Spelling suggestions: "subject:"south culture""
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日本卡通對青少年消費文化影響之研究 / The influence of Japanese animation on youth culture and consumer culture孫立群, Sun Li-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
統計結果發現青少年收看日本卡通的時間能夠有效預測日本卡通相關商品的購買頻率,因此證實了收看日本卡通確實能夠提高青少年對於日本卡通相關商品的購買行為。研究發現日本卡通結合相關產品的銷售可以互相增強,而台灣青少年購買最多的卡通相關產品,是兼媒體、商品於一身的漫畫與電動,因此卡通、漫畫、電動三者隱然表現出一種「成套」販賣、使用的特色,甚至對日本流行文化整體的接觸與好感都有互相加強的現象。研究亦發現台灣青少年購買卡通商品時,最主要的意義是「新奇流行」,可知台灣青少年受到消費主義相當的影響,尚未發展出具有真實性、抗拒性的青少年文化。然而資本主義市場邏輯與青少年文化的抗拒特性關係相當複雜,因此台灣青少年是否具有主動性?這個問題仍留下許多值得討論的空間。 / Japanese animation is so popular in Taiwan that it has become a major television genre across children, adolescents, and young adults. It is not only a media text, but also bringing lots of animation merchandise, including comic books, games, clothes, accessories, and so on. Thus Japanese animation industry has created marvelous benefit, and its influence is prevailing and deeply on many aspects of the audience/consumer*s leisure and everyday practice.
This thesis takes the adolescents in Taipei for example, exploring the promotion tactics of the industry on the one hand, and discovering how the adolescents use the animation merchandise on the other; then the discussion of youth culture and consumer culture in Taiwan will be carry on.
This research finds out that the animation merchandise would reinforce each other and enhance the audience/consumer*s buying frequency. Comics and games are consumed most by the adolescents in Taiwan, implying that the three (animation, comics, games) are sold and consumed in "packages". At the same time, the most important meaning adolescents inscribe to the animation merchandise is "fashion and novelty", revealing that the youth culture in Taiwan is following the market and consumerism, not a original and authentic one.
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青少年的休閒活動與犯罪相關性之研究 / Research on the relation of youth leisure and crime劉素秋, Liu, Su-Chiu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係採用研究者自編的六個量表為研究工具.分別是休閒活動量表,交友狀況量表,青少年文化量表,情境機會量表,親子關係量表,犯罪行為量表。本研究的抽樣方法係依臺北都會區 地區 行政區 學校大小 年級等標準進行多階段群集抽樣方法。共選定十二個學校,計回有效樣本數ll40個.
一 青少年從事的休閒活動以視聽欣賞活動為最多,其次依序是球類技能,閒意,興趣,娛樂夜遊活動.
(一) 青少年從事休閒活動的類型會因性別、年級、居住地區、課餘時間的工作、金錢、家庭等因素而有差異。
(二) 青少年從事娛樂夜遊活動和犯罪行為有相關。
二 根據研究結果,從事休閒活動和犯罪行為並沒有直接的開係,而是透遇一些從事休閒活動中的相關變數,對犯罪行為的發生,才有貢獻。
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"Det var något som hände, det var ju inte så att jag inte ville gå" : en studie där elevens handling i form av skolk tolkas utifrån ett kontextuellt och ungdomskulturellt perspektiv. / "Something happened, it´s not like I didn´t wanted to go" : a study about pupils’ truancy, from a contextual and young people of today perspective.Johansson, Sara, Wiktorsson, Linda January 2010 (has links)
<p><p>Syftet med studien är att undersöka i vilken omfattning gymnasieelevers skolk är ett uttryck på brister inom skolans verksamhet. Utifrån syftet har två frågeställningar framkommit: Hur påverkar skolan som institution frekvensen av skolk? Vilket förändringsarbete bör ske inom skolan för att minska frekvensen av skolk? De perspektiv studien utgår ifrån är, kontextuellt samt ungdomskulturellt. Rapporten bygger på fem utförda fokusgruppsintervjuer med elever från årskurs två och tre på gymnasiet, samt sex enskilda semistrukturerade intervjuer med skolledning, elevhälsa och lärare. Materialet har bearbetats genom noggrann avlyssning av ljudinspelningar, med fokus på att finna likheter och olikheter i det empiriska materialet. Resultatet redovisas genom att väva samman informanters svar med relevanta begrepp och teorier, samt egna reflektioner och diskussioner. Genom en tematiserad meningskoncentrering, formuleras en komprimerad version av vad informanterna uttalat under intervjuerna. Som komplement till detta lyfts specifika uttalanden från våra informanter, genom citat som enligt oss bör belysas extra. Resultatet visar på en tydlig motsättning mellan personal och elever, där åsikter och erfarenheter kring fenomenet skolk skiljer sig åt i stor utsträckning. Materialet som helhet visar att relationen mellan elever och lärare på den aktuella skolan i dagsläget är ansträngd. Det resultat vi anser mest framträdande i vår studie, är faktumet att skolans gällande struktur och sociala miljö har en direkt inverkan på frekvensen av skolk. Det krävs en förändring inom skolan, i form av ett nytänkande, där elevens unika behov och välmående ställs i fokus.