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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

銀行顧客關係管理員制度:從策略規劃與組織績效考核層面探討 / A study conducted on the bank account officer’s system from the planning of strategy and the examining of operation performance

黃炳華 Unknown Date (has links)
個案銀行力行顧客關係管理員制度(CRM)背景,爰因客戶資料分析經驗顯示與現有的顧客做生意,成本只有開發新顧客的1/5至1/8;80/20 法則,告訴我們企業80% 的利潤來自 20% 的顧客。且因個案銀行深知銀行競爭激烈,有形的產品價格競爭不具差異性,企金客戶經理AO能替客戶創造無形價值的服務能力,便成為決戰未來的能力,惟有用對方法,深化與客戶互動的品質,創造感動的服務,就能維持長久競爭優勢。 該銀行採「全功能分行」模式,並對企金AO採雙軌矩陣式管理之組織改造,行政管理隸屬分行經理,業務目標績效發展隸屬總行企金部並行制,歷經逐年個案銀行經營績效亮麗表現實證,的確是一個行得通的商業模式。並不斷加強企金AO交叉銷售能力(CROSS-SELLING),成果顯示,改造後組織績效已等同金控集團彼此整合之共同行銷效能。因此近5年以非金控組織架構下仍堅持走自己的路,奮力圖強,業績仍然表現亮麗。同時也採行扁平化組織,進行作業中心制、區域中心、到事業部的組織改造在保留原分行風貌、雙軌制下,實施KPI目標設定、職位職等新制、績效管理與發展,並通過現金增資提供員工參股,屬於調合式的變革管理。 因成立作業中心後,除了可減少人為疏失及人謀不臧的風險外,亦可經由專業化的人員作業而將風險有效控管,並且更進一步的將徵授信作業流程E化。近期更致力建置良好的客戶信用評等系統且與並和風險訂價系統及績效評核系統整合。此等運作因此,可避免營運陷入惡性競爭,提升風險控管能力,亦有別於過去的放款作業形態不完全依賴業務人員的人為判斷。對於不同風險等級的授信對象,給予不同的利率,儘可能做到質價並重。

協同設計創新對於半導體價值鏈之影響 - 以 DFM 為例 / Impact of Design Collaboration Innovation for Semiconductor Value Chain: Take DFM (Design for Manufacturing) as Case

申雲勇, Shen, Yun-Yong Unknown Date (has links)
隨著奈米積體電路時代的來臨, 在微影技術,半導體製造技術和電路設計技術的進步已導致新的機會來整合大部份在系統中被使用到的電子功能。例如經過SoC技術提供的單晶片解決方案 - 由可重複使用的矽智財共同構成的單晶片系統 (舉例來說: 微處理器矽智財、數位信號處理矽智財、記憶體矽智財和其他的明星矽智財共同構成的單晶片系統) 可以和其他的整合系統溝通。這種包括多項技術的整合方式漸漸增加DFM 的要求, 進而創造在半導體價值鏈之中新虛擬的整合鏈模式。 對於先進產品發展, 經由現存的分解方式價值鏈﹐從每個單一鏈節 (無晶圓設計,矽智財,電路設計自動化, 設計服務,光罩製造,晶圓製造和封裝/測試)所創造的聯合價值無法在短時間超越IDM (舉例來說: 無法提供較早的上市時間)。因此針對先進產品突破性的發展,整合每個單一鏈節變成重要的主題。本研究針對這一個整合議題提供一個新的設計合作平台作為解決方案。 研究將以 DFM議題在半導體價值鏈中的影響作為分析。針對公司和公司間的溝通界面, 設計合作平台將會提供更多的併進價值鏈知識整合。 / Advances in lithography, semiconductor processes and circuit design techniques at the nanometer IC era have led to new opportunities to integrate most of the electronic functions encountered in systems. The single-chip solution through System on Chip (SoC) which comprises reusable Silicon IP (SIP) such as Microprocessor, Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Memory and other Star SIPs enabling the system to communicate with other systems. This multidisciplinary approach calls for increasing Design for Manufacturing (DFM) needs among semiconductor value chain to enable a whole new virtual integrated chain. Through the existing disintegrated value chain, the synergized value contributed from each single node (fabless, SIP provider, EDA, design service, mask foundry, wafer foundry and assembly/test) could not fulfill the time-to-market benefit as the IDM provides for advanced product development. To integrate each single chain node becomes the important topic for advanced product breakthrough. A new design collaboration platform is proposed to address this integration issue. Study was conducted among this semiconductor value chain for the DFM (Design for Manufacturing) issue. The design collaboration platform addresses the inter-firm communication interface among the value chain to provide more concurrent value chain knowledge integration. By applying Fine’s double helix model with the evidence from DFM case, I successfully predict the re-integration trend of semiconductor industry post the disintegration model.

