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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De la plausibilitat referencial del llenguatge poètic: Francis Ponge, o el cas d'una poètica referencialista

Capllonch, Begoña 04 February 2010 (has links)
L'objecte d'aquesta tesi ha estat el de defensar, a partir de l'exemple de l'obra de Francis Ponge, la plausibilitat referencial del llenguatge poètic, supòsit tot sovint rebatut a causa d'una radicalització del tòpic de l'autoreferencialitat poètica i per un planteig en suma restringit del concepte de la referencialitat. Però que un poema es constitueixi en tant que específica configuració significant no hauria d'implicar un menyscabament de la seva capacitat de representació, perquè si la poesia és creació mitjançant el llenguatge, tot allò que jutgem poètic no dimanaria sinó de la mateixa idiosincràsia de l'expressió verbal. Així doncs, hem argumentat, en primer lloc, l'efectivitat referencial del llenguatge ordinari per tal d'il·lustrar tot seguit la del poètic i, en particular, la que explicitaria el verb de Francis Ponge, atès que la poètica d'aquest autor es caracteritza, precisament, pel fet d'obstinar-se en una convençuda referencialitat: la que l'impel·lí a dirigir-se envers les coses; la que el dugué a submergir-se en les paraules. El objeto de esta tesis ha sido el de defender, a partir del ejemplo de la obra de Francis Ponge, la plausibilidad referencial del lenguaje poético, supuesto a menudo rebatido a causa de una radicalización del tópico de la autorreferencialidad poética y por un planteamiento en suma restringido del concepto de la referencialidad. Pero que un poema se constituya en tanto que particular configuración significante en modo alguno implicaría un menoscabo de su capacidad de representación, porque si la poesía es creación mediante el lenguaje, todo lo que juzgamos poético no dimanaría sino de la propia idiosincrasia de la expresión verbal. Así pues, hemos argumentado, en primer lugar, la efectividad referencial del lenguaje ordinario para ilustrar a continuación la del poético y, en particular, la que explicitaría el verbo de Francis Ponge, pues la poética de este autor se caracteriza, precisamente, por obstinarse en una convencida referencialidad: la que lo impulsó a dirigirse hacia las cosas; la que lo condujo a sumergirse en las palabras. / Starting from Francis Ponge's work, this PhD thesis argues for the referential plausibility of the poetic language. This assumption has often been contested partly because of the cliché of poetic self-referentiality and partly because the concept of referentiality has had an extremely restricted approach. This thesis suggests that, on the contrary, a poem's capability of becoming a particular and significant configuration does by no means imply a lessening of its representative force. Indeed: if poetry is creation by means of language, everything we judge as poetic stems solely from the idiosyncrasy of verbal expression. Thus, the thesis argues for the referential efficiency of ordinary language to then illustrate the referential efficiency of the poetic. It focuses in particular on the verbum as put forth by Francis Ponge. This author's poetics is best characterized by its persistence in a convinced referentiality, which leads Ponge to address things, and which takes him to sound the depths of words.

A Semiotic reading of gendered subjectivity in contemporary South African art and feminist writing

De Gabriele, Mathilde Daatje Johanna Fenna 30 November 2002 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the correlation between semiotic theory and the way that gendered subjectivity is represented in contemporary South African art. The phenomenon of signification is central to the semiotic theories of the Bulgarian semiotician and psychoanalyst Julia Kristeva. Semiotics can be described as the science of the sign that considers the way in which artists express their personal experience in art making. In this investigation I refer mainly to women's artworks, although the concept of gendered subjectivity in the work of male artists is also discussed. This particular research investigates the symbolic relations of culture in gender terms, that explores the apparent contradictions of subjectivity inherent in capitalist patriarchal society. / Art History, Visual Arts and Music / M.A. (Visual Arts)

Musique et langage: spécificités, interactions et associations spatiales / Music and language: specificities, interactions and spatial associations