</p></p> / <p>The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which high school students´ truancy is a manifestation of shortcomings in school activities. Based on our aim, we have arrived at two questions: How does the school, being an institution, affect the occurrence of truancy? How can changes in the way of working in schools, reduce the occurrence of truancy? The study is based on contextual, and youth culture perspectives. The report is based on five focus group interviews with students from grade two and three in Swedish upper secondary school, and six individual semi-structured interviews with the school management, student health group and teachers. The material has been processed by carefully listening to audio recordings, focusing on finding similarities and differences in the empirical material. The results have been reported by weaving answers together from the interviews with relevant concepts and theories, as well as with our own reflections and discussions. A condensed version of what the informants have expressed during the interviews is retold in themes. To complement these retells, specific quotations from the informants which are considered especially interesting have been included. The results show a clear contradiction between staff and pupils, where views and experiences surrounding the phenomenon of truancy vary greatly. The material as a whole shows that the relationship between students and teachers at this school, in the current situation, is strained. The results we consider most prominent in our study is the fact that the school's existing structure and social environment has a direct impact on the occurrence of truancy. According to us, the school needs to change; the students´ unique needs and well-being should stand in focus.</p>
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"Det var något som hände, det var ju inte så att jag inte ville gå" : en studie där elevens handling i form av skolk tolkas utifrån ett kontextuellt och ungdomskulturellt perspektiv. / "Something happened, it´s not like I didn´t wanted to go" : a study about pupils’ truancy, from a contextual and young people of today perspective.Johansson, Sara, Wiktorsson, Linda January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka i vilken omfattning gymnasieelevers skolk är ett uttryck på brister inom skolans verksamhet. Utifrån syftet har två frågeställningar framkommit: Hur påverkar skolan som institution frekvensen av skolk? Vilket förändringsarbete bör ske inom skolan för att minska frekvensen av skolk? De perspektiv studien utgår ifrån är, kontextuellt samt ungdomskulturellt. Rapporten bygger på fem utförda fokusgruppsintervjuer med elever från årskurs två och tre på gymnasiet, samt sex enskilda semistrukturerade intervjuer med skolledning, elevhälsa och lärare. Materialet har bearbetats genom noggrann avlyssning av ljudinspelningar, med fokus på att finna likheter och olikheter i det empiriska materialet. Resultatet redovisas genom att väva samman informanters svar med relevanta begrepp och teorier, samt egna reflektioner och diskussioner. Genom en tematiserad meningskoncentrering, formuleras en komprimerad version av vad informanterna uttalat under intervjuerna. Som komplement till detta lyfts specifika uttalanden från våra informanter, genom citat som enligt oss bör belysas extra. Resultatet visar på en tydlig motsättning mellan personal och elever, där åsikter och erfarenheter kring fenomenet skolk skiljer sig åt i stor utsträckning. Materialet som helhet visar att relationen mellan elever och lärare på den aktuella skolan i dagsläget är ansträngd. Det resultat vi anser mest framträdande i vår studie, är faktumet att skolans gällande struktur och sociala miljö har en direkt inverkan