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Men vad står X för? : En fallstudie om matematiska samtal i skolår 9Marstorp, Anders-Petter January 2009 (has links)
Utifrån syftet att få en bild av hur samtal om matematik i skolår 9 ser ut har begrepp som initativ-respons-uppföljning (IRU), uptake, lotsning, testfrågor, autentiska frågor, talartid, nominering, dispreferens, uppbackning och minimal respons använts för att jämföra lärarens genomgångar med de enskilda handledningssamtal läraren har med eleverna. Materialet har samlats in genom video- och ljudupptagning under tre lektioner. Samtalen är att betrakta som institutionella samtal. Resultatet visar att iru-strukturen ofta finns under både genomgång och handledning och därmed också mönstret med testfrågor och svar. Det som skiljer situationerna åt är främst att lärarens andel av talartiden är lägre i handledningssamtalen, som därmed framstår som aningen mer jämlika, vilket också visar sig i uppbackningar och stundtals täta minimala responser. I uppsatsen diskuteras om lärarens sätt att ställa frågor har betydelse för elevernas inlärning. / C-uppsats
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”Det är så deppigt om man tror att svenska är stavning” : Tre lärare kommenterar en elevtext / "It's so depressing if you think that Swedish means spelling". : Three teachers comment on a pupil's textKälldén, Stina, Gustavsson, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the study is to investigate which linguistic aspects teachers pay attention to when they analyze a pupil’s text, and what response they choose to give based on the analysis. The study builds on semi-structured interviews with three teachers and applies a sociocultural perspective. The result shows that the teachers in the study largely proceed from a functional outlook on texts. Although they were given a text with many linguistic problems on the surface, they saw the aspects on a more general textual level, for example, the main theme and the way the text was adjusted to suit the receiver. In the analyses of the pupil’s text the informants revealed different evaluations of the level of linguistic development a pupil should have reached in grade six, and different interpretations of how a pupil should write to satisfy the demands in the syllabus for Swedish. When the informants were asked to select aspects that they would use in response to an envisaged pupil, it turned out that their comments did not have the same spread between the different levels of the text. In their responses the informants were generally more inclined to proceed from the general levels of the text than they were in their earlier analyses.
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─ Nu kan fan inte Tobias klaga! : En studie av gymnasieelevers upplevelser av kamratrespons på medieproduktionerHaage, Susanna, Ramström, Anna Maria January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to find out more about upper secondary school students ́ experience of peer response to media productions, eg movies and digital stories. We also explored how they learn peer response, how they use it and how peer response affects students’ choice of content for the media productions that they produce. The methods that we have used is an unstructured lesson observation, combined with discussions in two focus groups with 1st and 2nd grade students enroled at the Arts program at a secondary school in a metropolitan area in Sweden. The results of the study show that students experience peer response as positive but emphasises the importance of the teachers’ attitude and expertise as essential both to the students learning process as well as to their experience of giving and receiving feedback from a fellow student. The students find it difficult to be completely honest when they give response to a friend. The teachers’ response always outweighs the response from a fellow student and the students in this study do not use the peer response to revise and improve their media productions. The study shows that the students do not adapt the content of their media productions due to the fact that classmates will assess the result. They perceive media productions as something per definition accessible to the public, that is, the products will be showcased in public, for example, published on the internet. The students relate to this fact as they select content to their media productions. / Syftet med denna studie har varit att ta reda på mer om gymnasieelevers upplevelser av kamratrespons på medieproduktioner, t.ex. filmer och digitala berättelser. Vi har också undersökt hur de lär sig kamratrespons, hur de använder sig av den och på vilket sätt kamratrespons påverkar elevernas val av innehåll till de medieproduktioner som de producerar. Metoderna som vi har använt oss av är en ostrukturerad lektionsobservation i kombination med diskussioner i två olika fokusgrupper med elever från årskurs 1 och 2 på det Estetiska programmet på en gymnasieskola i ett storstadsområde. Resultatet av studien visar att eleverna upplever kamratrespons som någonting positivt men framhåller att lärarens attityd och expertis är avgörande för såväl övning som upplevelsen av att ge och ta emot respons från en kamrat. Eleverna upplever att det är svårt att vara helt ärlig när de ger respons till en kamrat. Lärarens respons väger alltid tyngre än kamraters och eleverna i studien använder sig heller inte av kamraternas respons för att omarbeta och förbättra sina medieproduktioner. Studien visar att eleverna inte anpassar innehållet till sina medieproduktioner utifrån vetskapen om att klasskamraterna kommer att ge respons. Eleverna uppfattar medieproduktioner som per definition publika, d.v.s. produkter som kommer att visas upp offentligt, exempelvis publiceras på internet och detta faktum förhåller sig eleverna till när de väljer innehåll till sina medieproduktioner.
