Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then aswedish preschool"" "subject:"then eswedish preschool""
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Utevistelsen - tradition eller pedagogisk tillgång? : Förskolepedagogers arbetssätt under utevistelsen / Outdoor Time - Tradition or Pedagogical Asset? : Preschool Pedagogues way of working during Outdoor TimeJönsson, Hanna, Sölvegård, Laurine January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker de pedagogiska tankar och uppfattningar som förskolepedagoger har gällande utevistelsen i förskolan. Studien omfattar tre parintervjuer och en gruppintervju med förskolepedagoger från fyra olika förskolor. Resultatet har visat att utevistelsen i förskolan inte planeras i samma utsträckning som inomhusvistelsen. Läroplanen i förskolan är tolkningsbar och när det gäller utevistelsen lämnas väldigt mycket till förskolepedagogernas egna tolkningar om hur de vill och ska arbeta med läroplanen när de befinner sig ute på förskolegården. Resultatet visar även att fri lek dominerar under utevistelsen och att pedagogerna gärna vill vara ”närvarande på avstånd”. Det har även framkommit att pedagogerna ser en del begränsningar som kan utgöra hinder för utevistelen. Dessa är bland annat stora barngrupper och att barnen inte ordentliga ytterkläder. Resultatet är analyserat utifrån ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv där det framkommit att utevistelsen genom vanemässigt handlande blivit en tradition som går på rutin. / This study investigates the pedagocial thoughts and opinions of nine preschool pedagogues from four different preschools, concerning the outdoor time. The result has shown, using interviews for gathering information, that the outdoor time in preschool is not to the same extent planned, as compared to the time spent indoors. According to the pedagogues, the curriculum for the Swedish preschool can be interpreted in many ways, therefore, it is up to the pedagogues to define what the curriculum means to them and decide how they want to work during the outdoor time. The result has also shown that free play is the dominating activity outdoors and that the pedagogues want to be “present from a distance”. It has also appeared that the outdoor time is limited because of difficulties such as large groups of children and a lack of proper clothes. The study is analysed from a social constructionism point of view and with this theory we have concluded that the outdoor time has, through habitualised actions, become a tradition in preschools.
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Stamningsbehandling enligt Lidcombeprogrammet : En långtidsuppföljning av svensktalande förskolebarn / Long-term follow-up of Swedish-speaking children treated with the Lidcombe ProgramBacklund, Caroline, Wallner, Maria January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to study the long-term effects of stuttering treatment according to the Lidcombe Program in Sweden and to answer questions whether underlying factors may have affected the treatment results. Participants were seven children, one girl and six boys aged 7:10-14:2, who all completed Stage 1 of the program approximately 2-7 years ago.The children were video recorded during a conversation with one of the authors and while reading aloud. Before the recording, their parents estimated the level of stuttering according to a Severity Range (SR) Scale. The evaluations were used as reference for determining whether the recordings were representative for the children´s current speech fluency. Proportions of stuttered syllables (%SS) were calculated from the video recorded material and compared with the proportions of stuttered syllables (%SS) at the time when the first stage of the program was initiated.The results showed that the Lidcombe Program had a significant (z=-2.37, p=0.02) long term effect on stuttering treatment for the participants in this study. The effect size was calculated to 1.05, which indicates a large effect. No correlation between underlying factors and treatment results could be established at group level. However, the results showed differences among the participants and underlying factors as age at stuttering onset and age when treatment was introduced may have affected the treatment results.This is one of the very first long term follow-ups on Swedish preschool children that have been treated according to the Lidcombe Program and the authors hope to see further research. / Studien syftade till att undersöka långtidseffekten av Lidcombeprogrammet för svenska förskolebarn som stammar samt fastställa om bakgrundsfaktorer påverkar behandlingseffekt. I studien deltog sju svensktalande barn, en flicka och sex pojkar, i åldrarna 7:10–14:2, som alla avslutade det första steget i behandlingen för cirka 2-7 år sedan.Långtidsuppföljningen genomfördes i form av videoinspelningar av barnens tal under samtal med en av författarna samt under en högläsningssituation. Föräldrarna till varje barn fick inför inspelningarna skatta sitt barns stamning på en Severity Rating (SR) Scale. Utvärderingarna användes för att få information om huruvida inspelningarna var representativa för barnens tal idag. Utifrån samtliga inspelningar beräknades sedan den procentuella andelen stammade stavelser (%SS) och denna mätning jämfördes sedan med den procentuella andelen stammade stavelser (%SS) för tidpunkten när behandlingen enligt Lidcombeprogrammet introducerades.Resultatet i föreliggande studie visade att Lidcombeprogrammet har haft effekt på lång sikt för deltagarna i föreliggande studie och resultatet var statistiskt signifikant (z=-2.37, p=0.02). Effektstorleken för dessa beräkningar var 1.05, vilket motsvarar en stor effekt. Inget samband kunde påvisas mellan bakgrundsfaktorer och behandlingseffekt på gruppnivå men resultatet på individnivå påvisar skillnader mellan deltagarna avseende ålder vid stamningsdebut och ålder vid behandlingsstart, eventuellt kan detta ha påverkat behandlingsresultatet för enskilda deltagare.Det här är en av de första långtidsuppföljningarna av svenska förskolebarn som behandlats enligt Lidcombeprogrammet och författarna efterfrågar fler studier.
