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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

女性新聞工作者勞動與流動之初探: 以洛杉磯華文媒體為例 / The Study on Female Journalists’Labor-ship and Labor Turnover: An Example of Chinese Media in Los Angeles

俞振儀, Yu, Cheng Yi Unknown Date (has links)
論文摘要 本研究主要以探討在洛杉磯地區的華文媒體中的女性新聞工作者之勞動經驗 與流動因素,以深度的訪談法共訪問美國南加州洛杉磯地區35 位華裔女性新聞工作者,並由女性角度的觀點切入、並結合參與觀察法探討在海外的少數媒體生態中的工作經驗、以及針對走入家庭的女性工作者,嘗試深入瞭解影響她們在面臨工作與家庭的衝突時所作的抉擇及規劃的背後主因。 研究發現,在洛杉磯華文媒體的特殊生態、報導取材、新聞製作及分配, 使女性新聞工作者在新聞產製上佔有優勢。而華裔女性的性別特質,如富有同理心的的刻板印象,使她們在與受訪者建立關係、以及採訪軟性新聞和撰寫上受到重視。在勞動經驗中,許多電視媒體的女性新聞工作者須面臨美感勞動的實踐及適應。 除了語言適應問題和移民身份問題外,許多華裔女性新聞工作者曾遭遇性騷 擾的困境。雖然美國在立法保護及執行上相當徹底,但因國籍背景、文化融入和合法需留權的不同,華裔女性新聞工作者在面對性騷擾問題時,會作出不同的反應及抵抗策略。影響華裔女性新聞工作者流動的因素可分為工作環境、個人因素、及家庭因素。而因美國政策與教育制度對家庭主婦的肯定、職場生態對於婦女再就業給予支持、和家庭結構的不同與經濟因素的考量,使在美的華裔女性新聞工作者,選擇回歸家庭的自主性意願高。 / Abstract This research primary discusses the working experience and labor turnover of the Chinese female journalists in Los Angeles Chinese news industry. The research utilized semi-structured Interview method to interview thirty-five Chinese female journalists in greater Los Angeles area. Through the female’s point of views, observation of work experience in oversea minority media; we will discuss the influence and reasoning of decision when they encounter conflict from their career and family. The research revealed that female journalist have an advantage over male in the news production industry due to the Los Angeles Chinese media special ecological, reports drawn, news production and distribution. Chinese women gender traits, such as stereotype of sympathy will enable them to establish bonding with the interviewee easier, as well as advantage in soft news interviews and editing. In the labor experience, many women television journalists have to face with "aesthetic labor" practices and adaption. Beside the language barrier and immigrant status, many Chinese female journalists have been suffered sexual harassment. Although United States legislature has a sufficient system for protection and enforcement; however, due to the nationality background, cultural integration and the residence right difference, many Chinese female journalists are not able to fight back when they are suffering from sexual harassment. They have to react with different strategy and approach. Generally speaking, working Environment, personal factors, and family factors are three main categories influencing Chinese female Journalists job turnover. On the other hand, United States political policy and education system supports homemaker reemployment. Depends on the economic considerations and family structures; Chinese female journalists Are willing to leave their jobs and stay at home instead.

「草莓世代」的建構與想像 / Construction and Imagination of “Strawberry Generation”

