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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den metaforiska Gudsbilden i Gamla Testamentet

Häggkvist, Jonnie January 2000 (has links)
Jag ämnar med den här uppsatsen att belysa det teologiska språket som den mänskliga konstruktion jag anser det vara. Mitt syfte är att fokusera på faran att ensidigt betona metaforen om Gud som en man, som personlig och opersonlig varelse, och att diskutera den metaforiska innebörden hos den bibliska Gudsbilden och att påskina den revidering jag anser vara nödvändig i det metaforiska språket av Gudsbilden, som är genomsyrat av en patriarkalisk anda. Det andra blir litteraturstudier med anknytning till ämnet och en slutlig avhandling och diskussion med hjälp av vad jag fått fram.

Samtalet i musikterapi : en hermeneutisk analys av tre sessioner / The Verbal Dialogue in Music Therapy : a Hermeneutic Analysis of Three Music Therapy Sessions

Lindblad, Katarina January 2012 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om samtalet i musikterapi, ett ämne som är sparsamt beskrivet i litteraturen. En kort beskrivning av musikterapi som klinisk och aka- demisk disciplin ges, och en litteraturgenomgång görs av några böcker kring sam- talsmetodik och det lilla som finns skrivet om samtal i musikterapi. Studien byg- ger på tre musikterapisessioner arrangerade speciellt för studien och intervjuer med de tre musikterapeuterna. Sessionerna filmades och intervjuerna spelades in och skrevs ut. Det är en kvalitativ studie upplagd som en experimentell, instru- mentell, flerfaldig fallstudie. Det teoretiska perspektivet är hermeneutik och ana- lysmetoden hermeneutisk tolkningsanalys. Analysen av filmerna är inspirerad av fenomenologi. I uppsatsen ges en beskrivning i kondenserad form av de tre mu- sikterapisessionerna och intervjuerna sammanfattas. Därefter redogörs för analys- resultatet som framstår som tvådelat. Första delen är en tematisering av de verbala interventioner som förekommer under de studerade sessionerna. Interventionerna tematiseras som frågor, andra interventioner, tystnad, paradoxer och omformule- ringar, metaforer och tolkningar. Hur de talar om musik lyfts fram i ett särskilt avsnitt. Andra delen är ett utforskande av vilka funktioner samtalen tycks ha un- der dessa sessioner. Tanken prövas att de kan; leda till ökad trygghet, som i sin tur kan leda till att ett verkligt möte kan uppstå; fördjupa klientens upplevelse; tyd- liggöra klientens livsberättelse. / This thesis is about verbal dialogue in music therapy, a subject which is seldom discussed in the literature. A short description of music therapy as a clinical and academic discipline is presented, and a survey is made of some of the literature on methodology in professional dialogues and what little has been written about dia- logue in music therapy. The study is based on three music therapy sessions ar- ranged especially for the purpose and interviews with the three therapists. The sessions were filmed and the interviews were recorded and copied out. It is a qualitative study, constructed as an experimental, instrumental, multiple case study. The theoretical perspective is hermeneutic and the method of analysis used was hermeneutic interpretation analysis. The method used to analyze the films was inspired by phenomenology. In the thesis the three music therapy sessions are described in condensed form and the interviews are summarized. This is followed by an analysis of the result which appears to fall into two parts. The first section is a thematisation of the verbal interventions that occur during the sessions. The interventions are thematised as questions, other interventions, silence, paradoxes and rephrasings, metaphors and interpretations. A special section is devoted to theway the therapists talk about music. The second part of the analysis explores the functions that the verbal dialogues seem to have had during the sessions. The the- ory tested is that they can; lead to a greater feeling of security, which in its turn can lead to a genuine encounter; deepen the client’s experience; clarify the cli- ent’s life story.