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Maktförhållanden i barnlitteratur : En analys av maktförhållanden mellan vuxna och barn i fyra barnböcker / Power relations in children's literature : An analysis of power relations between adults and children in four children's booksMalin, Beckerdal, Maria, Svensson January 2016 (has links)
Reading and analysing different types of texts is a way for teachers to deal with the content of the school's values and mission. The aim of the study is to examine power relations between adults and children from the aspects of adult presence, adult guidance, and children's response, and whether the books follow the discourse of their time as regards power relations between adults and children. By making teachers aware of power relations in children's literature, we hope to be able to conduct a discussion with pupils about whether or not the power relationship complies with the school's values and mission. In the study four children's books are analysed: Bill i klämman, Emil i Lönneberga, Harry Potter och De Vises Sten and Guldmysteriet.The methods of critical discourse analysis and text analysis were used to analyse power relations between the characters in the books. The analysis shows that the two older books do not reflect power relations in keeping with their own historical time, whereas the two modern books do reflect their time. The analysis also shows that power relations between adults and children cannot be generalized, and that it is not always desirable for power relations in children's literature to decpit reality.
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Tillväxt på gran och tall efter dikesrensning i Jönköpings län / Growth of Norway spruce and Scots pine trees after ditch cleansing in Jönköping countyJohansson, Ingvor Laila January 2019 (has links)
Detta arbete är utfört som ett examensarbete åt Skogsstyrelsen som en uppföljning på samråd för dikesrensning utförda på distrikt Jönköping från hösten 2004 till 2009. Följande saker har studerats: Hur uppfattades samrådet? Hur utfördes rensningen? Är markägaren nöjd med resultatet? Har skogen svarat på rensningen genom ökad tillväxt och i så fall hur snart och hur mycket? Har markfloran förändrats? Syns några andra positiva eller negativa effekter efter rensningen?Arbetet har utförts i två steg dels i form av en markägarintervju på 7 olika fastigheter och sedan som fältinventering med datainsamling. Utifrån det första besöket valdes 10 bestånd ut för inventering på 4 fastigheter, 2 tall och 8 granbestånd med totalt 136 träd, 27 tallar och 109 granar. 122 träd borrades för årsringsanalys 27 tallar och 95 granar. Borrkärnorna analyserades i WinDENDROs tillväxtprogram, sammanfattningar gjordes i Microsoft Excel och variansanalys i SAS statistikprogram.Träd närmast diket visade i genomsnitt en högre radiell tillväxt efter dikesrensningen än träd som stod längre ifrån diket. Alla markägare kunde se en förbättrad tillväxt efter rensningen och 4 av 7 kunde se en klar förbättring. 6 av 10 bestånd hade 4-7 år efter rensning fortfarande 20-50 % björn-och vit mossor i bottenskiktet. Två hade stora problem med kraftig grästillväxt men ingen hade sett några andra negativa effekter på markfloran. / The work was carried out for the Swedish Forest Agency as a follow-up on consultation for cleansing ditches in the district of Jönköping from autumn 2004 to 2009.The following things were studied: How was the consultation and results of cleansing perceived? How was the cleansing carried out? Has the forest responded to the cleansing through increased growth and if so how soon and how much? Has the ground flora changed? Were there any other positive or negative effects after the cleaning? Interviews were carried out with the property owners and the forest inventoried in the field.The work has been carried out in two stages, partly in the form of a market interview of 7 different properties and then as a field inviting with data collection. Based on the first visit, 10 stocks were selected for inventory of 4 properties, 2 pine (Pinus sylvestris) and 8 spruces (Picea abies) stands with a total of 136 trees, 27 pines and 109 spruces were measured. 122 trees were drilled for growth ring analysis 27 pines and 95 spruces. The drill cores were analyzed in WinDENDRO's growth ring program, summaries were made in Microsoft Excel and variance analysis was performed in SAS's statistical program.Trees that were closest to the ditch showed on average a higher radial growth after cleaning than before compared to trees that were farther from the ditch.6 out of 10 stands had after 4-7 years of cleansing still 20-50% bear- and white moss in the bottom layer. All landowners could see an improved profitability after cleaning and four out of seven could noticeably see better growth. Two had problems with troubling grass growth, but no one had seen any other positive or negative effects on the ground flora.
