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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

SINNLIG (sensuous) in Beijing : towards an Artistic Ethnography

Åsa, Back January 2018 (has links)
Projektet bygger på åtta veckors fältarbete på en oberoende teater i Peking våren 2017,baserat på antropologisk och konstnärlig metod. Det är ett försök att utveckla begreppet konstnärlig etnografi, samt tillämpa det praktiskt. I detta är konsten inte huvudsakligen en produkt eller en presentationsform, utan ett sätt att tänka, att förhålla sig till världen. Materialet består av fältanteckningar, video, foto, rörelsematerial, personliga berättelser, minnen av dofter, ljud och smaker och någonting så vagt som stämning – stadens tempo, känslan i en repsituation… Hur kan scenen förmedla en plats och dess människor? Kan jag levandegöra mina upplevelser så att de blir angelägna för någon annan än mig själv? Det praktiska arbetet utgör ett försök att besvara dessa frågor. Vilka bilder har vi, och vad ser vi när vi speglar oss i varandra? Vad betyder det att våra världar redan är sammanflätade? Spegeln som bild och lek, träder fram både som tema och metod. Begrepp som exotism, representation och mötet med den andre diskuteras, liksom växlingen mellan identifikation och främmandegörande (”othering”) som en grund för förståelse. Hur påverkas människors liv av Kinas snabba samhällsförändringar, balansgången mellan socialism och kapitalism? Och vilken roll har scenkonsten i detta? Här diskuteras frågor om yttrandefrihet, liksom relationen mellan politik och spelstil, så kallad ”fejk realism”. Frågorna knyts samman genom en diskussion om autenticitet, följd av en betraktelse om utanförskap, för att slutligen återvända till det personliga mötet, till en berättelse om kontaktsökande – om vänskap. / This project is based on eight weeks of fieldwork at an independent theatre in Beijing in the spring of 2017, based on anthropological and artistic methods. It is an attempt to develop the concept artistic ethnography, and apply it practically. In this, art is seen not mainly as a product or a form of presentation, but as a way of thinking, of relating to the world. The material consists of field notes, video, pictures, movement material, personal stories, the memories of smells, sounds and tastes and of something as vague as atmosphere – the pace of the city, the feeling of a rehearsal situation... How can the stage render a place and its people? Can I bring my experiences to life, making them relevant for anybody else? The practical artistic work with an exposition is an attempt to answer these questions. What images do we have, and what do we see when we mirror each other? What does it mean that our worlds are already intertwined? The mirror as image and play appear both as a theme and a method. Concepts like exoticism, representation and the encounter with the other are discussed, as well as the movement between identification and othering, contributing to understanding. How are people’s lives affected by China’s rapid social changes, balancing between socialism and capitalism? What role do the performing arts have in this? Questions about freedom of expression are discussed, along with the relation between politics and styles of acting, the so called “fake realism”. The research questions are tied together in a discussion of authenticity, to finally return to the personal encounter and a story of seeking contact, of friendship. / <p>Sinnlig - the movie finns länkad dels i dokumentet och dels som egen fil</p> / Movit –Direction and Dramaturgy of movement based Performing Arts

Att navigera på en skolmarknad : en studie av valfrihetens geografi i tre skolor / Navigating a school market : A study of the geography of school choice in three schools

Ambrose, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Avhandlingen beskriver och analyserar hur skolvalfriheten som policy, det vill säga uppfattad möjlighet och hot tar sig i uttryck i vardaglig praktik. Aspekter av diskurser, praktiker analyseras i avhandlingen utifrån olika aktörers handlingshorisonter. Avhandlingens kontext består av en urbant belägen lokal skolmarknad, inom vilken aktörers praktiker och strategier undersöks. Avhandlingen behandlas således hur ungdomar, familjer och skolprofessionella navigerar skolvalfriheten i en alltmer polariserad och storstadsregion. Teoretiskt ramas studien in av Pierre Bourdieu sociologi samt koncept från det kulturgeografiska fältet. Metodeoliskt bygger avhandlingen på empiri insamlat med etnografiska metoder under läsåret 2012-2013. I de fem empiriska kapitlen diskuteras hur föreställda geografier, skolhabitus, rykten och symboliska gränser förhandlas av studiens aktörer. I det avslutande kapitlet diskuteras och analyseras avhandlingens främsta bidrag. Kapitlet lyfter också några frågeställningar som måste adresseras för ett mer jämlikt utbildningssystem. / This thesis explores and analyses how school choices are made and perceived in an urban local school market. The thesis uses concepts from the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu and theories working with the concept of place and space. Using ethnographical methods, it explores the geography of school choice, while the empirical material describes and analyses school choices in a local school market structured by socio-economic as well as symbolic boundaries. The five empirical chapters discuss and analyse imaginary geographies, school habitus, hot and cold knowledge, and symbolic boundaries. The concluding chapter discusses the main findings and addresses some questions regarding how to make the educational system more equitable.

