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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psykologiska försvar och långvarig smärta : En studie om psykologiska strategier för hantering av livet med smärta / Psychological defences and chronic pain : A study on psychological strategies for managing life with pain

Rydén, Vaida, Mäkelä, Jenni January 2022 (has links)
Långvarig smärta innebär ofta stora påfrestningar för individen med konsekvenser på många livsområden vilket utgör en utmaning för hälso- och sjukvården gällande bemötande utifrån ett helhetsperspektiv. En central aspekt av att leva med långvarig smärta är hur stress och påfrestningar hanteras exempelvis genom användning av psykologiska försvar. Syftet med denna studie var att bidra till ökad kunskap om psykologiska försvar hos personer med långvarig smärta utifrån frågeställningen:  vilka psykologiska försvar och psykologiska försvarsstrukturer framkommer när vuxna personer med långvarig smärta intervjuas om personligt relevanta områden. Datainsamlingen bestod av tio telefonintervjuer som transkriberades och analyserades med Defense Mechanism Rating Scales (DMRS). Resultaten visade på en varians av psykologiska försvar i deltagargruppen. Mest förekommande var högadaptiva försvar, särskilt humor och anknytning.  Utmärkande var även förekomsten av flertalet medeladaptiva försvar såsom annullering, samt det lågadaptiva försvaret nedvärdering av sig själv. Resultaten kan bidra till ökad förståelse om omedvetna hanteringsstrategier som kan påverka upplevelsen av smärta och även vara av vikt för hälso- och sjukvårdens bemötande av patienter med långvarig smärta. Vidare forskning inom området behövs för att undersöka samband mellan psykologiska försvar och andra relevanta faktorer såsom smärtdiagnos, smärtsymtom och behandlingsutfall. / Chronic pain is associated with extensive distress for the individual with consequences on several areas of life and constitutes a challenge for the healthcare system in approaching chronic pain from a holistic perspective. How individuals cope with distresses for example by using psychological defences is of significance for the chronic pain condition. The purpose of this study was to contribute to the body of knowledge regarding psychological defences that are used by individuals with chronic pain. The research question was: what psychological defences and structures of psychological defences appear when adults with chronic pain are being interviewed on personally relevant topics.  Ten telephone interviews were conducted, the material from interviews was transcripted and analysed using Defense Mechanism Rating Scales (DMRS). The results showed a variety of different psychological defences used by participants. High adaptive defences such as humour and affiliation were the most appearing. Furthermore, the occurrence of middle adaptive defences such as undoing was also detected in the material. Among the low adaptive defences devaluation of self stood out the most. The results contribute to the understanding of involuntary coping-strategies that may influence the experience of chronic pain. In addition, the results are important for the treatment of chronic pain patients within the healthcare. Further research in this field is needed to study links between defence mechanisms and other relevant aspects such as pain diagnosis, pain symptoms and treatment outcome.

Pedagogers konflikthantering : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om konflikthantering i förskolan

Tiihonen, Sandra, Tofftin, Felicia January 2022 (has links)
I tidigare forskning beskrivs konflikthanteringsstrategierna, medlande, demokratisk och upphörande. Pedagoger anses gå för snabbt in i barns konflikter och hinner inte tänka efter hur de ska ingripa. Barnen kan då gå miste om andra kunskaper som uppkommer i olika hanteringar av konflikter. Syftet är att via intervjuer med pedagoger belysa olika strategier som används vid olika konfliktsituationer och sedan koppla dem till konflikthanteringsstrategierna. Frågeställningarna är, vad berättar pedagogerna om hur deras inställning är till barns konflikter med andra barn? Samt Hur kopplas pedagogernas hantering av barns konflikter i förskolan till medlande, demokratisk och upphörande konflikthanteringsstrategi? Teoretiska utgångspunkten är socialkonstruktionism där språket ses som en social handling och att verkligheten är socialt konstruerad samt det sociokulturella perspektivet som fokuserar på kommunikation och samspel mellan individer. Resultatet av analysen är uppdelat i tre teman, Stopp, verbal stöttning och fysisk stöttning. Slutsatsen är att när pedagogerna använder sig av upphörande strategi, får inte barnen uttrycka sina tankar och känslor. När pedagogerna använder sig av medlande och demokratisk strategi lyssnar pedagogerna på vad barnen har att säga och lyfter fram barnens tankar och känslor. Detta kan leda till att barnen får en förståelse för andras perspektiv och annan kunskap som kan konstrueras vid konflikthanteringssituationer. / This study describes conflict management strategies, mediation, democracy and cessation. Educators are considered to go too quickly into children's conflicts and do not have time to think about how to intervene. The children can then lose other knowledge that arises in different handling of conflicts. The purpose is through interviews with educators shed light on different strategies used in different conflict situations and then link them to the conflict management strategies. The questions are, what does the educators say about how their approach towards children's conflicts with other children? and how does educators ́ management of children ́s conflicts in preschool connect with mediation, democracy and cessation conflict management strategies?. The theoretical starting point is social constructionism where language is seen as a social act and that reality is socially constructed as well as the sociocultural perspective that focuses on communication and interaction between individuals. The results of the analysis are divided into three themes, stop, verbal support and physical support. The conclusion is that when educators use discontinuing strategy, children are not allowed to express their thoughts and feelings. When educators used mediation and democratic strategy, educators listen to what the children have to say and highlight the children's thoughts and feelings. This can lead to gaining and understanding of other ́s perspectives and other knowledge that can be constructed in conflict management situations.

