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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vad är hälsa? : En diskursanalys av hälsotidningen MåBra

Franjkovic, Danijela January 2010 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att visa hur hälsa representeras i hälsotidningen MåBra. Utgivningsåret för tidningen  i studien är 2008. Studien bygger på en semiotisk analys av de bilder som finns på tidningens omslag. Den bygger också på en kvalitativ diskursanalys av ett avgränsat material. De teorier som studien utgår från är genusteorin, som definieras av Hirdman och Jarlbro, och olika teorier om vad hälsa är, främst från ett hälsopedagogiskt synsätt. I studien analyseras hur hälsodefinitionerna kommer till uttryck i tidningen och vilka budskap om  hälsa de för med sig. Samtidigt behandlar studien hur dessa hälsobudskap tilltalar.   Resultaten visade att alla definitioner av hälsa som studien utgått från används av tidningen. Tidningen rapporterar om hälsa ur ett medicinskt, psykiskt, fysiskt, socialt, emotionellt och andligt synsätt. I rapporteringarna om hälsa använder sig tidningen av läsarnas underförstådda föreställningar om vad som bör eftersträvas och undvikas. Genom eftersträvan att bevara ett välbefinnande både fysiskt, psykiskt och socialt genomlyste även WHO’s definition av hälsobegreppet. De budskap som förmedlas till kvinnan, har ett tilltal som uppmuntrar läsaren att ändra sig själv, sina vanor och livsstil till något som kan bli ännu bättre.       Nyckelord: Hälsa, tidning, hälsotidning, MåBra, genus, semiotik, diskursanalys

"Kristendomsfiender" : Sekularisering, antisemitism och politisk mobilisering i Göteborgs Stift 1907-1945

Freyholtz, Gunnar January 2023 (has links)
This study looks at the meeting between secularization, Christian political mobilization, and national socialism in Western Sweden during the first half of the twentieth century. The study follows the ideological developments of the Christian newspaper Göteborgs Stifts-Tidning, their organization into the political party Kyrkliga Folkpartiet and their increasing ties to both the Swedish and German national socialism parties and ideologies during the 1930s. Using a hermeneutical method, the study examines the newspaper Göteborgs Stifts-Tidning over almost 40 years to track ideological developments and a changing world view. The results showthat Göteborg Stifts-Tidning saw itself as upholders and defenders of religion against the forces of secularization brought in by the modern political parties, particular socialism, later the jews. They viewed the conservatives and later the national socialists as possible allies against secularization.

Djävulen sitter i detaljerna: Etiska överväganden bakom svenska redaktioners rapportering om gängkriminalitet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med ansvariga utgivare / The devil lies in the details : Ethical considerations behind Swedish newsrooms reporting on gang crime – A qualitative interview study with responsible editors

Hampus, Skoglund, Eric, Heller January 2024 (has links)
Abstract "The devil lies in the details": Ethical considerations behind Swedish newsrooms reporting on gang crime – A qualitative interview study with responsible editors. This study investigates how Swedish newsrooms, through their editors-in-chief, manage ethical considerations in reporting on gang-related crime. With a combination of qualitative interviews, literature review, theoretical framework including the Social Responsibility Theory by the Hutchins Commission and the Theory of Consequence Neutrality by Erik Fichtelius, which help understand the ethical dilemmas and processes editors face. The essay explores how editors-in-chief balance the need to inform the public with the responsibility to avoid unnecessary fear and stigmatization. The study addresses the following questions: How do editors-in-chief ensure ethical reporting on gang-related crime? What ethical considerations are made by Swedish newsrooms when choosing to report on gang-related incidents? How do societal expectations shape local newsroom reporting on gang crime? The findings reveal that editors-in-chief face significant challenges in navigating ethical dilemmas, such as avoiding glorification of criminal lifestyles and managing the potential impact of their reporting on public perception. Ethical considerations in sensitive publications are paramount, with editors carefully weighing the impact of naming and picturing individuals involved in gang crime. Editors emphasize the importance of ethical guidelines and the need for a careful, balanced approach to reporting that respects personal integrity and avoids sensationalism. The study also identifies areas for future research and development, emphasizing the importance of continuous adaptation to the evolving media landscape and societal expectations. Keywords: gang crime, media ethics, news reporting, editors-in-chief, public perception.

