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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quand les gendarmes font la loi : la pénalisation du droit des réfugiés au Canada

Janik, Kinga 09 1900 (has links)
La recherche analyse le traitement réservé aux demandeurs d'asile au Canada.Plus spécialement, elle se penche sur l'interprétation et l’application de l’article 7 de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés. La réflexion observe que la mise en œuvre des droits fondamentaux des revendicateurs du statut de réfugié est affectée, selon les époques, par des considérations à dominance « humanitaires » [arrêt Singh, 1985] ou, comme cela est le cas depuis le 11 septembre 2001, par des impératifs allégués de sécurité nationale [arrêt Suresh, 2002]. D’un point de vue analytique, la thèse considère que lorsqu'il s'agit de protéger des populations vulnérables – ce que le Canada s'est juridiquement engagé à faire – le droit public ne peut pas se limiter à la communauté de ses propres membres, citoyens et résidents. D'ailleurs, la Charte reconnaît la protection de ses droits fondamentaux à « toute personne » du fait de sa seule qualité de personne, qu'elle soit ou non citoyenne et la garde des abus. Des exceptions aux droits reconnus à l’article 7 doivent être considérées à la mesure du principe démocratique qui guide nos sociétés. Sur ce fondement, l’analyse interroge l’argumentation et les motivations de certaines décisions judiciaires et législatives qui ont déconsidérées les implications de notions porteuses de valeurs impératives, telles que l'équité, la dignité humaine, la liberté et la sécurité de l'individu, en privilégiant les intérêts étatiques conforment à la conception classique de la souveraineté. / The research analyzes the treatment of asylum seekers in Canada. In particular, it focuses on the interpretation and application of Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The analysis underscores how the implementation of refugee claimants’ human rights is affected, according to the times, by humanitarian considerations [Singh, 1985], or, as is the case since September 11, 2001, by the imperatives of alleged national security. [Suresh, 2002]. From an analytical point of view, the research considers that when it comes to protecting vulnerable populations - which Canada is legally bound to do- public law is not limited to the constituents of its own community, (members, citizens and residents), but also to strangers and more specifically, to refugees. Moreover, the Charter recognizes that “everyone” is entitled to the protection of his or her fundamental rights, including migrants and refugees. This protection prevents the state from acting against the life, liberty and security of the person. Exceptions to these rights recognized under Section 7 must be narrowed to the very essence of what a democratic society could allow. In this context, the research questions the arguments and justifications of some judicial and legislative decisions that have discredited the implications of carrying notions of mandatory values, such as equity, human dignity, freedom and the security of the individual, instead favoring state interests based on the classical conception of sovereignty.

NATO continuity and change : the Atlantic Alliance as an institution, organization and force by reference to Articles 4, 5, and 6 of the Washington Treaty

Branikas, Spyros 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. / This thesis examines the evolution of NATO as an institution in the International System by reference to Articles 4, 5 and 6 of the Washington Treaty of 1949. Initially, the thesis considers NATO from an international relations perspective. It then proceeds to examine the institutional evolutionary process of the Alliance since its inception and implementation in 1949. Furthermore, it explores the significance and the meaning of the aforementioned Articles. This thesis utilizes the case study method and refers to four distinct events that have shaped allied policies and strategies: the Suez Crisis of 1956, the establishment of the politico-military consultation process, the Yom Kippur War (1973), and the end of the Cold War (1989-1991). It also examines the allied policies after the events of September 11, 2001. Moreover, it identifies a general pattern of events pertinent to crisis creation inside NATO when the organization is facing a defense issue outside the Euro-Atlantic area. Finally, the thesis concludes that NATO is more than an ordinary military Alliance, as advocated by its longevity, agility and adaptability, which allows the Alliance to maintain a central position in the International System as a robust politico-military organization. / Lieutenant Commander, Hellenic Navy