Exploring Leader-Initiated Change Management for Adopting Cloud Services

Landreville, Nancy Marie 01 January 2016 (has links)
Cloud technology requires a virtualized ubiquitous and scalable environment with shared resources. The general problem in cloud adoption is the absence of standardization across organizations. A standardized approach remained elusive since the inception of the Cloud First mandate. The purpose of this study was to explore leader-initiated change management (LICM) practices in cloud adoption within organizations. The theoretical framework included the classical theories of Kurt Lewin's organization change management, leader-member exchange, intentional change, and appreciative inquiry. A multiple case study design approach facilitated the exploration of LICM-value added practices to identify standardization in cloud adoption practices. Data collection included semistructured interviews from 8 high-level cloud adopters chosen from a resource pool of change management experts including a government chief information officer, academic college professor, military commander, and industry chief executive officer. Each interviewee represented an organization type providing perspectives on strategies for cloud adoption. Secondary data gathering included universal cloud standards and guidance from collaborative professional working groups. Emergent themes were identified after completing Yin's 5 stages of data analysis: LICM approaches for cloud decision-making, change management strategies, leader empowerment in action planning with progressive metrics, and successful learning outcomes in corporate universities. LICM strategies foster cooperative relationships and positive social change. Standardized cloud adoption practices also contribute to positive social change in reducing the environmental footprint through organizational efficiency.

Enhancing Waste Management Practises : A Case Study of Viking Line’s Waste Management System / Utveckling av avfallshanteringsmetodik : En fallstudie av Viking Lines avfallshanteringssystem

