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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

På spaning efter platsspecificitet i fysisk planering. : Stadsomvandlingsprojektet Köge Kysts förhållande till plats och inverkan av planeringsideal. / In search of site-specificity in urban planning. : The urban transformationproject Køge Kyst´s relation to site and the impact of planning ideals.

Jönsson, Peder, Grube Olsson, Linus January 2021 (has links)
Denna uppsats analyserar i första hand hur stort utrymme begreppet platsspecificitet får i dagens stadsplanering. I andra hand ser studien på hur plats i en allt mer generaliserad stadsplanering förhåller sig till dagens planeringsideal. Ett vanligt förekommande är att nya stadsdelar byggs utefter samma ideal, med liknande arkitektur, oavsett om det sker i en hamn, centralt i staden eller på åkermark. Planerare verkar sällan göra någon djupare platsanalys vilket kan leda till att unika plastkvaliteter förbises. I skandinavien börjar dock städer tänka mer på hur en plats kvaliteter kan upptäckas och skapas före marken exploateras permanent. I danska Köge finns stadsomvandlingsprojektet Köge Kyst, där temporära aktiviteter och mänsklig interaktion är en stor del av planeringsfasen. Genom att studera detta projektet visar den här uppsatsen ett exempel på hur en skandinavisk stad förhåller sig till plats i förhållande till rådande stadsbyggnadsideal. Med teoretiska analysverktyg studeras Köge Kyst-projektets visioner, planering och utförande där fokus ligger på platsanvändning och planeringsideal. Studien visar att Köge Kyst trots sina nya metoder för platsanvändning slutar i en stadsdel som inte sticker ut från mängden. En slutsats studien drar är att problematik uppstår många gånger i mötet mellan plats och ideal, där dessa två faktorer ofta krockar. Uppsatsen ger därför utrymme för fortsatt forskning kring platsens betydelse för hur en god och platsspecifik stadsdel kan skapas. / This study analyzes at first hand how much room the construct sitespecificity gets in today`s urban planning. In second hand this study has looked into how site in an ever more generalized urban planning relates to today´s planning ideal. A common occurrence is that new districts are built according to the same ideal, with similar architecture, no matter whether it takes part in a harbor, central in the city, or on arable land. Planners rarely seem to do a deeper site analysis, which can lead to unique sitequalities being disregarded. In Scandinavia, however, cities are beginning to think more about how a sites qualities can be discovered and created before the land is permanently built. In Danish Køge, there is an urban transformation project called Køge Kyst, where temporary activities and human interaction are a large part of the planning phase. By studying this project, this essay has provided an example of how a Scandinavian city relates to site in relation to the current planning ideal.  With theoretical analysis tools, the Køge Kyst project´s visions, planning and execution are studied, where the focus is on site-use, and planning ideals. The study shows that Køge Kyst, despite its new methods of site-use, ends up in a city transformation that does not stand out from the crowd. One conclusion the study draws is that problems often arise in the relationship between place and ideal, where these two factors often clash. This essay therefore provides scope for further research about the importance of site-understanding for the creation of new site-specific districts.

Tornedalens kulturella gränser : En studie av Norrbottens museum och Tornedalens museums hantering av det tornedalska kulturarvet / The Cultural Boundaries of Torne river valley: : A study of Norrbottens museum and Tornedalens museum’s handling of the tornedalian cultural heritage.