It must be a bad child

Kuhs, Simone January 2020 (has links)
It must be a bad child I build rooms, installations, where I combine objects into scenes.  This scene is an attempt to portray feelings and mental states surrounding sexual abuse. I'm building a girls' room, but it's more of a psychological place than a real room. I want to let the girl take place and show a trauma that lives in the hidden, depending on the environment not seeing, in the public space.  It's about living with memories of a trauma in a traumatized body. I place two larger sculptures in the installation, a girl and a woman, who share the (mental) room. Selection of materials is an important part of my practice. In my installations there is almost always a feeling of discomfort, that things are not what they seem at first. I use the expectations that exist around different materials and what they symbolize and create uncertainty in the room by, for example, giving them new places and functions. I use film to get movement into the installation. The sculptures come to life through the film. The film contains no sound when I see the state I portray as silent.

Kan man skämta om det här? : En kulturanalytisk studie av svensk ståuppkomik / Can you joke about this? : A cultural analysis of Swedish stand-up comedy

Liliequist, Christian January 2020 (has links)
Stand-up comedy has become increasingly popular in Sweden in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The jokes of stand-up comedians are reflections of contemporary cultural notions and discourses. Stand-up comedy can also be seen as a form a cultural free zone where one is allowed to express oneself in ways that are not possible in other public contexts. In this study I am investigating how Swedish stand-up comedians relate to cultural notions about gender, sexuality, ethnicity/race, places, age, disabilities, social class and mental illness. By applying an intersectional perspective I am able to show how various power structures can interact and strengthen each other. The main empirical material consists of three observations at different stand-up comedy clubs and four interviews with stand-up comedians. By using cultural analysis as an analysis method I am showing how stand-up comedy both reflects and is affected by larger structural patterns and discourses in society. My analysis shows that stand-up comedians are both reproducing and challenging normative cultural notions. A variety of theoretical concepts are used to analyse how standup comedians are joking about prevailing cultural notions. For example am I using gender theories to analyse jokes about notions of gender and sexuality while postcolonial concepts as well as theories about racification are applied in the analysis of jokes connected to cultural notions about race and ethnicity. In some of the jokes different cultural notions are intertwined. Furthermore I am analysing how the stand-up comedians are reflecting over what they are allowed to joke about, depending on their own background and experiences as well as how they are relating to different discourses. Stand-up comedy is still dominated by a masculine discourse that has only recently been challenged by a feminist discourse, which stand-up comedians relate to in different ways. How stand-up comedians navigate between political correctness and the discourse that comedians should be able to joke about everything is also part of my investigation. Finally, I am analysing different comic strategies used by the stand-up comedians in their performances, which affect how they are joking about various cultural notions. Some comedians are joking about themselves in a self-deprecatory way while others invites the audience to join the perspective of an assumed normative community to make jokes about what makes other groups different.

Användarengagemang i urban informatics : En studie om hur engagemang kan utvärderas i mobilteknologi för offentliga platser / User engagement in urban informatics : A case study about how engagement can be evaluated in mobile technology used for public places

