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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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網際網路消費市場區隔與定位策略之研究--以台灣地區消費市場為例 / A Study on Cyberspace Consumer Market Segmentation and Positioning Strategy Based on A Survey Conducted in Taiwan

宋蓓娜 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著消費市場在網際網路上的蓬勃發展,網路電子商業商機無窮,但國內網際網路消費市場業者仍處於摸索階段,往往知道有商機卻不知道如何確實掌握行銷目標。因此十分需要作市場區隔分析,並且瞭解本身的利基與定位。本研究主要以「利益追求變數」及「新觀念反應變數」作為基礎變數,將網際網路消費市場區隔化,再統計歸納各區隔在「人口統計變數」及「購買(使用)型態變數」的特徵描述。繼而探討消費者對於各個電子商店的利益條件認知與定位,繪製出電子商店市場定位知覺圖,據此提出行銷策略意涵。 本研究以調查方式進行,分為兩種問卷:市場區隔研究問卷、電子商店知覺問卷。由於網際網路消費者名單資料取得不易,不易進行有效抽樣調查,故本研究將問卷置於網際網路上,洽詢其他熱門網站設置超連結點及央請一些網站廣發電子郵件大力推廣,又在各大電子佈告欄張貼公告,讓網際網路使用者自由填答,作為研究對象。市場區隔研究問卷共收到1128份有效問卷,電子商店知覺問卷總共回收1077份有效問卷。 市場區隔分析結果:以「利益追求變數」做因素分析後萃取出三個重要因素,因素一「交易保障因素」、因素二「便宜快速因素」、因素三「美觀形象因素」。以此三個重要因素加上對新觀念反應變數為基礎,進行集群分析:第一群「著重形象群」、第二群「保守穩重群」、第三群「新速實簡群」、第四群「時機未到群」。 電子商店的認知與定位分析結果,「宏□Acer Mall」 居於領先的優勢,是十家電子商店中的理想點,「天下書店」居次。「華淵購物網」與「飛行音樂網」距離甚近,代表消費者評價十分相似,若所經營之項目類似,則是處於激烈競爭狀態。「廣通」與「台灣網路」為競爭對手。「酷!必得」、「管家婆資訊網」、「力普內特」、「Happy Mall」相對較為分散,目前無明顯競爭群。 目前各大電子商店多數仍處於虧損狀態,更應知曉目前網際網路使用者真正上網購物比例僅13%,業者必須鎖定目標市場,加強努力提昇目標市場內的購買率,才可能轉虧為盈。

應用羅吉特迴規模式分析壽險購買行為 / Using Logisitic regression to analysis life insurance purshasing behavior

