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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


吳宗憲, wu,chuanghsien Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸關係的研究者,除了將歷史的糾結、族群的認同、經濟的利益以及不對稱力量等等的因素,作為分析兩岸關係的重要變項之外,兩岸互動當中的「代理人結構」,也是兩岸關係當中學者所重視的一個重要變項。 「代理人結構」的產生原因,主要是由於大陸與台灣雙方政府均強調避免官方接觸,而採用透過民間單位對談互動的模式,而這種互動的模式除了以「委託」、「複委託」結構呈現出來, 兩岸文教交流事務當中我政府與非營利組織間的所有互動關係,也類似這樣的模式。而在這種政府與非政府組織間的互動結構當中,非營利組織在與政府互動時的行為態樣,相關理論歸納出幾種不同的模式,有與政府充分配合的「合作模式」、有利用政府資源遂行自己目的的「吸納模式」、有認同政府目標而分工併行的「互補模式」,也有與政府相互對抗的「衝突模式」(Najam,2000)。至於其效果,不同的理論對其效果有著不同的詮釋,例如:有研究談判的學者,認為如果非營利組織配合政府的官僚控制模式,則這種兩階段談判的結構,可以為政府爭取到談判的空間(Raiffa, 1996:15-16);而主張社群主義的學者則認為這種結構可以透過互動,使非營利組織與政府產生合作的集體意識(Haeberle, 1987:180),進而與大陸方面相抗衡;但根據公共選擇理論的經濟人假設,理性的「代理人」透過「吸納」政府資源以達成自己目標的模式,是一種必然的現象,政府同理亦可提供資源來誘導非營利組織的行為(Dunleavy, P., and B. O'Leary,1987: 114-115);當然,也有學者不斷強調非營利組織與政府之間的衝突對立關係(Kramer et al., 1993:123),而在對立狀況下,若非營利組織採取「疏離」的模式,反而可以減少彼此之間的衝突。由此可見,對於政府與非營利組織之間的互動樣態及其優劣,不同的學者有不同的看法,呈現「人言言殊、莫衷一是」的情況。 自民國86年起,筆者任職於主管兩岸事務的行政院大陸委員會,89年亦曾在辦理兩岸文教交流活動的非營利組織工作,在工作的過程當中,發現相較於其他政策領域,兩岸文教交流互動當中的政府與非營利組織的互動關係並非只有某一種固定的行為模式,而是呈現出更多元的關係,而上述不同理論所描繪的互動模式,均能在兩岸文教交流領域過程當中獲得實證的案例來佐證,並且各種互動模式似乎是非營利組織根據時空的變化而有意做出來的選擇行為。 正因為這些多元的選擇行為模式,筆者一直深受下面問題所困擾:「從實然面的角度來說,非營利組織與政府在互動的時候,在什麼情況下會選擇什麼模式?其原因為何?」,此一問題,便是吾人之所以欲進行本研究之初步動機。進一步來說,若能了解非營利組織如何選擇不同模式以及其原因,政府才能據此思考應該採取的因應之道,兩岸文教交流事務才有辦法順利推動。 而為能了解兩岸文教交流當中,非營利組織與政府在互動時模式選擇的問題,必須解決兩方面的問題,首先,由於此一領域當中的行為模式相當多元,因此筆者必須建立一個能夠具有窮盡性及互斥性的分類模式才足夠「描述」現實的各種狀態。其次,每個實際政策領域中影響政府與非營利組織的變數並不盡相同,因此,本研究必須找出影響實際互動的變數以及其原因,才能夠將變數與選擇模式的行為將結合。為達前項目標,本研究將整理中外文獻以彙整出一個具有描述功能的分類模式,為達後項目標,本研究亦將以實際觀察作為方法,歸納出影響選擇行為的變項。 / Due to the fact that Chinese and Taiwanese governments both put emphasis on avoiding official contacts while entrusting private organizations with cross-strait dialogues and interactions, a so-called “proxy structure” has been established. Meanwhile, the interactions between Taiwan’s government and non-profit organizations in dealing with cross-strait cultural and educational affairs also resemble this structure. However, the results of the “proxy structure,” when interpreted based on different theories, are roughly categorized into four modes, including “cooperation,” “co-optation,” “complementarity” and “confrontation.” Now that there are multiple modes to choose from, I have been perplexed all along by the following question: “From a pragmatic viewpoint, when non-profit organizations interact with Taiwan’s government, which mode will be chosen under what circumstances and why?” The core concept of this research lies in this very question. To be more accurate, only when the question how non-profit organizations choose from different modes and why is answered, can Taiwan’s government think, act and react accordingly and cross-strait cultural and educational affairs be handled smoothly. In order to find the answer to this question, first of all, a categorizing model with both exhaustivity and mutual exclusivity and capable of “describing” all kinds of scenarios in the real world was established. Following that, observations were conducted to pinpoint the variables that affect real-life interactions and their causes. Thirdly, information was obtained through in-depth interviews to evaluate the accuracy and applicability of the above-mentioned categorizing model. In-depth interviews has proven that the categorizing model established in the research has a predicting ability with a considerable degree of accuracy and can act as a reference for future researchers conducting quantitative studies.


