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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Repenser le pouvoir dans les théories des relations internationales : du pouvoir productif de la Francophonie à la socialisation du Vietnam au Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies / Rethinking the power concept in International Relations theories : from Francophonie’s productive power to Vietnam’s socialization in the United Nations Security Council

Nguyen, Hoang Nhu Thanh 06 September 2018 (has links)
Le pouvoir est omniprésent dans les interactions sociales. Il en va de même pour la politique internationale depuis la naissance des Relations internationales. Mais au sein de celle-ci, ce concept est contesté. Par exemple, le terme anglais power désigne deux phénomènes qui ne sont pas identiques et qui sont traduits par deux termes distingues en français : « la puissance » signifiant la capacité d’obtenir ce qu’on désire, et « le pouvoir » renvoyant au contrôle du comportement d’un acteur sur un autre. L’objectif de la thèse est double. Tout d’abord, cette recherche entend établir un lien étroit entre la façon de définir le pouvoir et les différents cadres théoriques (réalistes, libéraux, constructivistes) puisqu’il n’existe pas d’unique définition du concept. Ce premier aspect permettra de mieux comprendre la genèse mais aussi les tensions entre le concept et sa théorie-cadre lorsque le premier a tendance à circuler dans d’autres théories, comme ce dont témoigne les débats autour de la trilogie hard power, soft power, smart power de Joseph Nye. Le deuxième objectif vise à mieux comprendre le pouvoir des organisations intergouvernementales en adoptant un cadre constructiviste. La thèse s’appuie sur l’approche de Barnett et Duvall qui distingue quatre types de pouvoir (imposé, institutionnel, structurel et productif) en vue de saisir le pouvoir productif de la Francophonie dans la « fabrication » d’une nouvelle subjectivité de l’Etat : le « droit souverain » de promouvoir sa diversité culturelle et le « devoir souverain » concernant la responsabilité de protéger. La thèse montre également que le pouvoir institutionnel du Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies s’exerce via la socialisation du Vietnam en son sein dans le cas de la responsabilité de protéger. / The power is a ubiquitous phenomenon in social relations, particularly in International Relations. It is, however, an “essentially contestable” concept in IR theories. For instance, the English term power refers to two different phenomena which can be translated into two distinct terms in French: “la puissance” which means the capacity to get what one wants, and “le pouvoir” which implies the control over other’s behavior. This thesis has two objectives. First, it aims to build close connection between the power conceptualization and its theoretical framework (realism, liberalism, and constructivism) as there is no unique definition of power. The liaison between power definition and its theoretical framework allows us to better apprehend not only its genesis but also the discrepancy that emerges whenever the concept tend to transcend its theoretical framework, as reflected in the debates relative to the trilogy hard power, soft power, smart power of Joseph Nye. Second, this thesis intends to better understand the power of international organizations under the constructivist theoretical framework. The study bases on the power taxonomy of Barnett and Duvall who classify the concept into four types: compulsory power, institutional power, structural power and productive power. Based on this classification, we can understand the productive power of Francophonie in terms of “producing” a new subjectivity of State in IR: the “sovereign right” of promoting its cultural diversity and the “sovereign duty” of fulfilling its responsibility to protect. The thesis demonstrates also the UNSC’s institutional power via the Vietnam socialization process leading to the endorsement of the R2P concept.

El impacto sobre los trabajadores de una gestión de recursos humanos socialmente responsable. Un análisis para Catalunya

Celma Benaiges, M. Dolors 21 November 2011 (has links)
Socially responsible human resource management constitutes the conceptual-theory framework of the thesis. The results obtained from the empirical part show the existence of three clusters inasmuch as the application of socially responsible practices for promoting job quality in the case of Catalonia: the group of workers in “organizations with low-level of social responsibility”; those who work in a environment of “work practices for implication” and the group of workers in a environment oriented to “health and safety at work”. Among the determining factors in applying these practices we can find characteristics of the firms where the employees work as well as personal characteristics and those of the job. The research also shows that, in general, applying socially responsible management in human resources does have positive effects on the worker and therefore creates greater trust in management, increased job satisfaction, less stress at work and a lower intention to quit a job. / La gestión de recursos humanos socialmente responsable constituye el marco teórico-conceptual de la tesis. Los resultados obtenidos en la parte empírica muestran la existencia de tres clusters en cuanto a la aplicación de prácticas laborales socialmente responsables para promover la calidad laboral en el caso de Cataluña: el grupo de trabajadores en “organizaciones poco responsables”; aquellos que se encuentran en entornos de “prácticas para la implicación” y el grupo de trabajadores en entornos de “prácticas orientadas hacia la seguridad y salud laboral”. Entre los determinantes de la aplicación de estas prácticas encontramos características de las empresas donde trabajan los empleados, así como características personales y de la ocupación. La investigación también revela que, en general, la aplicación de una gestión de recursos humanos socialmente responsable tiene efectos positivos sobre el trabajador generando una mayor confianza en la dirección, una satisfacción laboral superior, menos estrés laboral y menos intención de dejar el trabajo.