邱楷恩, Chiu, Kai En Unknown Date (has links)
以出生年份所定義的七年級生,因其富庶卻又嚴苛的生存條件而與草莓族形象疊合,形成獨一無二的「草莓世代」。筆者身為七年級生的一員,關注此世代從無到有、經由比較與召喚所被建構的過程。首先將勾勒出七年級生的成長背景,討論他們何以繼釣魚台世代之後被指認,並試圖指出其歷史意義;其次蒐集七年級生在財經企管雜誌中的相關表述,並置於時空脈絡中探討其形象如何被建構,及背後的論述形構。世代的建構與定義方式,從曼海姆與蕭阿勤的自我定義與實踐,消費社會中以行銷為本、針對年輕族群所貼的標籤,到「草莓世代」的勞動主體建構,反映不同的命名邏輯與社會脈絡。本研究發現,草莓世代中的「生產力論述」中出現了工作倫理轉向,從生產者社會的全景敞視規訓,轉化為消費者社會中具備彈性與動能、隨時召喚認同的生命治理模式:由內而外進行勞動主體的調理與改造,使之內化此規訓法則,進而成為個體化社會中自負盈虧、高度彈性的理想勞動力。 / Youths born in 1980s (The Post-80s) were raised rich yet faced relatively crucial living status when grown up, and thus were defined as unique "strawberry generation." As part of the youths, I concern the process that how the generation emerged by comparison and interpellation. First of all, the article illustrates social background in the 1980s, discussing why the Post-80s were identified as “strawberry generation” after the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands generation, and then points out the historical meaning behind. Secondly, I collected essays about the Post-80s in business magazines, analyzing how their images were constructed and the discursive formulation in temporal context. The ways that generations were constructed and defined were shifting from the self-definition/practice that Mannheim and A-chin Hsiau have discussed, labels on youths in terms of marketing strategy of consumer society, to the construction of labor subjectivity among "strawberry generation." Furthermore, the evolution reflects different naming logic as well as social context. In this research, I discover that there has been a work ethic turn in the "productivity discourses" of strawberry generation. It turns from the panoptical discipline of producer society to the flexible/dynamic biopolitics that may call for identification in consumer society. In terms of the biopolitics, it manages to convert labor subjects from the inside out, making them internalize the discipline rules and thus become ideal labor force who takes his/her own responsibility with higher mobility.

從社會主義女性主義的角度探討台灣貧窮女性化現象 / The Feminization of Poverty in Taiwan from the Perspective of Socialist Feminism

周詩茜 Unknown Date (has links)

企業績效評估制度對勞動權益之衝擊研究 / The Impact of Employee's Performance Evaluation on Employment Relations

傅柏翔, Fu, Bo Shone Unknown Date (has links)
從企業之角度出發,於現代資本主義社會中,公司組織當以獲取最大合法利潤為主要目標,因此在其經營自由權限內,勢必以各類企管策略和人力資源措施來提升勞工工作效能和品質,並試圖準確衡量企業支出之薪資給付和勞工勞務表現間之對價關係是否平衡,而績效評估制度即屬最為廣泛使用之類型。相對的,從勞工之觀點出發,基於勞資雙方地位天生之不對等,以及人性尊嚴、社會正義維護之宗旨,勞動法針對勞工切身相關之重大權益,多以勞動法予以明文化,並產生強制保護之效力。 當企業之績效評估制度和勞動法令於工作場所交會時,此二追求目標不同、保障對象相異、著重方面有間的制度,在實際運用上是否會產生衝突或扞格?有無造成勞動法保障勞工權利之意旨減損或落空?若有,則是以何方式造成影響?有無可避免或降低損害之措施?即為本文之研究核心。 第一章,為本文之研究背景動機、研究目的、範圍架構和限制。 第二章部分,本文先分析績效評估制度之本質,理解其準確度和可能缺陷,再以企業深度訪談內容為核心,勾勒出現行企業對績效評估制度之運用方式和可能遭遇之問題,並發掘實務運作上,對現有勞動權益和制度可能造成之衝擊。為確實探究績效評估運用時,對於勞動保障架構之影響,本文試圖把企業績效評估制度之運用,逐一連結至工資、工時制度、解僱保護制度以及母性保護制度上,對勞動保護做一個徹底的檢視分析。 第三章部份,以工資之原理出發,核心爭議集中於績效獎金之定性問題,將論及績效獎金是否為勞基法工資之爭議和實務見解分析,並討論以績效為導向之新型態契約類型,是否會衝擊現行之基本工資規定和制度。 第四章部分,針對績效評估制度對於工時制度之影響,進行分析。首先區分「勞基法第八十四條之一責任制專業人員」和「雇主自行宣稱責任制工作」兩者之效力差異,並以訪談內容為依據,討論績效評估制度對「責任制工作」、「自願加班現象」之影響,再針對自願加班之合理性和合法性進行分析,最後討論現行工時基準是否有被變相放寬。 第五章部分,從解僱保護原理出發,檢視企業以績效評估結果不佳作為解僱事由、或者以績效不佳證明勞工屬勞基法第十一條第五款「勞工不能勝任工作」、以及以績效制度作為篩選裁員對象之合法性。最後試圖劃分企業人力資源措施和勞動法令強制介入之分界線,並提出研究之見解。 第六章部分,以母性保護理論之角度,分析訪談中出現之案例,並區分其可能之歧視類型,進一步討論績效評估制度之運用,有無造成性別工作平等法、勞基法…等等法令之保護規範出現落差,並針對其影響之程度多寡,提出補強、改善之建議。 第七章部分,則針對上述議題之討論,整理出研究發現,並於研究心得部分,討論績效評估制度之合理運用模式,最後於研究建議中針對如何合法、合理運用績效評估制度、促進勞資和諧,提出筆者之結論和建議。

