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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interventioner för äldre personer med fokus på existentiell hälsa

Anton, Helgason January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den äldre befolkningen kommer att öka vilket innebär ett ökat behov av vård och stöd för att en bra hälsa ska kunna upprätthållas. Begreppet hälsa innefattar fysiskt, mentalt och socialt välbefinnande. Det blir allt vanligare att man även tar hänsyn till en existentiell dimension när det gäller hälsan. Interventioner riktade mot existentiell hälsa har visat positiva resultat. Arbetsterapeuters arbetsuppgift är att arbeta klientcentrerat och stärka varje patients emotionella och fysiska välbefinnande utifrån varje individs unika förutsättningar. Spiritualitet ingår som en del i varje människa och är därför en viktig del för arbetsterapeuter att beakta. Syfte: Att kartlägga och beskriva interventioner för äldre personer med fokus på existentiell hälsa. Metod: En litteraturstudie i form av en scoping review har använts. Artiklar har samlats in genom sökningar i databaserna AMED, CINAHL och PubMed. Elva artiklar har slutligen använts i arbetet och resultatet har granskats och analyserats numeriskt och tematiskt. Resultat: Interventionerna har kartlagts och beskrivits under följande kategorier: plats för interventionerna, spirituella interventioner, interventioner riktade mot mening och syfte med livet, kommunikationsbaserade interventioner riktade mot existentiell hälsa samt vårdgivarnas utbildning och utförande av interventioner riktade mot existentiell hälsa. Slutsats: Individuellt utformade interventioner riktade mot äldre personers existentiella hälsa ger ett positivt resultat i form av en bättre fysisk och psykisk hälsa. Känslan av att ha ett syfte och en mening med livet är viktig och ger individen ett ökat välbefinnande. Vidare forskning behöver utföras. / Interventions for elderly people with a focus on existential health - A scoping review.Background: The elderly population will increase, which means an increased need for care and support to ensure that good health can be maintained. The concept of health includes physical, mental and social well-being. It is becoming increasingly common to also consider an existential dimension in terms of health. Interventions aimed at existential health have shown a positive result. The duty of occupational therapists is to work client-centered and strengthen each patient's emotional and physical well-being based on each individual's unique conditions. Spirituality is part of every human being and is therefore an important part of occupational therapists to consider. Purpose: To map and describe interventions for elderly people with a focus on existential health. Method: A literature study in the form of a scoping review has been used. Articles have been collected through searches in the databases AMED, CINAHL and PubMed. Eleven articles have finally been used in the work and the result has been reviewed and analyzed numerically and thematically. Results: The interventions have been mapped and described in the following categories: place for the interventions, spiritual interventions, interventions aimed at meaning and purpose of life, communication-based interventions aimed at existential health and the care providers' education and execution of interventions aimed at existential health. Conclusion: Individually designed interventions aimed at the existential health of elderly people give a positive result in the form of better physical and mental health. The feeling of having a purpose and a meaning with life is important and gives the individual an increased well-being. Further research needs to be done.

The Integration of Religion and Spirituality by Humanitarian Organisations in Indonesia : A Qualitative Case Study on the Provision of MHPSS after Disaster

