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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Indexing Distance and Deference as Performed Culture:A review module for politeness types introduced in Japanese: The Spoken Language, Part 1

Lea, Michael 28 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Go mad – come true – run dry: Metaphorical motion, semantic preference(s) and deixis

Schönefeld, Doris 01 August 2022 (has links)
It has been suggested that the semantics of some metaphoricalmotion constructions is related to the deixis of the verbs involved. In accordance with the directions of movement, metaphorical go is said to be associated with deterioration ( go rotten etc.) and metaphorical come – with improvement ( come true etc (cf. Quirk et al. 1985: 1174). The paper at hand aims at empirically testing this assumption from a usage-based construction grammar perspective. It analyses metaphorical-motion constructions from the BNC whose verb-slot is filled by the motion verbs go , come and run followed by an adjective, using the methods of collostruction analysis (cf. Gries and Stefanowitsch 2004a). On the basis of the quantitative analyses carried out, the semantic preferences of the three verbs are determined, compared and related to the deictic aspects involved in the verb meanings. The verb run was selected as a ‘control verb’, since it does not exhibit any deictic aspect of meaning. All three verb constructions are found to exhibit semantic preferences, and, since deixis is absent in run , other aspects are discussed which may motivate such associations. Finally, the results of the data analyses are inspected for what they can say about the emergence of semantic prosodies ‘colouring’ the verbs in the respective constructions.

Deictic Reference: Arabs vs. Arab Americans

Esseili, Fatima A. 20 June 2006 (has links)
No description available.

“The United States stands with the people of Israel.” : A Political Discourse Analysis of Joe Biden's Posts from the Platform X

Lundberg, Felicia January 2024 (has links)
Through recent years social media has become a useful platform for politicians to share their political ideologies with their followers. An example of such a platform is X(formerly Twitter) where politicians regularly post statements for their followers. Donald Trump, the former American president, particularly stands out for his memorable “fake news” statements. Numerous studies have been done on the correlation between X and political discourse. This study will further this research by looking at the political discourse of American President Joe Biden on his official X account, @POTUS. This study will look at posts from Joe Biden regarding the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. The study aims to gain a better understanding of how Biden represents himself and The United States through his discourse. The analytical tools for this analysis will be speech acts per the Speech Act Theory, as defined by John Searle and George Yule, and personal deixis. 116 posts were saved from Biden ́s account, where 73 posts containing only text were chosen for analysis. The results from the analysis showed a tendency to use assertive, commissive, and expressive strategies and a high frequency in personal deixis wherein the pronouns “I” and “we” were used the most. The results showed that Biden ́s discourse helped represent himself and The United States as proactive, empathetic, and engaged actors in the war. Biden conveyed a strong stance in support of Israel while also expressing concern for Palestinian civilians.

