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陳宜婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本文之研究目的在於以國藝會為個案,對於公設財團法人績效管理之現況進行探索性的研究,由構成組織績效管理之策略規劃、策略執行與績效評估三個面向以深入了解國藝會績效管理運作現況與挑戰。透過文獻檢閱以及深度訪談法,以十一位國藝會內外部利害關係人之訪談紀錄,作為分析國藝會績效管理現況之基礎。 個案在策略規劃、策略執行、績效評估以及績效管理運作現況與挑戰如下: 策略規劃面,個案對於現有內外部環境檢視構面不足,缺乏未來組織定位之思考、在策略績效目標與組織具體策略績效指標連結性亦待提升,策略規劃架構與策略尚未統整,尚需強化組織未來策略與年度績效目標之連結。 策略執行面在策略執行組織架構上,由於組織架構扁平,溝通協調容易。唯不同任期董事在藝文補助與發展的專業性,影響組織執行效能。而組織人員獎酬機制效益不彰,未能與組織整體績效連結,激勵效果甚低。同時與藝文團體利害關係人欠缺良性互動,給予外界官僚形象。主管機關監督與管理能力不足,也造成組織人員無所適從的現象。 績效評估面則由於策略績效評估架構尚未制度化,是以現有績效評估架構運作上的問題尚未能透過績效稽核會議改善現有評估架構,而績效評估資訊回饋不足,也形成績效評估無法與員工激勵制度結合。 個案績效管理制度之實施,已使個案內部組織文化產生轉變,使得人員重視組織績效與組織整體策略,亦能對於組織使命產生認同,唯現有主管機關對於公設財團法人實施績效管理所採取的監督態度,亦決定績效管理實施之成效。 本文建議,個案在進行績效管理時,策略規劃面需重新檢視內外部環境、定位組織本身未來方向,應提高組織策略、目標與方案以及與個人業務之連結,績效指標內涵宜具前瞻性,減少例行性事務成果報告;在策略執行面上強化董事會之專業能力,董事會的專業程度將影響組織策略執行之效能。調整現有組織內部人員獎酬機制,藉由績效管理制度設計連結個人目標,提升組織員工激勵;績效評估面則需對於績效評估架構進行稽核,解決整體績效評估架構在運作上所面臨的問題,以透過績效評估提升組織績效。同時需制度化績效資訊回饋應用之機制,藉由定期檢視績效資訊並加以應用,方能透過績效評估資訊對於組織績效進行改善,透過評估資訊之公開,使社會大眾能監督並了解個案執行業務之成效。欲提升公設財團法人實施績效管理制度運作效能,需提升主管機關監督公設財團法人所應具有之經營管理能力,也需加強績效管理制度在公設財團法人時組織人員執行績效管理制度之策略性思考能力。

我國電機電子中心廠企業之綠色專案團隊的組織方式與知識管理程序 / A Study of Organization and K.M. Process : Cases of Green Project Team in Core Factories of Taiwanese in Electrical and Electronics companies.