Lidji, Pascale 30 April 2008 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail était d’examiner la spécificité fonctionnelle du traitement et des représentations des hauteurs musicales. À cette fin, ce traitement a été comparé à celui des phonèmes de la parole, d’une part, et aux associations spatiales évoquées par des séquences ordonnées, d’autre part. Nos quatre études avaient pour point commun d’adapter à un nouvel objet de recherche des méthodes bien établies en psychologie cognitive. Ainsi, nous avons exploité la tâche de classification accélérée (Etude 1) de Garner (1974), l’analyse des conjonctions illusoires en mémoire (Etude 2), l’additivité de la composante mismatch negativity (MMN) des potentiels évoqués (Etude 3) et l’observation d’associations spatiales de codes de réponse (Etude 4).<p>Les trois premières études, menées chez des participants non-musiciens, portaient sur la spécificité de traitement des hauteurs par rapport à celui des phonèmes au sein de stimuli chantés. Les deux premières études ont mis en évidence un effet surprenant de la nature des phonèmes sur leurs interactions avec le traitement des mélodies :les voyelles apparaissaient plus intégrées à la mélodie que les consonnes. Ceci était vrai à la fois lors du traitement en temps réel de non-mots chantés (Etude 1) et au niveau des traces en mémoire de ces mêmes non-mots (Etude 2, utilisant une tâche de reconnaissance à choix forcé permettant la mise en évidence de conjonctions illusoires). Cette dissociation entre voyelles et consonnes quant à leur intégration avec les traitements mélodiques ne semblait pas causée par des caractéristiques acoustico-phonétiques telles que la sonorité. Les résultats de la troisième étude indiquaient que les MMNs en réponse à des déviations de hauteur et de voyelle n’étaient pas additives et que leur distribution topographique ne différait pas selon le type de déviation. Ceci suggère que, même au niveau pré-attentionnel, le traitement des voyelles n’est pas indépendant de celui des hauteurs. <p>Dans la quatrième étude, nous avons comparé le traitement des hauteurs musicales à un autre domaine :la cognition spatiale. Nous avons ainsi montré que les non-musiciens comme les musiciens associent les notes graves à la partie inférieure et les notes aiguës à la partie supérieure de l’espace. Les deux groupes liaient aussi les notes graves au côté gauche et les notes aiguës au côté droit, mais ce lien n’était automatique que chez les musiciens. Enfin, des stimuli musicaux plus complexes (intervalles mélodiques) n’évoquaient ces associations spatiales que chez les musiciens et ce, uniquement sur le plan horizontal.<p>Ces recherches contribuent de plusieurs manières à la compréhension de la cognition musicale. Premièrement, nous avons montré que les consonnes et les voyelles diffèrent dans leurs interactions avec la musique, une idée à mettre en perspective avec les rôles différents de ces phonèmes dans l’évolution du langage. Ensuite, les travaux sur les représentations spatiales des hauteurs musicales ouvrent la voie à un courant de recherche qui aidera à dévoiler les liens potentiels entre habiletés musicales et spatiales.<p>/<p>The purpose of this work was to examine the functional specificity of musical pitch processing and representation. To this aim, we compared musical pitch processing to (1) the phonological processing of speech and (2) the spatial associations evoked by ordered sequences. The four studies described here all use classical methods of cognitive psychology, which have been adapted to our research question. We have employed Garner’s (1974) speeded classification task (Study 1), the analysis of illusory conjunctions in memory (Study 2), the additivity of the mismatch negativity (MMN) component of event-related potentials (Study 3), as well as the observation of spatial associations of response codes (Study 4).<p>The three first studies examined, in non-musician participants, the specificity of pitch processing compared to phoneme processing in songs. Studies 1 and 2 revealed a surprising effect of phoneme category on their interactions with melodic processing: vowels were more integrated with melody than were consonants. This was true for both on-line processing of sung nonwords (Study 1) and for the memory traces of these nonwords (Study 2, using a forced-choice recognition task allowing the occurrence of illusory conjunctions). The difference between vowels and consonants was not due to acoustic-phonetic properties such as phoneme sonority. The results of the third study showed that the MMN in response to pitch and to vowel deviations was not additive and that its brain topography did not differ as a function of the kind of deviation. This suggests that vowel processing is not independent from pitch processing, even at the pre-attentive level.<p>In the fourth study, we compared pitch processing to another domain: spatial cognition. We showed that both musicians and non-musicians map pitch onto space, in that they associate low-pitched tones to the lower spatial field and high-pitched tones to the higher spatial field. Both groups of participants also associated low pitched-tones with the left and high-pitched tones with the right, but this association was automatic only in musicians. Finally, more complex musical stimuli such as melodic intervals evoked these spatial associations in the horizontal plane only in musicians.<p>This work contributes to the understanding of music cognition in several ways. First, we have shown that consonants and vowels differ in their interactions with music, an idea related to the contrasting roles of these phonemes in language evolution. Second, the work on the spatial representation of pitch opens the path to research that will help uncover the potential links between musical and spatial abilities.<p> / Doctorat en sciences psychologiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