Metafor - Tao : En komparativ studie i metaforik mellan prekonfuciansk tanketradition och svensk nutid

Sperens, Monica January 2012 (has links)
Metaphors and their use as a rethorical vehicle are examined. Two texts, one in Chinese and one in Swedish, are compared and analyzed to determine the extent to which the associations they create successfully capture the author's intent. Seecondarily, a shift from the assumptions that rhetorical analyses often assume (read: antiquity and Aristotles) to a more abstract internal human platform is suggested. Neurological and cognitive research is cited in support of this shift. The essay examines the question: How can metaphoric contribute to conveying the communicator's intention? By comparing metaphorics used by an historical Chinese rhetor with those used by a contemporary Swedish rhetor. In the former, Zuozhuan describes how Ji Zha commented on Shijing in 770-430 BCE. In the latter, Johan af Donner defends himself in court in 2010. The study culminates in recommendations for a more poetic approach to metaphor. / Utgångspunkten för föreliggande uppsats är att undersöka metaforik. Syftet med studien är att undersöka användningen av metaforen som ett retoriskt medel, i ett kinesiskt exempel och i ett svenskt exempel, och att jämföra dem, samt att resonera kring vilka associationsfält dessa skapar och om de är framgångsrika eller inte. Sekundärt är det också uppsatsens syfte att föreslå en förflyttning av den plattform retoriska analyser ofta utgår ifrån (läs antiken och Aristoteles) till en mer abstrakt inre mänsklig plattform. Studien tar stöd i neurologisk och kognitiv forskning i detta. Uppsatsens frågeställning är: Hur kan metaforik bidra till förståelse för avsändarens intention? Studien jämför metaforer som används av en retor i en tidig kinesisk situation; Zuozhuan berättar om hur Ji Zha kommenterade Shijing, 770-430 f.v.t. och en retor från en svensk nutida situation; Johan af Donner försvarar sig i tingsrätten 2010. Studien mynnar ut i rekommendationer till ett mer poetiskt förhållningssätt till metaforik.

Systemmetaforik : Språk och metafor som verktyg i systemarkitektens praktik / System Metaphoric : Language and Metaphor as Tools in the Practice of the System Architect

Jonsson, Kerstin January 2014 (has links)
En systemarkitekts praktik består till stor del av att tolka, beskriva och strukturera verksamhetsprocesser och -information som underlag för förändrings- och utvecklingsarbete, oftast med stöd av it-system. Professionen betraktas traditionellt som en teknisk ingenjörskonst. Men de problem jag ställs inför som arkitekt handlar inte enbart om att designa tekniska system och kommunikation mellan maskiner, utan minst lika ofta om att hantera utmaningar relaterade till mellanmänsklig kommunikation i komplexa situationer. Vad händer om vi fokuserar på denna andra del av arkitektens praktiska kunskap? Denna magister- uppsats handlar om språkets och kommunikationens roll i kontexten av ett systemutvecklingsprojekt. Författaren använder sig av metaforer i en gestaltande skönlitterär kontext som kreativ metod för att visualisera och förmedla olika aspekter på systemarkitektens yrkesroll och praktik. På så vis utnyttjar uppsatsen den mer experimentella form som essän erbjuder för att även utforska sina egna uttrycksmöjligheter. Essäns teoretiska material baserar sig på den språkfilosofiska tradition som utvecklats av Ludwig Wittgenstein och Gilbert Ryle. Utifrån dessa båda tänkares verk förs ett resonemang runt språkets och den kontextuella förståelsens betydelse för systemarkitektens praktiska kunskap. Essän väver även in tankegångar från Thomas Kuhn, Peter Naur och Donald Schön i syfte att utforska just metaforens, improvisationens och den kreativa kommunikationens roll som verktyg i systemarkitektens praktik. / The system architect ́s practice is mainly about interpreting, describing and structuring the processes and information of an enterprise in order to create a foundation for change and development, often supported by IT systems. The profession is traditionally regarded as an art of technical engineering. But the problems I face as architect is not exclusively about designing technical systems and communication between machines, but just as much about handling challenges related to inter-subjective communi- cation between human beings in situations of complex interaction. What happens if we focus on this second aspect of the practical knowledge of the architect? This essay is about the role of language and communication in the context of a system development project. The author uses metaphors in fictional context as a creative method to visualize and mediate different aspects on the architect ́s professional role and practice. In that sense the text utilizes the more experimental form offered by the essay in order to explore its own expressive possibilities. The theoretical material of this essay is based on the language philosophical tradition developed by Ludwig Wittgenstein and Gilbert Ryle. Starting out from these two thinkers, the author reasons around the importance language and contextual understanding has for the practical knowledge of the system architect. Further on the essay weaves in thoughts from Thomas Kuhn, Peter Naur and Donald Schön with the purpose of exploring the role of the metaphor, improvisation and creative communication as tools in the practice of the system architect.

