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現代中国における公共性の変容とサード・セクターの展開 / ゲンダイ チュウゴク ニオケル コウキョウセイ ノ ヘンヨウ ト サード・セクター ノ テンカイ / 現代中国における公共性の変容とサードセクターの展開兪 祖成, Zucheng Yu 21 March 2015 (has links)
本論文の目的は、現代中国における公共性概念の再編とガバナンスの新たな担い手としてのサード・セクターの生成・展開という相関する現象について論じることである。主として、文献調査、実地調査、事例研究および比較研究などの研究手法を用いて、伝統的「公」観念と民間結社、国家的公共性の形成とサード・セクター、市民的公共性の台頭とサード・セクターおよびNPOと行政の協働による新しい公共性の可能性などの議論を展開する。 / 博士(政策科学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Policy and Management / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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集體行動的形成──社會困局的分析林錫興, LIN,XI-XING Unknown Date (has links)
如果集體行動的目標是生產為團體共同享用的公共財, 依公共財的特性, 公共財并無
法排除團體中任一成員的享用或消費, 理性的個人為何自願參與集體行動完成集體的
Olson 在其The Logice of Collective Action 中指出, 在大團體中除非具有制裁或
選擇性誘因, 否則大團體的成員很難甚至不可能為集體目標而奉獻。個人理性的抉擇
反而導致集體不理性的結果。Olson 的理論發表后在學界引起廣泛的爭論。而近年來
社會心理學者對社會困局賽局之實驗, 和社會運動的成功發展, 更加深某些學者對Ol
本論文意圖分析在交互依賴的社會情境中, 理性的個人有無可能自顧參與集體行動為
團體的目標奉獻? 作者認為:Olson的理論并未對公共財加以明確的區分, 以致引起理
論上的爭議。因此本論文針對公共財的生產是否具有總和性, 公共財的享用是否具有
可分性, 個人對公共的評價和個人對集體行動的效能感, 來分析理性的個人在何種情
基本上, 本論文認為: 如果公共財的生產具有總和性, 則公共財的提供因須跨過較高
的門檻, 自願負擔成本者較少; 倘若個人對公共財的評價高、對集體行動的效能感高
或公共財的享用不可分時, 自願負擔成本的人數將較多。然而這并未能解決公共財生
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地方公共財之外部不經濟與其最適供給水準的決定翁世芳, Weng, Shi-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
回顧,將與本文有關的文獻做簡要敘述。第三章為 佔模型分析,將公共財座落的區
位變數而導致的各社區利益消長加進傳統的 佔模型中,以決定均衡的供給量。第四
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臺北縣校園公共藝術規劃之研究 -以五所國高中為例 / Management of public arts on the campuses of high schools in Taipei County –take five high schools for examples陳玉鶴, Cheng, Yu-Ho Unknown Date (has links)
藝術,且施作完成之五所國高中師生572 名為問卷調查對象,以每校
獨立樣本t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe′Method 事後比較分
六、創校歷史差距下,創校10 年以下學校師生,對各題項之同
關鍵詞:學校校園、公共藝術、公共藝術規劃 / Thesis Abstract
Department of Education, National Chengchi University
Management of public arts on the campuses of high schools in Taipei County –take five high schools for examples
Yu-Ho, Chen
Advisor: Dr. Chi-Min, Tang
The purposes of this study are to examine the idea, principles, process, realization and suggestion from teachers and students, the satisfaction of staff.
The research adopts various ways such as literature, questionnaire, campus
Assessment , and interview to examine the feedback of five Taipei County
high schools which have set up public art. The research includes 572 teachers, students, and staff. The conclusion and suggestion are made by carefully
examination of descriptive statistics, percentage statistics, Independent Sample t-Testing, and Scheffe method. Hope the research could provide more chances in exchanging experiences from campus to campus thus raise the quality of further management. The conclusion and detection of this study is as followed:
1. The origin of Taipei County high school public art is resulted from school goals and schools development. The most important factor that affects the public art is principal’s educational expectation. The key principles are publicity, beaux arts, economics, safety, education, integration, and access.
2. The management of Taipei County public art is made by licensed artists. The plan is processing by rules made by Taipei County Hall.
3. They are concrete, outdoor, multi-angled, visual, the campus public art works set up in Taipei County high schools.
4. Not all students and teachers participate in the management of campus public art. They feel the most satisfied with the description of campus public art. Male tend to agree to most of the questionnaire than female do. Students show higher agreement than teachers do. The age discrepancy does not involve in the degree of agreement.
5. Different school sizes affect the result. Students and staffs in the schools which have fewer than 30 classes show the highest agreement to the questionnaire.
