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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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劉建宏, Liu,Jeng-Hong Unknown Date (has links)
一個組織行政人員穩定性關係著組織效能的良窳,因此教師兼行政人員的穩定性以及離職情形對學校效能有著重大的影響,再加上工作壓力及工作滿意與離職與否息息相關,因此本研究旨在探究目前桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員行政職務平均任期以及教師兼行政人員工作壓力、工作滿意和離職傾向的關係。最後作出結論和建議供教育行政機關、學校行政主管、教師兼行政人員及未來相關研究之參考。 本研究調查表資料以桃園縣89學年度(含)以前成立之國民中學進行普查,共計發出46份調查表,回收40份,回收率為87%,有效的調查表計33份,可用率為83%。問卷調查也以上述46所桃園縣國民中學之教師兼行政人員為資料分析對象,從桃園縣13鄉鎮市抽出33所國民中學之全部教師兼行政人員,抽取樣本共有463人,問卷回收433份,回收率為94%,有效問卷計410份,可用率為95%。在資料分析上,問卷調查資料主要用描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、典型相關分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析、多元及逐步迴歸分析、因素分析等方法。 本研究獲致以下結論: 一、桃園縣國民中學學校規模越大,教師兼行政人員平均任期越長,教師 兼行政人員離職率越低。 二、桃園縣國民中學學校歷史短,主任及組長的平均任期較長;學校歷史 短,組長平均任期較長。學校歷史長,主任及組長的離職率較高;學 校歷史長,組長離職率較高。 三、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員工作壓力感受屬於中等程度,以工作 負荷壓力最高;工作滿意感受屬於中等程度,以主管領導滿意最高; 離職傾向屬於中等程度。 四、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員在整體工作壓力感受上,30歲以下顯 著大於41歲-50歲、任教5年以下顯著大於任教16-25年、未婚顯著大 於已婚、訓導(學務)處組長顯著大於教務(教導)處主任、行政年 資5年以下顯著大於行政年資6-15年、設校50年以上顯著大於設校10- 20年、20-30年、30-40年及40-50年、研究所碩士以上顯著小於師 大、師院或大學教育系畢業及一般大學院校畢業。 五、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員在整體工作滿意感受上,51歲以上顯 著大於31歲-40歲、任教26年以上顯著大於任教5年以下及6-15年、學 校規模73班以上顯著大於13-36班、設校20-30年顯著高於設校10年以 下、30-40年、40-50年及50年以上。 六、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員的離職傾向,30歲以下顯著大於41 歲-50歲及51歲以上、任教5年以下顯著大於任教16-25年及26年以 上、未婚顯著大於已婚、教務(教導)處組長及訓導(學務)處組長 顯著大於輔導室主任、行政年資5年以下顯著大於行政年資6-15年、 學校規模13-36班及37-72班顯著大於73班以上。 七、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員整體工作壓力與離職傾向關係呈顯著 正相關。 八、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員整體工作滿意與離職傾向關係呈顯著 負相關。 九、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員整體工作滿意與整體工作壓力關係呈 負相關。 十、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員工作壓力的角色衝突層面對離職傾向 最具預測力。 根據研究結論,本研究的建議如下: 一、辦理教師兼行政人員職前研習及輔導制度,適時給予鼓勵、獎勵及關 懷。 二、爭取經費改善學校環境設備。 三、同性質業務合併,減少不必要的公文。 四、適量地交辦工作,減少不必要的行政程序和規定。 五、鼓勵教師兼行政人員進修學位。 六、學習壓力調適,建立良好人際關係。 關鍵字:教師兼行政人員、工作壓力、工作滿意、離職傾向 / Administrative personnel have a critical impact to the overall success of the organization; therefore, the stability and turnover situation of those teachers who also perform administrative functions (referred as administrative teachers) is very important to the school itself. In addition, the work pressure and job satisfaction have close relationship to the turnover rate, so the goal of this dissertation is to study the correlations among those length of service, work pressure, job satisfaction and turnover frequency of these teachers. Also a set of conclusions and suggestions were proposed for future study reference for education administrations, school’s management board and those administrative teachers. The survey of this dissertation was