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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王麗惠, WANG,LI-HUI Unknown Date (has links)
本研究共分六章: 第一章 緒論:說明壽險業的背景與經營面臨的問題、研究動機及目的,并界定研究 範圍,最后提出觀念性架構。 第二章 理論基楚及相關文獻探討,先針對生活型態理論與市場區隔理論進行了解, 再探討國內有關壽險市場消費者行為或市場調查的研究報告。 第三章 研究設計:先給予本研究之主要變數下操作性之定義,設立研究假設、介紹 本研究整個過程及所使用的分析方法,說明問卷設計的經過、資料 集過程及樣本結 構,接著計算問卷的信度,最后說明本研究的限制。 第四章 生活型態區隔之分析:利用因素分析法得到生活型態的構面,以集群分析予 以適當分群,再以這些穩定之分群來探討各群在購買行為、動機、評估準則、方案評 估、情報來源等方面之差異,以掌握消費者特性并擬定策略設計并提供合其所需之保 險商品。 第五章 專屬性商品之開發:本章就國內三張專為女性設計之特種商品––婦女險提 出比較,并探討現有區隔之各群體之購買意願及此商品之市場潛力。 第六章 結論與建議,摘述本研究之重要發現,并根據研究發現向相關單位提出建議 ,并提出爾后研究之建議。


鄒義強, ZOU, YI-GIANG Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究目的:自從菸酒開放自由進口後,國內市場競爭更加劇烈,而反菸團體的活 動,消費者對健康意識的警悟,以及潛在消費人口結構的改變,都造成業者在經營上 的挑戰,本研究目的在試擬業者行銷策略。 二、文獻:本研究應用消費行為理論,生活型態理論,市場區隔理論,產品定位理論 及相關文獻。 三、研究方式:本研究採用問卷方式來收集初級資料,採用因素分析法,集群分析法 ,多元尺度法,區別分析法,卡方檢定與變異數分析法。 四、研究內容:根據問卷資料萃取生活型態構面,並進行市場區隔,並對不同特徵消 費群在人口統計變項,評估準則,消費行為上加以剖析其差異性。並針對吸菸者對品 牌與屬性的知覺與偏好態度作產品定位分析,以了解競爭態勢,與品牌理想點分析。 五、研究結果:本研究共區隔四個消費群簇,此四群在人口統計變項,消費行為,生 活型態構面與評估準則上均有顯著性的差異。第群訴求重點在於低價格。第二群訴求 重點在於翩翩紳士風度,第群訴求重點在於男子氣概,反抗權威的形象,第四群訴求 重點在於低尼古丁,低焦油含量。


林漢廷, LIN, HAN-TING Unknown Date (has links)
由於個人電腦愈來愈普及,對社會之影響也愈來愈深遠,故有必要對個人電腦消費者 購買動機、購買決策過程、使用情形以及購買後之滿意程度作一探討,以提供企業界 作為其擬定行銷策略之參考。 本研究在文獻探討,主要有三部份,一、市場區隔理論:包含如何選取區隔變數、區 隔市場模式及有效市場區隔之條件。二、生活型態理論:包含生活型態模式以及在行 銷上之應用。三、滿意決定汏素理論:包含認知失調理論(Cognitive Dissonance Theory)、類化理論以及費旭模型(Fishbein Model)。 在研究方法方面,主要應用因素分析(Factor Analysis )、集群分析(Cluster A- nalysis )、區別分析(Discriminate Analysis )、卡方檢定ANOVA以及數量 化模型I。 研究結果主要有二: 一、依據生活方式(Life-Style)可將消費者分為五個群體,各個2群體之間在購買 行為變數,如購買動機、資訊來源,以及人口統計變數,如職業有顯著性差異,但某 些項目則無顯著性差異。 二、影響消費者滿意程度之產品屬性,呈現出類似工作滿足理論中之隻因子理論,亦 即對某些產品屬性評價佳,可促成消費者之滿意,但若評價不佳,並不會造成消費者 不滿意;另外有一些產品屬性,若評價佳,並不會促成消費者之滿意,但若評價不佳 ,則會造成消費者之不滿意。