Aspekte der Morphosyntax und Tonologie im Buli

Schwarz, Anne 01 November 2007 (has links)
Gegenstand der Arbeit sind verschiedene Aspekte der Morphosyntax und Tonologie im Buli, einer in Ghana (Upper East Region nahe der Grenze zu Burkina Faso) gesprochenen Gursprache des Niger-Kongo-Phylums, die bisher nur unzureichend beschrieben wurde. Die grammatische Beschreibung gibt einen umfangreichen Einblick in das sprachliche System des Buli und umfasst Kapitel zu den folgenden Themen: Phonologie, Nominalklassensystem, Pronominalsystem, Komplexe Nominalphrasen und nominale Syntagmen, Verbsystem. Dies geschieht in erster Linie anhand des in Wiaga gesprochenen Buli, wird aber durch die Bezugnahme auf andere Dialekte sowie auf verwandte Gursprachen ergänzt, beispielsweise hinsichtlich der Bewertung tonaler Divergenzen in Nominalklassensuffixen oder in Assoziativkonstruktionen. Die autosegmental angelegte Tonstudie verfolgt keine theoretischen Ziele, sondern hat sich unmittelbar aus dem Bedarf einer adäquaten Beschreibung der synchronen Sprache ergeben, in der Ton sowohl in lexikalischer als auch in grammatischer Hinsicht ganz zentrale Aufgaben übernimmt. Dabei wurden neben regelmäßigen Ton–Sandhi-Erscheinungen (Tieftonausbreitung) auch interessante Phänomene an den Schnittstellen der Phonologie zur Syntax und zur Semantik-Pragmatik vorgefunden, z.B. die tonale Kongruenz bestimmter Verbformen mit der Diskursrolle des Subjekts (+/- Diskurspartizipant, d.h. 1./2. Person vs. 3. Person) oder das Vorkommen eines Grenztons an äußerungsfinalen Morphemen, zu denen auch die Klassensuffixe indefiniter Substantive und enklitische Objektpronomen am Verb gehören. Im Rahmen der morphosyntaktischen Analysen wurde unter anderem ein aus typologischer Sicht spannender nominaler Kompositionstyp identifiziert, der sich neben seinen strukturellen Eigenschaften auch durch eine spezifische possessive Semantik auszeichnet und vermutlich an der Entwicklung von attributiven (qualifizierenden) Adjektiven und eines von zwei Zahlwörtern für ‘eins’ beteiligt war. / This work deals with different aspects of the morphosyntax and tonology in Buli, a Gur language of the Niger-Congo-Phylum, which is spoken in Ghana (Upper East Region near the border to Burkina Faso) and has so far been described insufficiently. The grammatical description provides an extensive insight into the linguistic system of Buli and contains chapters concerning the following topics: phonology, noun class system, pronominal system, complex noun phrases and nominal syntagmata, and verb system. It is primarily based on the Buli variant spoken in Wiaga and supplemented by reference to other dialects as well as to related Gur languages, for instance with regard to tonal divergencies in noun class suffixes and in associative constructions. Following an autosegmental model, the tonal study does not aim at theoretic enhancement, but results directly from the need of an adequate description of the synchronic language in which tone plays an important role in lexicon and grammar. Besides regular Tone-Sandhi (Low tone spreading), interesting phenomena at the phonology/syntax interface as well as at the phonology/semantics-pragmatics interface were observed – e.g. some verb forms displaying tonal agreement with the discourse role of the subject (+/- discourse participant, i.e. 1st / 2nd vs. 3rd person) or the appearance of a boundary tone on utterance-final morphemes, including the noun class suffixes of indefinite nouns and the enclitic object pronouns at the verb. In the course of the morphosyntactic analysis, a typologically remarkable nominal compound type was identified that is distinguished by structural features as well as by specific possessive semantics and can be assumed to be involved in the development of attributive (qualifying) adjectives and one of two numerals with the meaning ‘one’.

La diction des chants parénétiques : de Kallinos à Tyrtée [édition, traduction, interprétation] / The diction of the parenetic songs : from Kallinus to Tyrtaeus [edition, translation, interpretation]

