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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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李錫坤 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討台灣與大陸的金融合作發展。中國大陸本來實行計劃經濟體制,1978年開始進行改革開放。2001 年中國加入WTO之後,逐漸在金融、保險業、期貨業、銀行業對外開放。在這個過程中,台灣與大陸的金融合作日益緊密。2009年以來,台灣與大陸連續簽署了「海峽兩岸金融合作協議」、「兩岸金融監理備忘錄」(Memorandum of Understanding, MOU)、「兩岸經濟合作架構協議」(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, ECFA)等。本論文依序分析了中國大陸的金融市場本質和改革狀況,以及目前中國大陸金融體系所存在的機會與缺點。此外,本論文也探討了兩岸金融合作的發展進程,特別是在簽署MOU和ECFA之後,將對台灣金融業所帶來的影響。 關鍵字:中國大陸金融市場、兩岸金融合作、兩岸金融監理備忘錄、兩岸經濟合作架構協議 / This dissertation discussed the financial cooperation between Taiwan and mainland China. After joining the WTO in 2001, the financial cooperation between Taiwan and mainland China is getting closer. Since 2009, Taiwan and mainland China signed “Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement” (ECFA) and “Memorandum of Understanding” (MOU). Furthermore, the Chinese financial market is relatively slow industries, financial institutions stationed after the impact is inevitable. This research analyzed the trend of the efficiency change before and after signing MOU and ECFA. Keywords: China financial market; Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement; The financial cooperation between Taiwan and mainland China; Memorandum of Understanding

對外關係的國內根源:兩岸經貿交流中的利益、符號與威脅 / Domestic Roots of Foreign Relations: the Interests, Symbols, and Threats of Cross-Strait Economic Exchanges

陳映男 Unknown Date (has links)


林谷蓉, Lin, Guu Rung Unknown Date (has links)

兩岸協議治理研究:以兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)為例 / The study of Cross-Strait agreements governance: Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement(ECFA)

夏道維 Unknown Date (has links)
二十餘年來,兩岸之間經貿、社會與文教交流頻繁,雙方關係已呈現密不可分的趨勢。然而,由於兩岸的特殊情勢,導致政治與經濟、社會發展方向背道而馳,而在某種程度上呈現「制度缺失」的現象,無法將雙方交流互動所產生的合作或問題,以制度化方式予以規範及解決。2008年6月兩會重啟協商,迄今已簽署18項協議,所涉事務範圍廣泛,涵蓋經貿、金融、農漁業、社會、食品安全、核能安全等領域,均與台灣民眾之權益及福祉息息相關。然而,簽署協議並不意謂所規範之事項或欲解決之問題即能完善運作,重要的是,必須由治理層面看待協議內容,方能確實達成協議創立之目的。 然而,迄今探討18項協議之多著重於協議內容之簡述及分析為主,較少由治理層面予以系統性分析。有鑒於此,本文將透過以制度主義探討國際關係之首要理論:國際建制論(International regime)作為理論基礎,探討兩岸協議治理議題。在研究案例上,則選擇18項協議中,涵蓋層面最廣,影響最為深遠的兩岸經濟合作架構協議(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement),希望在建制治理的相關概念與理論的基礎上,透過深度訪談及過程追蹤等研究方法,探討ECFA的治理成效。為達成此一目的,本研究建立一研究架構,就各項可能變數進行描述與分析,論述ECFA制度性治理內容,及建立評估治理成效指標等,以利對兩岸協議治理研究有初步貢獻,並可作為評估協議成效之實務參考。 / Since June, 2008, Taiwan’s Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) and PRC’s Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) have reactivated the cross-strait negotiation. To date, they have held eight Chiang-Chen Talks, signed 18 agreements, and reached two consensuses. These agreements have established important framework and blueprint for cross-strait exchanges and aimed at the well-being of the people on both sides. However, those agreements signed do not guarantee the smooth implementation of policy born out of the talks. It is imperative that we should make a detailed analysis of the content of those agreements from the perspective of governance to help realize the goal of the agreements. Yet most research papers fail to develop a systematic analysis from the perspective of governance by merely emphasizing on the literal description and analysis of articles of individual agreement. Therefore, this research will employ international regime theory, which argues that international institutions or regimes affect the behavior of states and act as the main theoretical underpinning for investigating the issues concerning the governance aspect of those agreements. This research chooses ECFA (Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement) as the object of research, because it is the most important, comprehensive and influential agreement among the 18 agreements. In order to assess the effectiveness of governance element in ECFA, this research establishes a research framework which is capable of describing and analyzing relevant variables and set up evaluation indicators. Information was obtained through in-depth interview and process-tracing to evaluate the accuracy and applicability of above-mentioned research framework, and through study and analysis it has proven that this research framework can act as a reference for evaluating effectiveness of governance in agreements when put in practice.