L'action humanitaire en cas de catastrophes : droit applicable et limites / Humanitarian action disasters : applicable law and limits

Carvallo-Diomandé, Aya Henriette 13 May 2014 (has links)
L'action humanitaire a connu un développement exponentiel au sein de la société internationale au cours de ces dernières années. Multiplication des résolutions humanitaires votées par les Nations unies, mise en place d'une justice pénale internationale chargée de réprimer les violations du droit international humanitaire, émergence de la responsabilité de protéger impliquant un recours à la force à des fins humanitaires, développement des organisations non gouvernementales en sont les manifestations majeures. Toutefois, la portée de ces évolutions récentes de l'action humanitaire tant sur le plan de la normativité que de l'opérationnalité est à relativiser. Si les insuffisances du droit de Genève ont pleinement justifié l'émergence d'un droit de New York, ce droit de nature essentiellement déclaratoire éprouve de réelles difficultés à palier les lacunes du droit de Genève. En outre, la mise en oeuvre contemporaine de l'action humanitaire, soulève de nombreux questionnements juridiques liés aux modalités et aux conditions de mise en oeuvre. La présente étude a pour objet d'analyser les évolutions et les limites du cadre juridique de l'action humanitaire afin de faire des propositions pour améliorer la condition juridique des victimes des catastrophes humanitaires. / Humanitarian action has seen such an exponential growth in international society in recent years that humanitarianism seems to be carrying increasing weight in international relations. Some of the main examples of this phenomenon are the increased number of humanitarian resolutions passed by the United Nations, the creation of an international court of justice to reprimand violations of international humanitarian law, the emergence of a sense of responsibility to ensure protection by means of force for humanitarian purposes, and the development of non-governmental organizations. However, the scope of these recent developments in humanitarianism, on both the normative and operational levels, needs to be put into perspective. Indeed, while the shortcomings of Geneva law fully justify the emergence of New York law, this essentially declaratory law faces real challenges in overcoming the short comings in Geneva law. Further more, humanitarian action as it has been carried out in recent years gives rise to a number of legal questions relating to the conditions under which such action is taken. This study aims at analyzing the developments and limits of the humanitarian action legal framework, in order to put forward proposals for improving the legal position of the victims of humanitarian disasters.

Les déplacés environnementaux : problématique de la recherche d’un statut juridique en droit international / Environmentally displaced persons : legal issues in recognition of status in international law

Poumo leumbe, Jean-Jacques parfait 09 October 2015 (has links)
Les personnes déplacées à la suite de la destruction de l’environnement sont de plus en plus nombreux. Leur protection au plan juridique pose plusieurs problèmes au niveau international. La notion de souveraineté fait face à celle de l’obligation de protéger ; l’assistance de la communauté internationale après une catastrophe s’impose comme la règle d’or. Un diagnostic du droit international actuel notamment en matière de protection des réfugiés ou de l’environnement montre clairement le vide juridique existant. La création d’un instrument juridique nouveau au plan international visant la protection de ces déplacés environnementaux pourrait être la solution si les obstacles sociaux, politiques, économiques et même idéologiques n’existaient pas. Cette thèse analyse la notion de déplacé environnemental à travers la problématique que pose la recherche de leur statut juridique au plan international, elle nous permet d’analyser à l’aide de la prospective juridique les propositions de solutions présentées par certains universitaires et ouvre des pistes sérieuses de réflexions pour l’adoption d’un instrument de protection efficace. / Today, environmentally displaced persons are becoming more numerous. Their legal status poses several problems at international level. The notion of sovereignty faces to that of obligation to protect; assistance by international community after environmental disasters is becoming the standard. A diagnosis of current international situation, especially in the protection of refugees and in environment law, clearly shows the existing of legal vacuum. The creation of a new legal international instrument for protection of these environmentally displaced persons could be the solution if the social, economic, political and even ideological barriers did not exist. This thesis analyzes the concept of environmentally displaced persons through the problem posed by the research of their legal status in international law. We analyze with legal prospective method, proposed solutions presented by some academics which opens serious reflections for an effective instrument of protection.

