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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grön kemi och hållbar utveckling : Laborationsdesign för gymnasium och högskola

Hammarberg, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is about sustainability within chemistry, the so-called, green chemistry. With this work  I seek to combine green chemistry with sustainable  development  and find methods for teaching green chemistry in a laboratory environement.  I have designed  and tested two labs with ingredients of green  chemistry and sustainable development in my study. I wanted to determine if my design model  leads to conception for the students. The students have through forms and interviews declared their perspective on the education and their conception. In a laboratory environment the pros of a laboratory way of work should be recognized. Pre- and post-work puts the lab in a context. The students understand the concepts better if they are allowed to test their knowledge in a discussion. The teachers role in the discussion should be to lift the level of the discussion by controlling the conversation and in a constructiveway contribute to making the discussion move forward whenever necessary. / Denna uppsats behandar hållbarhet inom kemi, den så kallade gröna kemin. Med arbetet söker jag förena grön kemi med hållbar utveckling och hitta metoder för att undervisa grön kemi i en laborativ miljö. I undersökningen har jag designat och testat två laborationer med inslag av grön kemi och hållbar utveckling. Jag ville undersöka om undervisningsmodellen leder till en begreppsutveckling hos studenter och elever. Studenterna/eleverna har genom enkäter och intervjuer uttalat sig om dels sina egna kunskaper och dels om undervisningens inslag och dess bidrag till deras begreppsutveckling. I ett laborativt sammanhang bör fördelarna med ett laborativt arbetssätt utnyttjas. Förarbete och efterarbete ger laborationen ett sammanhang. Studenten/eleven förstår begreppen bättre om de får testa sina kunskaper i en diskussion. Lärarens roll i diskussionen bör vara att lyfta diskussionsnivån genom att styra samtalet och på ett konstruktivt sätt bidra till att föra diskussionen framåt när det är nödvändigt.

Selfies, souvenirer och Djävulsbibeln : En kvalitativ fallstudie av biblioteksanställdas syn på biblioteksturism på Kungliga biblioteket och Stockholms stadsbibliotek / Selfies, souvenirs, and the Devil’s Bible : A qualitative study of tourism organization in National Library of Sweden and Stockholm Public Library

Granath, Otto January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to examine how two Swedish libraries approach library tourism. Library tourism is a growing phenomenon seen in libraries across the world. The case study has been made on the National Library of Sweden and Stockholm Public Library. The study was conducted through qualitative measures in which methodological techniques have been used, such as interviews and analysis of relevant documents from an organizational perspective. The study aims to determine how two libraries in Stockholm are used as tourist attractions and how the personnel perceive their workplace as being a tourist attraction. The analysis is based on Foucault’s theories primarily addressing the relationship between power and knowledge and the theories of economic, social, environmental, and cultural implications of tourist-related services by both John Urry and Jonas Larsen as well as the authors So-Min Cheong and Marc L Miller. The study shows that neither of the two examined libraries has special staff for dealing with tourists, nor guidelines for this activity. The study also shows that libraries can be viewed as important rising cultural tourist attractions during the last years. Having an increasing number of tourists has been disturbing for the locals and those employed at the libraries. Both libraries’ primary focus is being an indispensable part of community life as promoter of literacy, provider of a wide range of reading material for all ages and wide-ranging loan services based on systems of branch libraries. This study suggests that both libraries have a similar approach to tourism, but also that they could be more involved in the process in order to make tourism available on their own terms. Disclaimer: This subject was decided/chosen in November 2019 before the outbreak of Covid-19 which made future tourism development more uncertain. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

Variationen av övningsuppgifter i matematikläromedel på gymnasiet / Variation of Exercises in Swedish Upper Secondary School Mathematics Textbooks