på frekvensen av skolk. Det krävs en förändring inom skolan, i form av ett nytänkande, där elevens unika behov och välmående ställs i fokus. / The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which high school students´ truancy is a manifestation of shortcomings in school activities. Based on our aim, we have arrived at two questions: How does the school, being an institution, affect the occurrence of truancy? How can changes in the way of working in schools, reduce the occurrence of truancy? The study is based on contextual, and youth culture perspectives. The report is based on five focus group interviews with students from grade two and three in Swedish upper secondary school, and six individual semi-structured interviews with the school management, student health group and teachers. The material has been processed by carefully listening to audio recordings, focusing on finding similarities and differences in the empirical material. The results have been reported by weaving answers together from the interviews with relevant concepts and theories, as well as with our own reflections and discussions. A condensed version of what the informants have expressed during the interviews is retold in themes. To complement these retells, specific quotations from the informants which are considered especially interesting have been included. The results show a clear contradiction between staff and pupils, where views and experiences surrounding the phenomenon of truancy vary greatly. The material as a whole shows that the relationship between students and teachers at this school, in the current situation, is strained. The results we consider most prominent in our study is the fact that the school's existing structure and social environment has a direct impact on the occurrence of truancy. According to us, the school needs to change; the students´ unique needs and well-being should stand in focus.
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Digitala distinktioner : klass och kontinuitet i unga mäns vardagliga mediepraktiker / Digital distinctions : class and continuity in young men's everyday media practicesDanielsson, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation explores how social class matters in young men’s everyday relationship to digital media. The aim is to contribute to the existing knowledge about how young people incorporate digital media in their everyday lives by focusing on the structural premises of this process. It also presents an empirically grounded critique of popular ideas about young people as a “digital generation”, about the internet as a socially transformative force, and about class as an increasingly redundant category. The empirical material consists of qualitative interviews with 34 young men (16-19 years) from different class backgrounds, upper secondary schools and study programmes. Drawing on the conceptual tools of Pierre Bourdieu, three classes are constructed: the “cultural capital rich”, the “upwardly mobile”, and the “cultural capital poor”. The analysis shows that class, through the workings of habitus, structures the young men’s relationship to school and future aspirations. This also engenders class-distinctive ways of conceiving leisure and digital media use. Through their class habitus and taste, the young men tend to orient themselves and navigate in different ways in what they perceive as a space of digital goods and practices, endowed with different symbolic value in school and society. The “cultural capital rich” are drawn to-wards practices capable of yielding symbolic profit in the field of education and beyond, whereas the other classes gravitate towards the “illegitimate” digital culture but deal with this different ways. These findings indicate that there are social and cultural continuities at play within recent technological changes. They also expose the structural differences hidden by sweeping statements about young people as a “digital generation”. Finally, they show that class, contrary to popular beliefs about “the death of class”, still represents a pertinent analytical category.