La influencia del EWOM en la intención de compra en los aplicativos de delivery en Lima Metropolitana

Rossell Dueñas, Daniela 05 July 2020 (has links)
En esta investigación se plantea analizar el EWOM el cual se refiere a cualquier declaración positiva o negativa hecho por clientes potenciales, reales o anteriores sobre un producto o una empresa que se pone a disposición de una multitud de personas a través de Internet, éste fenómeno juega un papel predominante en la confianza y en la intención de compra. Esta investigación busca evaluar las variables como la calidad de la información, credibilidad en la información, necesidad en la información y actitud hacia la marca influyen en la intención de compra de un modelo de negocio colaborativo como son las apps de delivery tales como: Glovo, Rappi y UberEats que han tenido mucha acogida en Lima Metropolitana. Por otro lado, la metodología de investigación empleada ha sido regresión lineal múltiple. El estudio estuvo dividido en dos fases, la primera fase se realizó con un enfoque cualitativo en la que se utilizó herramientas como el focus group y las entrevistas a profundidad con expertos en el de Marketing Digital. En la segunda fase se realizó con un enfoque cuantitativo en que se utilizó herramientas como encuestas online, posteriormente se utilizó el método de regresión múltiple, el cual constó de tres pasos, el primer paso se dio mediante la estimación del modelo, el segundo paso mediante la adecuación del modelo y el tercer paso mediante la verificación del modelo. El resultado de la investigación muestra que todas las variables influyen positivamente en la intención de compra a excepción de la credibilidad en la información, la que poco o nada influye. En ese sentido las variables independientes más resaltantes son la actitud hacia la marca y calidad de la información, las cuales se determinaron como más influyentes en la intención de compra. / In this research, the EWOM will be analyzed, which will refer to any positive or negative statement made by potential customers, real or previous, about a product or a company that is made available to a multitude of people through the Internet, this phenomenon plays a predominant role in trust and purchase intentions. This research seeks to evaluate variables such as the quality of the information, the credibility of the information, the need for the information and the attitude towards the brand that influence the purchase intention of a collaborative business model such as story delivery applications such as: Glovo, Rappi and UberEats that have been very well received in Metropolitan Lima. On the other hand, the research methodology used has been multiple linear regression. The study was divided into two phases, the first phase was carried out with a qualitative approach in which tools such as the focus group and in-depth interviews with experts in Digital Marketing were used. In the second phase it was carried out with a quantitative approach in which tools such as online surveys were used, later the multiple regression method was analyzed, which consists of three steps, the first step was taken through the production of the model, the second step by adapting the model and the third step by verifying the model. The result of the investigation shows that all the variables positively influence purchase intention except for the credibility of the information, which has little or no influence. In this sense, the most outstanding independent variables are the attitude towards the brand and the quality of the information, which are determined to be the most influential in the purchase intention. / Trabajo de investigación

Algorithmes gloutons orthogonaux sous contrainte de positivité / Orthogonal greedy algorithms for non-negative sparse reconstruction