Psychopaths in the media : Criminals, madmen or hidden among us? / Psykopater i media : Kriminella, galningar eller dolda bland oss?

Abbass Nagim, Tony, Molin, Jonas January 2013 (has links)
When society is viewed in a social constructive manner, the social worker is as affected as the general population by the media and the image it portrays. A prejudice or bias social worker will not be as effective in his work as his intentions are. The purpose of this thesis was to discover if there are any visible cultural differences in the usage and description of the concept of psychopathy or a psychopath himself in the media, more specifically, daily newspapers. There are three American newspapers and three Swedish newspapers examined in this study. The study is based on a quantiative content analysis of articles published between 1st of January 2008 and 1st of July 2012. The collected data is categorized where the articles can fall under one or more of five available categories. Even though no clear results occurred, some interesting indications are visible between American newspapers and Swedish newspapers, but more so between different American newspapers. Psychopaths, people with an Antisocial Personality Disorder, are most frequently mentioned as criminals or maniacs/madmen in both countries with a modestly higher percentage for the United States of America. / När samhället blir sett ur ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv, blir socialarbetaren lika påverkad som den övriga populationen av den bild som media förmedlar och framställer. En fördomsfull eller partisk socialarbetare kommer inte att uppnå den effektivitet i sin profession som syftet med yrket innebär. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka eller upptäcka om det finns några synliga kulturella skillnader i bruket och beskrivningen av psykopati som begrepp eller psykopaten som person i media, mer specifikt dagstidningar. I den här studien ingår tre amerikanska dagstidningar och tre svenska dagstidningar. Studien är baserad på en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av artiklar publicerade mellan 1:a januari 2008 och 1:a juli 2012. Den insamlade data är kategoriserad där varje artikel kan falla under en eller flera av fem förekommande kategorier. Även om det inte går att utläsa några tydliga resultat, föreligger indikationer som kan vara av intresse mellan amerikanska dagstidningar och svenska dagstidningar, men dessa är tydligare mellan de olika amerikanska dagstidningarna. Psykopater, människor som har en antisocial personlighetsstörning, beskrivs mestadels som kriminella eller galningar/dårar i båda ländernas dagstidningar med en viss högre procentuell representation vad gäller USA.

Tryckt eller Digitalt? : Annonsörernas tankar om läsplattan som framtidens kommunikationskanal för tidningsbranschen.

Widmark, Andreas, Carlsson, Alexander January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Tidningsdöden : En studie om lokalpressens överlevnad i det digitala Sverige

Svensson, Emil, Aziz, Yama January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the future of the Swedish newspaper industry. A special interest is taken in local newspapers and its distinguishing features. Our aim is to achieve a better understanding of the development of the Swedish newspaper in light of the looming threath of the death of newspapers. Will print media survive or is the industry forced to a migration to digital platforms? How are newspapers affected by this structural change in an advertisement-driven market? We performed a small case study on Norrtelje Tidning in addition to a historical study of the Swedish newspaper industry. Two-sided market theory was utilized in combination with a model describing actors, activities and resources in a network. This theoretical framework provided an overview of the prevailing market for newspapers, advertisers, and customers which facilitated further analysis of the intricate relations between these groups. The results reveal that the future for print media looks grim, however the uniqueness of content of local newspapers will probably ensure its survival in one form or the other for the foreseeable future.