陳棻煐, Chen, Feng-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
多樣化壽險商品時代來來臨、壽險業目標市場鎖定的需求,致使「選擇適當的目標市場」和「設計適合目標市場的行銷組合策略」成為保險業者在擬定行銷策略所應注重兩大方向。惟如何選擇最具有吸引力,而又適合本身資源條件及競爭環境的目標市場,則就是行銷理論研究及實務上最重要的一項問題。 綜觀目前國內各研究所的論文中,關於消費者對於保險商品之購買行為的研究,多集中在消費者購買保險的原因或動機之分析上。惟其多是描述性、相關性分析為主,而此類研究方式雖然有其實用性,但其在缺乏「因果關係」的分析下,實無法了解消費者本身之不同,所引起購買意願之不同。再者,其並未進一步針對不同商品,研究影響消費者之所以購買不同商品之因素,係因任何忽略「商品多樣性」的研究,顯然過於簡化影響是否消費者購買保險商品之因素。本文對於消費者購買行為之基本認識為:消費者決定『是否購買』。保險,以及決定『選擇何種』保險的過程是同一的、不可分的。」因此,本文將以「多樣化的保險商品」為前提,來研究消費者決定「是否」購買保險、以及「選擇」購買何種保險之原因或動機。 究竟「消費者本身的差異性」與「是否購買及購買何種保險」之間存在什麼樣的關係,同時也是保險公司在保單設計、搭配、以及保險行銷上不可忽略之重要裁題。本文從于證資料上分析此一問題,以EKB消費者行為模式為理論基礎,依消費者本身的不同的背景、不同投保的動機、不同對保險的認知等等不同追求產品的相對利益為基礎因素,來探討消費者對不同的保險商品的需求。 本文乃以『問卷調查』為研究工具,針對台灣地區 20 歲- 70 歲之消費者為研究對象,實際訪查消費者所偏好之保險商品。共計取得有效問卷 965 份,輔以以效用函數為理論基礎之『羅吉特迴歸模式』計量方式,找出「消費者本身的差異性」與「是否購買及購買何種保險產品」之間的因素,並而建立消費者效用函數,進而預估消費者購買保險機率,促使業者更能設計符合消費者需求之保單組合。 研究結果顯示,在「是否會購買保險」的議題上,發現消費者教育程度不同會影響其購買意願;「保險演講會的舉行」、「親友在保險公司做事」或「自身或家屬曾發生事故」時,亦會明顯提高消費者之購買意願;業務員的上門推銷將是促使消費者引起購買保險的主要動機之一;再者,消資者在購買保險時,最重要之評估準則,則在於壽險期間是否太長、領回的錢值不值得及保費是否會太高等問題。 就「偏好購買不同商品」的議題上,本研究亦就目前市面上較為普遍之十種商品作研究,研究發現影響消費者偏好購買各個商品之因素各有不同,本文亦對其作綜合整理。最後亦針對研究結果,就各個不同保險商品,依其具有顯著水準之人口統計變項作--市場區隔,以期能提供保險公司或業務員在銷售時,可依商品的不同對消費大眾做市場區隔,使業務員或保險公司較易針對消費者不同的需求,做出較適合消費者且較易使消費者接受的保單設計。相信如此一來,非但有助於保險公司之保單設計與行銷,對於保險消費者如何選擇最適合自己的保單,也有相當的助益。 / The main goal of this research is to study the motives of the consumers purchasing the insurance policies and the selecting procedures. The previous researches on this area have been focused on the purchasing motives of each individual consumer. This kind of approach is widely used in practice. However, the consumers are not facing one insurance product but a variety of different insurance portfolios. In this study, we focus on analyzing the consumer-purchasing behavior of insurance portfolios. The logistic regression model is used to estimate the preference of the consumers among different insurance policies. The procedures of this study are summarized in the following: ( 1 )Review the developments of the previous researches and the findings. ( 2 )Design an appropriate questionnaire to collect the valid information and formulate the logistic regression model in this study. ( 3 )Collect the samples from the questionnaire and code this survey into a database system. ( 4 )Estimate the coefficients in the regression model in Step (2) and analyze the results. Finally comment on the findings. Using the logistic regression model is helpful for the marketing department in insurance company to target the appropriate populations and differentiate the various insurance portfolios. In this study, the information from the questionnaire is investigated based on our choice model. Monitoring these effects is beneficial for the managers having concise information in our target markets. Finally, a quantitative model is proposed for Taiwan insurance markets and the recommended marketing strategy.

產品成本與利益屬性對消費者行為之影響--以信用卡之聯合分析為例 / The impact of product attribute in aspects of cost and benefit to consumer behaviors - a conjoint approach to the application of credit cards