Lidén, Alicia January 2023 (has links)
Hantering och generering av avfall är stora bidragande faktorer till den moderna tidens globala klimatförändringar och det tydliggjorts att företag besitter en viktig roll i miljömässig hållbarhet. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka Viking Lines avfallshanteringssystem, samt att identifiera och kartlägga vätske- och restavfallsströmmar i samband med dagliga aktiviteter ombord. Detta för att identifiera potentiella förbättringsområden och möjligheter att spara både utsläpp och ekonomiska resurser. Slutligen, att ge rekommendationer med målet att Viking Line ska klättra i avfallshierarkin. Denna rapport bygger på en litteraturstudie, interna dokument från ansvariga på Viking Line, samt på semistrukturerade intervjuer med fokus på företagets avfallshanteringssystem. Undersökningen, som ligger till grund för denna studie, genomfördes med hjälp av data som samlats in från fartyget vid namn Cinderella. Granskning påvisade att brännbart avfall, wellpapp, färgade glasförpackningar, klarglasförpackninga, deponi (osorterat underhållsavfall) och fragskrot var de sex största avfallsströmmarna, under 2019 och 2022. Vid undersökning av avfallsgenereringen från samtliga fartyg och motsvarande behandling, fann man att energiåtervinning var den vanligaste behandlingsmetoden för restavfall, vilket resulterade i ett poängvärde på 395 av 1000 vid tillämpning av ett poängsystem relaterat till avfallshierarkin.  Låg sorteringsgrad förhindrar ökad återvinning och därmed också en förflyttning mot toppen av avfallshierarkin. Det visade sig att passagerarna endast hade en begränsad eller icke existerande möjlighet att sortera avfall ombord. Tidigare försök i att öka sorteringsgraden bland passagerare har misslyckats och en möjlig förklaring till detta är brist på motiv, förståelse samt medvetenhet för syftet av sortering. För att öka medvetenheten är rekommendationen att utbilda i ämnet avfallshantering, visualisera de positiva effekterna av sortering och möjliggöra sortering genom att tillhandahålla tydliga instruktioner och god tillgänglighet av sorteringsstationer. Viking Line skulle också kunna undersöka innovativ teknik, design och hållbara material tillsammans med leverantörer och intressenter för att minska genereringen av avfall. / Waste management and waste generation are large contributors to global climate change and in modern times it has become evident that corporations play an important role in environmental sustainability. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate Viking Line’s waste management system and to identify liquid and residual waste streams associated with daily activities onboard. With the aim of identifying potential areas of improvement and opportunities to save both emissions and monetary resources. Finally, to give recommendations with the goal of enabling Viking Line to climb the waste hierarchy. This report is based upon a literature review, internal documents provided by responsible at Viking Line and on semi-structured interviews with focus on their waste management system. Investigation took place using data collected from their vessel named Cinderella. Through examination, it was found that combustible waste, corrugated cardboard, coloured glass packaging, clear glass packaging, landfill (unsorted mainteance waste) and frag scrap were the six largest waste streams, during 2019 and 2022. When investigating the waste generation from all vessels and corresponding treatment, it was found that energy recovery was the most common treatment method of residual waste, resulting in a scoring value of 395 out of 1000 when applying the waste hierarchy scoring system. Low degree of sorting is prohibiting increased recycling and a move towards the top of the waste hierarchy. It was found that the passengers have little to no opportunity to sort waste onboard. Previous attempts at trying to increase sorting among passengers were unsuccessful and one possible explanation is lack of motive, understanding and awareness for the purpose of sorting. To increase awareness, the recommendation is to educate on the topic of waste management, visualize the positive impacts from sorting and enable sorting by providing clear instructions and availability. Viking Line could also investigate innovative technology, design and sustainable materials with their suppliers and stakeholders to reduce waste generation.

Egenvård hos personer med astma : En litteraturöversikt / Self-care in people with asthma : a literature review

Ek Malmrot, Johanna, Gequillana Amar, Alexsa Gina, Karlsson Einarsson, Rasmus January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Astma är en kronisk inflammatorisk lungsjukdom som drabbar luftvägarna. Behandlingen baseras på symtom med läkemedel och egenvård. Egenvård innebär hälso- och sjukvårdsåtgärder som personen själv utför såsomförebyggande åtgärder av astma. Studier visar att personer med astma har otillräcklig förståelse av sjukdomen och dess egenvård vilket leder till lidande. Genom att ta reda på personers upplevelser av egenvård vid astma kan det bli lättare för vården att ge rätt stöd. Syftet: Syftet var att beskriva vuxna personers upplevelser av egenvård vid astma i det dagliga livet. Metod: Litteraturöversikten baserades på induktiv ansats och kvalitativ design.Resultatet bestod av 11 vetenskapliga artiklar som analyserades efter Fribergs femstegsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet är indelat i tre huvudteman och sex subteman. (1) Förbättradkunskap om astma: behov av information och stöd samt personers egen förståelseav astma. (2) Kroppskontroll: hantering av astmatiskt läkemedel och strategier för att hantera symtom. (3) Sjukdomsidentitet: känna autonomi och acceptans av sjukdomen. Slutsats: Grunden i resultatet är att kommunikationen med vården behöver förbättras. Personer med astma önskar förbättrad information för att kunna ta rätt beslut om sin egenvård och bli mer delaktig i vårdbeslut för att förbättra autonomi. / Background: Asthma is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that affects the patient's airways. The treatment is based on symptoms and is regulated through medication and self-care. Self-care involves healthcare measures the patient does themselves, such as preventive measures for asthma. Studies show that people with asthma have insufficient understanding about the illness and its self-care which leads to suffering. By finding out the persons' experiences of self-care, it can be easier for the nurse to offer the right support. Aim: The aim was to describe adults' experiences of self-care for asthma in daily life.Method: A literature review based on an inductive approach and qualitative design. The result consisted of 11 scientific articles that were analyzed according to Friberg's (2017) five-step analysis. Results: The results are divided into three main themes and six sub-themes: (1) improved knowledge of asthma: need for information and support and Persons’ own understanding of asthma. (2) Body control: management of asthmatic medicationand strategies for managing symptoms. (3) Disease identity: feel the autonomy and the acceptance of disease. Conclusion: The foundation of the result is about communication in healthcare andneeds improving. People with asthma wishes better information for decision making about their self-care, and to become more involved in their healthcare to improve autonomy.