Asp, Evelina, Pettersson Juntti, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Introduction: This thesis investigates how two regional museums, Tornedalens museum in Finland and Norrbottens museum in Sweden handles the cultural heritage of Tornedalen (Torne River Valley) and the tornedalian culture. The aim of the study is to understand how place, cultural heritage and nationality work together regarding visibility and dissemination of knowledge. The focus of this study surrounds the demarcations between the Finnish and Swedish side of Tornedalen, where the two regional museums with belonging archives are explored and compared.   Method: In this study, ten interviews with a total of 12 participants were conducted, five at Tornedalens museum and five att Norrbottens museum, as well as field studies at both museums. The participants hold positions as archivists, educators, antiquarians, archeologists and managers at the museums. The interviews were taped and transcribed, and notes were taken during the field studies.   Analysis: The theoretical and analytical framework consists of critical heritage discourse. Additional theoretical concepts are place, representation, identity, demarcations, narration and performativity.   Results: the two museums portrait and relate to the tornedalian region and culture in different ways. Tornedalens museum portrait the partition of Tornedalen into two separate nations, and how this affected the lives of people living in the region and does to this day. The museum also represents a narrative that does not divide Swedish tornedalians from Finnish tornedalians and uses Tornio River as a symbol of unity. At Norrbottens museum, this narrative is not represented. Here, the linguistic oppression that Swedish tornedalians, lantalaiset and kvens were subject to is highlighted, as well as questions concerning how people and cultures in Norrbotten are united and share a common history and cultural heritage.    This is a two-year master’s thesis in archival science and museology and cultural heritage science.

Ansvarsfördelning vid förvaltning av 3D-utrymmen : En studie om underbyggnad av allmän plats / Distribution of Responsibility Regarding Management of 3D Properties : A Study on Urban Development Underneath Public Space

Abdul Al, Fatima January 2019 (has links)
Den 1 januari 2004 infördes regler om tredimensionell fastighetsbildning. I takt med att städerna växer krävs yteffektiva lösningar för att utveckla staden samtidigt som dess kvaliteter bibehålls. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur ansvarsfördelningen av drift och underhåll vid bildandet av tredimensionella fastigheter lämpligen bör utformas för att åstadkomma en långsiktigt hållbar förvaltning i en tät stadsstruktur, där ytor för allmänna platser underbyggs med enskilda anläggningar. Examensarbetet begränsar sig till att endast behandla 3D-utrymmen som avser allmän plats med kommunalt huvudmannaskap som underbyggs med en enskild anläggning. Examensarbetet behandla frågorna om 3D-utrymmen ur ett kommunalt och lantmäterimässigt perspektiv. I examensarbetet studeras hur ansvaret för drift och underhåll av 3D-fastigheten ska fördelas mellan parterna för att underlätta en långsiktigt hållbar förvaltning av allmän plats som underbyggs med en enskild anläggning. Därefter studeras hur ansvarsfördelningen regleras i detaljplan, förrättningsakt och avtal, för att slutligen kunna svara på vilka möjliga utmaningar 3D-fastighetsbildningen medför för den långsiktiga förvaltningen av den allmänna platsen. Studien har visat att förvaltningen av 3D-fastigheter är en komplex fråga. Resultatet tyder på att det krävs att ansvarsfördelningen mellan de båda fastighetsägarna tydligt definieras för att få till en hållbar och välfungerande långsiktig förvaltning. Därav följer en reglering av kostnadsfördelningen för att tydligt avgöra vilken fastighetsägare som står för vilka kostnader avseende utförande, drift och underhåll. Ansvaret definieras genom angivelse i plankarta och planbestämmelser samt genom reglering i förrättningsakt och avtal. Studien visar även på att det är viktigt med ett nära samarbete mellan kommunen och Lantmäterimyndigheten för att säkerställa en långsiktigt hållbar förvaltning. Det är särskilt viktigt med ett nära samarbete mellan enheterna inom kommunen för att kunna tillgodose entydigheten i de juridiskt bindande dokumenten för att därigenom kunna säkerställa en tydlig reglering av ansvarsfördelningen för förvaltningen av 3D-fastigheten / Since the 1st of January 2004 it has according to Swedish law been possible to form a 3D property. As the cities continue to grow and expand by attract more inhabitants it has become of a greater importance to develop the city and at the same time preserving its qualities. 3D property formation could be used to do so. This thesis focuses on 3D property formation where a facility is built underneath a public space. The thesis study how the responsibility to maintain the 3D property should be distributed between the property owners, in this case between the municipality and a private property owner, to establish a long term management of the public spplace as well as the underground construction. The research is carried out by studying property formation cases, detail plans and contracts. The results of the study shows that 3D property research is a highly complex matter and that a clear distribution of responsibilities between the property owners is requiredneeded in order to facilitate a long term management of the property. It is also important to distribute any eventual costs and clearly decide what responsibilities each property owner has. Lastly, collaboration between the divisions within the municipality as well as collaboration between the municipality and the department of cadastral survey is of great importance to secure that the information given in property formation cases, detail plans and contracts is unambiguous.