莊逸哲, Jung, Yih-Jer Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來台灣的金融市場逐漸走向自由化和國際化,民眾開始接受使用信用卡。本研究以年費和循環信用利息為成本屬性構面,彈性刷卡額度、發卡銀行承擔冒用損失風險、旅遊平安險和累積消費回饋為利益屬性構面,來探討此六個產品個別屬性對消費者申請信用卡意願之影響。結果發現,對消費者申請信用卡意願影響程度的多寡依序為:年費>彈性刷卡額度>循環信用利息>旅遊平安險>累積消費回饋>發卡銀行承擔冒用損失風險,且對年費此單一產品屬性的重視程度仍勝過綜合其他產品個別屬性,亦即消費者寧可沒有其他的產品個別屬性,也不願意申請需繳交年費之信用卡,可見現行信用卡之免年費趨勢確實相當顯著。由三種不同市場區隔模式中可得知,重視信用卡產品個別屬性的消費者類型皆不同,因此發卡銀行並不能對整體消費者進行單一相同的的信用卡促銷方式,必須區隔不同類型的消費者,對不同區隔集群加強其重視的產品個別屬性,以達到事半功倍的效果。 / The Impact of Product Attribute in Aspects of Cost and Benefit to Consumer Behaviors --A Conjoint Approach to the Application of Credit Cards The recent trend of internationlized financial market in Taiwan has prevailed the acceptability of credit cards with general consumers. The research is based on two aspects of product attributes to define the impacts in willingness of new cardholders, namely, COST, which will focus on “annual charge”and “credit interest”, and BENEFIT, which will focus on “flexible credit allowance”, “issue bank's undertaking the risk of losing cards”, “the attached travel insurance”and“the reward policy accumulated consumption”. As the result of this research, the impacts of the above factors have been showed in the rank from strong to weak as following: 1.Annual charge 2.Flexible credit allowance 3.Credit interest 4.The attached travel insurance 5.The reward policy accumulated consumption 6.Issue bank's undertaking the risk of losing cards The research has also found that consumers pay even more attention to annual charge than the combination of the other individual product attributes--consumers can accept the absence of all the other attributes but are unwilling to apply credit cards with annual charges. It has highly demonstrated the outstanding of strategic free annual charge. From the applied three different market segments, the results tells that different consumer types have different focuses of product attributes. Therefore, the issue bank has to promote according to the understanding of different segments, and demonstrte on the specific individual attributes in order to achieve the best performance.

連鎖咖啡微利時代來臨,本土咖啡業者的營運模式探討與經營策略—以X連鎖咖啡為例 / The Study of Business Model and Strategy for X Coffee Chain Stores

方秀月 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,台灣市面上的連鎖咖啡市場經營形態相當地多元,不僅更加擴大了整個咖啡市場的量,也讓各式連鎖咖啡業者之間的競爭更加白熱化與緊張。 未來,平價連鎖咖啡業者最大的競爭對象,除了高價挾全球連鎖咖啡龍頭的星巴客(Starbucks)外,全台街頭到處矗立並已達上萬家的便利超商更是不容忽視之勁敵。針對不斷進入市場的這些各有財團支持的大型競爭者,目前已如達戰國市場的連鎖咖啡業者應如何調整營運模式與經營策略以因應?如何讓公司立於不敗之地並打贏這場生存戰爭?則競爭策略是生存的必要遊戲規則。 本研究透過分析X連鎖咖啡內部的優勢與劣勢(S/W)和外部的機會與威脅(O/T),發展出TOWS模型的形成來分析。在強項下利用外部機會發揮公司強處,及弱項下如何隱藏弱點以避免威脅。希望透過個案研究分析來探討X連鎖咖啡店面對挾全球連鎖咖啡知名品牌壓境的星巴客(Starbucks) 、與便利超商(7-Eleven, 全家超商,萊爾富)這些各有財團支持的強大競爭者的因應策略方案。而我們亦了解連鎖咖啡產業正值成熟期階段,X連鎖咖啡唯有在經營策略上以品牌定位、服務品質的提升、產品多樣化、價位合理化外,並走向垂直整合或多角化來維持利潤以鞏固現有市場並對擴張新市場。

金融拆款市場與中央銀行貨幣政策 -台灣之實證研究 / Financial Interbank Market and the Central Bank's Monetary Policy - An Empirical Research of Taiwan