李權憲, Li, Chuan Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
我國電機電子中心廠企業透過快速的供貨彈性、具競爭力的生產成本、與深厚的製造能力,以OEM/ODM或OBM的方式將產品銷售於全球,在產業供應鏈上扮演舉足輕重的地位,更成為國際大廠不可或缺的合作伙伴。當產品功能不斷推陳出新與創新式樣的同時,各國政府開始注意到產品所含的有害物質對人體與環境皆產生了威脅;生產端和產品廢棄端也產出大量的廢棄物而影響了生態環境,因此,環境保護和永續發展成了各國所重視的議題。例如,歐盟看準供應鏈間環環相扣的利益關係,積極將環保訴求跳脫以往道德勸說的層面而開始立法,希望以歐盟龐大的商業市場為後盾,讓製造商在研發、生產到回收的產品生命週期中,能夠有效降低有害物質的使用量,並建立方便使用者的回收的機制。 在市場瞬息萬變與激烈競爭的壓力下,企業已習慣以專案管理來滿足各時期不同的任務與市場之需求,因此,跨部門合作的專案團隊運作日益頻繁。我國電機電子中心廠企業接受到歐盟和國際大廠對於綠色產品之要求的環保規範與壓力,紛紛成立跨部門的專案團隊,進行供應商管理、研發和製程變革、及成本控管等任務。以往的文獻對於企業環保議題之研究與討論,大部分著重於企業綠色供應鏈管理之建置與環保法規的因應方式,本研究除了涵蓋這方面的探討,更著重於企業因應環保壓力而成立的綠色專案團隊之運作。。因此,本研究以多重個案的研究方式,針對我國電機電子中心廠企業之綠色專案團隊的組織方式與其知識管理程序進行研究,希望能進一步瞭解企業所面對的主要環保壓力來源為何?以及驅動成立綠色專案團隊的因素、團隊結構、與團隊運作之過程為何? 本研究所得到的研究結論包括:1.不同事業模式的企業,對同一外部環保壓力來源有不同壓力強度的感受;2. 企業內部環保壓力的自發性改變往往是發生在外部環保壓力的推動之後;3. 專案特性為產品或製程的延伸變動、改良、或品質改進,如綠色產品專案,適合以輕量級團隊進行專案之運作;4. 輕量級專案經理在團隊知識管理程序裡的知識吸收、創造、蓄積與擴散之運作中,扮演主要的角色;5. 由中立的高階主管擔任跨部門專案團隊之專案贊助者(The Executive Sponsor),可避免發生決策偏頗之情形。從本研究對於實務上所提出的建議包括:1. 中心廠企業應有專責人員持續負責綠色產品的推動;2. 企業應創造內部人員成立跨部門專案團隊的機制;3. 由中立的高階主管擔任跨部門專案團隊的專案贊助者。 / When properties and designs of electrical and electronics equipments are renewed more and more quickly, many countries noticed that the waste produce during product life-cycle process by manufacturers, junk by end users, and hazardous substances of products are threatening human healthy and living environment increasingly. Therefore, European Union announced and entered into force of EU environmental directives that induced the industries to pay close attention on the surrounding environment impacts and the healthy & safety risk of people. Thus, we would expect that the electrical and electronics companies in our country faced challenges of Green-Product production. The Taiwanese core factories built up a cross-divisional Green Project Team which coordinated each function to team up with conformed the Green-product regulations by government and customers. However, most of the past studies in the Green-Product issue were focused on how to manage green supply chain efficiently, and how to reply to the Green-product regulations rightfully. Thus, we focus on the organization and knowledge management process of the Green Project team, this issue is rarely touched by researchers. For that reason, this research is more an “Exploratory Research” essentially. This research adopts “Case-Study Method”, looks into the K.M. process of a project team by interviewing with personnel of case companies and reading second-hand materials about the case companies. The study aims to investigate the questions: 1.What is the Green Environmental Pressure a company mainly received? 2. What are the motives of a core factory to build up a Green Project Team? 3. What is the structure of the Green Project Team, and how does the team work together? The preliminary research conclutions include: 1.Companies with different business models face different Green Environmental Pressure. 2. External Green Environmental Pressure influences a company first and then comes the Internal Green Environmental Pressure. 3. Operations of a Lightweight Project Team are suitable for the task of product or processing extension, and quality improvement, just like Green Project. 4. The key person in the knowledge management process is project manager in the Lightweight Project Team. 5. Biased-decision can be avoided by giving the position of cross-divisional executive sponsor to a neutral senior manager.