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O rap e o letramento: a construção da identidade e a constituição das subjetividades dos jovens na periferia de São Paulo / Rap and literacy: the construction of identity and constitution of subjectivity in youth from the periphery neighborhoods of São PauloAna Claudia Florindo Fernandes 10 October 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo pesquisar em que medida o rap, música característica do movimento hip-hop, é capaz de possibilitar o processo de letramento de jovens provenientes das classes menos favorecidas, que habitam na periferia de São Paulo, enriquecendo suas experiências linguísticas e subjetivas. A dissertação é o resultado de uma pesquisa-ação realizada na ONG Casa do Zezinho, localizada na região do Capão Redondo, extremo sul da cidade de São Paulo, com jovens entre 13 e 15 anos, regularmente matriculados em escolas públicas do entorno. O trabalho empírico desenvolvido, por meio de oficinas, privilegiou a interdiscursividade do rap para discutir as desigualdades sociais e raciais, às quais está submetida uma importante parcela da população, a fim de analisar a construção da identidade dos jovens urbanos, aproximando a cultura de sua comunidade das intervenções propostas como situações de ensino. Buscou-se, ainda, oferecer por meio do rap e toda sua oralidade formular, situações significativas de letramento para que o funcionamento social da linguagem e os conteúdos relacionados à língua pudessem ser compreendidos em suas dimensões discursivas. Tomando como base as letras de rap e a escuta da imagem sonora da palavra, entendemos que a linguagem adotada pelo rap também possibilitou a reinterpretação das experiências vividas na comunidade, ao dar novos significados ao imaginário do adolescente, conferindo à palavra a força da experiência vivida, individual e coletivamente. / This dissertation aims to investigate the extent to which rap, the characteristic music of the hip-hop movement, is able to facilitate the process of literacy in young people who inhabit the low-income periphery neighborhoods of São Paulo, enriching their linguistic and subjective experiences. The dissertation is a result of research conducted at Casa Zezinho, an NGO located in the Capon Redondo region, in the extreme southern area of the city, with young people between the ages of 13 and 15, enrolled in public schools in its surrounding areas. Through workshops, the empirical work focused on the interdiscursivity of rap to discuss social and racial inequality, to which a significant portion of this population is subjected, in order to analyze the nature in which urban youth construct their identities, using the culture of their communities in the aforementioned workshops as teaching tools. We also attempted to offer, through rap and its utterly oral nature, significant focus on literacy so that the social function of language and the content relating to language could be understood in their discursive dimensions. Using rap lyrics as our basis and listening to the sound image of the words, we understood that the language adopted by rap also allows for a redefinition of the experiences of the community by giving adolescents the chance to imagine the world in a new way, giving the word the force of individually and collectively lived experiences.
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O adolescente e a internet: laços e embaraços no mundo virtual / Adolescents and the Internet: connections and entanglements in the virtual world.Cláudia Dias Prioste 22 March 2013 (has links)
Tendo em vista o amplo acesso às tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs) na sociedade contemporânea, com a promessa de um mundo virtual sem limites exercendo intenso poder de atração sobre os jovens, faz-se necessária a análise dos mecanismos ideológicos de manipulação psicológica postos em ação pela indústria cultural global no seio da subjetividade juvenil. Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar os hábitos e os interesses dos adolescentes no ciberespaço, buscando apreender os possíveis efeitos em sua constituição subjetiva. A pesquisa empírica foi dividida em duas etapas desenvolvidas simultaneamente: a primeira constou de um percurso etnográfico na cibercultura com o intuito de desvendar os interesses econômicos subjacentes aos sites frequentados pelos jovens; a segunda etapa foi realizada em uma escola pública e em uma escola privada, localizadas em um mesmo bairro de São Paulo, onde foram aplicados 108 questionários aos estudantes do último ano do Ensino Fundamental, com idade entre 13 e 16 anos, de ambos os sexos. Na escola pública, foram realizadas observações participativas nas aulas de Informática Educativa. Em ambas efetuaram-se entrevistas com alunos considerados por seus colegas como os mais conectados à internet, bem como entrevistas complementares com professores, coordenadores e diretores. A interpretação e a análise dos dados fundamentaram-se na filosofia da educação, teoria crítica e psicanálise. Constatou-se que as atividades preferidas dos adolescentes consistiam em frequentar as redes sociais, jogar, assistir a vídeos, visitar home pages de celebridades e de pornografia. Concluiu-se que os jovens são atraídos