從有線電視到數位寬頻—台灣有線電視數位化的競爭力分析 / From Cable to Digital Broadband—A Study on Strategic Analysis of Digitization in Taiwan Cable Industry

劉嘉皓, Chia-Hao, Liu Unknown Date (has links)
數位科技雖然是政府與產業所體認的技術發展趨勢,各國政府也都積極以硬式導入或發展數位內容來逐步推廣,這些努力的確在社會大眾間引起很大的注意,但任何科技的推動皆須有賴市場的回饋才得以持續,所以在推展過程中,外在環境的角色,與企業內部策略的擬定都會對整體數位電視的價值鏈發展產生影響。因此當大家都把目光放在數位電視發展未來的遠景時,過程(Process)中的衝擊與契機卻是需要及早發掘與因應的。 本研究以「價值系統(產業價值鏈)」與「五力分析」為理論架構,套用於有線電視數位化過程,以發展出本研究研究架構,以此觀點蒐集相關資料、擬定問卷主軸與規劃訪問對象,然後分別從產業價值鏈來進行有線電視產業的內部分析,以五力分析來觀察外部環境態勢。 研究結果發現雖然研究中所觸及的相關組織或單位都對數位化抱有很大的期望,但彼此對數位化的認知卻是存在不同的歧異,因此本研究的分析與建議正可答覆業者這方面的遲疑與卻步。以本研究所聚焦的有線電視頻道經營者與系統業者來看,對頻道業者而言,未來發展與其說是朝向「數位內容產業」,更確切地說應該是新興「文化創意產業」的數位化,應該加入更多對社會與文化的認同與規範,如果還是落在「產業」的概念來推動,過多的政經角力最後將又是另一個畸形的電視生態;對系統業者,市場的接受度是科技發展的根本問題,對消費者的重視畢竟才是長遠發展的基礎,就算免費推廣機上盒,裝到每個家戶中,但真正的內容與營利模式才是必須審慎評估的,不然最終消費者與業者還只是執著於前段免費頻道的多少與質量,並沒有感受數位化的好處。 / Although the government and private industry regards digital technologies as mainstream in the future and in both the developed and developing countries digital television have been spread by the promotion of the digital receiver and content, the success of new technologies depends on the adoption and response of the market. External environment and internal strategies related with market both affect the development of digital television value chain. Then we should not only put emphasis on the vision of DTV, but also dig out the impact and moment to the industry and find the solution during the digitalization process. The analytic concept of this survey is based on Porter’s “industry value chain” and “five force analysis”, with which the framework of the dissertation combines cable digitalization. According to the framework, researcher searches and collects relevant data, sets up the questions and interviewees of in-depth interview, analyses the changes of cable television industry value chain and observes the transformation of competitive atmosphere. In the conclusion, different managers and authorities that have had expectation towards DTV possess different perspectives in digitalization because of the lack of understanding. So the suggestion and analysis caused by dissertation responds to the doubt and hesitation of the industries. As the cable channel operators, they need to transform into digitalized “cultural creative industry”, not “digital content industry”. The difference between both industries is the addition of the culture that imports more identification and features from society. Moreover, the channel operators should redefined as content provider fitting in with all the channels, like MOD, DTTV, DBS and so on. From the point of view of cable distributors, customer relation management (CRM) will be the most important and difficult work. The distributors need to find out how to communicate with consumer what the benefit of digital television is as soon as possible.

韓國音樂產業全球化策略研究-以「S.M.Entertainment」為例 / A study on the globalization strategy of Korean music industry - A case of 「S. M. Entertainment」