Pfeiffer, Fabian Alexander January 2019 (has links)
Although growing scientific evidence has highlighted beneficial effects of religion and spirituality on mental health and psychosocial well-being, the integration of religious and spiritual needs with mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian contexts has been identified as a gap. Accordingly, this can be linked to a lack of official related guidelines of how to address these concepts in the humanitarian sector. This issue becomes particularly relevant in contexts where religion and spirituality play a crucial role. This study explores this problem in the context of Indonesia which due to commonly occurring natural disaster is targeted by humanitarian responses, while also being a religious and spiritual country. The purpose of this study therefore responds to this background by discovering the integration of religion and spirituality in mental health and psychosocial support provided by humanitarian organisations in Indonesia and formulating recommendations on the same. This was operationalised through a qualitative approach, and more specifically an embedded single-case study design. Further, the material consists of information retrieved through interviews and documents, from humanitarian organisations selected through snowball sampling. Analysed with the support of the ADAPT model, an adapted version, the IASC MHPSS Guideline, and the additional Faith-Sensitive Guideline, this study concludes that humanitarian organisations operating in Indonesia, either mainstreamed or not, work with mental health and psychosocial support, and thereby also include approaches which consider religion and spirituality. However, while well aware of the contextual needs, in particular the latter is not formally integrated. Accordingly, this study suggests organisational capacity building on the integration of religion and spirituality in MHPSS, based on existing guidelines and institutional knowledge and capacity, in order to ensure and improve proper humanitarian responses.

Andlighet - ett arbetsnamn : Andlighet utifrån Anonyma Alkoholisters perspektiv - en kvalitativ studie / Spirituality as a possible resource in social work : Spirituality from the perspective of Alcoholics Anonymous - a qualitative study made in Sweden

Holm, Alexander, Svahn, Simon January 2020 (has links)
Can spirituality be used as a resource for social work and its clients in Sweden? According to Alcoholics Anonymous and its twelve steps program there is a lot of value to be found in working with spirituality as a solution to alcohol and drug addiction and to be able to sustain a life free from addiction and abuse. Especially in the USA, which is the country where Alcoholics Anonymous originated from. Our question follows: Can such work influenced by spirituality and the strengthening of the spirit promote social work regarding substance abuse problems in Sweden and be used as a tool in treatment programs, in cases when science-based treatments have shown to be ineffective or where the client finds spirituality as an appealing concept? Through qualitative methods such as analyzes of previous research and through interviews with members of Alcoholics Anonymous in Sweden we found that spiritual influenced treatments could indeed be useful as a tool during alcohol and drug treatments when it is matched with other components.

”I want to find my faith again” : En kvalitativ studie om tillgänglighet och spiritualitet på vandrings- och pilgrimsleder. / ”I want to find my faith again” : A qualitative study on accessibility and spirituality on hiking and   pilgrimage routes.

Johansson, Tove January 2023 (has links)
Vandrings- och pilgrimsleder är en del av turismnäringen som många människor söker sig till i syfte att nå en spirituell upplevelse eller en närmare kontakt med sig själv och naturen. För att flera människor ska få till sig budskapet att vandra dessa leder, och därmed får ta del av de positiva fördelar som upplevs, krävs det att leden är tillgänglighetsanpassad på flera sätt. Hur kan visuell kommunikation skapas för att öka tillgängligheten på S:t Olavsleden samt hur kan det spirituella uttryckas i syfte att attrahera en större målgrupp, är ett problemområde från en uppdragsbeskrivning av byrån Trampolin Pr. Syftet med projektet är att med utgångspunkt från Luptons (2011) designprocess skapa ny visuell kommunikation med fokus på ökad tillgänglighet samt skapa uttryck för spirituella upplevelser för S:t Olavsleden. Genom ett urval av flera vandrings- och pilgrimsleder, analyseras hur dessa semiotisk framställer tillgänglighet och spiritualitet och den kunskapen förvaltas vidare i designprocessen när den grafiska profilen ska skapas för S:t Olavsleden. Resultatet var att det empiriska materialet semiotiskt framställde tillgänglighet genom ordval, visuell framskjutenhet och olika designprinciper. Det empiriska materialet visade även på en brist på tillgänglighet i flera delar i kommunikationen av alla leder. Spiritualitet uttrycks främst genom bildval och vissa ordval.  Nyckelord: Grafisk design, pilgrimsvandring, visuell kommunikation, tillgänglighet, spiritualitet / Pilgrims and hiking trails are a part of the tourism sector and more and more people have found the positive effects of hiking. People do it for the purpose of seeking a spiritual experience, as well as being in nature to experience the motion, the emotion and the soulsearching that hiking gives. For people to experience the trails, the spiritual expressions and the positive effects, it is important that the communication is accessible in every part. How can visual communication be created to make the S:t Olavs Trail more accessible, and how can spirituality become an expression in the design? This problem area is something a client wanted help to answer and find a solution for. The purpose with this project is to use Luptons (2011) design process to create new design and communication with the theme of accessibility and spirituality. Through a sample of hiking and pilgrims trails, will this be analyzed with a semiotic visual analysis, and with the new knowledge result in new graphic design and communications for St. Olavs trail. The result of the semiotic visual analysis was that accessibility was presented through chosen words, visual prominence and different design aspects. The empirical material also showed a lack of accessibility in several parts of the communication. Spirituality was presented mostly through photos and words and not so much through design aspects.  Keywords: Graphic design, pilgrims hiking, visual communication, accessibility, spirituality