高齡者社團參與類型、參與程度與生活滿意度關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationship among Association Participation Types, Participation Degree and Life Satisfaction of the Elderly

傅嘉瑜, Fu, Chia-yu Unknown Date (has links)
人口快速老化與平均餘命的延長,使我們越來越重視老年退休生活,加上高齡者健康、經濟資源的提升,與家庭支持系統轉弱等現代社會特性,鼓勵高齡者從事社會參與乃成為老人福利中的重要課題。台灣地區高齡者從事社會參與的情形為何?影響高齡者從事社會參與的因素有哪些?從事社會參與是否能提升生活滿意度?究竟哪種社會參與面向才是主要影響生活滿意度的因素?均是本研究關注的焦點。首先根據文獻探討高齡者生活滿意度及社會參與的意涵、相關因素與相關研究,並以社會老年學觀點作為本研究的理論基礎。 本研究乃是使用行政院衛生署國民健康局人口與健康調查研究中心執行之「臺灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查系列」1999年調查資料進行次級資料分析,研究樣本為年滿六十五歲以上之高齡者,有效樣本數為2890人,針對所得的資料,以描述統計、單因子變異數分析、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、點二系列相關、皮爾森積差相關、邏輯迴歸、多元迴歸分析及階層迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。綜合本研究主要發現,獲致下列結論: 一、高齡者具有社會參與的需求。 二、參加「老人團體」是高齡者社會參與的最愛。 三、意向障礙是阻礙高齡者社會參與的主因。 四、高齡者的社會參與與生活滿意度有關。 五、社會參與面向中,影響生活滿意度最關鍵的因素為「參與程度」。 六、影響高齡者社會參與的因素為,性別、年齡、教育程度、經濟狀況、健康狀況、居住地。 七、影響高齡者生活滿意度的因素為,教育程度、經濟狀況、健康狀況、婚姻狀況、居住安排及有無社會參與。 八、影響有社會參與的高齡者生活滿意度的因素為,教育程度、經濟狀況、健康狀況、居住安排及參與程度。 根據上述研究結論,本研究分別就政府機關、辦理老人社會參與相關機構及高齡者本身提供以下建議:一、對政府機關之建議:(一)健全老人經濟及健康之福利服務;(二)透過社會教育的方式,向老人宣導社會參與對老化調適的好處;(三)廣設老人活動中心,鼓勵並協助老人組成社團;(四)營造高齡者社會參與的無障礙環境。二、對辦理老人社會參與相關機構之建議:(一)排除機構障礙,增加高齡者社會參與的機會;(二)提供多元的社會參與類型,並注重活動進行的品質。三、對高齡者本身之建議:(一)破除意向障礙,積極從事社會參與;(二)從事退休準備,以擁有健康、滿意的老年生活。 / Due to the rapid aging of population and the prolongation of life expectancy, people pay more and more attention on elders’ retirement life. According to the characteristics of modern society, such as elders’ health, increase of economic resources and the obsolescence family support system, encouraging elders to have social participation becomes an important issue of elderly welfare. How is elders’ social participations in Taiwan? What are the key factors of elders’ social participations? Could social participation increase their life satisfactions? Which of the social participation is the main factor that influences life satisfactions? Above are the targets of this study. At first, we probe into life satisfactions, social participation meanings, related factors, and research from bibliography, and we take social gerontology as the theoretical base of this study. This study conducted a secondary data analysis based on the data from 1999 Survey of Health and Living Status of the Middle Aged and the Elderly in Taiwan, provided by the Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, R.O.C. (Taiwan). The study subjects were elders over 65 years old, and the number of valid samples was 2890. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Chi-square test(X2), Independent-Samples t-test, point biserial correlation, the Pearson product-moment correlation, logistic regression analysis, multiple regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. Based on the main findings of this study, we have the following conclusions: 1.Elders have needs of social participation. 2.“The elderly group” is elders’ favorite social participation target. 3.Intention obstacle is the main reason hindering elders’ social participation. 4.Elders’ social participation is related to life satisfaction. 5.The most critical factor in social participation which influences life satisfaction is “participation degree”. 6.The factors influencing elders’ social participation are gender, age, educational level, economic status, health status and residential locations. 7.The factors affecting elders’ life satisfaction are educational level, economic status, health status, marital status, residential arrangement and social participation. 8.The factors affecting the life satisfaction of the elderly who has social participation are educational level, economic status, health status, residential arrangement and participation degree. According to the above conclusions, this study proposes the following suggestions for the governments, institutions dealing with elders’ social participation and elders: 1. Suggestions for the governments: (1) Complete elderly economic and healthy welfare services. (2) Promoting the advantage of social participation on aging accommodation to elders by social education. (3) Constructing elderly community centers, encouraging and helping elders to establish the associations. (4) Constructing the barrier-free environment for elders’ social participation. 2. Suggestions for the institutions dealing with elders’ social participation: (1) Eliminating the obstacles of the institutions to increase probability of elders’ social participation. (2) Providing diverse types of social participation and focusing more on the quality of the activities. 3. Suggestions for elders: (1) Overcoming the intention obstacles to have more social participation. (2) Being prepared for the retirement to have healthy and satisfying elderly life.


