Spelling suggestions: "subject:"reinhardtii"" "subject:"reinhardtsdorf""
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Att materialisera (fram)tiden : Om temporalitet och modernitet i Magasin för konst, nyheter och moderAlvmo, Amanda January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine and analyse if it is possible to distinguish a new perception of time and temporality in the Swedish fashion magazine Magasin för konst, nyheter och moder, and in that case how it is expressed. To discover this, I have used the theories of the philosophers and historians Reinhart Koselleck and Marshall Berman. In their works they have pointed out and described how the early decades of the nineteenth century was a crucial time for our perception of the modern world, in the sense that we ever since then have experienced a gap between the past and the future where we cannot derive our expectations from our past experiences anymore. I have studied if this notion is communicated in the articles, and came to the conclusion that there is a new awareness of time articulated in the magazine. Mainly there are three different understandings of time and temporality expressed within the magazine – first are those articles that shows a general new awareness of time in a constructive way, neither through a positive or negative perspective. Furthermore, there are also expressions for connections between the materialistic content in the magazine and the view on temporality, where the acknowledgment of a new temporality in fashion seems to also have an impact on a more ideological perception of time. Finally there are articles which portrays the discrepancy between expectation and experience as something with a negative significance for the future, but similarly puts this in a way that illuminates that the future is now something adaptable and possible to influence in a certain direction. This shows a new way of understanding how, in a Swedish nineteenth century context, material culture could affect people’s awareness of time and temporality and hence also their thoughts and outlook of the future even in more abstract issues. The upcoming becomes possible to interpret as something materialistic, and therefore also something more concrete and arguable.
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Die Gründerkrise / Kritik und Regierungskunst des Liberalismus in den Anfängen des deutschen Nationalstaats (1873-1879)Simmerl, Georg 26 August 2024 (has links)
Die sogenannte „Gründerkrise“ ereignete sich in einer Zeit, in der die liberalen Parteien im Deutschen Kaiserreich die Parlamente und das liberale Denken gerade in Wirtschaftsfragen die öffentliche Meinung beherrschten. Mit einer Abfolge von Börsenpaniken im Jahr 1873 und dem bald darauf einsetzenden Wirtschaftsabschwung begann sich dieses liberale Zeitalter dann zu wenden: das Sozialistengesetz wurde verabschiedet, eine protektionistische Koalition gebildet und der moderne Antisemitismus kam auf. Die Geschichte, die in der bundesrepublikanischen Historiographie bislang von dieser Krise erzählt wurde, handelte stets von einem Niedergang des Liberalismus. Darin wird er letztlich auf eine Reihe zeitloser und in bestimmten Parteien beheimateter Ideale, etwa den nicht-interventionistischen Freihandel, den Rechtstaatsgedanken und die Toleranz, reduziert, anhand derer sein Niedergang in der Gründerkrise bemessen und ihre Konsequenzen – als Abkehr von diesen Idealen– zu einer antiliberalen Wende erklärt werden können. Diese Dissertation arbeitet dagegen im Anschluss an Michel Foucault und Reinhart Koselleck ein umfassendes, nicht-idealistisches Verständnis vom Liberalismus aus und macht es zur analytischen Grundlage einer neuen Geschichtsschreibung der Gründerkrise. Ausgehend vom Umgang der (klassischen) Nationalökonomie mit Wirtschaftskrisen, zeigt sie, dass die zeitgenössische Debatte um diese Krise von allen Seiten in einem vom nationalökonomischen Wissen strukturieren, d.h. liberalen Denksystem geführt wurde, das ihre Konsequenzen bereits als Möglichkeiten enthielt – und wie diese Debatte als strategisches Wechselspiel zwischen liberalen Regierungskünsten und Kritikformen zu diesen Konsequenzen führte. Mit Blick auf unsere Gegenwart erzählt diese Diskursgeschichte der Gründerkrise von der Entstehung einer ökonomischen Kultur der deutschen Nation – und zugleich davon, wie Krisendebatten in einem ausgehenden liberalen Zeitalter funktionieren und wozu sie führen können. / The so-called "Gründerkrise" (promoters’ crisis) occurred at a time when liberal parties dominated the parliaments in the