Nguyen, Thi Thanh 18 November 2019 (has links)
De nombreux domaines applicatifs conduisent à résoudre des problèmes inverses où le signal ou l'image à reconstruire est à la fois parcimonieux et positif. Si la structure de certains algorithmes de reconstruction parcimonieuse s'adapte directement pour traiter les contraintes de positivité, il n'en va pas de même des algorithmes gloutons orthogonaux comme OMP et OLS. Leur extension positive pose des problèmes d'implémentation car les sous-problèmes de moindres carrés positifs à résoudre ne possèdent pas de solution explicite. Dans la littérature, les algorithmes gloutons positifs (NNOG, pour “Non-Negative Orthogonal Greedy algorithms”) sont souvent considérés comme lents, et les implémentations récemment proposées exploitent des schémas récursifs approchés pour compenser cette lenteur. Dans ce manuscrit, les algorithmes NNOG sont vus comme des heuristiques pour résoudre le problème de minimisation L0 sous contrainte de positivité. La première contribution est de montrer que ce problème est NP-difficile. Deuxièmement, nous dressons un panorama unifié des algorithmes NNOG et proposons une implémentation exacte et rapide basée sur la méthode des contraintes actives avec démarrage à chaud pour résoudre les sous-problèmes de moindres carrés positifs. Cette implémentation réduit considérablement le coût des algorithmes NNOG et s'avère avantageuse par rapport aux schémas approximatifs existants. La troisième contribution consiste en une analyse de reconstruction exacte en K étapes du support d'une représentation K-parcimonieuse par les algorithmes NNOG lorsque la cohérence mutuelle du dictionnaire est inférieure à 1/(2K-1). C'est la première analyse de ce type. / Non-negative sparse approximation arises in many applications fields such as biomedical engineering, fluid mechanics, astrophysics, and remote sensing. Some classical sparse algorithms can be straightforwardly adapted to deal with non-negativity constraints. On the contrary, the non-negative extension of orthogonal greedy algorithms is a challenging issue since the unconstrained least square subproblems are replaced by non-negative least squares subproblems which do not have closed-form solutions. In the literature, non-negative orthogonal greedy (NNOG) algorithms are often considered to be slow. Moreover, some recent works exploit approximate schemes to derive efficient recursive implementations. In this thesis, NNOG algorithms are introduced as heuristic solvers dedicated to L0 minimization under non-negativity constraints. It is first shown that the latter L0 minimization problem is NP-hard. The second contribution is to propose a unified framework on NNOG algorithms together with an exact and fast implementation, where the non-negative least-square subproblems are solved using the active-set algorithm with warm start initialisation. The proposed implementation significantly reduces the cost of NNOG algorithms and appears to be more advantageous than existing approximate schemes. The third contribution consists of a unified K-step exact support recovery analysis of NNOG algorithms when the mutual coherence of the dictionary is lower than 1/(2K-1). This is the first analysis of this kind.

Význam biopsie sentinelové uzliny v léčbě pacientek s časným stádiem karcinomu děložního hrdla / The role of sentinel lymph node biopsy in the management of patients with early-stage cervical cancer

Kocián, Roman January 2021 (has links)
The sentinel lymph node biopsy is part of recommended surgical staging guidelines in patients with early stages of cervical cancer. High success rates of bilateral detection of SLN are achieved in sites with adequate experience with this procedure. The sentinel lymph node biopsy without systematic pelvic lymph node dissection is currently considered inadequate procedure for stages IB to IIA of the disease. One of the benefits of sentinel lymph node detection is extensive histopathological examination using the ultrastaging protocol enabling detection of small metastases (i.e. micrometastases). At the moment, there is lack of evidence about oncological safety of sentinel lymph node biopsy which might replace systematic lymph node dissection in the future. Prognostic significance of micrometastases is also controversial due to the lack of data about their potential presence in non-sentinel lymph nodes in cases with negative sentinel lymph nodes. This dissertation deals with the concept of sentinel lymph node biopsy in the cervical cancer and focuses on several topics. We have shown that the presence of micrometastasis is associated with significant negative impact on patients' prognosis on the largest retrospective cohort of patients ever published. Only 67% of patients with micrometastasis have...

