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”Den Frälsare vars födelse julen handlar om ber oss att inte vända bort blicken från människor i nöd.” : en inramningsanalys av svenskkyrkliga ledares medverkan i debatten kring det svenska och europeiska flyktingmottagandet, 2014-2016.Elin, Franzén January 2018 (has links)
The Swedish debate surrounding the Swedish and European welcoming of refugees has during the last couple of years engaged actors from all spheres of society. One of the prominent actors in this debate has been archbishop Antje Jackelén who has contributed with articles on the issue together with members of the church board as well as the other bishops in the Church of Sweden. These articles have been published on the debate pages of four major newspapers; Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Expressen and Aftonbladet. The aim of this research is to study the way leaders in the Church of Sweden frame the welcoming of refugees and asylum seekers in these newspapers between 2014-2016. By using a qualitative frame analysis inspired by a theory of framing used in social movement research (Benford & Snow, 2000) the study will focus primarily on motivational framing, i.e. the way in which authors set out to inspire their audience to take action in a certain issue. In three of the articles collective action frames are identified, in which collective identities are constructed and where the writers stress the importance for people to come together and act towards a more humane way of handling the refugee situation. Another aim of the essay is to study the way in which the Church of Sweden is presented as an actor within the frames used in the articles. The analysis shows how the church is presented as an experienced organisation, driven by the Christian faith to take action in the face of suffering. Finally, the result is analysed through the mediatisation of religion theory, using the concept of three media functions; conduit, environment and language (Hjarvard, 2016). The analysis shows how the newspapers, by publishing the articles, can be interpreted to function as both conduits and environments for the religious information and messages present in the texts. Concerning the third function, media as language, the debate articles are interpreted as living up to the criteria of news value despite the use of religious imagery and language. However, the method and empirical material of this study did not allow for any conclusions regarding how the logic of debate articles have been affecting the way in which leaders in the Church of Sweden debate the welcoming of refugees.
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"Jesus gjorde mig till feminist" : En kvalitativ studie om digitala mediers synliggörande av kvinnlig religiositet och möjliggörande av skiftande auktoritet.Stenberg, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
Female religiosity has during the last couple of decades become a subject of interest within sociology of religion. Womens’ way of negotiating their Christian identities, in relation to traditional understandings of them, are particularly interesting in the field of mediatization, where different forms of digital media have been shown to provide new possibilities for female religiosity to become visible. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to explore this further by examining how female religiosity - visible through digital media - can challenge traditional structures of authority in christianity. This study is based on the instagram account feministpastorn, run by pastor Esther Kazen, which exemplifies how digital media opens up new spaces for women to negotiate their christian faith in relation to their feministic values. To explore this further these following research questions were formulated; 1) How does Esther Kazen relate her christian faith to her feministic values on her instagram account feministpastorn?; and 2) In what way can feministpastorn be viewed as an example of shifting authority, from a traditional (male) Christian authority to a - by a female Christian actor - newly established one? To answer these questions, the theory of mediatization, as a theory of religious change made possible by different forms of media, with a focus on a change in religious authority, was implemented in the analysis. Based on qualitative research this study shows how female religiosity can make possible a shift in religious authority by allowing women to establish their own authority, in relation to traditional structures of authority within Christian institutions. Hence, the digital medium can be seen as a platform where women can build a new position of authority in relation to existing traditional structures of authority. This study shows how feministpastorn undermines traditional authority through criticism and attempts to build a new authority by 1) appealing to the audience with humility; 2) highlighting herself, in opposition to identified problematics; and 3) using her traditional authoritative role, as pastor in Equmeniakyrkan, to enhance a new kind of authority in contrast to traditional structures of Christian authority, made possible by the digital medium instagram.