趙靜菀 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在從國中女性校長與家長會互動之實際經驗,以微觀之角度深入該場域現象,來探討女性校長與家長會互動之脈絡。首先探討八位女性校長與家長會互動之實際個別經驗,其次分析女性校長與家長會互動之方式與策略,最後提出結論與建議,供女性校長作為辦學之參考。 本研究係採質性研究方法,先尋求願意受訪校長,以訪談方式進行深入對話。共計八位分別任職於小型、中型及大型位居臺北縣市國中女性校長,採取深度的匯談,繼而分析並探討其與家長會互動之情形。 據此,本研究歸納出女性校長與家長會互動之實務經驗有兩部分:(一)互動共同部分;(二)互動不同及特殊部分。國中女性校長與家長會互動策略有:(一)塑造學校眾望所歸的願景與發展學校特色;(二)協助家長會組織健全發展,並提供其所需資源;(三)利用溝通管道,增進彼此雙方了解建立共識;(四)建立學校與家長會的合夥關係,共同討論校務發展;(五)和諧形塑學校優質文化;(六)落實學校本位管理與經營;(七)落實學校與家庭相關親職教育的訓練與進修活動;(八)建立家庭與學校之間的信賴與支持;(九)建立網際網路提昇管理效能的領導。互動策略之分類亦歸納如下:(一)逃避型-保持距離以策安全;(二)整合型-表面層次的合作;(三)單向型-一廂情願有溝沒有通;(四)合作型-攜手共創願景。 最後本研究提出下列建議:(一)對教育行政機關建議(二)對學校行政建議(三)對家長會建議(四)對師資培育機構建議(五)對女性校長建議(六)對後續研究建議 / This study discusses about the atmosphere of interaction models between female junior high school principals and parent-teacher association (PTA). The research approach is microscopic point of view from the practical experiences of the interactions between the two groups. Firstly it observes the personal practical experiences interacting with the PTA of eight female junior high school principals and secondly analyzes the strategies and means used within the communication between the two communities. Conclusions and suggestions are made in order to provide a future assistance for female principals. The research is based on qualitative research methods by holding up intensive discussions with the volunteering principals. Eight female junior high school principals from small, medium, and large-scaled junior high schools of either Taipei-city and Taipei-county attended the discussion by sharing with their own experiences. After generalizing these practical experiences we divide interactions types into two: 1) Similar Interaction Type, 2) The Different Interaction Type. The strategies within these interaction types may include: 1) Modeling a recognized future vision of the school and developing an academic feature 2) Assisting the PTA to be organized appropriately and offering needed resources 3) Increasing the understanding between each other in order to reach for certain consensus by using available communication interchannels 4) Building up a companionship between the school and the PTA and sharing the discussion of future development of the school 5) Modeling an harmonically high-graded school-culture and atmosphere 6) Ensuring a management of a school-centered management and administration 7) Ensuing a familial-parental education further trainings and related activities 8) Establishing the trust and support between the families and the school 9) Establishing inter-nets to increase the management leadership efficiency The generalization upon these strategies can be classified into four types: 1) The Run-Away type: Keep in distance for safety 2) The Integrating type: A corporation that is only skin deep 3) The Single-way type: Communicating without communication 4) The Cooperating type: Building up a future vision together. Keywords: parent-teacher association, PTA, female junior high school principals, female principals, interaction experiences