朱凱頤, Chu, Kai I Unknown Date (has links)
由於銀行準備金比率為受貨幣政策機制影響的重要變數之一,但目前並無針對台灣進行的實證研究,因此本文的研究重點著重於探討台灣的銀行準備金比率受不同變數因子的影響。本研究採用的解釋變數有央行的重貼現利率、製造業的工業生產指數、加權法定準備率、壞帳比率、存放款利差、3年期政府公債殖利率、落後一期拆款利率及代表拆款市場重大變革時點的虛擬變數。樣本主要採用由中央銀行統計資料庫及 TEJ 資料庫所蒐集之月資料,採用期間為 1995 年 6 月至 2014 年 7 月,並且使用 OLS 模型進行實證分析。實證結果發現,製造業的工業生產指數及落後一期拆款利率為負向顯著,而 1995年8月的虛擬變數為正向顯著。 / The purpose of the study was focused on the impact of Taiwan banks' reserve ratio by different variable factors, since the banks' reserve ratio was one of the important variables affected by monetary policy mechanism, however, there was no empirical research carried out for Taiwan currently. The explanatory variables used in the study has the discount rate, the index of industrial production of the manufacturing sector, the weighted statutory reserve ratio, the ratio of bad debts, deposit and loan spreads, 3-year government bond yields, the call rate that one year lags and the dummy variables of representatives major changes in interbank call loan market. This study obtained monthly samples from the central bank's statistical databases and TEJ database mainly, the period was during June 1995 to July 2014, and then OLS model was used to analyze. The results revealed that the index of industrial production of the manufacturing sector and the call rate that one year lags has a negative and significant effect on banks' reserve ratio, while the dummy variables of August 1995 has a positive and significant effect.

由個案分析探討Web 2.0 網站平台對傳統行銷思維的影響 / Analyzing the effects of Web 2.0 interfaces on traditional marketing strategies and practices based on case studies