German Empire and liberal thought dominated public opinion, particularly in economic matters. However, this liberal era began to turn with a series of stock market panics in 1873 and the economic downturn that soon followed: the Socialist Law was passed, a protectionist coalition was formed and modern anti-Semitism emerged. Up to now, the story German historiography told of this crisis has always been about – in one way or the other – the end of a liberal era and a decline of liberalism. Ultimately, this narrative tends to reduce liberalism to a series of transcendental ideals based in certain parties, such as non-interventionist free trade, the idea of the rule of law and tolerance, which allow measuring liberalism’s decline during the Gründerkrise and labelling its consequences – as a turn away from these ideals – an anti-liberal turn. In contrast, following Michel Foucault and Reinhart Koselleck, this dissertation develops a comprehensive, non-idealistic understanding of liberalism and makes it the analytical basis for a new historiography of the Gründerkrise. Starting from the way (classical) political economy dealt with economic crises, it shows that all sides of the contemporary debate about the Gründerkrise argued within a shared system of thought structured by the knowledge of political economy, i.e. a liberal system of thought that already contained its consequences as possibilities. – and how the public debate as a strategic interplay between liberal arts of government and forms of criticism led to these consequences. Against the backdrop of our own present, this discourse history of the Gründerkrise tells a story about the emergence of the economic culture of the German nation – and at the same time, it shows how crisis debates can function in a fading liberal age and what they can lead to.
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"Löjligt, sjukt, perverst" : en modern begreppshistorisk analys av perversionBurman, Agnes January 2017 (has links)
Perversion är ett negativt laddat begrepp som används för att beskriva personer eller företeelser som avviker från normen, oftast den sexuella. Jag undersöker vad, vem och vilka som kallas perversa i tidningen Expressen år 1966, 1986 och 2016, med syftet att synliggöra hur begreppets användningsområde har förändrats. Min metod har sina rötter i den begreppshistoriska teorin och är utvecklad av Reinhart Koselleck. Genom synkrona och diakrona analyser granskar man politisk-sociala begrepp och sammanhangen de brukas inom. Resultatet visar att bruket av begreppet som ett icke-sexuellt, värdeladdat ord har varit konstant. Det har också åsyftat ett varierande antal sexuella läggningar och uttryck, varav några finns närvarande under alla årtal. Min slutsats blir att det perversa inte nödvändigtvis förblir perverst: ibland brukas begreppet impulsivt, som en reaktion mot det vi inte är vana vid. Begreppets associationer med det förbjudna och tabubelagda förblir dock beständiga.
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Tegnér & våldet : En undersökning av våldsbegreppet hos Esaias TegnérIngison, Linus January 2020 (has links)
Esaias Tegnér (1782-1846) var en stor kulturpersonlighet i 1800-talets Sverige. I dikten ”Det Eviga” proklameras det att våldet inte förmår skapa något evigt, utan det som våldet skapar blir ”vanskligt och kort”. Den följande undersökningen tar avstamp ur detta, och vill sätta våldet hos Tegnér under närmare betraktelse. Detta gör den via att utgå från Helge Jordheims ”nya filologi”, som sätter språkets relation till historien i fokus, med specifik inriktning på Reinhart Kosellecks begreppshistoria – en teoretiker som Jordheim presenterar. Med denna teoretiska bakgrund antar undersökningen följande frågeställningar: Vad är det som Tegnér avser med våld? Hur behandlar han begreppet? Vad har begreppet för dimensioner – är det en nyanserad eller en platt förståelse? Sker det någon form av utveckling av begreppet med tiden? I sådana fall hur och vad är det som förändras? Undersökningen sätter två perioder av Tegnérs diktproduktion i huvudfokus: den tidiga diktningen 1799–1807, och den mogna periodens diktning 1808–1825. Ur detta kan uppsatsen visa på ett återkommande våldsbegrepp, som knyter an till Tegnérs idealistiska åskådning. I den första perioden är våldet är tillfälligt, negativt och känsloladdat, samtidigt som det finns en vilja att sätta begreppet under reflektion. När Tegnér mognar som diktare utvecklas begreppet. Den reflekterande hållningen byts ut mot en proklamerande. Våldet blir meningslöst, ondskefullt, krigiskt och ensamt.