Casey Allen Shull (7039955) 15 August 2019 (has links)
<p>Is North America vulnerable to widespread electrical blackout from natural or man-made disasters? Yes. Are electric utilities and critical infrastructure (CI) operators prepared to maintain CI operations such as, hospitals, sewage lift stations, food, water, police stations etc., after electrical blackout to maintain National security and sustainability? No. Why? Requirements to prioritize electrical restoration to CI do not exist as a requirement or regulation for electrical distribution operators. Thus, the CI operators cannot maintain services to the public without electricity that provides power for the critical services to function. The problem is that electric utilities are not required to develop or deploy a prioritized systematic plan or procedure to decrease the duration of electrical outage, commonly referred to as blackout. The consequence of local blackout to CI can be multi-billion-dollar financial losses and loss of life for a single outage event attributed to the duration of blackout. This study utilized the review of authoritative literature to answer the question: “Can a plan be developed to decrease the duration of electrical outage to critical infrastructure”. The literature revealed that electric utilities are not required to prioritize electrical restoration efforts and do not have plans available to deploy minimizing the duration of blackout to CI. Thus, this study developed a plan and subsequent model using Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) to decrease the duration of blackout by providing incremental electrical service to CI.</p>

Florão da América: o projeto do Brasil Grande, a política externa e a diplomacia presidencial durante o regime militar (1964-1973) / Jewel of the Americas: the project of Brazil Grande , foreign policy and presidential diplomacy during the military regime (1964-1973).

Ponce, André Luiz Godoy 13 March 2015 (has links)
Em 31 de março de 1964, um golpe civil-militar depôs o presidente João Belchior Marques Goulart (7 de Setembro de 1961 a 1º de abril de 1964), iniciando um ciclo de aproximadamente vinte e um anos de ditadura militar no Brasil (1º de abril de 1964 a 15 de março de 1985), durante o qual o comando do Poder Executivo foi exercido por generais do exército, inspirados pela Doutrina de Segurança Nacional (DSN). Concebida na Escola Superior de Guerra (ESG), essa orientação ostentava forte conotação geopolítica e ancorava-se no binômio segurança e desenvolvimento, que tinha como pressupostos fundamentais a busca pelo acelerado desenvolvimento econômico e a segurança do país contra a ação de supostos agentes subversivos vinculados ao comunismo internacional. Os governos militares também acreditavam na possibilidade de transformar a nação em uma potência capaz de exercer plena liderança na América do Sul e em sua área atlântica, concretizando, assim, uma antiga aspiração nacional: a construção do Brasil Potência. O golpe de 1964, que chegou a ser considerado a principal batalha da Guerra Fria, contou com forte apoio ideológico e material dos Estados Unidos da América, inaugurando uma importante parceria entre os dois países, com o objetivo de barrar qualquer possibilidade de avanço das propostas de esquerda no continente latino-americano. Para os formuladores da ESG, tal comunhão de interesses já estava delineada, pois o Brasil, enquanto país ocidental, cristão e democrático, deveria cerrar fileiras com a maior potência do mundo capitalista no projeto de contenção ao comunismo. Tal associação terá inevitável reflexo na condução da política externa brasileira. O objetivo desta dissertação é investigar e compreender a ação internacional e a política externa do Brasil durante os três primeiros governos do regime militar (1964-1973), especialmente as gestões de Costa e Silva e Emílio Médici, com ênfase na construção do sistema de informação e repressão aos movimentos sociais e políticos de oposição, nas intervenções do país nos assuntos internos das nações vizinhas, em seus vínculos com os Estados Unidos da América e a na centralidade do grupo militar que ocupa a liderança do Poder Executivo na definição e na formulação desses objetivos. / In March 31, 1964, a civil-military coup détat ousted the Brazilian president João Belchior Marques Goulart (his administration began in September 7, 1961 and finished in April 1, 1964), starting a period of about twenty one years of military dictatorship in Brazil (since April 1, 1964 up to March 15, 1985), in which the presidency was occupied by a sequence of generals, inspired by National Security Doctrine. Devised by Superior War School (ESG, an institution comparable to the American National War College) and structured under geopolitical concepts, the National Security Doctrine was based on a binomial expression development and security which enveloped the quest for rapid economic development and a concern for national security against subversive agents from international communism. The military governments also believed in the possibility of transforming the country into a power able to exercise full leadership in South America and its Atlantic area, realizing thus an old national aspiration: the construction of Brasil Potência (Brazil Power). The coup détat in Brazil, an event that is often considered the most important battle within the Cold War, had strong material and ideological support from the United States, and started an important partnership between the two countries in order to block any possibility of success to leftist ideas in Latin-America. To ESGs policy makers, an US-Brazil alliance was given, since Brazil as a Western, Christian and democratic country, should be a partner with the U.S. in the fight against communism. This association is inevitably reflected in the conduct of Brazilian foreign policy. The aim of this dissertation is to investigate and understand Brazils international posture and foreign policy during the first three governments of the military regime (1964-1973) especially the Costa e Silva and Emílio Médici administrations. The dissertation covers the construction of the information system and the repression of social movements and opposition politicians, as well as the Brazilian intervention in the internal affairs of neighboring nations, its ties with the United States and the centrality of the small cadre that led the executive branch in the definition and formulation of these objectives.