La auditoría social como mecanismo de control de la responsabilidad social de las empresas: la metodología de Theodore J. Kreps / A auditoria social como instrumento de controle da responsabilidade social das empresas: a metodologia de Theodore J. Kreps / Social audit as a control mechanism of the firms’ social responsibility: the methodology of Theodore J. Kreps

Lima Pinel, Maria de Fátima de, Cosenza, José Paulo, Llena Macarulla, Fernando 10 April 2018 (has links)
The objective of this paper is to develop an analysis that shows the divergent perspectives arising from the differences between the treatment established under the concept of Social Responsibility and the concept of Social Audit in the measurement, recognition and disclosure of social and environmental elements in business practices.Thus, the main differences that arise from the application of both approaches, noting the need for the firm should report on their social responsibility in such a way that is broader and more transparent to the society where they operateand interact in financial, social and environmental terms.Hence, this article reviews the work of Kreps to be a comprehensive overview of the usefulness of their methodology asa control mechanism of social responsibility of companies.For this purpose, this paper shows the study of Theodore J. Kreps that was the first academic research that applied the social audit methodology. Hence, this article develops a review of the Kreps’ research was developed to be a comprehen- sive overview of the usefulness of his approach as a mechanism for control of firm’s Social Responsibility.The results show that the contribution of Kreps is to propose a methodology that represents a structured communica- tion process by independent agents that are outside the area of influence of business. This means a contribution to the literature because the model proposed by Kreps, unlike traditional Social Responsibility reports (made internal from the inner sphere of companies), is developing from the external environment, promoting collaboration with other firmsand economic agents sharing resources and thus providing social benefits for the entire community. / Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal realizar un análisis que muestre las divergentes perspectivas originadas por las diferencias existentes entre el tratamiento establecido bajo el concepto de responsabilidad social y el concepto de auditoría social en la medición, reconocimiento y publicación de los elementos sociales y medioambientales en las prácticas empresariales.De este modo, se identificarán las principales diferencias que se originan de la aplicación de ambos abordajes, señalando la necesidad de la empresa de informar sobre su responsabilidad social de forma más amplia y transparente para la socie- dad donde actúa e interacciona, en términos financieros, sociales y medioambientales.Para tal efecto, vamos a efectuar un análisis del estudio desarrollado por Theodore J. Kreps, que fue la primera investigación académica donde se aplicó efectivamente una metodología de auditoría social. De ahí que el presente artículo realiza una revisión del trabajo de Kreps para tenerse una visión integral de la utilidad de su metodología como un mecanismo de control de la responsabilidad social de las empresas.Los resultados muestran que la contribución de Kreps se hace por proponer una metodología que representa un proceso de informe estructurado por agentes independientes que están fuera del área de influencia de las empresas. Esto signi- fica un aporte a la literatura porque el modelo propuesto por Kreps, diferentemente de los tradicionales informes de responsabilidad social (elaborados desde el ámbito interno de las empresas), se desarrolla a partir del entorno externo, promoviendo interrelaciones con otras empresas y agentes que comparten recursos y ofrecen beneficios sociales paratoda la comunidad. / Este artigo tem como principal objetivo efetuar uma análise que evidencia as perspectivas divergentes decorrentes dasdiferenças entre o tratamento instituído no âmbito do conceito de Responsabilidade Social e o conceito de Auditoria Social na mensuração, reconhecimento e divulgação dos aspectos sociais e ambientais nas atividades empresariais.Neste sentido, serão identificadas as principais diferenças que surgem a partir da aplicação de ambas as abordagens, apontando para a necessidade de a empresa informar sobre a sua responsabilidade social, em termos financeiros, social e ambiental, de forma mais ampla e transparente para a sociedade onde desenvolve suas atividades.Nessa perspectiva, realizaremos uma análise do estudo de Theodore J. Kreps, que foi a primeira pesquisa acadêmica onde, efetivamente, foi aplicada uma metodologia de auditoria social. Assim, este artigo apresenta uma revisão da obra de Kreps, visando obter uma abordagem abrangente sobre a utilidade de sua metodologia como mecanismo de controle da responsabilidade social das empresas.Os resultados mostram que a contribuição de Kreps residiu em propor uma metodologia que representa um processo de comunicação estruturado por agentes independentes, fora da área de influência das empresas.Isto significa uma contribuição para a literatura, pois o modelo proposto por Kreps, ao contrário dos tradicionais rela- tórios de responsabilidade social (elaborados no contexto interno das empresas), é desenvolvido a partir do ambiente externo, promovendo relações com outras empresas e agentes que compartilham recursos e propiciam benefícios sociaispara a comunidade como um todo.