朴允善, PARK, YUNSEON Unknown Date (has links)
匯流時代來臨,内容的流傳速度愈來愈快,資訊以即時的方式傳達到世界各地。流行音樂單曲長度大於為5分鐘,相較於其它娛樂商品,音樂本身沒有語言的隔閡,因此音樂在文化產業當中,最適合數位環境,也最容易進行全球化。從音樂產業角度來看,韓國偶像團體「Super Junior」與「少女時代(Girls’Generation)」跨越亞洲,席捲歐洲市場,可説是匯流時代的成功案例。 本研究試圖借鏡韓國音樂產業的案例,找出因應匯流時代的全球化策略與關鍵因素,提供給音樂產業者,也希望本研究能夠幫助台灣音樂產業更發揚光大。 本研究以匯流、全球化及價值鏈為基礎,藉由目前在亞洲市場令人矚目的「Super Junior」與「少女時代」的經紀公司「S. M. Entertainment」(以下簡稱S. M. )案例,去分析匯流時代所帶來的全球化策略與成功因素。主要的研究方法是藉由分析韓國學者與資深記者發表的各種相關研究論文、學術季刊、書籍、新聞、雜誌、網路、影片等,來回答本研究問題,同時也進行S. M.、韓國政府及記者的深度訪談,來彌補文獻資料所帶來的侷限。 從S. M. 的案例研究,發現S. M. 首先建立獨特的培訓系統及全球化策略Culture Technology,再長期投資内容研發與跨國合作,來提高内容的品質,也具備在全球市場上的競爭力;隨著新媒體的出現,S. M. 也積極應用各種手段,加速全球化的發展。另外,S. M. 採用OSMU(One source multi-use)方式進行事業多元化及跨產業合作,不斷發掘新的收入來源。本研究也發現台灣與韓國相似,有市場規模的限制以及有全球品牌智慧型手機的大環境;音樂產業以產製為中心,發掘能吸引全中華市場的歌手;以中國作爲目標市場等共同點。因此可考慮結合兩國的優勢為合作共識,攜手成爲亞洲最合適的合作夥伴。 / Digital convergence leads to a global transformation in entertainment industry. Comparing with films or other entertainment products, music takes the advantage of short performance time for international coverage. Also, music can overcome the language barriers and become popular in global cultural industry. In South Korea, the Super Junior and Girls' Generation are successful cases in the music industry. This study tries to analyze the reasons why these two pop idol groups can become a fashion. By reflecting the global strategies for music industry in the age of convergence, this research also tries to contribute to music industry in Taiwan. This research investigates a famous music company in South Korea, called “S. M. Entertainment”, the management company of Super Junior and Girls' Generation, examines its global strategies in the age of convergence. By interviewing S. M. Entertainment managers, the South Korea government agency and an entertainment journalist, this study gets deep interpretation for the globalization strategy of Korean music industry. Also, researcher collects secondary data by journal papers, books, newspapers, magazines, and films to triangulate the authenticity. This study comes up with a global sourcing framework for culture technology. By sourcing local talents and building a unique incubation system, S. M. Entertainment can keep a qualified talent pool. By cooperating with global music experts and investing in music content innovation, the company can reach outstanding music intelligence globally. By innovating business model, such as “One source multi-use” (OSMU), the company can discover new opportunities by cross boundary cooperation. Taiwan’s music industry is also constrained by the market scale as South Korea. However, Taiwan has competitive technology in smart phone and in other digital technology. By leveraging the advantages of S. M. Entertainment, Taiwan’s music industry may have great breakthrough in Mainland China. Also, it may be an important stage for Taiwan and South Korea to become strategic partners in Asia’s culture industry.

醫學影像產業國際市場進入策略 -以C公司為例 / International Entry Strategy of the Medical Display Industry- A Case Study of C Company