2008年二次政黨輪替後之兩岸空運直航:問題與前景 / Cross-Strait Direct Air Transportation after Second Transfer of Power in 2008: Problem and Prospect

王靜惠, Wang, Ching Hui Unknown Date (has links)
Taiwan successfully accomplished the second transfer of power in May 2008. During the presidential campaign period, one could easily discover that issues with respect to cross-strait relations always occupied the center of the attention both at home and abroad. The biggest difference on the issues of cross-strait policy between the two competing parties was regarded as conservativeness and openness. Among major proposals presented by the Kuomintang (KMT) during the campaign in 2008, the key incentive and quickest way to improve and rejuvenate Taiwan’s sluggish economy was to introduce cross-strait direct charter flights and encourage Mainland tourists to visit Taiwan. As of July 2013, there are 616 direct passenger flights flying to and from Mainland China on a weekly basis and over seven million Mainland tourists have visited Taiwan. This thesis utilized Secondary Data Analysis to investigate the negotiation process and developments of the cross-strait direct air transportation. This thesis does not aim at evaluating the comprehensive impacts of the full implementation of cross-strait direct air transportation; instead, it emphasizes the political view, policy-making considerations, and the negotiation process made by Taiwan’s ruling parties at different eras and interactions with their Mainland counterparts in an effort to offer productive recommendations for the competent authorities across the Taiwan Strait. / Taiwan successfully accomplished the second transfer of power in May 2008. During the presidential campaign period, one could easily discover that issues with respect to cross-strait relations always occupied the center of the attention both at home and abroad. The biggest difference on the issues of cross-strait policy between the two competing parties was regarded as conservativeness and openness. Among major proposals presented by the Kuomintang (KMT) during the campaign in 2008, the key incentive and quickest way to improve and rejuvenate Taiwan’s sluggish economy was to introduce cross-strait direct charter flights and encourage Mainland tourists to visit Taiwan. As of July 2013, there are 616 direct passenger flights flying to and from Mainland China on a weekly basis and over seven million Mainland tourists have visited Taiwan. This thesis utilized Secondary Data Analysis to investigate the negotiation process and developments of the cross-strait direct air transportation. This thesis does not aim at evaluating the comprehensive impacts of the full implementation of cross-strait direct air transportation; instead, it emphasizes the political view, policy-making considerations, and the negotiation process made by Taiwan’s ruling parties at different eras and interactions with their Mainland counterparts in an effort to offer productive recommendations for the competent authorities across the Taiwan Strait.

從立法院公報檢視民進黨執政八年的兩岸政策 / From the Legislative Yuan Gazettes’point of view to observe cross-strait policies taken by DDP during the eight years in power

