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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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棒球運動的觀眾參與及其行動意義--以台灣為例 / The participation and the action meaning of baseball spectators in Taiwan

呂宇正 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在於探討棒球運動在台灣社會中的風行現象,並且有別於以往的研究將焦點置放於大型的架構,本研究則聚焦於行動者身上。因此本研究並非針對台灣社會的棒球運動何以風行進行原因的歸納與探索,而是對於台灣社會的棒球運動觀眾如何對此運動引發興趣並以何種方式投入參與,進而對於自身行動產生認同所進行的實證性研究。   對這些喜愛棒球運動的行動者,本研究以深度訪談法進行。試圖從受訪者們與棒球運動的接觸經驗、參與行動當中,了解其是否清楚自身行動選擇的意義,以及在行動當中的背後,究竟具有什麼樣的意義。   在本研究的發現中,對於這些棒球運動的愛好者們而言,他們的初始接觸經驗確實深受台灣棒球運動發展所影響,並且在不同世代之間,無論在參與方式或是建立自身的行動意義上,都具有可見的差異性存在。也就是說,這些棒球運動的愛好者並非如同一般觀點所認為,不但是在自身行動上具有相當的自主意識,同時也對於台灣棒球運動有著諸多個人的觀點存在。並且,棒球這項「遊戲」對於這些行動者而言已經不再只是一個「遊戲」,而是有著更多意義賦予與主動性存在。

原住民社區之公民參與研究--以清泉風景區計畫為例 / Citizen participation in the indigenous coummunity: a case study on the Qingquan scenic area project

何筱筠, Ho, Hsiao Yun Unknown Date (has links)
On August 25, 2004, Taiwan was hit by Typhoon Aere which caused great damage in Taoshan Village Wufong Township in Hsinchu County. Later that year, in order to reconstruct Wufong Township and promote tourism, the Hsinchu County Government proposed the “Second Overall Review of the Qingquan Scenic Area Project”. The residents of Taoshan Village are aborigines. Many factors hinder aborigines from participating in the development of public policy, including incompleteness of information, weakness of mobilization, and cultural differences. This study is a case study of Taoshan Village, Wufong Township, and interviews local residents, resident representatives, and government officials. Through the case study, the thesis aims to develop an understanding of the process of citizen participation of the indigenous people in Wufong Township during the Second Overall Review of the Qingquan Scenic Area Project and to analyze the difficulties in implementing citizen participation during the process of urban planning. The results of the research show that the citizen participation system outlined in the existing urban planning regulations cannot be effectively implemented in the indigenous regions. As a result, the residents have a very limited influence on decision-making. In addition, the study also finds that a lack of citizen participation in the early stages of urban planning led to some problems. Finally, based on the findings and results, this study provides suggestions on policy in hopes that citizen participation can be implemented effectively in indigenous regions.