Mariano, Santino Michael Enzo January 2020 (has links)
Urban Informatics är ett forskningsvetenskapligt fält som berör sig med att försöka förstå människors upplevelse av offentliga platser när teknologi är inblandat. Då det är många faktorer som påverkar människors upplevelser av platser finns det utmaningar i Urban Informatics-processer. Det visas på förståelse inom Urban Informatics på ett behov av en designvetenskaplig process som ett svar på de utmaningar som kan uppstå. User Experience Design är ett designvetenskapligt forskningsfält där processer ämnar bibehålla ett användarcentrerat perspektiv under arbetets gång. Att ta bort fokuset från datakunskapen som krävs för teknologi och istället titta på engagemang tillåter oss att se teknologi som artefakter som kan upplevas. Olika engagemangsmodeller har gjorts tidigare där vissa har ett teknologiskt fokus på engagemang eller ett urbant fokus på engagemang. Det visar att det är viktigt att undersöka hur en sammanfattad modell kan se ut för att förklara interrelationen i människors engagemang till platser och mobilteknologi. Detta kan bidra till att minska bryggan till de forskningsfält som undersöker människor, teknologi och platser. Resultatet av studien blev en engagemangsmodell på hur ett engagemangstillfälle kan se ut med dess olika engagemangstillstånd som kan uppnås i plats och/eller mobilteknologi. / Urban Informatics is a research field that involves itself with understanding the interrelation of people, places and technology. Due to its many factors that affect people’s experiences of places when technology is involved it faces several challenges. It is understood within the field of Urban Informatics that there is a need for a research-based process based on design thinking to face these challenges. User Experience Design is a research field focuses on user-centered design processes. When the focus is removed from computing and shifted to engagement, technology can be seen as artefacts that can be experienced. Different engagement models have been made in the past where they focus either on technology or places. It shows the importance to explore how a engagement model can be interpreted and suited to explain the interrelation of peoples engagement to places using technology. The findings may contribute to lessening the gap of the research fields involved in understanding people and their engagement to places and technology. The result of this study resulted in a proposed engagement model in how different conditions of mobile engagement and place engagement may appear in one engagement session.

Det aktiva samarbetet mellan huvudentreprenör och underentreprenör : En intervjubaserad fältundersökning / The active cooperation between contractor and subcontractor : A field study based on interviews

Berggren, Daniel, Morge, Richard January 2012 (has links)
I denna rapport undersöks vilka problem det finns i samarbetet mellan JM Entreprenad AB och dess underentreprenörer. Med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med arbetsledare och platschefer, från både underentreprenörer och JM Entrepren ad AB, har vi fått synpunkter på vilka dessa problem är, vad konsekvenserna blir och eventuella lösningar på problemen.  Åtta stycken punkter som vi kallar ”teman” i rapporten, har framförts från intervjukandidaterna. Det är punkter som påverkar samarbetet mellan parterna ute i produktionen. De lyder som följer:  -     Säkerhet (arbetsmiljösäkerhet -     Lagbas kontra arbetsledare   -     Arbetsberedningar   -     Samarbetet mellan olika underentreprenörer   -     Möten (byggmöte och basmöte)   -     Arbetslivserfarenhet   -     Ändrings- och tilläggsarbeten   -     Tidsplanering   Den insamlande informationen är analyserad och presenterad enligt ovanstående teman med en tematisk analys. På så sätt blir resultatet överskådligt och lättare att presentera för läsaren.  Vår slutsats är att samarbetet mellan JM Entreprenad A B och underentreprenörerna kan påverkas i positiv riktning om de åtta punkterna beaktas. Vi styrker denna slutsats med att samtliga teman är hämtade direkt från idag aktiva arbetsledare och platschefer. / In this report we investigate the problems in the cooperation between JM Entreprenad AB and its subcontractors.  With the aid of semi constructed interviews with supervisors and foremen, from both the subcontractors and JM Entreprenad AB, we have received point of views on what these problems are, what the consequences are and eventual solutions to solve the problems.  Eight points that we refer to as “themes” in the report, has been brought forth by interviewed supervisors and foremen. These are points that affect the cooperation between the two sides out in the production. They list as follows:   -     Safety   -     Foreman or Supervisor   -     Work preparations   -     The cooperation between different subcontractors   -     Meetings   -     Work experience   -     Change and added work   -     Planning   The information received is analyzed and presented according to themes derived with a thematic analysis. That ensures that the results become easier to present to the reader.  Our conclusion is that the cooperation between JM Entreprenad AB and its subcontractors can be influenced in a positive direction if these eight themes are considered. We underline this conclusion with the point that all these themes derive s directly from supervisors and site managers.