distributed to those junior high schools established prior than YR2000; total of 46 copies were sent out and received 40 back (87% of return rate) with 33 sets of completions (83%).The survey population was based on those administrative teachers among those 46 schools; sampling size was 463 teachers with 433 returns (94%) and 410 effective results (95%).For the data analytical tools: descriptive statistics,T-test,one-way-ANOVA,canonical correlation,Pearson product-mo- ment correlation,multiple regression analysis,stepwise multiple regression analysis , factor analysis were utilized. The conclusions are as follows: I. The larger the size of Taoyuan junior high schools, the length of service (LOS) is longer for those administrative teachers, and the turnover rate is lower. II. With Taoyuan junior high schools’ history being not long, the LOS of Directors and Supervisors was longer. For older schools, the LOS of Supervisors is longer, but with higher turnover rate of Directors and Supervsiors. III. The pressure level of those administrative teachers is Medium and the work load pressure tends to be the highest. The job satisfaction is Medium, and the leadership satisfaction is the highest, while the turnover tendency tends to be Medium. IV. For the overall work pressure level of those administrative teachers: 30 yrs old > 41-50 yrs old; LOS under 5 yrs > 16-25 yrs; single > married; student affairs supervisor > academic affairs Director; administrative LOS under 5 yrs > 6-15 yrs; school history longer than 50 yrs > 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50 yrs; master degree and above < university (college) degree V. For overall job satisfaction (for administrative teachers): age of 51 and above > 31-40; LOS greater than 26 yrs > 5/under and 6-15 yrs; school size 73 classes and more > 13-36 classes; school’s history with 20 to 30 yrs > 10 yrs and below, 30-40 yrs, 40-50 yrs, and 50 yrs above. VI. For overall turnover tendency: 30 yrs and below > 41-50 yrs old and above; LOS under 5 yrs > 16-25 and 26 yrs and above; single > married; academic affairs supervisors and student affairs supervisor > counseling director; administrative LOS under 5 yrs > 6-15 yrs; school size with 13-36 classes and 37-72 classes > 73 classes. VII. Overall work pressure and turnover tendency have a positive correlation. VIII. Overall job satisfaction and turnover tendency have a negative correlation. IX. Overall job satisfaction and overall work pressure have a negative correlation. X. The job role conflict situation could be used as an indictor of future turnover tendency. Based on the conclusions of the study, the suggestions of this dissertation are as follows: I. Set up training and counseling system for administrative teachers; provide sufficient encouragement, rewards and care. II. Apply for more funds to improve the overall school environment and facilities. III. Combine similar businesses to reduce unnecessary paperwork. IV. Set up appropriate job-assigning process to reduce administrative procedures. V. Encourage continuous learning (ex. pursuing for higher degree) VI. Learn to adjust pressure and to build up good communication skills. KEY WORDS: administrative teachers, work pressure, job satisfaction, turnover tendency