Nulle part ailleurs : la poétique de l'absence dans le Livro do desassossego, de Fernando Pessoa

Pereira Milazzo, Daniel 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une réflexion originale sur la construction d’une poétique de l’absence dans le Livro do desassossego (Livre de l’intranquillité) de Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935). Plus grande œuvre en prose de l’écrivain portugais, le Livro est une œuvre inachevée et inachevable, en raison tant de sa forme que de son contenu. En fait, c’est la négation du livre, l’anti-livre. Attribuées par Pessoa à son demi-hétéronyme Bernardo Soares, les centaines de fragments tissent en filigrane une quête vers la compréhension de ce qu’est l’absence et des modalités de sa manifestation. Participe à cette quête la réflexion sur l’absence de l’être, dont l’interrogation mobilise le dialogue avec des sources anciennes, notamment chez Parménide, Héraclite et Augustin. L’absence se manifeste aussi dans le moyen entrepris pour l’investiguer : le langage. À ce sujet, l’analyse des piliers de la théologie négative, inaugurée par Pseudo-Denys l’Aréopagite et basée sur le lien avec ce qui est impossible à dire, apporte une perspective décisive pour illuminer la démarche de Pessoa. Pour réfléchir au mystère enfoui dans le Livro, mystère qui est aussi son moteur et l’essence de la parole, l’herméneutique de certains passages de la Bible s’avère un important atout, notamment dans la question concernant le nom de Dieu. Ma thèse démontre que, comme dans les Écritures, le Livro porte un nom secret. Dans ce contexte, en comprenant la place de l’absence dans le langage de Pessoa, la thèse évoque la théorie kabbalistique du langage chez Gershom Scholem, dans laquelle le nom de Dieu et l’essence de la parole recèlent et révèlent à la fois. Cette absence se déploie aussi dans le questionnement d’une subjectivité poreuse et plurielle, qui se heurte à des énigmes existentielles et articule l’absence du je. Cette thèse met en exergue également le lien explicite entre l’absence et l’amour : le rapport à l’absence, surtout l’absence de l’autre, produit des sentiments. Du rapport affectif à l’absence surgit l’amour, qui comporte un surplus, un élan. Comme chez Dante, l’amour chez Pessoa se déplie dans l’espace de la distance et dans la jouissance d’un affect irréalisable. À travers la parole poétique, Pessoa quête l’absence par, dans et du langage. / This thesis proposes an original interpretation regarding the construction of a poetics of absence in the Livro do desassossego (Book of Disquiet) by Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935). A major prose work by the Portuguese writer, the Livro is a work unfinished and unfinishable, both in form and content. In fact, it runs counter to the book; it is an anti-book. Hundreds of fragments assigned by Pessoa to his half-heteronym Bernardo Soares weave a search towards the meaning of absence and the ways it manifests itself. Such searching includes thoughts on the absence of being, whose interrogation calls for a dialogue with ancient sources, especially Parmenides, Heraclitus and Augustine. The absence also manifests itself in the medium used to investigate it: language. In that regard, the analysis of negative theology’s main ideas, initially articulated by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite and based on the link with what cannot be said, offers a decisive perspective for illuminating Pessoa’s project. In thinking about the hidden mystery in the Livro, a mystery that is both its source and the word’s essence, the hermeneutics of certain passages of the Bible offer a crucial advantage, in particular when the name of God is discussed. My thesis demonstrates that, as in the Scriptures, the Livro carries a secret name. In this context, in understanding the place of absence in Pessoa’s language, the thesis evokes Gershom Scholem’s kabbalistic theory of language in which the name of God and the word’s essence conceal and reveal at the same time. Such absence also appears in the questioning of a porous and plural subjectivity, which comes up against existential enigmas and articulates the absence of the self. In the same vein, this thesis emphasizes the link between absence and love: being attached to absence, mainly the absence of the beloved, produces feelings. From this affective link to absence comes love, which also leads to a surplus and an elan. As with Dante, for Pessoa love comes about at a distance and in the joy of unrealizable affect. By means of poetic expression, Pessoa searches the absence of language, through language and inside language. / Esta tese propõe uma reflexão original sobre a construção de uma poética da ausência no Livro do desassossego, de Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935). Mais importante obra em prosa do escritor português, o Livro é uma obra inacabada e inacabável, em razão tanto de sua forma quanto de seu conteúdo. É, na verdade, a negação do livro, um anti-livro. Atribuídas por Pessoa a seu semi-heterônimo Bernardo Soares, as centenas de fragmentos tecem em filigrana uma busca rumo à compreensão do que é a ausência e das modalidades de sua manifestação. Participa desta busca a reflexão sobre a ausência do ser, cuja interrogação mobiliza o diálogo com fontes antigas, notadamente Parmênides, Heráclito et Santo Agostinho. A ausência também se manifesta no meio utilizado para a investigar: a linguagem. Sobre este assunto, a análise dos pilares da teologia negativa, inaugurada por Pseudo-Dionísio Areopagita e baseada na relação com aquilo que é impossível dizer, oferece uma perspectiva decisiva para iluminar o projeto de Pessoa. Para refletir sobre o mistério escondido no Livro, mistério que é também seu motor e a essência da palavra, a hermenêutica de algumas passagens da Bíblia se confirma como uma importante vantagem, principalmente na discussão sobre o nome de Deus. Minha tese demonstra que, como nas Escrituras, o Livro carrega um nome secreto. Neste contexto, entendendo o lugar da ausência na linguagem de Pessoa, a tese evoca a teoria cabalística da linguagem segundo Gershom Scholem, na qual o nome de Deus e a essência da palavra tanto ocultam quanto revelam. Esta ausência se desenvolve também no questionamento sobre uma subjetividade porosa e plural, que se confronta com enigmas existenciais e articula a ausência do eu. Esta tese também destaca o elo explícito entre a ausência e o amor: a relação à ausência, sobretudo a ausência do outro, produz sentimentos. Da relação afetiva à ausência surge o amor, que comporta um excedente, um élan. Como se percebe em Dante, o amor em Pessoa se desdobra no espaço da distância e na experiência de um afeto irrealizável. Por meio da palavra poética, Pessoa busca a ausência da, dentro e através da linguagem.

