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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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貸款證券化-台灣的銀行業如何迎戰Basel II 的桎梏兼論風險移轉

劉家森 Unknown Date (has links)
Basel II預備於2006年施行.屆時各金融機構均須依其規定計提各項風險性資本.目前台灣的金融機構逾期放款仍多,借款人接受信用評等的殊渺.再者台灣的金融機構所承作的中小企業貸款件數眾多.短期內欲對眾多借款戶施以信用評等殊為不易,因此Basel II 施行之後台灣金融業之貸款,勢必受到壓抑,此乃因(一)銀行無法提列太多的資本(二)台灣的中小企業財報真實性欠佳以及中小企業得自有資本不足,屆時,若銀行的受信無法推展,則企業的投資周轉受到壓抑,將危及到經濟發展.而貸款證券化恰可解決銀行貸款業務的瓶頸.CLO可創造銀行投資者及企業界各取所需有益國家經濟發展.


譚志澄, TAN, CHIH-CHENG Unknown Date (has links)
在過去二十年台灣產業的轉型中,進入中國大陸市場或生產基地移轉到中國地區的台灣企業,許多都是第一次嘗試跨國經營的國際化經驗。在實務的觀察,大部分的台灣企業國際化的經驗都很粗淺,對管理制度的移植、經驗文化的傳承,在應用於中國大陸地區的營運管理上,許多都在試誤階段,很難或無法複製企業依附於企業文化上的的核心能耐。西方多國企業,過去多年國際化的豐富經驗,在實務上已有一套既成模式可以參考運用。這樣的模式是多國企業已在全球其他地區操練過最佳實務,應用在中國地區的經驗,將是台灣企業可以借鑑的地方。 在大陸地區要如何操作母公司企業文化的輸入,才能得到最佳的效果,至關重要,也是本研究所關心的課題。吾人認為下列的問題對於建構企業文化移植至海外子公司的最佳模式有著重要的影響。(1)母公司企業文化在植入過程,是否需要修正以適應當地文化?(2) 人員招聘與人才甄選過程,是否植入企業文化篩選機制?(3) 多國企業如何系統性的輸入母公司企業文化至海外子公司?本研究透過文獻探討,及西方多國企業在中國大陸地區子公司的個案訪談,對於上述問題進行研究,經過整理歸納,希望達到以下目的:(1)確認影響母公司文化輸入海外子公司員工的關鍵因素,以利廠商在進行母公司企業文化移植過程中,減少失敗的風險。(2)確認西方多國企業母公司企業文化對海外子公司員工的輸入模式,以協助廠商衡量自身特性後,能自行規劃及導入可行的企業文化移植方案。 本研究的主要發現是(1) 多國企業在中國大陸地區子公司導入企業文化過程,雖不必須調整核心價值理念,但執行的方式須融入當地特色。(2) 多國企業為有效經營跨國業務,會挑選與母公司文化價觀相符的人員。(3) 有效傳輸企業文化的模式是以企業文化為核心緊密地與人力資源管理體系結合,並配合嚴密的行政控制,就能有效地複製母公司企業文化。(4) 穩定的高層管理團隊是落實海外子公司企業文化的關鍵因素。

台灣半導體代工測試業的策略優勢研究 / The analysis of strategic advantages of Taiwan semiconductor subcontract manufacturing testing company