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What does it mean to be an English-medium preschool in Sweden? : A case study of how questions of culture are negotiated in a Swedish international preschoolLojk, Manca January 2018 (has links)
Swedish demographics have been changing rapidly due to increased migration into the country, which is affecting the education as well. The Swedish preschool curriculum requires teachers to take into account the implications of the increase in cultural diversity of their preschools, however, the Curriculum does not provide concrete suggestions for how to work with the goals and values related to diversity. The aim of this study is to explore what it means to be an international English language school in Sweden, which has to negotiate the twin expectations of the Swedish curriculum to value cultural diversity and in the same time develop/maintain common heritage with a respect to the Swedish preschool curriculum. This case study is based on semi-structured interviews with staff members and two-day observations. Ecological Systems Theory approach has been adopted for interpreting the data. The data revealed that that the staff described various tensions related to their negotiating the demands of the curriculum together with approaches that, were used to balance or resolve these tensions. Two main themes were identified in the analysis: (1) Tools and practices used to negotiate the constraints of the Swedish curriculum and (2) The politics and practicalities of being an English-medium school, concerning language and teacher competencies. The results show that the school appropriated the Curriculum X and the DAT assessment tool, which appears to help them follow the Swedish curriculum’s goals and having them make children’s interests the leading factor in preschool activities. Furthermore, the results indicate that there are contradictions in maintaining an English-language atmosphere. Given the lack of relevant research, future research is needed to address a better understanding of what it means to be a language profile preschool in Sweden.
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“Actually, it could be like this, why it is not?” : Examining early career in-service Polish preschool teachers’ conceptions of preschool children’s contributions to their own education through the lens of the Swedish Preschool CurriculumŚwierczyńska, Katarzyna January 2018 (has links)
Throughout the world, children's contributions to the preschool education are key for respecting children's rights and establishing the environment of democratic relationships between teachers and children. However, it is unclear how, internationally, given the various cultural contexts and steering documents, teachers conceptualize a child and therefore engage children in their everyday practices at preschools. The aim of this study was to examine early career in-service Polish preschool teachers’ reflections on the Swedish curriculum’s view of the child and children's contributions to their own education, as well as to identify obstacles for incorporating these contributions in the Polish preschool teachers’ practices. Furthermore, the study aimed to document Polish preschool teachers’ conceptualizations of potential implementations in their own practices of the Swedish curriculum's principles and guidelines representing pre-schoolers as competent contributors. Four focus groups interviews were conducted with 11 early career in-service Polish preschool teachers. Results indicate that Polish preschool teachers do not generally support children's contributions and conceive of a child as incompetent and in the need of control. Nevertheless, when discussing Pedagogical Documentation as a tool to develop their work practices, the preschool teachers presented an altered view of a child and could identify possible implementations of the Swedish practices based on children's contributions. It might suggest that the way in which teachers conceptualize children vary according to the context and hence, Pedagogical Documentation could be a promising tool for promoting genuine contributions by children in Poland. Given the complexity of the phenomenon and the potential for changes in the Polish preschool provision, future large-scale research on how exactly the pedagogical tools, steering documents and the work environment can influence on the teachers’ practices, is recommended.
