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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emotioner i domstol : en studie om känslors betydelse vid sexualbrottsdomar / Emotions in court : a study about the significance of emotions in verdicts of sexual crime

Westny, Amanda January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om hur emotioner synliggörs och värderas i rättsprocessen. Studien behandlar och analyserar tre stycken rättsfall mellan år 2009 och år 2017. Samtliga rättsfall innefattar sammateman i form av bevisvärdering i sexualbrottmål. Frågeställningarna utgår därför ifrån vilka emotionsnormersom återfinns i domar för respektive gärningsman och brottsoffer. Frågeställningarna tar också upp vilka känslor som syns och vems känslor som uppvisas. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av Hoschilds teori om emotionsregler samt Nils Christies teori om det ideala offret. Metoden för arbetet har varit kvalitativ innehållsanalys för tolkandet av domarna. Resultatet för arbetet visade att olika typer av känslor uppvisas samt att de i olika fall ligger till grund för ett juridiskt beslutsfattande.

Rules of thumb for energy-efficient renovation of apartment buildings : The case of Nils Holgersson, the Swedish statistical home

Darabikelareh, Hedayat, Maqatif, Tagreed January 2021 (has links)
In Sweden, there are around 300 000 multi-family buildings with high energy consumption state a high renovation potential in the building sector. This study aims to analyze different renovation measures for a typical theoretical multi-family building to determine their effects on energy consumption, financial profitability, and impacts on obtaining an energy label in the rating system. The reference building was created based on the given energy consumption for the Nils Holgersson building (NH), where the information data accumulated and assessed utilizing dynamic energy simulation software IDA ICE.The selected renovation measures include modifications to the building envelope and ventilation. The reference building was equipped with an exhaust ventilationsystem with no heat recovery. The study showed that heat losses through ventilation contributed to the largest share. The losses through windows and walls are significant; hence selecting ventilated façade and adding insulation were relevant efficiency measures. The study analysis a vacuum insulation panel (VIP) applied for external walls due to its highly efficient thermal properties compared to conventional insulation. The results of life cycle cost analyses (LCCA) for 40 years demonstrated that VIP and ventilated façade have an economic benefit because of the energy cost saving during the operation phase of the building, despite the high initial cost. The cumulative LCC for each measure showed that VIP approaching the conventional insulation within theservice life the ventilated façade is cost-efficient at the end of the 6thyear compared to changing glazing. The selected rating system is Miljöbyggnad (MB). After renovation, the NH building could achieve the bronze level on the energy indicators.The study found that the energy consumption in the base model was 144.7 kWh/m2and the implemented renovation package leads to a reduction of 47 % annual heating demand. As a rule of thumb, the annual energy demand will be 90 kWh/m2, and the cost for the renovation package including installation would be 1150 SEK/m2causing a total energy-saving 2900 SEK/m2at the end of 40 years.

“Det kan vara så tragiskt att en helt vanlig, oskyldig man har blivit ihjälskjuten” : En tematisk analys av medias porträttering av offer och gärningspersoner i de svenska gängskjutningarna

Ekman, Ellinor, Ahlbom, Jennifer January 2020 (has links)
Gängskjutningar som de ser ut idag är ett relativt nytt och outforskat fenomen i Sverige som har fått stor medial uppmärksamhet. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka medias porträttering av svenska gängskjutningar, dess offer och förövare genom en tematisk analys. Detta för att ge en ökad förståelse om hur relationen mellan brott, framställningen av offer och gärningspersoner samt media hänger ihop. Den teoretiska bakgrund som har använts har varit Christies begrepp ”det ideala offret” och ”den ideala gärningspersonen”. En tematisk analys av 70 artiklar från svensk media har genomförts med en abduktiv ansats varpå teman och teori växelverkade. Fem huvudteman var mest framträdande i artiklarna vilka var: Oskyldiga offer, icke-oskyldiga offer, gärningspersoner, “de vanliga” i riskzon och kritiska röster. Resultaten visade att det finns en skillnad i hur media porträtterar offer beroende på om de anses oskyldiga eller inte, där de oskyldiga offren i stor utsträckning målas upp i linje med Christies kriterier för det ideala offret. Gärningspersonerna porträtteras på negativa sätt i linje med den ideala förövaren. Dessutom beskrivs gängskjutningarna som värre när “vanliga” människor riskerar att träffas. En motdiskurs noterades även, där de stereotypa framställningarna i media sågs kritiseras. Trots att media ofta porträtterar både offer och gärningspersoner på ett stereotypt sätt tycks det ändå finnas en komplexitet i vilka som media beskriver som ideala offer eller inte. Slutsatsen blir därför att Christies teoretiska begrepp inte är tillräckliga för att förklara varför vissa tillskrivs offerstatus.