Aktivt handlande eller hemlig agent : Systemisk funktionell ergativitetsanalys som metod för kritisk diskursanalys

Kihl, Charlie January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study is to systematize and advance the Systemic-FunctionalLinguistic method of analysing Ergativity such as it has potential to be employedfor linguistically oriented Critical Discourse Analysis. By applying the termMetaphor of Ergativity, and distinguishing and defining a variety of suchMetaphors, different realizations of Ergativity can be identified and categorized.The method is subsequently adopted for an analysis of a newspaper material. Theanalysis reveals that Ergativity is realized differently depending on which Agent isassociated with an Ergative process, and that different Metaphors of Ergativity tendto be used with slightly different functions. Such differences may carry significancefor Critical Discourse Analyses, and the method could therefore be a usefuladdition to future linguistically oriented Critical Discourse Analyses.

"Tillsammans gör vi världen lite godare" : En retorisk analys av hur tre hamburgerkedjor förmedlar hållbarhet på Instagram

Hartelius, Alexander, Stjärna, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Stadens interna och externa samutveckling: ett icke-dualistiskt perspektiv på problemet hållbar stadsutveckling

Sharif, Shawky, Lindström, Johan January 2011 (has links)
Vi har sett ett behov av att lyfta fram tillvaratagandet av människors potential som en nyckelfaktor för hållbar utveckling. Med bakgrund i en doxologisk kunskapssyn har vi intagit rollen som bricoleurer, där vi utifrån ett heuristiskt angreppssätt och ett pragmatiskt användande av teori-U, eklektiskt hanterat teorier från olika forskningsfält. Först har vi undersökt hur människors uppfattning om staden kanaliseras genom metaforer och hur det påverkar våra städer och våra liv. Därefter har vi med stöd av komplexitetsteori, kaosteori och systemteori undersökt staden som en helhetsmetafor. Tillsist, med hjälp av i huvudsak Ken Wilbers integralfilosofi och Gilles Deleuze eklektiska filosofi når vi vår syntes om det vi kallar Stadens interna och externa samutveckling som på sätt och vis sätter stadens metaforer i ett sammanhang. / We have seen a need to embrace human potential as a key factor for sustainable development. With a background in a doxological epistemology we have taken the role of the bricoleur, and based on a heuristic approach and a pragmatic use of Theory U we have dealt with different research fields in an eclectic fashion. First, we have investigated how people´s perceptions of the city are channeled through metaphors and how it affects our cities and our lives. Drawn on complexity theory, chaos theory and systems theory, we examined the city as a whole. Finally, using Ken Wiber´s Integral Philosophy and the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze we reach our synthesis called The City´s Internal and External Co-evolution, which puts metaphors of the city in a context.

Abject and Liminal Bodies : The Dead Body in <em>CSI: Miami</em> and <em>Six Feet Under</em>