章家溱, Chang, Chia-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要探討醫學影像產業國際市場進入策略,首先對全球醫材產業概況及醫學影像產業進行介紹,再針對個案公司及其主要競爭廠商於大中華區之國際市場進入策略布局進行探討。藉由中國醫療器材乃至於醫學影像產業的市場現況與發展趨勢、競爭態勢,個案公司於大中華區醫學影像產業的五力分析、SWOT分析與價值鏈分析,針對該公司自身的競爭優勢及機會,探討其在中國市場之進入策略及關鍵成功因素,以及策略布局之研究,並試圖對個案公司進入中國醫學影像市場提出未來發展策略之建議。 個案公司在全球影像設備市場占比為10%,排名第六,於2003年-2012年,透過併購,豐富其產品線並藉此拓展其行銷通路,也因為是大型跨國公司,資金豐沛,投入極高的研發成本,有其經營優勢利基。 分析個案公司進入大中華區之策略邏輯,藉由: 1.中國市場醫學影像產業五力分析,結果為:(1)購買者的議價能力低 (2)供應商的議價能力高 (3)現有公司間的競爭高 (4)進入者的威脅高 (5)替代品的威脅低。 2.個案公司SWOT分析,發現:(1)優勢:專業領域有百年傳統。研發投入多,專利有900多個。產業鏈完整,成本優勢高。 (2)劣勢:產品線較窄。市場份額較小。新的品牌名稱,故知名度較小。 (3)機會:外部因素/驅力—政策支持、技術到位、資本充沛。內部因素/驅力—行業現狀、患者需求、醫生訴求。個案公司有能力滿足中國市場發展之需求。 (4)威脅:新的競爭者進入中國市場,主要是日本廠商。中國政府大力扶持本土醫學影像廠商。利潤高的膠片市場漸萎縮,影響個案公司整體利潤。 3.個案公司價值鏈分析,結論為:(1)支援性活動:企業的基本設施;技術研發;Shared Service Center—營運管理、人力資源管理、IT、業務客服、供應鏈管理採購、物流、財務;技術客服;外包廠商;利潤。(2)主要活動:後勤進料;生產作業;倉儲物流出貨;行銷與銷售;維修售後服務。 透過個案公司在大中華區醫學影像產業的五力分析、SWOT分析與價值鏈分析,針對該公司自身的競爭優勢及機會,歸納出該公司在中國市場之經營策略為:差異化(集中差異化)策略、關鍵成功因素策略、本土化路線。並加上完整的產業鏈布局:研發 →生產→ 銷售,可謂其核心發展策略。 本論文研究個案公司在大中華區8個區域,針對不同區域特性,分別有以下的進入策略:(1)有6區採用— 合資設立公司、全資子公司、直接設廠、獨資、代理(Agent)+直接銷售(Direct sale) (2)西南區— 採取只有代理之進入策略。(3)香港區— 採取只有直接銷售之進入策略。 其不同進入策略的執行關鍵成功因素為:(1)聚焦基層醫療市場及其特有產品線(2)強化研發及生產(3)因應中國之醫療產業發展政策,調整發展順應趨勢的產品線(4)深耕中國市場強調本土化發展(5)與當地廠商策略聯盟(6)發展具本土文化之組織與人才。 從本文的分析中可以得到,醫學影像產業國際市場進入策略可同時進行多重國際進入策略之模式。探討個案公司進入中國市場,最適合採行「(集中)差異化策略」、「關鍵成功因素策略」為其競爭策略。 [關鍵詞] 醫學影像產業、五力分析、SWOT分析、價值鏈分析 企業國際化、進入策略、競爭優勢、關鍵成功因素

台積電平台經營模式之個案分析 / A case study on the platform business model of TSMC

朱韻如, Chu, Yun Ju Unknown Date (has links)
近年來平台商業模式席捲全球,Google、Amazon、Facebook、Airbnb、Line等平台領導者們,改變了人與人之間的互動、翻轉現代的生活,並從平台中取得價值、獲得優勢,進行一場以生態系為主的競爭遊戲。此股炫風吹向經濟體中的不同環節,讓企業與企業、產業與產業之間的互動關係發生變化,同時造成許多無法因應平台經營模式與競爭策略的企業快速衰退。因此,在此股潮流之中,舊有企業如何成功轉向平台經營為本研究之重點。 有別於分析成立之際即以平台模式為主的個案公司,本研究結合了價值鏈經營模式、以及平台經營模式的觀點與相關學術理論,採用縱斷面研究方法探討典範企業—台積電30年來經營模式的轉變歷程,分析其如何一步步重塑半導體產業結構、佈局平台策略並成功轉型,成為半導體產業的巨頭之一,並形成台積大同盟的生態系與兩大IDM對手展開全面競爭。 透過本研究之分析與歸納,發現「價值鏈」與「平台」兩者的商業模式要素內涵與經營思維迥異,前者專注本業、著重內部優化,以低成本或差異化為主要的競爭策略;後者則強調擴張營運範圍、槓桿外部資源,共同創造更多價值獲得雙贏局面。而價值鏈模式之企業可從建立內部平台開始、轉變到供應鏈平台,接著發展至雙邊平台的演化方式進行轉型,但不是所有企業都具備成為雙邊平台領導者的潛力,必須確認自身提供的價值是否為整個技術系統所需、以及能否同時為產業中許多企業解決商業問題。當企業成功轉為雙邊平台之際,即可專注於提高平台的網路效應與轉換成本等策略行動上,追求大者恆大及生態系競爭之目的。 / In recent years, the platform business model sweeps the world. Google, Amazon, Facebook, Airbnb, Line and other platform leaders not only changed the way people lived but also obtained values from the platform’s network. These values are key competitive advantages for platform leaders to win the game of business. However, the new type of business model is threatening pipeline business, and some pipelines even rapidly declined after attacking by platforms. Therefore, how pipelines can survive and turn successfully to platform-based business is the main discussion in this research. This study combined the academic theories of two business model: value chain and platform to explore the transformation of business and strategy of TSMC, which is one of the leading semiconductor companies in the world, in the past 30 years. The case study followed by analyzing how TSMC reshaped the semiconductor’s value chain and then adopt the platform strategy for enterprise transformation. Now, TSMC has its own ecosystem that can beat with other two giant IDM competitors. With the in-depth case study of the changing in TSMC’s business model, we had three conclusions. Firstly, we find out that the business model of “value chain” and “platform” has the different connotation and strategic thinking. The former enterprises focus on its own business, pay attention to internal optimization, and take advantage of differentiation or low cost for competition. However, the later ones emphasize the expansion of operating scope, leverage external resources, and co-create with partners for more values to pursuit the win-win situation. Secondly, enterprises with the value chain business model can develop the platform business model by establishing the internal platform at the initial and then expand to supply chain platform and two-sided market platform. But it's worth noting that not all enterprises have the potential to become a platform leader. It must satisfy two prerequisite conditions: (1) the own value is essential within an industry, and (2) can solve the business problems of different companies at the same time. Thirdly, when enterprises successfully become the platform-based business, enlarging network effect and switching cost are two primary actions to pursue and keep platform leading strategy.