許雲凱 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將華納威秀視同商品化空間來加以分析,在商品化理論採用Marx、 Baudrullardd等人的理論,重點在於肯認商品除了有使用價值、交換價值外,也有其符號價值。研究重點在於理解空間生產的過程,與其行動者為何,並討論歷史脈絡發揮何種影響。 研究結果發現,雖然華納威秀是外資影城,但是卻透過土地承租的方式與本地資本連結,而形成外資輸出影城軟硬體,本地資本提供土地的模式。因此華納威秀不是純粹的外資集團,而應透過土地產權的考量,視其為外資與本地資本共同投資的結果。 華納威秀由於經營項目涉及不動產租賃,因此同時在映演業與不動產兩個市場中運作,由於我國政府對於映演業幾乎是採放任態度,因此容易讓人忽略國家在華納威秀開發案所扮演的角色,其實如果從不動產業的角度來看待華納威秀的話,即會發現國家的「相對自主性」並未喪失。 研究顯示華納威秀的生產過程相當複雜,並不是只有跨國企業的意志就能解釋的。空間生產過程中,國家機器、本地資本、歷史等「在地條件」都扮演了重要角色,透過華納威秀的例子,我們想說明任何的全球化活動不應只被視為跨國資本意志的展現,而應多考慮在地與全球的種種衝突、緊張與妥協。


陳惠鈴 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在探討女性獨立選民的社會背景特徵,以及她們和國民黨、民進黨之間的連結關係,透過TEDS 2004年總統面訪調查的資料,及焦體團體訪談的資料,來分析她們對兩大政黨的印象。 在調查資料方面,分別透過女性獨立選民和男性獨立選民、女性非獨立選民的比較,發現女性獨立選民在個人社會背景、情境、政治涉入等因素,與後兩者有顯著的差異。其中,在年齡方面和過往的研究有稍許的出入,不同於生命週期理論所預期的,隨著年齡的增長政黨認同愈趨強烈,年齡愈長的女性反而易成為獨立選民,這或許跟她們長久以來經歷一連串的政治動亂,導致她們愈遠離政治有關;另在教育方面,過往的研究也都指出獨立選民的教育程度是較低的,而本文發現女性獨立選民雖然教育程度偏低,但高教育程度的比例卻有增加的趨勢,這顯然與教育的普及化,提升了整體選民教育水準不無關係。 整體而言,女性獨立選民的特徵為年齡在60歲以上及40~49歲者、中低教育程度者、居住在北部地區、職業為家管、低收入家庭者、已婚、低政治涉入者。 在焦點團體方面,女性獨立選民受到不同的教育、情境、政治涉入等變數的影響,其對國、民兩黨產生不同的政黨形象認知差異。女性獨立選民對兩黨形象的正面評價多於負面評價,這或許可從女性強調人際關係的連結、與歸屬感的角度解釋,所以在態度上對政黨的評價,會來得比較正面。整體而言,女性獨立選對政黨整體性的形象內涵建立在對社會大環境變動的關懷上,更確切地說是建立在兩黨相互比較的基礎上而來。 相較於以往有關選民對政黨形象的研究指出,大部份的選民對國、民兩黨在政治性立場上(如統獨議題、兩岸關係等)的差異有清楚的印象,但從焦點團體訪談中,發現女性獨立選民甚少從政治性的角度來描繪兩黨的形象,這似乎某種程度上可說明女性獨立選民是較遠離政治的,不習慣或不喜歡以意識形態或抽象觀念的途徑來理解政黨,而是連結到與生命經驗關懷相關的層面,關注的是一般社會性面向的議題(如民生經濟、教育問題等),而這些往往較能誘發她們對政治討論的興趣。 最後,本文認為調查研究和焦點團體研究的方法是相輔相成的,透過調查資料的分析,瞭解女性獨立選民的特質及對政黨的一般印象,而焦點團體研究在這基礎之上,將訪談的結果用以補充、或解釋一些量化資料所無法得知道的政黨形象內涵。


胡嘉瑋, Hu,Chia Wei Unknown Date (has links)
在經濟全球化潮流下,企業透過跨國投資活動拓展經營規模,利用企業組織優勢,配合當地生產稟賦,進行跨界生產活動。而台灣在經濟發展逐漸穩定成長,國內市場面臨飽和及投資環境變遷等因素,已有不少廠商向外進行投資活動,尤其是中國大陸地區。根據相關研究顯示,台商早期進去中國以傳統製造業為主,屬於勞力密集高之產業,後期則逐漸以資本及技術密集產業為主,顯示在不同時期,台商對中國投資特性之改變。 本文從FDI理論作延伸,以經濟地理學、企業管理學角度切入,探討台灣知識密集型製造業集團投資中國區位選擇。以台灣知識密集型製造業集團作為研究標的,其目的在於反映台灣目前企業組織變化及產業動態,而研究區位則依研究目的,分為台灣地區、渤海灣地區、長江三角洲地區及珠江三角洲地區。實證模型採多項羅吉特模型(multinomial logit model, MNL),實證變數分為兩個部分:第一部分為廠商變數,放入集團產業類別、投資時間及投資經驗,第二部分為區位變數,放入薪資、市場規模、工業化程度、專利產出強度及外資投資強度。實證結果顯示集團對於區位條件較重視,且會因本身活動不同,而對市場規模、外資投資強度會有不同表現。依相關研究推論,投資珠江三角洲地區之集團以出口導向為主,對於外資投資強度為正向反應,市場規模則為負向;而渤海灣地區則剛好相反為內需型;長三角地區之集團則為兩者兼具。