朱翊菲 Unknown Date (has links)
因應Web 2.0 的關鍵技術及應用發展,傳統行之多年的行銷思維及作法開始面臨極大挑戰。過去沒有人可以想像消費者能在網站上公開評價商品,或直接發表對特定品牌的體驗;也無法想像主題式社群網站能集結社群、部落格的心得文可以影響消費者行為;品牌的行銷活動比過去更多元且富創意,為的就是吸引消費者的眼球注意力;企業甚至願意花時間經營網站社群,為這群利基消費者發展新品牌及產品線。這些現象的背後,反映出我們所處的行銷環境已大不如前,而消費者、企業與品牌之間的關係改變,無疑地,Web 2.0是促成改變的關鍵原因之一。企業面臨網路科技所帶來的思維轉型,該如何有效因應,並調整其行銷思維及作法,是本研究欲探討的重點。 由於現有文獻或研究多半以Web 2.0 對企業單一構面的影響,或是針對特定產業的深入研究,缺乏全面性且多元的比較研究。因此本研究採用探索性研究法的個案研究法,以文獻探討內容為本,並透過深度訪談法獲取第一手資訊,以發展出行銷 2.0 與傳統行銷的比較命題。 經過文獻探討與個案分析後,本研究歸納出九個命題: 1、Web 2.0 平台有助企業體現市場導向思維。 2、Web 2.0 時代的消費者握有行銷研究的主導權,並由他們決定如何建立關係。 3、Web 2.0 時代下,網路使用者因應共同的興趣及目標聚集形成社群,而企業也開始將主題式社群作為市場區隔的依據。 4、Web 2.0 網站平台較能幫助企業有效評估區隔。 5、Web 2.0 網站平台有助廠商蒐集並了解消費者意見,共同打造符合需求的市場定位。 6、Web 2.0 增加企業與消費者的接觸點,也增加 7P 行銷組合的內涵及作法。 7、行銷2.0 不再是企業單方面由上而下決定品牌內涵,而是由企業與消費者共同打造品牌體驗與價值。 8、Web 2.0 平台強化消費者角色本質的轉變,由孤立變為聯合、由無知變為資訊靈通、由被動變為主動。 9、Web 2.0 平台將傳統單向線性的消費者決策模式,轉變為完整迴圈式的流程。 研究發現,Web 2.0 平台賦予消費者十足的空間及舞台,在商業體系中扮演更積極主動的角色,他們不再一味接受企業透過大眾傳媒所傳遞的訊息,反而開始握有行銷研究的主導權,主動調查有興趣的產業及品牌。而消費流程也不再是單次決策,其購後評價及心得也透過Web 2.0 平台反饋,繼續影響其他消費者的購物行為。Web 2.0 在企業與消費者之間扮演的中介角色,不僅讓雙方在對等的平台上良性互動外,也化解過去因為資訊不對稱所造成的誤解及無效率。而消費者行為的種種轉變,對於企業未來在決定市場區隔、目標市場以及行銷組合7P 等均有決定性的影響。 企業不只要妥善經營實體環境的公共關係,虛擬網絡世界的關係也得花心思好好打理,尤其必須掌握科技及網絡世界的溝通經驗,讓網路使用者中的意見領袖發揮其影響力和說服力,為品牌發言也為品牌形象加值,在每個接觸點都不能放過與消費者互動的機會,因為他們也是共同打造品牌體驗的重要角色。未來的行銷是接觸點戰爭,能夠在與消費者的接觸點出奇制勝、良性互動並獲得有利情報的企業,才有機會扭轉劣勢,力創新局。 / In recent years traditional marketing concepts have been evolving and encountering great challenges due to the online applications commonly described as Web 2.0 or social community websites. No one had foreseen that consumers would evaluate products or services directly after purchase on the thematic social media and publish their brand experience openly through Internet. No one had expected that the thematic social media or Blogs could appeal and gather so many members and opinions towards specific topics, which might influence consumers’ decision. Nowadays, marketers are rushing to integrate various forms of social media into marketing planning and are highly motivated to initiate more attractive and creative events to appeal the consumer's eyes. Some enterprises are even willing to develop new product line or sub-brand to fulfill the customer’s needs. Therefore, due to the emergence of Web 2.0, the current marketing environment is quite different than what we are accustomed to. The relations and power structure between customers and brands have been changing. This research focused on how the enterprises reacted to the Web 2.0 technology and changed their mindset, especially marketing concepts and practices. Since there exists no generally accepted definition and demarcation of the term Web 2.0, the majority of studies have been focusing only on changes in certain industries or specific effects that Web 2.0 has brought to marketing. Therefore, we adopted a more general perspective based on previous results and conducted case studies to gather first-hand information and real practice from the industry. Further, we developed and concluded 9 points and made a comparison table (traditional marketing concept versus marketing concepts in Web 2.0 era) to clarify the differences of marketing concepts between traditional and Web 2.0-driven marketing. The key results of the research are: 1. Web2.0 helps enterprises to better form their marketing strategy and because all the departments within the organization can gather valuable information from each interaction point with the customers. Therefore, the consensus and responsiveness is achieved more easily, which means the Market Orientation concept could be realized. 