林靜芬 Unknown Date (has links)
利用媒體從事競選活動是「人」與「媒體」共同運作過程,其違法責任,依行為主體及被利用之客體,分屬中央選舉委員會、國家通訊傳播委員會及檢調機關管轄,現行法制將「人」與「媒體」責任脫勾處理,易造成選舉政治效益聚合,法律責任負擔分散結果。以93年總統、副總統選舉「三一九槍擊案事件」及95年高雄市長選舉「走路工腳尾飯事件」為例,雖然兩案是否自導自演不應冒然武斷,但每到選舉,利用媒體散播或渲染未經證實謠言,造成選舉不公事件頻傳,揆其主因,利用媒體從事競選活動雖然每個環節均有法律規範,但法律責任卻分別由行為主體(行為人),及被利用之客體(媒體)各自分擔,行政管制無法於第一時間有效管理,常致使類此案例層出不窮,違犯者有侍無恐,故非修法難以為治。 造成選舉效益聚合法律責任分散最大問題,一方面,利用媒體不正競選之新興型態出現,行政機關不及確認;另一方面,選罷法當選無效事由之實體認定及程序方法,排除行政訴訟程序適用。按公職人員選舉罷免法第一○三條第二、三款規定,當選人有對於有投票權人以非法之方法,妨害他人自由行使投票權,或以詐術或其他非法方法,使投票發生不正確之結果,得以當選人為被告,提起當選無效之訴。此所謂「非法方法」為何?選罷法適用時機為何?選罷法適用時機前之競選行為,完全擺脫選罷法規制是否合理?又,選舉是群體連續操作結果,當選無效訴訟之提起僅限於當選人行為,對於其競選團隊所為之不當違法行逕完全排除是否公平?從歷次判例觀察,因「非法方法」導致當選無效者竟無一例,可見法官在審判上,仍以候選人是否有具體作為,並產生相當因果關係之損害,為衡量標準,忽略選罷法終極目的,在於公平選舉之超個人法益捍衛,未必以被害人之有無為斷。 其次在訴訟程序上,公職人員選舉罷免法第一一○條規定,選舉、罷免訴訟程序,除本法規定者外,準用民事訴訟法。民事訴訟與行政訴訟性質不同,前者在解決私法上糾紛,採當事人進行主義、辯論主義。後者攸關公益,在解決公法上爭執,採職權調查主義,有關當事人之適格、認諾、自認、舉證責任、攻擊防禦等限制,不得準用民事訴訟程序規定。選舉訴訟並非執著是否應排除民事程序之適用,最大問題在於當事人間舉證責任分配不對等,或許回歸行政訴訟程序後,以當事人為區分點,凡當事人一方,其競選種類與其現任公職身分高度相關者,適用行政訴訟程序;倘兩造皆為一般人民,則依現行法制處理,或可解決舉證責任不公之問題,畢竟握有公權力者,其享有行政資源時,難期待不利用公權力便宜行事,故法律應防範於未然,讓當事人兩造訴訟立足點實質平等。

委員會治理機制之研究-以台灣公務人員退撫基金監理委員會為例 / The Governance of the Committee in Taiwan-The Case of Public Service Pension Fund

鍾佳雯, Chung, Chia Wen Unknown Date (has links)
公務人員退撫基金雖非一般企業,但這並不表示公務人員退撫基金可以不必對「資金提供者」負責或懈怠獲致「應有報酬」之責任;公務人員退撫基金為執行特定公共任務之組織,其能否發揮制度設計所預期的功能,將直接影響公務人員退撫基金的營運績效。本研究之主要目的為探討治理變數對基金績效的影響效果。實證結果發現監理委員會的組成結構中,唯有軍公教、學者專家的係數估計值顯著異於零,其他的治理變數對基金績效的影響皆不具有顯著影響效果,另外,股價指數與資產配置對於基金績效存在顯著的作用,股價指數以及資產配置在銀行存款與短期票券,具有正的影響效果,至於配置在有價證券,可能由於受到政治的干預護盤以及對於股票市場的投資監督不佳,所以造成其負向影響效果。 由於治理變數大多對基金績效無顯著影響效果,可能肇因於退撫基金無健全的課責制度,可以考慮減少政府機關代表的數量與其角色,考量委員的代表性與專業性。此外,股市投資為影響報酬與風險最為顯著的投資工具,股價指數與有價證券的資產配置皆對基金績效有顯著的影響效果,對於股票市場的投資需要更加的小心。由於退撫基金由政府管理,欠缺彈性,其投資運用易受到官僚體系與政治因素的影響,未來退撫基金也可以朝行政法人組織來做改革。隨著基金累積金額的日漸龐大,監理委員會功能的發揮與否,與投資運用績效息息相關,將攸關未來退休者的給付與參與者的費率,如何有效發揮監理委員會的功能,是值得關注的議題。


呂世壹 Unknown Date (has links)
行政院於九十一年底提出「行政法人」的概念,並於九十二年四月擬具「行政法人法」草案並送請立法院審議,截至目前,我國僅有一個行政法人-國立中正文化中心,於九十三年三月一日正式掛牌運作,其餘行政法人尚未完成立法程序。各界對於此一制度有諸多的批評與探討。 我國行政法人制度是參考了英國、日本,甚至是德國的制度,事實上它是一個政策學習的過程。國立中正文化中心-身為我國第一個的行政法人,其年度經營績效及運作成果,除作為中心次一年度經費核撥的參考依據外,更是未來我國是否繼續推動行政法人,以及全民是否支持的重要關鍵因素。為了讓這個政策學習化過程能夠順遂,凝聚共識,實有必要研析國立中正文化中心行政法人過程中遇到的困難,或是規劃不盡合宜之處,俾使此一制度的落實更臻完備。 本論文試圖參考國內外學者文獻之方式,並參酌相關法令規定,從公共行政的觀點,來瞭解推動行政法人背後的基本理念,參考英國、日本目前推動法人化的經驗,探討我國第一個行政法人-國立中正文化中心運作機制,以及瞭解發現目前運作窒礙或規劃不盡合宜之處,並試圖找出未來可以改進或修正相關作法。

臺北市政府採購人員主管領導型態與工作滿足感之研究 / A Study of Leadership Styles and Job Satisfaction for the Procurement Personnel in Taipei City Government.