同時從結果亦發現地區之專利產出強度對於內需市場型集團為正向反應,映證地區創新表現越高,則企業將有意願在該地投資,因該地之創新氛圍有助於企業產品或技術創新,滿足當地市場需求。 因此從成本優勢來看,中國三大地區僅管勞工薪資不斷成長,但仍比台灣地區更具優勢,市場規模也是如此。但若以專利產出強度來看,台灣過去累積多年的創新活動,政府支持企業創新研究,並以國家機構帶領民間企業進行創新研發,輔以高度教育之人才,使得台灣地區在創新研發競爭力上比中國較具優勢。而台灣作為跨國企業集團母國地位,除透過開拓海外市場、拓展生產基地外,在母國進行投資活動有利於企業核心競爭力維持,確保跨國企業總部握有關鍵技術,維持台灣地區競爭力。

集團企業轉投資與公司價值關聯性之研究 / A Study on the Relationship between Cross-Holding Investments and Corporation Value of Conglomerate

詹涵芬, Chan, Han Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以國內1997-2006年之上市櫃集團為研究對象,探討集團企業內相互轉投資所造成的市值高估現象及其對公司價值的影響,並深入各集團分子企業探討不同轉投資標的對公司價值之影響。實證結果顯示集團企業內各分子企業相互轉投資的確造成集團市值高估之現象,而投資人對於該現象,給予集團企業整體負向評價。此外,就集團內各分子企業而言,轉投資於上市櫃公司由於資訊透明度相較於轉投資於非上市櫃公司為佳,故對於公司價值負面影響較不嚴重;而轉投資於集團內其他分子企業相較於投資集團外企業,由於關係企業間之交易揭露仍不透明,操縱可能性較高,故對於公司價值呈負面影響,後兩者實證研究都再次證明資訊透明度與公司價值間之正向關係。 / This study explores the double counting effect and the relationship between that effect and the corporate value resulting from cross-holding among firms in a conglomerate, and also explores the relationship between different type of investing objects and the corporate value by using a sample of companies listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange and Over the Counter during 1997-2006. Our empirical analysis indicates that cross-holdings among firms in a conglomerate resulted in overvaluation of the group, and investors responded to them negatively. In addition, member companies in the conglomerate investing in companies listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange or Over the Counter did not so negatively influence the corporate value as compared to investing in companies not listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange and Over the Counter mainly because of the information transparency. Furthermore, the information among conglomerate trading is still opaque and the possibility of manipulation is higher, so investment within the conglomerate as compared to outside companies has negative impact on corporate value. The above findings both proved a positive relationship between information transparency and corporate value.


