Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then lifeworld"" "subject:"then life'sworld""
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Människors upplevelser av att leva med långvarig smärta / Experiences of people living with long-term painLinnros, Anna, Persson, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Kvinnors upplevelser av bröstcancer / Women´s experiences of breast cancerAhlenius, Marie, Sohl, Malin January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Varje år får cirka 7000 kvinnor i Sverige bröstcancer. Beskedet sätter kvinnorna i en kris där hela deras tillvaro hotas. Vardagen förändras och grundtryggheten försvinner vilket skapar starka känslor. Sjuksköterskor har ett ansvar att uppmärksamma och bemöta kvinnors sjukdomsupplevelse utifrån en helhetssyn. För att kunna ge en holistisk och etisk vård till bröstcancerdrabbade kvinnor i olika skeden behöver kunskap tillföras som bidrar till en ökad förståelse för deras situation. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva upplevelsen av att leva med bröstcancer genom sjukdomens olika skeden. Metod: Vi har genomfört en litteraturstudie baserad på nio kvalitativa studier. Studierna söktes via CINAHL, MedLine och PubMed. Alla studier är utförda i västvärlden och belyser kvinnors upplevelse av sin sjukdom genom dess olika skeden. Resultat: Analysen av artiklarna mynnade ut i fem huvudkategorier: Vardag i förändring, Upplevelser av en förändrad kropp, Att börja se sig själv med nya ögon, Upplevelser av ny mening i tillvaron och Det önskade stödet i förändring. Därtill identifierades ett antal underkategorier. Att gå igenom bröstcancer präglade starkt kvinnornas syn på sig själva och sina kroppar. Genom sjukdomsförloppet gav det dödliga hotet upphov till en kamp för livet kantad av förluster. Kampen väckte en oväntad styrka och en drivkraft att överleva. Att komma ut på andra sidan var en ensam vandring. Diskussion: I resultatdiskussionen har begreppet livsvärld och Merleau-Pontys teori om den levda kroppen använts för att belysa kvinnornas förändrade vardagsliv, påverkan av självet och den kvinnliga identiteten genom sjukdomens olika faser. Krisen fick kvinnorna att rikta om sin uppmärksamhet mot det sjuka bröstet vilket gav ett främmandeskap inför sig själv och världen. Att återta tillgången till livet innebar att osäkert känna sig fram steg för steg. Utsattheten ledde till att många kvinnor omvärderade sina liv vilket resulterade i en ny identitet.
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Meningsfullhet i övning : En självobservation av min livsvärld / Meaningfullness in practice : A self-observation of my life-worldTesch, Amelie January 2015 (has links)
Studien utforskar hur min livsvärld påverkades och förändrades då jag undersökte mina strategier för saxofonövning. Utgångspunkten för studien utgår från instuderingen som gjordes av Paul Bonneaus stycke Suiet pour saxophone alto et piano och de loggboksanteckningar som skrevs i samband med varje övningspass. Denna kvalitativa studie genomfördes utifrån ett livsvärldsperspektiv som kommer ur den fenomenologiska filosofin. Analysen av instuderingsprocessen kretsade kring mina reflektioner över hur jag ser på övning utifrån min livsvärld. I resultatet framkommer ett mönster som visar en övergång från negativt tänkande till mer positivt tänkande. Resultatet visar hur min livsvärld förändrades då jag undersökte de strategier som användes under instuderingen. Resultatet visar också hur jag med hjälp av forskning och litteratur har öppnat upp min livsvärld och ändrat mina tankegångar under skrivprocessen. Slutligen diskuterar jag resultatet i förhållande till litteratur och tidigare forskning inom området. / The study explores how my life-world was affected and changed when I examined my strategies for practicing saxophone. The starting point for the study is how I learned to play Paul Bonneaus piece Suiet pour saxophone alto et piano, and the logbook notes connected to each exercise session. This qualitative study is based on a life-world perspective coming from the phenomenological philosophy. The analysis of the rehearsal process revolved around my reflections on how I, in my life-world, perceived the exercises. The result shows a pattern of a transition from negative thinking to more positive thinking, and how my life world changed when I examined the strategies used during my practice. The result also shows how the research and literature opened up my life-world and changed my way of thinking during the writing process. Finally, I discuss the results in relation to literature and previous research within the field.