跳脫國際政治的攻勢及守勢現實主義:體系穩定的互動與結構解釋之嘗試 / Beyond the Offensive and Defensive Realism in the International Politics: An Attempt of Interaction and Structure Explanations on the Stability of the International System

楊仕樂, Yang, Shih-Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
本文試圖為當前現實主義中,國際政治理論發展的問題與瓶頸,作一概略的檢視、提出可能的倡議,並進行實證研究加以檢驗。本文發現攻勢與守勢現實主義之爭,是理論發展上不必要的誤會,現實主義內的理論爭議,其實仍是分析層次的問題:單元層級的解釋混亂繁瑣而難以驗證,但體系層級基於權力分配結構的解釋,卻也不盡圓滿。因此,本文嘗試在現實主義的物質能力傳統中,對體系穩定的變動提出「體系穩定的互動解釋」與「體系穩定的結構解釋」之新嘗試,以求在名稱上貼近解釋倡議的實質內容,跳脫過去攻勢、守勢現實主義理論名稱劃分的漩渦,並作為未來建立國際政治理論的可能選擇。 本文指出,互動能力的概念,不僅是新的解釋來源,也是界定體系範疇的前提,未來的國際政治理論應利用攻守平衡的解釋邏輯,在結構之外的互動能力解釋來源中,開發科技與地理等兩項解釋變數;並發掘結構解釋來源中,絕對的權力分配作解釋變數,再分別從此導出推論;而有關穩定的意涵,也應從戰爭的避免,擴大為對和平的威脅。本文的實證研究範圍訂在一六四八年至今的歐洲乃至全球體系,本文將先分別呈現各項解釋變數在各個時代的變化,以及依據推論所應出現的結果,再對照實際上體系穩定的變異狀態,以檢驗各項推論。整體而言,本文所進行的實證研究大致上是獲得了相當的正面結果。 / The purposes of this thesis are: examining the current obstructions in Realist theory of international politics, proposing alternatives, and conducting empirical studies. The thesis finds that, the debates between Offensive and Defensive Realism are unnecessary. The level of analysis problem is still crucial: unit level explanations are complex and hard to test, but system level explanations base on the structure of relative power distribution are not satisfactory either. Thus, to get rid of the offensive and defensive labeling, the thesis proposes two alternatives within the Realist material tradition: “interaction” and “structure” explanations on the stability of the international system. The thesis argues that, interaction capacity is both a source of explanation and the precondition of a system. In the future, the theory of international politics should take offense-defense balance as logic of explanation to explore technology, geography, and absolute power distribution as independent variables. In addition, the concept of stability as a dependent variable should also be expanded. Stability is not merely the avoidance of war, but the threat to peace. The scope of the qualitative empirical studies are European and global international systems from 1648 to present. In general, the thesis finds rather positive results to support the interaction and structure explanations.

