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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Drop, Cover, and Hold On: Analyzing FEMA's Risk Communication through Visual Rhetoric

Cosgrove, Samantha Jo 27 June 2016 (has links)
This project seeks to understand the relationship between visual rhetoric and power structure between FEMA’s Earthquake publications and their audience. Research shows images leave a longer impression on readers than text, causing more studies to focus on visuals rather than just text in technical communication. Author uses Critical Discourse Analysis to analyze the images in relation to text, design, and intended audience to determine what information is being privileged. It is determined that homeowners are being privileged with information over non-homeowners, established through a collection of images and image types. The lack of information for non-homeowners could result in injury or death of potential disaster victims, making it crucial for technical document revision.

The Emergence of a New Capitalist Ethic: Transformational Leadership and the Civil Society Movement as Emergent Paradigms Affecting Organizational and Societal Transformation

Cordas, Jon D. (Jon Dmetrius) 12 1900 (has links)
Rapid and chaotic changes in market environments have caused business organizations to modify their organizational structures and social relationships. This paper examines the change in relationship between management and employees, which is shifting from an adversarial and controlling role to facilitation and employee empowerment. This paper's research question concerns how classical sociological theory would explain power redistribution within organizations and the formation of an associative and collaborative relationship which contradicts traditional paradigms. Traditional bureaucratic and contemporary organizational forms are compared and contrasted. Organizational climate, psycho-social components of underlying assumptions and group ethics are seen to be the mechanisms impelling transformation. Organizational change is driven by an emerging secular ethic. This ethic is embodied in an applied model of leadership and examined as an ideal type. The common ethic impelling organizational change is seen to be the same as that causing social transformation in both national and international spheres.

Innovation implementation as a dynamic process with multiple outcomes : A single case study at Saab

Vahlgren, Andreas, Kihlström, Kim January 2022 (has links)
Background - Multiple studies within different industries have shown that the majority of innovations adopted by organizations partly or completely fail, in the critical stage between the decision to use the innovation and its routinization. In the pursuit of understanding what makes innovation implementation fail or succeed, previous research has examined innovation implementation as a rather static process within single dimensions. We therefore still know little about what is beyond the implementation other than routine use, meaning that other outcomes have been overlooked. Purpose - Expanding on the dynamic view within innovation implementation literature beyond routine use by exploring how and why unintended outcomes form. Methodology - Inductive, qualitative methodology based on a single case study at Saab AB. Data were collected through a total of 13 unstructured and semistructured in-depth interviews to map the implementation process of Model Based Definition (MBD). Findings - By understanding innovation implementation as a dynamic process of mutual adaptation we found that when an organization implements an innovation, unintended outcomes may arise from Unreasonable expectations, Obstructed adaptation, Underestimated need for adaptation, One-way adaptation and Over adaptation. Our research has thereby highlighted the importance to not only consider if but also how an innovation is implemented.

Chefsroll, en genusrelaterad föreställning? : En studie om kvinnor på mellanchefsnivås uppfattningar av sin chefsroll i en mansdominerad bransch

Outinen, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate and describe the perceptions women has of being in middle management position in male-dominated industries. Five qualitative semi-structured interviews have been conducted, and the empirical material analyzed from a phenomenographic perspective. The analyzed data resulted in four categories; Job satisfaction is strengthened by the feeling of security, the Organization task-orientation has a negative impact on the leadership, Traditional notions of masculinity and femininity requires adaptation, Good leadership requires some special features. Conclusion show that women in middle management-positions perceived to have strong support in their management role in the male-dominated industries, however, there are indications that these industries also require a certain type of leadership behavior. Women consider themselves even perceive a shift in the focus of what should be prioritized depending on which department they are in. Male-dominated departments often leads to down prioritizing relationship-oriented tasks, as the women think is an essential part of leadership

Vi behandlar andra så som vi själva vill bli behandlade : En studie om att undersöka och problematisera regler inom fritidshemmet utifrån generationsmaktordningen