Roxling, Vilhelm January 2024 (has links)
I det här arbetet har variationen av närliggande övningsuppgifter i svenska matematikläromedel för gymnasiet studerats, genom att framförallt betrakta förekomsten av inflätad övning och dess motsats, blockövning, men även SSDD-uppgifter. Detta gjordes genom att kategorisera uppgifternas yt- och djupstrukturer och definiera inflätad övning och SSDD-uppgifter utifrån likhet och olikhet av dessa. En diskussion av vilka konsekvenser den observerade variationen kan ha för lärande har också gjorts, genom teoretiska perspektiv av relevans för inflätad övning, vilka främst varit distribuerat lärande, kontrastering och motivation. Resultaten visar att blockövning dominerar med 65 % av lektionsuppgifterna, mot 14 % inflätad övning, men att denna uppdelning varierar mycket. Inflätad övning är koncentrerad till de blandade övningarna i slutet på varje kapitel, och till ett fåtal avsnitt, medan nästan hälften av avsnitten inte har några inflätade övningar. SSDD-uppgifter finns nästan inte alls. Konsekvenserna är främst ett kortsiktigt lärande som inte ger eleverna tillräckligt med övning i att välja strategi när de ska lösa uppgifter, jämfört med om en högre grad av inflätad övning hade använts.

Time-Triggered Execution of 3-Phase Tasks on the RP2040 — A Framework Avoiding Memory Contention by Design / Tidsstyrd exekvering av 3-fasuppgifter på RP2040 - ett ramverk som undviker minneskontention genom design

Annemarija Samusa, Everita January 2023 (has links)
Multi-core processors have emerged as an effective solution for handling complex tasks that cannot be efficiently processed by unicore processors. Their usage is driven by the potential to achieve high processing power while minimizing power consumption. However, the conventional multi-core hardware design poses a major challenge in the real-time community due to its inability to provide strict timing guarantees. Customized hardware platforms can be utilized to achieve timing predictability, but they are expensive and difficult to obtain. A cost-effective alternative to customized platforms is commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) products, which are universal and easily accessible, but they still suffer from timing unpredictability. To address this, memory-centric scheduling can be employed by partitioning the total task execution into distinct memory and computation phases and restricting shared memory access to be exclusive. This study presents a 3-phase task execution framework on the RP2040 multi-core platform to eliminate memory contention and ensure predictable application development. The framework uses custom memory management for each core, specified by the linker script, and a template is provided to create tasks compliant with the phased execution. Four kernel benchmarks, created from the TACLeBench benchmark suite, are used to evaluate the framework. The tasks are statically scheduled and run for ten hyperperiods. The results indicate that the custom memory configuration achieves a setup where no contested accesses occur, resulting in no unexpected variations in total task execution timing, thereby achieving timing predictability on an RP2040. / Flerkärniga processorer har visat sig vara en effektiv lösning för att hantera komplexa uppgifter som inte kan behandlas effektivt av enkärniga processorer. Användningen av dem drivs av möjligheten att uppnå hög bearbetningskapacitet samtidigt som strömförbrukningen minimeras. Den konventionella hårdvarudesignen för flerkärniga processorer utgör dock en stor utmaning för realtidssamhället på grund av dess oförmåga att ge strikta tidsgarantier. Anpassade hårdvaruplattformar kan användas för att uppnå förutsägbarhet i fråga om tidtabell, men de är dyra och svåra att få tag på. Ett kostnadseffektivt alternativ till skräddarsydda plattformar är COTSprodukter (Commercial-off-the-shelf), som är universella och lättillgängliga, men som fortfarande lider av oförutsägbarhet i fråga om timing. För att lösa detta kan man använda minnescentrerad schemaläggning genom att dela upp den totala utförandet av uppgiften i olika minnes- och beräkningsfaser och begränsa åtkomsten till delat minne till att vara exklusiv. I den här avhandlingen presenteras ett ramverk för trefasigt uppgiftsutförande på RP2040-plattformen med flera kärnor för att eliminera minneskonflikter och säkerställa förutsägbar programutveckling. Ramverket använder anpassad minneshantering för varje kärna, som specificeras av länkningsskriptet, och en mall tillhandahålls för att skapa uppgifter som är förenliga med den fasvisa utförandet. Fyra kärnreferensmärken (benchmarks), som skapats från TACLeBench benchmark suite, används för att utvärdera ramverket. Uppgifterna är statiskt schemalagda och körs under tio hyperperioder. Resultaten visar att den anpassade minneskonfigurationen ger en inställning där inga ifrågasatta åtkomster förekommer, vilket resulterar i inga oväntade variationer i den totala tidsåtgången för utförandet av uppgifterna, vilket gör att tidsåtgången är förutsägbar på en RP2040.

