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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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國際非政府組織與西藏人權保護之研究 / International Non-Governmental Organizations and Human Rights Protection in Tibet

楚思玲, Choekyi,Tsering Unknown Date (has links)
本論文是在研究西藏自一九五○到二○○八年三月間發生過的反共抗暴所引發並受國際與國際人權組織所觀著之西藏人權問題。文中討論美國、歐盟與國際非政府組織(如,人權觀察(Human Rights Watch)和國際特赦組織 (Amnesty International))如何提出相對的策略來抵制中共對西藏的人權政策,並研究中共在即將舉辨奧運的同時如何面對來自各方的抵制與強大壓力,這些問題也隨著奧運的接近而更加顯著。 也許西方文化與中國文化有所不同而在人權的定義也有著些許的差異,但是這並不構成一個適當的理由來否認聯合國所定義用來參考的世界人權宣言(Universal Declaration of Human Rights)。同時本論文的研究範圍也涵蓋到因西藏宗教、政治、經濟與教育上的不自由而今年三月所引發之抗議示威遊行 ,並討論因中共近年來之掘起而美國與歐盟在此次事件上對中共的影響力與態度,這也許與中共的貿易關係不同而產生的影響力與表達的態度會有所不同。 / 中共雖然受到西方政治與國際非政府組織之強大壓力,可是西藏之人權問題仍然未得到改善,也許中共擔心若給予藏民太多的由自而可能造成更多的混亂,但西方政府與國際非政府組織持續在些問題上觀著,並積極保護西藏之宗教、語言與文化,因而讓中共當局在西藏問題上受到極大之挑戰,也必須注入更多的資源來因應。 / This research project focuses on the Human Rights situation in Tibet under the occupation of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) since the 1950s right up to the present times when popular protests against China in Tibetan areas since March 10 this year has put the issue Tibet right back on the international arena. China’s policy stand on human rights and how it refutes accusations by International NGOs of human rights violations in China and Tibet are examined through case studies of the works and reports of Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the current international attention on human rights in the run up to the Olympic Games in Beijing in August, 2008. Contrasting definition of ‘Human Rights’ between China and the west is also examined to suggest that arguments about cultural distinctiveness are no excuse for the denial of the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Case studies of lack of religious freedom and the general discrimination suffered by Tibetans in political, economic and educational spheres suggest why the recent popular Tibetan uprisings have erupted. An examination of the influence of International NGOs on the human rights policies of western governments like the US, France, UK, Germany as well as the EU that constitute China’s largest trading partners, show considerable influence and impact through their reports and monitoring of violations of human rights by China. / By adopting a judicious mix of the two approaches of ‘silent constructive engagement’ as well as direct, confrontational ‘naming and shaming’ of individual instances of human rights abuses and violations, the International NGOs and western trading partners of China have achieved incremental success in forcing China to make changes to its human rights policies. Despite the enormous international pressure from International NGOs and western Governments, the leadership of the Communist Party that effectively runs China, is found to be extremely uncooperative in terms of improving human rights in China or Tibet where the current spate of protests have reaffirmed their abiding fear that allowing more freedom and rights to the people could risk a challenge to the supremacy of the Party in continuing to run the PRC and leading it into the 21st century as the undisputed global power. This makes it obvious that International NGOs campaigning for human rights in China and Tibet in particular will continue especially in light of China’s policy of assimilation of minority nationalities like the Tibetans and the Uighurs and the destruction of their distinct national, cultural and religious identity.