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Lärare kommenterar text : En fallstudie om gymnasielärares respons på elevtexter / Teachers' comments to text : A case study of how upper secondary school teachers comment on pupils' textsOhlsson, Amanda January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna fallstudie är att undersöka hur gymnasielärare utformar respons på elevtexter och vad de kommenterar i texterna. I undersökningen har 1 982 kommentarer från tre lärare i 130 elevtexter analyserats. Genom närläsning av lärarkommentarerna har en innehållsanalys genomförts. Lärarnas kommentarer har undersökts med utgångspunkt i kategorierna textnivå och språkhandling. Analysen visar att lärares respons framförallt handlar om textens lokala nivå, alltså i huvudsak stavning, skiljetecken och ordval kommenteras hos samtliga lärare. I de sammanfattande kommentarerna som lärarna ger ökar dock förekomsten av kommentarer på den globala nivån. Lärarna använder främst påståenden i sina kommentarer. Eftersom påståenden och uppmaningar förekommer mest i kommentarerna intar lärarna i studien en auktoritär roll i sin responsgivning. Lärare 1 använder vidare fler frågor än lärare 2 och 3, som använder fler uppmaningar, vilket resulterar i att lärare 1 kan upplevas som mindre auktoritär i sin responsgivning än lärare 2 och 3.
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"Där är vi helt överens även om vi inte är överens i andra delar" : En samtalsanalytisk studie av Navid Modiris verbala initiativ och respons i podcasten Hur kan vi? / "There we fully agree even if we don´t agree in other parts" : A conversation analytic study of Navid Modiris verbal initiatives and responses in the podcast Hur kan vi?Ehn, Karin January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker Navid Modiris initiativ- och responstagande gentemot sina gäster i podcasten Hur kan vi?. Syftet är att se huruvida Modiris interaktion med gästerna varierar beroende på vem gästen är och hur kontroversiellt ämnet anses vara. Från sex av podcastens avsnitt har delar valts ut för att analyseras med en metod inspirerad av samtalsanalys (Norrby, 2014) och initiativ och respons (Linell & Gustavsson, 1987). Av de avsnitt som valts ut bedöms tre av avsnitten ta upp mer kontroversiella ämnen medan tre bedöms ta upp mindre kontroversiella ämnen. Studiens resultat visar att Modiris initiativ och respons gentemot sina gäster varierar men det går däremot inte att fastslå om detta beror på vem gästen är eller huruvida ämnet som tas upp är kontroversiellt eller ej. Resultatet visar också att Modiris samtalsmetod på många sätt är förenligt med hur en samtalsaktivist samtalar.