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Ska det engelska språket implementeras i den svenska förskolan? / Should the English language be introduced in the Swedish preschool?Roslund, Elina January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att visa olika perspektiv och åsikter om att implementera det engelska språket i den svenska förskolan. För att kunna besvara syftet kommer arbetet att ligga till grund med bland annat följande frågeställningar: "Vad anser pedagogerna på förskolan om att implementera engelska språket i den svenska förskolan? Anser vårdnadshavarna att det engelska språket ska införas i den svenska förskolan? Vilka uppfattningar har pedagogisk personal i förskolan om estetisk läroprocess?". Ett tidigare experiment om ämnesintegration mellan engelska och estetisk läroprocess ligger till grund för denna uppsats. Metoderna som användes för att uppnå syftet är kvalitativ (intervjuer) samt kvantitativ forskningsmetod (enkäter). Intervjupersonerna anser att det engelska språket skall införas i den svenska förskolan, men att endast baskunskaperna ska läras ut, såsom färger, siffror och namn på frukter exempelvis. Resultatet av enkäterna visar på att 70% (exklusive bortfall på 25% och 5% svarade nej) av de tillfrågade vårdnadshavarna vill att det engelska språket ska implementeras i den svenska förskolan. Både tidigare forskning, förskollärarna samt mitt tidigare experiment påvisar att estetisk läroprocess är en lämplig och användbar metod att använda vid implementering av ett nytt språk i den svenska förskolan.
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Förskolebarns möjligheter att utveckla sina språk : Några förskolepedagogers syn på arbetet med flerspråkighet i förskolan / Preschool children's opportunities to develop their languages : Some preschool educators' perspectives on the work with multilingualismin preschool.Torp Sandberg, Elise January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge about how employees in Swedish preschools work to ensure that children with native languages other thanSwedish are given the opportunity to develop in both the Swedish language and in their native language. The study also looked at the opportunities andchallenges educators saw in this work. The study applied the sociocultural perspective of learning and language. The method for this study was to intervieweight preschool educators. According to the results, the preschool educators inthis study played a significant role in language development for children who have a native language other than Swedish. Pedagogical support and a positiveattitude towards multilingualism were key words in the interviews and were considered by the educators to be in important in this work. The physical toolsthat the interviewed educators used were mainly TAKK, support with pictures,words /songs in the mother tongue and digital tools. The challenges that thepreschool educators experienced at work were a lack of time as well as difficulties in their dealings with legal guardians. / Syftet i den aktuella studien är att få kunskap om hur man i förskoleverksamheten arbetar för att barn som talar ett annat modersmål än svenska ges möjligheter att utvecklas inom både svenska språket och sitt modersmål. Samt attsynliggöra möjligheter och utmaningar som verksamma förskolepedagoger seri detta arbetet. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten i studien är det sociokulturellaperspektivet på lärande och språk. För att besvara ovanstående syfte genomfördes intervjuer av åtta stycken svenska förskolepedagoger. Studiens resultatvisar att de deltagande pedagogerna i studien spelade en betydande roll i språkutvecklingen för barn som har ett annat modersmål än svenska. Pedagogiskstöttning och positiv attityd till flerspråkighet var ledord i intervjuerna och som ansågs vara viktigt i arbetet. När det kommer till pedagogiska verktyg som pedagogerna arbetade med så var de främst TAKK, bildstöd, ord/sånger på modersmålen och digitala verktyg som pedagogerna arbetade med. De utmaningarsom de intervjuade pedagogerna upplevde i arbetet var bristen på tid och samarbetet med vårdnadshavarna.
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Högläsning i förskolan - endast vid vilan ? : En intervju- och observationsstudie om förskollärares förhållningsätt till högläsning i relation till den nya läroplanen.Gruvman, Maria, Rejmalm, Madelene January 2019 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study is to clarify how pedagogues work with the new curriculum goal regarding reading and talking about text content in order to promote children's language development in various ways. Eight observations have been conducted and four qualitative interviews at four different preschools. Based on the socio-cultural perspective. The results show that preschool teachers have understood that reading aloud and talking about the read is important for children's language development, but the working method between the different preschools has varied.