La Russie en Arctique occidental : strategies d'Etat et interactions des acteurs / Russia in the Occidental Arctic, State Strategies and Interactions among actors

Alvarado, Adrian 17 October 2016 (has links)
Au cours de la première décennie du XXIe siècle l'Arctique a fait l’objet d’une attention croissante de la part des chercheurs, des politiciens et des multinationales. En effet, les problématiques liées au changement climatique, et le regain d’interêt politique et économique des Etats côtiers et non côtiers, a peu à peu fait apparaître cette région comme un endroit stratégique sur l'échiquier des grandes puissances. Depuis 2001, la Fédération de Russie a entrepris plusieurs actions afin de garantir ses intérêts nationaux dans ce qu'elle considère comme l’Arctique russe, un espace qui comprend environ 22600 kilomètres de littoral avec l'océan Arctique. Or, le changement climatique, les développements socio-économiques et les impératifs stratégiques ont conditionné cette politique pour l’Arctique. Les oblasts de Mourmansk et d’Arkhangelsk jouent, de nos jours, un rôle majeur dans la mise en œuvre de la stratégie russe pour la région arctique. Ce travail évaluera donc les défis majeurs de stratégie et de sécurité nationale russes en Arctique occidental au regard des récents changements du modèle politique et économique russe, du rôle émergent d'acteurs privés et étrangers ainsi que des spécificités des régions arctiques et sous-arctiques. Dans une première partie de notre travail nous essayerons de souligner l’importance stratégique et économique de l’Arctique Occidental pour la Fédération de Russie. Une approche historique nous permettra de mieux comprendre le rôle actuel des oblasts de Mourmansk et d’Arkhangelsk tandis que l’analyse de l’évolution démographique, industrielle et commerciale de ces régions nous fera apprécier son potentiel socio-économique. Enfin, une analyse de l’adaptation des industries énergétiques et du complexe militaro-industriel aux marchés internationaux sera entreprise ainsi qu’une évaluation des risques liés au changement climatique et à la pollution industrielle. Dans une deuxième partie, nous analyserons les principales problématiques rencontrés par les acteurs étatiques et privés en Arctique occidental. Afin d’identifier les principaux enjeux, nous avons transposé des théories des relations internationales à la géopolitique (Waltz, Keohane, Putnam). Tout particulièrement, nous utiliserons pour cette analyse les modèles conceptuels de Graham Allison et son approche sur les intérêts nationaux. / During the first decade of the XXIth century, the Arctic has received growing attention from scholars, policymakers and multinational corporations. Climate change as well as renewed political and economical interests from coastal and non-coastal States had repositioned this region as a prospective theater in the Great powers chessboard. Since 2001, the Russian Federation has taken several international and domestic actions to guarantee its national interest in what it considers as the Russian Arctic, a space that comprises about 22 600 kilometers of national coastline with the Arctic Ocean. But climate change, historical socio-economic developments and strategic imperatives have conditioned this engagement.The Murmansk and Arkhangelsk oblasts plays nowadays a leading role in the implementation of a cross-domain Russian strategy for the Arctic region. This dissertation will then assess the central challenges of Russian National Security and Strategy in the Occidental Arctic taking in consideration recent changes in the Russian Federation political and economical model, the emerging role of private and foreign actors and the specificity of Arctic and sub-Arctic regions.The first part of this dissertation will try to underline the past/current strategic and economical relevance of the Occidental Arctic for the Russian Federation. A historical approach will allow us to better understand the current role of Murmansk and Arkhangelsk oblasts while we will appreciate its socio-economic potential thanks to the analysis of demographic, industrial and commercial developments of these regions. Finally, a study on defense and energy industries adaptation to international markets will be conducted as well as a regional risk-assessment concerning climate change and industrial pollution.In a second part, our main objective is to demonstrate the strategic and economical importance of the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk oblasts for the Russian Arctic policy. This will lead us to analyse core issues in the Occidental Arctic for state and industry actors. The methodology applied to identify the main trends in these issues is a combination of the French school of geopolitics with relevant theories of international relations (Waltz, Keohane, Putnam). Graham Allison’s conceptual models and his approach on national interests will be applied in the analysis.