6. Different school history involves in the result. Students and staffs in schools with less than 10 years history show the highest degree of agreement about other items.
7. Seven graders show the highest agreement than eight and nigh-graders in items “the art work has local characteristics” and “the fondness of public art”.
8. All the respondents show the lowest agreement toward item “campus public art contains educational function”, and the second lowest item is “the materials of
the public art contain local characteristics.”
9. Among the six aspects of types, materials, realization, color, location, and access, students and teachers show the highest agreement toward “I feel the campus public art is creative”, “I feel the color of campus public art is beautiful”, “I feel our campus public art locates in proper location”, “It is easy to access our campus public art.”
10. The difficulties occurred during the execution and establishment of Taipei County high campus public art works are as bellows. First, there are fewer cases and experienced schools for suggestions and references of campus public art management. Most schools try to counsel the members of Taipei County Cultural Bureau to solve this problem. Besides, for the safety side, a few schools will ask to remodel the art work or to change its surroundings which change its original design.
11. The staffs show the most satisfied items toward “The process of management of campus public art”. They show the least satisfaction toward the items “The explanation of the idea of the public art” and “the explanation of the public art after it has been set.”
12. With their experiences, the five Taipei County high schools which have already own the public art work give suggestions to other schools that are processing to have their own public art. First, to have parent representative, students, teachers, and experts join the management of public art. Second, the propagation could combine school curriculum and the ideal of the school. Last, the art work should mark the origin and the meaning of the topics of campus public art.
To conclude with the analysis of literatures and the results of the study, ten suggestions are offered to schools which are interested in campus public art.
Key words: campus, public art, the management of public art
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網路群眾文化及其民主意涵-以PTT Gossiping看板為例 / The culture of internet crowds and its democratic implications: The case of PTT gossiping林意仁, LIN, Yi Ren Unknown Date (has links)
本文將以目前台灣最大的網路新聞時事討論區──PTT Gossiping看板(以下簡稱「八卦板」)為研究對象,分析透過BBS媒介所形成的網路群眾文化,並探究其民主意涵。有別於一般網路公共領域的研究,本文將由「對抗性公共」與「狂歡節」這兩個概念切入,並借鏡俄國文學批評家Bakhtin所提出的「眾聲喧嘩」與「公共廣場」等說法,嘗試論證透過網路媒介所形成、並帶有集體性狂歡節色彩的社會互動空間,如何落實異於Habermas菁英式公共領域的公共生活想像。
就內容而言,本文可粗略區分為兩部分:首先我們將以Gossiping看板為例,從集體性的角度描繪網路群眾文化的樣貌(第二、三章),接著再進一步說明其民主意涵(第四章)。在第二章當中,我們將藉由回顧八卦板的看板歷程,說明本文所討論的八卦板「網路公眾」,在評論新聞、針砭時事的表面下,其實潛藏著某種不同於理性個人交往的社會關係形態;對於這樣的現象,我們可以暫且稱之為「網路起鬨」。在第三章,我們將透過集體亢奮與狂歡節的概念,進一步擴充網路起鬨現象的抽象意義,並嘗試說明:即便到了今天,人們透過網路媒介進行的互動,仍然表現出「非凡、例外」的強烈集體情緒;這樣的集體性,既不同於公共領域理性論辯的互動方式,亦無法簡單斥之為「非理性」的劣質文化。以此種互動關係樣態為背景,在第四章我們將著重討論帶有狂歡節特質的網路群眾文化,如何透過語言的運用,體現Bakhtin強調多元觀點的「眾聲喧嘩」概念;此種狂歡節語言,能夠跳脫代表語言中心化力量的Habermas公共領域設想,從而落實「公共廣場」概念所描繪的、強調對話而不強加共識的公共生活。最後在第五章結論當中,本文除了對全文進行簡要總結之外,並討論了「社會關係/mob-ility」、「遊戲」以及「日常生活」等等概念,嘗試為網路文化的進一步研究,提供可能的參考方向。 / Taking Taiwan’s largest internet news forum “PTT Gossiping” as research object, this thesis analyses the culture of internet crowds formed through the medium of BBS (Bulletin Board System), and explores its democratic implications. Different from existing researches of “internet public sphere”, this thesis set out its arguments by resorting to concepts of “counterpublics” and “carnival”, and concludes with the notions of “heteroglossia” and “public square”, both proposed by Russian literary critic Mikhail Bakhtin, to demonstrate how a collectively carnivalistic social space of interaction, formed by internet, can provide us with an alternative imagination of public life that is different from Habermasian (elite) public sphere.