跨越田野與創作的界線----青年勞動九五聯盟的創意行動與媒體策略 / Between fieldwork and creation: the creative action and media strategy for Taiwan youthlabor union

陳曉雯 Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣從解嚴以後到八0年代末期,社會運動極為興盛,大學生也在這種氛圍下開始校園民主運動,並聲援校園外風起雲湧的民間自力救濟運動。但是在九0年代以後,臺灣的社會運動逐漸沈寂,但是其中有許多都化為正式立案的非營利組織,以延續過往的運動能量;而過去年少輕狂的學運份子,有的後來進入體制,也有的後來走向基層、推動人民自主結社,由下而上地以各種社會力量繼續有組織地提出訴求。而這「理性化」的過程,也延續到其後發生的社會運動上。 但是在這個國家與企業都在使用廣告行銷與公關手段,導致公共領域再封建化的時代裡,非營利組織應如何在公共領域中奪取議題的詮釋權?本文從行動者的角度,以青年勞動九五聯盟的創意行動與媒體策略為例,在事件的參與和行動中再回頭進行反思與分析,並回應到原先的問題意識:有關作為「知識人」的傳播者,如何能更積極地為社運組織帶來力量和影響? 本研究發現,非營利組織若要在公共領域上搶奪議題的詮釋權,除了組織化的內部分工,並解決財務問題以外,還必須以人民的「生活世界」作為其論述的底蘊,來挑戰被國家與企業所把持的「系統世界」,進而促成改變。而非營利組織之所以能提出人民的「生活世界」,則是建立在組織者平日與他們的群眾同在的過程裡。而非營利組織以創意行動與媒體策略推展議題,並以「影像紀錄」作為其提出論據的管道之一,則是建立在各非營利組織的發展脈絡與生存策略上,形成一種內在鑲嵌的關係。 本研究發現,非營利組織若要在公共領域上搶奪議題的詮釋權,除了組織化的內部分工,並解決財務問題以外,還必須以人民的「生活世界」作為其論述的底蘊,來挑戰被國家與企業所把持的「系統世界」,進而促成改變。而非營利組織之所以能提出人民的「生活世界」,則是建立在組織者平日與他們的群眾同在的過程裡。而非營利組織以創意行動與媒體策略推展議題,並以「影像紀錄」作為其提出論據的管道之一,則是在各非營利組織的發展脈絡與生存策略上,而有不同的呈現方式,形成一種內在鑲嵌的關係。

知識經濟下的大學學術生產體制與研究生的學術勞動:政治經濟學批判 / The academic production regime and the laboring of graduates in the knowledge economy: political economy perspective