A Igreja Católica nos "Anos de Chumbo": resistência e deslegitimação do Estado autoritário brasileiro 1968-1974 / The Catholic Church in the years of dictatorship: resistance and delegitimation of the brazilian authoritarian State (1968/1974)

Cardonha, José 16 June 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:20:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose Cardonha.pdf: 3960682 bytes, checksum: b0fe5200b55869d7e2fa5e0481fcfad1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-06-16 / Investigates the reaction of the progressive Catholics against the military dictatorship in Brazil mainly based on official and formerly classified documents currently available at Arquivo Público do Estado de São Paulo - APESP. This work demonstrates that the progressive sectors of the Catholic Church resisted against the authoritarian state and worked for its moral deligitimation in several ways: politically, with the condemnation of the systematic violation of the Human Rights; ideologically, with the exposition of the totalitarian tendency of the National Security Doctrine; and economically, with critics to a model that stimulated income concentration and social marginalization / A Igreja Católica nos Anos de Chumbo: Resistência e Deslegitimação do Estado Autoritário Brasileiro (1968/1974) é um trabalho de pesquisa e reflexão sobre a ação dos católicos progressistas contra a ditadura militar. A pesquisa sobre a memória da resistência católica foi realizada nos arquivos da repressão política. A análise pretende demonstrar que os setores progressistas da Igreja resistiram e deslegitimaram moralmente o Estado autoritário: no plano político, combatendo a violação sistemática dos Direitos Humanos: no plano ideológico, denunciando o caráter totalitário da Doutrina de Segurança Nacional; e no plano econômico: condenando o modelo concentrador de renda e gerador de marginalização social

A Igreja Católica nos "Anos de Chumbo": resistência e deslegitimação do Estado autoritário brasileiro 1968-1974 / The Catholic Church in the years of dictatorship: resistance and delegitimation of the brazilian authoritarian State (1968/1974)

Cardonha, José 16 June 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:53:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose Cardonha.pdf: 3960682 bytes, checksum: b0fe5200b55869d7e2fa5e0481fcfad1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-06-16 / Investigates the reaction of the progressive Catholics against the military dictatorship in Brazil mainly based on official and formerly classified documents currently available at Arquivo Público do Estado de São Paulo - APESP. This work demonstrates that the progressive sectors of the Catholic Church resisted against the authoritarian state and worked for its moral deligitimation in several ways: politically, with the condemnation of the systematic violation of the Human Rights; ideologically, with the exposition of the totalitarian tendency of the National Security Doctrine; and economically, with critics to a model that stimulated income concentration and social marginalization / A Igreja Católica nos Anos de Chumbo: Resistência e Deslegitimação do Estado Autoritário Brasileiro (1968/1974) é um trabalho de pesquisa e reflexão sobre a ação dos católicos progressistas contra a ditadura militar. A pesquisa sobre a memória da resistência católica foi realizada nos arquivos da repressão política. A análise pretende demonstrar que os setores progressistas da Igreja resistiram e deslegitimaram moralmente o Estado autoritário: no plano político, combatendo a violação sistemática dos Direitos Humanos: no plano ideológico, denunciando o caráter totalitário da Doutrina de Segurança Nacional; e no plano econômico: condenando o modelo concentrador de renda e gerador de marginalização social

Florão da América: o projeto do Brasil Grande, a política externa e a diplomacia presidencial durante o regime militar (1964-1973) / Jewel of the Americas: the project of Brazil Grande , foreign policy and presidential diplomacy during the military regime (1964-1973).