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Relationernas betydelse i skolan : Berättelser från elevens livsvärld / The meaning of relations in school : Stories from pupils life-worldRosenlöf, Charlotte January 2015 (has links)
The meaning of relations in school is often given great significance in research and can also be considered as the base for Swedish school policy documents. In spite of this the understanding of students often tends to orient towards the individuals inability to learn. The aim of this study is to describe students’ experience of relations in school and what meaning they give to these relations. In the process of interpreting a life world approach was used to reach the students perspective on relations in school. The method is semi-structured interviews with six pupils on two schools in year 6-9. The result is presented in four themes related to the meaning of relations. The most important result is that relations are of great significance for learning and that it is mainly connected to the teachers’ ability to develop mutual trust together with the students. The teacher gives time and attention to the student and shows by changing the teaching that learning is a collective action. The trust between student and teacher is also a ground for the teachers’ authority which gives a space for the teacher to add new knowledge and help the student to exceed itself. An important finding is that learning, in the students’ point of view, does not contain separate but interlaced processes of new knowledge and personal experience and can be understood as taking different acting positions. Meeting students is therefore a result of the teachers’ ability to shift between different acting positions and being well prepared for this as a part of the daily work in school. The result of the study can be seen as a contribution considering relations in school as a foundation for the learning process. The pedagogical implications can be described in terms of a need for developing a practice of the teachers reflecting over practice in school.
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Hur patienter med psykisk ohälsa upplever mötet med vårdare : En analys av patienters egna berättelser / How patients with mental illness experience the encounter with care workers : An analysis of patients’ own storiesSchanning, Cecilia, Bosch, Eniel January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Antalet människor med psykisk ohälsa har på senare år ökat. Dessa påträffas inom vårdens olika instanser och vårdare har stor sannolikhet att möta någon drabbad oavsett arbetsplats. Studier visar att vårdare har en "negativ attityd" till att vårda patienter med psykisk ohälsa och känner sig oförberedda inför patienternas behov. Det behövs mer kunskap om hur mötet mellan vårdare och patient upplevs ur ett patientperspektiv. Syfte: Att beskriva hur patienter med psykisk ohälsa upplever mötet med vårdare i hälso- och sjukvården. Metod: Studien hade kvalitativ ansats och beskrev patienters upplevelser genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys utifrån sex självbiografier. Resultat: I mötet med vårdare upplevde patienter med psykisk ohälsa att de kände förtroende och misstroende, att de stod under vårdares makt, att de blev behandlade med omtanke och kyla, blev sedda och avvisade, att de inte blev respekterade och att de inte blev tagna på allvar. Slutsats: Mötet beskrevs i form av både positiva och negativa upplevelser. Förtroende, respekt, att bli sedd och omhändertagen bidrog till att mötet upplevdes positivt. Genomgående flest negativa upplevelser beskrevs rörande brist på respekt, makt och patienters trovärdighet. Negativa upplevelser hämmar återhämtningsprocessen vilket gör det angeläget att öka kunskapen hos vårdare hur livsvärlden ser ut hos patienter med psykisk ohälsa. Klinisk betydelse: Resultatet av studien kan användas för att få kunskap och ökad förståelse för hur patienter med psykisk ohälsa upplever mötet med vårdare. På detta sätt kan de brister uppmärksammas som finns i vårdares sätt att bemöta dessa patienter, vilket kan bidra till förbättrade förutsättningar för att vårdmöten skall ge positiva upplevelser. / Background: In recent years the number of people with mental illness has increased. It is happening everywhere within healthcare and therefore care workers have a high probability of encountering someone suffering from mental illness. Studies show that care workers display a "negative attitude" towards caring for patients with mental illness and feel unprepared to meet their needs. Increased knowledge from a patient’s perspective is needed to show how the encounter between care workers and patient is perceived. Aim: To describe how patients with mental illness