Spelling suggestions: "subject:"“police authority”"" "subject:"“police uthority”""
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Dizendo-se autoridade : polícia e policiais em Porto Alegre, 1896-1929Mauch, Cláudia January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho é uma história da polícia e dos policiais nas décadas que se seguiram à proclamação da República no Brasil. A pesquisa reconstitui as práticas do policiamento na cidade de Porto Alegre, capital do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, entre 1896 e 1929, no entrecruzamento entre a polícia projetada pelos governantes republicanos e as experiências dos homens que exerceram diretamente esta atividade. A partir de fontes produzidas pelas próprias instituições policiais (registros de ocorrências, fichas de pessoal e inquéritos administrativos movidos contra policiais, entre outras) investigo quem eram, como viviam, trabalhavam e lidavam com a autoridade a eles atribuída os policiais - grupo ocupacional marcado pela ambígua condição de agentes da dominação estatal recrutados no meio social que deveriam controlar. Minha hipótese é que sua autoridade era constantemente reinventada e seus sentidos atualizados contextualmente, no âmbito das interações sociais. A dominação que os policiais exerciam ou pretendiam exercer, portanto, não dependia unicamente de seu mandato legal, embora não existisse sem ele. / This study is a history of the police and the policemen in the decades that followed the establishment of republican regime in Brazil. The research reviews the practices of policing in the city of Porto Alegre (capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul), from 1896 to 1929, in the intersection between the police, as projected by republican leaders, and the experiences of the men who exercised this activity directly. Based on sources produced by the police institutions themselves (incident reports, personnel files and cases against police officers, among others), I ask who were the policemen, how they lived, worked and dealt with the authority ascribed to them. Policemen formed an occupational group marked by an ambiguous condition: they were agents of state domination recruited in the social environment that should control. My argument is that the senses of his authority were constantly reinvented. The domination that policemen exercised or intended to exercise, therefore, did not depend only from its legal mandate, but did not exist without it.
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Police authorities : citizenship and accountabilityMillen, Floyd January 2009 (has links)
This thesis explores the role and effectiveness of police authorities in connecting policing and the citizen and in increasing the citizen's involvement in the delivery of their policing service. The thesis examines: police authorities in the context of citizenship and in relation to accountability; and whether the operational function of law enforcement, the original charge of Keeping the Kings Peace and policing by consent - can work homogenously within a system characterised by both active and passive citizenry. Individual chapters discuss whether police authorities have sufficient power, whether the home secretary and chief constable have too much power, and the propensity of police authorities to demand answers and call the police service to account. As history shows, it is possible to have a police service carrying out policing functions in the absence of a police authority performing a scrutiny function; but it would be impossible to have a police authority without a police service. Therefore, the thesis argues that the added value, the relevance and the effectiveness of police authorities needs to be unambiguous.
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Maktrelationer inom Polismyndigheten : En kvantitativ studie om upplevelse av osynliga maktrelationer inom Sveriges Polismyndighet / Power relationships in the police authority : A quantitative study about experiences of invisible power relationships in the Swedish Police AuthorityLinde, Caroline, Nyman, Cassandra January 2020 (has links)