Année, Magali 15 November 2014 (has links)
La singularité et la fonction holoparénétique particulièrement efficace des fragments de Tyrtée et de Kallinos, trop longtemps négligées par une tradition philologique étroitement homérocentrée, imposaient d’elles-mêmes que l’on revienne sur le texte de ces deux poètes-savants du VIIe siècle a. C. et, pour ce faire, que l’on s’en tienne à la lettre des manuscrits sans d’entrée de jeu s’en offusquer, et que l’on étudie pour elle-même, en ses profondeurs linguistiques, la diction qui fut la leur et qui pour la première fois, concomitamment à Archiloque, usa du mètre élégiaque. Or, outre que le fonctionnement dialectal et rythmique de leurs fragments se révèle plus fluctuant qu’il n’y paraît, leur organisation intrinsèquement « stanzaïque » reposant sur des systèmes d’échos plus phoniques que lexicaux, ainsi que l’usage répétitif de la forme rythmiquement marquée des participes moyens-passifs en -me/noj/-(o/)menoj, sont deux traits qui nous fondent à penser que c’est un « rythme sonore », ou plus précisément « phonico-pragmatique », qui devait en être le moteur. Aussi est-ce pourquoi, puisqu’on reconnaît de plus en plus unanimement au Cratyle (dialogue éminemment poiétique de Platon) un savoir linguistique aussi fiable que véritable, j’ai cherché à travers lui une méthode qui permette d’appréhender un tel état de langue. Le parcours herméneutico-philologique qui en découle, mené à l’intérieur d’un système de correspondances phonico-syllabiques centré sur le radical du verbe me/nw « rester, tenir bon », permet de se frayer un chemin dans la dimension intra- et infra-linguistique de la diction parénétique de Tyrtée et de Kallinos afin de mieux comprendre les raisons et la nature d’une efficacité qui hérite à l’évidence de traditions non narratives. / The singularity and the most effective holoparenetic function of Tyrtaeus’ and Kallinos’ fragments, too long neglected by a philological tradition narrowly focussed on the homeric model, imposed themselves for a return to the text of these two wise-poets of the VIIth century B. C. and, to do this, required that we stick to the letter of the manuscripts without first take offense, and that we study for itself, in its depths language, the diction which was theirs and that for the first time, concomitantly with Archilochus, used the elegiac meter. Now, apart from their being dialectically and rhythmically more fluctuating than it looks, their organization inherently “stanzaic”, based on echoes which are more phonic than lexical, as well as the repeated use of the rhythmically marked form of the medio-passive participles in -me/noj/-(o/)menoj, are two features that underpin us to believe that it is a "sound " or more precisely "phonico-pragmatic" rhythm which was to be their driving force. For that reason and since it is more and more established that we must trust the linguistics of Plato’s Cratylus, I have been looking through it for a method that tackles such a state of language. The resulting hermeneutic and philological journey, through out a whole system of phonico-syllabic correspondences turning around the verbal stem of me/nw “to stand firm”, helps clear a path into the intra- and infra-linguistic dimension of Tyrtaeus’ and Kallinus’ parenetic diction in order to understand better the reasons and the nature of an efficiency that inherits obviously non-narrative traditions.

Normaliserade föräldrar : en undersökning av Försäkringskassans broschyrer 1974–2007 / Normalised parents : an investigation of brochures from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, Försäkringskassan, 1974–2007

Lind Palicki, Lena January 2010 (has links)
The main purpose of this dissertation is to analyse and identify problems arising from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency’s (SSIA) perceptions of parents, as they appear in the brochures targeted at expectant or new parents between 1974 and 2007. The aim is to distinguish who are being pointed out, constructed, and normalised as parents; and to analyse the functions of the recipients and the senders respectively. The aim is to be considered in the light of the SSIA’s commitment to gender equality, a policy that promotes equal access to the insurance of parents to share the parent’s insurance more equally. The dissertation is based on a theoretical framework that may principally be described as a feminist discourse analysis, which, among other things, means that a constructivist approach is of central importance. In addition, an intersectional perspective is an important starting point, putting the focus on the interaction and interdependence between different social categorisations. In four analysing chapters, the material is being tackled from different approaches or angles. In the first chapter, a picture is drawn of the institutional and political context that sets the prerequisites of the insurance regulations as well as the way the texts have been written and may be understood. The second chapter presents an analysis, in the terms of space deixis, of whom is/are being pointed out and positioned as recipient/s by SSIA. In the third chapter, an analysis of the normalised notions of parents that are identified in the texts; and of what parents are being favoured and described as ‘normal’. In the fourth chapter, the functions of the different actors are being analysed, showing how the relationship between the SSIA and the parents is constructed from in the texts. The results show that, in all brochures, parenthood is strongly gender-marked and that gender equality, above all, is to be understood as a quantitatively even distribution between mothers and fathers. In today’s brochures, the agency identifies and normalises recipients who primarily are biological mothers with orderly conditions, living in nuclear families with biological children. The older brochures have a higher level of gender neutrality in their texts, where mothers and fathers are placed equally and at the same distance from the position of the sender. The newer brochures, however, represent a wider range of social categorisations, and thus present a more complex picture of parenthood. The results also show that the function of SSIA in the texts is primarily economic, and that there is no obligation for parents to share the parent’s insurance equally, despite the political resolutions that impose this task on the agency.