曾翔, Zeng, Siang Unknown Date (has links)
本文嘗試以政治經濟學的取徑,研究當代高等教育的轉型與資本主義的連結。 本文以Marx對資本主義的批判為基礎,並結合Polanyi對虛構商品的考察,以及Jessop對知識的虛構商品化的論證,本文以為,在知識經濟的時代當中,知識被「虛構」為商品與資本,將知識勞動者收編至剝削的生產關係之中;在此,知識不僅只是經濟長波的關鍵,也是資本的競爭力-佔有超額利潤的能力,的關鍵所在。也因而,生產知識的場域,尤其是大學,就被捲入了資本主義之中,成為學術生產體制。 而被捲入資本主義的大學知識勞動者不僅只有教授或研究、教學人員,當中,又以研究生最為特殊,他們是「被生產的勞動力商品,同時又是生產知識商品的勞動力」。本文提出了勞動學習的概念,並以「是否直接生產剩餘價值」和「是否承受市場壓力」檢視研究生的勞動學習。本文以臺灣大學工會的案例,探討在勞動與學習混合為一的「勞動學習過程」、「學術外包」以及「名為助學的薪資與工作內容」的作用底下,研究生承受市場壓力,並被排除在勞動法制的保障之外的情形。 但是依照「有勞動事實就必須有勞動保護」的原則,本文以適用勞動法的各種要件主張研究生應適用勞動法令並享有各種勞動權,並得組成工會進行團體協商、維護自身權益。 最後,本文認為,我們必須正視資本主義式的學術生產體制對於研究生的剝削與壓迫,承認師、校、生之間的矛盾,進而團結抵抗資本主義的不斷擴張。 / This dissertation tried to examine the interconnection between the transformation of higher education and capitalism from political economy perspective. Based on the critique on capitalism by Marx, the inspection on fictitious commodity by Polanyi and the account of commoditization of knowledge of Jessop, this dissertation argues that, in the so-called knowledge economy, knowledge presents as the form of commodity and capital, and subsequently subsumes the knowledge worker into the exploited relation of production under capitalism. Besides, knowledge is also the key to create “long wave”, and more importantly, the competency of capital, which allows capital to gain surplus profits in the competition. With the development of knowledge economy, university has been transformed as “Academic Production Regime”. The graduates are also been subsumed into the Academic Production Regime. They are unique in this regime because they are “produced commodity of labor power, and also the labor power to produce commodity”. I bring up the concept of “learning by laboring” to examine, “Do the graduates produce surplus value?” and “Do the graduates endure the press from market?” With the case of Taiwan University Union, I asserted that the mixture of laboring and learning, academic subcontracting, and grant of student aid obscured the exploitation to graduates. Graduates now endure the press from market and be ignored by the protection of labor laws. I investigated the controversy of applying graduates employees to labor law, and argue that every labor should be protected by labor law. Finally, I contended that we shall confront the conflict between graduates, faculty and the university, and uniting to against the spread of capitalism

公立就業服務機構個案管理員之勞動處境及其改善之研究 / A Study on Working Conditions and Improvement of Labor Rights of Case Manager in the Public Employment Agencies