中國紅色供應鏈對台灣、韓國政治經濟之影響研究 / A Study on China’s Red Supply Chain: Its Political Economic Impacts on Taiwan and South Korea

林靜禧, Lin, Ching Hsi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討中國大陸紅色供應鏈之定義、形成背景、目的,並分析其對台灣與韓國的影響與因應策略,預期作為雙方堆動相關政策之參考依據。本研究定義紅色供應鏈為:中國大陸以國內生產的產品取代以往依賴進口的中間財,進而占領全球價值鏈中附加價值較高的地位,終致創造中國大陸主導的全新國際分工型態。本研究採用雁行模式與重商主義、自由主義等國際政治經濟理論的觀點分析紅色供應鏈,研究發現紅色供應鏈為加速調整雁行模式國際分工型態的主因之一,亦對台灣與韓國的政治經濟造成相當程度的衝擊。根據本研究分析中國大陸經由資本累積與技術進步階段、產業與技術升級階段、追趕與超越階段形成了紅色供應鏈。本研究透過面板產業、半導體產業、智慧型手機產業等台灣與韓國的主力產業為例探討紅色供應鏈對兩國經濟層面造成的影響,並提出近期實例推測紅色供應鏈於政治層面可能引起的交互作用。 / This study tries to analyze with the so-called China’s ‘Red Supply Chain’, which is defined as ‘the strategy that forms a new structure of China-led international specialization or division of labor through substituting imported intermediary goods with its domestic ones as well as occupying more higher added-values in the global value chains. It also aims at understanding such political economic changes’ impacts on the industries and domestic politics of the China’s major trading partners— Taiwan and South Korea. Based upon the theories—mercantilism, liberalism, and flying-geese model in international political economy, we find that this political change plays a significant role of opportunity as well as threat to the foreign relation between China and its two major neighbors. Such an argument is supported by the three case studies on display, semiconductor, and smartphone industries, which are seriously influenced by the China’s Red Supply Chain; first, in economic perspectives and second, in political perspectives. This study contributes to understanding the political economic interactions between China and its two neighbors that urgently deals with the changes and impacts from Red Supply Chain in comparative perspectives.


