself or in communicating the information need. The study shows that the cognitive state of the user and intermediary goes through changes as they both, through interaction, learn more about the subject of investigation and about the new ways of conducting the search. / Uppsatsnivå: D

På tal om källor : En studie av lärarstudenters informationsanvändning i examensarbetet / Talking about sources : A study of teacher education students’ information use in the degree project

Larsson, Ann-Louise January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to investigate the information use in teacher education students’ degree projects. The first study is a reference analysis used to categorize the cited sources in 33 degree projects from the teacher education program at one Swedish university. The aim was to find out what types of sources were used, in particular the amount of citations to scholarly publications. The results of the reference analysis showed that the majority of sources used were text books. Scholarly publications amounted to 10% of the citations and scholarly articles were scarcely used. The second study consists of semi-structured interviews with six supervisors to gain understanding of their functions in relation to information use and to find out what judgements supervisors make of the reliability of sources. The supervisors were found to have four functions: suggest literature, refer students to the library, guide selection of sources and instruct on the use of literature. Doctoral theses, scholarly articles and research based literature are source types with a high degree of reliability according to the supervisors, while sources without a foundation in research were considered to have a low degree of reliability. The interview data was analysed using Norman Fairclough’s model of critical discourse analysis and the cognitive authority of source types was discussed. This thesis identifies a discrepancy between sources used by students and the supervisors’ judgements of reliable sources and the conclusion is that increased knowledge and use of scholarly publications holds a potential for teacher education and the teaching profession.

En studie om lärarstudenters informationssökning / A study about information seeking of teacher students

Olsson, Helena January 2011 (has links)
The main purpose of this Master’s thesis is to contribute to anincreased understanding of student teacher’s informationseeking for their studies. The role of cognitive authorities andapproaches to the critical evaluation of sources are taken intoaccount as well as what student experiences of informationseeking imply for their future profession. The study takes asociocultural perspective and the empirical material is based oninterviews with six student teachers at the end of theireducation. The interviews have been analysed with a departurepoint in the research questions to the following themes; seekingand finding information, critical evaluation of sources and,analysing and using information.The major findings concern the teacher students’ emphasis onthe importance of the critical evaluation of sources and theirscepticism towards Internet use, both for their own studies aswell as for their future pupils. The student teachers expressedawareness of cognitive authorities when seeking information informal printed sources, but they were not fully aware of the roleof teachers and supervisors as cognitive authorities. Several ofthe informants expressed a need for teaching methods related toinformation seeking. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Mode & Barn / Fashion & Children : How the fashion industry effects children.

Lycke, Clara January 2011 (has links)
Det blir allt vanligare idag att de stora modehusen skapar barnkollektioner. Internationellt sätt har nästan varje stor designer redan gett sig in på barnklädesmarknaden. Jag valde dock att inte fokusera på den internationella marknaden utan undersöka hur den såg ut i Sverige med svenska modeföretag som hade olika positioner. Jag plockade ut ett antal märken som skiljde sig markant i målgrupp. Företagen jag har valt att ha med till studien är Acne, KappAhl och Polarn O. Pyret.KappAhl är ett stort modeföretag som riktar sig till herr, dam och barn. Företaget är inte mer nischade än att deras kläder ska hålla låga priser. KappAhl har en populär barnkollektion som de driver likt deras andra kollektioner starkt framåt. Polarn O. Pyret däremot har en helt annan bakgrund där de endast är fokuserade på barnmode. Det startade som ett barnklädesmärke och har inte kommit med några andra kollektioner än att de tillverkar en del mammatröjor i randigt som är deras signum för kläderna. Acne är intressant då företaget ligger i en helt annan prisklass och skiljer sig i målgrupp till skillnad från de föregående två företagen.Att jämföra de olika företagens inriktningar var intressant och lärorikt, att kunna analysera deras egna tankar och idéer kring en bransch om mode för barn. Det kändes som att rapporten inte riktigt fick sitt syfte förrän den psykologiska debatten sammanvävdes i studien. Hur man klär sina barn är en personlig smaksak och har troligtvis inga direkt negativa effekter i små åldrar. Däremot kan man ifrågasätta dagens medier inom barnmode då allt mer reklam riktas mot barn. Artiklar i modemagasin som lyder ”såhär ska barnen se ut i vår” låter egentligen mer som direktiv riktat mot föräldrarna. Allt fler framförallt unga tjejer har också tagit efter de stora modebloggerskorna och man kan se att i redan väldigt unga åldrar bloggar 12 åriga tjejer om hur man ska se ut i vår och vad som gäller. Kopplingen blir mellan hur modeföretagen själva ser på industrin och vad de själva anser att de har för ansvar gentemot de väldigt unga tjejerna.Debatten kring att barn ska få vara barn blir aktuell och detta försöker jag påvisa och genom att väva samman en rapport om vem som egentligen anser sig bära ansvaret. Föräldrar och modeindustrin absolut, men finns det då egentligen något rätt och fel om dessa unga tjejer brinner för mode. Det är meningen att studien skall göras så objektiv som möjligt, då slutsatsen av studien inte ska påvisa vad som är rätt eller fel utan diskutera de olika respondenternas svar kopplat till hur vi människor utvecklas under barnsåren. Analysen av modeföretagens arbetssätt, psykologi och samhällets påtryckningar vidareutvecklade även det egna externa uppdraget.These days almost every great designer makes clothing for kids. On the international market it’s much more common that every large design house has entered the kids wear market. They create mini collections for the youngest with a sense of fashion. But I chose to not focus on the international market and to look deeper into the Swedish market and the differences between Swedish brands. I chose three brands that points at different target groups. Acne, KappAhl and Polarn O.Pyret.KappAhl is a big fashion company that is addressed to men, women and children. The company is not more niche than that their clothes should maintain low prices. KappAhl makes popular kids wear as they run, like their other collections strongly.Polarn O. Pyret has a completely different context in which they are only focused on children's fashion. It started as a company only focused on kids wear and has not suggested any other collections.Acne is interesting because it is located in a completely different price range and differ in the audience, unlike the previous two companies. To compare the different companies' approaches were interesting and instructive to analyze their own thoughts and ideas on an industry of fashion for children. It felt that the report had not quite got its order until the psychological debate interweaved in the study.How to dress their children is a personal matter of taste and has probably no direct adverse effects in small ages.Articles in fashion magazines that says "this is what your kids should wear this spring" sounds much more like directives targeted at parents. Particularly young girls have also entered the great fashion blogger market. Twelve year old girls talking about what to wear. The link is between how fashion companies themselves looking at the industry and what responsibility they have against these very young girls.The much more current debate surrounding that kids should be kids becomes an issue. What I try to show in the report is how the different companys consider themselves to be responsible. Parents and fashion industry certainly, but is there really no right or wrong about these young girls are passionate about fashion. It is intended that the study should be as objective as possible, then the conclusion of the study will not prove what is right or wrong without discussing the variousIVrespondents' answers to the way we humans develop during childhood. The analysis of the fashion business processes, psychology and social pressures further developed also its own external mission. / Program: Textil produktutveckling med entreprenörs- och affärsinriktning