experience the encounter with care workers within healthcare. Method: The study had a qualitative approach that described patients' experiences through the use of qualitative content analysis based on six autobiographies. Results: In the encounter with care workers, patients with mental illness experienced both trust and mistrust, powerlessness, as well as thoughtfulness but also coldness. They sensed concern but also rejection, disrespect and feeling of insignificance. Conclusion: The encounter was described in terms of positive and negative experiences. Trust, respect, to sense concern and to be shown consideration contributed to the encounter being perceived as positive. Most negative experiences were described concerning lack of respect, power and feeling of insignificance. Negative experiences are a hindrance to the recovery process which makes it important to increase knowledge in health care providers about what the life world of patients with mental illness contains. Clinical significance: The results of the study can be used to gain knowledge and increase understanding of how patients with mental illness experience the encounter with care workers. This provides a way to address the shortcomings of care workers’ way of responding to these patients and may contribute to improved conditions for healthcare encounters to be perceived as positive.
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Kreativitetens kännetecken : En fenomenologisk studie / Distinguishing features of creativity : A phenomenological studySimon, Judit January 2009 (has links)
Creativity is highly sought after in our society, but that is far from obvious what is really meant by it. Many researchers in the field of creativity stress the lack of clarity, and it is described as a divided felt. The aim of this thesis is to clarify the meaning structure of the phenomenon of creativity, i.e. those distinguishing features that together form the experience of creativity. The individual’s experience of creativity is studied in two different contexts, individually and in-group collaboration. The research object is adult people’s experience of creativity in its natural expression in the everyday world. Data have been collected from open interviews, and is constituted of descriptions of a particular situation when the participants experienced creativity. The results consist of the meaning structures for the phenomenon of being creative individually respectively in-group collaboration. In the analysis it has emerged that the creative process is both creating meaning and producing a product at the same time. The three main distinguishing features of the experience of creativity are: 1) an experienced discrepancy between the existing and the possible; 2) a special alertness that surfaces during the creating; 3) a progression which occurs under the process and cannot be completely ruled. The creative process includes thoughts, acts, feelings, body, material and communicative processes; and it results in new knowledge, a new approach, a change in emotion and new constituted gestalts. The experience of creativity individually and in-group collaboration is different, among other things, in that the later is more complex, and that the group makes extra efforts to deal with the higher complexity.
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Ungdomars tankar inför operation och upplevelser av den perioperativa vården utifrån ett livsvärldsperspektiv : - En kvalitativ intervjustudieBjörn Delfalk, Adam, Strindberg, Robert January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den perioperativa vården syftar till en individuellt anpassad vård som tillgodoser patientens unika behov. Kvalitativ forskning om ungdomars upplevelser av detta är begränsad. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka ungdomars tankar inför operation och upplevelser av den perioperativa vården. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en kvalitativ intervjustudie med semistrukturerade frågor. Datan analyserades med hjälp av systematisk textkondensering (STC). Tio ungdomar i åldrarna 12 till 17 år som hade genomgått operation under generell anestesi intervjuades på ett universitetssjukhus i Mellansverige under våren 2018. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i tre kategorier “tankar kring anestesi, kirurgi och livet”, “erfarenheter av den preoperativa informationen” och “faktorer som påverkar välbefinnandet”. Ungdomarna fokuserade på hur operationen skulle påverka det sociala livet. De hade frågor och tankar som berörde såväl anestesin och kirurgin vilket hanterades på olika sätt. De besked och den information ungdomarna fick under det preoperativa vårdförloppet upplevdes som bristfällig och oanpassad, vilket bidrog till stress och oro. Delaktighet och personcentrerad omvårdnad bidrog till trygghet och en bra relation mellan patient och vårdare. Slutsats: Resultatet visade på att personalen som är involverad i den perioperativa vården behöver kunskap om ungdomars upplevelser och erfarenheter av den perioperativa vården och operation för att på så sätt kunna förstå vilka omvårdnadshandlingar som är viktiga att ta hänsyn till utifrån ett ungdomsperspektiv. Kunskapen kan användas för att utveckla riktlinjer och den perioperativa vården för att främja patientbemötandet utifrån ungdomars unika förutsättningar. / Introduction: The perioperative care aims at an individually adapted care that meets the patient's unique needs. Qualitative research on adolescents experiences in this subject is limited. Aim: The purpose was to investigate the thoughts of adolescents on the operation and experiences of perioperative care. Methodology: The study was conducted as a qualitative interview study with semistructured questions. The data was analyzed using systematic text condensation (STC). Adolescents aged 12 to 17 years who had undergone surgery under general anesthesia were interviewed at a university hospital in central Sweden in the spring of 2018. Results: The analysis resulted in three categories "thoughts about anesthesia, surgery and life", "experiences of preoperative information" and "factors that affect well-being". The adolescents focused on how the operation would affect the social life. They had questions and thoughts that concerned both anesthesia and surgery, which was handled in different ways. The information the adolescents received during the preoperative stage were perceived to be inadequate and inappropriate, which contributed to stress and concern. Participation and person-centered care contributed to a feeling of safety and a good relationship between patients and caregivers. Conclusion: The result showed that the personnel involved in the perioperative care need knowledge about the experiences of young people in perioperative care and surgery in order to understand which caring actions are important to take into account from an adolescent perspective. This knowledge can be used to develop guidelines and the perioperative care based on adolescents unique conditions.
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As temporalidades no cotidiano de jovens porto-alegrensesMachado, Juliana Brandão January 2006 (has links)
A Dissertação analisou o cotidiano de jovens estudantes do Ensino Médio de uma escola pública de Porto Alegre. O conceito de mundo da vida foi utilizado para caracterizar as relações intersubjetivas vivenciadas pelos jovens em seu cotidiano. Na perspectiva de Alfred Schütz, o mundo da vida é o mundo intersubjetivo em que vivemos e que se apresenta à nossa experiência e interpretação. As juventudes são concebidas em uma perspectiva sociológica, para além de um período de transição, são tomadas em sua constituição plural, reconhecendo a especificidade de uma etapa da vida. O gênero é compreendido como uma relação, que materializa as relações de poder entre os sexos e atualiza os particularismos patriarcais presentes no grupo social. O objetivo principal da pesquisa foi compreender como o cotidiano de jovens estudantes do Ensino Médio é estruturado, em relação aos aspectos de gênero e ao tempo de estudo e trabalho. Em relação ao conceito de mundo da vida, a intenção foi depreender os códigos de referência presentes no cotidiano dos jovens, a partir das suas temporalidades. A pesquisa foi realizada através do mapeamento dos usos do tempo de cerca de 400 jovens. Cada jovem preencheu dois diários de usos do tempo, um no dia da semana e outro no domingo. A tabulação dos dados, no SPSS, computou os eventos e suas durações. Através da análise preliminar dos dados, foram construídas quatro rotinas típicas, para a seleção de jovens a serem entrevistados. A entrevista ocorreu com quatorze jovens, conversando sobre a sua rotina e sobre o significado da educação e do trabalho em sua vida. Os dados quantitativos compuseram as categorias “tempos para si”, “tempos de estudo”, “tempos de trabalho – formal e doméstico” e “tempos de lazer”. Em cada um, priorizou-se a análise por sexo e faixa etária, com o objetivo de perceber se o gênero se constitui como um código de referências para o cotidiano dos jovens. Os usos do tempo de estudo e trabalho, principalmente o trabalho doméstico, indicam maior alocação de jovens do sexo feminino do que jovens do sexo masculino. Além do gênero, o princípio de reciprocidade, que indica a responsabilidade de cada membro do grupo doméstico para a sua manutenção, foi percebido como um código de referências para o cotidiano destes jovens. / The present work is intended to evaluate