En förändrad roll för HR-chefer? : En kvalitativ studie om implementeringen av CSRD lett till en förändringav HR-chefers yrkesroll

Högwall, Julia, Törnblom, Louise January 2024 (has links)
Occupational roles are constantly changing in today's society. Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is a new EU directive that sets requirements for companies sustainability reporting, which may change the occupational role of HR managers. The aim of the study is to investigate if, and in that case, what changes in the occupational role the implementation of CSRD has led to in terms of tasks and role expectations and whether it has resulted in a changed role identity . In order to study whether there has been a change in the occupational role of HR managers, qualitative interviews have been conducted. The theoretical framework is based on the concepts: tasks, role expectations and role identity. The study's results show that the occupational role of HR managers has changed in some respects. A few new aspects have been added to the existing role, but the occupational role has not changed into a completely new role. The results also show that the changed occupational role has not lead to a changed identity. / Yrkesroller förändras ständigt i dagens samhälle. Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) är ett nytt EU-direktiv som ställer krav på företags hållbarhetsrapportering vilket kan förändra HR-chefernas yrkesroll. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om och i så fall vad implementeringen av CSRD har lett till för förändringar i HR-chefers yrkesroll gällande uppgifter och rollförväntningar och om det resulterat i en förändrad rollidentitet. För att studera om det har skett en förändring av HR-chefers yrkesroll har kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts. Den teoretiska referensramen baseras på begreppen: uppgifter, rollförväntningar och rollidentitet. Studiens resultat visar att HR-chefers yrkesroll har förändrats i vissa avseenden. Yrkesrollen har inte förändrats till en helt ny roll utan det har tillkommit vissa nya aspekter till den befintliga rollen. Resultatet visar även att förändringen av yrkesrollen inte lett till en förändrad identitet.

Design space exploration for co-mapping of periodic and streaming applications in a shared platform / Validering av designlösningar för utforskning av rymden för samkartläggning av periodiska och strömmande applikationer i en delad plattform