臺灣醫療器材產業國際化布局之 策略行銷分析 - 以聯合骨科為例

高聖凱 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球人口結構高齡化和醫療技術的日新月異,使得全球醫療器材市場,正以前所未有的速度,快速地蓬勃發展,預估2006年全球醫療器材市場的總值約為1,643.57億美元,相對於2006年我國醫療器材產業的營業額新台幣690億元,我國目前大概只佔全球醫療器材市場總值的1.4%,相較於半導體、以及電子業稱霸國際,全球醫療器材市場,不啻是我國廠商的一片藍海! 2004年全球骨科市場的價值達190億美元,預期未來十年的年平均成長率將高達10~13%,聯合骨科在人工關節的設計與製造,具有亞洲第一的水準,非常具有競爭優勢,然而,由於歐美知名品牌的公司規模及在中國人工關節市場先驅者的地位,聯合骨科如何在激烈的競爭環境中脫穎而出,考驗著聯合骨科經理人的智慧;目前,聯合骨科在台灣及大陸,分別擁有約20% 以及10% 的市場佔有率,並在西安與新竹建立生產基地。 透過實際參與中國人工關節市場操作的台灣及大陸的聯合骨科經理人、競爭廠商經理人、以及學術界的專家的角度,利用策略行銷4C成本理論,分析聯合骨科在中國人工關節市場的發展現況的優缺點與可能的成因之後,本研究建議聯合骨科在運用有限資源的有效性及時效性的考量之下,可以考慮優先解決買者的外顯單位效益成本以及買者的專屬陷入成本,進而取得市場上的優勢,除此之外,如果他們能夠持續地提升技術層面的優勢之外,更進一步的創造行銷與服務方面的效能,必能在中國的人工關節市場上,取得優勢,創造出更亮麗的成績;深耕中國、佈局世界,以期與世界級的品牌大廠,能夠在全球的人工關節市場競爭上,有更卓越的表現! / Along with global aging population and rapid advancement of medical technology, global medical devices market is increasing at the fastest speed ever and is reaching US$ 164B in 2006. 2006 Taiwan medical devices market is US$ 2.3B which is only 1.4% of overall global medical devices market. Comparing with dominant positions of Taiwan semiconducting and electronic industries, global medical devices market is a great “Blue Ocean” opportunity! Global orthopedic market will reach US$ 19B in 2004 and is expected to grow at 10-13% annually for the coming 10 years. United Orthopedic Corporation (UOC) is very competitive and is in a leading position in orthopedic joint design and manufacturing in Asia. Due to relative large company size and market pioneer position of well-known US & European brands in China, management team of UOC is facing a tremendous challenge to win this game;So far, UOC is holding 20% and 10% of market share in Taiwan and China, respectively. UOC has set-up manufacturing bases in both Xian and Hsin-Chu. After consolidating individual assessment of UOC management team, competitors’ management team as well as experts from academic society who are personally involving in orthopedic joint market in China and applying the strategic marketing analysis of 4C theory, we have concluded the strength/weakness and their possible causes of UOC current market status in China. Based on our findings, we suggest UOC could consider utilize its limited resources effectively and efficiently, as priorities, to build up its competitiveness on Cost/Utility ratio and Asset Specificity. If UOC can create effectiveness on both marketing and service furthermore, it can achieve competitive advantage and better performance in China orthopedic joint market;Establishing a strong foundation in China and structuring its market position in the world. UOC will be able to tackle face-to-face competition with world-class orthopedic companies in global market!

人與MSN對話代理人的互動:一個符擔性的觀點 / Human and MSN conversational agent interaction: An affordance perspective

翁書婷, Wong Shu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Gibson 與Norman的符擔性理論(affordance theory)為基礎,並以理論的時序變化為主、空間關係為輔,窺探MSN場域中,使用者如何定位MSN對話代理人(conversational agent)角色以及互動樣貌的展現。故本研究以深度訪談法,搜集長期互動使用者的經驗,並將研究結果以歷時方式呈現。 研究結果指出,在「初期」時,代理人藉由即時通訊網絡,變成公眾近用的對象,加上使用者的MSN儀式性使用,其隨時隨地陪伴在身旁,增加雙方互動機會,而且這種機會則讓使用者營造嬉笑怒罵的試驗「嬉玩」氛圍。然而,代理人在目前的語言限制下,只能和使用者膚淺溝通,無法產生更深層的連結,因此在「中期」互動時,使用者開始感到失望而降低互動意願。不過,使用者並未放棄溝通,到了「後期」互動時,反而依據自身需求,打破科技的限制與設定,展現「情感交流、娛樂消遣與資訊獲得」等多種不同互動行為,並且與使用者的線下生活有了連結,也和MSN中其他人際互動有了互補與重疊的關係。 以上研究結果除了意味幻想力量與多重認知、時間挪移影響,也意味著心智過程與文化經驗中,人際社交壓力的刻意釋放、無意顯露、性別制約或解放以及人我界線的人物實踐,因而塑造代理「人所不能」的可用性。代理人原本的商業宣傳意圖,也就是資訊獲得行為,僅被少數使用者感知,而被忽略。 換言之,使用者藉由不同情境需求感知不同的符擔性,並且利用己身的想像力,填補實際符擔性(科技物性)與感知符擔性(人性)間的空隙,並讓代理人展現做為長期互動對象的吸引力。