This thesis consists of two parts: firstly, it analyses the culture of internet crowds from the sociological perspective of collectivity, taking PTT Gossiping as example (Ch. 2 & Ch. 3); secondly, it elaborates the democratic implications of this culture (Ch. 4). In Ch. 2, we review the historical development of PTT Gossiping, in order to demonstrate that the “internet public” constituting this news forum shows a non-personal as well as non-rational mode of social interaction, which we can provisionally describe as “internet mobbing”. In Ch. 3, we elaborate the sociological meaning of internet mobbing, by resorting to concepts such as “collective effervescence” and “carnival”, arguing that the “extraordinary, exceptional” feature of strong collective emotions can still be observed nowadays in internet interactions. This collectivity is neither similar to rational, reasoning mode of interaction proposed by the idea of “public sphere”, nor can it be denounced simply as “irrational” or bad culture. Based on this kind of social interaction, in Ch. 4 we explore how the using of carnivalistic language by internet crowds can embody Bakhtinian heteroglossia. By emphasizing the value of multiple perspectives, the carnivalistic language use of internet crowds breaks away from Habermasian public sphere, and helps to bring about a public life depicted by Bakhtinian “public square”, encouraging dialogue rather than forcing consensus. Finally, in Ch. 5 we sum up the thesis, and discuss ideas such as “social relationship / mob-ility”, “game”, and “everyday life”, which can serve as possible directions for further studies on internet culture.
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從 社會保障基金 的運作分析澳門政府在社會保障政策方面的資源配置及未來發展路向 / 從社會保障基金的運作分析澳門政府在社會保障政策方面的資源配置及未來發展路向傅潔芳 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration
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澳門社會保障基金制度的制定探討莫錫堯 January 2009 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration
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都市公共設施及服務使用者付費問題之研究章秀秀, ZHANG,XIU-XIU Unknown Date (has links)
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公共投資與排擠效果─台灣之實證分析李榮謙, Li, Rong-Qian Unknown Date (has links)
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批判台灣的電視政策,2000-2002:無線電視台公共化與數位化之思辯 / A Critical Treatise on Taiwan's Television Policy, 2000-2002; Publicizing versus digitization of terrestrial services程宗明, Hamilton Chung-ming Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:公共化、公共電視、民主化、第二現代、數位化、傳播政策。 / Abstract
After the lift of Marshall Law in 1987, it was seen Taiwan, as one of the late comers of democratic countries through her exceptional transformation. On media reform, the first and foremost objective was the democratization of TV broadcasting industry. Within the reform missions, a civil television sector was a consensus recalled by means of military, political party and government bureaucracy step aside. However, so long as the Nationalist Party resided in government, this tripartite structure of terrestrial TV industry kept intact. On the other hand, a technological revolution driven by digitization, for example, satellite receiver, high-definition TV, digital TV, forced the analogue terrestrial TV service into its demise started from 1998. Meanwhile, the first public television channel was launched through the pressure of democratic movement. As a result, the over-commercialized television industry is curing. Till 2000, Nationalist Party was defeat by Democratic Progressive Party in a presidential election, a breakdown of television industry structure was gradually rolling out. A (re) modernization of broadcasting industry finally started.
According to the White Paper of Presidential Communication Policy, currently two state-owned TV stations, TTV and CTS, are planned to transform into the public service broadcasting. However, the technocrat criticized this policy by emphasizing the diversity and freedom of speech brought by digital media. It rendered the unnecessary to the expansion of public media project. However, the continuous lack of investment on digitization of terrestrial TV service, proved the necessity of public broadcasting system in order to lead an experimental and creative works on this new service.
Moreover, the digitization of Taiwan terrestrial television replies to a reform as follows: bringing European experience into the local context, reengineering the structure into the horizontal value-chain, leading development by public sector expenditure. Digitization requests to establish an economic scale of public service broadcasting and result in a health order of broadcasting industry by following goals: (1) providing a multi-channels of digital television other than the analogue ones of dominated cable service; (2) the convergence of signal realizing the universal multimedia service (3) digital transmission enhancing terrestrial broadcast up to a mobile reception and offering public added-values when moving.
During the transformation of digitization, public broadcasting service, with the assistance of international non-governmental organizations, public interest and civil society sectors, proposed a policy recommendation and bridged the opinions of legislature, industrial, executive, and reform branches together into a progressive project of digital TV based on public interests. On behalf of uniform platform solution, a new digital public broadcasting service is promising. Conclusively, the digital terrestrial service is heading to a second wave of modernization. To close the gap between technology and humanity in local context, publicizing and digitization of television policy will challenge this democratizing country, Taiwan, whether or not she could move beyond the current status into an advanced industrial and democracy one.
Keywords: Communications Policy, Democratization, Digitization, Publicizing, Public Service Broadcasting, Second Modernity
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