張馨勻 Unknown Date (has links)
Taiwan has been very successful in electronics and computer business for years. The business model of industrial disintegration enables several sub-industries to find their niche market in which they nurture unique strategic advantages to prosper. Subcontract manufacturing testing in Taiwan is a business just flourishes in recent years. Taiwan is the worldwide largest country with largest Subcontract manufacturing assembly and testing business with the most concentrated market share distribution. The thesis delves into the interrelationship between the environmental factors and company’s strategy advantages nurture the Subcontract manufacturing business. The most unique attributes include seamless upstream and downstream supply chain integration, industry clustering, as well as timely and efficient support from peripheral industries and infrastructure. The thesis investigates how A Company, a Taiwanese based Assembly and Testing House, makes it’s way to the worldwide number one market share through building up strategic advantages over competition. The unit of analysis centers on A Test Company as testing business is less discussed and not been well known before. In recent years, the testing industry flourishes along with high end technology evolvement. According to Wu (1996), the company strategies can be formulated through aspects of resources input, operation activity, competitive advantages and substantial niche business. A Test cultivates its strategic advantages in supply chain management leadership, technology leadership and financial management leadership. These strategic advantages have been instituted in daily operation through resources allocation, operation activity, competitive advantages creation and niche positioning. The strategic advantages of supply chain management leadership, technology leadership and financial management leadership are embodied through the “Value Theory”, “Efficiency Theory”, “Resources Theory”, “Structure Theory”, “Game Theory”, “Control Theory” and “Dependency Theory”. A Test has demonstrated how to structurally leverage these strategies to formulate powerful synergies that creates advantages over competition. The more Subcontract Manufacturing Testing market is getting concentrated in market share, the more challenging for new business entrants to accumulate experiences fast and adopt the right strategies to survive. Thus, learning from a success company to shorten the period of learning curve is critical. Key words: Semiconductor Industry, Subcontract Manufacturing, Testing, Supply Chain, Technology, Strategic advantages.


林琮盛, Lin , Choung-sheng Unknown Date (has links)

台灣雇主人口性別組成及其變遷趨勢之分析:1978-2005 / Patterns and Changes of Sex Composition of the Employers in Taiwan, 1978-2005

余彥良, Yu,En Liang Unknown Date (has links)
依據行政院主計處歷年「人力資源」調查所顯示,雇主在台灣就業人口中所佔比例呈現明顯逐年成長的趨勢。的確,在台灣,我們隨處皆可見到大大小小、不同的「老闆」們,對於台灣勞力市場與經濟發展影響重大,但我們對這群人的面貌卻仍然所知有限。此外,隨著女性勞動參與率的成長與教育程度的大幅提升,使女性不再僅侷限於基層勞動力,管理職位、甚至企業領導人都開始看見女性的身影。有鑑於雇主人口的重要性及女性在勞力市場中的角色位置逐漸在改變,本研究主要目的即在探討台灣雇主人口性別組成及其變遷趨勢。 主要資料來源為行政院主計處1978至2005年每年五月之「人力資源」調查,透過近30年時間序列資料的分析,本研究首先企圖勾勒出台灣整體雇主人口性別組成及其變遷面貌,進而在台灣經濟結構轉型的歷史脈絡中,分析不同產業部門中雇主的性別組成,以探討經濟結構變化與雇主人口性別組成之間的關係。此外,由於組織規模之於雇主,代表其經濟資源多寡,對於雇主的經濟成就(economic success)影響深遠,本研究亦進一步分析不同組織規模雇主之性別組成及其變遷趨勢。同時,在性別組成的「數量」變化基礎上,本研究也進一步分析不同性別雇主在年齡、教育組成、產業及組織規模分佈等「性質」上的變化,藉以更深入分析台灣男女兩性雇主變遷的面貌。 研究結果發現台灣雇主人口的性別結構依然是男高女低,男性比例遠高於女性,然而女性雇主的比重有逐漸增加的趨勢。在產業部門的部分,以個人服務業及社會服務業中女性所佔比例較高,此結果顯示服務業部門提供了女性進入成為雇主的產業利基(industrial niche)。在組織規模的部分,一如預期,規模為2至9人的小雇主中女性所佔比例最高。進一步分析不同性別雇主在基本人口組成、產業部門及組織規模的分佈,本研究發現,男女兩性雇主在年齡與教育組成及其變遷趨勢上差異並不大,然而產業組成及組織規模分佈便呈現出明顯的差異。男性雇主主要還是集中在以製造業、營造業為主的轉換性產業,組織規模整體而言也較女性大,而女性雇主則是高度集中於低利潤的個人服務業,組織規模也普遍小於男性。 透過實證資料的分析,本研究發現台灣雇主人口性別組成變遷的背後儼然呈現雙元結構的特質。儘管女性雇主比重的增加顯示女性在勞力市場中的角色位置確實在改變,性別分工的界線開始鬆動。然而,不論由不同產業、組織規模雇主的性別結構變遷,或是不同性別雇主在產業部門與組織規模分佈上的變化,本研究皆發現女性雇主相對於男性雇主,呈現出明顯的「邊陲」、「次要的特質」,換言之,即使在雇主人口中,我們依然可以觀察到明顯的性別階層化現象。因此,即使女性雇主人口的成長是一個不爭的事實,其實質經濟地位的提升卻仍然相當有限,由此觀之,台灣勞力市場的性別平等仍有很長一段路要走。 / There has been an increasing number of employers in Taiwan for the past 30 years, who are influential to the labor market and the economy. However, our understanding of this particular group of people is still of scarcity. Moreover, with the growths of female labor force participation and educational attainment, women has no longer been confined to lower level positions and started to become managers, or even business owners. Due to the importance of employers and the fact that women’s positions in the labor market have been changing, this thesis attempts to analyze the patterns and changes of the employer’s sex composition in Taiwan. Using the “Human Resource Survey” from 1978 to 2005, this thesis intends to depict the picture of the patterns and changes of the employer’s sex composition in Taiwan, and further analyze the employer’s sex composition in different industrial sectors in the context of Taiwan’s economic transformation. Furthermore, due to the importance of firm size to the employer’s economic success, this thesis also analyzes sex composition of different firm size. Meanwhile, on the basis of the quantitative change of the employer’s sex composition, this thesis also analyzes the qualitative change of the male and female employers respectively in terms of age, educational and industrial compositions and the distribution of firm size. The research result shows that the proportion of male employers is still much higher than that of women, but the percentage of female employers has consistently been increasing. As to sectoral differences, the personal service sector and social service sector has higher proportions of female employers, which indicates that these sectors provide more industrial niches to woman entrepreneurs. The sex composition among employers of different firm size, as has been expected, shows significant differences. Employers of firm size 2 to 9 people has the highest percentage of women. Further analyses of the age, educational and industrial compositions and the distribution of firm size show that while there are only slight differences between male and female employers’ age and educational composition, the industrial and firm-size distributions show significant dissimilarities. The male employers center around the transformative sector while the female ones concentrate in low-profit, personal service sector with smaller firm size. Through the empirical analyses, the author concludes that a dual structure exists behind the sex composition of the employers in Taiwan. Despite the fact that the proportion of female employers has been increasing, which indicates that the roles and positions of women in the labor market has indeed undergone certain changes, the female employers still come in a “peripheral” and “secondary” position. In other words, we can still observe obvious gender stratification among the employers in Taiwan. Therefore, the gender equality in Taiwan’s labor market still has a long way to go.