”Hon är min bästa tjejkompis” : En narrativanalys av kärlek och genus i Kamratposten / “She is my best girl friend” : A narrative analysis of love and gender in Kamratposten

Wedelin, Linnea January 2014 (has links)
Kamratposten is a swedish magazine aimed at youth aged 8-14. They write about almost everything that concerns youth, all the way from dealing with loneliness to animals and celebrities. This study concentrates at how they write about love. With a qualitiative narrative analysis of the 12 articles that concerns love from the 2013 issues of Kamratposten, I have tried to answer the questions: - What narratives about love are being constructed in Kamratposten 2013? - How do they construct males, females and gender in their articles about love? What I found was that the hetero normativity, or the heterosexual matrix as Judith Butler calls it, was very strong in the articles. Only 1 out of 12 articles concerned homosexual love and none mentioned other sexual orientations. There is also a strong division with girls and boys, whom are often separated through their relationships as lovers or friends. A girl friend is not the same as a boy friend. This is a narrative about what Yvonne Hirdman (2001) calls the first rule of manliness: A man is not a woman. (s. 48) Besides from that, the gender roles constructed in Kamratposten is not very traditional nor stereotypical, with boys being sensitive and lost and girls being active and experts. On one hand, Kamratposten’s stories about love constructs a traditional picture about love and boys and girls, with heterosexual relationships as the norm, and on the other hand they are telling a story about norm breaking gender roles.

Vem är syndabocken i den tragiska olyckan? : En kvalitativ studie om rapporteringen av bussolyckan i Sveg / Who is the scapegoat in the tragic accident? : A qualitative study about the news reporting of the bus accident in Sveg

Blomqvist, Linn, Lygnebrandt, Anna January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how three newspapers covered the question of guilt while reporting about the bus accident in Sveg where three school children died. The questions examined were: How does the local newspaper Borås Tidning and Barometern and the evening newspaper Aftonbladet report about the question of responsibility of the bus accident in Sveg? What are the differences and similarities between the three newspapers? We made a discourse analysis of 23 news articles from three different newspapers. The result shows that the newspapers reported about possible reasons that caused the disaster. If the society had taken responsibility and maintained the road then maybe the bus had not crashed. The passengers are described as guilty because of their lack of using seat belts. Simultaneously the bus driver is represented as irresponsible who could have prevented the misfortune by not driving so recklessly. Another aspect of the question of responsibility produce the bus company as the scapegoat of the tragical incident because of the miserable working conditions. We discovered that the newspapers are driven by figuring out the question of guilt in order to give answers to the readers about the tragedy in Sveg. Conclusions drawn from this study are that the media coverage are influenced by news values like their proximity to the persons involved.

Samtidighetens villkor : Den kulturhierarkiska modellen i Samefolkets egen tidning 1918-1945

Kihlert, Johan January 2020 (has links)
Narratives of extinction surrounding “primitive” peoples have long been a subject of historical study. There is however a gap with regards to researching the response of the so called “primitive” peoples themselves. Therefore, the purpose of this essay is to examine the way in which the Sámi magazine Samefolkets egen tidning during the years 1918-1945 navigates the model of cultural hierarchy which defines the Sámi as a primitive people heading towards extinction. Drawing upon the theories of Johannes Fabian and Walter Mignolo the study finds that the magazine appropriates the model of cultural hierarchy by asserting the Sámi people not as a people of nature but as a people of culture capable of moving upwards in the hierarchy. The model of cultural hierarchy interacts with the strategies of the magazine in several ways. It is used to re-establish the coevalness of the Sámi as well as performatively developing Sámi identity through a self-proclaimed project of enlightenment. It also counters the narratives of extinction by stressing the unique cultural contribution of the Sámi to world history as well as using racial biology to scientifically disprove the supposed weakness of the Sámi. The use of racial biology is also a way of partaking in scientific language thus demonstrating the intellectual and cultural capabilities of the Sámi. The use of the model of cultural hierarchy also results in the magazine reproducing the idea of the primitive savage as well as adapting a paternalistic stance towards the “unenlightened” Sámi. In sum, the magazine tries to establish the Sámi as equals, politically and culturally, to the Swedes. Living together in the same place and, most importantly, in the same time. / Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Forskning om historiska diskussioner kring att naturfolk är dömda till undergång har länge gjorts på förtjänstfulla sätt. Det är dock ovanligt att studera hur de så kallade naturfolken uppfattar utsagorna om sin egen undergång. Ett av de folk som åsyftades av dessa utsagor var samerna. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att undersöka hur Samefolkets egen tidning mellan 1918-1945 förhåller sig till dessa utsagor och till tanken om kulturella hierarkier överlag. Uppsatsen visar att tidningen inte väljer att utmana själva idén om kulturella hierarkier. Istället etablerar tidningen en egen tolkning av kulturell hierarki där alla världens folk har möjlighet att utvecklas och bidra till mänsklighetens kulturella utveckling. Denna övergripande förståelse används sedan för att förklara hur tidningen försöker bevisa att samer inte är ”frusna i tiden” utan att de är samtida och jämlika med svenskarna. Detta reflekteras också i att tidningen bedriver ett upplysningsarbete som ska bidra till samernas andliga fortskridande. Tidningen använder sig även av rasbiologi för att via den tidens vetenskap bevisa att samer inte är rasmässigt svaga. Detta tolkas också som ett sätt att använda ett vetenskapligt och legitimt språk vilket är tänkt att ge tidningens argument ökad tyngd för svenska öron. Allt detta innebär även att själva föreställningarna om primitiva och vilda naturfolk inte utmanas, dessa reproduceras av tidningen. Likaså vissa paternalistiska inställningar mot ”oupplysta samer”. Uppsatsen belyser således hur tidningen försöker etablera samerna som kulturellt och politiska jämlika svenskarna, som levandes på samma plats och i samma tid.