Den (inte så) unike Nils Holgersson : En komparativ studie av språket i två samtida barnböcker

Aronsson, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Denna uppsats behandlar språket i två klassiska barnböcker. Syftet är att avgöra om Nils Holgerssons underbara resa genom Sverige var så radikalt modern som den än idag ofta anses vara. Studien är en komparativ litteraturstudie som innefattar en jämförelse mellan den nämnda boken och Barnen ifrån Frostmofjället utifrån ett antal olika aspekter av språket. De undersökta dragen är utvalda från fyra närlästa kapitel i vartdera verket men resultaten baseras på verken som helhet. Resultaten visar på betydande skillnader i böckernas stavning men små skillnader i fråga om ordvariation, lexikon och grammatik. Den slutsats som kan dras av studien är att språket i Nils Holgerssons underbara resa genom Sverige i fråga om modernitet inte skilde sig nämnvärt från den samtida Barnen ifrån Frostmofjället.

Translation Norms, Strategies and Solutions in Lagerlöf's <em>The Further Adventures of Nils </em>(1911) : A Comparative Analysis of Proper Nouns and Lexical Items for Natural Phenomena<em></em>

Bäckström, Elin January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this paper is to examine translation norms, strategies and solutions in chapter <em>XIII Westbottom and Lapland</em> in <em>The Further Adventures of Nils</em> (Lagerlöf, 1911). In the foreword to the English translation of the novel, the translator writes that some of the purely geographical matter has been eliminated in the translation, and that cuts have been made where the descriptive matter is only of local interest. This statement raised questions about the intended readerships and the purposes of the original novel and the translation, respectively. Are these the same in the two texts, or are they different? Further questions were raised regarding the initial norm of the translator. Has she aimed for domestication or foreignization in the text?</p><p>In this paper, two domains were chosen as fields of study: proper nouns and the lexical fields of water, heights and flat land. Through an analysis of coupled pairs from the chosen domains, it was concluded that the translator’s initial norm was foreignization, but that there are also many examples of domestication in the text. It was also shown that while the original novel has two clearly stated purposes, namely of being a geography book for Swedish school children as well as a novel with high literary standards, the educational purpose is not as pronounced in the translation. However, the inclusion of a <em>Table of Pronunciation</em> displayed an educational addition to the translation, which is not part of the original novel.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong><em>:</em> translation, Lagerlöf, English, Swedish, initial norm, domestication, foreignization.</p>

Den svenska aidsepidemin : Ankomst, bemötande, innebörd / The Swedish AIDS Epidemic : Arrival, Response, and Meaning

Thorsén, David January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the public response to HIV/AIDS in Sweden in the 1980s and early 1990s. The analysis focuses on the National Commission on AIDS (NCA,“Aidsdelegationen”). The NCA was appointed by the government in 1985, led by the Minister of Social Affairs and mandated to initiate and coordinate the national response to the epidemic and in function until 1992. The dissertation’s theoretical framework is based on the understanding of an epidemic as a cultural and historical concept, emphasizing that health policy in the late twentieth century must be analyzed as a complex process of problematization.  The study includes four parts. The first part covers the years 1982 to 1985, an era characterized by small scale action, based mainly on voluntary initiatives with small resources. The second part examines the period 1985-1989, when the NCA formed an official national policy based on both strong legislation (enabling quarantine of recalcitrants, registration, contact tracing etc.) and massive nationwide information efforts (through mass media campaigns). This highly active phase was followed by a period of consolidation, from 1989 to 1992, examined in the third part of the study. This period included a new infectious disease act focused on HIV/AIDS as well as official campaigns with stronger focus on the individuals’ responsibility for their own health. In the last part, covering the years 1992-1996, I show how the HIV/AIDS problem was institutionalized as a disease and health topic alongside many others. The national campaigns continued through the 1990s, focusing on empowerment and individualization. As in many similar countries, the main aim of the Swedish strategy was to educate and encourage people to act with caution and responsibility towards themselves and their fellow citizens. In addition to this cooperation and inclusion approach, a strategy of contain and control was also implemented. This second strategy can, as I show, be explained by the strong connection made between HIV/AIDS and drug users. Through this connection, the Swedish drug policy had a decisive influence on the Swedish HIV/AIDS policy.