綠色設計、綠色採購、綠色生產與公司競爭優勢及公司財務表現關係之研究 / The relation between Green Design, Green Purchase, Green Production and a company's competitiveness and financial performance, and

李雍凜, Lee,Yung-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
綠色供應鏈管理為近年來熱度非常高的議題,對於某些公司來說,採行綠色供應鏈管理可以表現公司永續經營的決心(Bacallan,2000),例如聯華電子不久前才宣佈,領先全球半導體製造商,完成有害物質管理 (Hazardous Substance Process Management, HSPM)系統稽核,並獲推薦登錄,顯示聯電符合RoHS指令及客戶對有害物質管理要求,也取得通往歐洲市場的環保通行證,而致伸科技也領先其他競爭者,完成綠色供應鏈的佈署,廠商的這些行動可以解讀為綠色供應鏈管理已經成為未來的趨勢,然而,本研究想要進一步的探討,綠色供應鏈管理究竟是廠商不得不為的措施,抑或是可以憑藉以提升本身競爭優勢的積極作為。 本研究採問卷調查的研究方式,針對我國製造業廠商進行實證研究,研究範圍設定為工商快訊所出版的「2005台灣廠商名錄」中,所登錄的我國公司,產業不予以設限,但必要條件為公司必須涉足生產製造業務。 本研究針對回收後的問卷,以 LISREL進行分析,獲得了下列研究結果: 1. 綠色設計與公司競爭優勢有正向關係 2. 綠色採購與公司競爭優勢有正向關係 3. 綠色生產與公司競爭優勢有正向關係 4. 企業在競爭優勢上的表現與其財務數字上的成績有正向的關係 關鍵字:綠色供應鏈、競爭優勢、財務績效 / Green Supply Chain Management has been a very popular subject recently. For some companies, implementing Green Supply Chain Management can show their determination for sustainable development(Bacallan,2000). For example, UMC just announced their audition of Hazardous Substance Process Management system, and therefore is qualified to export to European market. Primax Electronics has also executed Green Supply Chain Management. All these actions indicate Green Supply Chain Management has become the trend. However, the study wants to investigate if the implementation of Green Supply Chain Management can give a lift of the companies’ competences. In the end of the study, the author can reach the following conclusions: 1. There is a positive correlation between Green Design and company’s competitive advantage 2. There is a positive correlation between Green Purchase and company’s competitive advantage 3. There is a positive correlation between Green Production and company’s competitive advantage 4. There is a positive correlation between company’s competitive and its financial performance Key Word: Green Supply Chain, competitive advantage, financial performance