蘇育慶, SU, YU-GING Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,中華民國台灣地區國民所得不斷提高,行的品質逐漸受到重視,國內進口轎 車市場對量與質的需求均顯現出相當具有成長潛力的態勢,進口轎車代理商及貿易商 不斷引進各價位的轎車,且國產車業者亦不斷強化競爭利基以迎戰進口車,使得這個 市場的競爭日益激烈。 依分層抽樣原理,本研究以問卷訪問方式抽取台北市20歲以上之506位消費者為 調查對象,期以對進口汽車之偏好態度為市場區隔的基礎,並結合潛在購買強度指標 及阻擾購車指標,藉以選擇其潛在目標市場,進而深入瞭解消費者之特性,據以研擬 開發潛在市場之有效行銷策略。 其次,本研究採用計量多元尺度法(Metric MDS)分別探討高、中、低三等價位共1 5種品牌之進口轎車及3種品牌之國產車在市場上之競爭態勢,以作為業者引進車種 之參考。


馬濟華, Ma, Ji-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要是利用市場區隔的方法,對電視觀眾之生活型態、心理需求及人口、社經 等特徵加以剖析,并探討不同特徵的觀眾在觀看時間、節目因素的偏好上的差異。 第一章探討研究動機、目的,并界定研究對象、範圍與研究中的所有變數。第二章詳 細論述各變數的理論基礎與相關性,并評述中外有關的研究。第三章為研究設計,內 容包括研究構架與假說的建立、研究工具、預試的信度分析,抽樣設計及資料收集與 分析的方法。第四章分析抽樣的結果。第五章剖析觀眾的特性并加以區隔。第六章分 析不同區隔的觀眾對電視節目的看法。第七章為研究的結果與意義,以及爾後研究的 建議。


張廣福, Zhang, Guang-Fu Unknown Date (has links)
本文乃將行銷的概念及規劃的方法,應用在非營利事業上,并以臺北市國民消費協會 為例,分析目前的環境趨勢,研究一般消費者之特性及其如何得知本協會又如何達成 其向本協會申請和加入之決定,并確認市場需求,以建立市場區隔,且分析檢討本協 會資源之來源及運用之方向,以作為臺北市國民消費協會拓展業務,設計行銷組合之 參考。


楊晢凱, Yang, Zhe-Kai Unknown Date (has links)
隨 國民所得之提高,人民對未來生活益加關心。由於社會環境的劇烈變遷,社會生 活的不定性日益增高,社會風險愈趨複雜。因此,如何轉移各種風險,減少意外事件 的損失,確保未來生活素質,已日受一般人重視。 保險市場之繼續擴張,係屬必然的趨勢。如何配合市場需求,推出適切產品,乃每一 保險業者之關鍵業務。而此一關鍵業務悉賴對保險市場之充分認識,對消費大眾投保 行為有充分之瞭解。 本論文共分六章十五節,探討影響投保行為之各有關因素,瞭解市場之特性,並根據 消費者對保險之一般態度,區分為若干區隔市場,進而擬定適宜之促銷策略。


翁聰標, Weng, Cong-Biao Unknown Date (has links)
一般在區隔市場所使用的變數可分三類,即也理變數、人口統計變數、心態變數。 在本論文中將前二者合稱為社經變數。 事實上,使用這些區隔變數的目的乃在使行銷機會更易發現與確認。但是並非每一 變數均輕易可得。就心態變數與社經變數而言,消費者之社經資料之獲取應比其心 態資料容易,所費的成本也較節省。因此如果分別以兩組變數來區陽某市場,而有 一致性的效果時,吾人當然以社經變數來發現我們的行銷機會。 本論文以台灣區社會風險市場(人壽保險市場)為例,利用統計學上多變數分析法 來檢定社經與心態變數在區隔市場時,是否有一致性。 #2810567 #2810567