Från samfinansieringsprojekt till platssamverkan : Hur skapar vi långsiktiga samarbeten för bättre urbana miljöer? / From co-financing to collective actions. : How do we create long-term partnerships for better urban environments?

Ferreira Sjöström, Nicole January 2018 (has links)
Initiativ från internationell, nationell och lokal nivå förespråkar arbete i de offentliga rummen för utveckling mot inkluderande, säkra och hållbara städer. Insatser från olika aktörer behövs för att förbättra allmänna platser och många hänvisar till den internationella modellen Business Improvement District (BID) som innebär samverkan mellan kommun, fastighetsägare, handlare och andra aktörer för säkerställande av välskötta och attraktiva offentliga miljöer. I Stockholm har dock privata aktörer upplevt ett motstånd från kommunen när de försöker implementera BID-inspirerade metoder. Den här studien beskriver och analyserar hur BID-inspirerade metoder används för långsiktigt arbete i urban miljö i Sverige och inom Stockholms kommun.  Studien är genomgående kvalitativ och har ett utforskande angreppssätt, där frågeställningen behandlas genom tre delstudier som har utförts parallellt: (1) Observationer, intervjuer och deltagande i seminarier (2) Dokumentbaserade fallstudier av befintliga organisationer som genomför platsspecifikt arbete i Sverige (3) Undersökning av Stockholms Stads beslutsprocesser gällande användning av allmänna platser Studien väger in kommunala och privata perspektiv för att undersöka BID, som begrepp och som verktyg. Resultatet visar att platssamverkan kan appliceras på alla platser där det är fler än en verksam aktör och att det redan finns ett stort antal organisationer som genomför BID-liknande metoder. Det finns dock potentiella konflikter mellan privata intressen och kommunens ansvar att hålla allmänna platser tillgängliga för allmänheten. Stockholms Stad vill vara försiktiga med att implementera nya arbetssätt om det finns risk att vissa människors intressen tillgodoses på bekostnad av andras behov. De anser dock att det är viktigt att tänka nytt inom dessa frågor och tror att processerna kommer att se annorlunda ut när metoder för platssamverkan blir bättre beprövade. Att det saknas tydligt definierade strukturer och riktlinjer för platssamverkan är en begränsande faktor, och en slutsats är att marknaden skulle gynnas av ett paraplyorgan som kan tillhandahålla stöd och vägledning till lokalt arbete. / International, national and local initiatives encourage the development of public spaces towards inclusive, safe and sustainable cities. Contributions from different public and private organisations are needed to improve public places. Many people refer to the international Business Improvement District (BID) model, which involves collaboration between municipalities, property owners, merchants and other industry actors to ensure well-maintained and attractive public environments. Private businesses have however experienced conflicts with the municipality when trying to implement BID-inspired methods in Stockholm. This study investigates how BID-inspired methods are used for long-term management of urban environments in Sweden and within the Stockholm municipality. It is a qualitative study with an exploratory approach that addresses the problem area using the following three procedures: (1) Observations, interviews and participation in seminars (2) Document-based case studies of existing organisations that implement BID-inspired methods in Sweden (3) Exploration of Stockholm municipality’s procedures regarding the use of public places The study discusses both municipal and private perspectives to investigate BID as a phenomenon and as a tool. The results show that BID-inspired methods can be applied in all locations where there is more than one industry actor and that there are a large number of organisations in Sweden already implementing similar methods. However, there are potential conflicts between private interests and the municipality's responsibility to keep public places accessible to the public. Stockholm municipality wants to be careful when implementing new tools and procedures to minimize the risk that certain people will reap benefits at the expense of others. However, they find it important to be innovative about these issues and they believe that such models are more viable when methods for collective actions in place management become verified and systematised. The lack of clearly defined structures and guidelines for implementing such collaborative models is thus a limiting factor, and the conclusion is that the industry would benefit from an umbrella organisation providing support and guidance for local work.