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Silicon Diode Dose Response Correction in Small Photon FieldsOmar, Artur January 2010 (has links)
<p>Silicon diodes compared to other types of dosimeters have several attractive properties, such as an excellent spatial resolution, a high sensitivity, and clinically practical to use. These properties make silicon diodes a preferred dosimeter for relative dosimetry for several types of measurements in small field dosimetry, e.g., stereotactic treatments and intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT). Silicon diodes are, however, limited by an energy dependent response variation in photon beams, resulting in that the diode readout per dose to the phantom medium varies with photon spectral changes, thereby introducing a significant uncertainty in the measured data. The traditional solution for the energy dependent over-response caused by low-energy photons is to use diodes with a shielding filter of high atomic number. These shielded diodes, however, show an incorrect readout for small fields due to electrons scattered from the shielding (Griessbach <em>et al</em>. 2005). In regions with degraded lateral electron equilibrium (LEE) shielded diodes over-respond due to an increased degree of LEE, as a consequence of the high density shielding (Lee <em>et al</em>. 2002).</p><p>In this work a prototype software that corrects for the energy dependent response of a silicon diode is developed and validated for small field sizes. The developed software is based on the novel concept of Monte Carlo (MC) simulated fluence pencil beam kernels to calculate spectra (Eklund and Ahnesjö 2008), and the spectra based silicon diode response model proposed by Eklund and Ahnesjö (2009). The software was also extended to include correction of ionization chambers, for the energy dependent Spencer-Attix water/air stopping power ratio (<em>s</em><sub>w,air</sub>). The calculated <em>s</em><sub>w,air</sub> are shown to be in excellent agreement with published values to better than 0.1% for most values, the maximum deviation being 0.3%.</p><p>Measured relative depth doses, relative profiles, and output factors in water, for small square field sizes, for 6 MV and 15 MV clinical photon beams are presented in this work. The results show that the unshielded Scanditronix-Wellhöfer EFD<sup>3G</sup> silicon diode response, corrected by the developed software, is in excellent agreement with reference ionization chamber measurements (corrected for change in <em>s</em><sub>w,air</sub>), the maximum deviation being 0.4%.</p><p>Measurements with two types of shielded diodes, namely Scanditronix-Wellhöfer PFD silicon diodes (FP1990 and FP2730), are also included in this work. The shielded diodes are shown to have an over-response as large as 2-3.5% for field sizes smaller than 5 cm x 5 cm. The presented results also suggest a difference in accuracy as large as 0.5-1% between the two types of shielded diodes, where the spectral composition at the measurement position dictates which type of diode is more accurate.</p><p>The fast correction of silicon diodes provided by the developed software is more accurate than shielded diodes for small field sizes, and can in radiotherapeutic clinical practice increase the dosimetric accuracy of silicon diodes.</p>
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Man liksom bara skriver. Skrivande och skrivkontexter i grundskolans år 7 och 8.Norberg Brorsson, Birgitta January 2007 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Birgitta Norberg Brorsson. 2007. Man liksom bara skriver. Skrivande och skrivkontexter i grundskolans år 7 och 8. (You just kind of write. Writing and writing contexts in the years 7 and 8 of the compulsory school).</p><p>This thesis deals with writing and writing contexts in the latter part of the Swedish compulsory school and with the interrelationship between the individual and the context, between the pupil, the teacher, the instruction of writing in the short and long perspective and the school as organization and institution. The general aim of the study is to deepen the understanding of school writing and its conditions by describing, analysing and interpreting the writing instruction from the teachers’, the pupils’ and my own perspectives. Fieldwork for my ethnographic study was conducted in two parallel classes, 36 pupils in all, over three terms in which all texts written during Swedish lessons were gathered. The theoretical framework is the sociocultural approach based on research by Vygotsky and Bachtin. Six texts written by three pupils regarding structure, style and teacher’s written response and the instruction in connection with the writing are analysed. The instruction in the long perspective is analysed with regard to what extent it offered the pupils coherence in their studies. To analyse the instruction in an organizational and institutional view concepts from Berg’s studies on school cultures and Langer’s research on effective American schools are used.