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Ebba och Horace. Litterär tvekamp eller? : Århundradets kärlekskrig och Den sista grisen - analys av mottagandet i dagspressen / Ebba and Horace - a Literary Battle? : An Analysis of the Reception of Ebba Witt-Brattström's Århundradets kärlekskrig and Horace Engdahl's Den sista grisenRajala, Tellervo January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is a study of the press reception of Ebba Witt-Brattström's Århundradets kärlekskrig (2016) and Horace Engdahl's Den sista grisen (2016). The study questions comprise the following; how the critics value the novels, what the critics' expectations are, and if non-literary assessment criteria have influenced the reviews and author personas. The study is performed by examining the critics' description, interpretation, and evaluation of the novels. Reception theory supplemented with literary criticism as well as author persona and medialisation are applied in the study. The conclusion is that Witt-Brattström's novel is highly valued for its contribution to confessional literature. The criticism of her novel is mostly based on the question of whether the novel should be read biographically or not. Engdahl's novel is valued as outspoken and provocative but also unconvincing and criticized for lacking credibility on certain subjects.The critics' horizons of expectation differ between the authors. The expectations of Den sista grisen lead to the fusion of the horizon because it corresponds to the expectations. The expectations of Århundradets kärlekskrig change the critics' horizon as the novel presents a new understanding of a contemporary topic. The non-literary assessment criteria have had an effect. Witt-Brattström addresses the issue of domestic violence and reinforces her persona. Engdahl is described as conservative and weakens his persona. In one area the authors are on the same level, medialisation. It involves an interplay between authors, literature, and media, which Witt-Brattström and Engdahl have mastered.
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Mellan magi och myt i The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt : En analys av spelvärldens materialitetLindberg, Emma January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur den materiella spelvärlden i The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt konstrueras och presenteras, med fokus på medialiserade figurationer, rumslighet och transmediala berättelseelement. Med utgångspunkt i posthumanistisk teori och materiell semiotik kartlägger studien hur den virtuella miljön i spelet också fungerar som en aktiv deltagare i spelupplevelsen, snarare än en passiv bakgrund till huvudberättelsen. Genom att tillämpa Espen Aarseths variabla modell analyserar studien hur spelets design och interaktiva objekt fungerar som semiotiska agenter. Resultaten visar att spelvärldens rumsliga element, såsom väder, topologi och arkitektur, spelar en avgörande roll i att forma spelvärldens rumsliga upplevelse och narrativ. Vidare visar analysen att interaktiva objekt och sidokaraktärer, trots olika begränsningar avinteraktionsmöjligheter, erbjuder visuella och audiella ledtrådar som bidrar till spelvärldens tillblivande. Studien visar att spelvärlden i The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt är ömsesidigt konstituerad med spelarens handlingar, där varje interaktion formar och omformas av den dynamiska och performativa spelvärlden. / This thesis explores how the material game world in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is constructed and presented, focusing on mediatized figurations, spatiality, and transmedia narrative elements. Grounded in posthumanist theory and material semiotics, the study maps how the virtual environment also functions as an active participant in the gameplay experience, rather than just a passive backdrop to the game story. Utilizing Espen Aarseth’s variable model the analysis investigates how the game’s design and interactive objects act as semiotic agents. The findings reveal that the spatial elements of the game world, such as weather, topology, and architecture, play a crucial role in shaping the spatial experience and narrative of the game world. Furthermore, the analysis shows that interactive objects and side characters, despite varying levels of interaction possibilities, provide visual and auditory cues that contribute to the coming into being of the game world. The study demonstrates that the game world in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is mutually constituted with the player’s actions, where each interaction shapes and is shaped by the dynamic and performative game environment.
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Civilengagemang i sociala medier : En studie av Refugees Welcome to Gothenburgs mediering och medialisering / Civic Engagement on Social Media : A study of Refugees Welcome to Gothenburg’s mediation and mediatizationAlsbjer, Annelie, Sjöberg, Linn January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie har undersökt medialiseringen av nätverket Refugees Welcome to Gothenburg. Det har skett genom att identifiera sociala handlingar på en mesonivå för att hitta medieringsprocesser bland dem. Analysen på makronivå (i relation med samhället) har i sin tur visat vilken betydelse medieringsprocesserna har haft för Refugees Welcome to Gothenburg. Urvalet har skett på sociala medier och nätverkets webbsida. Analysen är baserad på ett ramverk av Alice Mattoni och Emiliano Treré (2014) kombinerat med medialiseringsteorier, mer specifikt, Winfried Schulzs (2004) fyra processer inom medialisering tillsammans med José van Dijck och Thomas Poells (2013) medielogik på sociala medier. En kvalitativ textanalys har använts för att kunna studera materialet. Analysen har genomförts på två nivåer, en mesonivå för att hitta de sociala handlingarna och deras medieringsprocesser, och på en makronivå, för att se medialiseringen inom Refugees Welcome to Gothenburg. Resultatet visade att Refugees Welcome to Gothenburg har en stark medialisering, men att de samtidigt är långt från helt medialiserade. Vissa sociala handlingar har inte medialiseras, men har fortfarande haft en sammanslagning (amalgamation) med andra medierade handlingar. Slutligen har studien också påvisat att sociala rörelser bör studeras ytterligare ur ett medieperspektiv, för att förstå funktioner och förändringar inom dem. / This study has examined the mediatization of the social movement Refugees Welcome to Gothenburg. By identifying social practices at a meso level within Refugees Welcome to Gothenburg, mediation processes have been found. The analysis at a macro level (in relation with the society) have then led to the understanding of the mediation processes. The material selection has been made on social media and on the website of Refugees Welcome to Gothenburg. The analysis is based on a conceptual framework by Alice Mattoni and Emiliano Treré (2014), combined with mediatization theories, and more specifically, the four processes of social change within mediatization by Winfried Schulz (2004) together with the media logics in social media by José van Dijck and Thomas Poell (2013). A qualitative text analysis was used in order to study the material. The analysis was performed at two levels, firstly, at a meso level to identify the social practices and the mediation processes, and secondly, at a macro level to find the mediatization of Refugees Welcome to Gothenburg. The results showed that Refugees Welcome to Gothenburg has a strong mediatization, but at the same time, not completely. Some social practices have not been mediated. The non-mediated social practices, however, have shown an amalgamation (joining) with the mediated social practices. Finally, the essay has also shown that social movements should be studied from a media perspective even further, to be able to understand functions and changes within them.