The United Nations global compact : estudo de caso na Ericsson do Brasil

Bonatto, Heitor January 2010 (has links)
Em 2000, a Organização das Nações Unidas lançou a iniciativa denominada “Pacto Global”, com o objetivo de dar uma face mais humana ao processo da globalização. Esta iniciativa estabeleceu dez princípios que as empresas, entre outros participantes, devem seguir para implementá-los no dia a dia de suas operações. A Ericsson foi uma das empresas fundadoras da iniciativa e, até hoje, faz parte do grupo. A presente dissertação, portanto, busca analisar como a Ericsson do Brasil está implementando os princípios do Pacto Global das Nações Unidas em sua esfera de influência. Para compreender a forma como está ocorrendo, neste estudo foi realizado um estudo de caso da subsidiária brasileira, baseando-se na análise de documentos institucionais, na observação e entrevista realizada com o Gerente da empresa. Conclui-se que a Ericsson do Brasil ainda está em processo de implementação dos princípios, destacando-se no que concerne ao gerenciamento da cadeia de fornecedores estar em avançado estágio de implementação. / In 2000 the United Nations launched the Global Compact initiative for the purpose of giving a more human face to globalization. This initiative sets out ten principles that companies and other participants should proceed to implement in the day to day operations. Ericsson was one of the founders of the initiative and today is part of the group. This dissertation aims to analyze how the Ericsson in Brazil is implementing the principles of the UN Global Compact in its sphere of influence. To understand how, the dissertation was based on case study of the Brazilian subsidiary and the analysis was made by institutional documents, observation and interviews with the manager of the company. The conclusion demonstrates that Ericsson in Brazil is still in the process of implementing the principles emphasizing that when it comes to managing the supply chain is in the advanced stage of implementation.

Le tiers en droit de la responsabilité administrative. / The third party in law of administrative responsability