</p><p>One major result is that the task, the receiver, the teacher’s response and the non-dialogic classrooms are factors with great impact on the pupils’ texts. Most tasks require that the pupil’s private, personal life and experiences are focused, e.g. in the many narrative texts, whereas discursive texts are not represented at all in the material. The instruction in the long perspective can in the main be characterised as catalogues, i.e. it does not lead to knowledge-in-action and is similar to Swedish as a proficiency subject. As to teacher response it is not possible to see any progression during the three terms but the same aspects are commented on in most texts in both classes and do not improve the texts. The culture and traditions of the school are important influencing factors in the teaching. One reason for this is the lack of in-service training of the teachers when the new steering system of the Swedish school was introduced in the middle of the 1990’s. When organizations undergo fundamental changes traditions seem to exercise greater influence on actors than otherwise. Time has great impact on school activities and three conflicting concepts of time are present at school: the pupil’s activity time, the teacher’s linear time and the institutional time. The work teams play a vital role for the teachers but the care of the pupils take most of their time. Pedagogic and didactic discussions are rare and subject matters have no forum at all. Many of the factors in the writing contexts are institutionally influenced and hence difficult to change but teachers and pupils are actors in school as organization and institution. This means that they can reproduce or transform the structures. In this there are developmental potentials.</p><p>Key words: compulsory school, writing contexts, school genres, structure, style, response, knowledge-out-of-context, individual, narrative, in-service training, subject didactics, time, work teams, institution</p>
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Silicon Diode Dose Response Correction in Small Photon FieldsOmar, Artur January 2010 (has links)
Silicon diodes compared to other types of dosimeters have several attractive properties, such as an excellent spatial resolution, a high sensitivity, and clinically practical to use. These properties make silicon diodes a preferred dosimeter for relative dosimetry for several types of measurements in small field dosimetry, e.g., stereotactic treatments and intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT). Silicon diodes are, however, limited by an energy dependent response variation in photon beams, resulting in that the diode readout per dose to the phantom medium varies with photon spectral changes, thereby introducing a significant uncertainty in the measured data. The traditional solution for the energy dependent over-response caused by low-energy photons is to use diodes with a shielding filter of high atomic number. These shielded diodes, however, show an incorrect readout for small fields due to electrons scattered from the shielding (Griessbach et al. 2005). In regions with degraded lateral electron equilibrium (LEE) shielded diodes over-respond due to an increased degree of LEE, as a consequence of the high density shielding (Lee et al. 2002). In this work a prototype software that corrects for the energy dependent response of a silicon diode is developed and validated for small field sizes. The developed software is based on the novel concept of Monte Carlo (MC) simulated fluence pencil beam kernels to calculate spectra (Eklund and Ahnesjö 2008), and the spectra based silicon diode response model proposed by Eklund and Ahnesjö (2009). The software was also extended to include correction of ionization chambers, for the energy dependent Spencer-Attix water/air stopping power ratio (sw,air). The calculated sw,air are shown to be in excellent agreement with published values to better than 0.1% for most values, the maximum deviation being 0.3%. Measured relative depth doses, relative profiles, and output factors in water, for small square field sizes, for 6 MV and 15 MV clinical photon beams are presented in this work. The results show that the unshielded Scanditronix-Wellhöfer EFD3G silicon diode response, corrected by the developed software, is in excellent agreement with reference ionization chamber measurements (corrected for change in sw,air), the maximum deviation being 0.4%. Measurements with two types of shielded diodes, namely Scanditronix-Wellhöfer PFD silicon diodes (FP1990 and FP2730), are also included in this work. The shielded diodes are shown to have an over-response as large as 2-3.5% for field sizes smaller than 5 cm x 5 cm. The presented results also suggest a difference in accuracy as large as 0.5-1% between the two types of shielded diodes, where the spectral composition at the measurement position dictates which type of diode is more accurate. The fast correction of silicon diodes provided by the developed software is more accurate than shielded diodes for small field sizes, and can in radiotherapeutic clinical practice increase the dosimetric accuracy of silicon diodes.
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