Overactive Performance Monitoring in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Unraveling Affective Processes and Modulation by Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation

Balzus, Luisa 15 July 2024 (has links)
Eine überaktive Überwachung eigener Handlungen, welche sich in erhöhten Amplituden der error-related negativity (ERN) zeigt, scheint eine zentrale Rolle in der Pathophysiologie der Zwangsstörung zu spielen. Die funktionelle Bedeutsamkeit der ERN, die Mechanismen, die zur erhöhten ERN bei Zwangsstörungen beitragen und der Nutzen der ERN als Ansatzpunkt für Interventionen sind jedoch nicht vollständig geklärt. Diese Dissertation umfasst drei Studien, deren Ziel es war, diese Aspekte zu untersuchen. Studie 1 untersuchte die affektive Bewertung eigener Handlungen und zeigte, dass Handlungen automatisch affektive Valenz zugeschrieben wird. Darauf aufbauend untersuchte Studie 2, ob die ERN die Valenzbewertung von Fehlern widerspiegelt und ob eine veränderte Fehlerbewertung zur erhöhten ERN bei Zwangsstörungen beiträgt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Personen mit Zwangsstörung eine verminderte Valenzbewertung von Fehlern aufweisen, lieferten aber keine Hinweise auf einen Zusammenhang zwischen ERN und Fehlerbewertung, was nahelegt, dass eine veränderte Fehlerbewertung nicht der erhöhten ERN bei Zwangsstörungen zugrunde liegt. Studie 3 untersuchte, ob die ERN durch nicht-invasive Hirnstimulation modulierbar ist und lieferte Hinweise darauf, dass kathodale transkranielle Gleichstromstimulation über dem prä-supplementär motorischen Areal die ERN bei gesunden Personen und Personen mit Zwangsstörung reduziert. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Studien, dass die Handlungsüberwachung die affektive Bewertung eigener Handlungen umfasst und dass dieser Prozess bei Zwangsstörungen verändert ist; eine veränderte Fehlerbewertung scheint jedoch nicht der erhöhten ERN bei Zwangsstörungen zugrunde zu liegen. Diese Erkenntnisse tragen zum Verständnis neurokognitiver Veränderungen bei dieser Störung bei. Zudem zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass nicht-invasive Hirnstimulation das Potenzial hat, die ERN bei Personen mit Zwangsstörung abzuschwächen. Dies könnte den Weg für neue Interventionsstrategien ebnen. / Overactive performance monitoring, as indicated by increased amplitudes of the error-related negativity (ERN), is considered to play a central role in the pathophysiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). However, the functional significance of the ERN, the mechanisms contributing to increased ERN amplitudes in OCD, and the utility of the ERN as a target for intervention are not fully understood. This dissertation comprises three studies that aimed to shed light on these questions. Study 1 examined the affective evaluation of own actions, revealing that affective valence is automatically assigned to actions. Building upon this, Study 2 investigated whether the ERN reflects the valence evaluation of errors and whether altered error evaluation contributes to heightened ERN magnitude in OCD. The results indicated that individuals with OCD show reduced valence evaluation of errors, yet they provided no evidence for an association between ERN and error evaluation, suggesting that altered error evaluation may not underlie elevated ERN magnitude in OCD. Study 3 investigated whether the ERN can be modulated by non-invasive brain stimulation, and provided tentative evidence that cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation over the presupplementary motor area reduces the ERN in healthy individuals and individuals with OCD. In summary, the studies provide evidence that performance monitoring encompasses the affective evaluation of own actions and demonstrate that this process is altered in OCD; however, aberrant error evaluation does not seem to underlie heightened ERN amplitudes in OCD. These insights contribute to the understanding of neurocognitive alterations in this disorder. Additionally, the results suggest that non-invasive brain stimulation has the potential to attenuate the ERN in individuals with OCD, which may pave the way for novel intervention strategies.