支援虛實互動展演之程式環境 / Programming Support for Cyber-Physical Interactive Performance Art

蕭奕凱, Hsiao, Yi Kai Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係發想自政治大學「未來馬戲團」的展演活動表演方式,嘗試改進表演方式中的程式技術,以程式化方式整合展演藝術中實體與虛擬的互動平台,我們希望提供導演撰寫較為口語或展演描述方式的腳本敘述如『when ... other-wise ...』,如此一來就可以任意組合實體演員的肢體動作與指示虛擬環境的特效,因此我們採用了一套介接實體與虛擬環境應用程式的領域專屬語言- Digital In-teractive Performance Sketch (DIPS),用以開發客製化的展演程式庫,並佈署於本團隊自行開發的執行引擎 Wearable Item Service runtimE (WISE),提供導演在這個引擎上透過這個DIPS編寫前述口語的程式腳本,讓程式自行互動,達成展演效果的自動變化。 我們的系統會接收來自展演人員穿配的連網感應器上的訊號,並且根據導演寫好的腳本規則,自動根據接收到的裝置訊號判斷出該指示虛擬環境做出什麼樣的效果,以達到展演效果自動變化,完成虛擬與實體展互動的程式支援。 為了減少腳本程式撰寫前須具備的程式邏輯訓練,本研究開發一款所見即所得(WYSIWYG)的視覺化腳本編輯器 DIPS Creator,提供腳本編寫者可以直覺的方式組合編輯器中的展演詞彙方塊,完成腳本設計。 本研究展示了如何以較為口語或展演語意的方式敘述展演規則,以實現虛實互動的程式化,並且提供了具有彈性的客製化展演函式庫及圖形化展演規則編輯器的製作方式,未來可增加多演員層次的抽象支援以展現本研究系統的更多程式化能力,並加入表演階段設計、雙向溝通與規則互斥等能力,擴充系統功能。 / This research was inspired by “The Future Circus”, a cyber-physical interactive performance art developed in National Chengchi University. In this thesis, we pro-pose some mechanisms to support such performance art programmatically in a more effective manner. Specially, we provide a high-level scripting tool for directors to de-scribe the performance rules abstractly in the form of “when ... otherwise ...”, so that directors can compose arbitrary actions and effects easily. Underlying such abstract rules are a domain specific language – Digital Interactive Performance Sketch (DIPS), and a middleware. Wearable Item Service runtime (WISE), developed by our research team. Given a script with those abstract rules, our system will receive signals sent from a sensor on wearable devices of actors, and then it will command cyber environment perform effects, the performance effects or actions according to rules written by the director. Through our integration efforts, the performance effects in the cyber environment will change automatically in a programmatic way. Besides, for users without prior scripting experience, we developed a WYSIWYG GUI editor, DIPS Creator, that allows users to write a script intuitively by dragging and dropping pre-built rule blocks. We conduct a few experiments with real sensor device to demonstrate the programming support of our tool. The preliminary results are satisfactory in terms of prototype support. To further extend our tool for practical performance, we describe in detail a few directions such as support for multiple actor performance stage model-ing, and integrity check of related rules that will make our system more powerful.

從入櫃到出櫃:陽剛女同志的母親之「新母職」實踐 / Going in and out of the closet: The practice of "new motherhood" by masculine lesbians' mothers.