吳樹煌, wu,Jeff. Unknown Date (has links)
1989年起,對台灣零售產業發展是一巨大的變革,萬客隆、家樂福等量販店產業的崛起是最具備現代化改革的代表,2000年以後,福元批發倉儲等相繼退出量販店市場,2003年年初萬客隆的停業與高峰百貨2003年年底的跳票倒閉事件更令人震撼,藉由本產業分析的研究期望能對成功與失敗案例背後成因有更深入的了解。 本文中第一章主要說明研究動機、目的、架構與限制,並對部分學者提出的產業分析文獻做一番探討,藉此,突顯與本研究中「產業矩陣分析法」之差異。第二章對量販店產業的定義與其發展沿革做說明,由於量販店所販售的商品與超商、超市、專賣店、百貨公司與甚至傳統市場有所競爭,對於超商、超市、專賣店、百貨公司與傳統市場等本文將其界定為量販店之間接競爭相關產業,文中也做了簡略的介紹,在本章最後說明量販店產業經營時所面臨的種種困難。 「產業矩陣分析法」的應用在於對產業經營流程中所涉及的價值單元(value unit)從投入(input)到產出(output)的產業價值鏈做系統化的分析,第三章主要在界定量販店產業經營流程與產業價值鏈,並對產業中投入部分的價值單元與產出部分的價值單元給予適切的定義。企業的策略需要因應產業環境變化而做適度的調整。「產業矩陣分析法」是從個別企業的立場著手,將產業價值鏈與策略型態構面和產業型態構面交叉分析,透過產業矩陣的應用,將產業分析與策略分析結合,從中為自己所屬的企業找出最適宜之經營策略應是「產業矩陣分析法」之真正精髓所在。第四章是藉由「產業矩陣分析法」來分析台灣量販店產業特性,將量販店產業的產業背景資料一一呈現,就如同一幅產業空照圖,而個別量販店業者要以哪一種策略進入這個寶山,就看個別企業的本事了。 第五章為本文之總結,文中對量販店產業可能的發展趨勢與經營策略做一些整理,並對政府有關單位提出一些建議,也期望對台灣量販店產業的發展有些許的貢獻。 / Since 1989, the development of Taiwan’s retail industry has been through a dramatic transformation with Marko and Carrefour representing the most contemporary innovative changing Hypermarkets. From year 2000 onwards, Fu-Yuan warehouse subsequently disappeared from the Hypermarket industry. At the beginning of year 2003, the stopping of operation of Marko and the closing of Kao-Mart department store represented more shocking news. Therefore the purpose of this study is to conduct an analysis of the hypermarket industry in order to gain a deeper insight of the successful and failed cases of hypermarkets. The first chapter explains the motive , objective, structure and limitation of this study and also gives a brief discussion of the exiting literature of the analysis of the industry through which the uniqueness of “The analysis of the Industry Matrix” could be emphasized. The second chapter explains the definition of the hypermarket industry and the chronicle of the development of the industry. The products sold by convenient stores, supermarkets, department stores and traditional markets are similar to the products of those of the hypermarkets. Therefore convenient stores, supermarkets, department stores and traditional markets are regarded as indirect competitors of those of the hypermarkets .The definition of these above mentioned industries will also be explained. The later parts of this study explain the various difficulties that may be encountered during the operation of the hypermarkets. The main application of “The Industry Matrix Analysis Method” is to systematically analyze every value unit from input to output of the entire industry value chain. The third chapter mainly explains the operation procedure and the industry value chain of the hypermarket industry and also gives the appropriate definition of the input value units and output value units of the industry value chain. The strategies of a firm must be constantly reviewed and changed according to the changing in the industry environment. “The Industry Matrix Analysis Method” is based on individual firms and is used to analyze the strategy dimensional types and industry dimensional types crossly with the entire industry value chain. By means of“The Industry Matrix Analysis Method”, the industry and strategy analysis could then be combined to find out the most appropriate operation strategies of the firms. This is the core spirit of “The Industry Matrix Analysis Method”. The fourth chapter involves using the “The Industry Matrix Analysis Method”to analyze the characteristics of Taiwan’s hypermarket industry and to present the background information of the hypermarket industry as same as the industry’s bird’s eye perspective picture. Which strategies the firm will take and which firms may dominate the hypermarket industry market depending on their own competence. The last chapter includes the summary of this study. The possible future trend and appropriate operation strategies are summarized. Suggestions for the government are also included. The author expects that this study could make some useful contributions for the development of Taiwan’s hypermarket industry.

數位權利管理(DRM)系統可行性研究-從技術、法律和管理三面向剖析 / A Study on the Feasibility of Digital Rights Management (DRM) Systems-From Technological, Legal and Management Aspects