Loheac-Derboulle, Philippine 18 June 2012 (has links)
Le tiers étant communément défini comme la personne qui est étrangère à un groupe ou à une situation, l’on pourrait croire que le droit n’a aucune raison de s’y intéresser et qu’il ne lui consacre, dès lors, aucune place. L’étude relative au tiers en droit de la responsabilité administrative révèle pourtant le contraire. Cette thèse a ainsi pour objet de démontrer que, bien qu’il soit particulièrement difficile de l’identifier et, par là même, d’en donner une définition, le tiers y occupe une véritable place et y joue un rôle indéniable : celui-ci est susceptible d’exercer une influence sur la responsabilité encourue, devant le juge administratif, par l’administration (ou par toute personne qui est y assimilée). Une distinction doit, toutefois, être opérée selon la situation du tiers par rapport au dommage. Il existe en effet une pluralité de tiers qu’il convient de répartir en deux catégories : tiers victimes et tiers auteurs ou coauteurs. Des conséquences juridiques spécifiques s’attachent bien à l’identification du tiers victime. La reconnaissance d’une telle qualité étant notamment susceptible de conduire à l’application d’un régime juridique présentant des particularités par rapport à celui qui est habituellement appliqué aux autres catégories de victimes, se pose même la question de l’existence d’un droit de la responsabilité administrative du fait des dommages causés aux tiers. Le caractère relatif de la spécificité de cette matière, conjugué à l’absence d’unité de celle-ci, conduisent cependant à y apporter une réponse négative.Quant au tiers auteur ou coauteur, il peut également influer sur la responsabilité de l’administration. Le juge administratif est effectivement susceptible de prendre en considération l’intervention d’une tierce personne dans la production du dommage en cause et, par conséquent, de faire varier la part de responsabilité de la personne poursuivie. Il peut le faire de manière immédiate, c’est-à-dire dans les rapports entre celle-ci et la victime, lorsqu’il met notamment en œuvre la théorie du fait du tiers. Il peut encore le faire de manière différée, à savoir dans le cadre des rapports entre les coauteurs et/ou les coresponsables du dommage, lorsqu’il s’agit de répartir entre eux la charge finale de la dette de réparation. Dans un souci de protection de la victime et à l’instar du principe appliqué en droit civil, la prise en compte différée du rôle du tiers dans la réalisation du dommage doit cependant être préférée à sa prise en compte immédiate. / The third party is commonly defined as the person who is foreign to a group or a situation; therefore we might think that the law has no reason to be focused on it and that it then devotes no space to him. The study on the third party in law of administrative responsibility yet reveals the opposite. This thesis aims to demonstrate that, while it is particularly difficult to identify it and, thereby, to define it, the third party is real and play an undeniable role: it is likely to exert influence on incurred liability, before the administrative law judge, by the administration (or by any person who is y equated). However, a distinction must be made according to the situation of the third party in relation to the damage. There is indeed a plurality of third parties. They are nevertheless likely to be divided into two categories: third parties victims and third parties authors or co-authors. Specific legal consequences are actually attached to the identification of the third party victim. Recognition of such quality is particularly likely to lead to the application of a legal regime with features compared to the one which is usually applied to the other categories of victims. Therefore, the question of the existence of a law of administrative responsibility for the damages caused to third parties arises. The relative nature of this topic’s specificity, combined with the lack of unity; however lead to a negative answer.The third party author or co-author, may also affect the responsibility of the administration. The administrative judge is actually likely to take into account the intervention of a third party in the production of the damage and, consequently, to vary the share of responsibility of the person prosecuted. This can be done immediately, i.e. as part of the relationship between it and the victim, in particular when the administrative judge implements the third’s act theory. This can also be done later, i.e. as part of the relationship between the co-authors and/or the co-responsible for the damage, when it comes to apportion among themselves the final burden of debt relief. However, in the interest of the victim’s protection and as applied in civil law, to take account of the role of the third party in the realization of the damage in a deferred way must be preferred to its immediate consideration.

The United Nations global compact : estudo de caso na Ericsson do Brasil

Bonatto, Heitor January 2010 (has links)
Em 2000, a Organização das Nações Unidas lançou a iniciativa denominada “Pacto Global”, com o objetivo de dar uma face mais humana ao processo da globalização. Esta iniciativa estabeleceu dez princípios que as empresas, entre outros participantes, devem seguir para implementá-los no dia a dia de suas operações. A Ericsson foi uma das empresas fundadoras da iniciativa e, até hoje, faz parte do grupo. A presente dissertação, portanto, busca analisar como a Ericsson do Brasil está implementando os princípios do Pacto Global das Nações Unidas em sua esfera de influência. Para compreender a forma como está ocorrendo, neste estudo foi realizado um estudo de caso da subsidiária brasileira, baseando-se na análise de documentos institucionais, na observação e entrevista realizada com o Gerente da empresa. Conclui-se que a Ericsson do Brasil ainda está em processo de implementação dos princípios, destacando-se no que concerne ao gerenciamento da cadeia de fornecedores estar em avançado estágio de implementação. / In 2000 the United Nations launched the Global Compact initiative for the purpose of giving a more human face to globalization. This initiative sets out ten principles that companies and other participants should proceed to implement in the day to day operations. Ericsson was one of the founders of the initiative and today is part of the group. This dissertation aims to analyze how the Ericsson in Brazil is implementing the principles of the UN Global Compact in its sphere of influence. To understand how, the dissertation was based on case study of the Brazilian subsidiary and the analysis was made by institutional documents, observation and interviews with the manager of the company. The conclusion demonstrates that Ericsson in Brazil is still in the process of implementing the principles emphasizing that when it comes to managing the supply chain is in the advanced stage of implementation.