"De förstod aldrig min historia" : unga vuxna med migrationsbakgrund om skolmisslyckande och övergångar mellan skola och arbete / 'They never understood my story' : young adults with a migration background on school failure and transitions between school and work

Lindblad, Michael January 2016 (has links)
This study aims to deepen knowledge of young people with a migration background in Sweden, particularly those with non-European backgrounds, and their transitions from school to work. The focus is on young people with uncompleted upper secondary education (USE), drawing on their life stories, and exploring their perceptions and experiences around school failure, entering the labour market, and/or not being in education, employment or training (NEET). Theoretically the study analyses individuals’ career decisions from an agency-structure perspective, drawing on careership theory, in particular the notions of pragmatic-rational choices, routines, turning-points and horizons of action (Hodkinson & Sparkes 1997), combined with theories on ‘otherness’ (Hall 1990; 1999, Anthias 2002, Balibar 2004, Trondman 2007), and the notion of socio-geographic space (Bourdieu 1986a; Bourdieu 1999, Bourdieu & Wacquant, 1996). Methodologically, the thesis is based on narrative research, and the empirical material comprise life stories of twenty young people (men and women) about their lives, school experiences and time after leaving school. The careers of the young people were developed in fields where they had subordinate positions, based on their family’s mostly limited social, economic and cultural capital, their own short education and limited experience, and the otherness they encoun­tered. Against this background, their educational and labour market career choices are under­stood as pragmatic-rational, enabled and limited by the resulting horizons of action. However, the collected nar­ra­tives suggest that their horizons of action developed from the time they left school when they made different pragmatic-rational choices that changed their posi­tions. Nevertheless, career choices were often made within a bounded agency and reduced op­por­tunities as a consequence of school failure and their own scarce resources. The learning and interaction taking place within the routine periods are both crucial for understanding processes that result in school failure and the subsequent extend­ed period of establishment in working and adult life, and change of horizons of action and habitus. The narratives of the young people showed that school failures and dropout are com­plex and extended processes that are related to education and family, as well as access to power and capital. They also encountered difference-making through the predominant images and discourses of 'immigration' as a social problem and by being located in a specific socio-geo­graphic space that limited their possibilities for action. The family was highly significant and, in most cases, represented security and continuity. The family’s present situation and future was crucial to the young adults, which affected their choices. Hence, their own horizon of action also included the family’s opportunities and horizon of action. The study indicates that there is sometimes reason to speak of a collective horizon of action rather than just an individual one. Institutional and informal support together with young people’s agency may enable positive career development in spite of a lack of resources provided to the young, particularly if schools and other institu­tions would provide more professional and timely support. The overall conclusion is that it would not have taken much investment of resources and effort to have prevented school failure for a large proportion of the twenty young adults in this study. That is the good news. / Osäkra övergångar. Unga utan fullständig gymnasieutbildning: vägarna och åtgärderna i longitudinellt perspektiv

På plats i historien : Studier av hembygsföreningar på 2000-talet / In place in history : Studies on local heritage societies in the 21st century