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Medborgarmönstringen inom högern 1915–1936 : En begreppshistorisk och diskursorienterad undersökning av medborgarbegreppets utbredning, mening och funktion inom Allmänna valmansförbundet / The Gathering and Mustering of Citizens by the Swedish Right Wing 1915–1936 : A Conceptual and Discursive Study of the Distribution, Meaning and Function of the Concept of Citizen within the Allmänna valmansförbundetWallin, Martin January 2015 (has links)
During the 1920s and 1930s, the Swedish right-wing party Allmänna valmansförbundet (AVF) made citizen into a key concept within their political vocabulary and practice. This thesis examines the distribution, meaning and function of the concept of citizen within the AVF between 1915 and 1936. By using theoretical and methodological perspectives from both the English (Skinner) and German (Koselleck) side of conceptual history vis-à-vis Begriffsgeschischte, this study illuminates how a discursive framework took place within the AVF and expanded throughout the organisation. The constitutional reforms 1918/1921 and the organisational strength from opposite parties, stressed the importance for the AVF to assemble the citizens around conservative value laden concepts: responsibility, ansvar, and public participation, offentlighet. This new situation in political and social life, pushed the AVF towards a reorganisation. The aim was to educate the masses, women and youth into conservative citizens. Citizen became the sole tool in (i) upholding the traditional heritage between folk–state, and (ii) enabling the AVF citizen discourse to spread throughout the society. This study shows the multiple meaning and functions of the citizen concept within the AVF. It provides a new understanding of how collective concepts became an important part of the struggle for power during the democratization process in Swedish political history and must in that respect be seen as an antithesis to the collective concepts of the Social Democratic Party during this period.
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Konceptuální historie pojmu Antropocén / Conceptual History of the term AnthropoceneBezkočka, Leoš January 2020 (has links)
The word Anthropocene has been used in academia in many cases in the last decade. Geologists and stratigraphers believe that man's influence intervents so much with nature that they propose to call by the term a whole new geological era. This would have far-reaching consequences for (social) science in terms of interdisciplinarity. Due to the topicality of the theme, the diploma thesis aims to monitor the intersection of the term Anthropocene using the conceptual theory of Reinhart Koselleck, and thus find out whether and how the word spreads to public sphere. The first theoretical part presents the sources, maps the reflection of the term in the literature of social sciences and puts the work into a theoretical and methodological framework from the perspective of the history of concepts. It introduces Koselleck's theory of transition phases and explanes its application to the research field using modified criteria. The methodological character of the work is a comparative case study, heuristically grasped by content (textual) analysis of a media text. The second practical part observes texts from two selected databases (Czech and British) and presents the results in order to find out the meanings the contexts around the term Anthropocene. The last part compares both geographical areas and...