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Kampen om definitionerna : Politikers retoriska självförsvar under mediedrev / Don’t talk to me about policy! : Politicians’ rhetorical self-defense under media pressureDahlgren, Peter January 2012 (has links)
Introduktion: Under 2011 till året därpå var två politiker, Carl Bildt (moderat utrikesminister) och Håkan Juholt (Socialdemokraternas partiledare), utsatta för mediedrev: Etiopiensvenskar-na och bostadsaffären. Juholt var som en svamp som sög upp all kritik medan Bildt framstod som teflon i jämförelse. Hur kommer det sig att Bildt klarade sig och fick sitta kvar som mi-nister, medan Juholt avgick? Problem: Vad är det som skiljer Bildt från Juholts retorik under mediedreven 2011 enligt sta-tusläran? Hur ramar journalisterna in debatten för Bildt respektive Juholt? Teori: Med statusläran (stasis theory) kan en sakfråga analyseras retoriskt genom ett av fyra status (”ställning”): fakta, definition, kvalitet eller procedur. Exempelvis, ett dödande kan handla om huruvida det ägt rum (fakta), om det var mord eller självförsvar (definition), om det var rätt (kvalitet) samt om frågan ska avgöras i annat forum (procedur). Fakta och proce-dur är starkast försvar, definition och kvalitet svagast. Metod: Kvalitativ retorisk analys av Bildt och Juholts medieframträdanden i tv och radio, där medierna anklagar och aktörerna försvarar sig i en dialogsituation. Resultat: Bildt använder mer eller mindre uteslutande ett bevisande (fakta) och överförande status (procedur). När ny information är motstridig, hävdar han att den ska beskrivas an-norlunda (definition). Juholt använder huvudsakligen ett kvalitativt status, ofta för att bedyra sin goda karaktär, även när han kunde valt ett mer lämpligt status. Flera fall har också upp-täckts där journalisterna ställt frågor som varit inramade (presupponerad) på ett tveksamt sätt, ofta på ett kvalitativt status. Diskussion: Bildt använder starkare status vilket får till följd att skandalen inte tenderar att utvecklas i lika hög utsträckning då frågor om moral och värderingar utesluts. Juholt har valt det svagaste statuset. Slutsatsen är att man inte ska välja en försvarsstrategi och hålla fast vid den, utan anpassa försvaret varefter som ny information blir tillgänglig och anklagelsernas karaktär förändras. Slutsatsen gäller reaktiv kriskommunikation, inte nödvändigtvis proaktiv. Dessutom föreslås tre nya analyskriterier till statusläran. Studien begränsas huvudsakligen av medievalet (radio och tv) eftersom bara en del av den medierade politiken fångas, liksom ty-pen av kris (etiska normbrott). / Introduction: During 2011, two major Swedish politicians, Carl Bildt (right-wing foreign min-ister) and Håkan Juholt (leader of the Social Democrats), were set under siege during a so called ‘media hunt’: The Ethiopiaswedes and the residence affair. Juholt was like a sponge absorbing every bit of critique, whereas Bildt seemed like Teflon in comparison. How did Bildt manage to remain in power, while Juholt had to resign? Problem: What sets Bildt’s rhetoric apart from Juholt’s rhetoric during the media hunt under 2011 in relation to the stasis theory? How do the journalists frame the media discourse for Bildt and Juholt? Theory: A controversy can be analyzed rhetorically with one of four stases of the stasis theo-ry: fact, definition, quality or procedure. E.g., a killing has either occurred or not (fact), it may be defined as murder or self-defense (definition), there’s a question if it was the right thing to do (quality) and if the controversy should be judged in another forum (procedure). Fact and procedure is the strongest defense, definition and quality is the weakest. Method: Qualitative rhetorical analysis of Bildt’s and Juholt’s media appearances in TV and radio, where the media accuse and the politicians defend themselves in a dialogue situation. Results: Bildt uses more or less exclusively the stases of fact and procedure. When new in-formation is contradictory to fact, he claims that it should be described differently (stasis of definition). Juholt mostly uses a stasis of quality to assert his good moral character, even when he could’ve chosen a more appropriate stasis. A few cases where the journalists’ questions have been framed (presuppositioned) in a questionable manner have also been found, often in a qualitative stasis. Discussion: Bildt uses stronger stasis which prevents the scandal from evolving and therefore excludes questions about morals and values. Juholt uses a weaker stasis. The conclusion is that one shouldn’t select a rhetorical self-defense strategy and stick to it; rather, the defense should adapt to new information as well as changes in the type of accusation. This conclusion holds for reactive crisis communication, not necessarily proactive. Three new analytical criteria for the stasis theory are also offered. The study is primarily limited by the type of crisis (norm transgressions) and the choice of media (radio and TV) because only a part of the mediatized politics is captured.