student daily routines from a public high school in Porto Alegre. The life-world concept was used to describe youth’s intersubjective relations in a daily basis. According to Alfred Schütz’s standpoint, the life-world is an intersubjective world which we live in, and it is presented to our own experience and interpretation. Youthfulness usually grows under a sociologic view, beyond a transition timeframe, taking into account their multiple nature, being able to recognize the specific life period which they are submitted to. Gender is understood as a relation, which makes the sex strength relations to become real, and update the patriarchal particularizations which are usually found in the social group. The research’s main goal was set in order to understand how the high school student daily routine is composed, with regard to gender, as well as study and work time. Life-world concept gathers reference codes prompted inside the young people routines, based on their transiently issues. The subject research was made using time-use mapping of 400 young people. Each person filled two time-use diaries, one for a business day and the other for a weekend day (Sunday). All collected data were recorded into SPSS software, computing events and their related timeframes. Based upon a first data review, four typical routines were built to choose people for interviewing process. Actually the interview was performed with fourteen persons, whom were inquired about their routine and “education/job meanings for their life. All discrete data were part of “time for myself”, “study time”, “work time – formal and domestic” and “leisure time”. Each of them has been evaluated, taking the sex and age range analysis as first priority, attempting to detect gender as being a daily reference code for young people. Time-use for study and work (specially domestic work), pointed out more women when in gender comparison. Besides that, the reciprocity, principle which notes the responsability for each group member involved in the environment maintenance, was determined to be a reference code for young people daily routine.
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As temporalidades no cotidiano de jovens porto-alegrensesMachado, Juliana Brandão January 2006 (has links)
A Dissertação analisou o cotidiano de jovens estudantes do Ensino Médio de uma escola pública de Porto Alegre. O conceito de mundo da vida foi utilizado para caracterizar as relações intersubjetivas vivenciadas pelos jovens em seu cotidiano. Na perspectiva de Alfred Schütz, o mundo da vida é o mundo intersubjetivo em que vivemos e que se apresenta à nossa experiência e interpretação. As juventudes são concebidas em uma perspectiva sociológica, para além de um período de transição, são tomadas em sua constituição plural, reconhecendo a especificidade de uma etapa da vida. O gênero é compreendido como uma relação, que materializa as relações de poder entre os sexos e atualiza os particularismos patriarcais presentes no grupo social. O objetivo principal da pesquisa foi compreender como o cotidiano de jovens estudantes do Ensino Médio é estruturado, em relação aos aspectos de gênero e ao tempo de estudo e trabalho. Em relação ao conceito de mundo da vida, a intenção foi depreender os códigos de referência presentes no cotidiano dos jovens, a partir das suas temporalidades. A pesquisa foi realizada através do mapeamento dos usos do tempo de cerca de 400 jovens. Cada jovem preencheu dois diários de usos do tempo, um no dia da semana e outro no domingo. A tabulação dos dados, no SPSS, computou os eventos e suas durações. Através da análise preliminar dos dados, foram construídas quatro rotinas típicas, para a seleção de jovens a serem entrevistados. A entrevista ocorreu com quatorze jovens, conversando sobre a sua rotina e sobre o significado da educação e do trabalho em sua vida. Os dados quantitativos compuseram as categorias “tempos para si”, “tempos de estudo”, “tempos de trabalho – formal e doméstico” e “tempos de lazer”. Em cada um, priorizou-se a análise por sexo e faixa etária, com o objetivo de perceber se o gênero se constitui como um código de referências para o cotidiano dos jovens. Os usos do tempo de estudo e trabalho, principalmente o trabalho doméstico, indicam maior alocação de jovens do sexo feminino do que jovens do sexo masculino. Além do gênero, o princípio de reciprocidade, que indica a responsabilidade de cada membro do grupo doméstico para a sua manutenção, foi percebido como um código de referências para o cotidiano destes jovens. / The present work is intended to evaluate student daily routines from a public high school in Porto Alegre. The life-world concept was used to describe youth’s intersubjective relations in a daily basis. According