影響社群網站自我揭露行為之研究 / Study on the Impact of Self-disclosure on Social Network Site

孫曉雅, Sun, Hsiao Ya Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以人際關係為出發點,希望了解在社群網站形成的人際關係網絡中,個人自我呈現需求和人際關係需求與自我揭露之關聯,揭露對象的差異以及人格特質的影響。本研究以問卷調查法進行,對擁有Facebook帳號者之使用者發放問卷。結果顯示,個人提升自我形象、主動包容和情感期待需求對於在社群網站中向普通朋友及親密朋友的自我揭露有正向影響,情感表達需求對於在社群網站中向普通朋友的自我揭露有正向影響;被動歸屬需求對則普通朋友及親密朋友的自我揭露有負向影響。 此外,外向與自戀人格特質的使用者自我揭露行為上,也有不同的發現。內向的人的被動歸屬需求對普通朋友及親密朋友的自我揭露有負向影響,且被動引導需求對親密朋友的自我揭露有正向影響。而自戀的人的主動控制需求對普通朋友的自我揭露有正向影響。 研究結果提供了基於人際關係需求的社群網站自我揭露動機,並分析面對不同揭露對象時,人際關係需求對揭露的差異,對社群網站使用者的動機和行為有更深入的了解,並提供理論基礎。而針對不同人格特質的使用者,比較在社群網站自我揭露之差異,了解社群網站使用者的不同面貌。 / This study tried to understand the influence of self-presentation need, interpersonal need on self-disclosure of normal friend and close friend at the social network sites. Sample survey was applied to investigate Facebook users. The result reveals that “self-promotion”, “expressed inclusion”, and “wanted affection” needs have positive impacts on self-disclosure of normal friend and close friend in SNS. “Expressed affection” needs have positive impacts on self-disclosure of normal friend. In addition, “wanted inclusion” has negative influence. Furthermore, there are some different findings among extroverted, introverted, narcissistic and non-narcissistic groups.

民主化與中華民國國防人力資源規劃 / Impact of Democratization on ROC’s Human Resource Planning of National Defence

賀華 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文是從民主化權力重分配的角度觀察我國國防人力資源規劃之轉變,並透過一般人力資源理論印證國防人力資源策略性規劃的重要性。民主化改變了國內政治、經濟、社會面的生態結構,同時也解構了國防人力資源的強制力,使得我國的國防人力資源規劃從徵兵制為主的規劃構面,朝向募、徵併行制發展。在「精實案」與「精進案」的過程中,國防人力資源規劃在價值性、內隱性、複雜性、專屬性、稀有性、不可替代性、、、等人力資源特性方面,是否能有效兼顧並給予良好的發展,將對我國兵役制度發展有深刻長遠影響。 在民主化的過程中,權力重分配牽涉到民主化與文人統制的關係,以及國防人力資源規劃背景條件改變的成因,對國防人力資源核心競爭力與核心價值的保存與發揚均有直接或間接影響。因此,本論文也針對此部份進行比較性研究及探討,以論證國防人力資源維繫核心價值之重要性。 本篇論文係藉由民主化的演變以人力資源理論串連現行國軍人力資源規劃模式進行分析,在觀察的角度上主要以總體面及法規制度為主,希望藉由整體性角度的探討,提供國防人力資源規劃時的參考。 關鍵詞:民主化、人力資源、人力資源策略、文人統制、兵役制度、核心競爭力、核心價值