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Politikens medialisering : En kritisk diskursanalys av fyra ledande politikers twittrande / The Mediatization of Politics : A critical discourse analysis of four leading politicians twitteringForss, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
The empirical material of this study consisted of tweets by four leading politicians in Sweden: Carl Bildt of Nya Moderaterna, Annie Lööf of Centerpartiet, Åsa Romson of Miljöpartiet and Jonas Sjöstedt of Vänsterpartiet. The aim of the study was to examine how they use Twitter as a political tool and what that says of the mediatization of politics. What content did they publish, how did the content differentiate between them and what political messages and other subjects occurred in their tweets? Does the political debate become fragmented because they’re only allowed to use 140 characters on Twitter? The theoretical framework and method applied for the research was based upon critical discourse analysis (CDA), with special interest in ideology and mediatized discourse. The result of the study showed that the content they published consisted mostly of criticism towards political opponents, rather than of independent political opinions. It also showed that the focus among the politicians was mostly on factual issues rather than on ideology. Furthermore, it showed that they use Twitter as a way of spreading information more than anything else. I argue that the political discourse that was present on Twitter among the politicians can be seen as somewhat populistic, due to the fact that they focused more on criticism towards political opponents than on independent political opinions and ideology. I argue that there are certain risks with their way of using Twitter as a political tool when political issues are brought out of their ideological context.
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Den Polisiära Närvaron : En kvalitativ undersökning av Polismyndighetens relationsbyggande arbete på Instagram / The Police Presence : A qualitative study of the Swedish Police’s relationship building tactics on InstagramKlefström, Matilda January 2021 (has links)
Hur arbetar den svenska Polismyndigheten med relationsbyggande taktiker på Instagram? Genom att undersöka det engagemang, den interaktion och sättet på vilket Polisen bemöter kritik bemöts på plattformen har jag kunnat fastställat hur ett antal av dessa tekniker nyttjas i praktiken. Under en begränsad tidsperiod har samtliga inlägg och kommentarer som publicerats till myndighetens konto studerats utifrån tidigare forskning såväl som utifrån utvalda teoretiska perspektiv. I bearbetningsprocessen av det empiriska materialet uttyddes indikationer på att en konflikt uppstått som resultat av den polisiära närvaroden polisiära närvaron på Instagram. Konflikten konstaterades bero på den spänningen som sker när en statlig instans befinner sig på sociala medieplattformar där den externaa kommunikationen anpassas utifrån plattformarnas medielogik. Denna spänning har vidare problematiserats utifrån ett myndighetsperspektiv. I slutsatsen presenteras ett teoretiskt resultat som tydliggör vilka relationsbyggande taktiker som Polisen har använt sig av på Instagram. Här redogörs det också för vilka utmaningar en myndighet kan komma att möta när denna väljer att anpassa sin kommunikation utifrån medielogik.I slutsatsen presenteras ett teoretiskt resultat som tydliggör vilka utmaningar som medföljt när Polismyndigheten valt anpassa sin kommunikation utifrån medielogik. / How does the Swedish Police use relationship building tactics on Instagram? I’ve been able to determine how these tactics are being used practically by examining how the Police engages, interacts, and handles critique on this specific social media platform. All posts and comments posted published to the Police’s account during a selected timeframe have been examined through the lens of previous research and theoretical perspectives. As I began processing this material, a conflict emerged as a result of the Police’s use of the aforementioned tactics used to build relationships with the public. This conflict was determined to be the result of athe tension emerging when a government agency is required to adapt its communication afterto the media logiclogics of social media platforms. This tension was also discussed from the viewpoint of a government perspective. The theoretical results presented in the conclusion of thise thesis highlights the challenges that has facesd a government agency the which choses to Swedish Police as it adapts itsadapt its external communications afterto the media logic. I will also account for the relationship building tactics that has been used by the Police on Instagram.