石純宜, Shih, Chun I Unknown Date (has links)
同性戀處在以異性戀為主流的社會中往往被視為奇怪、不正常的一群人。同性戀污名不僅影響同志本身,它也擴散至與其親近的家人身上。本研究即源自於研究者出櫃之後與母親的互動經驗,試圖以陽剛女同志的母親為出發點,運用Denzin的解釋性互動論(interpretive interactionism)為研究方法,深度訪談六位陽剛女同志的母親,探究女兒的同志身分與陽剛氣質帶給母親的個人苦惱與其母職實踐經驗。進一步地,研究者也爬梳主流意識形態與社會政策與母親生命經驗之間的關連。最後,反思助人工作者與同志父母互動時能扮演的角色與倡議之方向。 本研究的主要發現如下:一、母親成長過程中所內化的性別經驗成為她們看待陽剛同志女兒的基礎,越早接觸到同性戀議題或是擁有同性戀友人的母親,女兒的出櫃帶給她們的衝擊越小。二、越能在性別認同與性別氣質觀念上有所解放的母親,越能承接起「陽剛女同志的母親」之身分。三、母親會調整自己的母職工作以因應女兒的同志身分所帶來的議題。此外,「母職意識形態」在母親與同志女兒互動的經驗裡亦作為一把雙面刃,一方面令母親質疑自己是否因為擁有同志女兒而不是一位「好媽媽」;但另一方面,有些母親則轉化「母親」的身分,從私領域進入公領域成為所有同志孩子的母親,嘗試改變同志父母與同志孩子在社會中的處境。四、華人家庭照顧倫理的影響使得同志女兒的老年照顧問題成為母親共同面臨的議題,母親也在此種意識型態之下發展出不同的策略來為女兒的老年作準備。 / Homosexuals are often seemed to be the odd and abnormal ones among the heterosexual society. The stigma is not only tagged to the homosexuals, but spread its unfriendliness to their close families. This research was originated from researcher’s own experience of interaction with her mother after coming out, trying to investigate the trouble brought by masculine lesbian’s identity to her mother, and the mother’s practiced experiences at mothers’ view, through in depth interview of six masculine lesbians’ mothers by using Denzin’s interpretive interactionism as methodology. Further more, researcher went through the connection between the mainstream ideology and social policy, and the experiences they brought to a masculine lesbian’s mother. At the end, researcher rethinks what social workers’ role should be like and how should they provide help when interacting with parents of homosexuals. Findings of this research include: 1. The gender experiences internalized during a mother’s growth process becomes the foundation of how they see their masculine lesbian daughter; the earlier a mother aware of homosexual issue or having a homosexual friend, the smaller impact she have when her daughter coming out. 2. How much a mother could bear the identity of “masculine lesbian’s mother” depends on how liberate she is to the gender identity and gender temperament. 3. A mother will adjust her motherhood in respond to the issue brought by her daughter’s lesbian identity. Moreover, the “motherhood ideology” is a double-edged sword in the interaction experience between a mother and her lesbian daughter; on the one hand, the mother question herself for having a lesbian daughter, on the other hand, some mother convert her motherhood, from one’s mother into all lesbian’s mother, and trying to change the status of homosexual and their parents in the social environment. 4. The concept of traditional oriental family makes nursing care of lesbian daughter in her elder age a common issue for lesbians’ mothers, and because of this ideology, they have developed different strategies to prepare their daughter for their elder age.

中國文化產業政策之研究: 以北京798藝術區個案為焦點 / A Study of Policies of the Chinese Cultural Industries: Focusing on the Case of the Beijing 798 Art Zone