吳欣盈 Unknown Date (has links)
勞動市場彈性化導致企業開始採非典型僱用,公部門亦跟進彈性化趨勢,藉此舒解人事預算有限之壓力,我國公立就業服務機構許多核心業務亦為如此,而本研究重點於個案管理員勞動處境之探究。 個案管理員的服務對象為複雜性較高的弱勢族群,藉由案主所需,擬定長期性之服務計畫,協助其順利進入勞動市場。而個案管理從開辦此業務以來已有十多年之久,顯然並非公立就業服務機構的暫時性業務,但卻以非典型僱用方式,以政府的暫僱人力(自聘人力)與勞動派遣方式解套核心業務的人力需求。個案管理工作本為服務就業弱勢者,卻將提供服務者(個案管理員)同樣推入弱勢勞動處境,尤其身為勞動派遣身分,在工作場所之中面對政府的自聘人力或是正式公務員,更凸顯其勞動弱勢之狀態。 透過本研究的個案管理工作探討與勞動處境之檢視,本文提出以下之建議: 一、個案管理模式:(一)需改善程序模式的缺點(二)簡化個案管理員之工作(三)追求績效的同時,亦重視服務品質(四)擴充可利用之資源(五)個案管理仍有成為獨立業務之必要 二、個案管理員之勞動處境而言:(一)政府全面直接僱用個案管理員(二)杜絕勞動派遣人力(三)自僱人力全面簽訂不定期契約,人事預算編列上由單位內部所聘僱 (四)擁有合理的薪資調幅以及升遷制度,至少縮小與公務人員之間的差距。如此個案管理工作能夠被視為長久且有具發展性之工作,自然願意長時間駐守此一工作崗位並且全力以赴地協助弱勢者,對於我國公立就業服務機構而言定能有積極正面之助益。 / Labor market flexibility leads the private companies to adopt atypical employment. However, the government institutions also follow this rule to solve the problem of limited personnel budget so that public employment agencies start to adopt atypical employment. Case management was adopted by public employment agencies in 2002 to enhance the performance of public employment service. However, case managers are hired either on fixed-term basis or as dispatched workers. As a result, their working conditions, labor rights and service quality become a great concern. This study would like to discuss the concerned issue and attempt to offer policy recommendations. Case managers help the disadvantaged groups to enter the labor market and they usually need to face the highly complex problem. They should understand the needs of vulnerable clients and make long-term plans to assist them to successfully enter the labor market. The work of case managers has been existed at least for ten years, suggesting that it is not a temporary work. But public employment agencies do not treat them as regular employees to meet their manpower needs. Case managers are supposed to serve those disadvantaged groups, but now their plight is the same as that of their vulnerable clients, which makes their service in jeopardy. Based on the investigation of the working conditions of case managers, policy recommendations are as follows: 1.For the model of case management: (1) Improving assessment model (2) Simplifying the work of the case manager (3) Pursuing quantitative goals while not neglecting qualitative ends as its performance indicators (4) Expanding available resources (5) The job of case management is necessary and needs to be treated as an independent task. 2.For the working condition of case manager: (1) Case managers are to be employed on a permanent basis (2) Eliminating the dispatched employment (3) working conditions should be reasonable. Thus, case management should be considered as a long-term work that has a career prospect in order to provide better service for the disadvantaged groups and help enhance the performance of public employment agencies.

我國團體協約法中誠信協商義務之探討—兼論美國法之規範 / The duty to bargain in good faith in Taiwan:with a discussion on The U.S.A.

謝佳珣 Unknown Date (has links)
為落實勞工團結權、團體協商權及爭議權,我國於2007年起陸續修正《工會法》、《團體協約法》及《勞資爭議處理法》,於2010年5月1日起施行,且參考美國與日本之立法,建立不當勞動行為裁決機制,以保障勞工權利不受侵害。 勞動三法修正對於集體勞資關係帶來重大影響,其中一項即為誠信協商制度之導入。根據修正後《團體協約法》第6條第1項之規範:「勞資雙方應本誠實信用原則,進行團體協約之協商;對於他方所提團體協約之協商,無正當理由者,不得拒絕。」規定今後勞資任一方若向他方請求協商時,他方不僅有回應的義務,且須以誠實信用原則為之。由於此制度我國尚處於起步之階段,許多問題須進一步檢討釐清。 因此,本文首先說明目前《團體協約法》所規範之團體協商制度,再從裁決委員會之裁決決定書當中,整理及分析我國實務上拒絕誠信協商之態樣。另外,再輔以說明美國法上誠信協商義務以及協商事項之重要類型、提供協商中必要資料義務之範圍,作為對我國誠信協商制度之啟示。 / To implement the right of employees to organize, bargain collectively, and strike, the government has revised “Labor Union Act”, “Collective Agreement Act” and “Act for Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes” since 2007, and finally has been in place since May 2011. In addition, the Labor Dispute Resolution Scheme for unfair labor practices also be structured by reference to the legislation of United States and Japan, to protect people from unfair labor practices. One of the biggest influences in the collective labor-management relations after the Legal amendments is to establish the principle of bargaining in good faith. According to Section 1 of Article 6 of the newly amended Collective Agreements Act, both the labor and the management shall proceed in good faith when bargaining for a collective agreement; any party without justifiable reasons cannot reject the collective bargaining proposed by the other party. Because it’s the first time to implement the institution in Taiwan, there are many questions in need of clarification. Therefore, this Article intends to introduce the collective bargaining scheme under the current Collective Agreements Act, and also sort out the decision of the Labor Dispute Resolution Scheme for unfair labor practices, attempt to analysize of the aspect of refusing to bargain in good faith in the practice. Moreover, the article is supplemented by the obligations and the important types of bargaining in good faith, the obligation of providing information necessary for the bargaining in the process in Unites States labour law, expected to have implications in Taiwan.