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Konsten att sända objektivt om val : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av politiker i radioOhlsson, David January 2017 (has links)
This study is a based on a quantitative content analysis with the purpose to analyse if the Swedish Radio’s local radio channel P4 Norrbotten is objective during there coverage of the 2014 election in Sweden. The analysed material consists of the newscast from the local radiostation. All newscasts were broadcasted from September 1st 2014 to September 14th 2014. The material was transcribed at the The Swedish Media Database (SMDB) at the National Library of Sweden. The study used different theories, the objectivity concept presented by Westerståhl (1972) and a theory presented by Asp (2011) about how political parties and political actors are favoured or disadvantaged by the news presented in the local broadcast. The political theory of mediatization has also been used. 600 analysis units were encoded in the code analysis. Of these, 84 were about the 2014 election or contained political parties. Results from the quantitative content analysis shows that the Social Democrats where the political party that occurred most frequently in the news. Asp’s (2011) theory shows that the Swedish Democrats were favoured the most from news reporting, while the Green Party was most disadvantaged by the news reporting. According to the results from the code analysis, the local radiostation P4 Norrbotten is objective in its news coverage of the 2014 election campaign in Sweden. / Denna studie är en kvantitativ innehållsanalys där syftet är att undersöka om Sveriges Radio P4 Norrbotten är objektiv i sin bevakning av valrörelsen 2014. Materialet som är analyserat är P4 Norrbottens egna nyhetssändningar som sändes mellan den första september 2014 till och med den 14:e september 2014. Materialet har samlats in och transkriberats vid SMDB vid Kungliga Biblioteket i Stockholm, Sverige. De teorier som har använts är Westerståhls (1972) objektivitetsbegrepp, Asps (2011) aktörsbehandlingsindex samt politisk medialisering. 600 analysenheter kodades i kodanalysen. Av dessa berörde 89 stycken antingen valet 2014 eller så förekom politiska partier. Resultatet från kodanalysen visar att Socialdemokraterna var det parti som förekom mest frekvent i nyheterna. Utifrån aktörsbehandlingsindexet gynnades Sverigedemokraterna mest av rapporteringen medan Miljöpartiet missgynnades mest av nyhetsrapporteringen. Enligt resultatet från kodanalysen är P4 Norrbotten objektiva i sin bevakning av valrörelsen 2014.
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En musikalisk översvämning : Hur TikTok musikaliserar vår tillvaro / A Musical Overflow : How TikTok Musicalizes Our Everyday LivesHansson, Vincent Johanna January 2023 (has links)
The mediatization of society has gradually led to an increasingly prominent presence of music in our daily lives, a process which Tobias Pontara and Ulrik Volgsten refer to as musicalization. One media platform that has experienced rapid growth in recent years is TikTok, which, with its one billion users, has become a hub for music discovery and distribution. TikTok's interface fosters a participatory culture, where users actively engage in musical challenges and memes. In this paper, I examine musical memes as a phenomenon and explore their influence on society's musicalization process. By examining TikTok's user interface and its self-promotion strategies, it becomes apparent that the platform aims to establish itself as a contemporary music medium. The app's features actively encourage users to utilize music and dances as a tool for storytelling and community-building. TikTok's rise in the media landscape has led to a mediatization process where other media adapt to TikTok's logic, and due to music being such a central part of the platform, it contributes to an increased presence of music in our day-to-day lives.
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