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El Corrido enligt Det vilda gänget och ÖvergångenBirgersson, Tobias January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att visa på hur historiebruk migrerar och transformeras över tid. I sin bok With His Pistol in His Hand – A Border Ballad and its Hero presenterar Américo Paredes sin bild av vad Corridon är, en särskild typ av mexikansk ballad vid som sjöngs i ett område mellan Mexiko och USA från mitten av 1830-talet och drygt hundra år framåt. Jag har försökt finna passager i Cormac McCarthys bok Övergången och Sam Peckinpahs film Det vilda gänget som kan förstås som influerade av Corridon. För att kunna tolka min empiri har jag tagit hjälp av framförallt Roland Barthes Mytologier och Reinhart Kosellecks Erfarenhet, tid och historia – Om historiska tiders semantik. I diskussionen argumenterar jag för att både moralsyn och tematik i de bägge verkan visar på ett släktskap med Corridon. Vidare har jag funnit likheter i hur de gestaltar tid och hur de arbetar med mytologiska tecken för att gestalta sina berättelser och därmed sin historieförmedling. En slutsats är att verken för en dialog med sina mottagare, de skapar ett utrymme för betraktaren eller läsaren att själva dra de logiska följderna av de frågor som verken ger upphov till. / The purpose of this paper is to show how the use of history migrates and transforms over time. In his book With His Pistol in His Hand - A Border Ballad and its Hero, Américo Paredes presents his characterization of the Corrido, a special type of Mexican ballad which was sung in the area between Mexico and the United States from the mid-1830s and more then hundred years ahead. I have tried to find passages in Cormac McCarthy's book The Crossing and Sam Peckinpah's The Wild Bunch which can be understood as influenced by the Corrido. In order to be able to interpret my empirical material, I have taken the help of Roland Barthes Mythologies and Reinhart Koselleck's Futures Past: On the Semantics of Historical Time. In the discussion, I argue that both moral views and themes in my empirical material correspond with Corridon. Furthermore, I have found similarities in how they portray time and how they work with mythological signs to portray their stories and their mediation of history. One conclusion is that the book and the movie start a dialogue with their recipients, they create a space for the viewer or the reader to draw the logical outcomes of the issues that the works give rise to.
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Demokrati bortom politiken : En begreppshistorisk analys av demokratibegreppet inom Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti 1919–1939 / Democracy Beyond Politics : An Analysis of the Concept of Democracy within the Swedish Social Democratic Party 1919–1939Friberg, Anna January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation analyzes the concept of democracy as it was used in the official rhetoric of the Swedish SocialDemocratic Party (SAP ) between 1919 and 1939. Theoretically, the dissertation relies on German Begriffsgeschichte, as put forward by Reinhart Koselleck, and Michael Freeden’s theory of ideologies. Together, by supplementing each other, these theories offer a perspective in which concepts are thought of as structures that are under contestation and change due to socio-political circumstances. However, the formulation of this change takes place in relation to the linguistic praxis of each time-period, and renegotiates the relative constraints of established relations between concepts in language. The analysis shows that the profound changes in society provided impetus for a continuous renegotiation of meanings, allowing concepts to retain their explanatory power under changing circumstances, at the same time the SAP needed new ways to express what kind of society the party strived to realize. The SAP had been one of the leading forces in the struggle for universal suffrage, and when the bill, giving universal suffrage to men andwomen, was passed in the Parliament 1919 this meant a temporary cessation to a long and intensive political debate. However, the SAP did not consider the introduction of suffrage reform as the end of full societal democratization. Rather than seeing the reform as a terminal point, the SAP saw it as the starting point for the struggle for full democracy. The SAP did not limit itself to only one concept of democracy but instead used a number of composite concepts, such as political democracy and economic democracy. The use of composite concepts can be understood as a changing temporalization of democracy. Since parliamentarism and suffrage were seen as central components in democracy, the realization of these institutions meant that the concept of democracy lost its future dimension. Thus, the usage of composite concepts should be seen as a re-temporalization of democracy. The composite concepts pointed forward in time, toward political goals that the SAP envisaged realizing in the future. Concepts should not be thought of as having cores but rather, as suggested by Freeden, ineliminable features. An ineliminable feature is not of logical nature but has a strong cultural adjacency. By analyzing the ineliminable components of the concepts of democracy that the SAP used, it is possible to discuss whether the composite concepts should be understood as subsets of a whole or as separate concepts. The analysis shows that the composite concepts that the SAP used during the first half of the 1920s shared a number of ineliminable features, but that the commonality of these features started to disintegrate during the latter half of the decade, leading to a rather diversive concept of democracy. During the 1930s the disintegration ceased as the party was faced with new circumstances, for example the growing threat of international war and national clashes between different social groups. There has always been a close relation between language and society. However, the relationship does not follow a simple and clear-cut logic but a complex mixture of various factors at different levels, both within language itself and of society. When society develops, language also has to change if the ongoing process is to be understood. As this study shows, new circumstances require new argumentsand thus revised concepts.
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