Les apprenants nigérians face aux temps verbaux passés du français : une analyse des aspects et des temps grammaticaux des langues française et yoruba en vue d'applications pédagogiques / Nigerians french learners and the use of french past tenses : an analysis of the tempo-aspectual systems of both French and Yoruba languages with the view of pedagogical applications in a French class

Adegboku, Dele 16 December 2011 (has links)
Ce travail se penche sur les difficultés auxquelles font face les apprenants nigérians de français, précisément ceux de langue maternelle yoruba, quant à ce qui concerne les temps passés du français : l'imparfait et le passé composé. Nous sommes parti des productions des apprenants, deux exercices à trous et un écrit long de type rédaction, pour exposer les erreurs de temps commises. Nous avons découvert, suite à l'analyse des productions, que la plupart de ces erreurs proviennent du système aspectuo-temporel du yoruba, langue ne connaissant pas de conjugaison (désinences verbales) comme le français. Mais, la langue étrangère qu'ils sont en train d'apprendre constitue aussi une source de ces difficultés : il leur est particulièrement difficile de gérer les circonstants et adverbes temporels, les connecteurs syntaxiques et logiques, et l'ensemble des shifters accompagnant les temps verbaux français, surtout un écrit long. D'autre part, l'analyse des deux tests à trous en plus de celle des copies de rédaction montrent que, le manque de connaissance de certaines notions linguistiques est une autre cause des difficultés rencontrées par les apprenants : la notion de discours / récit et celle de premier / arrière-plan.En somme, nous pensons qu'un enseignement / apprentissage des temps basé sur la notion d'aspect grammatical, et prenant en compte les notions précédemment mentionnées, sera certainement plus productif. Nos propositions de pistes pour un meilleur enseignement/apprentissage des temps concernés terminent cette recherche. Nous pensons, par ailleurs, qu'en ajoutant à ce que nous venons de dire, les détails que nous ont révélés les analyses linguistiques des systèmes aspectuo-temporels des deux langues, nous pourrons construire par la suite une méthode d'enseignement et apprentissage des temps verbaux du passé pour l'apprenant nigérian. Ainsi, nous aurons apporté une autre contribution à l'enseignement / apprentissage du français au Nigeria. / Nigerian learners of French as a Foreign Language are generally faced with difficulties while using French Past Tenses in producing written composition. In this thesis, we are particularly interested in the case of the Yoruba learners of French language. The analysis of their written composition copies reveals that most of the errors committed originate from the mother tongue, Yoruba which does not know the tense-markedness of French language with her conjugation and complicated verb endings. This specifically means that there are problems closely related to the French Language herself. Actually, Yoruba learners find it particularly difficult to use French temporal adverbs and shifters in their written composition copies. On the other hand, through our analysis of copies of two objective tests in which students were to produce the missing verb forms, we also found that the learners lack some theoretical linguistic knowledge which is important in understanding French past tenses : for instance, Benveniste's “Discours & récit” and Weinrich's “Premier plan / Arrière-plan”. In addition, our analysis of the tempo-aspectual systems of both languages shows that contrary to French language, Yoruba aspects and tenses do not function separately.We believe that students would better understand the use of French past tenses if they have a good grasp of the “grammatical aspect” notion and if this linguistic notion is taken into account while teaching the topic. We brought the research to a close with different suggestions on how to improve the teaching / learning of the French tenses concerned here. On the whole, placing oneself on the didactic perspective, we are of the opinion that all these information put together can help develop a Methodology for the teaching and learning of French past tenses; and by so doing, advance the more the cause of the teaching and learning of French in Nigeria.