Polismyndigheten har i årtionden präglats av en machokultur och även om synen på kön och könsidentitet förändrats med tiden påvisar studien att den gamla kulturen lever kvar. Myndigheten har en tydlig hierarkisk styrning med strikta regler och förhållningssätt, men som i alla organisationer förekommer informella osynliga maktrelationer även här. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om skillnader finns i upplevelse av osynliga maktrelationer till följd av könsidentitet alternativt ålder samt undersöka samband. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter är den institutionella makten, det kulturella perspektivet samt fyra härskartekniker som utgör grunden, för att undersöka skillnader i upplevelse av osynliga maktrelationer. Till hjälp har tre forskningsfrågor med tillhörande noll- samt alternativa hypoteser formulerats. Studien utgår från en kvantitativ metod där en enkät förmedlades till medarbetare inom Polismyndigheten, vidare genomfördes en kompletterande intervju för att erhålla djupare förståelse för det kvantitativa resultatets utfall. Resultatet visar en markant skillnad mellan kvinnor och mäns upplevelser, dock inte mellan olika åldersgrupper. Vidare visar resultatet ett signifikant samband mellan kvinnor och osynliga maktrelationer, men eftersom urvalet är litet i förhållande till myndigheten går resultatet inte generalisera till populationen och vidare forskning bör ske för att kunna dra generella slutsatser. / For decades the Police Authority has been characterized by a macho culture, and although the perception on sex and gender identity has changed over time, the study shows that the old culture still lives on. The authority has an obvious hierarchical governance with strict rules and approaches, but as in all organizations, informal invisible power relationships exist here as well. The purpose of this study is to examine whether differences exist in the perception of invisible power relationships as a result of gender identity or age, and to investigate -relationships. The theoretical starting points of this study are institutional power, the cultural perspective and four suppression techniques are the basis for exploring differences in the perception of invisible power relationships. To help, three research questions and associated hypotheses have been formulated. The study is based on a quantitative method in which a questionnaire was communicated to employees within the Police Authority, and a supplementary interview was conducted to gain a deeper understanding of the outcome of the quantitative result. The results continue to show a significant connection between women and invisible power relationships, but since the selection is small in relation to the authority, the result does not generalize to the population and further research should be done in order to be able to draw general conclusions.
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Fem år efter Polismyndighetens omorganisation : Polisers egna uppfattningar av den nya reformenHillgren, Malmin, Olsson, Lina January 2020 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur anställda hos Polismyndigheten i mellersta Sverige har upplevt omorganisationen fem år efter att den genomfördes. Målet var att ta reda på de anställdas egna erfarenheter av omorganisationen, därav valdes den kvalitativa metoden som undersökningsmetod. Intervjuer utfördes av semistrukturerad karaktär med poliser hos Polismyndigheten. För att få ytterligare bakgrundsunderlag studerades den tidigare forskningen. Relevanta teorier som valdes ut var Sarneckis definition av kontroll, Tankebees analys av Beetham ́s legitimitetsteori samt Lewins modell om förändringsprocesser. Studiens resultat påvisade att de anställda ansåg att omorganisationen hade varit till fördel för deras arbete på en rad punkter. Men ett flertal aspekter åt det negativa hållet identifierades. Slutsatserna som drogs var att förutsättningarna för samarbete har ökat vilket också bidragit till en mer sammanhållen poliskår, men detta är dock inte tillräckligt för att gagna polisens effektivitet, eftersom den hindras av en organisationsstruktur som upplevs svår att arbeta utefter i praktiken. / The purpose of this study was to investigate how employees of the police in central Sweden experienced the reorganization in 2015. The aim was to find out the employees personal experiences, for which we choose to apply an qualitative method. To gain results, we implemented interviews of a semi-structured caracter. For further support we studied earlierrelevant studies. Sarnecki’s definition of control, Tankebee’s analysis of Beetham’s theory of legimicity as well as Lewins model of change, worked as guidelines for our studie.The main results found demonstrated that the employees considered the reorganization as a beneficial aspect regarding the work of the police. But there were a few negative aspects as well. The conclusion was drawn that the police force has become more united of the basis of a better cooperation within the police. This is not sufficiently to gain experienced effectiveness, since the structure of the organization is difficult to maintain in practice.