劉姝廷 Unknown Date (has links)
中國自2000年以來,確立發展文化產業的國家戰略,而政策的推動是中國文化產業發展的關鍵。相較於以往中國將文化作為意識形態統治工具,中國文化產業政策具有經濟、文化和社會服務等綜合屬性。因此,本文以北京798藝術區為個案焦點,闡述中國文化產業政策的出台與落實,並以新國家主義理論中「國家能力」與「國家自主性」的概念,探討國家角色在中國文化產業發展過程中的作為與作用。 在北京798藝術區個案中,本文梳理出中國文化產業園區市場化的趨勢,及文化產業園區政府與企業集團的合作管理模式。本文認為文化產業園區的發展,除因全球文化產業風潮催生,也受到國家、企業集團與藝術家各自的意志選擇、能力展現、利益取向和三者互動所影響。 本文透過個案分析,進行對新國家主義的再詮釋,發現國家自主性在文化產業發展中,受制於國際、社會及藝術家壓力,國家能力的實現是利益權衡下的妥協。本文亦認為國家內部存在相異的利益取向,透過政府不同層次的互動,型塑著中國文化產業政策的發展。 / Since 2000, China’s national strategies for the development of the cultural industries have been established, and the key to the development of the cultural industries in China is policy promotion. In the past, culture had been used by China as a tool for the governance with ideology. In comparison, China’s cultural industry policies reflect a comprehensive feature of economics, culture, and social services. Thus, this study focused on the case of the Beijing 798 Art Zone to elaborate the development and implementation of China’s policies regarding the cultural industries, and explore the achievements and influences of the role the country has been playing in the development process of the cultural industries in China based on the concept of “State Capacity” and “State Autonomy” in the Neo-Statism Theory.   This study summarized the trend of marketization of cultural industry parks in China and the cultural industry park management model based on the cooperation between the government and enterprise groups and the of through the case of the Beijing 798 Art Zone. This study believed that the development of cultural industry parks is under the influence of not only the wave of cultural industries around the world, but also the interactions among the individual free-will choices, performances of capability, and profit orientations of the country, enterprise groups, and artists.   Through the case analyses, this study re-interpreted the Neo-Statism and found that, in the development of the cultural industries, state autonomy is restrained by the pressure from the world, the society, and artists, and the realization of state capability is a compromise of the profit trade-off. This study also believed that the different profit orientations in the country have shaped the development of China’s cultural industry policies through the governments’ interactions of different levels.

結合實體物件與行動載具之開發套件設計 / A Tangible UI Toolkit for Capacitive Touch Devices

黃奕誠 Unknown Date (has links)
過去,感知物件的互動方式大多發展於大型互動桌上,其技術主要是採用影像辨識來進行互動偵測,隨著平板的普及,我們希望能將大型互動桌的實體互動體驗帶到平板世界,然而現今平板使用之電容式觸控技術有別於大型互動桌之影像偵測技術,無法直接應用影像式的物件辨識方法,因此設計出一套結合平板電腦與感知物件的開發工具,目的是要讓互動設計的開發者能夠快速開發感知物件的互動模式。 而電容式實體互動物件設計較為複雜,對於互動設計的開發者而言,要去製作、開發這些互動物件不論是在電路或是實體物件都是有一定的難度,並不是所有的開發者都擁有相關的背景或是資源。而為了讓原型製作更加的簡單在軟體上我們設計了一套SDK,在硬體上結合了樂高積木和導電的膠帶,不僅製作快速、成本低,在組裝上也能擁有一致的規格以減少誤差的發生。藉由其底座組合方式的差異也就代表著不同的感知物件。因此開發者只需套用我們所設計的SDK就可以將原有的作品加上實體互動物件的互動模式。 / The Tangible User Interface (TUI) has been widely adopted on interactive tabletops by using optical sensing techniques and fiducial markers. With the huge growth of smartphone and tablet market, we hope to expand the tangible interaction experience to the off-the-shelf touch devices. However, most touch devices use capacitive sensing techniques that can only detect human fingers. We create a tangible hardware toolkit base on capacitive touch devices so developers can use it to build tangible interactions in a fast way. We put conductive adhesive tape on LEGO blocks to form an identifiable footprint. The footprint could be attached onto a tangible object. And the pattern of the footprint could be easily arranged to represent different identities. We also provide a flash SDK that can be quickly integrated into a developer’s project and then enable tangible interactions. We expect our hardware toolkit and software SDK can benefit more developers to create tangible UI applications on the capacitive touch devices.

互動敘事中客製化之虛擬拍攝實驗平台 / An Experimental Platform for Customized Virtual Cinematography in Interactive Storytelling