鄭聰懿, Zheng, Cong-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
第一章緒論,說明本文研究動機、目的、研究方法、研究的範圍及有關名詞的定義。 第二章擴大農場經營規模的問題,首先瞭解土地改革後的農業發展及現況,其次闡明 大農場經營的理論,再就目前各種擴大農場經營規模的方法加以分析並歸納其問題, 然後探討農企業方式擴大規模的理論。 第三章工業區模式擴大農場規模的調查,調查宜蘭龍德及嘉義民雄兩工業區原農地被 征收之土地所有人之現況。就其徵收前後之生活,勞動力的就業,農業資產的運用與 轉換情況及其意願,對當地社會、經濟的影響情形加以分析。 第四章推行農企業公司之必要配合措施,就前章研究分析結果,探討財經政策、社會 政策、法令制度與修訂及行政上等各方面應如何配合。 第五章以農企業公司擴大農場經營規模之評估,分析推行農企業之預期效益,並探討 其可行笥。 第六章結論,提出本文研究的結果。


李鈞元, Lee Chun-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
雖然人力資本在理論上的重要地位早已確立,但是,因為人力資本的衡量不易周延精確,使得其實證研究難有突破性的發展;所以,本論文嘗試透過具備個體基礎的理論架構,使用「人力運用調查」的原始資料進行實證分析,希望能進一步瞭解人力資本的性質、勞工流動的成因及這兩者如何影響個人的薪資與整體的成長。而在編排上,本論文則是由三篇可分割獨立的論文所組成。 第2章的重點是從同質人力資本的角度討論人力資本的衡量問題:基於薪資可以反映勞動生產力的概念,本章嘗試使用各個勞工與基礎勞工間推估預期薪資的比率做為代表人力品質之權數,以建構較完整的台灣人力資本指標;從成長會計分析及總合生產函數迴歸估計的實證結果來看,考量人力品質提升的勞動投入約可解釋18% 至35% 的經濟成長,遠高於實際工時的15%;惟近年來台灣人力品質的提升似乎逐漸減緩,不利於後續的經濟成長。 第3章的重點是使用多項式logit模型討論勞工的流動現象,而且其估計結果亦成為第4章必需的實證基礎:鑑於台灣的產業結構一再歷經巨幅的改變,本章將勞工是否異動視為共包括「不換工作」、「換工作但不換產業」及「換工作又換產業」三個選項的決策問題,並援引非巢式logit模型及巢式logit模型對其進行分析。從總括值迴歸係數的檢測來看,巢式模型與隨機效用理論是互不相容的,只有非巢式模型具有較完整堅固的個體基礎。 第4章的重點是從異質人力資本的角度討論產業特定型人力資本是否存在的問題:因為台灣現有的資料庫缺少產業年資等相關資料,所以,本章擬將重點置於轉換工作者,研究轉換產業是否會影響其現職前一般經驗與現職工資之間的關係,以間接分析產業特定型人力資本在台灣的存在性及重要性。從實證結果來看,一般而言,產業特定型人力資本也許並不是非常重要,但應該仍是存在的,亦即仍會對勞工在不同產業間的重新配置產生一定的影響。

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