侯姵如, Hou, Pei Ju Unknown Date (has links)
政府機關各項採購案,從前期採購投標須知之制定、上網公告資訊之登錄、契約稿之草擬;中段之領投標作業、開標作業、決標公告之登錄與傳輸;至後期簽約、驗收作業等,流程複雜且環環相扣,均有賴機關內部秘書(總務)單位之採購人員從頭至尾包辦,故政府採購執行順利與否,與採購人員之工作滿足感有密切之相關。政府採購之採購效率,除了採購人員本身因素外,其直屬主管之領導型態亦是一重要之影響因素,成功的領導型態或方式可以增加部屬之工作滿足,進而提升工作績效。 本研究旨在探討「政府採購法」暨相關法令實施後,採購人員之個人屬性及其直屬主管領導型態等變項,對於採購人員本身工作滿足感之影響,以臺北市政府所屬各機關學校內總務秘書單位實際從事採購工作之人員為研究對象,運用問卷調查之研究方法進行實證研究,並根據研究結果,提出建議,以供有關機關參考。本研究採問卷調查法收集初級資料,問卷內容計有「工作滿足量表」、「領導型態量表」及「個人基本資料」等三大部分。針對研究回收所得之問卷,以 SPSS 10.0 統計套裝軟體程式,採用信度與效度分析、描述性統計、相關分析、獨立樣本T檢定及變異數分析等方法,進行資料分析。 由本研究獲得以下發現: 一、臺北市政府採購人員工作滿足感之情況,在工作滿足各構面以對工作伙伴的滿足感最高,其次依序為對上司、整體工作滿足感、薪資福利及工作本身的滿足感,而對升遷的滿足感最低。 二、個人屬性變項與工作滿足感之關係: (一)採購人員職位不同,對其工作滿足感各個構面及整體滿足感有顯著差異。 (二)採購人員官職等不同,對其工作滿足感各個構面及整體滿足感有顯著差異。 三、主管領導型態與工作滿足感之關係: (一)採購人員直屬主管之領導型態不同,對其工作滿足感各個構面及整體滿足感有顯著之差異。 (二)在「統合型管理(9,9型)」之直屬主管領導型態下,採購人員在工作本身、薪資福利、升遷、上司、整體工作滿足等構面的滿足感較高。 根據研究發現,提出建議如下: 一、對採購主管機關及各機關學校之建議 (一)健全人事升遷管道 (二)建立採購人員專業加給之獎勵制度 (三)適當配置各機關學校內採購人員之員額 (四)鼓勵採購人員直屬主管多採用「統合型管理(9,9型)」的領導型態 (五)強化採購人員專業訓練課程 (六)建構和諧的工作環境 二、對後續研究建議 (一)研究變項方面 影響工作滿足感的因素很多,建議後續研究者可就不同變項中,選取適合研究之主題,更深入的探討其與工作滿足感之間的關係。 (二)研究對象方面 後續研究者可將研究對象擴及至中央及其他縣市政府之採購人員,以進行研究及比較。或可反向探討何種人格特質類型之個人較適合從事採購工作,透過適才適所的人力資源配置,以提高機關學校採購人員的工作滿足感。 / All types of government procurements are a complex series of correlated procedures which are single handedly taken care of by procurement personnel who work at general administration departments. The success of the procedures, such as the establishment of procurement bidding information, the announcing of events on the Internet, or the drafting of contracts at the early stage; bid application, opening of the bid, the announcement and transaction of the bid during the mid-stage; to the signing of contracts and inspection during the latter stage are very closely related to the job satisfaction of the procurement personnel. The procurement efficiency of the government is not only affected by the procurement personnel, the leadership style of their direct executives is also an important factor. Successful leadership styles or methods will increase the job satisfaction of their staff and consequently their work performance. This research reviews the attributes of the procurement personnel and their executives and other related variants after the ”Government Procurement Act” and regulations are employed. The effects it has on the job satisfaction of the procurement personnel are also discussed. Our research subjects are procurement personnel working at general administration departments of schools that are under the jurisdiction of the Taipei City government. We used questionnaire investigation research methods and made suggestions to the related institutes for their reference according to our results. The questionnaires collected the initial data, which is divided into three parts:”Job Satisfaction Measurement” , “Leadership Style Measurement”, and ”Personal Information”. SPSS 10.0 statistic software was used to conduct reliability and validity analysis, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, independent sample t test, and ANOVA on the data of the effective samples. The following are the discoveries of this research: 1. In regards to the job satisfaction of the procurement personnel in Taipei City government, we see that the subjects are most satisfied with their colleagues, followed by their executives, the overall job satisfaction, their salary, and the job itself. The least satisfactory factor is the promotion system. 2. The relationship between the personal attribute variant and job satisfaction (1)Procurement personnel of different titles had major differences in terms of job satisfaction and overall satisfaction. (2)Procurement personnel of different ranks had major differences in terms of job satisfaction and overall satisfaction. 3. The relationship between the leadership style of executives and job satisfaction. (1) Different leadership styles of the executives leading the procurement personnel caused major differences in terms of job satisfaction and overall satisfaction. (2)The procurement personnel that were lead by the「Integrated management (type 9,9)」leadership style were more satisfactory in their work, salary, benefits, promotion, executives, and overall job compared to others. According to the results, we suggest the following to: 1. Procurement personnel executives and schools: (1)To have an integral promotion system (2)To establish a reward system for the procurement personnel. (3)Appropriately select, distribute, and control the number of procurement personnel. (4)Encourage executives of the procurement personnel to use the「Integrated management(9,9 type)」leadership style. (5)Reinforce procurement personnel professional training programs (6)Construct a harmonious working environment 2. Future researches: (1) Research variant Several factors influence job satisfaction; we recommend future researchers to select suitable themes from various variants to further review their relationship with job satisfaction. (2) Research subject Future researchers can expand their scope of research subjects to the procurement personnel of central governments and other city or county governments to make comparisons. They may also think in retrospect and find out which personal characteristics are most suitable for procurement work, which will increase the job satisfaction of the procurement personnel at schools or institutes via appropriate distribution of human resources.