國際投資組合研究 / Essays on International Portfolio Allocation

廖志峰, Liao, Chih Feng Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to use the martingale approach to solve dynamic international portfolio problems. This thesis consists of three essays in dynamic international portfolio allocation. In demonstrating that foreign consumption plays an important role in international portfolio allocations, in Chapter 2, we present the first essay where we provide the optimal consumption plan and portfolio allocation for a representative investor with continuoustime and complete market assumptions in a simple two-country setting. Due to the demand for foreign consumption, the optimal portfolio allocation requires suitable foreign bonds to hedge against the changes in the foreign investment opportunity set and the exchange rate. The empirical results not only show that the optimal portfolio allocation with domestic and foreign consumption is different from that without consumption or with domestic consumption only, but also demonstrate the need for the foreign bonds to hedge against the change in the exchange rate risk. We present the second essay in which we extend the research of the investor's portfolio allocation problem into a continuous dynamical international market where the investment barrier of international portfolio exists. With deterministic market prices of risks, CRRA utility function and the existence of a simple investment barrier, the investor optimally hedges against the investment opportunity by allocating funds into three portfolios which are constructed by unconstrained bank accounts, equities and bonds. The first portfolio is the so called mean-variance portfolio, the second is the hedge portfolio, and the third is the synthetic portfolio which mimics the expected excess return of the constrained security in foreign country. This issue displays in Chapter 3. The third essay is presented in Chapter 4. Here we develop a continuous-time intertemporal portfolio allocation model in an international mildly segmented market. With deterministic market prices of risks and CRRA utility function, the domestic investor in the segmented market optimally hedges against the stochastic interest rates by allocating funds into two portfolios. The restricted mean-variance portfolio is derived from the traditional mean-variance portfolio without foreign constrained securities. The hedge portfolio is comprised of domestic bonds with a specific horizon for hedging against the change in the domestic interest rate. The numerical results indicate that when the volatility of the stochastic discount factor increases due to the less diversification caused by market segmentation, the less risk-averse investor benefits accordingly. Chapter 5 summarizes the main findings of the three studies and concludes the thesis by suggesting some future research venues related the current subject. / The purpose of this thesis is to use the martingale approach to solve dynamic international portfolio problems. This thesis consists of three essays in dynamic international portfolio allocation. In demonstrating that foreign consumption plays an important role in international portfolio allocations, in Chapter 2, we present the first essay where we provide the optimal consumption plan and portfolio allocation for a representative investor with continuoustime and complete market assumptions in a simple two-country setting. Due to the demand for foreign consumption, the optimal portfolio allocation requires suitable foreign bonds to hedge against the changes in the foreign investment opportunity set and the exchange rate. The empirical results not only show that the optimal portfolio allocation with domestic and foreign consumption is different from that without consumption or with domestic consumption only, but also demonstrate the need for the foreign bonds to hedge against the change in the exchange rate risk. We present the second essay in which we extend the research of the investor's portfolio allocation problem into a continuous dynamical international market where the investment barrier of international portfolio exists. With deterministic market prices of risks, CRRA utility function and the existence of a simple investment barrier, the investor optimally hedges against the investment opportunity by allocating funds into three portfolios which are constructed by unconstrained bank accounts, equities and bonds. The first portfolio is the so called mean-variance portfolio, the second is the hedge portfolio, and the third is the synthetic portfolio which mimics the expected excess return of the constrained security in foreign country. This issue displays in Chapter 3. The third essay is presented in Chapter 4. Here we develop a continuous-time intertemporal portfolio allocation model in an international mildly segmented market. With deterministic market prices of risks and CRRA utility function, the domestic investor in the segmented market optimally hedges against the stochastic interest rates by allocating funds into two portfolios. The restricted mean-variance portfolio is derived from the traditional mean-variance portfolio without foreign constrained securities. The hedge portfolio is comprised of domestic bonds with a specific horizon for hedging against the change in the domestic interest rate. The numerical results indicate that when the volatility of the stochastic discount factor increases due to the less diversification caused by market segmentation, the less risk-averse investor benefits accordingly. Chapter 5 summarizes the main findings of the three studies and concludes the thesis by suggesting some future research venues related the current subject.