Makt i digitala- videomedierade möten : Upplevelser av nya förhållningssätt i vardagliga arbetssituationer / Power within virtual, video-mediated meetings : Experiences of new approaches during everyday work situations

Westerback, Jack January 2022 (has links)
This thesis was conducted since the Covid-19 pandemic has meant that work, as well as workplace meetings, has become virtual. The purpose of the study was to research individual experiences of power relations between actors within virtual, video-mediated meetings in regard to the effect technology, body and place have on these power relations. The Data was collected by conducting ten semi-structured interviews through Teams and Zoom. The result was analyzed within the framework of power through persuasion, authority, and coercion (Turner, 2005), and also by including the concepts of social power and dominance (Linell &amp; Luckmann, 1991). Further, the result was put in a broader academic context by relating it to previous research. The result showed that technology has had an effect on the relations of power by creating new areas of responsibility, by increasing control over oneself and others within meetings, but also by giving people a greater sense of freedom surrounding them. In the second part of the result, it was reported that absence of body during virtual meetings has meant difficulties in being able to give feedback through one’s body language, and that it, in addition, has led to new conditions when it comes to who gets to speak. Third, the result showed that the transition of the workplace from being an office to it becoming a virtual space, in theory, could mean increased access to meetings, but that the person in charge of the meeting has a decisive role in realizing that opportunity. Finally, it appeared as if friction has arisen between norms within the office and norms of the home, and that people within a place of authority has been able to exercise excessive control by demanding that coworkers have their cameras on at all times. The paper ended by giving suggestions on further research.

Myren och moderniteten : om natur, tid och plats i Sara Lidmans roman Hjortronlandet / Mire and Modernity : On Nature, Time and Place in Sara Lidman's novel Hjortronlandet

Sandström, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
With this essay I aim to illustrate the simultaneous tension between and entanglement of narratives of mire and modernity in Sara Lidman’s novel Hjortronlandet. Both mire and modernity are understood wide concepts; as temporal as well as spatial markers relating to nature. Through the theoretical frame of Kate Soper’s What is Nature?, Yi-Fu Tuan’s Space and Place and Doreen Massey’s Space, Place and Gender I explore how concepts of nature, time and place are conceptualized, discussed and rewritten in the novel. The analysis shows that nature, time and place are simultaneously understood through narratives and through the intimate experience of material surroundings. Narratives are thus discussed and rewritten when applied to new material surroundings, and the natural surroundings are experienced through already established narratives. Hjortronlandet explores the lives of poor settlers in northern Sweden during the first half of the 20th century in their attempt to convert their allotted wetland to farmland. Throughout the novel the propaganda narratives of the Swedish state clash with the settlers’ intimate experience of place and natural surroundings. All the while, the settler project is undertaken on behalf of the state and plays a part in the creation of a unified modern state. I argue that though an exploration of the perceived dichotomy of mire and modernity presented by the state the entanglement of the two concepts is made visible in the novel. By examining ostensibly contrasting positions I conclude that the novel exposes the untenable approach of the modern state to material surroundings.

Till ingen särskild eller alla platser / To no one in particular or all places

Norberg, Jenny January 2019 (has links)
Det här är en fritt utforskande uppsats där jag undersöker min konstnärliga praktik genom samlandet av olika material som utgångspunkt. Uppsatsen bär på min längtan efter möten och ger mig tillåtelse att fundera över saker utan att bestämma något. Ibland tar den formen av essäer, andra gånger som brev, men även som tankegångar genom andra personer som jag är intresserad av. Jag vill använda mig av text som ett material att lägga bredvid min praktik för att förkroppsliga de idéer, känslor och tankar som vanligtvis mynnar ut i skulpturala verk. Uppsatsen innehåller element som är återkommande i min konstnärliga praktik, t.ex. samlande av material, ett intresse för vad språk är och gör, en poetisk inställning till världen och ett behov av att se naturen inom och omkring oss. / This is an explorative and associative essay where I look into my practice through the collection of different materials as a starting point. With a mix of short essays, letters and quotations from people that interest me, it is an attempt to materialize the immaterial space where the knowledge production in my practice occurs. I aim to use text as a material to embody the ideas, thoughts and feelings that are often the predecessors of my sculptural works. The essay deals with themes such as collecting, communication, poetry, culture and nature.