高宇宏 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣於民國90年7月間通過「金融控股公司法」,有鑑於此,已有多家商業銀行申請轉型成立金融控股公司,在金融控股經營模式下,運用共同行銷方式跨業銷售保險商品,以滿足顧客一次購足(one stop shopping)之金融保險需求,惟銀行、保險之產業環境、企業文化、薪資結構、及對企業忠誠度差異頗大,因此,本研究旨在探討以金融控股公司運用行銷的交互關係所產生的綜效synergy)效果,冀望能提供業者在競爭激烈的金融環境中取得競爭優勢。 本研究係依MICHAELE. PORTER 於「競爭優勢」一書中所提之「價值鏈」模型,藉由經營單位間之交互關係,可減低差異化成本,或彌補較高的差異化成本。金控公司價值鏈之關鍵活動主要體現在基本設施、技術和行銷三個層面,而透過其價值鏈關鍵活動發掘金控公司的競爭優勢集中于差異化、成本降低和目標集聚。對新光金控公司的問卷調查也集中于基本設施、技術和行銷三個層面。結合問卷調查結果及相關理論,本研究還得出個案公司之競爭優勢主要體現于金融產品創新、業務綜效充分發揮、經營成本降低和經營風險有效控制四個層面。 個案公司競爭優勢之關鍵決定因素主要來源於經營理念與經營策略的轉變、傳統組織結構和流程的變革、適應新產業的高級人才、對資源進行整合的軟件平臺和良好的經營風險管控能力。 本研究針對研究結果,業者欲達成金控公司業務之綜效,必須衡酌外在環境與本身的核心競爭能力,並據以擬定業務整合、資訊整合及市場區隔的策略,以形成競爭對手短期內無法達成的競爭優勢。 / Our country passed “Law of Financial Holding Company” in July, 2001. Therefore, several commercial banks have applied for changing and establishing the financial holding companies. Under the business model of financial holding companies, cross-selling is adopted to meet customers’ demand of one stop shopping in financial insurance. As there are the great differences between banking and insurance in business environment, business cultures, salary structure and employee loyalty, the purpose of the research is to study the synergy resulted from various marketing strategies of marketing of the financial holding companies. Moreover, it is expected to help the financial holding companies to win competitive advantages fromthe fierce financial competition. The study is based on the model of “Value Chain” from the book of “Competitive Advantages” written by Michael E. Porter. Therefore, a questionnaire is designed in accordance with the infrastructure, technology and marketing. The interviewers are the holding company. The contents of the interview include: (1) possible sharing resources in infrastructure (2) possible sharing resources in technology (3) possible sharing resources in marketing and (4) business synergy of Bancassurance. The report suggests that to win synergy in bacassurance financial holding companies should first examine the external environment and its own core competency and then to form strategies of business integration, information integration and market segmentation.