Kramtjuv, mobilzombie, douche och sekundärkränkt : Frekvensanalys av orden från Nyordslistan / Kramtjuv, mobilzombie, douche and sekundärkränkt : Frequency analysis of the words from the Nyordslistan

Widman, Camilla Villemo January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine which of new words presented in Nyordslistan are established in the language since 2012. Source text for this essay are seven Nyordslista published between 2012 and 2018. The study analyses the frequency of the new words in newspapers and on Twitter using two databases, Mediearkivet and Korp. The new words are divided in following categories: established words, common words, rare words and dead words. The analysis shows that 17 words from the lists are established in the newspapers and 16 are established on Twitter. 12 of those are mutual for both newspapers and Twitter. The rest of the established new words are still established but not in both forums. Common words contain 38 and 22 new words respectively. The biggest category is rare words; more than 50% words from each Nyordslista end up being rare and not established. Dead words is a small category that contains few words from Nyordslista 2012 to 2014 (with one word from 2015).  It’s determined in the theory chapter that frequency, distribution and meta signals are of great importance for determine the degree of establishment of the new word. Meta signals are used to introduce the word and its spelling, meaning and conjugation to readers in order to establish familiarity with the word and to ensure that the word is used in the same way by all readers. This is clearly evident in this study that established words frequency the year they are presented in Nyordslista contain below 30% meta discussion about the word while the frequency of common words contains between 30 and 80% meta discussion. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka av de svenska nyorden som har etablerat sig i svenska tidningar samt Twitter sedan 2012. Uppsatsens källmaterial är nyordslistor som publicerats av Språkrådet mellan åren 2012 och 2018. Studien bygger på analys av nyordens frekvens i svenska tidningar samt Twitter med hjälp av Mediearkivet samt Språkbankens Korp. Undersökningen visar att 17 respektive 16 nyord har etablerats i tidningar respektive Twitter. 12 av dessa ord är gemensamma för båda källorna. De resterande etablerade orden är etablerade fast i varsitt forum. Kategorin vanliga ord innehåller 38 nyord i svenska tidningar respektive 22 nyord på Twitter. Den utan tvekan största kategorin är sällsynta ord. Mer än hälften av de ord som presenteras i Nyordslistan slår aldrig igenom och etableras utan används sporadiskt under året. Det är inte många ord som ingår i kategorin döda ord, speciellt inte från senare års nyordslistor, det är främst från 2012 till 2014 som de döda orden kommer från.  Teorikapitlet i uppsatsen fastställer att spridning och användningsfrekvens är väsentliga för ordens etablering i svenskan. Metasignaler används för att introducera orden, dess stavning, böjning och betydelse. Det märks tydligt i undersökningen av metadiskussion; hos de etablerade orden utgör metadiskussionen under 30% av ordets frekvens det året som ordet introducerades i Nyordslistan medan vanliga ord har en stor andel ord med metadiskussion, mellan 30–80%.

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