Ny betygsreform-Lpo94- En implementeringsstudie om två kommuners erfarenheter av den nya betygsreformen

Gustavsson, Karin January 2003 (has links)
Riksdagen antog 1990 regeringens proposition om ansvaret för skolan. Beslutet innebar en klarare ansvarsfördelning mellan staten och kommunerna när det gäller verksamheten inom exempelvis grundskolan. Denna nya mål- och resultatstyrning innebär att riksdag och regeringen anger nationella mål och riktlinjer för arbetet i skolan. Målen skall gälla för alla skolor och skall garantera att utbildningen i landet blir likvärdig. Inom dessa ramar som staten anger är det kommunerna som har huvudansvaret för verksamheten. Kommunerna har stor frihet att avgöra hur verksamheten skall organiseras för att de nationella målen skall uppnås. En av de centrala delarna är att svara för att skolan får de resurser och de förutsättningar i övrigt som behövs. Denna uppsats belyser hur två kommuner har implementerat samt bearbetat den nya betygsreformen vidare diskuteras vad för orsaker som ligger bakom det stora antalet elever med icke godkänt i ett eller flera ämnen. Kan implementeringen av det nya betygssystemet ses som en förklaring till detta och hur skall problemet bearbetas. För att belysa detta har intervjuer med lärare och politiker genomförts i de två kommunerna

Translation Norms, Strategies and Solutions in Lagerlöf's The Further Adventures of Nils (1911) : A Comparative Analysis of Proper Nouns and Lexical Items for Natural Phenomena

Bäckström, Elin January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to examine translation norms, strategies and solutions in chapter XIII Westbottom and Lapland in The Further Adventures of Nils (Lagerlöf, 1911). In the foreword to the English translation of the novel, the translator writes that some of the purely geographical matter has been eliminated in the translation, and that cuts have been made where the descriptive matter is only of local interest. This statement raised questions about the intended readerships and the purposes of the original novel and the translation, respectively. Are these the same in the two texts, or are they different? Further questions were raised regarding the initial norm of the translator. Has she aimed for domestication or foreignization in the text? In this paper, two domains were chosen as fields of study: proper nouns and the lexical fields of water, heights and flat land. Through an analysis of coupled pairs from the chosen domains, it was concluded that the translator’s initial norm was foreignization, but that there are also many examples of domestication in the text. It was also shown that while the original novel has two clearly stated purposes, namely of being a geography book for Swedish school children as well as a novel with high literary standards, the educational purpose is not as pronounced in the translation. However, the inclusion of a Table of Pronunciation displayed an educational addition to the translation, which is not part of the original novel. Keywords: translation, Lagerlöf, English, Swedish, initial norm, domestication, foreignization.

Göticismen i bildkonsten : En bildanalys av tre fornnordiskt föreställande konstverk

Cerny, Robin January 2021 (has links)
I uppsatsen undersöks det hur idéinnehållet i det götiska kulturarvet gestaltas och kommer till uttryck i tre fornnordiskt föreställande konstverk under 1800-talet. Med utgångspunkt i tre konstverk av Johan Gustaf Sandberg, Nils Jakob Blommér och Johan August Malmström diskuteras kopplingar mellan deras innehåll och götiska idéer kring nationen i 1800-talets Sverige. Hur dessa kopplingar ser ut varierar mellan de tre konstverken, men att innehållet i någon mån kan förankras i det götiska kulturarvet påvisas i uppsatsen.

What has happened on Swedish mires? The effects of drainage on vegetation changes over recent decades

Ljungqvist, Anna January 2022 (has links)
As they are not only the home of many threatened species, but also one of the main actors in the global carbon cycle, peatlands are highly valuable ecosystems. Human disturbance, in particular drainage for forestry and agriculture, has substantially changed the state of the world’s peatlands and will continue to do so. Lowering the water table by drainage has many hydrological and biological effects, including an increased growth of trees and shrubs as well as reduced growth of the key peat moss genus Sphagnum, leading to peat degradation and release of carbon dioxide. The effects of drainage are sometimes used as predictions for how peatlands will respond to climate change, and undrained mires are thus expected to become more like drained ones in the future. The accuracy of that assumption has, to my knowledge, not been tested on a large scale. Here, I use data from two Swedish national monitoring programs to analyze how the vegetation on drained and undrained mires has changed in recent decades. The results showed an increased tree growth but a decreased establishment of new trees on both drained and undrained mires, implying that contrary to common belief there is no current large-scale afforestation of open mires in Sweden. Sphagnum had, surprisingly, increased on both drained and undrained mires, while other functional groups showed varying results. The tree growth rate was faster on drained mires, but in most other analyses the response to time did not differ depending on drainage regime. Thereby, this study found limited support for the hypothesis that undrained mires are becoming more like drained mires with climate change.

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