曾淑真 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在於以個案研究的方法,探討一所國中義工家長參與的經驗,以了解學校義工家長的組織、工作內容及其運作模式;義工家長參與學校事務的動機、過程及信念;義工家長參與學校事務的影響因素及對其個人的影響。   為達本研究目的,研究者採取質性研究的方法,運用訪談及配合觀察與文件分析等方法蒐集資料,再就所蒐集資料進行整理、歸納與分析,本研究主要發現如下:   一、西湖國中「慈心團」創團之前,由於籌畫成立之前校長萬家春先生積極運作,結合社區資源,與校內教職員工及家長充分溝通,奠定「慈心團」穩固之基礎,致組織制度健全,組織運作模式有脈絡可循,且檔案建立完整,並獲得多項肯定。   二、西湖國中「慈心團」創團之始,即定位在家長會活動組之下,雙方互動良好,不但成員互有重疊,且資源共享,深獲學校及家長會的支持。   三、西湖國中「慈心團」創團之始,即在國小的基礎上招募義工家長,因此國中小各項資源可以共享,包括人力、設備、訓練及成長課程等,因此,人力資源、領導者的傳承等不致造成學校推展義工制度的困境。   四、西湖國中「慈心團」的工作內容以學校事務性工作為主,能彌補學校人力的不足,且參與過程中,學校與義工家長互惠互利,形成雙贏局面;更因為義工家長未參與協助班級教學,與教師互動少而避免親師無法合作的困擾。   五、從西湖國中「慈心團」義工家長參與動機與堅持做下去的信念看來,義工家長已跨出家庭,擺脫侷限「家」的私領域,而參與公共事務,開展「社會生活」,無形中開發了婦女潛能,提供婦女再教育的機會。因此,推展學校義工制度,不但對學校及社會有其貢獻,且對推展婦女教育也有其深遠的影響。   六、從西湖國中「慈心團」義工家長參與的過程可知,其豐富的參與經驗,足供各校推展義工家長制度之參考;而其服務與回饋社會的精神,是其成功之處,也是一再獲得肯定的最佳印證。   七、西湖國中「慈心團」由於深獲學校及教師的支持,故影響義工家長參與的因素,屬家庭方面者居多;而在義工家長參與的影響方面,其參與後對個人、家庭、社會與學校均有助益,而亦影響其參與的動機。

我國推動性別主流化發展之研究:從參與式民主觀點探討 / The Development of Gender mainstreaming in Taiwan Based on the Viewpoint of Participation Democracy

魏美娟, Wei, Meichuan Unknown Date (has links)
性別主流化的概念,從1995年在北京被提出,經過了15年,性別議題逐漸在國際組織中獲得重視,各國對於性別主流化的推動與實施不遺餘力。台灣從2003年推動性別主流化至今,約七年的時間,對照起聯合國在2010年三月在紐約所召開的北京+15會議,台灣僅僅用了一半時間,發展出屬於台灣本土性別主流化經驗。 由於行政院婦權會具有「參與式民主」「公私合作」的特質,尤其來自民間的婦權委員,試圖在我國推動性別主流化的發展過程中,建立各種不同的參與機制與平台,將不同的個人與團體串連起來。換言之是一種參與式政府的體現,性別主流化過程中強調授與員工權力(性別聯絡人設置)與能力(性別培訓制度),試將政府組織內的個人納入決策過程,亦即是以體制內的「公務人員」作為參與式民主的主體,運用性別聯絡人制度、性別平等工作小組,以及性別培訓制度等擴大參與的制度,試圖將個別公務人員納入性別主流化推動過程中。此種體制內擴大參與的模式,改變了以社會中公民為主體的參與民主模式,進行體制內參與式民主發展的可能。 同時,婦權基金會所建立的婦女團體溝通平台亦是參與式民主機制的建立,婦女溝通平台不僅有助於政府部門與民間團體的溝通與對話,能夠使民間團體瞭解政府部門的各項施政與發展,也助於行政部門傾聽婦女團體對於個別議題的想法,以及婦女團體間對於議題的溝通與交流。在國際參與機制,婦權基金會透過每年補助民間團體與專家學者的機制,讓許多團體與個人,透過參加聯合國與各國際組織會議,將國際社會中關注的性別議題帶回台灣社會。 / Gender mainstreaming had been formally raised in the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995. It has become one of the main strategies for fulfilling gender equality in international community. Gender mainstream is not only regarding female separately. Furthermore, it isn't only making some policies or allocating budgets for female affairs, but also putting gender views in all of the legislations, policies, schemes and budgets so that governments can evaluate and make concrete schemes and priority. Currently, some problems have been generated when countries are putting efforts on gender mainstreaming. For instance, public servants have vague cognitive concepts and poor knowledge in this field. This situation also makes the gender concerns can’t deeply influence policies, schemes and legislations. It only appears occasionally in some processes of policies, but it can’t have comprehensive outlooks. However, it might have a window of opportunity for developing gender mainstreaming if we facilitate participatory democracy in domestic societ. In terms of domestic development, governments, experts and general public can get the opportunities of participation and dialogue via participatory democracy. It will also make the gender concerns get involved with the discussion and planning of policies.