賴珮君, Lai, Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來由於電腦軟硬體及人機介面介面技術的發展,互動數位敘事(Interactive Digital Storytelling, IDS)的應用也逐漸被重視,特別是在新型態電腦遊戲的設計,而這個趨勢也為即時虛擬攝影機的規劃帶來新的機會與挑戰。本研究旨在透過互動數位敘事腳本內容的分析,建置客製化攝影機運鏡實驗平台,即時自動產生符合情境情節、人物情緒的拍攝方式,並參考電影拍攝手法,結合攝影學的專業知識加入不同拍攝風格,讓同一段影片可以有不同的風格效果。我們希望能夠讓現有的互動敘事系統The Theater [1]中的運鏡技術有跡可循,不再只是以人工的方式憑藉直覺來設定攝影機的位置,而能使得虛擬攝影機的操控變得簡易,修正拍攝效果時將更加簡便,成功快速掌握運鏡的每一個細節。我們在The Theater的實驗平台之上,讓敘事者可以根據故事情境客製化虛擬攝影機的拍攝手法,並由電腦自動產生合宜的攝影機拍攝位置,快速完成攝影機規劃。我們以實例透過實驗的方式驗證此系統的有效性。 / The recent advances in computing technologies and human-computer interactions have attracted much attention in the development of interactive digital storytelling (IDS), especially in the application of novel computer game design. This trend does not only bring new opportunities but also new technological challenges to virtual camera planning. Our research in this work aims at building an experimental platform for customized virtual camera planning through the analysis of screen play in an in-teractive story. By adopting the domain knowledge of camera controls in existing films, we hope to design a computer-assisted system that allows an author to easily experiment with different styles of virtual cameras in a same story. We proposed to design an experimental platform based on “The Theater” IDS, which currently uses a pre-authored way to specify the camera position. In the proposed system, we allow an author to quickly customize virtual camera taking according to the context of a story fragment and let the computer generate appropriate camera configurations automati-cally. We use an example story to verify the effectiveness of the system through ex-periments.

網路交友平台補貼與收費機制探討 / The analysis on the Subsidy and pricing Model of the online dating platform

黃銘勳, Huang, ming syun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來平台商業模式與網路交友的盛行,使得許多網路交友平台應運而生。平台的收費模式不以傳統使用者付費的觀念建立,而是以整體平台的互動作為收費的考量,以較優惠或是免費的方式來吸引會引起正向跨邊網路效應的使用者加入,讓他們作為平台的被補貼方,藉此吸引平台的付費方群體加入。 本研究以雙邊平台的觀點來研究網路交友平台是如何設計讓使用者願意加入此平台、如何設計互動機制讓平台上雙方群體進行互動,如何訂定合適的管制讓使用者能方便使用並信任此平台上使用者的真實性,讓適當的顧客匯集。即使同為網路交友平台,其交友的目的、交友的模式也有所不同,因此本研究先探討各交友平台是如何設計互動模式,來促進使用者間的交流,並比較各平台的不同之處。 理解平台的互動機制後,接著探討平台的補貼準則。因為各網路交友平台的設計不同也使得補貼準則有所差異,透過文獻裡所述的補貼準則來分析平台是透過哪種方式來向使用者進行收費,以及分析使用者願意支付費用的原因。 透過幾個交友平台的個案分析,本研究觀察到雖都為網路交友平台,但是其交友的機制都會因其設計理念、交友目的而有所不同。因此本研究整理出哪些補貼準則被應用在網路交友平台上,而各交友平台如何設計收費時機在互動模式上,以理解網路交友平台的整個收費訂價的方式。 / Platform business model and online dating has become popular in recent years, therefore more and more online dating platforms are being set up. Platform pricing model is not set up by user charge alone, how users interact on the platform is also considered. Platform controller attract users who can cause positive cross-side network effect by offering them better price so that they can attract users who are willing to pay the fee. This research depends on two-side market theory to explain how online dating platforms attract users to enter their platforms, design interaction mechanism and set rules to allow users to use platforms easily. Depending on different dating purposes, every online dating platform has its own design. Therefore, this research discusses how different online dating platforms design interaction mechanism and compare the differences between them. After understanding how platforms design interaction mechanism, platform pricing model is then discussed. Every platform has its own pricing model, because of different design. This research analyzes platform pricing model by subsidy rules from previous studies, and why users are willing to pay. By analyzing several online dating platform cases, this research concludes that platforms have different interacting mechanisms because of website design purpose and user dating purpose. This research demonstrates which subsidy rules are used on online dating platform and how these platform design charge timing in order to understand online dating platform pricing model.