Ignatiansk andlighet i Svenska kyrkan : En kvalitativ studie / Ignatian spirituality in the Church of Sweden : A qualitative study

Spolén, Monica January 2021 (has links)
Ignatian spirituality in the Church of Sweden,a qualitative study ABSTRACTThe purpose of this qualitative research study is to investigate the meaning of Ignatian spirituality for some employees in the Church of Sweden. The method used in the study is individual, semi-structured interviews with five employees in the Church of Sweden. To meet the purpose, three questions have been asked: 1)     What has the meeting with Ignatian spirituality meant to the informants of the study? 2)    How do the informants integrate their experiences from the Ignatian spirituality in their parish practice? 3)    How do the informants relate to their ecumenical encounters? The empirical material was then analyzed according to the three questions, mentioned above and in the relation to the thinkers within the field of Ignatian Spirituality. In the analysis, the material was organized according to three themes: the personal experience of Ignatian spirituality, the integration in the parish practice and ecumenical encounters. The results of the research show that the priests and deacons are indeed submitted to the Ignatian spirituality, in their whole life. They are familiar with the Ignatian tools and well informed about Ignatius of Loyola and his Spiritual Exercises. In their parish practice they tend to feel lonely, and they long for colleagues acquainted with the Spiritual Exercises, but since the Spiritual Exercises imbue their whole life, the Spiritual Exercises are evident in all their practices. They also dwell on how they can reach out, making the Gospel accessible also to those somewhat more resistant or not interested. All informants are ecumenical and talk about experiences of ecumenical encounters. The study indicates a clear parallel between the Ignatian Spirituality and Receptive Ecumenism, both movements obviously grounded in an introspection that opens possibilities for true meetings.

Ignatiansk spiritualitet i Svenska kyrkan / Ignatian spirituality in the Church of Sweden