劉坤典 Unknown Date (has links)
如何使企業經營者善盡其責任,為公司治理之重要一環。在此議題上,除建立明確之責任規範,令企業經營者有所遵循外,在其違反法令侵害投資人或利害關係人之權益時,尚需建構一套健全有效之責任追究機制,始能克盡全功。   本論文基於上述之緣由,從董事與公司間之委任關係為出發,探討董事對內(公司)之責任,就其應盡之善良管理人注意義務與忠實義務,加以討論介紹。繼而探討董事對外之責任,以公司法第23條第2項規定為核心,論究其規範性質為侵權行為責任或法定責任,並討論其適用範圍。又證券交易法於95年1月11日修正增訂第14條之2至第14條之5關於獨立董事之規定,獨立董事之責任與一般董事之責任,有無差異,其責任有無減輕或免除之必要,本論文併加予探討。所謂「防止重於追究」,在董事發生違法行為時,如何能有效的予以制止,應為重要之課題。公司法第194條規定之股東制止請求權,同法第218條之2第2項規定之監察人制止請求權,為重要之規定。董事未聽勸阻,仍繼續違反法令及章程之行為,或董事之行為,已嚴重公司之權益,依公司法第212條規定股東會得決議,對其提起訴訟,依同法第213條規定除股東會另選代表之人外,由監察人代表公司提起。然而股東會多為大股東所把持,董事、監察人多為大股東所支持之人,欲令股東會決議對董事提起訴訟,有實際上之困難。因此,公司法第214條規定繼續一年以上,持有已發行股份總數百分之三以上股東,得請求監察人對董事提起訴訟,監察人於受請求之日起三十日內不提起訴訟時,請求之股東得為公司提起訴訟,此即為股東代表訴訟。但在我國實務上,股東代表訴訟寥寥可數,究其原因為制度上有重大之缺陷,本論文就此綜合各家學說,並參酌外國立法例,加以分析比較之。   自證券投資人及期貨交易人投資保護法於92年1月1日施行以來,證券投資人及期貨交易人保護中心依該法提起之團體訴訟,蓬勃發展。稍後民事訴訟法於92年2月7日亦修正公布,除修正選定當事人之規定外,並增定第44條之1至第44條之4關於多數人訴訟程序之規定。上開二法制,使同一事件之多數受害人,得利用同一訴訟程序對於加害者進行求償。惟該二法之規定,是否臻於完善,能否達其立法目的,又該二法規定上差異,當事人於程序上如何選擇與交錯運用,本論文試加以分析探討。   公司法之股東代表訴訟、證券投資人及期貨交易人保護法之團體訴訟及民事訴訟法之多數人訴訟程序之規定,建構對公司董事求償之機制。本論文試綜合各家學說、實務之見解及他國立法例,提出修正建議,期供將來修法及實務運作之參考。 / How to make the enterprise directors fulfill the duty is a significant issue for corporate governance. Other than building transparent principles for directors to follow, it’s necessary to establish a pluperfect and efficient mechanism for responsibility enquiry when the director violates the interest of investors or stakeholders in order to accomplish good corporate governance.   Based on above reasons, this thesis introduces the internal responsibility of directors and discusses the good faith and due diligence for directors. Also, this thesis presents the external responsibility of director and discusses the nature and scope of regulation, i.e. legal responsibility or tort, in light of Article 23 section II. The Securities and Exchange Act revised the Article 14-2 to Article14-5 on January.11, 2006. These articles stipulate the responsibility of independent director and other directors. This thesis further discusses whether there is difference between the responsibility of independent director and other directors, or the necessity to mitigate or exempt the duty of independent director. According to the Company Act Article 194, in case the board of directors decide, by resolution, to commit any act in violation of any law, ordinance or the company's Articles of Incorporation, any shareholder who has continuously held the shares of the company for a period of one year or longer may request the board of directors to discontinue such act. Article 218-2 stipulated, in case the board of directors or any director commits any act, in carrying out the business operations of the company, in a manner in violation of the laws, regulations, the Articles of Incorporation or the resolutions of the shareholders' meeting, the supervisors shall forthwith advise, by a notice, to the board of directors or the director, as the case may be, to cease such act. These two articles are important statutes for efficiently deterring the illegal conduct of director. According to the Company Act Article 212, the shareholders' meeting shall resolve to institute an action against a director when the director continues illegal conduct. In case of a lawsuit between the company and a director, the supervisor shall act on behalf of the company, unless otherwise provided by law; and the meeting of shareholders