兩人團隊創意交融系絡之比較個案研究 / Creative collaboration within two-person teams: A comparative case study

樊學良, Fan, Hsueh Liang Unknown Date (has links)
「兩人」是團隊組成的最小單位,回顧人類社會經濟活動的發展,許多重要的創新,經常是從兩人團隊開始。特別是以創意為核心的任務或作為,更易於以兩人為基礎,個別尋覓契合自我價值觀、專業能力,和人格特質的合作搭檔。雖然兩人團隊是人類社會經濟活動的常態,存在著重要的學理和實務意涵需要探討;但是,目前有關兩人團隊的文獻仍不多見。本研究的目的,即在回應此一文獻缺口,探討兩人團隊創意交融的系絡。 研究採取比較個案研究法,以八個兩人設計團隊進行半結構的深度訪談,正式研究前則進行了兩個前導個案的研究。經彙整訪談逐字稿之文本分析內容後,本研究有三個主要發現。第一,兩人設計團隊創意協作的歷程,從成員對產品核心概念的探索開始,之後會經歷共同建構創意、精緻化創意和實踐創意等過程。而產品核心概念的頓悟,通常是兩人在相近的問題意識下,從參與共享的情境當中浮現。此一情境浮現之頓悟並不專屬哪一方,但又必須仰賴兩人共同參與情境而獲得。第二,友誼是促進兩人設計團隊發展交融記憶系統的重要因素,友誼不僅帶動了兩人從玩票接案到正式形成團隊,同時也在團隊運作過程中,增強交融記憶系統本身的能量。第三,成員會透過不同形式的溝通互動,促進資訊的交流並精緻彼此的創意,這些形式包括了競爭型互動、合作型互動,和基於玩興的互動。 整體而言,本研究拓展了吾人對於兩人團隊及其創意交融的理解,也對團隊經營和團隊創意管理的實務有所貢獻。團隊發展實務上,可培養交融記憶系統成為團隊賴以運作的核心能耐,並透過成員共同參與情境的方式,營造有利於兩人從事創意交融活動的場域。 / ‘Two person’ is a basic unit of the composition of a team. Looking back on the historical development of the social and economic activities of the human, many radical innovations were often invented by two-person teams. Especially, creative workers, based on the two-person team structure, are more likely to search for the right partner that whose vision, value, expertise, and personality are best fit with each other. Despite the research on two-person team could provide valuable theoretical and practical implications for team literature; very little attention has given to such phenomena. Using a multi-case of eight two-person design teams, this dissertation explores the creative collaboration within the two-person teams. Through the qualitative analysis of the data, this dissertation provides three major findings. First, the creative collaboration processes within the two-person team contain four stages which begin exploring the core concept of the product. Then, team members collectively co-construct, elaborate and execute the core concept of the product. The insight of core concept of the product usually emerges from the two persons who have similar problem awareness and collectively engage in a shared context. This insight is not exclusive which party, but must rely on both sides to collectively engage in the shared context to develop. Second, friendship plays an important role for facilitating the development of the team’s transactive memory system (TMS). Friendship not only helps the two persons to build a team, help the team’s TMS function well in the team development processes. Third, members within the two-person team use three kinds of dialogue communication for exchanging information and elaborating creative ideas of the members. The three kinds of dialogue are: competitive dialogue, collaborative dialogue, and playfulness dialogue. Overall, this dissertation extends the current knowledge in management area about the creative collaboration within the two-person teams. Results of this dissertation also contribute to the management for two-person teams and the management of team members’ creative ideas. This dissertation suggests the two-person teams can build TMS as a team’s core capability and engage in shared contexts where beneficial for the creative collaboration.

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