Ejemyr, Cajsalisa January 2018 (has links)
Ignatius av Loyolas konkreta pedagogiska övningar attraherar samtidens kristna från olika samfund och i Svenska kyrkan växer intresset för den ignatianska spiritualiteten. Syftet med denna studie är att genom intervjuer, enkät och teori undersöka den ignatianska spiritualitetens framgång inom Svenska kyrkan i dag. Totalt 29 informanter har genom djupintervjuer och enkäter beskrivit sin ignatianska praktik. Informanterna i studien beskriver att den ignatianska spiritualiteten tar deras individuella erfarenheter i bruk. Detta samtidigt som syftet är att de ska förstå vad som är Guds vilja med livet. Informanterna upplever att den ignatianska spiritualiteten har gett dem möjlighet till en personlig gudsrelation samt gett dem nya pedagogiska metoder för att fördjupa sin tro och kunna se Gud i vardagen. Informanterna menar sig ha sökt en fördjupning av sin tro och att de funnit denna fördjupning genom den ignatianska spiritualiteten. Studiens teoretiska perspektiv utgörs av religionsfilosofen Charles Taylors teori om ”den subjektiva vändningen”, Linda Woodhead och Paul Heelas ”subjektiveringsteori” samt Karin Johannesons pastoralteologiska reflektion om andlig träning i en luthersk kontext. Taylor menar att kulturen i väst genomgått ett stort skifte som innebär att yttre auktoriteter förlorar i betydelse och den enskildes inre istället blir den främsta auktoritetskällan. Woodhead och Heelas subjektiveringsteori menar att människors immanenta gudstro växer i väst medan den transcendenta gudstron avtar och Johannesson presenterar tre viktiga kännetecken för andlig träning i en luthersk kontext. Hon menar att en sådan bör vara anti-individualistisk, ta sig uttryck i vardagen och sätta den fördjupade gudsrelationen i centrum I min studie blir Charles Taylors teori om den subjektiva vändningen synlig. Den ignatianska spiritualiteten talar till det personliga subjektet men förankrar praktiken i den kristna traditionen. Woodhead och Heelas subjektiveringsteori har jag funnit visst stöd för, men något som skiljer sig från teorin är att Gud som auktoritet inte förkastas. Ett intressant resultat som empirin visar är att informanterna uppskattar de auktoritära drag som spiritualiteten bär på. Studiens samlade bild av den ignatianska spiritualitetens funktion är i linje med Johannessons beskrivning av en anti-individualistisk andlighet, som tar sig uttryck i vardagen och som sätter den fördjupade gudsrelationen i centrum. Informanterna upplever att Ignatius pedagogiska metoder kan vara ett sätt att ge svenskkyrkliga handfast ledning i konsten att fördjupa sin tro på ett sätt som är i linje med luthersk teologi. Studien visar att metoderna fungerar väl i senmodernitetens subjektiva vändning utan att Gud som auktoritet överges.

"Man får sätta sig i passagerarsätet och låta Gud köra" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om sex AA-medlemmars religiösa och spirituella upplevelse i deras nykterhetsprocesser / "You get to sit in the passanger seat and let God take the wheel" : A qualitative interview study on the religious and spiritual experience of six AA members in their sobriety processes

Lundström, Caroline January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate what practical function religion or spirituality has for six members of Alcoholics Anonymous. Furthermore, the aim is to investigate and analyze the members' religious turning point and compare their views on religion and spirituality before and after sobriety. The methods used are qualitative semi-structured interviews where the collected material in the form of audio recordings will be transcribed to then carry out a narrative analysis on the transcribed material. The results show that religion or spirituality fulfills a practical function for all respondents and that their view of religion and spirituality has changed to a more positive approach. The respondents' turning point came in connection with the early steps in the twelve-step program where everyone created an individual religious or spiritual view.

Klarsynthet : om den filosofiska innebörden av "det närvarande och verkliga" i Clara - or, On Nature's Connection to the Spirit World av F. W. J. Schelling