Yuhan, Zhang January 2023 (has links)
As embedded systems advance, the complexity and multifaceted requirements of products have increased significantly. A trend in this domain is the selection of different types of application models and multiprocessors as the platform. However, limited design space exploration techniques often perform one particular model, and combining diverse application models may cause compatibility issues. Additionally, embedded system design inherently involves multiple objectives. Beyond the essential functionalities, other metrics always need to be considered, such as power consumption, resource utilization, cost, safety, etc. The consideration of these diverse metrics results in a vast design space, so effective design space exploration also plays a crucial role. This thesis addresses these challenges by proposing a co-mapping approach for two distinct models: the periodically activated tasks model for real-time applications and the synchronous dataflow model for digital signal processing. Our primary goal is to co-map these two kinds of models onto a multi-core platform and explore trade-offs between the solutions. We choose the number of used resources and throughput of the synchronous dataflow model as our performance metrics for assessment. We adopt a combination method in which periodic tasks are given precedence to ensure their deadlines are met. The remaining processor resources are then allocated to the synchronous dataflow model. Both the execution of periodic tasks and the synchronous dataflow model are managed by a scheduler, which prevents resource contention and optimizes the utilization of available processor resources. To achieve a balance between different metrics, we implement Pareto optimization as a guiding principle in our approach. This thesis uses the IDeSyDe tool, an extension of the ForSyDe group’s current design space exploration tool, following the Design Space Identification methodology. Implementation is based on Scala and Python, running on the Java virtual machine. The experiment results affirm the successful mapping and scheduling of the periodically activated tasks model and the synchronous dataflow model onto the shared multi-processor platform. We find the Pareto-optimal solutions by IDeSyDe, strategically aiming to maximize the throughput of synchronous dataflow while concurrently minimizing resource consumption. This thesis serves as a valuable insight into the application of different models on a shared platform, particularly for developers interested in utilizing IDeSyDe. However, due to time constraints, our test case may not fully encompass the potential scalability of our thesis method. Additional tests can demonstrate the better effectiveness of our approach. For further reference, the code can be checked in the GitHub repository at*. / Allt eftersom inbyggda system utvecklas, blir komplexiteten och de mångfacetterade kraven av produkter har ökat avsevärt. En trend inom detta område är urval av olika typer av applikationsmodeller och multiprocessorer som plattformen. Dock begränsad design utrymme utforskning tekniker ofta utföra en viss modell, och kombinera olika applikationsmodeller kan orsaka kompatibilitetsproblem. Dessutom inbyggt systemdesign i sig involverar flera mål. Utöver de väsentliga funktionerna, andra mätvärden måste alltid beaktas, såsom strömförbrukning, resurs användning, kostnad, säkerhet, etc. Övervägandet av dessa olika mätvärden resulterar i ett stort designutrymme spelar så effektiv designrumsutforskning också en avgörande roll roll. Denna avhandling tar upp dessa utmaningar genom att föreslå en samkartläggning tillvägagångssätt för två distinkta modeller: modellen med periodiskt aktiverade uppgifter för realtidsapplikationer och den synkrona dataflödesmodellen för digital signal bearbetning. Vårt primära mål är att samkarta dessa två typer av modeller på en multi-core plattform och utforska avvägningar mellan lösningarna. Vi väljer antalet använda resurser och genomströmning av det synkrona dataflödet modell som vårt prestationsmått för bedömning. Vi använder en kombinationsmetod där periodiska uppgifter ges företräde för att säkerställa att deras tidsfrister hålls. Den återstående processorn resurser allokeras sedan till den synkrona dataflödesmodellen. Både utförandet av periodiska uppgifter och den synkrona dataflödesmodellen är hanteras av en schemaläggare, vilket förhindrar resursstrid och optimerar utnyttjandet av tillgängliga processorresurser. För att uppnå en balans mellan olika mått, implementerar vi Pareto-optimering som en vägledande princip i vårt tillvägagångssätt. Denna avhandling använder verktyget IDeSyDe, en förlängning av ForSyDe gruppens nuvarande verktyg för utforskning av designutrymme, efter Design Space Identifieringsmetodik. Implementeringen är baserad på Scala och Python, körs på den virtuella Java-maskinen. Experimentresultaten bekräftar den framgångsrika kartläggningen och schemaläggningen av den periodiskt aktiverade uppgiftsmodellen och det synkrona dataflödet modell på den delade flerprocessorplattformen. Vi finner Pareto-optimal lösningar av IDeSyDe, strategiskt inriktade på att maximera genomströmningen av synkront dataflöde samtidigt som resursförbrukningen minimeras. Denna uppsats fungerar som en värdefull inblick i tillämpningen av olika modeller på en delad plattform, särskilt för utvecklare IDeSyDe. På grund av tidsbrist kanske vårt testfall inte är fullt ut omfattar den potentiella skalbarheten hos vår avhandlingsmetod. Ytterligare tester kan visa hur effektiv vår strategi är. För ytterligare referens, koden kan kontrolleras i GitHub*.