郭祝熒, Kuo,Melody C.Y. Unknown Date (has links)
在數位內容下載市場蓬勃發展的同時,非法傳輸的流量亦不惶多讓,是以DRM機制成為了著作權利人進入網路世界的絕佳後盾,以DRM提高複製的門檻,並據以實施其商業模式,故於各數位內容核心產業皆可見DRM應用之蹤跡,卻同時引發了究竟DRM是Digital “Rights” Management 亦或Digital “Restriction” Management的爭議。是天使?或是惡魔?便形成了人們對於DRM的不同觀感。 本研究係從技術、法律以及管理三個面向分別切入,由技術面看DRM保護著作物之極限何在,由法律面看相關科技保護措施之立法造成何種影響,合理使用的空間是否因DRM之實施而造成限縮,接著由管理面向看DRM在數位內容產業價值鏈中所扮演之角色及其與價值鏈上各端權力角力衝突之關係,最後由標準面看目前DRM相關標準的運作以及互通性標準的發展趨勢。並從個案研究觀察DRM在不同產業情境中的應用。 本研究認為,DRM技術本身是中性的,其關鍵在於商業設計運用。而在盜版問題無法完全根絕之情況下,以DRM作為因應之道將使得受限內容之經濟價值不若自由流通之內容,因為內容產業的發展關鍵在於「人氣」,而盜版永遠無法取代創意與使用者對於內容之需求。因此,既然無法防堵非法傳輸之現象,則不妨與之直接面對面進行作戰,權利人既掌握了關鍵的內容,則可以針對盜版的弱點提供更優質的服務。就我國目前數位內容產業發展之情境來看,現階段或許有採取DRM進行保護的必要性,以便在推動合法消費市場之際,平衡兼顧保護著作權人以及著作利用人之權益。然而,在虛擬世界中欲全面防堵非法散佈有其技術上之侷限性,消費者亦多半養成了免費取得之使用模式與心態,因此長期而言,或許應設法從創新的商業模式來扭轉此態勢。 / Though the use of digital rights management (DRM) has been controversial, it is still widely used in the digital world. Advocates think of DRM as an indispensable way to prevent unauthorized duplication and dissemination of copyrighted works while opponents often suggest that the term “rights” should be replaced by “restriction” to best describe how DRM works. This thesis aims to analyze the issues of DRM from three perspectives. First starting with the technical point of view to see how DRM works and found out that DRM technology does have its limitation for copyright protection. That’s the reason why treaties and legislations such as the WCT, WPPT, and DMCA are needed to build the last ditch in the war with piracy. However, the attempt backfired as companies other than rights holders used it as a way to prevent market competition. As the rights holders can effectively control the access of their work with DRM, there comes another dispute about the “Paracopyright” effect. Most important of all, the use of DRM divests the users of the rights they had in the analog world, such as simply lending a book to a friend. From the perspective of management, a cost benefit analysis indicates that the benefit of using DRM to prevent unauthorized duplication obviously overwhelms by its cost and risk. In the context where the content providers, service providers, and device manufacturers all attempt to dominate the whole value chain, DRM also became one of the most powerful instruments for that purpose. Closed ecosystems are built one after another especially in the online music industry in order to bundle the consumers with specific players and music services and thus caused the antitrust issue. The online music industry and the e-book industry were chosen as case studies in the fourth chapter of the thesis. Based on different industry context, DRM strategy and its impact would differ and therefore results in a variety of business models. For example, the consumers in the US are relatively more aware of the use of DRM and are more willing to pay for authorized content. In contrast, the awareness of DRM of consumers in Taiwan is much lower and the price they are willing to pay is also far lower than what the music labels can accept. As a result, the streaming model prevails over pay-per-download model in the online music market of Taiwan. And the feasibility and necessity of DRM also varies in different industries. Before the digitalization of books, authors already had libraries providing free copies as piracy do today, and the prevalence of scanning machines and copy machines makes it even harder to prevent illegal file sharing. Accordingly, there is far less reason to use DRM in the e-book industry than in the online music industry. DRM technology is neutral in itself, and the key point is how it is designed based on different business models. The defect of DRM is neither a technical nor a legal issue, but rather a business issue. As piracy can never be eradicated, coping it with DRM would only make the value of restricted contents much less than freely distributed contents. Popularity is what really matters in the content industry. DRM has its technical limit and causes so many legal issues accompanied with the cost and risk of maintaining such fragile systems. What rights holders have in hand are the creativity and the market’s need for new content, which could never be replaced by piracy. So why not fight it face to face? Digital content industry is considered one of the most promising industries in Taiwan. However, local consumers have entrenched mindset of “free” contents. In present context, DRM is somehow needed while promoting the growth of legal market, in order to provide sufficient incentive to enrich the society with more and more creativity, and fairly protect both the rights of content providers and content users. But in the long run, a more creative or even subversive business model should be the solution to meet the trend of digital convergence.