兩岸公務人員考選制度之比較研究 / A Comparative Study of Civil Service Recruitment Systems in Taiwan and China

蕭智遠, Shiau,Jyh-Yeuan Unknown Date (has links)
就政府機關而言,公務人力素質之良寙對工作績效與競爭力的提升有密切關聯,而考選則居於人力素質把關的第一線,因此做好公務人員的入口關乃是現代化國家健全文官體制的首要課題。從而公務人員考選的目的即是運用最佳的考試技術與方法,藉以選拔具有一定的知識、技術與能力的人才,以符合用人機關工作職位的需求。 兩岸雖同文同種,但彼此因政治制度及意識形態的不同,導致考選制度有顯著的差異,因此本論文從兩岸的考選法制及考選技術深入探討及比較分析,發現我國公務人員考選制度已落實功績制,而中華人民共和國仍強調「堅持黨管幹部原則」,因此無論考選法規的訂定或考選技術的施行,均無法擺脫以「中國共產黨」利益為優先的陰影,再者戶口限制人民報考機會,且辦理考試機關常是有法不依,或藉口試(面試)機會挑選政治條件好、思想純正、品德優良人員,是以兩岸公務人員考選之公正性與公平性仍有落差。又中華人民共和國公務人員考選對少數民族及退伍軍人之優惠措施遠不及我國針對原住民族及退除役軍人舉辦特種考試,再者體格檢查標準嚴格,殘疾人士並無參加考試的機會,不若我國為身心障礙者參加考試提供各種照護措施,並舉辦身心障礙人員特種考試。 兩岸公務人員考試均呈現激烈競爭的場面,除要嚴守公正、公平公開的原則,更要彰顯考試的效度與信度,故口試要朝結構化進行,筆試要測試核心工作能力之科目,並建立質優量大的題庫試題,俾能達成評鑑與預測的目的。 關鍵字:考選制度、公務人員考選法制、考選技術 / For government agencies, a close relationship exists between the professional quality of civil servants and the enhancement of job performance and competitiveness. As recruitment is the front line of human resources quality control, ensuring that this entry point is optimized is an issue of primary importance for modern countries aiming to improve their public service systems. It follows that the objective of recruitment procedures is to use the best examination techniques and methodology so as to select personnel with the most suitable knowledge, skills and abilities to meet the needs of employing agencies for the vacancies they aim to fill. Even though the people of Taiwan and China are of the same general ethnicity and use the same language, the political systems and prevailing ideologies on either side of the Taiwan Strait are different and this leads to there being clear differences in the respective civil service recruitment systems. This study looks at the systems and techniques used in the two territories for civil service recruitment and, through a comparative analysis, shows that while Taiwan has put in place a merit system, the People’s Republic of China still emphasizes the “subordination of all cadres to the leadership of the Party”. This means that the interests of the Chinese Communist Party cast an inescapable shadow over both the pertinent legislation and the practical recruitment techniques in use. In addition, citizens’ opportunities to take examinations are subject to restrictions related to identity and household origin, while agencies conducting such examinations often ignore procedures set out in law, or rely on oral testing (interviews) to select persons with the right political stance, correct thinking and good morals. In terms of impartiality and fairness, therefore, there is some difference between the recruitment systems in operation on either side of the Strait. The preferential measures put in place by the PRC in favor of the country’s ethnic minorities and retired military personnel in the context of civil service recruitment are far from matching Taiwan’s system of Special Examinations for indigenous persons and military personnel transferring to the civil service, while physical fitness