Cooperative ADAS and driving, bio-inspired and optimal solutions

Valenti, Giammarco 07 April 2022 (has links)
Mobility is a topic of great interest in research and engineering since critical aspects such as safety, traffic efficiency, and environmental sustainability still represent wide open challenges for researchers and engineers. In this thesis, at first, we address the cooperative driving safety problem both from a centralized and decentralized perspective. Then we address the problem of optimal energy management of hybrid vehicles to improve environmental sustainability, and finally, we develop an intersection management systems for Connected Autonomous Vehicle to maximize the traffic efficiency at an intersection. To address the first two topics, we define a common framework. Both the cooperative safety and the energy management for Hybrid Electric Vehicle requires to model the driver behavior. In the first case, we are interested in evaluating the safety of the driver’s intentions, while in the second case, we are interested in predicting the future velocity profile to optimize energy management in a fixed time horizon. The framework is the Co-Driver, which is, in short, a bio-inspired agent able both to model and to imitate a human driver. It is based on a layered control structure based on the generation of atomic human-like longitudinal maneuvers that compete with each other like affordances. To address driving safety, the Co-Driver behaves like a safe driver, and its behavior is compared to the actual driver to understand if he/she is acting safely and providing warnings if not. In the energy management problem, the Co-Driver aims at imitating the driver to predict the future velocity. The Co-Driver generates a set of possible maneuvers and selects one of them, imitating the action selection process of the driver. At first, we address the problem of safety by developing and investigating a framework for Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) built on the Co-Driver. We developed and investigated this framework in an innovative context of new intelligent road infrastructure, where vehicles and roads communicate. The infrastructure that allows the roads to interact with vehicles and the environment is the topic of a research project called SAFESTRIP. This project is about deploying innovative sensors and communication devices on the road that communicate with all vehicles. Including vehicles that are equipped with Vehicle-To-Everything (V2X) technology and vehicles that are not, using an interface (HMI) on smart-phones. Co-Driver-based ADAS systems exploit connections between vehicles and (smart) roads provided by SAFESTRIP to cover several safety-critical use cases: pedestrian protection, wrong-way vehicles on-ramps, work-zones on roads and intersections. The ADAS provide personalized warning messages that account for the adaptive driver behavior to maximize the acceptance of the system. The ability of the framework to predict human drivers’ intention is exploited in a second application to improve environmental sustainability. We employ it to feed with the estimated speed profile a novel online Model Predictive Control (MPC) approach for Hybrid Electric Vehicles, introducing a state-of-the-art electrochemical model of the battery. Such control aims at preserving battery life and fuel consumption through equivalent costs. We validated the approach with actual driving data used to simulate vehicles and the power-train dynamics. At last, we address the traffic efficiency problem in the context of autonomous vehicles crossing an intersection. We propose an intersection management system for Connected Autonomous Vehicles based on a bi-level optimization framework. The motion planning of the vehicle is provided by a simplified optimal control problem, while we formulate the intersection management problem (in terms of order and timing) as a Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming. The latter approximates a linear problem with a powerful piecewise linearization technique. Therefore, thanks to this technique, we can bound the error and employ commercial solvers to solve the problem (fast enough). Finally, this framework is validated in simulation and compared with the "Fist-Arrived First-Served" approach to show the impact of the proposed algorithm.

