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事件行銷溝通效果之研究邱勝福, Chiu,Sheng-Fu Unknown Date (has links)
4.透過邀請學生參與活動使其了解產業發展現況,有助提升對產業永續經營之人才召募。 / The purpose of this study is to evaluate the possibility of promoting communication effect from research results of government supporting project, which is carried out by an event marketing。
In order to identify the fully event process planning which improves the communication effect on local and global textile industries, the study does focus on understanding the continuing promotion reality of TIFE (Textile International Forum and Exhibition) event during last four years and analyzing activity interfaces as well as results from participant’s questionnaires。Some conclusions are shown as follow :
1. The TIFE event includes technology and management symposiums、textile forums and static product shows, which is integrated by planning the opening theme and shows the differentiation and integration advantages of event program 。All these designs of TIFE event are the key issues of event marketing and the main agreement and support received from all event participants。
2. The talk of keynote speech planning in opening celebration, the invitation of the Nobel winners and the proper strategies of news report before the event and the promotion program for main activity are key issues to make the event become popular and reported by News。
3. The theme of TIFE event is connected by sub-themes of technology and management symposiums、textile forums and static product shows, which is focused and make the research results from development of textile technologies and products easy to be recognized by event participants and appreciated by the government officers。
4. By inviting students who do join the event and make them understand the development of textile industries, the help of promoting human resource required by textile industries can be improved 。
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九一一事件後美中俄在中亞的競逐蔡忠誠, Tsai,Chung-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
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美加證券市場對石油相關公司改名的反應 / Stock Market Reaction to Oil Company Name Change : Evidence from U.S. and Canada楊世安 Unknown Date (has links)
Does the stock prices of oil companies affected by the announcement of a corporate name changes? This paper investigates the North American oil firms undergo name changes from 2000 to 2005. We report a significantly positive abcdrmal return (12.5%) and abcdrmal trading volume on the event day for the overall 125 companies in our sample. During the period of crude oil price surges after 2004, we find a tendency of increasing number of firms add oil to their corporate names to signal their links with the oil markets. In the U.S., the CARs of firms add oil in their corporate names show positive effects on their stock prices. Their pre-event excess returns are not offset by post-event drift, especially in the oil hot period. Interestingly, we find that firms delete oil names in the oil hot period suffer a significant negative CAR in the post-event period. We provide evidence that major name changes are more beneficial than minor name changes in the North America oil companies, and name changes affect stock prices more positively for smaller companies than for big firms on event day. Between the U.S. and Canada, we show that there are the different CAR trends for each country. The information leakage period is longer in Canada than the U.S. It is seen that a firm with a resource unrelated activities adds an oil name, it would earn a permanent CAR.
The overall results in our study suggest that the announcement of corporate name changes of oil companies convey important information to the stock market regarding their corporate images and identifies. Investors appear to respond enthusiastically to the word “oil” in corporate names because of the relationship with a glamorously lucrative and potentially growing oil prices.
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宗教類非營利組織事件行銷探討--以法鼓山基金會為例江奕辰, yi-chen chiang Unknown Date (has links)
一、 宗教團體領導人享有崇高知名度與魅力是活動成功的最佳保證
二、 宗教組織之幕僚單位委由外聘之專業經理人執行將使活動之籌備更有效率、更加成功。
三、 組織功能完善、分工專業的義工支援系統是活動成長的最佳助力。
一、 以客戶(信眾)需求為導向並重視客戶(信眾)滿意度是維護信眾關係的不二法門
一、 活動同時兼具文化、教育功能,不以宗教為單一呈現方式是吸引傳播媒體報導、民眾熱烈參加的主要因素
一、 正確的媒體策略,可收畫龍點睛、事半功倍之效果
1. 良好的公關議題設定
2. 善用各項媒體資源
3. 以網路媒體為資訊平台中心 / The Exploration of the Event Marketing in Religion Type Non-profit Organizations
—Based on Dharma Drum Mountain examples.
Non-profit organizations have developed enormously in modern society. It has become a great issue for NPOs to apply event marketing to be well-known and obtain resources. This research is subject to exploring the event marketing in Buddhism organizations as non-profit organizations.