Dymock, Yosabeth January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka och problematisera hur regler inverkar på den överordning pedagoger har i förhållande till elever utifrån generationsmaktordningen. Som grund för resultatet ligger kvalitativa observationer från tre fritidshem och kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra pedagoger från dessa. Det empiriska materialet analyseras med hjälp av socialkonstruktivism samt ett barnistiskt perspektiv. Dessa teorier grundar sig i antaganden om att vi socialt konstruerar vår verklighet samt att man kan se orättvisor och underordning utifrån ett ålders och maktperspektiv. Resultatet visar att fritidshemmet är en komplex arena där elever förväntas navigera mellan regler som är synliga, osynliga, föränderliga och svårtolkade. Det visar sig även att regler synliggörs genom tillrättavisningar som sker i olika situationer och på olika sätt. Under intervjuerna beskrivs elevernas motstånd mot regler, men är inte helt oproblematiskt på grund av hur pedagogerna tolkar motståndet och värderar det. En slutsats är att regler, hur de skapas och hur de upprätthålls förstärker den överordning pedagoger har på ett till viss del omotiverat sätt. Men att detta är något som kan utmanas och omförhandlas. / The purpose of this study has been to explore and problematize how rules affect the superiority educators have in relation to pupils, based on the generation power structure. As a basis for the result are qualitative observations from three recreation centers and qualitative interviews with four educators from these. The empirical material is analyzed with the help of social constructivism and a childish perspective. These theories are based on the assumption that we socially construct our reality as well as to see injustices and subordination based on an age and power perspective. The results show that the recreation centre is a complex arena where pupils are expected to navigate between rules that are visible, invisible, changeable and difficult to interpret. It also shows that rules are made visible through reprimands that take place in different situations and in different ways. During the interviews, pupils resistance to rules is described, but is not entirely unproblematic because of the way educators interpret the resistance and value it. One conclusion is that rules, how they are created and how they are maintained reinforce the superiority educators have in a partially unjustified manner. But that this is something that can be challenged and renegotiated.

A educação na estrutura de poder do capitalismo contemporâneo: atuação da classe social dos gestores na educação brasileira / The education in the contemporaneous capitalism structure of power: actuation of the managers social class in the Brazilian education

Arias, Diego Silva 10 October 2014 (has links)
As atuais mudanças no mundo do trabalho são conhecidas como fases de implantação de um novo modelo de capitalismo, a acumulação flexível do capital. Os maiores afetados com estas mudanças são os trabalhadores, pois a flexibilização defendida é a flexibilização que faz com que o trabalhador não seja mais dono de seu próprio caráter e que possa se dobrar de acordo com os interesses do capital. Sem ocorrer de forma mais amena o campo da educação formal também passa por mudanças em seus conteúdos e estrutura de funcionamento. Novas competências devem agora ser trabalhadas pelos professores e demais educadores para formar um novo tipo de ser humano, capaz de lidar com as exigências e incertezas do atual capitalismo. A conexão legal entre estes dois campos pedagógicos as relações sociais de trabalho e as instituições formais de ensino se faz, em nossa análise, por meio do Estado. Nesta pesquisa propomos realizar uma análise sobre a importância da introdução da noção de competências no meio educacional para o processo de desenvolvimento do atual estágio do modo de produção capitalista, por meio da abordagem sobre a elaboração de políticas públicas para a educação básica brasileira. Nossa proposta se pauta no desenvolvimento de análises sobre o processo integração do capitalismo por meio da atuação da classe social dos gestores e da articulação entre o Estado Amplo e o Estado Restrito, constituindo uma estrutura de poder capaz de envolver e reger diversos aspectos da organização da sociedade. / The recent changes in the working world are known as the implementation stages of a new kind of capitalism, the capital flexible accumulation. The workers are the most affected by this changes, once the defended flexibilization is the flexibilization that turns the worker no longer the owner of his own character and that can submit according to the capital interests. With the same impact, the formal education field is also experimenting changes in its contents and functioning structure. New competences must now be developed by teachers and other kinds of educators to form a new kind of human being, able to deal with the requirements and uncertainness of the present capitalism. The legal connection between both pedagogical fields the working social relationships and the formal teaching institutions is made, according to our analysis, through the State. In the present research, we propose to analyze the impact of the introduction of the competences notion in the educational field into the development process of the present stage of the capitalist way of producing, through the approach of the construction of Brazilian basic educational public policy. Our proposal is based on developing analysis about the process of integration of the capitalism through the actuation of the social class of the managers and the articulation between the Wide State and the Restrict State, constituting a structure of power able to involve and many aspects of the social organization.