2. Consumers in Web 2.0 era are capable of initiating market research and it is the consumer, rather than the enterprise, that decides how and with which company relations are built up. 3. Web users form communities due to common interests and objectives in Web 2.0 era, and the industries have begun to segment the market based on the different communities. 4. Web 2.0 applications help the enterprises efficiently evaluate if the market segmentation is effective and worthy of investment. 5. Web 2.0 mechanism support the enterprises to gather information and know more about the consumer insights, and also enables the two parties (enterprise and consumers) to collaborate and create the right market positions. 6. Web 2.0 not only increases the interacting points for enterprises and consumers, but also enriches the insights and possibilities of marketing-mix 7Ps (Product/Price/Place/Promotion/People/Physical environment/Process). 7. In Marketing 2.0 era the enterprise could not decide the essence of brands top down, but have to co-create the value and experiences of brands with the customers. 8. Web 2.0 platform enhance the change of the consumer inner character and behavior, from isolation to union, from ignorant to well-informed, from passive to proactive. 9. Web 2.0 platform transformed the traditional consumer decision-making from one way process to completed circles, where individual experience as valuable feedback influences the decisions of other consumers via Web 2.0 applications. As a consequence, the Web 2.0 is affecting not only the field of technology development but also the domains of business strategy and marketing practice. The Web 2.0 platform empowers the consumer and enables them to play more proactive and aggressive roles in the business system. The consumers do not just accept the message from mass media any more, but initiate marketing research themselves, investigating the brands and industries which they are interested with. The purchase decision making is not single and one way process as the personal comments that are disseminated and discussed on the Web 2.0 platforms keep on influencing other consumers’ behavior. The intermediate role that Web 2.0 plays between enterprises and consumers enables new and equal interactions, diminishing the misunderstanding and inefficiency resulted from the past asymmetric information that was mostly dictated by the enterprises. What comes along with the changing consumer behavior is a revolution in market segmentation, target, position and marketing-mix (7Ps). As Web 2.0 is not a clear-cut concept, some researchers have been regarding it as a mere temporary phenomenon that has emerged with new technology. However, its effects on marketing and wide public acceptance suggest that Web 2.0 is here to stay. Indeed, Web 2.0 has a substantial effect on consumer behavior and has contributed to an unprecedented customer empowerment. Therefore in the future, marketers have to pay more attention and put more effort to co-exist and communicate with a powerful customer instead of old-fashioned pushing marketing. Especially the enterprise should capitalize on the experience gained from the Web 2.0 platforms, utilizing the influences and convictions that web opinion leader possess to advocate for the brand. They should not disregard the many interaction points that could build up the brand experience with the consumers. Only those who could capitalize on Web 2.0 applications to gain more insight on consumer behavior, could win the ultimate victory and survive in the extremely competitive marketing war.