André Luiz Godoy Ponce 13 March 2015 (has links)
Em 31 de março de 1964, um golpe civil-militar depôs o presidente João Belchior Marques Goulart (7 de Setembro de 1961 a 1º de abril de 1964), iniciando um ciclo de aproximadamente vinte e um anos de ditadura militar no Brasil (1º de abril de 1964 a 15 de março de 1985), durante o qual o comando do Poder Executivo foi exercido por generais do exército, inspirados pela Doutrina de Segurança Nacional (DSN). Concebida na Escola Superior de Guerra (ESG), essa orientação ostentava forte conotação geopolítica e ancorava-se no binômio segurança e desenvolvimento, que tinha como pressupostos fundamentais a busca pelo acelerado desenvolvimento econômico e a segurança do país contra a ação de supostos agentes subversivos vinculados ao comunismo internacional. Os governos militares também acreditavam na possibilidade de transformar a nação em uma potência capaz de exercer plena liderança na América do Sul e em sua área atlântica, concretizando, assim, uma antiga aspiração nacional: a construção do Brasil Potência. O golpe de 1964, que chegou a ser considerado a principal batalha da Guerra Fria, contou com forte apoio ideológico e material dos Estados Unidos da América, inaugurando uma importante parceria entre os dois países, com o objetivo de barrar qualquer possibilidade de avanço das propostas de esquerda no continente latino-americano. Para os formuladores da ESG, tal comunhão de interesses já estava delineada, pois o Brasil, enquanto país ocidental, cristão e democrático, deveria cerrar fileiras com a maior potência do mundo capitalista no projeto de contenção ao comunismo. Tal associação terá inevitável reflexo na condução da política externa brasileira. O objetivo desta dissertação é investigar e compreender a ação internacional e a política externa do Brasil durante os três primeiros governos do regime militar (1964-1973), especialmente as gestões de Costa e Silva e Emílio Médici, com ênfase na construção do sistema de informação e repressão aos movimentos sociais e políticos de oposição, nas intervenções do país nos assuntos internos das nações vizinhas, em seus vínculos com os Estados Unidos da América e a na centralidade do grupo militar que ocupa a liderança do Poder Executivo na definição e na formulação desses objetivos. / In March 31, 1964, a civil-military coup détat ousted the Brazilian president João Belchior Marques Goulart (his administration began in September 7, 1961 and finished in April 1, 1964), starting a period of about twenty one years of military dictatorship in Brazil (since April 1, 1964 up to March 15, 1985), in which the presidency was occupied by a sequence of generals, inspired by National Security Doctrine. Devised by Superior War School (ESG, an institution comparable to the American National War College) and structured under geopolitical concepts, the National Security Doctrine was based on a binomial expression development and security which enveloped the quest for rapid economic development and a concern for national security against subversive agents from international communism. The military governments also believed in the possibility of transforming the country into a power able to exercise full leadership in South America and its Atlantic area, realizing thus an old national aspiration: the construction of Brasil Potência (Brazil Power). The coup détat in Brazil, an event that is often considered the most important battle within the Cold War, had strong material and ideological support from the United States, and started an important partnership between the two countries in order to block any possibility of success to leftist ideas in Latin-America. To ESGs policy makers, an US-Brazil alliance was given, since Brazil as a Western, Christian and democratic country, should be a partner with the U.S. in the fight against communism. This association is inevitably reflected in the conduct of Brazilian foreign policy. The aim of this dissertation is to investigate and understand Brazils international posture and foreign policy during the first three governments of the military regime (1964-1973) especially the Costa e Silva and Emílio Médici administrations. The dissertation covers the construction of the information system and the repression of social movements and opposition politicians, as well as the Brazilian intervention in the internal affairs of neighboring nations, its ties with the United States and the centrality of the small cadre that led the executive branch in the definition and formulation of these objectives.

中共對外動武模式之研究-從戰略文化途徑研究探討 / The research of People’s Republic China’s uses of military power- The strategic culture perspective.