In this research, by studying the practical event marketing campaigns of Dharma Drum Mountain, a well-known Buddhism organization, researcher analyzed in four dimensions to further find out the success factors of event marketing. Here are the main conclusions for each dimension:
A. Dimension on Business organization:
1. The esteemed fame and attractiveness of religion organizations’ leadership is the best guarantee for the success of campaigns.
2. To prepare a campaign efficiently and successfully, it’s better to hire a professional manager from outside organization.
3. A well-organized and professional-diverse volunteer support system is the best aid for campaign.
B. Dimension on Target group:
1. To focus on the needs of clients (followers) and respect their satisfaction is the only way to maintain the relationship with them.
C. Dimension on Transferred message:
1. A campaign should contain culture and education function. Not just presenting religion message is the major factors that attracts the press report and gets the public attend.
D. Dimension on Transferring media:
1. A correct media strategy will get strong effect. It’s important to take active plan and follow the points as below:
(1). Well-defined public issues.
(2). Make good use of every media resources.
(3). Design information platform with online media tool.
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總統大選對有政商關係企業之股票異常報酬之影響陳岱佑, Chen, Tai Yu Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣聯合貸款宣告對股價之影響~不同聯貸資金用途效果之探討 / The Effect on stock price upon announcement of syndicated loans in Taiwan ─ the study on the effect of different purposes of syndicated loans林事達, Lin, Shi Da Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要目的是在探討,當企業決定其融資方式,改變資本結構後,究竟是否會造成投資人對該企業經營獲利前景的改變,而反應在企業的股票價格上,尤其在「不同聯貸資金用途」上,是否會改變投資人、股東對於該企業風險程度的認定。本文利用事件研究法(Event Study Method)進行分析,研究期間自2005年至2007年止,針對台灣上市(櫃)公司完成聯貸簽約資料,刪除估計期未滿160天者後,有效樣本共140筆,其中營運週轉金(Working Capital)資金用途者有36筆;借新還舊(Refinancing)資金用途者有71筆;資本支出(Capital Expenditure)資金用途者有33筆。
關鍵詞:聯合貸款、事件研究法、異常報酬 / The main purpose of this study is to discuss whether investors will change their anticipation on the perspective of a company, which is reflected on its stock price when the company decides on its financing method and thus changes its capital structure, and especially whether investors and shareholders will change their recognition on risk-taken levels of the company in light of different purposes of syndicated loans. This study employs Event Study Method and focuses on the listed and over-the-counter companies in Taiwan dated from Year 2005 through Year 2007. The valid sample size amounts to 140 companies after removing those companies whose estimation period is less than 160 days. Of the 140 sample companies, 36 are working capital related, 71 are refinancing related, and 33 are capital expenditure related.
The empirical results of this study indicate that, upon announcement of syndicated loans, there are no significant positive abnormal returns if the loans are used as working capital, there are significant positive abnormal returns if the loans are used as refinancing, and there are significant negative abnormal returns if the loans are used as capital expenditure.
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台灣上市櫃公司實施不同類型減資之實證分析潘振偉 Unknown Date (has links)
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霧社事件影響三群族群關係研究林文德 Unknown Date (has links)
1930年10月27日爆發日本在臺殖民史上最嚴重的衝突事件;霧社事件。Sediq Mjiras(賽德克人的怒吼)向殖民政府採取最極端手段表達自1908年霧社蕃務官吏駐在所設立以來,對於賽德克三族群人力的壓榨與土地資源的掠取最沉痛的抗議。
本論文章節安排除緒論與結論以外,共分為四章。第一章主要探討三族群之分類 、傳統社會關係。第二章從理蕃政策的脈絡下,探討霧社事件爆發以來對於三族群互動關係之影響,並研究分析其影響層面為何。第三章從山胞政策的制訂下,探討戰後國民政府接收臺灣對三族群的影響,惟本章節以「抗日史觀」為主要分析焦點。第四章則從基督教派的傳入之後對於三族群互動關係產生的影響,並且分析實際影響中的限制為何。
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以重複事件分析法分析現金增資 / Recurrent event analysis of seasoned equity offerings劉佩芸, Liu, Pei Yun Unknown Date (has links)