may also appoint some other person to act on behalf of the company in a lawsuit. Article 214 also stipulate, shareholder(s) who has/have been continuously holding 3% or more of the total number of the outstanding shares of the company over one year may request in writing the supervisors of the company to institute, for the company, an action against a director of the company. In case the supervisors fails to institute an action within 30 days after having received the request, then the shareholders shall file such request may institute the action for the company. However, the cases filed by shareholder are very rare in our courts. The thesis will analyze foreign legislation to resolve the deficiency of our system. After the Securities Investors and Futures Traders Protection Act became effective on January 1, 2003, Securities and Futures Investors Protection Center filed many class actions on behalf of investors. The Code of Civil Procedure amended and promulgated on February 7, 2003. The amendment revised the party selection clause and added Article 44-1 to 44-4 which is related to class action. The above amendments provide class action for large numbers of people whose cases involve common questions of law and/or fact. This thesis analyzes the difference between the above amendments and examine whether the legislative goal will be achieved by those statues. The statutes about class action instituted by representative of shareholders、 Securities Investors and Futures Traders Protection Center or other people set up the mechanism responsibility enquiry of director. This thesis analyzes various theories, case law and legislative regulations of other countries and provides suggestions for amending our law in future.


林裕嘉 Unknown Date (has links)
現行保險法並無任何關於團體保險之規定,目前各家保險公司之團體保險保單悉以主管機關制定之各項「示範條款」為依據。而示範條款以要保單位為要保人,團體成員為被保險人,在此架構下,要保人與被保險人並非同一人,因而於實務運作上產生許多適法性之問題,例如(一)許多類型之團體保險,要保單位對於被保險人欠缺保險利益;(二)示範條款所列舉之要保團體並非均具有權利能力及行為能力;(三)由於團體保險之被保險人往往人數眾多,保險人通常無法確實依保險法第一○五條第一項取得被保險人書面同意;(四)也由於要保單位為要保人,因此要保單位得自行決定終止保險契約並領取解約金,亦可指定自身為受益人,對於團體成員之保障不足。 團體保險與個人保險具有本質上之差異,本文亦贊同應修正保險法設立團體保險專章,和個人保險之規範有所區別,然而在修法工作完成之前,現行團體保險之問題仍有待解決。本文透過文獻比較分析,並參考法國團體保險之架構,提出集體承保之概念,在現行保險法之規範下重新建構團體保險契約當事人,以團體成員為要保人及被保險人,而要保單位為要保人之代理人,要保人與要保單位間須具有一定連結關係,如此不但可擴大團體保險之適用範圍,並且更能保障被保險人之權益,也得以解決現行團體保險適法性之問題。此外,由於現行示範條款乃專就人身保險而設,無法適用於財產保險,重新建構團體保險契約當事人將有利於團體財產保險之發展。本文並以國外普遍存在之信用保障保險為例,說明現行示範條款架構之不足。希冀透過本文建議,使團體保險得以突破傳統僵化的運作模式,並且能更加符合保險監理的原則及目標,有利團體保險之發展。

個人與團隊創新之比較研究 — 以資策會專利為例 / A Comparative study of individual and team innovation - An Empirical study of patents in III

李昆鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來關於創新研究的相關文獻,多半著墨於團隊創新之探討,包括團隊知識分享、團隊信任、團隊領導與團隊互動等議題;但「個人」所產生的創新力量,事實上也應不容小覷。本研究將透過資策會的專利提案,針對近十年間所提出的專利資料與訪談進行分析,以探討個人與團隊在研發創新所扮演的角色,以及個人與團隊創新的適用情境、組成特徵與互動歷程特徵。 / 根據資策會1995-2005間專利數據(共426件。專利從申請到取得時間經常需要2至3年,因此,本次研究僅統計至2005年)初步分析後發現:(一)民國90年以前,個人專利總件數比兩人以上組成之團隊的專利總件數多。(二)民國91年起,資策會的專利件數快速增加,而此時兩人團隊所獲得的專利件數最多;到了93、94年,三人或四人以上團隊所獲得的專利數,則超越個人或兩人團隊所獲得之專利。(三)個人專利佔全部專利數的32%,而由2~4人團隊所取得的專利數則佔64%。(四)個人專利共70件;這些由單獨個人提案的獲證專利中,有將近六成(41件)的專利,該提案人只提了這一項專利而已,往後並未有其他專利,表示這些人很可能只是偶然靈光乍現而獲得專利,抑或表示個人專利提案的創新方式有所侷限。(五)另一方面,有部分曾經獲得個人專利的研發人員,也樂於與其他人組成團隊來一同申請專利,並獲得146件專利;(六)有些人不曾獲得個人專利,但透過團隊合作,也獲得210件專利,佔資策會總專利數的近半數。 / 由此可見,個人創新與團隊創新是研發創新的兩種重要途徑,不應偏廢。而個人創新與團隊創新的優劣與適用情境,則值得進一步探討。本研究除了以資策會專利數據比較個人與團隊在創新的效率與品質上的差異之外,進一步也透過實地訪談之方式,分別探究研發創新過程中,個人與團隊創新的組成特徵與互動歷程特徵,並嘗試歸納資策會在專利提案與專利構思的理想方式,作為研發機構進行創新管理、任務指派與團隊編組之參考,以促進研發同仁的創意效能,提升研發創新能量,進而提升專利價值。 / In recent years, the majority of innovative research literature focuses on team innovation such as team knowledge sharing, team trust, team leadership, and team interaction. The contribution of individual innovation, however, should not be overlooked. This study will explore roles of individual and team efforts in innovative research, adequate applications of individual and team innovations, and characteristics and interactive features of individual and team innovations through an analysis of patent cases proposed by III (Institute for Information Industry) in past ten years and personal interview with patent inventors. / According to the patents data between 1995 to 2005, results of III preliminary analysis indicated that (1) The total number of individual patents obtained was more than the total number of patents obtained by innovation teams with two or more members before 2001. (2) After 2002, the number of III’s patents increased rapidly. During this period, the innovation teams with two members received the largest number of patents. Between 2004 and 2005, the number of patents received by teams with three or four members exceeded the number of patents obtained by an individual or teams with two members. (3) Individual patents accounted for 32% of the total number of patents, whereas, patents obtained from teams with two to four members accounted for 64% of the total number of patents. (4) The total number of individual patents obtained between 1995 and 2005 was 70. Of these certified individual patents, nearly 60% (41) of patent inventors mentioned that they had only one and no other future patents. This suggests that these people are likely to obtain a patent because of an occasional spurt of ideas. It also demonstrates the limitation of creativities among individual inventors. (5) The III’s data also shows that about 40% of research and development specialists who had obtained an individual patent were delighted to team up with other members to apply for a patent. These people received a total of 146 patents. (6) Those individuals who had not had any patent in the past also acquired 210 patents through team works. These patents accounted for about half of III’s patents. / The above evidence shows that individual innovation and team innovation are both important venues to research and development and they should not be disregarded. The advantages, disadvantages, and adequate applications of individual and team innovations, however, should be explored further in future innovation studies. In addition to the analysis of patents data acquired from III to compare the efficiency and quality between individual and team innovations, the current study also utilizes personal interview to understand the characteristics and interactive features of individual and team innovations during the process of research and development. This study also attempts to summarize ideal patent proposals and conceptions in III and provide exemplars of innovation management, task assignment, and team grouping to research and development institutions. Finally, this study will help promote the efficiency of innovative performance among research and development specialists, enhance research and creative ideas, and consequently increase the values of patents.

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