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哈伯瑪斯公共領域理念之研究陳玟伶, Gloria, Wen-Ling, Chen Unknown Date (has links)
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我國有線電視系統公用頻道節目內涵之研究-以台北市公共頻道為例江雅慧 Unknown Date (has links)
最後舉台北市公共頻道為例,探討其營運情形與節目表現,作為理論與實務的對照。台北市公共頻道因已具備相對完整的監督機制,經費來源,頻道播出流程等,故以此為例,統計分析該頻道在開播第二年起一年半間所有之申請單位及節目內容,以來源面向、內容面向、議題面向三項指標檢核台北市公共頻道多元化的表現,完整呈現台北市公共頻道節目內容現況,最後回歸公共論域理論與多文化主義論說,提出對我國公用頻道經營之建議。 / Based on the responsibility of semi-utility and the resource of multi-channel in cable operator, Cable Radio and Television Law regularizes the cable operator is obliged to provide the public access channel in order to carry out the right which accessing the media. The positive purpose is to protect the freedom of speech, to protect the channel which people can express their opinions, to facilitate the various developments in the society.
Theoretically, it is very obvious that the public access channel is done as the role of the public sphere ; practically, it is expected that it can be combined the features of the cable operator, to preserve community cultures and educate community citizens as well as to develop the function of the community media. Therefore, the contents of the public access channel concern the theory of the public sphere and the belief of multiculturalism very closely.
This essay starts from studying the theory of the public sphere and multiculturalism . Meanwhile, it combines the functions of community media in practice . Finally, taking the public access channel in Taipei city as the example, to study the operating and the performance of programs as the contrast between the theory and practice. Finally, citing the theory of the public sphere and multiculturalism again in order to submit the suggestions of operating for the public access channel in Taiwan.
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民意公共性與媒體再現:以民調報導與談話性節目為例楊意菁 Unknown Date (has links)
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公共投資財源籌措之研究—以國建六年計畫中之大型交通建設計畫個案為例 / Financing for the public investment research - A case study on huge transportation construction project in the “Six- year national con- struction plan.”梁嘉樂, Liang, Chia Leh Unknown Date (has links)
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公共行政「公正問題」與「能力問題」之研究HABERMAS公共領域理論的觀點 / A Study of the Public Sphere梅高文, Mei, Gao-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
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新公共服務視野下探討公民參與在公共建設中之角色-以臺北縣政府水利局個案為例 / The Role of Citizen Participation in Public Construction from a View of the New Public Service--Case Study of Taipei County Government Water Resources Bureau許少峰, Hsu, Shao Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現:公民參與公共建設適合前階段為完全參與;後階段為形式參與。前階段是指公共建設生命週期的企劃調查階段、規劃階段和使用管理階段,以建設功能探討、自然現象科學調查、住民經驗蒐集、公民偏好討論為主;後階段是指公共建設生命週期的設計階段、工程採購階段和施工竣工階段,以專業技術團隊的技術工作為主,透過細部設計圖、工程規範、施工標準的表現,移轉給施工廠商以誠實、成熟的工藝技術達成公民所託付的公共建設完成。辦理公共建設的公務人員具有新公共服務的核心概念—服務公民而不是顧客,願意與民眾分享權力,後現代公共行政需要公民參與來啟動解決問題的過程。公民參與對於公共建設的執行效率初步是降低的,但是整體效率可能是提昇。沒有公民支持的公共建設是無法執行。公共建設的專業技術團隊要增進公民參與首先要以公民為公共建設的主人,接著要設法以模型、3D影像等新方式,讓民眾易於明瞭公共建設的內容,來增進公民參與程度。專業技術團隊要忠實的幫利害關係人推估出各個替選方案的優勢和缺點,提供民眾充分討論了解以利明智選擇。 / Citizen participation is one of the most important indexs about degree of democratic development.For the complexity of public construction, from the original concept, feasibility study, planning, design, implementation to the operation, it takes time and cost a lot. Citizen participation in public construction is not a easy way to involve in many issues such as environment protection, ecology, construction content, the alternatives. There are more difficulties in decision making to public construction the more deeply degree of citizen participation.
The “people” is the core concern in public policy from a view of the New Public Service. Sharing power and co-solving problem with the public, civil servant needs building a structure between democratic, community and public interests during the governance process. The public interests for the public construction come from the dialogue of the public and sharing values. The contents of public dialogue about the public construction are professional, uncertainty and complexity. It makes different effects when the trade-off frequence in public construction is changed.