原住民投資與否的決定因素 / The study on detrtminats of Aboriginals' investment

呂紹錦 Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣原住民是這塊土地上重要的大自然文化資產之一;他們縱橫在這個島嶼的山林與海洋間千百年,生活智慧是採取與山林、海洋、大自然互動和諧的自然演替,各族群發展出自己的「原生知識」、獵場及祖靈。原住民沒有文字記載,千百年來當地族群不斷口語相傳,傳遞著各部族的生活智慧與傳承,因而孕育出各族群繽紛多彩俱獨特性的原住民文化。 自17世紀後的臺灣經歷西、荷、明鄭、滿清、日據、國民政府等四百多年不同政權的移轉統治,就不斷受到外族武力、政治、社會、經濟、文化等政策性的壓迫,代表當地族群生活智慧的原生知識被視為無商業價值而棄置;各級政府在推動政策時並未對其文化的差異性而有特殊考量,輔導其達到自主發展的目標,致使他們無法融入主流文化,造成所有原住民族不但在傳統與現代銜接上出現結構上的問題,加上原住民對金錢的儲蓄投資觀念薄弱,他們都成為經濟弱勢族群。 原住民家庭經濟狀況低落為長期以來存在的問題, 本研究旨在探討原住民投資收益佔經濟戶長收入的比例。除應用行政院原民會95年臺灣原住民經濟狀況調查報告之數據資料作實證分析外,亦蒐集國內外文獻、論文資料予以分析,藉以由原住民投資與儲蓄之狀況,瞭解臺灣原住民所得偏低,投資與儲蓄的習慣尚待建立,是否就是其成為經濟弱勢的主因,並期待透過本研究找出原住民投資的決定因素,藉以找出解決方案,作為政府擬定原住民政策時的參考,以幫助原住民走出貧窮及悲情。 經本研究之主要發現:解釋變數儲蓄、性別、婚姻狀況、教育程度、年齡、每月租金、房貸、各項消費信貸、個人所得及家庭所得等,經以probit與logit之模型作迴歸分析的結果,都是具有影響力。以研究結果對政府部門的建議為,一要提升原住民教育程度;二為提高勞保就保率與降低職災;三為加強宣導戒除菸酒及檳榔習慣;四為原住民應有儲蓄及投資習慣;五為原住民本身也應走出悲情,不再藉酒澆愁,重新展現他們應有的自信與能力之優越感。

臺灣證券業發展策略-以C證券公司為例 / Development Strategy of Securities Industry in Taiwan-The Case C Securities Firm

林淑娟, Lin, Shu-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討之個案公司正面臨臺灣證券業高度競爭,業務高度同質性、經營無差異化,獲利不佳、薪資福利低於整體金融業,產業前景黯淡不明,無法吸引年輕人投入及引進優質創新金融人才,此外,既有證券從業人員邁入老化、對於新種業務與創新產品學習不佳,整體證券業之經營競爭力出現下滑之嚴峻的挑戰。 本研究針對臺灣證券市場與證券業發展概況,及以麥可•波特五力分析瞭解證券產業之競爭情形,與證券業之經營困境及問題所在。另外因證券商之設置及經營範圍受法令的規範,大型證券商之經營業務項目及策略定位,趨近一致,本研究認為應探討個案公司之核心能耐及競爭優勢,結合政府對證券業開放業務現況及主要推動政策,以此有系統架構之分析,試圖找尋,主要仰賴經紀業務創造營收之經營模式,如何藉由多年累積之核心能耐及競爭優勢,以不同的執行方式之差異化發展策略,創造成長契機優勢,並且延伸及建構個案公司之長期競爭優勢。

如何以資訊科技促進農產運銷現代化之研究 / Modernizing the agricultural production transaction systems through information technology

董其貞, Dong, Qi Zhen Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的農民,長久以來一直是努力生產而收入微薄的一群,即便是消費地的價格遠較產地高得多。細究其原因,主要是因為在現行通路的運作之下,造成層層買斷、風險自負的現象,以及中間剝削和現行體系複雜且缺乏效率的結果。眼看著台灣即將加入GATT(關稅暨貿易總協定),隨之而來的是本土農產品降低保護,並面對進口農產品的競爭壓力。因此,有必要利用臺灣資訊科技發展的優勢,來建構一個更現代化且有效率的農產運銷通路。   目前大型資訊系統的規劃設計主要面對二個問題,一是以現在的資訊科技來規劃未來的架構;一是缺乏可供依循的原則和方向。本研究提供了如何預測未來的資訊科技並用以規劃未來的觀念;而且從企業應用資訊科技成功的案例中,歸納分析出應用資訊科技的原則和方向;並利用它有系統地規劃設計出一個現代化的農產運銷系統的架構,希望藉由資訊科技的應用來提高本土農產品的競爭力。   由本研究的規劃觀念推而廣之,可以得到幾點對未來商業可能帶來的影響,例如行銷通路會改變、價量關係更平穩、生產者決策份量加重、時空的限制逐漸地消除以及資訊科技愈形重要...等。未來的各行各業競爭日趨激烈,如何對未來做出準確的預測,並搶先利用資訊科技創造競爭優勢,將會是企業成敗的關鍵。

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