Att förebygga och lindra konfusion : En litteraturstudie

Wüstenhagen, Eva-Britt January 2012 (has links)
Konfusion kan drabba vem som helst, men risken ökar med stigande ålder. Det är en störning av medvetande och kognitiva funktioner. Utlösande faktorer kan vara medicinska tillstånd som allvarlig sjukdom, infektioner, metabola rubbningar, dehydrering eller läkemedel. Konfusion ökar risken för skador och komplikationer, försvårar vårdandet, förlänger vårdtiden samt innebär ett lidande för patienter och anhöriga. Syftet är att identifiera omvårdnadsaktiviteter som kan förebygga och lindra konfusion hos patienter som vårdas på sjukhus. Metoden är en litteraturstudie. Sökning har skett i Cinahl och Medline. Sökord har varit ”acute confusion”, delirium, nursing och ”confusion nursing”. 15 artiklar har analyserats. Nio har en kvantitativ ansats och sex har en kvalitativ ansats. Resultatet sammanfattas i tre teman och nio subteman. Ett tema är vikten av beredskap. Denna består i att identifiera riskfaktorer, eliminera riskfaktorer samt identifiera tidiga tecken på konfusion. Det andra temat är anpassning av miljön. En säker miljö för patienterna bör eftersträvas eftersom de ofta utsätter sig själva för fara. Både en stimulerande miljö och en begriplig miljö lindrar konfusion. Det tredje temat handlar om att patienten med konfusion är i behov av ett äkta möte med vårdaren. Patienten känner sig ofta ensam med sina märkliga upplevelser och vårdaren bör ta sig tid att försöka förstå. Vidare kan patienten behöva känna bekräftelse. Slutligen bör patienten få stöd i att bearbeta sina upplevelser. I diskussionen framkommer vikten av att sjuksköterskan tillägnar sig kunskap för att förebygga och lindra konfusion. God omvårdnad är konfusionsförebyggande och kan förhindra onödigt lidande, komplikationer och därmed ökade kostnader.

Frihet under ansvar eller sann och opåverkad kunskap : Trovärdighet hos källor och hur den bedöms av två användargrupper. / Freedom under responsibility or true and unaffected knowledge : Reliability of sources and how it is valued by two user groups.

Larsson, Josefine January 2012 (has links)
This essay is investigating what type of sources we trust, depending on how the information in these sources is created and provided. To exemplify, the sources Wikipedia and Nationalencyklopedin (the Swedish National Encyclopedia) were used, each one representing different approaches. The first is a representation of the collective intelligence, where anyone can contribute with their knowledge to the public – freedom under responsibility. The latter represents peer-reviewed knowledge, desirable enough to have people paying for it– true and unaffected.Based on theories of source criticism, collective intelligence, expertise and the different generations of digital natives and digital immigrants, two focus groups were conducted and analysed. A group of upper secondary school students and a group of retirees were presented with encoded texts from both encyclopedias, which they analysed critically from their opinion on reliability and objectivity. Their reasoning shows a well demonstrated awareness of the need of a critical reasoning and information literacy when dealing with different sources. But the question remained, particularly in regards to the students, if they do after all practice these skills in their information retrieval. / Program: Bibliotekarie

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