Stenström, Kristina January 2010 (has links)
<p>This study researches fictional representations of dead bodies in two television series in which representations of dead bodies are prominent features. The study introduces a brief history of the  human body as a societal metaphor. The narrower theme of the study, the dead body as a cultural surface and carrier of meaning and ritual potential, is discussed through specific popular cultural television productions.</p><p>The two television series discussed in this study, <em>CSI: Miami </em>and <em>Six Feet Under</em>, are researched both through film analyses and focus group discussions. The film analyses have aimed<em> </em>to show to what use dead bodies are put in the narratives of the programs. The focus group discussions have sought to shed light on the audiences understanding of the meaning of the dead body, and also how this feature of the programs influence the audience and their experience of the programs.</p><p>The study shows that both series introduce and underline dead bodies as floating in-between subject and object status. A dead person is often introduced as a subject and then stripped of his or her cultural identity and reintroduced as an object or as having an uncertain cultural status which lies somewhere between object and subject. This borderline status of the body serves as a threat in the series, and the subject status of the body is reinstated in every case possible. Order is a central concept for the study and both series strive to reassert and maintain order, either in relationships or on a societal level. The reinstatement of order is reflected on the physical body as a metaphor and narrative device in both series. The reestablishment of the subject status of a dead body is part of this strive for order. The audience research concludes that all focus group members agree that the representations of dead bodies in the programs are important for their experience of the programs. Some find them unpleasant while others think they are interesting. The audience also listed several other themes of the programs which they found important. The representations of dead bodies strike the audience members both as “real” and material, and as metaphors.</p>

Abject and Liminal Bodies : The Dead Body in CSI: Miami and Six Feet Under

Stenström, Kristina January 2010 (has links)
This study researches fictional representations of dead bodies in two television series in which representations of dead bodies are prominent features. The study introduces a brief history of the  human body as a societal metaphor. The narrower theme of the study, the dead body as a cultural surface and carrier of meaning and ritual potential, is discussed through specific popular cultural television productions. The two television series discussed in this study, CSI: Miami and Six Feet Under, are researched both through film analyses and focus group discussions. The film analyses have aimed to show to what use dead bodies are put in the narratives of the programs. The focus group discussions have sought to shed light on the audiences understanding of the meaning of the dead body, and also how this feature of the programs influence the audience and their experience of the programs. The study shows that both series introduce and underline dead bodies as floating in-between subject and object status. A dead person is often introduced as a subject and then stripped of his or her cultural identity and reintroduced as an object or as having an uncertain cultural status which lies somewhere between object and subject. This borderline status of the body serves as a threat in the series, and the subject status of the body is reinstated in every case possible. Order is a central concept for the study and both series strive to reassert and maintain order, either in relationships or on a societal level. The reinstatement of order is reflected on the physical body as a metaphor and narrative device in both series. The reestablishment of the subject status of a dead body is part of this strive for order. The audience research concludes that all focus group members agree that the representations of dead bodies in the programs are important for their experience of the programs. Some find them unpleasant while others think they are interesting. The audience also listed several other themes of the programs which they found important. The representations of dead bodies strike the audience members both as “real” and material, and as metaphors.

Markus syn på blindhet : Analys av en metafor, dess funktion och dysfunktion

Sernheim, Jacob January 2015 (has links)
This essay examines the theme of blindness in the Gospel of Mark. The two main questions asked are: 1) “What is Mark’s view on blindness?” and 2) “How does the Gospel of Mark’s view on blindness inform the current discourse of disability studies and how can we interpret Mark’s view on blindness today?” By the methods of metaphor analysis and character analysis, four passages of the Gospel are studied (Mark 4:10-12; 8:14-21; 22-26; 10:46-52). The analysis concludes that blindness is depicted by the author of the Gospel as a disability which also consist of a lack of cognitive ability and a hopeless state that is in need of healing.  The depiction of blindness in Mark originates out of the authors use of blindness as a metaphor for lack of cognitive ability (Mk 4:12; 8:18) and the lack of characterization of the blind man at Bethsaida (8:22-23). This view on blindness is, in comparison to a modern view, difficult, as it marginalizes persons with blindness as inconsiderate and not fully human. The view of blindness is somewhat nuanced, however, by the fuller characterization of Bartimaeus (10:46-52). The essay then discusses, in dialogue with disability studies, the complexity of Mark’s uses of blindness as a metaphor and of the difficulties of our modern, often generalized, views of blindness in antiquity and how the view of blindness in Marks gospel both constructs and deconstructs blindness as a disability.

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