台灣壽險業消費者行為 / The consumer behavior in buying life insurance in Taiwan

蔡英哲, Tsai, Ying-Che Unknown Date (has links)
本研究對曾經以直效行銷方式購買保險的台灣地區消費者,根據各縣市人口比例進行隨機分層抽樣,共發出問卷5066份回收有效問卷913份,並以PZB衡量服務品質模型中的感受的服務 (Perceived Service) 變數做為區隔市場的基礎。經多變量統計分析,將DM、TM、Agent三個行銷管道中各自區隔出三種消費族群;銀行保險管道區隔出四個消費集群。每一個集群配合卡方檢定,對購買壽險的「利益因素」與構成知覺風險高低因素中的「價格/意願」、「商品知識/偏好」「態度/涉入」、「訊息來源/管道偏好」與「人口統計變數」共六個行為變數來解釋集群的行為特徵。研究發現: 1. DM管道消費者(831人)的行為特徵在「利益因素」為便宜、保險是理財套餐一部份、透過其他商品而購買;在「商品知識/偏好」為終身險、儲蓄險、重大疾病險、團體險、意外險;在「態度/涉入」重視的為是否有專人服務與諮詢、與接觸訊息時點有關;在「訊息來源/管道偏好」為業務員、郵局;在「人口統計變數」為年齡集中於23~37歲(71%)、教育程度集中於高中~大學(89%)、居住地區北部(39%)、南部(30%)、中部(26%)。 2. TM管道消費者(57人)的行為特徵在「利益因素」為保險是理財套餐一部份、透過介紹後喜歡並購買;在「商品知識/偏好」為終身險、儲蓄險;在「態度/涉入」重視的為是否有專人服務與諮詢;在「訊息來源/管道偏好」為業務員、TM;在「人口統計變數」為男性居多(68%)。 3. Agent管道消費者(839人)的行為特徵在「利益因素」為購買程序方便、信賴金融機構知名度;在「商品知識/偏好」為重大疾病險、團體險;在「態度/涉入」重視的為是否有專人服務與諮詢、與接觸時點有關、保障內容保費高低、接觸與了解的過程、售後服務、購後滿意程度;在「訊息來源/管道偏好」為業務員、金融機構櫃檯;在「人口統計變數」為年齡集中於23~44歲(83%)、教育程度集中於高中~大學(88%)、職業以民營職員、自由業、自營商人、公教人員。 4. 銀行保險管道消費者(101人)的行為特徵在「利益因素」為信賴金融機構知名度;在「商品知識/偏好」為儲蓄險;在「態度/涉入」重視的為購後滿意程度;在「人口統計變數」為家庭收入9萬以下(80%)、婚姻狀況已婚佔55%。 / This paper investigates the Taiwan's consumers who ever bought insurance by way of direct marketing channel. According to both of random stratified sampling and the proportion of each state's populations, we mail out 5066 articles of questionnaire and gain the 913 effective responses totally. The variable of segment is "perceived service" which is from the PZB model of 1994's version. With the multivariate analysis, we get 3 clusters on each marketing channel of DM, TM, Agent, and 4 clusters on Bancassurance. To each cluster, we apply χ2 Test to test whether it is significant to those behavior factors which are "Interest for buying insurance", "Price/Intention", "Product knowledge/Preference", "Attitude/Involvement", "Information/Channel", and "Population profile". ┌────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┐ │ │Interest │Price/ │Product │Attitude/ │Informati-│Population│ │ │buying │Intention │knowledge/│Involveme-│on/Channel│profile │ │ │insurance │ │Preference│nt │ │ │ ├────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┤ │DM │Cheaper, │ │Whole life│Consultant│Agent,post│Age │ │ │One stop │ │, Endowme-│exist or │office │between 23│ │ │shopping, │ │nt Dread │not, The │ │and 37, │ │ │Cross │ │disease, │dealing │ │education │ │ │buying │ │group │moment, │ │between │ │ │ │ │insurance,│ │ │high │ │ │ │ │accident, │ │ │school and│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │university│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │resident │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │area on │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │north, │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │middle of │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │Taiwan │ ├────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┤ │TM │One stop │ │Whole │ │Agent │Male(68%)│ │ │shopping, │ │life, │ │ │ │ │ │Acceptance│ │Endowment,│ │ │ │ │ │after │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │explanati-│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │on │ │ │ │ │ │ ├────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┤ │Agent │Convention│ │Group life│Consultant│Agnet, │Age betwe-│ │ │, Trust │ │, Dread │exist or │Bancassur-│en 23 and │ │ │ │ │disease, │not, The │ance, │44, Educa-│ │ │ │ │ │dealing │ │tion │ │ │ │ │ │moment, │ │between │ │ │ │ │ │Contents │ │high scho-│ │ │ │ │ │and price,│ │ol and │ │ │ │ │ │The deali-│ │university│ │ │ │ │ │ng process│ │, │ ├────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┤ │Bancass-│Trust, │ │Endowment │Emphasis │ │Family │ │urance │ │ │ │the satis-│ │income │ │ │ │ │ │faction │ │below │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │NT90000, │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │married │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │(55%), │ └────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┘

影響國中教師性別角色刻板化態度與兩性教育平等意識相關因素之研究 / The reserch on effective factors of junior high school teachers' attitude of gender stereotype and gender education equity

賴友梅, Lai, Yu-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從女性主義理論角度出發,主要研究目的在探討現今國中教師在教學互動過程裡,是否展現出性別角色刻板化態度?他們的態度否因其人口特質(如:性別、年齡、省籍、婚姻狀況)、師資培育訓練歷程、教學及行政經驗的不同而產生差異?上述的因素是如何影響教師的兩性平等教育意識(包括教學平權態度、教學性別區隔、女性主義理念)? 本研究係採用研究者自行編製的問卷作為研究工具,研究範圍則限台北市及台北縣國民中學,從研究者個人網絡選擇受訪者,再由受訪者代替研究者於授課學校進行隨機抽樣調查,總計有效樣本為401份。樣本資料經檢核登錄後,研究者以SAS統計分析軟體進行資料分析。 研究結果及主要發現如下: 一、男老師仍然掌控學校行政事權,女老師不僅較少參與行政工作,也因為傳統性別角色的影響(包括:母職及傳統女性角色的壓抑),她們的行政意願普遍低落。 二、教師的教學態度仍深為性別刻板角色所左右,包括教師仍強調複製兩性特質的教育功能及女性的母職角色。 三、教師仍容易以〝性別〞作為評估與詮釋學生行為的必然標準,.此外〝性別〞也是教師在控制學生及教室管理的重要方式;男教師的教學態度明額較不平權。 四、多數教師贊成教育機會平等,但對於〝女性主義教育理念〞(給予女性更多的教育資源以扭轉其弱勢地位)接受度低。 五、教師對於教職〝性別形象〞(女性化)的重視大過於〝專業能力〞;女教師的教職女性化刻板觀念較深。 六、性別社會化是影響教師〝性別角色刻板化〞及〝兩性教育平等意識〞的主因,女教師對於傳統性別角色的反省與兩性平權教育的思考均比男老師積極。 七、中壯年(40歲以上)教師不僅有明顯的性別偏見,他們對兩性教育的態度也較不平權;自然學科的教師也較贊同〝教育性別區隔〞,這表示他們在判斷學生的學習成就及傾向時,會有〝性別〞的預設立場;教學年數愈長的老師其性別角色的刻板化程度也愈高,他們也較贊同教育應有性別區隔。顯示教育的〝量〞(學習多久)對於個人性別平等意識的影響不如〝質〞(學習內容)來的重要。