requirements in China are strict and disabled persons do not have opportunities to take civil service examinations. This contrasts with Taiwan where many facilities are provided for the convenience of disabled examinees and a specific Special Examination for the Disabled is also administered. In both territories, civil service examinations feature intense competition, and while the principles of impartiality and fair openness are paramount, it is even more important that recruitment procedures demonstrate effectiveness and credibility. Accordingly, oral tests should be conducted in a structured manner, written examinations should address subjects pertinent to the core abilities of the job in question, and question banks should be maintained with a high volume of items of high quality. Such steps further the ultimate testing goals of appraisal and pre-assessment of candidate suitability for civil service employment. Keywords: recruitment systems, civil service recruitment law, examination and recruitment technology


王玉玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在藉由中高級文官能力需求的探討,進而分析評鑑與考選的理論與方法,同時以我國現行國家考試方式為基礎,參酌英美日德法等國文官考試制度的設計,在實務上以我國公務人員高等考試一級考試為個案分析進行深入探討。 針對研究發現,歸納本論文之結論,敘述如下: 一、我國中高級文官所需具備的能力,應包括 (一)概念技能(conceptual skills):問題分析、主動性、計畫與組織、書面溝通能力、敏感性、判斷力、控制力;(二)人際技能(human or interpersonal skills):領導統御能力、口語表達能力、組織與分析能力、親和力與感受性、決斷力、影響力、分析能力、團體適應力、壓力忍受性、積極性;(三)專業技能(technical skills):專業知識、專業能力、政策規劃能力、問題解決、創造力、洞察力、獨立性。 二、不同的評鑑與考選方式均有其優缺點,須依據目標的不同而有多元的選擇,此外尚必須考量信度、效度、公平性、應用性及成本等因素。透過問題處理或籃中測驗、團體討論或集體口試、專業科目或方案規劃可以有效衡鑑應考人在概念技能、人際技能及專業技能的能力。 三、我國評鑑與考選制度設計,實際採行仍以筆試為主,有必要吸取不同國家考試用人的經驗,從理論與實務上加以研究改進,始能真正選拔出優秀適合及具發展潛能的高素質人才。 四、英美日德法文官考試制度的設計,可以發現其考選過程相當慎重與嚴謹、考試方式多樣化、考試內容涵蓋理論與實務、考試內涵與工作所需能力相結合、豐富的口試內容並且重視發展潛能。 五、公務人員高等考試一級考試,經個案研究及實際模擬演練發現改革方式較傳統方法較具多樣化,考試內容涵蓋理論與實務,並能與工作所需的能力相結合,予以高度的肯定。 根據以上結論提出具體建議,本研究並將理論與實務結合,以作為我國中高級文官評鑑與考選方式之借鏡,並提供訓練機構或教育單住之參考。 [關鍵詞]:中高級文官、核心能力、評鑑、考選、公務人員高等考試一級考試


葉思延 Unknown Date (has links)
本文之研究目的希望透過銀行業經理人工作現況與工作條件之經驗,探求經理人的契約關係,及其工作權益保障之討論。在研究方法上,一方面先以文獻探討開展,一方面以實務訪談的方式,觀察銀行經理人具備勞工「從屬性」之有無與程度與銀行經理人實際遭遇到何種工作權益的問題,將實務研究發現加以統整,以銀行業的訪談經驗作為其「從屬性」與「裁量自由」加以分析,希望逐步釐清我國經理人之概念及其契約結構,探求是否有其他勞務性契約之適用可能。 我國經理人契約通說係為委任契約類型,經理人之工作保障不受勞動法令的保障。實務上,勞工轉換為經理人身份時,經民法、公司法法定程序任命,即從勞動契約關係轉換為委任契約關係,在為有法令的保障下,常發生因身份轉換,導致許多勞動權益的喪失,衍生退休年資的消滅、團結權資格的喪失及工作權隨時喪失等問題。 本文從「人格從屬性」相關的四個面向(工作時間、接受指示調派、接受考核及接受懲戒)觀察銀行分行經理及總行部處首長等經理人,採以「上、下位標準認定」方式,再結合其經濟從屬性及事務處理自由程度等具體事項,綜合分析後發現這些公司法經理人不但具一定程度的從屬性,事務處理的自由亦為受限,理當可以視為勞工身份。此外,本文亦發現近年司法機關針對勞工行政主管機關過去所採以經公司法程序之形式認定方式,出現突破性之看法,認為此法定任命程序,僅為進用方式,無法憑單一方式即認定這些經理人之契約關係為委任契約,而排除於勞動法令之適用範圍。 以德國的經驗,發現德國將經理人之概念再細分為獨立經理人與經理人員(Leading Officer),雖然德國法制承認經理人員確實與一般勞工在地位、組織利益關係常有所衝突之處,然仍將其視為「勞工」身份,享有勞動權益的保障,於特別法令上,再與一般勞工有所區分,在企業內部另組利益團體或工會,可與雇主進行協商。反觀我國經理人之範疇含括了獨立經理人與經理人員之概念,而我國大部分經公司法任命之經理人皆與經理人員的性質相符,實有討論納入勞動法令的意義,值得我國法令省思。 結論對於經理人的組織定位、基礎契約關係有更深入探討分析,期待我國有一套客觀地認定勞工身份之方式,並提出我國勞動法應獨立於其他商事法令,針對經理人員等特殊身份的勞動者,重新思考其契約關係,訂定有更為詳細的定義,確保勞工升遷中,仍得維護自身工作權益,使職涯生活能夠多一層保障。

國家公園警察公權力與環境正義之研究 / The Study of Environmental Justice and the Police Authority in the National Parks