Jonasson, Cecilia January 2011 (has links)
This essay aims to explore the philosophical meaning of the expression ”present and real” in Clara – or, On Nature’s Connection to the Spirit World by F. W. J. Schelling. Clara is unique among the works of Schelling since it is written as a discussion embedded in a symbolic and fictional context. One of the reasons for this is its aim to ground all scientific knowledge in that which is “present and real”. After having presented an overview of the life and philosophy of Schelling, as well as his relevance in contemporary philosophy, this essay is constituted by a thorough textual analysis of Clara. The analysis reveals how the text through descriptions of emotions, environments and a symbolic story highlights a certain “qualitative aspect” of the present and real.  As what is simultaneously ”the ideal in the real” and “the real in the ideal” this aspect escapes rational quantifying reason, revealing a foundational indivisible unity of life. An awareness of this intuitively known aspect of life can give rise to an immediate knowing, and felt as inspiration it can trigger the mind into the process of making what is immediately known into scientific “realized” knowledge. This way, an awareness of the pre-rational can lead to a permanent clairvoyance – a cognition in which that, which initially appears as irrational, can be made comprehensible. Interestingly, “the ideal in the real” coincides with the concept of “qualia”, the potential existence of which is lively debated within the field of consciousness studies today. Not much has been written about Clara so far, possibly partly because it concerns “the Spirit World” in its substantial sense. However, this essay hopes to show that Clara is phenomenologically, ontologically and epistemologically relevant and that it has a philosophical value of its own. / Denna uppsats syftar till att analysera den filosofiska innebörden av uttrycket ”närvarande och verkligt” i F. W. J Schellings verk Clara – or, On Nature’s Connection to the Spirit World. Detta verk är unikt bland Schellings övriga verk då det är utformat som en diskussion satt i en symbolisk och fiktiv kontext, bland annat i syfte att förankra all vetenskaplig kunskap i det närvarande och verkliga. Efter en presentation av Schellings liv, filosofi och dagsaktualitet utgörs uppsatsen av en ingående textanalys som visar hur Schelling med hjälp av känslo- miljö- och händelseskildringar i Clara framhäver en särskild ”kvalitativ aspekt” av det närvarande och verkliga. Denna undflyr det rationella kvantifierande förnuftet och uppenbarar livets grundläggande odelbara enhet. Såsom det ideala i det reala sammanfaller denna aspekt med begreppet ”kvalia” vars existens livligt debatteras inom medvetandefilosofin idag. Clara visar dock att det ideala i det reala även är detsamma som det reala i det ideala och att en medvetandegörning om denna kvalitativt, omedelbart och intuitivt kända aspekt av livet kan ge upphov till ett omedelbart vetande och inspiration som kan realiseras vetenskapligt. I samverkan med förnuftet kan denna förrationella medvetenhet leda till en beständig klarsynthet inom vilket allt, även det som först förefaller irrationellt, kan göras begripligt.  Inte mycket har tidigare skrivits om Clara, möjligen delvis beroende på att den berör andevärlden i konkret bemärkelse, vilket kan verka vetenskapligt avskräckande. Denna uppsats hoppas dock visa på verkets fenomenologiska relevans och dess filosofiska egenvärde. [1]För mer info om kvaliadebatten se exempelvis: Edmond Wright (editor). The case for qualia. (Cambridge: MIT press, 2008)

A Colombian Nun and the Love of God and Neighbour : The Spiritual Path of María de Jesús (1690s-1776) / En Colombiansk Nunna och Kärleken till Gud och till Nästan : María de Jesús (ca 1690-1776) Andliga Väg

Cadavid Yani, Helwi Margarita January 2016 (has links)
María de Jesús (1690s-1776) was a white-veiled Discalced Carmelite nun of the San José convent in Santa Fe de Bogotá, founded in 1606. She professed in the year 1714, and her spiritual journal was printed in a chronicle about the convent in the 1940s. The aim of this study is to examine the love of God and of neighbour, as expressed in the spiritual journal of María de Jesús. In this study I will proceed from the understanding of love as charity. In Christian thought God Himself is love, and its source. Charity, the third, and greatest, of the theological virtues, is a state of being in and responding to God’s love and favour. This way of loving consists in loving God wholeheartedly and loving our neighbour as ourselves. Included in loving our neighbour are acts related to his or her spiritual benefit and salvation. These are all present themes in María de Jesús’ text, but my aim is to examine how she incorporates these themes in her spiritual testimony by analyzing the imagery she uses, and the affective language in her spiritual journal. I will also seek to understand her way of writing by analyzing her text against the background of the tradition of women’s spiritual writings. Being a Discalced Carmelite, it will also be interesting to discover the Teresian presence in María de Jesus’ text, i.e. the influence of her predecessor and the reformer of the order, Teresa of Ávila (1515- 1582). I suggest that this can be noticed in certain rhetorical techniques. I also aim to examine if there are any similarities and differences in their expressions of love of God and of neighbour.

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