Formy oslovování v TV / Forms of Addressing in Czech TV shows

Škodová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
Résumé The thesis deals with addressing in Czech TV programmes such as talk-shows. There are 54 programmes broadcasted in 2012 and 2013 that were analysed. Firstly, the term "addressing" is defined as well as its functions. Secondly, the thesis is focused on various kinds of addressing (direct and indirect addressing in particular), the relationship to vertical social distance and the frequency of honorifics. According to the analysis of selected TV programmes (the programmes are characterized, the results of the analyses are summarized in tables in the Summarizing protocols), it is described how the incidence of individual types of addressing is related to the type of the programme (talk-shows compared to political debates or conventional interviews etc.). The selected way of addressing largely defines the nature of communication used in the programme. In certain programmes the way of addressing is strictly formal (OVM), in other programmes the way of addressing is being "negotiated". The television is an influential media and its communication conventions are transferred to interpersonal communication - especially the growth of informal addressing can be observed regardless of the fact if it is a genuinely informal situation or a communication strategy that is aimed at having a pleasant conversation. Key...

Dêiticos discursivos: um olhar multicultural em Pepetela

Padovani, Micheline Tacia de Brito 10 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-06-20T12:22:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Micheline Tacia de Brito Padovani.pdf: 1044176 bytes, checksum: 6db3f4fe80460431031fc0b424fcb6b1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-20T12:22:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Micheline Tacia de Brito Padovani.pdf: 1044176 bytes, checksum: 6db3f4fe80460431031fc0b424fcb6b1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-05-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This work is part of the Research Line History and Description of the Portuguese Language of the Program of Postgraduate Studies in Portuguese Language of PUC / SP. It presents as a theme: The speech of Pepetela and the representation of the Angolan universe based on literary text "The plateau and the steppe", 2009, published in the post-independence period of Angola. The author writes a literature that is committed to the Angolan historical context, its history makes reference to the social context of the country (Angola), demonstrating through the discourse how it was for the Angolan people to go through the process of independence of the Portuguese yoke (1961-1975) , The post-colonization period and the civil war (1975-2002) and the search of the people for their national identity, reconstructing a new history. Thus, the discussion of this theme is relevant, since it seeks to identify on which aspects the Portuguese Language assists in the historical process and the formation of national identity of the Angolan people. Thus, we explain some characteristics regarding the narrative and the particularities of the characters, because the work serves as an instrument to understand the multiculturality and the identity construction of the Angolan man. It is also worth mentioning that the Angolan novel is a meeting point for several discourses, various cultures, various ethnic groups, languages, because in Angola besides the Portuguese language other national languages are spoken and, in the context described by Pepetela, Languages of other nations. With this, we can say that literature is a comprehensive and interactive space between the subject enunciator (subject of writing), the enunciative and the historical texts that go through the narrative / Este trabalho insere-se na Linha de Pesquisa História e Descrição da Língua Portuguesa do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Língua Portuguesa da PUC/SP. Apresenta como tema: O discurso de Pepetela e a representação do universo angolano com base em texto literário ―O planalto e a estepe‖, de 2009, publicado em período pós-independência de Angola. O autor escreve uma literatura engajada com o contexto histórico angolano, sua história faz referência ao contexto social do país (Angola), demonstrando por meio do discurso como foi para o povo angolano passar pelo processo de independência do jugo de Portugal (1961-1975), pelo período de póscolonização e pela guerra civil (1975-2002) e a busca do povo por sua identidade nacional reconstruindo uma nova história. Assim, a discussão desse tema mostra-se relevante, pois busca identificar sobre quais aspectos a Língua Portuguesa auxilia no processo histórico e de formação de identidade nacional do povo angolano. Dessa forma, explicitamos algumas características a respeito da narrativa e das particularidades dos personagens, pois a obra serve como instrumento para se compreender a multiculturalidade e a construção identitária do homem angolano. Cabe ressaltar, ainda, que o romance angolano é lugar de encontro de vários discursos, várias culturas, várias etnias, de várias línguas, porque em Angola além da Língua Portuguesa falam-se outras línguas nacionais e, no contexto descrito por Pepetela, temos ainda as línguas de outras nações. Com isso, podemos dizer que a literatura é um espaço abrangente e interativo entre o sujeito enunciador (sujeito da escrita), o enunciatário e os textos históricos que percorrem a narrativa

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