The Study found that the most suitable access about citizen participation in public construction is fully participated in pre-stage of construction and tokenism participation in late-stage of construction. The pre-stage of public construction life cycle is from investigation to planning and the operation. The late-stage of public construction life cycle is from design, implementation and completion. The civil servant who is in charge of public construction knows that serve in the public not customer, sharing power with the public and encourage citizen participation to solve problems. Efficiency in public construction pre-stage is lower than ever for the citizen participation, but it is grown up in public construction late-stage for the citizen participation. The professional engineers must translate their planning into easy understanding by model or 3-Dimension drawing. Be a faithful designer to serve in the public in order to make a good choice in public construction.
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從命令與控制型到規制型國家:公共性概念的變遷 / From Command and Control Model to Regulatory State: The Transformation of the Concept of Publicness朱玉, Zhu, Siena Unknown Date (has links)
本文所要處理的問題為:「公共」的內容究竟為何?以及在福利國家的脈絡下公私之間如何互相滲透?本文採用Naomi Pfeffer與G. Majone的見解,將福利國家分為命令與控制型模式(command and control model)與規制型國家(regulatory state)。而這二種模式的差異可以由統治(government)和治理(governance)兩字得到說明,前者與命令與控制型相關,後者則與規制型相關。而所謂「治理」之概念,即一種國家權力向社會回歸的現象。本文以哈伯瑪斯《公共領域的結構轉型》為理論背景,探討現代國家職能由福利國家的興起與轉型之國家與社會關係與公私融合的過程。 / The main purposes of this thesis are: (1) discuss the transformation of the relationship of state and society under the process of “‘societalization’ of the state” and “‘stateification’ of society” through the rise and transformation of the welfare state; (2) examine the theories of “publicness”, “public/private distinction”, and the phenomena of “public-private mix” to study the mutual relation between the public and the private; (3) review and criticize the selected public policy.
The public/private distinction has declined under the welfare state nowadays. On the topic of welfare state, this thesis applies the opinions of Naomi Pfeffer and G. Majone that divide the welfare state into the command and control model and the regulatory state. The words “government” and “governance” could interpret the difference of these two kinds of patterns: the former is relative to the command and control model, while the latter is relative to the regulatory state. In addition, the conception of “governance” indicates the process of authority returns from the state to the society. On the topic of public/private relation, this thesis adopts the theories of Jürgen Habermas in his book: The Structure Transformation of Public Sphere, through his ideas of public sphere and its relation among the intimate sphere and the state to explore the relation between the state and society.
In practice, this thesis takes the case of turning the national university into the corporation (juridical person) in Taiwan, and introduces to the theories discussed above: see the university as a public sphere and its reform as the transformation of welfare state.
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從新公共服務觀點探討基隆市里辦公處的組織與功能 / A Study on Organization and Function of Neighborhood Affairs Office in Keelung City from perspectives of the New Public Service王志峰, Wang, Chih Feng Unknown Date (has links)
村、里是政府地方自治制度中最基層的組織,地方制度法所明定之鄉、鎮、市、區內部編組。而村(里)長,受鄉村(鎮、市、區)長之指揮監督,辦理村(里)公務及交辦事項。本研究以基隆市里辦公處為個案,運用文獻分析法及深度訪談法,建立新公共服務與里辦公處的組織與功能兩者的關係,探討基隆市里辦公處如何本著為民服務之精神,運用新公共服務理念,繼續發揮其時代功能,進而順利達成最基層在地化的為民服務工作,並期能提供相關實務建議。 / In 2000, Robert B. Denhardt & Janet V. Denhardt put forward the theory of new public service and published books in 2003 and 2007 to discuss 7 core ideas in detail: serve the public but not the customers, pursue public interest, place more emphasis on civic spirit than enterprise spirit, strategic thought and democratic action, understand that accountability is not just a simple issue, serve but not navigate, value humanity but not productivity. With the prosperous development of democracy, self-awareness is also enhanced. As to the concerns on public issues and pursuit of public interest, together with the formation of a civil society, global democratic nations also try every effort to promote the implementation of a public society. Based on the important role played by public service and civil society on era development programs, the central and local governments and organizations should commit to application and put local governance into practice so as to achieve national competitiveness in the context of globalization.
Villages and neighborhoods are the most fundamental organizations in the local autonomous system. The Local Government System Act specifies the sub-groups consisting of the villages, towns, cities and districts. Besides, the village (neighborhood) head is directed and supervised by heads of the towns, cities and districts to deal with the affairs of the village (neighborhood). This study, taking the neighborhood affairs office in Keelung City as the study case, applies literature review and in-depth interview methods to explore and establish the relationship between organizations as well as the functions of new public service and the neighborhood affairs office. It also aims to determine how the Keelung neighborhood affairs office employs the concept of new public service to continue its functions in the spirit of service, so as to successfully achieve the goal that the most fundamental organization serves the local people. This study is expected to provide related practical suggestions.