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Polisreformen ur lokalpolisers perspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om polisreformens innebörd för lokalpoliserVelander, Ellinor, Rasol, Narin January 2020 (has links)
The aim behind this work was to investigate whether the Police Authority's reorganization in 2015 had any impact on local policing. In order to get an answer to this, 8 local police officers were interviewed in different regions around the country. Due to the current situation with Covid-19, and geographical distances, these semi- structured interviews were conducted over the phone. This was because the interview participants were not willing to meet and also on the recommendation not to travel around Sweden.The results of the interviews showed that the majority of participants were dissatisfied with the reorganization. The implementation of the reorganization led to disappointment and dismissal among police employees, partly due to dissatisfaction with changes that led to the disappearance of important skills. The positive thing, on the other hand, was that communication and flexibility among different police regions had improved.The participants in the interview were the common conclusion that the Police Authority should listen to those who work in the field in order to create as good a authority as possible. / Syftet bakom detta arbete var att undersöka om Polismyndighetens omorganisation år 2015 haft någon påverkan på det lokala polisarbetet. För att få svar på detta intervjuades 8 lokalpoliser i olika regioner runtom i landet. På grund av den rådande situationen med Covid-19, samt geografiska avstånd, genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer på telefon. Detta berodde på att intervjudeltagarna inte var villiga att träffas och även på rekommendationen att inte resa runt i Sverige.Resultatet av intervjuerna visade på att majoriteten av deltagarna var missnöjda med omorganisationen. Genomförandet av omorganisationen ledde till besvikelse och uppsägningar bland de polisanställda, bland annat på grund av missnöje kring förändringar som gjorde att viktig kompetens försvann. Det positiva, å andra sidan, var att kommunikationen och flexibiliteten bland olika polisregioner blivit bättre. Intervjudeltagarnas gemensamma slutsats var att Polismyndigheten bör lyssna på de som arbetar ute på fält för att kunna skapa en sån bra myndighet som möjligt.
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Barnfridsbrott : - Upplevelser bland anställda på Polismyndigheten och socialtjänsten i Malmö stad / Violation of a Child's Integrity : - Experiences among Employees at the Police Authority and the Social Services in the City of MalmöLundell Björk, Rebecka, Nyström, Sara, Rosén, Ellen January 2022 (has links)
För att värna om och stärka barns straffrättsliga skydd infördes lagen om barnfridsbrott den 1 juli 2021. Lagstiftningen ämnar att betona barns särskilda utsatthet i samband med bevittnande av våld mellan två omsorgspersoner. Syftet med den aktuella studien är att undersöka hur lagstiftningen fungerar bland praktiker inom Polismyndigheten och socialtjänsten i Malmö stad, detta genom att undersöka deras upplevda förutsättningar och potentiella hinder vad avser möjligheterna att utreda barnfridsbrott. Datainsamlingen består av sju kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med yrkesverksamma tjänstemän inom de två berörda myndigheterna. Genom en tematisk innehållsanalys identifierades fyra huvudteman. Studiens resultat indikerar att det skett en omfattande kunskapsutveckling på området våld i nära relation och att lagstiftningen upplevs tillvarata barnets rättigheter genom de ökade möjligheterna att höra barn utan vårdnadshavares tillstånd. Respondenterna redogör för utmaningar såsom tidsfristen och den ökade mängden barnförhör. De ger även uttryck för att socioekonomiska faktorer spelar en avgörande roll gällande våld i nära relation. Därtill betonar dessa vikten av ett välfungerande brottsförebyggande arbete som tar avstamp i en effektiv samverkan. Avslutningsvis framhålls vikten av att genomföra fler utvärderingar av lagstiftningens praktiska tillämpning. / In order to safeguard and strengthen children's criminal law protection, the violation of a child’s integrity became Swedish law on the first of July 2021. The legislation intends to emphasize children's vulnerability in regard to witnessing violence between two caregivers. The purpose of the current study is to investigate how practitioners within the Police Authority and the social services in the city of Malmö experience the function of the legislation. This is done by examining their working prerequisites and potential difficulties regarding the possibilities of investigating cases of violation of a child’s integrity. The data collection consists of seven qualitative semi-structured interviews with professionals within the two agencies. Through a thematic content analysis, four main themes were identified. Results indicate that there has been an extensive development of knowledge in the field of intimate partner violence and that the legislation is perceived to safeguard children's rights through the increased ability to interrogate children without caregivers' consent. The respondents describe challenges such as the time limit and the increased number of interrogations. In addition, they express that socio-economic factors play a decisive role regarding intimate partner violence. They also emphasize the importance of a well- functioning crime prevention that is based on cooperation between agencies. Finally, it is regarded as important to conduct further evaluations of the legislations' practical implementation.