pelo ciberespaço principalmente pela possibilidade de exercitar fantasias virtuais e se sentirem aceitos pelo grupo. Entre os meninos, prevaleciam as fantasias onipotentes e sádicas, com as seguintes temáticas: o terrorista/policial, o herói/sobrenatural, o hacker/expert. Entre as meninas, eram frequentes as fantasias românticas, cujos temas principais envolviam: a amada/escolhida, a mãe/bebê, a celebridade. Observou-se que as fantasias virtuais são produzidas pela indústria audiovisual, geralmente, a partir de componentes perverso-polimórficos reeditados, identificados pelo que T. W. Adorno denominou de psicanálise às avessas. Ao se fixarem nas fantasias virtuais por meio das próteses digitais imagéticas, a capacidade dos jovens de apreensão das experiências de suas vidas sofrem alterações significativas, dificultando a reflexão sobre estas. O investimento libidinal nos dispositivos televisuais, reduzido às satisfações escopofílicas e à excitação constante dos sentidos, não contribui para a assunção epistemofílica, resultando no empobrecimento do imaginário e do simbólico. No ciberespaço os adolescentes têm seus direitos de proteção violados, uma vez que seus psiquismos ainda se encontram em desenvolvimento. Os interesses no lucro parecem prevalecer em relação a qualquer dimensão ética envolvida. Nesse contexto, a internet, ao invés de ser um importante instrumento de ampliação do conhecimento e de participação social, da maneira como tem sido utilizada, tem contribuído para a alienação e fixação em satisfações narcísicas. Assim, conclui-se ser importante não somente a inclusão digital, no sentido de apropriação das TICs nos ambientes escolares, mas também uma efetiva formação crítica dos jovens em relação às mídias, fornecendo-lhes condições para que possam refletir sobre as ficções nas quais estão inseridos. / In light of the wide access to the information and communication technologies (ICT) in the contemporary society, which by promising limitless virtual world exert strong power of attraction on the young people, we consider it is necessary to analyze the ideological mechanisms of psychological manipulation in action by the global culture industry in young subjectivity. Thus, the present study aimed to identify the adolescent habits and interests in cyberspace in order to understand the possible consequences in their subjective constitution. This empirical research was divided into two phases performed simultaneously: the first one was composed by an ethnographic journey through cyberculture, aiming to find out the economic interests behind the sites most visited by the adolescents; the second phase was carried out in one public and one private school placed in the same neighborhood in São Paulo, where 108 questionnaires were applied to the 13 to 16-year-old boys and girls students in the last year of Secondary School. In the public school, participant observation was the approach used in the Educational Computing classes. Interviews were done in both schools with the students known as the most connected to the internet as well as additional interviews with the teachers, coordinators, and principals. Data interpretation and analysis were based on philosophy of education, critical theory and psychoanalysis. We have found that the adolescent favorite activities consisted of frequently going to social networks, playing games, watching videos, visiting celebrities home pages and pornography. We concluded that the adolescents are mainly attracted to cyberspace for their possibility to exercise virtual fantasies and feel accepted by their group. Among the boys prevailed omnipotent and sadistic fantasies with the following thematic features: the terrorist/policeman, the hero/supernatural, the hacker/expert. Among the girls, romantic fantasies were usual and involved mainly these themes: the beloved/chosen, the mother/baby, the celebrity. We noticed that the virtual fantasies are produced by the audiovisual industry generally out of perverse-polymorphic components reedited, identified by T.W. Adorno as psychoanalysis in reverse. When the adolescents get fixed to virtual fantasies by means of imagetic digital prostheses, their capacity of apprehending their own experiences in life suffers significant changes, hindering their reflection about them. The libidinal investment in televisual devices, reduced to scopophiliac gratification and constant excitement of the senses, doesnt contribute to the epistemophilic assumption - which results in imaginary and symbolic impoverishing. In cyberspace the adolescents have their protection rights violated since their psychism are still in process of development. Interests in making money seem to prevail over any ethical dimension involved. In this context, rather than being an important instrument to expand knowledge and social participation, the way the internet has being used it has contributed to the alienation and fixation in narcissistic gratification. Therefore, we have concluded that digital inclusion is important - meaning ICTs appropriation in the school environment - but also young peoples effective critical thinking formation with regard to the media, in order to offer them conditions to reflect about the fictions where they are inserted in.