高齡志工參與志願服務動機及管理機制之初探—以北區醫學中心志工隊為例 / The research of motivations and management issue on elderly volunteers—case study of medical center in northern Taiwan

林秀峰, Lin, Hsiu Fong Unknown Date (has links)
台灣已步入人口老化國家之行列,根據內政部最新的統計報告,我國截至2010年之統計六十五歲以上人口已占整體人口10.72%,人口老化背後的兩項主因素為出生率的急劇下降及國人平均餘命之延長,此兩項因素所帶給社會的衝擊,包含人力資源之改變及高齡化社會之調適;相當特別的是此問題在高齡者參與志願服務之議題形成聚焦,高齡者踴躍投入志願服務應可以補充部份人口老化後人力資源之缺口,更重要的是在高齡者參與過程中亦可活化各種社會互動網絡之形成;然現今在因應人口老化問題之討論非常蓬勃,但在高齡者參與志願服務之議題仍尚未多見,研究者基於上述因素以「高齡志工參與志願服務動機及管理機制之初探」,希能拋磚引玉使此議題能有更多專家、學者及實務先進共同探討與研究。 本研究屬探索性研究,由北部11所醫學中心隨機挑選五所醫學中心及加入研究者服務之醫學中心,共計六所醫學中心之志工管理者及高齡志工為研究對象,希望以大型醫學中心志願服務為基礎,由志工管理者及資深高齡志工實際參與之觀點,深入且完整地瞭解高齡志工參與志願服務之動機、目前服務問題與困境及現狀管理機制對高齡志工及志工管理者之影響。研究的目的為:1、瞭解高齡者參與志願服務之動機與需求,作為運用機構志願服務規劃之依據。2、發展適合高齡者參與志願服務之管理機制。3、使年長者能順利加入並持續參與志願服務行列。 根據訪談資料,研究發現高齡者參與醫療志願服務之動機涵蓋安全生理、歸屬、自尊及自我實現各面向需求,由此可見志願服務可提供高齡者不同程度之各需求面向之滿足之平台,並啟動了高齡者了持續積極參與社會之動力;但本研究也同時發現,雖然受訪者大都認為體能體力才是高齡志工參與服務之問題,惟對於高齡志工參與過程中逐漸之體能體力衰退之管理機制,則尚未臻完整與成熟;本研究初步結論認為,包含了高齡志工離隊、離隊前之志願服務協助過程及離隊後活動參與之「高齡志工退場管理機制」,應是高齡志工管理問題之重點,期待透過更多討論與研究,未來能適切而妥善地規劃好管理配套措施,使志願服務成為高齡者持續貢獻社會之助人平台,也是高齡者有尊嚴成功老化之最佳機制。 / Taiwan has become one of the countries with an ageing population. According to the last statistical report released by the R.O.C. Ministry of the Interior, the ageing population (above 65 years) had comprised 10.72 % of the total population by 2010. The primary reasons for the ageing population of Taiwan are rapid downturn of the birth rate and the extension of average life expectancy, which have brought huge impacts to the society; including changes in the manpower structure and adjustments for an ageing society. A rather unique facet to this is the issue of elderly participation in volunteering draws high attention from the public. Active elderly volunteers can potentially compensate for partial manpower insufficiency due to the population ageing. More importantly, elderly participants can activate social interaction networks. Although discussion on population ageing is flourishing, few of them focus on elderly volunteers. Accordingly, the author propose “A preliminary investigation on the motives and management mechanism of elderly volunteers,” expecting that this study can encourage further discussion and research by more experts, scholars, and researchers. This study belonging to the realm of exploratory research, randomly selects five medical centers from eleven medical centers in northern Taiwan, and incorporates the medical center the author services; volunteer managers and elderly volunteers who served in these six medical centers are our subjects. Based on volunteering in large medical centers, this paper investigates the motives and current problems and challenges of elderly volunteering from the perspectives of volunteer managers and senior elder volunteers, as well as the impacts of the current management mechanism on elderly volunteers and volunteer managers. The objectives of this study are expressed as follows: (1) to understand the motives and demands of elderly volunteers that can serve as a basis for organizations with volunteers to draft a voluntary service plan; (2) to develop suitable management mechanism for elderly volunteers; and (3) to enable the elderly to participate in voluntary services successfully and continuously. The interviews collected by this study found that the motives of elderly medical volunteers can be categorized into various dimensions, including physical safety, a sense of belonging, self-esteem, and self-fulfillment. Accordingly, volunteering can provide different levels of satisfaction for the elderly, encouraging them to continuously participate in society. This study also found that although the majority of subjects believed that physical strength is a challenge for the elderly in volunteering, a management mechanism for the physical strength decline of elderly volunteers during the participation process is not yet complete or mature. The preliminary conclusions of this study suggest that a withdrawing management mechanism for elderly volunteers - including the exiting of the elderly from voluntary service, the volunteering process before exiting voluntary service, and participation in activities after exiting voluntary service - should be the key to solving the elderly volunteer management challenges. The author expect that further discussion and research can contribute to a suitable and well-organized supplementary measure that enables volunteering to become a platform for the elderly, and is the optimal mechanism for the elderly to age with dignity.