Herr pedagog : En essä om en manlig pedagogs förhållning till generaliseringar i en kvinnodominerad miljö / Mr. pedagogue : An essay about a male pedagogue’s attitude to generalizations in a female-dominated environment

Fjellman, Johan January 2013 (has links)
Min essä handlar om de erfarenheter jag har som manlig pedagog i förskolan och hur de har påverkat mig som manlig pedagog inom förskolan och mina självupplevda händelser som påverkat mig i min yrkesroll. Den gemensamma nämnaren i mina upplevda händelser jag beskriver är att jag möter tankar om den manliga pedagogen som en förmedlare av värden som antingen ses som goda, eller som hot. Mitt dilemma handlar om att jag som manlig pedagog får förhålla mig till generaliseringar om män som potentiella pedofiler men också generaliseringar om mannen som normskapande och auktoritär aktör i en kvinnodominerad miljö. Uppsatsens huvudsakliga syfte har varit att problematisera och synliggöra olika perspektiv på manliga pedagoger inom förskolan. Min essä sträcker sig över en tidsperiod från slutet av 1990-talet fram till idag.Uppsatsen är skriven i en vetenskaplig essäform. Den är baserad på mina egna erfarenheter och mina erfarenheters möte med olika teoretiska perspektiv och teorier. Att skriva uppsatsen i formen av en erfarenhetsbaserad vetenskaplig essä har hjälpt mig att låta mina erfarenheter möta teoretiska perspektiv och därigenom se mina egenupplevda händelser ur nya perspektiv. I uppsatsens reflekterande del använder jag mig av flera olika teoretiska perspektiv för att kunna få perspektiv på mitt dilemma och nå min frågeställning. Jag inleder uppsatsens reflekterande del med en historisk beskrivning av mannen i den svenska förskolan. Jag beskriver även pedofildebattens ursprung. Med hjälp av olika forskares tankar kring genus, intersektionalitet, maskulinitet och könsmaktsordning reflekterar jag över mitt och de personers handlande som beskrivs i min inledande berättelse. / My essay is about the experiences I have as a male teacher in preschool and how they have influenced me as a male teacher in preschool and my self-experienced events that have influenced me in my professional capacity. The common denominator in my perceived events I describe is that I encounter ideas about the male teacher as a mediator of values that are either seen as good, or as a threat. My dilemma is that I as a male teacher may relate me to generalizations about men as potential pedophiles but also generalizations about men as the norm creation and authoritative actor in a female-dominated environment. The essay's main aim has been to identify the problems and highlight different perspectives of male teachers in preschools. My essay spans a period from the late 1990s to today.The essay is written in a scientific essay form. It is based on my own experience and my experience entities meeting with different theoretical perspectives and theories. Writing the essay in the form of an evidence-based scientific essay has helped me to let my experiences meet theoretical perspective and thereby make my own perceived events from a new perspective. In the essay reflective part, I use several different theoretical perspectives in order to gain perspective on my dilemma and reach my issue. I begin the essay reflective part with a historical description of the man in the Swedish preschool. I also describe pedophile debate origin. Using different researcher’s ideas about gender, intersectionality, masculinity and gender power structure, I reflect on my actions and the persons described in my initial story.