陳怡君 Unknown Date (has links)
要創造顧客價值,首先需瞭解顧客。顧客是企業最重要的資產,企業應掌握該資產之性質與經濟意涵。本研究自此觀點出發,對個案公司之顧客資產提出四大問題:1.可能長期/短期往來客戶分辨及探討可能長期往來客戶是否一定是好客戶2.各區隔客戶的主要消費型態3.各區隔顧客與企業之獲利關係4.各區隔顧客之理財型態。本研究藉由此四大問題,串連時間、獲利與經濟行為構面進行分析與探討。本研究之資料取自某銀行信用卡部門二年期之月顧客資料。   本研究之發現說明如下:   1.以獲利與時間兩構面為區隔,發現長期往來之客戶不一定是好客戶。可能短期往來客戶亦有極佳之獲利潛能,但可能因為企業未能滿足需求或客戶有交換使用各家信用卡之行為、預算分配情況的影響,致使此類客戶未能成為忠實客戶,管理當局應深入調查這些顧客的行為,以利策略之擬定。   2.各區隔間有鮮明之行為特質。各區隔之所注重的消費層次不同,關心的議題可能不同,因此企業在行銷上注重的層面理應不同。   3.大多數之客群對獲利有顯著貢獻,顯示出大多數客戶是具有潛在利潤的客戶。   4.「一般交易需求者」為個案銀行之主要客戶,屬於極少拖欠帳款,或者是有支出預算之消費者,銀行只能自手續費獲利,因此,日常營運成本可能是關心重點,企業應力求成為此類顧客的主要銀行。 / Customer valuation is becoming a critical element in strategy development. It is built on the notation that the customer is the primary asset of the firm. The firm has a protfolio of customer assets that should be analyzed economically to determine their value to the firm. The four issues in this study relate to (1) identifying possible long-lived or short-lived customers and if those possible long-lived customers are necessarily profitable customers or not; (2) investigating consuming behavior of each segment; (3) understanding the profit relationship between the firm and customers; (4) establising financing behavior of each segment. This study is based on a monthly data from a large retail bank for two years.   Bellows are the illustation of the empirical findings in this study:    1. Duration and customer profitability are two good dimensions of segmentation. Long-lived customers are not necessarily profitable customers. Short-lived customers have great potential in profitability, too. The firm may not fulfill their needs. Those customers may be butterflies, i.e., they like to use different banks’credit cards. On the other hand, some customers may have budget for their spending. The firm must investigate this phenomenon deeply, so as to plan their marketing strategy.    2. Each segment concerns about different issues because they have distintive consuming behavior. So, the firm must have different marketing strategies for each segment.    3. There is positive association between customers and the firm's profitability in most of the segments. This reveals that most customers are profitable.    4. Tansistors are the domain customer type of the firm. They usually pay bills in time. Maybe, they have spending budget. The firm receives transation fees only. Under this condition, operation excellence is the key point. The firm must pay great efforts to become the domain bank of their customers.

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