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Den planerade undervisningen i förskolan : En jämförande studie i två olika länders förskolor / The planned education in preschool : A comparative study in two different countriesHelin, Charlotte January 2012 (has links)
Skollagen beskriver att undervisning är det arbete som förskolläraren genomför utifrån läroplanens mål. Studiens syfte är att undersöka och jämföra den planerade undervisningen i förskolan i två länder. Genom att jämföra svensk förskola med ukrainsk förskola blev det möjligt att identifiera likheter och skillnader mellan dessa länders sätt att bedriva planerad undervisning. Datan samlades in genom observationer och analysen genomfördes med hjälp av att kategorisera materialet utifrån de valda aspekterna; organsation, innehåll, barns delaktighet och inflytande samt miljö. Resultatet visade att undervisningen i svensk och ukrainsk förskola både hade likheter och skillnader. Likheterna var att båda länderna använde sig av sång, tidslängden var ungefär densamma och barnen blev delaktiga på liknande sätt. Skillnaderna handlade om att det kunde ingå fler undervisningstillfällen under en dag i Ukraina, medan det genomfördes en undervisning per dag i Sverige. Innehållet varierade eftersom den ukrainska undervisningen erbjöd barnen olika slags teman och moment och den svenska undervisningen arbetade längre med ett tema. Barnen fick ha mer inflytande under undervisningen i Sverige än i Ukraina. Avslutningsvis diskuterades möjligheten att studera ett annat land och vad forskaren behöver ta hänsyn till. Även likheterna och skillnaderna mellan länderna och hur de påverkas av landets kultur och tradition diskuterades. / The law of the school describes that education is the work which the preschool teacher accomplishes, based on goals from the curriculum. The purpose of this study is to investigate and compare the planned education in preschool in two countries. By comparing Swedish and Ukrainian preschool it became possible to identify similarities and differences between their ways to carry on education. The facts were collected through observations and the analysis accomplished by using the categorization scheme based on the chosen aspects; organization, substance, children’s participation and influence and also environment. The result showed that education in Sweden and in Ukraine both had similarities as well as differences. The similarities consisted of that both countries used songs, the time length of the education was nearly the same and the children got participation in similar ways. One difference was that in Ukraine there could be several occasions of education during one day, but in Sweden it was accomplished in one occasion of education. The substance varied a lot because the Ukrainian education offered different themes and items and the Swedish education was working longer with one and the same theme. Children got more influence in Sweden than in Ukraine. At the end the possibility of studying another country was discussed and what the researcher needs to take respect for. Also the similarities and the differences between the countries were discussed and how they got influenced by the culture and the tradition of the country.
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Diskriminering på grund av etnisk härkomst i den svenska förskolan : en studie om förskolans styrdokument samt förskollärares egna perspektiv / Discrimination based on ethnic background : a study based on the swedish regulatory documents and preschool teachers own perspectiveLeijon, Alma, Nanjobe, Diana January 2017 (has links)
This study aims to highlight the connection between what is stated within some of the regulatory documents that Swedish preschools are abided to follow, and how some preschool teachers choose to both interpret and work with them when working with discrimination based on ethnic background. The study is divided into two different themes, with the intention to first compare the content of several regulatory documents to detect what they say about the responsibilities of Swedish preschools when it comes to their work with discrimination based on ethnic background/racism. The second theme is based on qualitive interviews with four preschool teachers, with the intention to detect how the teachers relate and think about the given subject. We also aim to highlight differences and similarities between the regulatory documents and the thoughts and actual actions of the preschool teachers. Previous research shows that the common problem in interrupting discrimination based on ethnic background is that preschool teachers avoid bringing up the subject with their children. Mainly because preschool teachers feel they lack the tools and knowledge on how to teach children on the given subject. The consequence of their non-action is that instead of interrupting discrimination based on ethnic background, they contribute to its continuation. Our conclusion is that despite the good intensions that are expressed in most of the regulatory documents, not many preschool teachers have the practical knowledge on how to translate the words into action.
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Den interkulturella makten : En diskursanalys om andrafiering och makt i litteratur riktad till förskolan / The intercultural power : A discourse analysis about othering and power in literature aimed at preschoolRosdahl, Maria, Lündin, Viktoria January 2021 (has links)
This essay aims to investigate what discourses and what forms of exercise of power that can appear in the description of intercultural work in the book Interkulturellt arbete i förskolan med läroplanen som grund (2019) by Jonas Stier & Bim Riddersporre. The entrance to the essay is a wonder about which discourses are actualized and whether they can be seen to contribute to the categorization of individuals being constructed and to norms being anchored on the basis of these categorizations. We also wonder how power relations emerge in relation to these discourses. Our research questions: 1. What discourses appear in the descriptions of intercultural work in the book Interkulturellt arbete i förskolan by Stier & Riddersporre? 2. What forms of power can be seen in these discourses that appear in the intercultural work in the book by Stier & Riddersporre? The theoretical starting point for our analysis is discourse theory as it focuses on how the creation of discourses contributes to the design of different types of categorizations, power, and norms. This starting point becomes, when we analyze parts of Stier & Riddersporre's book, relevant to how and what positions individuals are attributed through the language used by the authors and educators. In the analysis, we also use Foucault's forms of power to highlight how the text's description of intercultural work through various forms of power imputes other individuals to an identity through the construction of discourses on ethnicity, gender and religion. Our results show inequalities in positions of power through categorizations, norms and values and that it’s difficult to know what really characterizes intercultural work.
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