姜祖培 Unknown Date (has links)
依相關文獻探討得知,我國國家公園概以全盤西化的僵硬、不適宜的法令以及與原住民的衝突等原因,使得國家公園的存在與發展,產生多面向之問題。 本文研究之目的如下: 一、藉當前國家公園警察執行公權力現況之探討,發現問題並尋求解決之道,以符當地民情及環境正義,或提供有志者作進一步研究。 二、以平地型、高山型國家公園警察之執勤與各國家公園管理處政策之推行,探討各國家公園執法及政策推展之成效,用資策進。 三、從環境正義之觀點,提出能兼顧自然保育與保障原住民權益的建議方向,建構雙贏策略,使國家公園永續發展。 本研究以我國各國家公園為研究範圍,先就「利害關係人」 (stakeholder)對國家公園與環境正義互動之探討、分析,建構出國家公園警察執法與環境正義之相關問題,採用深度訪談法及兼以實地觀察法進行實證調查研究,同步藉由實地觀察法,探討問題之核心,取得實證調查結果資料與文獻資料對照,最後以「利害關係人」觀點進行綜合分析,依分析結果得出目前國家公園警察執法與環境正義間之整合,建構雙贏策略。 本研究之實證研究結果並配合引用相關文獻之建議如下: 一、對政策及管理層面之建議 (一)近程 1、強化國家公園警察執行功能。 (1)減少行政警察勤業務,有效發揮執法效益。 (2)建立環境義警制度,強化巡山護管功效。 (3)加強國家公園執法訓練,塑造警察專業形象。 (4)策進國家公園警察執行之公權力。 2、加強警察之人文教育。 (二)中長程 1、儘速增(修)訂現行不適法令。 (1)儘速配合修訂不適法令,俾利執法有據。 (2)擴大參與仿效設立緩衝區,保障當地住民權益。 2、導正利害關係人觀念認知。 二、對後續研究之建議 本研究囿於人力、物力,僅以我國雪霸、玉山、太魯閣(高山型)及陽明山、墾丁、金門(平地型)之六個國家公園為探討範圍,建議後續研究者可以擴大研究範圍,以擴及至我國林政單位之森林地域林班地與警政署森林暨自然保育警察隊為研究領域,將可更深入探討環境正義之各類相關性議題。 關鍵字:國家公園、警察人員、國家公園警察、公權力、環境正義。 / It is learn in accordance with relevant documents, our country national park laws and regulations stiffness due to totally Westernization, inopportune laws and conflict of aboriginal cause that the existence and development of the national park face more questions. The purpose that this text studies is as follows: First, make use of the police of national park at present to carry out state authority, the discussion of the present situation of state power, found the problems and seek the solution, in order to agree with local public sentiment and environmental justice, or provide the interested ones to do further study. Second, with the implementation of the policy of national park headquarters of every country on duty of the level land type and alpine type national park police, probe into the effect that enforcing the law and policy of every national park in order to urge on the progress of policy. Third, from the view of environmental justice, propose the suggestion direction that can give dual attention to the natural conservation and the safeguard aboriginals rights and interests, build and construct the win-win tactics, make the national park develop sustainable. This research regards every national park of our country as research scope, first , ‘the interested party’ ( stakeholder) is focused on the discussion, analysis of the national park interact with environmental justice, build and construct the relevant problems with environmental justice and the police of national park law enforcement, adopt the depth interview and concurrently observe on the spot to conduct the real diagnosis investigation and study, moving ahead simultaneously by observing on the spot, probe into the core of problem, obtains the real diagnosis investigation result material and compare with the literature materials, analyze synthetically with ‘the interested party’'s view finally, obtains at present the police of national park law enforcement and the environmental justice according to the analysis result the conformity, build and construct the win-win tactics. Real diagnosis of findings and