Öppna uppgifter i matematikboken: : En läromedelsanalys av tre valda matematikböcker i årskurs fyra / Open assignments in the mathematics textbook: : A textbook analysis of three selected mathematics books in fourth grade

Ström, Felicia, Tarkkinen, Frida January 2024 (has links)
Today's Swedish mathematics education is largely textbook-bound. At the same time, the textbooks are not reviewed, quality assured or checked by the curriculum in mathematics. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of open assignments and what abilities these helped the students develop. As a teacher, it is important to be aware of what tasks students encounter as well as what abilities these will train. Previous research shows that open-ended assignments are very helpful for the development of mathematical abilities for students. As an analytical starting point, Sullivan and Lilburn’s (2002) criteria for open-ended questions and MCRF's framework (Lithner et. al, 2010) for mathematical abilities were used. The analysis revealed that there was little data that fell under the criteria for open-ended questions. In the available tasks, they get to develop several mathematical abilities. “Favorit matematik” was the textbook that offered the greatest variety of tasks for developing mathematical abilities in the open-ended assignments that existed.

Mathematics at work : a study of mathematical organisations in Rwandan workplaces and educational settings

Gahamanyi, Marcel January 2010 (has links)
To make mathematics more significant for the beneficiaries, the problem studied in this thesis is to investigate how to connect mathematical daily practices with educational contexts. The overarching aim is to investigate how to contextualise school mathematics within Rwandan cultural mathematics practices. The content of the thesis reports on the characteristics of mathematical organisations in three workplace settings (taxi driving, house construction and restaurant management) which in turn serve as source for the design of contextualised mathematical activities for student teachers in a teacher education programme. Three levels of mathematical practices are described: (1) mathematical practices that are performed by workers within their respective workplaces, (2) mathematical practices that are performed by student teachers while solving and posing contextualised mathematical tasks for secondary school students, (3) mathematical practices that are carried out by secondary school students. Data gathered from individual and group interviews, transcripts of group discussions and students’ written reports of mathematical work were analysed from the perspective of both activity theory and anthropological theory of didactics. Findings from workplace settings revealed that mathematical organisations performed by workers are characterised by techniques which are functional to the problem at hand, the cultural constraints and the educational background of the workers. As long as they are pragmatic towards the goals of the activity no further justification of the techniques used is needed, resulting in a mathematical organisation with undeveloped know-why (logos). On the contrary, at university and secondary school settings, students justified the used techniques throughout the related taught content of the subject mathematics. Also from each category of mathematical practice, it is shown that while connecting workplaces and educational settings the didactic transposition process was much influenced by the institutional conditions and constraints. / För att göra matematiken betydelsefull för avnämarna är problemområdet som studeras i denna avhandling hur den matematik som finns i samhället kan överbryggas till en undervisningskontext. Syftet med avhandlingen är att undersöka hur man kan kontextualisera skolmatematik i kulturella praktiker i Rwanda. I avhandlingen belyses först matematisk organisation på tre arbetsplatser – i en taxiverksamhet, hos en byggmästare och hos en restaurangägare. Matematik i dessa verksamheter utgör underlag för att konstruera uppgifter för lärarstudenter inom ämnet matematik som först löser uppgifterna och sedan i sin tur konstruerar uppgifter för elever motsvarande årskurs nio i grundskolan. Uppgifterna konstrueras med utgångspunkt i den information studenterna fått om de tre verksamheterna. Datainsamlingen skedde med hjälp av individuella intervjuer, gruppintervjuer och bandinspelade gruppdiskussioner samt studenters och elevers nedtecknade lösningar på respektive uppgifter. Data analyserades med hjälp av aktivitetsteori och antropologisk didaktisk teori. Resultaten från arbetsplatserna visade att matematisk organisation kännetecknades av tekniker som är funktionella för de problem som behövde lösas, de kulturella villkor som förelåg och deltagarnas utbildningsbakgrund. Så länge som teknikerna ledde till önskade mål för verksamheten fanns inga behov att utveckla tekniken som kännetecknades av en matematisk organisation med outvecklad logos. I kontrast till denna strategi sågs studenter och elever i respektive miljöer redovisa de tekniker som användes och motivera dem i enlighet med vad som krävs inom matematikämnet. Den matematiska transpositionsprocessen som utfördes av deltagarna i de olika miljöerna influerades i hög grad av rådande institutionella villkor och begränsningar.