王孔瑛 Unknown Date (has links)
2000年3月18日,民進黨籍的總統候選人陳水扁意外勝出,當選中華民國第十任總統,締造台灣歷史上第一次的政黨輪替;2004年陳水扁再接再勵禪連執政。在陳水扁執政的八年期間,對兩岸政策接連出招,先是認為「九二共識」是「沒有共識的共識」,而以「九二精神」代之,然後拋出「一邊一國論」、終止「國統會」與「國統綱領」、「四要一沒有」及以台灣名義加入聯合國等言論或政策,其間中國大陸於2005年3月通過「反分裂國家法」,因此兩岸關係一直處於起伏不定與風波不斷的狀態。本文係以立法院公報為研究主體,針對民進黨政府於此期間的兩岸政策作探討,主要著重在政治與經貿方面,研究重點為民進黨執政的特色、政治理念、兩岸經貿政策,而與國民黨主政時期相較有何延續與變遷之處,及其面對全球化趨勢採取何種的思維與作為,從立法院公報的角度觀察民進黨執政八年兩岸相關政策的變遷。 關鍵詞:兩岸關係、兩岸政策、立法院公報、四不一沒有、九二共識、一邊一國 / On March 18, 2000, DPP presidential candidate Chen Shui-bian unexpectedly won the election to become the 10th president of the Republic of China. The result has made the history of the “party alternation in power” for the first time in Taiwan. On March 20, 2004, Chen Shui-bian once again was elected president for a second term. In the eight years of his rule, President Chen Shui-bian has made a serial moves on the cross-strait policy. Firstly, he alleged that the "92 consensus" is "Agree to Disagree " and replaced with the "92 spirit". After that he brought up “ one side one country,’’ abolishing “National Unification Council or the Guidelines for National Unification,” the “ four imperatives and one non-issue” policy, and joining the United Nations under the name of "Taiwan”. During that period, the passage of the "anti-secession law" in March 2005 created more tension on the already stressful relationship across the Taiwan Strait. This thesis is to research the Legislative Yuan Gazettes, aimed at the cross-strait policy taken by DPP government, and the main focus is on the aspects of political economy and trade. The main point is to analyze the characteristics, political beliefs, and the cross strait economy and trade policies of the ruling DPP government and to compare the continuances and changes to the KMT ruling era, as well as to review DPP’s thinking and action in coping with globalization. From the Legislative Yuan Gazettes’ angle, we could observe a different aspect of cross-strait policies taken by DPP in the eight years in power. Keywords: Cross-strait relations, cross-strait policy, the Legislative Yuan Gazette, four no's plus one , 92 consensus, one side one country

兩岸文化交流與兩岸文化協議之可行性研究 (2008-2015) / Feasibility study of cross-strait cultural exchanges and cross-strait cultural agreement(2008-2015)

余肇哲 Unknown Date (has links)
在文化上,由於中國與臺灣有共同的歷史淵源,文化背景也極為相似,故中共企圖以文化認同對臺灣實施軟實力,透過文化交流,激發中華文化的感召力,進而提高對台政策的影響力,以達其和平統一之目的。自1980年代初期中共告臺灣同胞書出現後,對台政策之中文化政策也隨之油然而生。本文不使用多數研究文化交流所採納的軟實力概念,而採用新功能主義的觀點來探討。新功能主義認為,在低層次的交流可以帶動到高層次的交流合作之中,從中共改革開放以來,其開展了與台灣的對話與交流,台灣與中國的依賴越來越深,然而中共各項的惠台政策都沒有把台灣更帶向與中國統一。因此中共近年來著重在兩岸文化及教育交流,希望透過文化交流可以讓台灣在認知與認同更靠往中國,並且大力的倡議簽署兩岸文化交流協議。 本研究即是由以上面歸納出欲探討之問題,了解中共對台文化交流以及能否簽署兩岸文化協議?以此,本研究的內容主要分成四個部分,首先,探討文化在對台政策所扮演的腳色;其次,說明目前兩岸文化交流的類型;再次,探討兩岸文化交流協議所可能之內容以及如何看待兩岸文化交流協議;最後統合以上。本研究企圖經由上述四個部份的論述鋪陳,進一步增評估兩岸文化交流以及兩岸文化交協議簽署之困難點以及對台灣未來可能之影響。

適應在他鄉:陸生的社交媒體使用 / Acculturation in Taiwan:the study of social media use among mainland students