suggestion the coordinate quotation correlation literature of this research is as follows: First, suggestion on the policy and management aspect. (1) Short range 1. strengthen the police of national park and carry out the function. (1) Reduce the administrative police's hardworking business, effective display law enforcement benefit. (2) Establishment the environmental volunteer police system to strengthen and patrol the mountain to ensure the efficiency of management. (3) Strengthen national park law enforcement training, mould police's professional image. (4) Promote the state authority that the police of national park carry out. 2. strengthen the police's humane education. (2) Medium-Long range 1. Amending the current inopportune laws and regulations as quickly as possible. (1) Amending inopportune laws and regulations as quickly as possible to enforce in accordance with the law. (2) Expanding participation and imitating and establishing the buffer zone, safeguard local aboriginals rights and interests. 2. Lead straight interested party's concept cognition. Second, suggestion on follow-up study. Due to limitation of research manpower, material resources, only six national parks are studied in this research including Shei-Pa, Yushan, Taroko (high mountain type) and Yangmingshan, Kenting, Kinmen ( level land type). Strongly suggest the follow-up researchers, in order to expand the research field to the forest region, forest class and forest and natural conservation police team of the policy unit of our country, can probe into all kinds of dependence topics of environmental justice more thoroughly. Key word: National park, the police personnel, the police of national park, state authority(or state power), environmental justice.


楊恆捷 Unknown Date (has links)
在經歷了長時間俄國的官僚體制演進歷程,俄國由原先俄帝國「官階表」(Table of Ranks),到蘇聯時期產生了所謂的「職官名錄制」的體制,這龐大的官僚傳統,經過逐漸演化,衍生出了貪污、效率緩慢、特權制、為特定國家組織服務的「恩庇侍從」的脈絡。一九九一年解體後,葉爾欽繼承了蘇聯這龐大的官僚,而且其規模還逐年增加,但效率卻沒有明顯的上升,反而在國家公務人員體系內部產生了嚴重的性別、教育、以及工作年資上退化的情形;葉爾欽看到了,設立了「國家公務人員部」(Roskadry) 、「俄羅斯國家公務人員學院」(Russian Academy of State Service, RAGS)等一連串的機關,並通過「俄羅斯聯邦公務人員原則法」(Fundamentals of State Service)等,想要解決這種情形;但這段時間的地方、中央衝突,解體初期俄羅斯未完善的法律、官僚貪腐集團的阻礙,加上葉爾欽健康上、政權上的不穩定,使得他的改革沒有多大的成效。 兩千年總統大選後,俄羅斯的公務人員改革再度透過四份文件展開:「俄羅斯聯邦國家公務人員制度改革構想」(The Conception of the State Service System Reform of the Russian Federation)、「俄羅斯聯邦國家公務人員體制」(About the System of State Service of the Russian Federation)、「俄羅斯聯邦公務人員體制」(About the Civil Service of the Russian Federation)、「俄羅斯聯邦國家公務人員改革計畫」(State Service Reform in the Russian Federation):二零零三~二零零五年的改革計畫。 以上四份文件,加上普欽上任後,逐漸中央集權,收回其權力,並打擊寡頭,使得俄羅斯的公務人員的人才教育、與培訓制度地逐漸上了軌道,並確立了公民公平進入公職體系、軍事和法律執行領域的職員加入公務體系的三種類劃分方法、層級劃分,加上競爭性的升遷、和職業性任用的「功績制」到此逐漸地成熟,根除腐敗公務人員的決心,可以看出俄國的確做了很大幅度的進步。然而,俄羅斯的公務人員在薪水、社會地位仍嫌低下,使得俄國的公職體系沒有開放改革後的私有部門、私人企業等的吸引力,而其公務人員在職業資格上,仍是需要改進的地方,作者認為俄羅斯的官僚政治改革,並不會在短時間之內成功,除非改革能由俄羅斯大眾的基本社會意識型態轉變下手,由基礎的意識形態、社會觀感下手,加上改善上述官僚利益的阻礙、公務人員的薪水、職業任用程度等問題,俄羅斯的公務人員才能享受更高的社會地位,更符合韋伯的官僚效率,使得俄羅斯國家機器運轉地更順,更有效率。

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