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數位視訊地面廣播(Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial)標準化的意涵及其在台灣轉換實踐之研究 / A study on implication of digital video broadcasting-terrestrial standardization and its implementation in Taiwan張雪玉, Liu, Shirley Unknown Date (has links)
台灣實踐歐規標準除了目前15個數位電視台產業的發展,還導引出公共政策的決策,公共電視台扮演「機制黏著劑」的功能,建立參與者之間的共識基礎,最後形成相關的產業政策,其顯示的意義係由市民社會為了共同的理念建立往上推的範例。由DVB-T政策的制定,導引出這些現象觀察,DVB-T確有改革的意義。 / May 2001 Directorate General of Telecommunications, Ministry of Transportation and Communications made a bottom-up decision due to consecutive development of science and technology. The Directorate General took a neutral stand to let digital TV enterprises select freely whether they preferred still attached to the existed ATSC or switched to DVB-T once their standards needed to be adopted. Such a new technical idea, not only without meddling by political forces, but also smoothly put into practice, indeed became an important case in the evolving communications policies in Taiwan.
From the viewpoint of general development of DVB, the vertical integration of the traditional broadcast industry has been gradually replaced by the horizontal integration of video broadcast industry. In Taiwan, the transfer of standardizations from ATSC to DVB-T has its own significance. This study began with the analysis of the origin of DVB as research guidelines, in order to comprehend the significance of industrial innovations in the transferring from ATSC to DVB-T, and understand what policy concern been put into practice.
Complied with the clear state’s guidance, South Korea’s digital TV adopted ATSC, however its mobile application adopted T-DMB. The similarity of digital TV adoption between Taiwan and South Korea turned out to be a typical subject for comparative study.
In both 2003 and 2006 Government Information Office entrusted Taiwan Public TV a fund to conduct single frequency network in preparation for establishing a transmission platform. Competing with the multi-media and multi-channel business and facing the challenge of digitization, public service broadcasting is entitled to many different roles it plays during transition.
Based on the framework of this study, the DTV standardization in Taiwan obviously belongs to a local version of its globalization. In practice, DVB-T in Taiwan has not only been applied by five terrestrial broadcasters, but also brought the concept of DVB into practice. Public TV, functioning its “institutional glue”, reached a consensus among participants, and eventually facilitated concerned industrial policies been set up, which indeed indicating a multilayer of civilian forces were grouped together through a bottom-up decision model. All those observations of policy decision and its application have certainly generated from the adoption of DVB-T.
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促進民間參與公共建設法-融資研究 / Act for promotion of private participation in infrastructure projects-financing research陳宗益, Chen,tsung yi Unknown Date (has links)
五、促參案件爭訟之實務判決案例仍然不多。 / According to our Act for promotion of private participation in infrastructure projects, the private institution may participate in an infrastructure project by six means but BOT is the typical model that usually be adopted in the world.
The responsibilities of the debt of BOT project finance have transferred to private institution from the authority in charge of government. Nevertheless, except limited private capital, lots of capital for BOT still needs to depend on the financing institution. That is, the risk of the debt of BOT project finance will transfer to the financing institution finally. Therefore, besides evaluating the risk of project finance deliberately or looking for the effective methods to transfer the risk by insurance or consortium loan, the financing institution needs to plan the appropriate risk distribution via the contract for controlling the risk that can be accepted.
Because project finance is one of the most important key factors of BOT, besides fundamental characteristics, suitable conditions, law bases, contract frame, the investment types of government and the process of feasibility study, preliminary plan, announcement by a public notice, evaluation and selection, negotiation and signing of concession agreement, construction, operation and transfer, this research will further study BOT project finance, relevant risk management, law relation between the persons involved, the financing assistance by government . Then, proceeded with the representative case study domestically and laid the special emphasis on both of principal plan terms and important financing conditions.
According to the research as above, summarized five conclusions combined with suggestions as following for reference.
1. The key factors of success about BOT depend on the risk understanding and effective communication between the participators.
2. The regulation of financing assistance by government is conservative relatively.
3. Indirect finance is the principle channel for BOT at present.
4. The weight of opinion of financing institution evaluating BOT is not enough.
5. There are still a few cases with regard to the law suit about promotion of private participation in infrastructure projects.
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