中小企業接班人個案研究 / A Case Study on the Succession Plans of Small and Medium Business

賴雯莉, Lai, Wen Li Unknown Date (has links)
「中小企業」一直以來都是我國商業經濟的根基命脈,這些企業大多是以家族企業的形式經營,因此「父傳子、子傳孫」是相當普遍的接班形態。但發展至今,許多企業主開始面臨膝下無子或子女不願接班的窘境,且隨著產業變遷,中小企業在用人與留才上也遭遇到困境。這些因素都使得台灣的中小企業在近年來發生了嚴重的「接班問題」。 「接班人計劃」(Succession Plans)已逐漸成為企業相當重視的人才議題;正如許多企業在面臨領導人驟逝或因故離職時,因為無法迅速推舉出新任的接班人,進而導致組織動盪甚至影響到企業營運。因此,透過制定接班人計劃,預先培養未來所需的領導者,已成為企業間普遍的做法。 考量到中小企業的獨特性,在發展接班人計劃時無法完全因循大型企業的做法。本文旨在透過探究以下三個問題,試圖發掘中小企業在發展接班人計劃時應注意的重要議題: 1.中小企業接班人計劃發展的結構性困難。 2.中小企業接班人計劃所應具備的內容與特質。 3.中小企業接班人計劃得以成功的關鍵因素。 本文將以個案研究的方式,實際建構一套中小企業的接班人計劃,並將研究結果作一整理與綜合性之討論。 / “Small and medium enterprises” have been foundations of economy in our country for a long time. Most of these enterprises are family-owned, so passing on from generation to generation is a usual type of succession. However, there are some entrepreneurs who don’t have any offspring or finding their coming generation have no willingness to take over the business. It’s a troublesome problem that many small and medium enterprises have no idea about how to pass on the business. “Succession Plans”start to be paid attention by many entrepreneurs in recent years. In the past, many dominant enterprises collapsed in a flash just because of failure in succession when last conductor quitted or passed away. Now, it’s very common for enterprises to formulate a proper succession plan in order to incubate some backup talents for future needs. To consider about the uniqueness of small and medium enterprises, it’s hard to follow up the major industries totally. In this paper, we want to investigate the succession question of small and medium enterprises by dealing with three point: 1. What are the structural difficulties about succession plans in small and medium enterprises? 2. What are the contents and characteristics should be possessed by succession plans in small and medium enterprises? 3. What are the key success factors (KSFs) or key performance indicators (KPIs) for succession plans in small and medium enterprises? In this paper, we’ll have a case study research and try to build a succession plan for case company. The final goal is to make this issue prominent and then find the way to resolve the question.

因應跨國營運企業人力資源管理策略之研究 -以個案公司為例

林洋洋 Unknown Date (has links)
跨國營運發展與全球化趨勢是現今每個企業非常重要的策略之一。然而,企業發展跨國營運最關鍵的資源之ㄧ,乃是到處都有供給卻也可能是到處都不足的人力資源,由此看出人力資源管理是跨國營運發展之關鍵,不僅影響企業永續經營能力的育成,更是關係企業長期的獲利能力,顯然人力資源管理對於企業發展跨國營運成敗,乃具有舉足輕重的地位。本研究以發跡於台灣、深耕於台灣市場的典型本土企業為對象,針對其所屬的生活商品產業,積極由本土企業轉型為跨國企業之發展策略,該企業如何在有限的時間、有限的財力、突破舊思維、不足的人力資源和管理工具之前提之下,台灣母國企業走向國際化與海外子公司之人力資源管理體系建置之管理機制全面性的探討。 本研究採行「探索性研究」(Exploratory Study)與「個案式研究」(Case Study)為主的研究方式。經由對個案公司的資料分析與深入訪談,一方面更加了解個案公司進行所需面對考量環境與發展因素;另一方面,亦可從中歸納一些結論與建議,以期提供個案公司、其他業者、國內相關方面另一思考方向及相關考慮議題。對於研究建議的說明,主要分成兩部分。第一部分期能提供個案公司對於目前進行跨國營運發展之人力資源管理的提升。其次,以研究的角度,對未來從事與進行跨國營運發展企業之人力資源管理管理相關的研究,提出注意之處。 / Today, the development of multinational operation and globalization is one of the most important strategies for every company. However, the most important factor of multinational operation development is human resource, which you can find everywhere but always be insufficient mode. Therefore, human resource management is the key to the development of multinational operation, which not only affects the sustainability and its development of the company, but also deeply impact/relative to the long-term profitability. Obviously, human resources management is directly relative to the success of the company when it develops its multinational biz/operation. The research here is studying of a life style industry company founded and well developed in local Taiwan market, which then aggressively develops itself to a multination company. A comprehensive study of the details regarding how to establish the oversea subsidiaries HR management system and develop globalization strategy in holding company facing the challenge of limited bandwidth, finance support, human resources, management tools as well as traditional “follow the rule behavior”. This study was based on methodologies of "exploratory research" and "case study". Through data analysis and in-depth interviews of the company, several summary and suggestion are developed based on the extensive understand of the environment and key development factors and ideally for future reference to this company and other active players in the similar arena. There are two parts of the suggestion. 1st one is trying to support the improvement of the company’s HR management while it develops it multination operation. Following part provides the advice to future research work of HR management in multinational companies.