在公司財務的領域中,探討公司資本結構決策主要有三個主流理論:靜態抵換理論、融資順位理論以及折時理論。本篇文章採用重複事件分析法,首先沿用Baker and Wurgler (2002)中提及之五個因素做為自變數,研究影響公司辦理現金增資危險函數之因子研究,研究結果顯示,公司現金增資之危險函數與財務槓桿成正向關係,此項證據傾向支持融資順位理論,然而本篇論文研究結果,並無顯著證據支持折時理論。本篇論文接著建立另一組變素設定,將價格趨勢納入模型中,取代原來在Baker and Wurgler(2002)中觀察折時現象之因子,結果顯示折時現象是顯著的。因此,本篇論文研究結果並未對是否支持折時理論下定論,值得思考的是,欲觀察公司是否存在折時現象,除了Baker and Wurgler(2002)中提及之變數之外,直接將價格趨勢納入模型或許是另一個可行之道。 / In the field of traditional corporate financing theories, there are three mainstream theories leading the way while talking about the firms’ financing decisions: static trade-off theory, pecking order theory, and market timing theory. In this paper, we apply the recurrent event analysis and follow the independent variables appearing in the Baker and Wurgler (2002) first to examine the factors that affect firms’ hazard rate to offer seasoned equity. The results indicate that higher leverage is in positive relation
with the hazard rate of firms’ seasoned equity offering, meaning that firms’ financing decisions follow the pecking order theory to some degree. However, while the recurrent event analysis is adopted, the market timing effect becomes insignificant when considering the independent variables appearing in the Baker and Wurgler(2002). As a result, we proceed to establish another set of covariates in which the
price trend factor is involved to examine the market timing effect. While the price trend factor is substituted for the market-to-book ratio to represent the market timing effect, the market timing effect turns out to be significant. Thus, we consider that using the price trend of the market directly may be a suitable way to examine the market timing effect.
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日本統治下布農族所發生的歷史事件〈一八九五年至一九四五年〉顏國昌 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文想要探討,自西元1894年中日大戰,清廷慘敗後與日本訂定的「馬關條約」割臺的荒謬,把原住民祖傳的土地,就在不相干的中、日兩國政權,私相授受下犧牲,凸顯其不尊重與欠缺正當’性。後又加之日本殖民政府不當的強制收繳布農族賴以為生,以及榮譽象徵的獵槍時,結果引爆了布農族抗日的導火線,才會發生指標性的「大分事件」,並激出日本眼中頑強最末歸順的布農族英雄Dahu-ali的長期抗日的決心。留下了日本人理蕃工作最不光彩的紀錄,讓日本殖民政府得到應理解與尊重布農族的歷史教訓。 / 本論文核心內容,希望呈現對比現代科技與價值觀相當歧異的異民族接觸時,產生的衝突、不滿與無奈,進而予自詡文明優越的大和民族一個省思,也給予現在21世紀台灣其他所謂文明民族看待原住民族時,要有人道關懷的胸襟,勿為偏狹的「種族主義」所矇蔽,不然族群關係將處於緊崩狀態。
爰此,本論文共分五章循序鋪陳,第一章緒論,第二章布農族與日本殖民政府接觸的情形,第三章布農族抵抗外來政權的歷史事件,第四章布農族英雄dahu-ali(拉荷‧阿雷)及其家族,第五章結論。 / The intention of this dissertation is to explore Taiwan Indigenous Peoples’ ignorance of their lands being exchanged privately and secretly by China and Japan after the Shinmonoseki Treaty(1895)was signed in 1894. While the Japanese colonial government cracked down the armed rebellion of Han people, its focus turned into central mountain areas of Bunun tribe, where people had been living peacefully and quietly. Also. The government’s improper and forced collection of Bunun people’s shotguns pulled the trigger of future revolution. The Da-fen incident, which was held by the Bunun hero Dahu-ali’, was the prelude of Bunun revolution against the government. Not only had the incident left the Japan colonial government a dishonorable page of dealing with Bunun people, but also given the government a lesson of how to treat them with sincerity and honesty. / The core of this dissertation is to express the rise of conflict and dissatisfaction while indigenous peoples facing modernized scientific technology and values so as to give the mainstream society a chance of reflection with humanity. Especially in the era of 21 century, ethnic relationships should not be in tension by racism.
Thus, the first chapter discusses the general background; the second is the introduction of contact between Bunun tribe and Japanese colonial government; the third is the Da-fen incident; the fourth is the hero dahu-ali and his family; the last chapter is the conclusion.
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