探討新創科技公司產品創新分工網路之研究 / Research on the network in division of labor for product innovation of technology startup company

葉啟超 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要探討新創科技公司產品創新分工網路之現況與績效,新創科技公司之兩大核心資源為創新與技術。公司成長與獲利通常來自技術商品化之價值,一般而言公司很少可完全依賴內部資源進行獨立創新。創新社群以技術為核心,社群中的組織必須顯著地參與一項新技術的商品化工作,主要辨認指標是垂直互補性資產與資訊流通。產業分工網路是企業內部組織和企業彼此間的結合型態,用以產生附加價值,其價值鏈活動是透過良好的協調以造成差異化或成本降低。資訊科技是改變價值活動的執行方式及價值鏈活動中各種連結的性質,影響競爭範圍並塑造新產品。 本研究以國內研發新產品或技術之新創科技公司為研究對象,以個案方式運用分析模式將企業之內外在因素、SWOT及產業能力作深入分析,並訪談中小企業實證研究分工網路活動,探索新創科技公司產品創新分工網路之現況以及產業系統(研究/製造)供應鏈績效,研究結果發現: 1、台灣產業仍屬於「不完全的概念設計與試製生產分離型」分工網路。新創科技公司之產品普遍缺乏品牌形象,且因資源缺乏,無法以全球市場為行銷對象,在設備上的投資、產品與製造的選擇上沒有自主性,限制台灣人才的創新能力及新創科技公司之成功。 2、新創科技公司在產品創新上提昇產品之附加價值,製程上依賴中小企業的「專業分工」及「彈性互補」,充分利用體系資源,調整出最佳效率。但在成熟市場中,採取追隨者的競爭腳步以及成本領導策略,因此無法將產品附加價值回饋於產業分工體系。 3、台灣中小企業普遍在資訊化方面嚴重落後,無法在新的且分散化的產業分工中,以虛擬、組織模組化的分工原理運作,因此人工成本優勢喪失後,其「彈性」、「快速」的核心競爭能力亦在衰退中。 4、中小企業與新創科技公司因價值鏈之市場顧客面不完整,以供應鏈管理觀點檢討發現:管理方法、產品流程、風險與獲利架構、文化與態度觀念、變革升級等構面皆尚待加強。 / I his thesis is mainly in finding out the reality and performance on the network in division of labor for product innovation of a technology startup company. The two core resources of a technology startup company are innovation and techniques. The growth and earning of such company normally come from the value of technology commercialization. Generally, such company could hardly rely on its internal resources completely for independent innovation. Innovative community centers on techniques and the community organization must involve in the commercialization of a new technique significantly, and the main identifying indicator is the vertical complementary assets and the information flow. Industrial network in division of labor is the connecting pattern of the international organization of a business entity with other business, which is for creating added value. The value chain activities are made through sound coordination to generate differentiation and cost-down.Information technology is for changing the performing manner value activities,as well as the natures of connection among various chain activities. It serves to affect the scope of competition and to form new products. This research targeted at the technology startup companies involved in the research and development of new products or new techniques, and case study approach is employed to analyze the internal and external factors of a company,SWOT and industrial capacity with analytical modes. Face to face interview with medium and small enterprises were conducted to empirically demonstrate the activities of the network in division of labor, and to investigate the reality and industrial system (research / manufacturing) supply chain performance of new innovative network in division of labor. The findings are: 1.Industries in Taiwan are still in the stage of“Incomplete Conceptual Design and Pilot Production Separated Network in Division of Labor”level.Technology startup companies are generally lack of brand image. And, with the lack of resources, they are unable to target at the global market for marketing. There is less autonomy in the investment in equipment and options of products and manufacturing. These have limited the talents in Taiwan in their innovation capability and the success of technology startup companies. 2.The technology startup companies promote the added value of their innovative products, and in manufacturing, they rely on the specialization and flexible complement of medium and small enterprise to adjust to the best efficiency by fully utilize the system resources. However, in a matured market, they adopted the follower approach and cost-lead strategies, that they could not feed back the added value of products to the system in division of labor. 3.Generally the medium and small enterprises are having serious information gap, that they are unable to employ the diversification principle in the new and spread-over industrial diversification with virtual, organization modular.Therefore, after losing the labor cost advantage, the core competitiveness in flexibility and speed are also in their way down. 4.Medium and small enterprise, and the technology startup companies have the short of incomplete customer dimension in their value chain, it is found,in the view point of supply chain management, they need to strengthen and improve their managerial approach, product flow, risk and profit structure,culture and attitude and changes and upgrading. Subject Terms (Key Word): - technology startup company - technology commercialization - network in division of labor - innovation community - value chain - supply chain management

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