Patriarkal populärkultur? : En radikalfeministisk filmgranskning

Telilä, Myra, Söderlindh, Malin January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande uppsats var att granska populärkultur för att undersöka om könsmakt-ordningen återspeglas inom den kulturgenren eller ej. Frågeställningen var: Präglas populär-kulturens innehåll och uttryck av könsmaktordningens ojämställda förhållanden? Om så är fallet, på vilka sätt? I uppsatsen avgränsades populärkultur till att gälla amerikanska filmer under år 2009. Det empiriska materialet utgjordes av de fyra mest sedda filmerna under det aktuella året. Datainsamlings- och analysmetoden var filmanalys med diskursanalytisk ansats. I uppsatsen användes även en deduktiv ansats, vilket innebar att radikalfeministisk teori användes som utgångspunkt i granskningen av filmerna. Resultatet visade att könsmakt-ordningen återspeglades inom den utvalda populärkulturen på så vis att kvinnor och män framställdes med könsbundna roller och temperament, genom att kvinnorna bland annat skil-drades som hjälpbehövande och gråtmilda medan männen bland annat skildrades som själv-ständiga och heroiska. Vidare visade resultatet att kvinnor framställdes som sexuella objekt samt att exponeringen av kvinnors kroppar inom sexindustrin framställdes positivt ur såväl kvinnors som mäns perspektiv. Slutsatsen var att denna ojämställda framställning inom populärkulturen kan vara en bidragande orsak till könsmaktordningens reproduktion och vidmakthållande. / The aim with this essay was to analyze popular culture to examine whether or not the gender power structure is reflected in that culture genre. The question was: Is the content and expression of the popular culture characterized by the unequal conditions of the gender power structure? If so, in what ways? In the essay, popular culture was limited to American movies during 2009. The empirical material was four of the most watched movies during that year. The method for data collection and analysis was film analysis with a discourse analytic approach. In the essay, a deductive approach was also used which in this case meant that the analysis of the movies was based on radical feminist theory. The result showed that the gender power structure was reflected in the selected popular culture due to the fact that women and men were portrayed with stereotypic gender roles and temper, that women were presented as sexual objects and that the exposure of women's bodies in the sex industry was portrayed in a positive sense. The conclusion was that this unequal narrative in the popular culture can be a contributing factor to the reproduction and maintenance of the gender power structure.

Att tala och inte tala om sexuellt våld : En kritisk narrativ studie av unga kvinnors berättelser

Wittgren, Alexandra January 2015 (has links)
Sexuellt våld är ett ämne som sällan lämnar någon oberörd. Hur vi talar om sexuellt våld förändras över tid. Denna kvalitativa intervjustudie vill genom dialogisk och tematisk narrativ analys lyfta rösterna från kvinnor som utsatts för sexuellt våld. Utifrån en teoriram bestående av socialkonstruktionistiska teorier och feministiska teorier analyseras kvinnornas berättelser om det våld de utsatts för och dess konsekvenser. Studien belyser hur kvinnorna genom berättelser konstruerar sin identitet, men också vilka konsekvenser de beskriver att våldet fått för hur de upplever sina livsvillkor. Att berätta om våldet och att hantera konsekvenserna av våldet beskrivs och skildras av intervjupersonerna som en fortgående process. De beskriver att de fortfarande, flera år efter våldet, påverkas av det våld de utsatts för, men att sätt som våldet påverkar dem på förändras med tiden. Kvinnorna beskriver även att vilka berättelser som blir möjliga att berätta varierar beroende på kontext. Genom att betona sammanvävningar av maktordningar som rör ålder och kön vill denna studie bidra till forskningen om sexuellt våld genom ett intersektionellt perspektiv på utsatthet. Resultatet av studien visar att även år 2015 är sexuellt våld ett tabubelagt ämne, och att intervjupersonerna konstruerar både kollektiv och individuell identitet på olika sätt i relation till våldet. / Sexual violence is a subject that rarely leave anyone unaffected. How we talk about sexual violence does however change over time. The purpose of this qualitative interview study is to address the question of sexual violence, and to this by giving voice to women that have been victims of sexual violence. By applying a dialogic and thematic narrative analysis, the aim of this thesis is to highlight the subject of sexual violence from the women’s own perspective. The interviewees narratives about how and if they talk about the violence with others, and how they perceive the consequences of the violence is analyzed within a framework of social constructionist and feminist theory. The study highlights how women through stories construct their identity, but also what consequences they describe that the violence has had on how they perceive their living conditions. To tell about the violence and to address the consequences of the violence is by the interviewees described as an ongoing process. They describe that, several years after the violence occurred, they are still affected by the sexual violence they have been subjected to. The way the violence affect them is however also depicted as changing over time. The women also disclose that they perceive their possibilities of sharing narratives of sexual violence with others as something that depends on context. By emphasizing how power structures regarding not only gender but also age this study also contribute to research on sexual violence by applying an intersectional perspective on vulnerability. The result of the study shows that even in the year of 2015, sexual violence is a taboo subject, and that the interviewees construct both collective and individual identity in different ways in relation to the violence.

Institutional innovations and economic development Honduras, a case study /

Villanueva T., Benjamin. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1968. / Typescript. Vita. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 276-287).

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