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'Mimi ni msanii, kioo cha jamii' urban youth culture in Tanzania as seen through Bongo Fleva and Hip-HopSuriano, Maria January 2007 (has links)
This article addresses the question how Bongo Fleva (or Flava, from the word ‘flavour’) - also defined as muziki wa kizazi kipya (‘music of a new generation’) - and Hip-Hop in Swa-hili, reflect Tanzanian urban youth culture, with its changing identities, life-styles, aspirations, constraints, and language. As far as young people residing in small centres and semi-rural ar-eas are concerned, I had the impression that they have the same aspirations as their urban counterparts, especially those in Dar es Salaam. They keep well up to date on urban practices through performances, radio and local tabloids, even if they lack the same job and leisure op-portunities as their city brothers. Although I do not take ‘youth’ as a fixed and homogeneous category, the ‘young generation’ has been assuming a central, though frequently ambiguous, position in many places in Africa (for this issue, see Burgess 2005). Here, however, I have chosen to focus on two urban contexts, namely Dar es Salaam and Mwanza, the sites of my one-and- -half-year fieldwork between 2004 and the end of 2005.
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Från beatniks till hippies : Utmanande och omvälvande subkulturella ungdomsgrupper i Sverige 1959 till 1969 / From beatniks to hippies : Challenging and revolving subcultural youths in Sweden 1959 to 1969Starlander, Olle January 2022 (has links)
From beatniks to hippies — challenging and revolving subcultural youths in Sweden 1959 to 1969 The purpose of this work has been to explore and analyse the transformation of the youth subcultures beatniks and hippies in a Swedish context between 1959 and 1969, by searching answers to the following questions: What was the background of the subcultures ? How were these subcultures established, transformed and developed in a Swedish context? What became their typical style and taste?, and in what rooms and places were these cultures practiced by Swedish youths? Mass media, especially TV but also radio, film, books and records brought the world in and were the main reason youths in Sweden could identify themselves through foreign subcultures. They adapted most of the original style but brought in some local elements. My studies show a close link between the beatnik-subculture and the hippie-subculture, in Sweden transformed through the mod-subculture. The freedom-movement and visions spread by “the beat-generation” were important as inspiration and guide to unite youths and challenge the national hegemony. The mod-culture established the subcultural practises in public rooms. The transnational bounds in the hippie-culture set a global perspective of the world rather than the previous regional or national perspectives. It is shown in the study that intersectional boundaries were pushed by the subcultures. They helped to bring up equality among sexes and were a main force for women’s liberation throughout the 60’s. All classes were in some way involved in the subcultures, although they practised them in different ways. Subcultural youth style was commercialized, popularised and became in many ways mainstream during the 60’s. These youth-cultures had a vast impact on cultural changes as well as changes in society in Sweden during the time of my research.
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Fjärde fasen i tredje rummet : Bild som kultur- och samhällsanalytiskt verktyg / the Fourth Phase in the Third Space : Visual Art as a Tool for Culture- and Social-StudiesWright, Aron, Pernet, Emil January 2024 (has links)
This study discusses the relevance of intercultural pedagogy in an increasingly digital and multicultural world. By exploring the intersection between intercultural pedagogy and youths’ visual culture the study aims to lay the groundwork for a pedagogical development in the field of culturally relevant pedagogy. The study brings light to the cognitive and motivational potential a pupil-oriented pedagogy has. The study also discusses limitations of intercultural and culturally relevant pedagogy, including the risks of ignoring ethnically diverse classrooms’ transcultural identities. Through the use of qualitative interviews with visual art teachers, in addition to an analysis of existing research dating back to the coining of culturally relevant pedagogy, this study examines how visual art teachers implement students’ visual cultures in the classroom and how this can be further developed into an inclusive and relevant pedagogical practice. / Denna studie diskuterar interkulturell pedagogiks relevans i en alltmer digital och mångkulturell värld. Genom att utforska intersektionen mellan interkulturell pedagogik och ungdomars visuella kultur syftar studien till att lägga grunden för en pedagogisk utveckling inom området kulturellt relevant pedagogik. Studien belyser den kognitiva och motiverande potential en elevorienterad pedagogik har. Studien diskuterar också begränsningar av interkulturell och kulturellt relevant pedagogik, inklusive riskerna med att ignorera mångkulturella klassrums transkulturella identiteter. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med bildlärare, i samband med analys av befintlig forskning som går tillbaka till myntandet av kulturellt relevant pedagogik, undersöker denna studie hur bildlärare implementerar elevers visuella kulturer i klassrummet och hur detta kan vidareutvecklas till en inkluderande och relevant pedagogisk praktik.
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