Dressed for success : designing and managing regional strategic networks

Andresen, Edith January 2011 (has links)
Inter-organizational network initiatives such as regional strategic networks (RSNs) are often used by firms and public agencies to support regional development and competitiveness. RSNs are designed networks managed by a hub and financed by public or private means. RSN management is complex as members are autonomous and initially often loosely connected. The effects of RSNs on regional development are disputed as engineered relationship development may interfere with ongoing business relationships.  Despite this, vast public funds are being invested in collaborative initiatives. Identifying factors affecting RSN performance will provide a better basis for evaluating and managing such initiatives. Based on concepts such as actors, resources, and activities findings are reported from longitudinal case-studies built on interviews with 68 members and hubs in four RSNs. Data were also collected through participant observation, conversations, archival data and emails. Findings indicate that factors such as evaluation criteria, member composition, relationships, location, goals, the hub, physical and human resources, knowledge sharing and development, resources, policies and norms, social activities, and communication exert an impact on entrepreneurship and cooperation. The first paper focuses on factors such as actor composition, actor goals, number of actors, and activities facilitating relationship development and commitment. The second paper identifies a framework of seven tasks to be performed by the hub. The effects on development of preferences and atmosphere are dealt with in the third paper. Effects of cooperation between public/private sector and universities are addressed in the fourth paper, and entrepreneurial processes in network contexts are analyzed in the fifth one. The important management role of the hub is emphasized as is carefully considered member composition. Relationships and commitment are found to be crucial. These factors are not covered by national and regional performance criteria. They merit a place of their own.

Elastiska bibliotek : en undersökning av två folkbiblioteks formbarhet och gränser med hjälp av begreppet elasticitet

Maldonado, Maya January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this Master thesis is to examine whether the term elasticity is relevant and functional to apply to public library organisations. Another aim of the thesis is to relate the term elasticity to public library organisations in a network society. Sociologist Manuel Castells provide the theoretical framework on the network society. Three investigations (meant to complement each other) in two Swedish public libraries seek to give answers to these questions.To be able to examine which areas of public library activity are elastic, I make a rough definition of what public library organisations consist of – nine activity fields are identified using IFLA’s guidelines in combination with Swedish law of public libraries. I also define elasticity. Three qualities make the term interesting to apply to public libraries: 1) elastic objects (libraries) have an ideal shape, 2) they (libraries) are moulded when pressure is applied from outside, and 3) when pressure applied from outside becomes too intense, elastic objects (libraries) break (or become dysfunctional).The essay undertakes three investigations in Alby public library and Dieselverkstaden public library in Nacka (both in Stockholm). In the first investigation two aspects of elasticity (in relation to public libraries) are examined: One aspect regards how elasticity is expressed in two texts that govern public libraries in Sweden – Swedish law and IFLA’s guidelines for public library activity. Is elasticity intrinsic in these norms and in what way? Secondly a comparison is made between how elasticity is expressed in these normative texts and the actual situations in two public libraries, in which way they are elastic, and what discrepancies there are between texts and scenarios from practice. I study the library – its collections, public activities, documents and rules and regulations regarding loans.In the second investigation I aim to find out how the visitors of public libraries shape the library, how they perform pressure on it. Short survey-like interviews are completed with twenty visitors at the two libraries.The third investigation consists of interviews with two members of the staff at each library. These interviews assist me in the process of developing thoughts regarding elastic libraries in a network society.Results show that the term elasticity is relevant but evasive. It becomes clear that studying IFLA’s guidelines and Swedish library law will not answer the question where the elasticity of the activity fields end. That limit seems to become evident only when examining libraries in practice. I find that five activity fields can be called elastic (in practice): the collections, the librarians, to give access to information and ICT, the library room and environment and management.Results also show that qualities that signify the network society combined with political changes, affect the way public libraries are perceived and opinions of how they ought to be managed. This is what I consider to be pressure on a global level. I also find that this pressure is difficult to measure.

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