to Alfred Schütz’s standpoint, the life-world is an intersubjective world which we live in, and it is presented to our own experience and interpretation. Youthfulness usually grows under a sociologic view, beyond a transition timeframe, taking into account their multiple nature, being able to recognize the specific life period which they are submitted to. Gender is understood as a relation, which makes the sex strength relations to become real, and update the patriarchal particularizations which are usually found in the social group. The research’s main goal was set in order to understand how the high school student daily routine is composed, with regard to gender, as well as study and work time. Life-world concept gathers reference codes prompted inside the young people routines, based on their transiently issues. The subject research was made using time-use mapping of 400 young people. Each person filled two time-use diaries, one for a business day and the other for a weekend day (Sunday). All collected data were recorded into SPSS software, computing events and their related timeframes. Based upon a first data review, four typical routines were built to choose people for interviewing process. Actually the interview was performed with fourteen persons, whom were inquired about their routine and “education/job meanings for their life. All discrete data were part of “time for myself”, “study time”, “work time – formal and domestic” and “leisure time”. Each of them has been evaluated, taking the sex and age range analysis as first priority, attempting to detect gender as being a daily reference code for young people. Time-use for study and work (specially domestic work), pointed out more women when in gender comparison. Besides that, the reciprocity, principle which notes the responsability for each group member involved in the environment maintenance, was determined to be a reference code for young people daily routine.
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Undervisning i förskolan - En nyhet eller bara icke-begrepsligad verklighet? : En intervjustudie om hur sex förskollärare upplever undervisningsbegreppet. / Education in preschool - Something new or simply existing but yet to be defined? : An interview study about how six preschool-teachers experience the concept of education.Nilsson, Adam January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie har till syfte att undersöka hur förskollärare upplever undervisningsbegreppet i förskolan. För att undersöka detta har data samlats in med hjälp av semi-/halvstrukturerade intervjuer med sex förskollärare samt analyserats utifrån kvalitativ analys. Fenomenologi, med inriktning på 'livsvärlden' ur Merleau-Ponty har varit den teoretiska utgångspunkten. Resultatet av studien visar att förskollärare inte är vana vid begreppet undervisning, trots kravet på undervisning i förskolan enligt skollag sedan 2010. Studien visar även hur förskollärare upplever att förskollärarutbildningen behöver ta upp undervisning mer i utbildningen för att nyexaminerade förskollärare ska kunna berika verksamheterna. Studiens största slutsats pekar på att förskollärare inte kommer förändra deras arbetssätt med undervisningsbegreppet utan endast hur de uttrycker sig kring sitt undervisningsarbete. De betonar vikten av förskolans tradition med lärandeprocesser, att det är dessa som skapar förutsättningarna för undervisning i förskola, att det är processen till lärande som är viktigast. / This study aims at investigating how preschool-teachers experience the concept of eduction in preschool. To investigate this, data has been collected using semi-/half-structured interviews with six preschool-teachers and analyzed based on qualitative analysis. Phenomenology, focusing on the 'life-world' of Merleau-Ponty has been the theoretical framework. The result of the study shows that preschool-teachers are not used to the concept of education, despite the requirement for education in preschools according to Swedish education-law since 2010. The study also shows how preschool-teachers perceive that preschool education needs to be taught more in education so that newly graduated preschool-teachers can enrich the daily operations. The main conclusion of the study indicates that preschool-teachers will not change their way of working with the concept of education, but only how they express themselves about their teaching work. They emphasize the importance of preschool's tradition of learning processes, that these are the ones that create the prerequisites for education in preschool, that it is the process of learning that is most important. / <p>Examensarbete i förskollärarprogrammet (210 hp)</p><p></p><p>Betyg: A</p>
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