蠟燭兩頭燒?-台灣不同世代女性的生命圖像 / Burn the candle at both ends- women's life image in different generations in Taiwan.

羅舜元 Unknown Date (has links)
過去半世紀的台灣,隨著經濟的快速發展與社會變遷,使得人們的生活條件與行為隨之改變。於此同時,社會價值觀與經濟條件的差異,也使得台灣女性的社會地位與人力資本逐漸提升、在社會中所被賦予的社會期待與責任也與五十年前不同。台灣女性在社會中的角色已經從鑲嵌在家庭的「照顧者」之中脫離,然而,在這個過程當中,卻形成女性必須兼顧家庭與工作的責任,而產生「蠟燭兩頭燒」的現象。有鑑於此,本文藉由整理並討論過去台灣社會當中,女性在家庭照護與勞動參與之間的變化,以了解「蠟燭兩頭燒」此一情形是如何體現在台灣女性的生活之中。   本文以「人力資源調查資料庫附帶之婦女婚育與就業調查」作為基礎,整理1950至1974出生年次的台灣女性,其生、養育行為及勞動參與資料,分析不同出生世代的女性在教育、家庭與工作等行為之間的差異,以及已婚婦女是否因為工作身分及生、養育狀態的不同,而形成不同的「蠟燭兩頭燒」程度。結果發現:「蠟燭兩頭燒」的現象,來自於女性意識抬頭後,台灣女性希望能在職場上有所成就,卻仍被傳統的社會價值觀所束縛,造成已婚婦女在家庭與工作兩邊都不討好。雖然孩子的照顧壓力能由家屬協助分擔,然而,職業婦女的小孩若交由保母照顧,卻可能由於對外人的信任度不足,使得母親的負擔不減反增,最終形成近年來,台灣晚近出生世代女性「不婚」、「不育」的現況。   因此,政府若欲尋求生育議題的解決之道,建議從延長父母親留職停薪(育嬰假)時間,或是擴大托育補助對象至實際協助照顧孩子的家屬,才能真正減少台灣已婚婦女「蠟燭兩頭燒」情形發生。