黃亞楠 Unknown Date (has links)
跨國求學的留學生進入陌生的社會將面臨跨文化適應和溝通的議題。隨著新興傳播科技的發展,分享、交換已經不受時空限制,跨文化適應也因社交媒體的產生變化。 本文以來台攻讀碩博士學位的大陸籍學生為研究對象,從跨文化溝通的角度,分析陸生在兩岸不同的社交媒體上遷移和使用的樣貌,探討陸生在兩岸社交媒體使用上的差異,及其對文化適應的影響。 研究發現,陸生的文化適應議題主要集中在處理人際關係與文化認同兩部分,其文化適應過程呈現適應-壓力-成長的螺旋上升模式。社交媒體影響著陸生的文化適應效果,一方面支持陸生加強、構建和維護人際關係,產生社會網絡,建立虛擬社群,另一方面,陸生透過社交媒體接觸和學習主文化的過程,形塑其對網路社群的直觀感受和認同,這影響著留學生與主文化的溝通與互動。總的來說,社交媒體能夠幫助與主文化群體聯絡,了解主文化,但無法解決深層次的、特別是涉及到意識形態分歧、文化價值差異的溝通。社交媒體是促進溝通和交流的工具,但未達到真正的跨文化溝通效果。 與其他留學生群體相比,留學台灣的陸生具有特殊性。由於兩岸的特殊的歷史關係,陸生的適應議題與兩岸關係、意識形態的差異糾葛僅僅聯繫在一起,而陸生來自社交媒體產業極度發達、言論相對限縮的社會環境,在利用社交媒體輔助文化適應的過程中,既有在生活實踐上極度務實、開放的一面,也有在自我揭露和認同建構上,小心翼翼甚至是自我審查的一面。

兩岸經貿更加緊密對外商在台研發創新活動之影響因素 / The Determinants of Subsidiary's R&D and Innovation in Taiwan as Cross-strait Ties Becomes Closer

姚文中 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化及產業結構快速變遷的世界潮流之下,廠商欲維持競爭的優勢,必須持續更積極投入研發創新活動;同時為了拓展近年來蓬勃發展的大陸市場,在兩岸經貿更加緊密後,外商亦積極增加在台研發創新活動。本研究首先彙整國內外研發創新活動相關研究實證文獻,進一步探討兩岸關係更加緊密後研發創新活動之影響因素;再以2007年經濟部投資審議委員會「華僑及外國人投資事業營運狀況調查表(非服務業)」問卷資料為分析對象,加以實證研究,並運用Probit Model進行迴歸實證分析,從「廠商特性」、「營運特性」以及「策略因素」等三面向,探討兩岸經貿更加緊密對外商在台研發創新活動之影響因素。實證結果發現,「資訊電子業」、「技術密集度」、「鬆綁兩岸經貿政策」、「技術來源」及「當地市場潛力大」等五項變數對於研發創新活動有顯著的影響且為重要決定因素。


李斗煥, Li, Dou Huan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以中華民國與中國大陸對外經濟開放政策為探討對象,分析臺灣加工出口區 和中國大陸經濟特區、沿海開放城市產生背景及規劃,並且探討開放政策對兩岸經 濟之影響,分析兩岸對外開放政策產生之影響結果。 本論文共有六章,除緒論與結論外,還有本文四章,茲分別說明如下: 第一章 緒論:說明論文之研究動機與目的;其次闡述研究範圍與方法;最後說明 本文架構分析及內容。 第二章 中華民國發展模式:探討中華民國經濟發展政策形成之背景及措施,與其 政策形成之理論依據。 第三章 中共經濟對外開放的背景及規劃:論述中共對外經濟政策之背景與架構。 第四章 中共經濟對外開放的具體作法:乃由第三章延續而來,闡述經濟特區與沿 海城市設置及經濟特區與開放城市之優惠措施。 第五章 兩岸對外開放政策及其成果之比較:是兩岸對外經濟開放政策措施之比較 ,並分別從拓展對外貿易、利用外資、引進先進技術與移轉、創造就業機 會等來比較。 第六章 結論:對於本論文之內容做一總結,並提出個人的一些問題與展望。

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