A responsabilidade civil do Estado frente às limitações ao direito de propriedade nas áreas de preservação permanente, às margens de rios urbanos

Reckziegel, Janaína 08 December 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação objetiva examinar se, a limitação a construção ou reforma de empreendimentos imobiliários nas áreas de preservação permanente às margens dos rios, em área urbana, como forma de preservação do meio ambiente, acarreta a responsabilidade civil do Estado por eventuais prejuízos sofridos por terceiros a partir da Constituição Federal de 1988. Instrumentam a análise, feita a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica, a legislação brasileira, os conceitos teóricos trazidos pela doutrina e o posicionamento dos tribunais pátrios. Tem-se claro que o processo de industrialização capitaneado a partir da Revolução Industrial transformou as cidades em aglomerações urbanas capazes de causarem irreversíveis impactos sócio-ambientais. A era tecnológica chegou ao seu limite, tornando necessário repensar a posição do homem em relação ao meio ambiente para conservação dos recursos naturais existentes. A legislação, no decorrer da história tem evoluído no sentido de tutela ao meio ambiente. Chega-se ao auge quando a Constituição Federal de 1988 atribui status constitucional ao meio ambiente, titulando-o como direito fundamental e bem de uso comum do povo. A par desta previsão constitucional (art. 225), também no patamar dos direitos fundamentais, encontra-se o direito de propriedade (art. 5º) exigindo a análise jurídica da prevalência dos direitos coletivos e difusos sobre os individuais. Depreende-se da exegese constitucional acrescida da análise legal do Estatuto da Cidade que o direito de propriedade é composto pela função sócio-ambiental. De modo que a propriedade se esvazia de conteúdo quando seu uso gera danos ambientais. Mas, situações há em que o legislador, com vistas a proteger o meio ambiente, fixou áreas de preservação permanente, nos termos do artigo 2º do Código Florestal e ainda, especifica limitações na Lei de Parcelamento do Solo Urbano e Resoluções do CONAMA. Ocorre que faticamente muitos empreendimentos já restam construídos, outros licenciados e alguns lotes, sem projeto algum de construção, em áreas de preservação permanente nas margens de rios urbanos. Sob a égide constitucional e foco principiológico, primando pela conservação do meio ambiente, sem esvaziar o direito de propriedade, apresentam-se como possíveis soluções, para imóveis localizados em áreas de preservação permanente, às margens dos rios urbanos: a) ao proprietário de terreno baldio e sem licença para construção não resta direito à indenização; b) o proprietário que possui licença antes do advento da Lei de Parcelamento do Solo Urbano (1989), mas ainda não construiu o empreendimento, estará impedido de construir, todavia, resta-lhe direito a indenização pelos danos sofridos; c) o proprietário de edificações consolidadas, que por limitação administrativa não poderá reformar, ampliar ou demolir a área construída, resta-lhe indenização, nos termos da desapropriação indireta. Contudo a indenização não se apresenta como solução economicamente possível aos municípios, sendo mais adequada a transação via elaboração de termos de ajuste de conduta para possibilitar aos proprietários de imóveis consolidados e localizados em áreas de preservação permanente uma compensação pecuniária ou outorga onerosa de requalificação ambiental. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-05-13T19:44:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Janaina Reckziegel.pdf: 2636443 bytes, checksum: 116e6c23a740e8ec027ab7f3eaeb90e5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-13T19:44:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Janaina Reckziegel.pdf: 2636443 bytes, checksum: 116e6c23a740e8ec027ab7f3eaeb90e5 (MD5) / The present study intends to examine if the limits to construction or reconstruction of real estate ventures in permanent preserving areas at river banks in an urban area, as a way of conserving the environment, brings about the civil responsibilities of the State for any possible harm suffered by the third party as the Federal Constitution of 1988 claims. It empowers the analysis made from bibliography research, the Brazilian Legislation, the theoretical concepts brought about by the doctrine and the positioning of the Brazilian courts. It has been clear that the industrialization process started at the Industrial Revolution changed cities into urban agglomerations which can cause irreversible impacts onto the environment. The technological era reached its limits, making it necessary to rethink the man s attitude in relation to the environment for the conservation of the existing natural resources. The legislation has evolved throughout history in the means of environmental protection. The peak is reached when the Federal Constitution of 1988 assigns constitutional status to the environment, entitling it as the fundamental right and property for common use among the people. Being knowledgeable of that constitutional prevision (article 225) also at the fundamental rights level, it is found the right of property (article 5th) demanding a legal analysis of the prevailing of collective and diffused rights over the individual ones. It is understood through the constitutional exegesis added by the legal analysis of the City Statute that the right of property is made up of the social environmental functions, so much that the property gets empty of subject when its use generates environmental damages. However, there are situations when the legislator, trying to protect the environment set areas of permanent conservation, as it is established in the 2nd Article of the Forest Code and, furthermore, it specifies limits in the Urban Land Parceling and Resolutions Law of CONAMA. It occurs that there are many enterprises which have already been built, others are licensee and some sites without any construction plan are located in permanent preserving areas at urban river banks. Under the constitutional support and the principle logic focus, priming for the environmental conservation, without emptying the right to property, they are presented as possible solutions for real estates located in permanent preserving areas, at the urban river banks: a) to the owner of unused plot of land and without construction license there is no right for compensation; b) the owner who has the license issued before the advent of the Urban Land Parceling Law (1989), but has not built the enterprise yet, it will not be allowed to build it, however, he has the right for compensation due to the harms suffered; c) the owner of consolidated building, who, because of administrative limits will not be allowed to remodel, extend or demolish the constructed area, will be reimbursed, in the terms of indirect dispossess. However, the compensation or reimbursement is not presented as an economically possible solution for the municipalities, being thus the transaction through elaboration of adjusting terms of procedure more adequate to make it possible for the owners of the consolidate real estates which are located in areas of permanent conservation a pecuniary compensation or onerous warrant of environmental re-qualification.