Adaptive Reuse of Cultural Historical Values to Enhance Public Places : A case study of Artilleristallet in Gothenburg / Användning av adaptive reuse på kulturhistoriska värden för att främja allmänna platser : En fallstudie av Artilleristallet i Göteborg

Häger, Maria, Pehrson, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
The construction business has a negative impact on the environment, where the biggest impact comes from construction of buildings, material production and transportation. It is inevitable for a city not to construct new buildings as it expands and develops new needs. However, it is not always necessary to demolish buildings with an outdated function, to build new ones. To maintain the identity of a city, it is important to preserve its historical character. This can be done by revitalising cultural historical valuable buildings and environments through adaptive reuse. The concept of adaptive reuse refers to the process of reusing a building for a new purpose rather than demolishing it. It gives new life to old buildings, offers them a chance to survive by changing their function and gives a greater understanding for future generations to relate with their history. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate how adaptive reuse of cultural historical values in the built environment can contribute to revitalisation of underutilised areas and create social and thriving places. To gain background knowledge to the subject, a literature review and document analysis was made. To investigate what factors contributes to success of a cultural historical project, a case study was done of the quarter of Artilleristallet in Gothenburg. Further, it is difficult to measure success through people’s perceptions and experiences of a place. Therefore, to help analyse and understand the case, a theoretical framework based on place theory was established. The framework was complemented by interviews and observations which helped lead to the results of the study. Two of the qualities that were found to contribute to the successfulness of Artilleristallet were preservation of its historical traits of character and its sense of place. Additionally, the businesses in the quarter complement and reinforce each other making it attractive and inviting for a wide range of people. Further, the preconditions found to be of importance for the successfulness of Artilleristallet were its cultural value and location. It was shown that having an extensive detailed development plan and good communication with and from the municipality was significant. Also, the close collaboration and communication between all actors involved in the project was shown to be important for the success. The qualities and preconditions found are all valuable but need the reinforcement of each other to create a social and thriving place. / Byggbranschen har en negativ påverkan på miljön, där den största påverkan kommer från uppförandet av byggnader, materialproduktionen och transporten. Det är oundvikligt för en stad att inte bygga nytt när den expanderar och utvecklar nya behov. Dock är det inte nödvändigt att riva byggnader med en utdaterad funktion för att bygga nya. För att bibehålla stadens identitet är det viktigt att bevara dess historiska karaktär. Detta kan göras genom vitalisering av kulturhistoriskt värdefulla byggnader och miljöer med hjälp av adaptive reuse. Begreppet adaptive reuse syftar till processen att återanvända en byggnad för en ny funktion istället för att riva den. Det ger nytt liv till gamla byggnader, erbjuder dem en chans att överleva genom att ändra deras funktion och ger en större förståelse för framtida generationer att relatera till deras historia. Därför är syftet med denna studie att undersöka hur adaptive reuse av kulturhistoriska värden i den byggda miljön kan bidra till vitalisering av outnyttjade områden och skapa sociala och blomstrande platser. För att erhålla bakgrundsinformation om ämnet, utförs en litteraturstudie och en dokumentanalys. För att undersöka vilka faktorer som bidrar till framgång i ett kulturhistoriskt projekt, utfördes en fallstudie i kvarteret Artilleristallet i Göteborg. Då det är svårt att mäta framgång genom människors upplevelser och erfarenheter, har ett ramverk tagits fram baserat på platsteori för att analysera och förstå fallet. Ramverket kompletterades med intervjuer och observationer vilket bidrog till studiens resultat. Två av kvaliteterna som bidrog till framgången av Artilleristallet var bevarandet av dess historiska karaktärsdrag och bevarandet av platskänslan. Dessutom kompletterar och förstärker kvarterets verksamheter varandra, vilket bidrar till att skapa en attraktiv och inbjudande miljö för olika typer av människor. Utöver dessa, identifierades även viktiga förutsättningar som bidrog till Artilleristallets framgång. Dessa var bland annat dess kulturella värde och placering. Att ha en utförlig detaljplan och god kommunikation med kommunen visade sig vara viktigt, samt ett nära samarbete mellan alla involverade aktörer i projektet. De identifierade kvaliteterna och förutsättningarna är alla viktiga men behöver samverka för att skapa en social och blomstrande plats.

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