濤慕思‧博格論責任、人權與貧窮 / Thomas Pogge on Responsibility, Human Rights and Poverty

林宸安, Lin, Chern An Unknown Date (has links)
本文共分三個部分。本文第一部分試圖就博格(Thomas Pogge)對世界貧窮的關懷,所提出的理論做出說明與釐清。博格的理論試圖指出並說明,因為諸富裕國家之國民透過當今不正義的制度,而造成世界貧窮此一傷害,所以應為這樣的行為承擔責任。本文將在第一部分對其理論中「不正義的制度」做出釐清,並做討「制度是否能作為一個主動能動者」此一問題前的釐清與說明。 本文第二部分則是承接第一部分的分析,指出「制度」並非主動能動者,「制度傷人」亦須透過行為者的行為才能傷人。本文第二部分作為全文核心,將說明博格的理論為何需要對制度及行為者做出區分,而行為者又如何造成傷害。並將指出在博格的理論中,缺乏這部分的說明,導致其理論可能會得到博格本人所不願接受的結論。 本文第三部分則是試圖指出博格的理論會失敗,是由於他試圖以消極責任的概念來做人權的請求,而這將導致他的理論中,勢必談論到行為者的面向,而在此面相,尚有待經驗研究方能確定。而在本文第三部分將就博格的理論與漢娜鄂蘭(Hannah Arendt)所論及有關「罪與責任」的理論做比較,並用和博格進路不同的楊(Iris Young)的觀點,來指出無法採取博格的理論進路,來得到他所希望的結論。


李常銘 Unknown Date (has links)

台灣股票市場對勞動參與之影響 / The Effect of Stock Market on Labor Force Participation in Taiwan

童偉碩, Tong,Wei-Shuo Unknown Date (has links)
由相關數據可知,台灣民眾涉入股市甚深,故股市的榮枯將直接影響到財富高低,也直接的影響消費與勞動參與的變化。當股市大幅上漲,理論上會出現三種效果。第一種為財富效果,當股市上漲,投資股票的勞動者之財富大幅增加,將會產生財富效果,進而使勞動者退出勞動市場不再工作,導致勞動參與率之下降。第二種效果則為正向之替代效果,當股市上漲,將會使大眾預期未來工資上漲,而使得未來休閒之機會成本上升,而決定重新回到勞動市場中工作,導致勞動參與率上升。第三種效果則為負向之替代效果,因股市上漲,部分民眾會認為投資股市將可在短期內獲取高額報酬,而退出勞動市場以專心買賣股票,此舉將導致勞動參與率之下降。 綜合上述,股票市場之榮枯將反映在總體勞動參與的變化上。故本文研究目的即為探究台灣股票市場的榮枯對勞動參與之影響為何。本研究使用1978年1月至2004年12月之時間序列資料,並以加權股價指數、勞動參與率、經濟成長率與一般生育率為內生變數,以Pesaran and Shin(1998)與 Pesaran et al.(2001)所提出來自我迴歸分配落後加共整合模型(Autoregressive Distributed Lag approach to Cointegration, ARDL + cointegration),來檢驗上述的關係。 主要的發現分為長期與短期兩部分。先就長期而言,當股票市場上漲時,不論對男性或女性的影響皆為正向關係,且影響的程度隨年齡增加而上升。再就短期而言,當股票呈現多頭格局時,可發現股票上漲對男性勞動參與率的影響為正,但其效果非常小,幾乎為零。但股票上漲對女性勞動參與率的影響則是負向關係。除此之外,股票市場榮枯對男性與女性勞動參與之影響效果隨年齡上升而增加,亦即對越接近退休年齡層的勞動力影響越大。最後,為了降低實證模型發生錯誤的機會,並使研究過程更為嚴謹,於是對本文模型和估計結果使用更多的方法加以檢定。 / The paper tries to investigate the relationship between stock market and labor force participation in Taiwan. This study adopts official time series data of monthly labor force participation rate, weighted stock index, general fertility rate, real GDP growth rate from 1978 to 2004, and the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach to cointegration proposed by Pesaran and Shin (1998) and Pesaran et al. (2001). The main finding of this study is that stock market has a significantly positive effect on Taiwan’s labor force participation of both male and female in the long run. In the short run, stock market has a slightly positive effect on labor force participation of male, but negative effect on labor force participation of female. The result is reasonable but not similar with the finding in America provided by Chen and French (2000). In addition, the effect of the stock market on labor force participation increases by age. Finally, in order to reduce the mistakes occurred in positive models and enable the study more rigorous, then uses more methods to test the models and the result.