Responsabilidade civil das concessionárias de rodovias: lesão individual por dano ambiental em face de acidente na via, decorrente de deficiências de construção, conservação, manutenção ou sinalização de rodovias

Osorio, Jussara Maria Manassi 26 June 2008 (has links)
O trabalho aborda a responsabilidade civil das concessionárias de rodovias e a lesão individual devido a dano ambiental em face de acidente na via, decorrente de deficiências de construção, conservação, manutenção ou sinalização das rodovias. Expõe aspectos da responsabilidade civil e a concessão de rodovias com pedágio, em breve estudo do instituto da concessão, que dá origem ao complexo de relações que se estabelecem entre o Estado, a concessionária privada, o usuário e terceiro, analisando o contrato de concessão, suas características, as obrigações das partes. Abrange o estudo da responsabilidade civil e da responsabilidade civil do Estado, com enfoque na responsabilidade objetiva e a norma do § 6° do art. 37 da Constituição Federal. Destaca o dano ambiental, suas características, a responsabilidade civil e a responsabilidade do Estado por dano ambiental, a responsabilidade objetiva e as teorias que a informam, com enfoque na lesão individual decorrente de dano ambiental e sua reparação examinando o previsto no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Aborda a responsabilidade das concessionárias de rodovias com enfoque na aplicação do art. 37, § 6°, da Constituição Federal, que estendeu a responsabilidade do Estado às concessionárias de rodovias. Examina jurisprudências que resultaram na responsabilidade civil da concessionária por danos decorrentes de acidentes devido a deficiências de construção, conservação, manutenção ou sinalização de rodovia e relativas à responsabilidade civil por lesão individual decorrente de dano ambiental. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-05-20T17:13:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Jussara M M Ososrio.pdf: 905798 bytes, checksum: 073f5c2fe81c37e48a1ff1088f7efd37 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-20T17:13:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Jussara M M Ososrio.pdf: 905798 bytes, checksum: 073f5c2fe81c37e48a1ff1088f7efd37 (MD5) / This study deals with the civil responsibility of highway concession holders and individual harm stemming from environmental damage caused by road accidents, resultant from improper construction, maintenance or signposting of highways. It deals with aspects of civil responsibility and the concession of highways with toll systems. It is a brief study of concession granting, giving rise to the complex of relationships established between the State, the private concession holder, users and third parties, analyzing the concession contract, its characteristics, and the obligations of the parties. This study spans civil responsibility and the responsibility of the State, focusing on objective responsibility and norm § 6° of art. 37 of the Federal Constitution. Special attention is given to environmental damage, its characteristics, civil responsibility and the responsibility of the State for environmental damage, objective responsibility and the theories that inform them, focusing on individual harm caused by environmental damage and its reparation examining the provisions in Brazilian law. It deals with the responsibility of the highway concession holders focused on application of art. 37, § 6° of the Fede ral Constitution, which extended the responsibility of the State to highway concession holders. It examines the law that has resulted in the civil responsibility of concession holders for damages caused by accidents resulting from improper construction, maintenance or signposting of highways and that relative to civil responsibility for individual harm caused by environmental damage.

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