Eskilsson, Anna January 2008 (has links)
Local heritage societies were established in Sweden for about a hundred years ago. The societies responded to the large changes of industrialisation, emigration and urbanisation during that time. Today there are about 2 000 societies with almost half a million members altogether. Why do people turn to local heritage societies today? The image of them, associated with folklore costumes and quaint old cottages, is not consistent with the extensive activity in the 21st century. That raises questions that have not been clarified in previous research. The aim of this thesis is to find out what today's local heritage societies do, as well as to investigate what their meanings are for people and the local society. Thereby the intention is to contribute to an understanding of their present extent and endurance over time. The activities of three local heritage societies in and around the city of Linköping are mapped out in this thesis. The survey shows extensive and very broad activities that are well adjusted to present time. The traditional image has become rigid, but in parts it is accurate since the activities are still dominated by local use of history., which also contributes to their extent and continuity. Place and history as common ground is something universal: The need for people to be oriented in time and space contributes to the persistence of the local heritage societies. At the same time there seems to be something strong in society today which contributes to their extent. The thesis shows that the societies can have knowledge-generating, ideological, existential and social meaning. Through the local heritage society people can learn about, evaluate and gain feelings for the place. The society also contributes to strengthening the power of togetherness in the local community as a part of the civilian society. The multifaceted meaning of the activities makes it possible for the societies to keep or even strengthen their attraction, especially among the large group of retired people. / Hembygdsföreningar etablerades i Sverige för omkring hundra år sedan. Föreningarna svarade mot den tidens stora förändringar med industrins framväxt, emigrationen och flykten från landsbygden. Idag finns det omkring 2 000 föreningar med sammanlagt nära en halv miljon medlemmar. Varför söker sig människor till hembygdsföreningar idag? Den gängse bilden av föreningarna som bakåtsträvande och förlegade stämmer inte in på en omfattande verksamhet på 2000-talet. Det väcker frågor om hembygdsföreningar, som inte har klargjorts i tidigare forskning. Avhandlingen syftar till att ta reda på vad samtida hembygdsföreningar gör och att undersöka deras betydelser för människor och lokalsamhälle. Härigenom vill avhandlingen också bidra till att förstå deras nutida omfattning och uthållighet över tid. I avhandlingen kartläggs verksamheten i tre hembygdsföreningar i och omkring staden Linköping i Östergötland. Kartläggningen visar på en omfattande och mycket bred verksamhet som är väl anpassad till sin samtid. Den traditionella bilden är stelnad, men till delar stämmer den genom att föreningarnas verksamhet domineras av lokalt historiebruk, som också bidrar till deras omfattning och kontinuitet. Det står å ena sidan för något allmänmänskligt: Människans orientering i tid och rum, som bidrar till att föreningarna alltid är aktuella. Å andra sidan framträder intresset för det lokala och för historia som två starka strömningar i samtiden. Avhandlingen visar att föreningarna har kunskapsgenererande, ideologiska, existentiella och sociala betydelser. Genom hembygdsföreningen kan människor lära sig om, värdera och få känslor för platsen. Föreningen bidrar också till att stärka kraften och gemenskapen i lokalsamhället som en del av det civila samhället. Den mångfasetterade betydelsen av verksamheten gör att föreningarna har lyckats behålla eller till och med stärka sin attraktionskraft, särskilt bland den stora gruppen pensionärer.

Utan given hemvist : Barnperspektiv i den svenska asylprocessen / In Search of a Home : Children in the Swedish Asylum-Seeking Process

Ottosson, Lisa January 2016 (has links)
The thesis examines accompanied asylum-seeking children’s position in Swedish asylum reception management and in the determination of their claims. The three articles of the thesis focus on children’s own experiences of seeking asylum, on the experiences and practices of the civil servants at the Migration Board, as well as those of the legal representatives that assist asylum-seekers in the application process. The thesis builds on ethnographic fieldwork carried out between 2008 and 2010 in southwest Sweden. Theoretical inspiration has been sought in the new sociology of childhood as well as in practice theory. The first article in the thesis concerns children’s caseworkers who are responsible for safeguarding children’s interests in the Migration Board’s daily work with reception. The study highlights a range of dilemmas caseworkers have to deal with in their role as frontline bureaucrats. The study shows that the children’s caseworkers often perceive their discretion as limited, but also that they themselves contribute to limiting it, for example due to their hesitation in challenging existing norms and collegiality.    The second article examines the ways in which legal representatives, who act on behalf of families in asylum determinations, in their practice perceive and relate to the concept of children’s best interests and children’s right to participate. The study shows that children in families can become invisible in the legal representatives’ daily rounds. This invisibility is due to practical limitations in the representatives’ work as well as a general view that children rarely have their own grounds for asylum, as separate claimants to their parents. The third paper of the thesis explores the ways in which children experience and seek to influence circumstances that signify their time spent as asylum-seekers. The study shows how the children developed a range of tactics to deal with their particular situations, which varied with their housing and schooling, and the family’s financial resources. The conclusion is that the children themselves are the primary representatives of the child perspective in the asylum-seeking process, not least through their struggle to belong and create a life like that of ’ordinary’ children.  In line with previous research in the field, the thesis points to the contradiction between the principle of regulated migration and the child perspective in the asylum-seeking process. Together with practical circumstances, such as lack of resources, this contradiction results in a more limited implementation of the child perspective than rules and regulations actually stipulate. Finally, the thesis points to the active role asylum-seeking children take in their efforts to create an everyday life that is as similar as possible to that of  the ’ordinary’ children (e.g. non asylum-seeker and permanently settled children) around them. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Submitted.</p>