Regime fatigue : a cognitive-psychological model for identifying a socialized negativity effect in U.S. Senatorial and Gubernatorial elections from 1960-2008

Giles, Clark Andrew 11 July 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This research project proposes to try to isolate and measure the influence of “regime fatigue” on gubernatorial elections and senatorial elections in the United States where there is no incumbent running. The research begins with a review of the negativity effect and its potential influence on schema-based impression forming by voters. Applicable literature on the topics of social clustering and homophily is then highlighted as it provides the vehicle through which the negativity effect disseminates across collections of socially-clustered individuals and ultimately contributes to changing tides of public opinion despite the fact that the political party identification can remain relatively fixed in the aggregate.

Technik und Bildung in der verwissenschaftlichten Lebenswelt

Lumila, Minna 02 June 2023 (has links)
Die Studie versucht, Husserls Modell einer nicht-wissenschaftlichen Lebenswelt für pädagogische Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Technik und Bildung in der verwissenschaftlichen Welt zu öffnen. Sie diskutiert Entwicklungsprobleme der Spätmoderne unter pluralen Fragestellungen und führt Ansätze und Traditionen zusammen, die unterschiedliche Wege zur Weiterentwicklung der modernen Bildungstheorie beschritten haben. Im Zentrum steht die Frage, wie moderne Technik einerseits als lebensweltliche Entfremdung des Menschen problematisiert und andererseits als Produkt menschlicher Freiheit und Weltgestaltung gewürdigt werden kann. In vier Kapiteln werden die methodischen Ansätze und Antworten vorgestellt, die der Philosoph und Pädagoge Eugen Fink (1905–1975), der Philosoph Martin Heidegger (1889–1976), der Philosoph und Erziehungswissenschaftler Theodor Litt (1880–1962) und der Soziologe Helmut Schelsky (1912–1984) auf die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Bildung und Technik gegeben haben. Im Durchgang durch ihre Positionen wird ein Konzert erarbeitet, dessen Originalität darin liegt, Abstimmungsprobleme von Bildung, Technik und Lebenswelt aus postdualistischer, praxistheoretischer sowie posthumanistischer Perspektive zu thematisieren. / The study attempts to open Husserl's model of a non-scientific lifeworld for pedagogical investigations of the relationship between technology and “Bildung” in the scientific world. It discusses developmental problems of late modernity under plural questions and brings together approaches and traditions that have taken different paths to the further development of modern “Bildungs”-theory. The central question is how modern technology can be problematized on the one hand as the alienation of human beings from the world of life and on the other hand be appreciated as a product of human freedom and the shaping of the world. Four chapters present the methodological approaches and answers that philosopher and educator Eugen Fink (1905–1975), philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889–1976), philosopher and educationalist Theodor Litt (1880–1962), and sociologist Helmut Schelsky (1912–1984) have given to the question of the relationship between education and technology. In the course of their positions, a concert will be developed whose originality lies in addressing the coordination problems of “Bildung” (education), “Technik” (technology) and “Lebenswelt” (lifeworld) from a post-dualist, praxis-theoretical as well as post-humanist perspective.

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