台商參與大陸政府採購之探索性研究 / The Participation of Taiwanese Business People in

張德浩 Unknown Date (has links)
我國於1998年5月27日公布「政府採購法」;並自公布後一年施行,使政府的採購行為以公平、公開,及提升效率、功能、確保採購品質,並使政府預算發揮最大效能。同時亦可藉此符合世界潮流的政府採購制度,順利簽署GPA(政府採購協定),從而與世界接軌。大陸在進行改革開放後,為改善過去其政府採購所存在的未規範之失序現象,亟待建立規章制度,以提高正面形象,促進廉政建設。中共亦於2003年1月1日起施行「政府採購法」;建立適合其社會主義市場經濟體制需要,並能與國際社會接軌的政府採購目的。兩岸業已加入WTO,至於簽署政府採購協定(GPA)亦是勢在必行的步驟。且台商參與大陸政府採購與日俱增,前往大陸投資採購已成為台灣企業海外投資最重要的選項之一。 兩岸處於競爭及政治對立之狀態下,政府採購制度完整與有效,甚至公開透明程度,實與國家整體實力有著重大之影響,故為因應兩岸簽署政府採購協定,以及台商參與其事,實有必要對於兩岸政府採購制度深入探討。基於大陸經濟體制改革經貿快速發展,且其政府採購法初行,職是之故研究重點包括以下四項:(一)探討「大陸政府採購制度」與台商參與之可行性。(二)台商參與大陸政府採購應有之認知。(三)探討大陸政府採購法理論基礎之影響。(四)研究結果能夠提出具體建議,以供參考精進。 本研究在於探討兩岸政府採購進程,發掘兩岸政府採購法理論基礎之差異,透過文獻探討、比較分析、調查訪談,以及獲得相關單位及親身經歷者的看法及意見,以深入探討台商參與大陸政府採購措施之適應;在參與大陸政府採購之準備、對大陸政府採購制度的檢討、參與大陸政府採購風險。並從執行面、風險面、制度面三個大面向找出可行對策,建立防止受害最佳模式。 / Government Procurement Act of Republic of China promulgated on May 27,1998. And had been put into effect one year later from the promulgation. It has fair and open procurement procedures and maximizes the use of government budget, and ensure the quality of procurement. Also our country can do well on signing the GPA(Agreement On Government Procurement), by taking this worldwide procurement system. After the reformation, Mainland China in order to improve the disorder situation due to the lack of the regulation of the government procurement, it also put it’s own “Government Procurement Act” into effect on the first day of 2003. This Act Helps Build the suitable system for the socialism market economy, and connect the international society as well. The both sides of the Taiwan Strait have participated in WHO, and sign the GPA is a must step. Taiwanese Business People are increasingly joining the procurement cases of Mainland China Government, it has become the most important option which their investments goes for. Since the both sides of the Taiwan Strait are under the status of political competition, the completed and effective government procurement system affects the power of the nations much. It is necessary to study the government procurement system of the both sides of the Taiwan Strait furthermore. Base on the reason ofx the quick development of the economy system reformation and the early execution of Government Procurement Act in Mainland China, four study points had been made as follows: 1.To discuss the Mainland China government procurement system and the practicability that Taiwanese Business People participate the system. 2.the cognizance Taiwanese Business People should have in order to participate government procurement in Mainland China. 3.to discuss the effect of the theory of the Government Procurement Act in Mainland China. 4.to make concretely suggestions. The research is to discuss the systems from the both sides of the Taiwan Strait, to discover the differences of their government procurement systems, by the methods of reference, comparison, investigation, interview, also the thoughts from relative units and people who are experienced, help to gain the information that how the Taiwanese Business People adapt, prepare to Mainland China government procurement system and the risk of it, to find out the effective method toward aspects of execution, risk, and the system, in order to establish the best mode which prevents Taiwanese Business People to be victims.

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