Rom och den andres helgedom : Romerska plundringar av heliga platser / Rome and sacred sites of 'the Other' : Roman pillaging of sacred sites

Magnusson, Jessica Therese January 2019 (has links)
This study aims to examine how Rome understood 'the Other' in the context of Roman plundering of sacred sites. It analyses specifically the Temple of Poseidon at Isthmia, and how it was affected by the destruction of Corinth in 146 BCE, and the second Jewish temple at Jerusalem, and how the Romans went about destroying it in 70 CE. This study combines archaeological and written sources with iconography, to get as full an image as possible of Roman pillaging. For Isthmia the sources are mainly archaeological, from the excavations made by the University of Chicago. For Jerusalem the source is the ancient text Bellum Judaicum, by Flavius Josephus. The theory is that of 'the Other', as presented by Erich Gruen in his work Rethinking the other in antiquity, which is applied to the many questions in the discussion. The result of this study shows that Romans frequently sacked sacred sites of other peoples and used the artworks from them to beautify their own cities. They used the history and tradition of the Other for their own gain, to create a certain image of themselves. Further, this study finds that Rom considered itself the main power in the Mediterranean during these periods of antiquity.

Influence de l'environnement sur la structure et la dynamique du peuplement ichtyologique de la zone intertidale / Environmental influence on the fish and macrocustacean dynamic structure of the interdidal zone