An investigation into management strategies affecting performance of micro, small and medium enterpises (MSMEs) in Kenya

Wanjiku, Lily Njanja 03 1900 (has links)
This research was geared towards the investigation of management strategies (factors) that affect the performance ofMSMEs in Kenya. Many developed countries record a time in history when entrepreneurial activities led to revival of economical growth after decline. This implies MSMEs is a very vital sector especially for a developing country like Kenya. MSMEs stagnate and their performance is uncertain according to writers such as Namusonge, Management inadequacies have been suggested in several studies. The objectives of this research was to, 1. To identifY the critical management factors affecting the performance of MSMEs in Kenya; ii. To establish the process through which managerial factors affect the performance of a MSMEs in Kenya ; m. To determine the integrative effect of various management factors in the MSMES in Kenya; IV. To establish the effect of demographics and management factors on performance, v. To establish effects of external environment on internal management factors A conceptual model was formulated from the literature review showing relationships of the management strategies and the environment they operate in. These relationships became the basis for the hypotheses which were later tested. In chapter 4, a mini research (pilot study) was conducted in May 2007,whose main aim was to test the reliability and validity of the research instruments. The 36 questionnaires returned were analysed through descriptive method. Results obtained indicated the instruments were reliable and the results valid. A few corrections suggested were made. The major correction was addition of question 35 to collect financial information. The data collection was done between mid August and mid October 2007.In chapter 5, the researcher analysesd the results of the survey after receiving 180 questionnaires. Time was a constraint. In chapter 6, the hypotheses and conceptual model were analysed and the results obtained suggested that, most strategies did not affect the profitability separately but severally. The integrated effect of the management strategies and the associated factors had a higher impact on performance of the MSMES than any individual strategies. In chapter 7, the conclusions, summaries and Recommendations are given. / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management and Policy)

An investigation of behaviour management strategies on learners with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in the classroom

Wulfsohn, Renee 12 1900 (has links)
Learners with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) traditionally display disruptive and other associated negative behaviour in the classroom setting. Behaviour management strategies utilised by the teacher in the school environment can assist in reducing this type of behaviour that impacts negatively upon their academic performance. This research study develops and investigates the effectiveness of a programme of practical behaviour management strategies designed to reduce disruptive behaviour of learners with ADHD in the classroom. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Educational Psychology)


陳聖儀 Unknown Date (has links)
這些年來,經濟環境持續惡化,市場利率不斷下滑,壽險公司面臨利差損的巨額損失,然而相關修正法規通過投資型商品的銷售,因此壽險公司積極開發投資型商品,運用此商品來對抗利率下跌所產生的風險,同時提供消費者「保險」與「投資」雙重功能的新商品。 本文根據當前金融環境及壽險業所面臨的問題,來探討壽險公司對投資型商品的經營策略,並實際訪談己推出投資型商品外商、本土具代表性的壽險公司,最後依據研究結果做出結論及建議。 本研究得到的結論歸納如下:(1)壽險公司銷售投資型商品,朝改善商品結構,有效防範和化解經營風險,提升核心競爭力,亦是建立長期競爭優勢。(2)經營投資型保險經管風險的評估,其最大費用是教育訓練及軟体系統的投資與維護,即作業風險是最大考量。(3)外商保險公司發展投資型保險商品速度快於本土保險公司,對市場反應力較強。而本土保險公司,要落實教育訓練較為費時,因此本土公司都從簡單易懂商品開始,漸進式轉入投資型保險。(4)外商公司的競爭優勢是商品設計,行政作業靈活及電腦系統優異,而本土公司的核心競爭力則是行銷通路及眾多業務員,因此由簡易套裝商品切入市場建立客戶群。(5)保險公司業務員仍為主要行銷通路,而「全方位理財顧問」將是業務人員的定位,因此教育訓練及選才是壽險公司進入投資型保險的重要課題。(6)對行銷人員來說,以往「人情保」或「退傭金」的銷售模式己不適用,而是要規劃客戶需求的責任風險,及提供相關金融知識,成為客戶個人及家庭的理財顧問。(7)金融自由化及金控法規通過,壽險公司必需整合資源形成經濟規模,對於投資型商品的投資靈活性、商品成本透明度與投資種類的組合等方面將是壽險業之間競爭模式的轉變。(8)投資型商品具有保障和投資雙重功能,但需將投資型保險當作保險商品來運用而非投資工具,並且要「長期持有」才能顯現基金績效;而業務人員誠實揭露相關費用及明確告之消費者權益和義務是避免銷售糾紛的最重要關鍵。 關鍵字:投資型保險商品,經營策略,行銷通路,教育訓練 / Because economic environment is getting worse and the interest rate is lower and lower, the life insurance companies are in face of huge profit loss. In the meaning time, the related laws and regulations were released; therefore the hfe insurance companies strongly developed the investment-linked insurance to overcome the impact of lower interest rate and to offer new products to customers, which meet insurance and investment both benefits. Based on financial environment has today and the problems of insurance industry, this study is to discuss the operation strategies of investment- linked insurance products. By extensive interview with the major of four insurance companies, we come out conclusions and related suggestions. The main conclusions of this study are described as followings: (1) For effective and solving the operation risk, the life insurance companies should sell investment-linked products and keep improving the structure of the products. In the long run, the life insurance companies need to build up core competence through investment-linked insurance products. The middle size company may consider Investment-linked products as major products to develop business. (2) There are two major factors to evaluate the business risk, which are the training course and the cost of software. (3) Foreign insurance companies very fast-developed investment-linked insurance products to meet market request. The local insurance companies have to build up customers based through simple-packaged products. The large size companies have to consider the training system early and to help sale improving the financial knowledge. (4) The competitive advantages of foreign companies are design products, operation system and computer hardware. The strength of local companies is having channel infrastructure and many salesmen. (5) The agents are main marketing channels and to be a financial consonant. The training course and selection are important to the life insurance companies. (6) By brothering customers or returning commission, it is not a suitable sales model for salesmen. To offer right risk plan and financial knowledges, salesmen are a financial consonant for customers or customers’family. (7) The completive situations between life insurance companies are to offer investment-linked insurance products, which have investment information, cost and investment portfolio. (8) The investment-linked insurance products have insurance and investment both benefits, but tibey should be regarded as a tool of insurance. Customers have to keep them long turn to get the benefits of fund. Salesmen also have to tell customers clearly about their rights and all costs to avoid argument after sell. Key words: investment-linked insurance products, management strategies, marketing strategies, training course.