林棟義, Lin, Dong Yi Unknown Date (has links)
欲瞭解一個國家的行為,就必須要瞭解這個國家的整體行為,而這整體的行為所表現者,即是「文化」。從戰略文化的研究途徑做一切入點,正可深入瞭解一個國家戰爭的行為,甚而可以預測未來戰爭的發生。而維繫國防安全的軍人自當對中共戰略與戰爭模式,應有相當的了解與認知;也希望藉著對戰略文化的瞭解,探照中共對外戰爭實例,探尋中共對外戰爭的模式,進而提供國防戰略因應對策,才不愧於自己的職責所在。 就中華民國的生存發展而言,海峽對岸的中共無疑是我生存發展的最大威脅,而兩岸在軍事武力的不對稱下,中共時時以「不放棄武力」,極盡挑釁之威脅,而台灣除了默默軍事備戰外,在政治,外交生存上,也只能低調回應,這也可看出中共武力對台已具有足夠的軍事力量解決統一台灣問題。目前兩岸之間最大的障礙是由領土主權爭議所衍生的問題,而領土主權問題又很容易引起戰爭,在這種壓力下,台灣將如何去面對,這是一門重要的課題。國內學術界對於兩岸關係的研究,多偏向政策方面而較少理論方面的探討,其實,藉由理論層面的研究而詮釋海峽兩岸互動過程與未來發展,有助於強化政策建議的內涵與深度,觀諸台海兩岸未來的安全發展,若能以戰略文化研究途徑,作為觀察的理論基礎,對於台海武力衝突的可能性,及中共對於使用武力的政治目的、手段與效用或許能提供新的詮釋與政策建議,由於潛在的戰略文化,會使決策者的戰略偏好及使用兵力解決爭議的傾向產生影響,因此,武力在未來台海安全的發展中,仍會是一個關鍵的重要角色,所以透過對中共戰略文化內涵的分析與掌握的研究途徑,進而對其軍事戰略與對外戰爭模式加以研究,期能深入瞭解中共在何種情況下,會不惜一切的以戰爭來解決問題,進而思考台海雙方在既有戰略思維下審慎避免誤判或誤認,讓動武甚至檫槍走火的意外情勢均不會發生;以提供吾人從事國家安全政策及國防戰略規劃相關人員參考研究與運用。 / In order to understand the behavior of a country, it is necessary to learn its behavior in a macro scale, and the representation of such behaviors is known as the “Culture”. From the strategic culture perspective, it provides an in-depth understanding of a country’s use of military forces, as well as the prediction of future wars. Especially for the military personnel who are the key to the national security, they shall have the understanding and knowledge to the People’s Republic of China’s initiation on wars; through the study of strategic culture, examples of PRC’s use of military power, research of PRC’s initiation on wars, I shall fulfill my duty by providing recommendation towards the national security strategies in order to protect the country. To the Republic of China, the PRC from the cross strait is the biggest threat to our country’s survival and development, under the unbalance of military power, PRC constantly provokes and threatens by stating “not giving up the use of force”. In contrast, Taiwan is much more low-profile in the military preparation, politics, and diplomacy. This is a strong indicator that the PRC’s military force has the capability and could to use its power to unify Taiwan. Currently the biggest obstacle between the two sides is the territorial dispute from sovereignty, and it is a subject that can easily trigger wars. It is an important subject for Taiwan to deal with under pressure. Many of the existing academic researches focus on the policy aspect and less on the theoretical perspective. In fact, through the theoretical interpretation of cross-strait interaction and future development can strengthen the content and depth of policy recommendations, and the future safety development. Through the use of strategic culture as the research methodology, it will identify the probability of cross-strait conflict, the PRC’s political execution of military power, tactics, and effectiveness. This strategic cultural perspective may provide new definition and policy recommendation, as it studies the decision maker’s strategic preferences and their tactics. Therefore, the military power plays a significant role in the development of the cross-strait safety, and by analyzing the PRC’s strategic culture and research of its military strategy and war mode, will provide in-depth understanding of the circumstances under which the PRC will stop at nothing to solve the problem with war, and to avoid misunderstanding or misinterpretation through the strategic culture from both sides. This will further prevent wars from occurred by accidents: hence, this national security policy and defense strategic referencing may provide values to be researched and utilized by the associated members.