低價小筆記型電腦市場區隔研究-以華碩Eee PC為例 / The research of market segmentation for low-price laptop--taking ASUS Eee PC for example

蔡桂賓, Tsai, Kuei Pin Unknown Date (has links)
Eee PC的低價小筆記型電腦的銷售成功,小筆記型電腦衍然己被筆記型電腦廠商視為下一個藍海市場,以產品生命週期來看,Eee PC由萌芽期進入成長期,而早期辨出消費者中的創新使用者及早期採用者,在新產品發展階段有策略上的重要意義,本研究目的在進一步辨識出消費者及其使用習慣,讓市場行銷人員能選定目標市場及制定適當的行銷策略。 本研究以消費者決策歷程(Consumer Decision Process, CDP)為基礎,在配合科技接受理論TAM (Technology Acceptable Model)當中的有用知覺(Perceived Usefuless, PU) 及易用知覺 (Perceived Eas of Use, PEOU) 發展成本研究的研究架構,並以線上問卷便利取樣己購買Eee PC的消費者,以AIO生活型態做為Eee PC消費者使用者行為的市場區隔基礎,以市場區隔理論(Segmentation)及創新擴散理論將消費者予以區隔,利用因素分析、集群分析、變異數分析、卡方檢定及區別分析等統計方法做為分析方法的工具,試圖分辨出購買Eee PC的使用者並了解Eee PC購買者的使用習慣。 本研究經由實證分析得到了以下的發現: (1)Eee PC消費者具有創新者與早期使用者的特性 (2)依Eee PC消費者之購買行為資料分析,消費者最重視的產品屬性 為小巧方便攜帶及重量輕盈而非價格低廉。 (3)Eee PC消費者資訊搜尋對象以網站為主,但購買仍以實體通路為 主。 (4)Eee PC消費者購買用途以休閒娛樂及工作課業需要為主,不同族 群之間有有顯著差異。 (5)依人口統計變數來看,各族群在特徵上有所不同。 (6)依知覺程度來看,各族群在知覺程度上有所不同。 / The success of selling of ASUS’s Eee PC, the low-priced laptop, led Eee PC be taken as the next blue ocean for notebook manufactures. In the product life cycle of Eee PC, it has been changed from the introduction stage to growth stage. Early identification of the innovators and early adoptors is a strategical important meaning for new product development. The research is to identify the the consumers and their consuming habits, so that the marketing departments can select an ideal market segment and to employ effective marketing tactics. The research is based on the conceptual framework for the consumer decision process proposed by Kolter & Keller (2007) and combines the perspective from the Technology Acceptance Model proposed by Davis(1989) to identify the consumer of Eee PC and explores their satisfacation and how they use Eee PC. Finally, the research uses the traditional stastics tool to differentiate Eee PC buyers based on Psychology variables from AIO theory proposed by Plummer(1974) and segmentation theory proposed by Wind(1978). The research obtains the following findings: (1) Eee PC buyers can be distinguished as innovator and rearly adoptor. (2) According to the data analysis from Eee PC, the features that consumers highly concerned are easy and light for hand-carry instead of cheap price. (3) Eee PC buyers use internet to search information, but they buy Eee PC via the physical channel or stores (4) Eee PC buyers use Eee PC for entertainment and academic or job purpose. (5) As the point of view in demographic, two clusters are significance different. (6) As the point of view in perspective, two clusters are significance different.

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