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Ett steg mot Nollvisionen : En utvärdering av Polismyndighetens utbildningssatsning ”Akut omhändertagande av självmordsnära person” / A step toward vision zero : A qualitative evaluation of the Police Authority's course “Acute care of a suicidal individual”Jarlsbo, Mathilde January 2021 (has links)
Suicide is a worldwide public health issue which has substantial consequences and The World Health Organization (WHO) fears that mental illness will be the largest public health matter in 2030. About 40 times a day Swedish police intervene in suicide cases (polisen.se, 2020) and on Gotland there are both suicide attempts and fulfilled suicide beyond the national average (Public Health Agency, 2020). Since the first quarter of 2020, the education initiative Acute care of suicidal persons" (AOSP) has been conducted in line with a government assignment that the Police Authority has undertaken. This study uses semi-structured interviews to investigate and evaluate the Police Authority's educational efforts and work to prevent suicide on Gotland. Furthermore, the study examines the perceived benefit of the educational initiative AOSP and how the participants experience their self-efficacy to intervene with people who struggle with suicidal behaviour. Previous research shows that qualified and educated police officers will play a crucial role in suicide prevention (Marzano et al., 2016) and police officers' self-efficacy should be strengthened for an effective suicide prevention strategy (Osteen et. Al, 2014). It also appears that factual knowledge combined with practical training generates the best conditions for police officers to handle the encounter with suicidal persons (Isaac et al., 2009). It appears in this study that all interviewees value the education and that the consequences of the education are predominantly good as the participants feel assured in the encounter with mental illness and that in the long run they conduct a better suicide prevention. All informants describe that their self-efficacy to handle the encounter with a suicidal person has been strengthened and that the consequences from the educational initiative in the form of both manifest and latent functions have affected the suicide prevention on Gotland mainly in positive ways.
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Polismyndighetens policydokument : -effektiv ledning eller existentiell nödvändighet? / Swedish Police Authority policies : -efficient management or existential necessity?Larsson, Joakim, Gunnarsson, Michell January 2022 (has links)
The Swedish Police Authority is the largest Authority in Sweden. One small part of the organization is the International Units and the section for Peace Support Operations. The unit gets its objectives from the Swedish Government which are transformed into governing documents within The Swedish Police Authority. Among many directives are the policy and guideline for implementing the gained knowledge and experience achieved by the Police Officers being sent abroad. Earlier studies have concluded there might be a gap between the policies and the practice regarding the implementation within the Swedish Police Authority and its different organizational bodies. A digital survey was sent out to Swedish Police officers that had spent time abroad in the line of duty. Questions about the fulfillment of the policies was imbedded with questions about their own opinions about what their service abroad had led to. It seems to be some sort of organizational disconnection between the policies intent and the organizational practice.
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"När jag hänger av mig uniformen, följer arbetspasset och känslorna med den" : En kvalitativ studie om polisers upplevelse och hantering av emotionellt arbete / “When I take off my uniform, the shift and the emotions go with it” : A qualitative study on police officers’ experience and management of emotional labourBjällerstedt Olsson, Julia, Brännhult, Matilda January 2023 (has links)
Polisyrkets karaktär kräver att den anställda kan utföra emotionellt arbete för att uppvisa de känslor som stämmer överens med arbetsrollen. Detta medan både befolkningen och brottsligheten ökar i Sverige vilket leder till en ökad arbetsbelastning samtidigt som det fattas ett tusentals poliser. Syftet med studien är därför att undersöka hur poliser i yttre tjänst upplever och hanterar det emotionella arbete de utför. För att besvara studiens syfte utfördes 10 semistrukturerade intervjuer med poliser som arbetat i yttre tjänst inom olika kommuner i Västra Götalands län. Resultatet delades sedan in i två delar, delen om upplevelser visade på att respondenterna både hade en medvetenhet och en avsaknad av medvetenhet gällande emotionellt arbete i olika situationer. Vidare betonas vikten av kollegorna i det arbete de utför. De beskriver även de förväntningar och känsloregler de dagligen förhåller sig till. Delen om upplevelser avslutas med hur synen på det emotionella arbetet utvecklats från då till nu. Delen om hantering visar sedan på hur de anställda får stöd från chefer, ledning och kollegor i form av debriefing och professionella samtal, om det skulle behövas. Här presenteras även andra strategier såsom träning och att ta på sig masken och gå in i yrkesrollen som polis. / The nature of police work requires its employees to perform emotional labour to display the kind of emotions that are consistent with the demands of the job role. All while experiencing an increased workload due to a growing population and an increasing crime rate in combination with a shortage of police officers. This study, therefore, aims to examine how police officers experience and handle emotional labour. Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with police officers who work in various municipalities within the Västra Götalandregion. The result was divided into two parts, the first one describing experiences. The respondents showed an understanding of certain parts of emotional labour and a lack of understanding regarding other parts of emotional labour. Furthermore, the importance of colleagues in the work the police perform is emphasised. They also describe the expectations and emotional rules they relate to daily. The part regarding experiences ends with the perceived differences of emotional labour then and now. The second part of the results describes how they manage emotional labour with support from managers and colleagues in the form of debriefing and professional help, if needed. Other strategies such as training and stepping into the police role are also presented here.