Les pratiques sociales à domicile auprès des aînés gais : entre divulgation et dissimulation de l’identité homosexuelle

Auger, Samuel 07 1900 (has links)
La recherche portant sur les expériences reliées aux services sociaux et de santé chez les aînés gais reçoit une attention croissante; cependant, les expériences dans le contexte des services à domicile demeurent peu documentées. Les deux principaux objectifs de cette étude sont d’explorer le vécu des aînés gais recevant des services à domicile relativement à leurs stratégies identitaires et de décrire leurs besoins spécifiques en vue de l’adaptation des pratiques sociales à domicile. Les propos de six aînés gais ont été recueillis dans la région de Montréal par entrevues semi-dirigées. Les résultats montrent que les expériences des aînés recevant des services à domicile sont généralement satisfaisantes; parmi eux, certains se sont sentis stigmatisés, mais seulement dans de rares moments et nous ont rapporté avoir plutôt vécu des situations les rendant mal à l’aise. Les résultats présentent aussi une utilisation variée des quatre stratégies identitaires (divulgation active, divulgation passive, dissimulation passive, dissimulation active) d’après une adaptation du modèle d’Eliason et Schope (2001). Si des facteurs individuels et interactionnels ont influencé les stratégies des aînés, ce sont cependant des facteurs contextuels (le type de service d’aide à domicile, le temps, le contexte social immédiat) qui ont pris une importance significative. Enfin, diverses pistes d’action sont à explorer pour l’adaptation des pratiques sociales auprès de cette population, notamment à l’égard de la formation des intervenants sociaux et de la santé, de l’amélioration de l’organisation des services à domicile, du développement de ressources spécifiques et de la contribution du travailleur social auprès des minorités sexuelles âgées. / The research on experiences related to social and health services among gay seniors is receiving increasing attention. However, their experiences in the context of home care services remain poorly documented. The two main objectives of this study are to explore the experiences of gay seniors receiving home care services in relation to their identity strategies and to describe their specific needs for the adjustment of social practices at home. The comments of six gay elders were collected in the Montreal area by semi-structured interviews. The results show that the experiences of seniors receiving home care services are generally satisfactory; among them, some have felt stigmatized but only in rare moments and have reported mostly having experienced situations making them uncomfortable. The results also show a varied use of the four identity strategies (active disclosure, passive disclosure, active concealment, passive concealment) based on an adaptation of the Eliason and Schope (2001) model. If individual and interactional factors have influenced the strategies of seniors, the contextual factors (type of care or service, time, immediate social context) have taken a more significant importance. Finally, various courses of action should be explored for the adaptation of social practices with this population, particularly regarding the training of health and social workers, the improvement of the home care services organization, the development of specific resources and the social worker’s contribution with older sexual minorities.

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