歐洲人權法院裁判對英國人身保護法制的影響 - 以1998年人權法施行前後的比較為例 / The Influences of ECHR Judgements on British Legal Institutions of Personal Freedom -Based on the Comparison between Periods before and after Human Rights Act 1998

葉佳韻 Unknown Date (has links)

小區域人口推估研究:臺北市、雲嘉兩縣、澎湖縣的實證研究 / A study of small area population projection in Taiwan

陳政勳 Unknown Date (has links)
一個國家對全國人口有充分瞭解,方能依據國情制定適合的政策,地方發展更是如此,更須洞悉各地的人口結構,以善用有限的資源。台灣近年人口老化日益明顯,各縣市的老化速度及人口問題也不盡相同,若可獲得各地區未來的人口相關數值 (亦即人口推估),當能減輕未來人口老化對台灣造成的衝擊。本文以縣市層級的人口推估,也就是小區域人口推估為研究目標,探討需注意的事項,尋找適合台灣地區的小區域推估方法。 本文整理小區域人口推估方法,並使用人口要素變動合成法 (Cohort Component Method),以雲嘉兩縣、臺北市、澎湖縣為範例,測試縣市層級的人口推估。人口推估與生育、死亡、遷移三者的假設有密切關係,我們以死亡率為目標,比較不同模型的優劣,考慮的模型包括 Lee-Carter 模型、區塊拔靴法 (Block Bootstrap)、篩網拔靴法 (Sieve Bootstrap) 以及泛函資料分析 (Functional Data Analysis) 中的主成份分析 (Principle Component Analysis),以估計誤差為衡量方法優劣的標準。分析發現篩網拔靴法、區塊拔靴法、Lee-Carter 模型三者的結果較佳,因此在小區域推估中使用較簡便的區塊拔靴法。研究發現對小區域的人口推估而言,遷移假設扮演非常重要的角色,此與全國規模的人口推估結果截然不同。研究過程亦發現人口三要素對人口推估有明顯的影響,若假設三要素間互相獨立 (也就是傳統推估時的假設),推估結果的預測區間遠小於三要素不獨立。 / The government can make policy according to the population change in this country, while the local government can develop their district by using their limited resources well after realizing the populaton structure. The population ageing is becoming more serious and being more different among every counties in Taiwan day by day. If we can get the relative numbers of population in the future (population projection), we can decrease the attack of population ageing for Taiwan. The aim of this paper is to find an appropriate method and some notations of small area population projection in Taiwan. The paper includes the summary of methods of small area population projection and the results by using cohort component method on three areas in Taiwan, YunLin & ChiaYi, Taipein City and PengHu. Population projection is highly related with birth, death and migration, hence we test the mortality rate by using several methods, Lee-Carter, block bootstrap, sieve bootstrap and principal component analysis of functional data analysis are included. We found that the result of sieve bootstrap, block bootstrap and Lee-Carter are much better than the others, therefore, we take block bootstrap which is much simpler than the other two to analysis the effect of birth, death and migration in population projection. The sutdy found that, in small area population projecton, migration plays an important role, which is totally different from the whole country population projection.


高振格 Unknown Date (has links)
近年由於資訊社會快速變遷,相關產業不斷改革,個人資料侵害事件頻傳,個資議題逐漸受到重視。為了修正難以跟上社經發展腳步之「電腦處理個人資料保護法」,民國99年5月26日公布了新修訂的「個人資料保護法」,卻引起極大的爭議,至該法公布至今已逾兩年卻尚未施行,造成電腦處理個人資料保護法的闕漏遲遲無法獲得填補。個人資料保護法所牽涉者,不僅為個人資訊權的保障,由於個人資料保護意識已在國際間抬頭,若個人資料保護水準未合乎適足標準,我國在蒐集外國個人資料時會受到限制,恐怕會危及我國在國際間資訊傳遞的便利性,如此資訊傳遞將成為我國企業於國際競爭上的劣勢,是我國個人資料保護法制的確立實至關重要。   本文嘗試先就「個人資訊自決權」的角度,申論本次電腦處理個人資料保護法的修法內容之利弊,並以歐盟之「個人資料保護指令」、經濟合作發展組織之「隱私保護與個人資料跨國交流指導原則」以及亞太經濟合作組織之「隱私保護架構」所揭櫫之個人資料保護原則,探討「告知原則」、「同意原則」、「選擇退出制度」以及「敏感性個人資料之保護」等議題,論其對個人資料保護法相關規定之影響。最後,再針對個人資料保護法施行窒礙之相關爭議規定,提出修正或配套意見,期盼我國個人資料保護法制得以完善。

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