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Bättre insatsledning med drönarteknik som stödsystem? En studie om Polismyndighetens UAS-användning vid insatsledning / Better command and control with drone technology as support system? A study of the Swedish Police Authority’s use of UAS in command and controlNoresson, Josefin January 2023 (has links)
Ett allt vanligare fenomen är att civila samhällsaktörer använder drönare i arbetet. En av dem är Polismyndigheten vars förmåga benämns UAS, en akronym för Unmanned Aircraft System. UAS används bland annat för ledning av operativa insatser. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur användningen av UAS påverkar polisens ledning av insatser. Den polisiära UAS-användningen har för avsikt att höja polisens ledningsförmåga. Enligt tidigare forskning kan detta normativa påstående tolkas som ett designförslag. Med denna utgångspunkt undersökte studien empiriskt hur UAS-användningen påverkar polisens möjligheter att nå önskade effekter av insatser. Undersökningen genomfördes med stöd av Brehmers (2013) designlogik bestående av fem analysnivåer. Designlogiken applicerades på primärt på ledningssystemet i relation till insatssystemet. Empirin utgjordes av sju individuella och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna analyserades med deduktiv tematisk analys. Resultaten visar att det finns effekthöjande faktorer, effekthämmande faktorer och effektsänkande (risk)faktorer gällande polisens UASanvändning vid insatsledning. Studiens slutsats är att det är hur relationen mellan dessa faktorer ser ut vid varje unik insats som påverkar vilken betydelse UAS-användningen får för ledningsförmågan, och därmed också vilka effekter som kan uppnås med insatsen som helhet. Det finns därmed en riktighet, men inte en garanti, i påståendet att UAS-användning genererar ökad ledningsförmåga vid ledning av operativa insatser. Att UAS-användningen höjer ledningsförmågan förutsätter att omständigheterna är gynnsamma/hanterbara och att de effektsänkande (risk)faktorerna kan undvikas/hanteras. / An increasingly common phenomenon is that civil society actors utilizes drones in work-related situations. Amongst them is the Swedish Police Authority, whose capability entitles UAS, an acronym for Unmanned Aircraft System. One way in which the Swedish police uses UAS is for command and control (C2) of operations. The purpose of the study was to investigate how the UAS-usage affects the management of C2 operations. Through UAS-usage, the Swedish police intends at increasing the police's C2 ability. According to previous research, this normative statement could be interpreted as a design proposal. Following this, the study investigated empirically how the UAS-usage affects the police's ability to achieve desired effects of C2 operations. To conduct the research, the study used Brehmer's (2013) design logic consisting of five levels of analysis. The design logic was applied primarily to the C2-system in relation to the mission respondent system. The empirics consisted of seven semi-structured interviews, which all took place individually. The interviews were analyzed with deductive thematic analysis. Results are showing that UAS-usage in C2 operations has effect-enhancing factors, effect-inhibiting factors and effect-reducing (risk) factors. The study states that the relationship between these factors in each unique C2 operation affects how UAS-usage influences the C2 ability, and hence which effects the operation as a whole produces. There is thus an accuracy, but not a guarantee, in the claim that UAS-usage generates increased C2 ability. The achievement of increased C2 ability through UAS-usage is dependent on favorable/manageable circumstances and the fact that the effect-reducing (risk) factors can be avoided/managed.
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