Benazza, Achwak 23 May 2015 (has links)
Les zones intertidales jouent un rôle essentiel dans le renouvellement des ressources halieutiques. De nombreuses espèces marines, poissons comme macro-crustacés ont un cycle de vie qui leur impose de passer au cours de leur période juvénile par ces écosystèmes. De par sa position à l'interface terre-mer, la zone intertidale est soumise à d'importantes fluctuations des facteurs environnementaux. Cependant, la façon dont cet écosystème répond aux forçages environnementaux, notamment en ce qui concerne la composition et la structure des peuplements, leurs dynamiques et persistances saisonnières et interannuelles sont encore mal connues. En Manche Orientale, l'estran sableux représente plus de 70 % du littoral et constitue d'importantes zones de nourriceries pour les juvéniles de poissons. Dans ce contexte scientifique et régional, l'objectif global de cette thèse a été de décrire les assemblages des peuplements de poissons et de macro-crustacés de la zone intertidale et d'analyser l'influence de l'environnement sur les assemblages et la dynamique des espèces. Une telle étude a pour but de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement de cet écosystème et de préciser son importance dans le cycle biologique des espèces marines, notamment des espèces d'intérêt halieutique. Une première partie de ce travail a permis de déterminer la composition et la variabilité des assemblages de poissons et de macro-crustacés en relation avec les fluctuations environnementales et climatiques. A partir d'un suivi à long terme (11 années) mais aussi saisonnier, nous avons mis en évidence une stabilité des assemblages des peuplements de la macrofaune (poissons et crustacés). A l'inverse les abondances présentent des fluctuations interannuelles et saisonnières en relation avec des facteurs comme la NAO, la température, la salinité ou encore la turbidité. Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, nous avons analysé si les variations des conditions environnementales de la zone intertidale pendant la période printanière sont d'ordre à affecter les performances physiologiques et la survie des juvéniles qui colonisent cet écosystème. Nous avons focalisé notre étude sur l'espèce de poisson dominante et la zone intertidale, la plie "Pleuronectes platessa". Différents indices qui reflètent les performances physiologiques des juvéniles (croissance et indices de conditions) ont été mesurés sur les juvéniles de plie tout au long de la période de colonisation. Les résultats montrent que la croissance récente, la condition K et l'état nutritionnel (ARN/ADN) des juvéniles de poissons sont élevés tout au long de la période de colonisation des juvéniles et présentent peu de variations intra- et interannuelles, indiquant que l'estran offre des conditions favorables au développement et à la survie des juvéniles de poisson et par conséquent à leur recrutement. Malgré l'importance du bloom de "Phaeocystis globosa" dans la région et de ses fortes variations interannuelles, nous n'avons pas constaté d'effets de ce bloom sur les assemblages, les abondances ou encore les performances physiologiques des poissons. / Intertidal areas provide an essential habitat to fish and macrocrustaceans. These systems are particularly used by juveniles of many fish and macrocrustacean species as nurseries because of the potential advantages they provide for the growth and survival of young fish, namely high prey availability, refuge from predators and good environmental conditions. These habitats are in permanence subject to strong environmental and human fluctuations.Therefore, the comprehension of the functioning and the conservation of the sandy beaches are necessary to maintain the biodiversity and to guarantee the renewal of the fisheries. It is in this framework that our study oriented us to determine the importance of the environmental factors on one hand on the dynamic of the ichtyofauna and on the other hand on physiological performances of the juveniles of fish on the intertidal zones of the English Channel. First, this work allowed us to determine the composition and variability of the fish and macrocrustaceans assemblages in relationship with the environmental and climatic fluctuations. According to our results, the importance of the role of the intertidal habitats of the English Channel in the renewal of the fisheries was proved. Standard qualitative community ecology metrics (species composition, richness, diversity, evenness and similarity) indicated notable inter-annual stability over the study period. Afterward, a 2nd part of this study was consecrated to the seasonal study of the assemblages and the impact of the environmental changes. Our results allowed us to demonstrate that abiotic and climatic factors (mainly temperature, salinity, suspended matter and the winter NAO) have a great influence on the structure of fish and macrocrustacean assemblages but also the impact of Phaeocystis globosa blooms on the population structure. To better understand the nursery functions, the study of physiological performances of juvenile common plaice Pleuronectes platessa during the spring period on the intertidal zone was discussed in order to understand if changes in the environment have an impact on their healthy development. For this, we analyzed various indices that reflect the physiological performance of juvenile common plaice (growth and condition indeces). The results show that the recent growth, the Fulton's K and nutritional ratio RNA/DNA juvenile fish are high throughout the juvenile period of colonization, indicating that nurseries are favorable to the development and survival of fish and therefore their recruitment. Finally, all the work presented shows that the environment of the intertidal areas of the Eastern English Channel is favorable to good life cycle course of marine fish fauna.


Achir, Ali 07 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a pour but l'étude de la propriété de platitude sur des modèles bond graphs (BGs) non linéaires et de contribuer à la résolution des problèmes rencontrés en pratique qui sont liés principalement à l'identification des sorties plates et le calcul de la paramétrisation différentielle. <br />Pour atteindre cet objectif, de nouveaux concepts et outils graphiques ont été introduits. En particulier, grâce à l'introduction de la notion de modèle BG tangent ou variationnel à l'aide de l'utilisation des différentielles de Kähler, il est possible de calculer les sorties plates d'un modèle BG non linéaire par intégration des bases du module qui lui est associé.<br />Par ailleurs, en définissant la notion d'anneau BG non commutatif, une nouvelle règle de gain connue sous le nom de "règle de Riegle" est introduite en BG. En montrant alors qu'un modèle BG variationnel est un cas particulier d'anneau BG non commutatif, l'obtention graphique de la paramétrisation différentielle en utilisant la règle de Riegle et la notion de bicausalité est rendue possible.<br />Enfin, pour aller plus loin dans l'introduction de l'outil d'algèbre et de modules différentiels aux BGs, le cas des modèles BGs non linéaires régis par des équations différentielles polynômiales a été abordé. Dans ce contexte, le BG permet de faire une analyse directe des propriétés principales du système telles que le choix des variables d'entrée, les dynamiques correspondant à un choix d'entrée, le calcul des degrés de transcendance (non différentiel) différentiel, etc. à partir de son modèle BG associé. Il est également montré que la règle graphique de Riegle peut être étendue à cette classe de modèles BGs.

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