冷戰後俄國軍售蘇愷戰機之研究:1992-2011 / The Study of Russian Sukhoi Fighter Sales after Cold War:1992-2011

王洪謙, Wang, Hung Chien Unknown Date (has links)
由於蘇聯的解體導致冷戰結束,原本由東西兩方所撕裂的世界對立已然消 失,正所謂「飛鳥盡,良弓藏,狡兔死,走狗烹」,原本用來阻止敵對勢力侵犯的軍隊自然面臨大量裁軍與刪除鉅額預算的困境。這種情況在冷戰剛結束後的世界各國皆如此,美國四個軍種都各自終止諸多高科技武器的研發項目,並大量裁減軍隊規模,歐洲亦然,而俄國的情況更惡劣,金融方面不僅缺乏稅收,盧布也巨幅貶值,不僅軍隊的薪餉無法發放,連裁退老舊武器的資金都還得靠西方國家資助,俄國軍隊面對前所未遇的巨大難關。 同時,俄國的軍工複合體也缺乏資金,面臨無以為繼的情況。不過此時有 個巨星從破敗的俄國軍工複合體中出現,就是-Su-27 家族戰機。 由上述假設命題衍生出來下列邏輯相關的子命題: (一)為何蘇愷戰機能得到冷戰後國際軍火市場的青睞? (二)冷戰後外銷蘇愷戰機所得之外匯對於俄國經濟有何影響? (三)冷戰後外銷蘇愷戰機所得之外匯對於俄國航空工業之影響為何? (四)蘇愷戰機的外銷在冷戰後的俄國對外政策中扮演何種角色? (五)綜合以上,可得到什麼結論? Su-27 家族戰機是蘇聯在解體之前所完成開發的兩種第四代戰機之一,而且Su-27 家族是屬於重型戰機分類,所以無論在航程、武裝搭載量上都遠勝輕型戰機甚多,同時又因為Su-27 的先天不穩定設計,使Su-27 家族的機動性大幅提高,更重要的是Su-27 家族來自幣值與消費水準相對低的俄國,使的造價也相對低廉,再者,俄國相對於美國在出售武器方面的政治限制也較低,在以上諸多因素的交互作用之下,Su-27 便暢銷世界,成為冷戰後俄國軍工產業對外軍售最成功的產品之一,俄國軍機產業也因此保存了下來。因此本文將探討為何Su-27 能在如此艱困的大環境下還能如此逆勢成長。 / The collapse of the Soviet Union means the Cold War ends. The opposition between the East and the West had been disappeared. There is so called " when the fish is caught , the net is laid aside." So all the arming forces of each country were facing the reduction inquantity and in the budget. For example, all types of American arming forces were ended a lot of R&D plans and disarmament, and the European countries were facing the same situation. In Russia, the situation became much worse than the West. Not only lack of financial taxes support, the depreciation of the ruble was also huge. Let the salary of the military troopers could not be issued. And the Russian government was also lack ofmoney to retire the expired weapons. Russian troops faced an unprecedented dilemma. Meanwhile, the military industrial complex of Russia was also lack of funds. Butthere was a super star rising from the ashes, it was the Su-27 Flanker family. This thesis will explore why the Su-27 family could become one of the best-selling fighters of the world in the post-Cold War period. Propositions derived from the above assumptions the following logical propositions: (A) Why the Sukhoi fighters could be one of the best-selling fighters in the international arms market in the post-Cold War period? (B) The foreign exchange earnings from the selling the Sukhoi fighters brings what kind of influence to the Russian economy? (C) The foreign exchange earnings from the selling the Sukhoi fighters brings what kind of influence to the Russian aviation industry? (D) The export of the Sukhoi fighters in the post-Cold War plays what kind of role in the Russian foreign policy? (E) What can we conclude from the above questions? The Su-27 Flanker family belongs to the class of heavy fighter, it has high performance and less cost compare to the Western products. And the most important is, Russia could sell it to all countries which wants to buy it. Russian government realized the potential political power of the Su-27 family so it decided to put it into the international arms market. The interaction between government and the technicaladvantage of the Su-27 family makes the Su-27 family become one of the best-selling fighters in the world.

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