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論平衡計分卡於我國中、小型產物保險公司之應用--以建立策略核心組織為目標 / Application of the balanced scorecard to the small and medium non-life insurance companies in Taiwan - with the goal of establishing a strategy focused organization吳明青 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:平衡計分卡、策略核心組織、經濟任務、五個構面、變革計劃、溫心小棧 / This thesis undertakes the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) concept to examine the issues related to establishing a strategy-focused organization for the small and medium non-life insurance companies in Taiwan. It emphasizes on the issue of macro-business crisis and intends to awake the target companies' perception on their economy mission. The BSC is one vehicle in strategy implementation based upon survey and practical application, and able to accomplish economy mission of target companies with streamlined map. With respect of the BSC fundamentals, target companies need to understand the basic proposition of strategy management planning, then analyze five perspectives of the BSC, namely finance, customer, performance, marketing,internal, and learning and growth.
With the above perceptions, the following rules need to be undertaken: establishing a strategy map and scorecard (rule 1), integrating resources of organizations under the strategy (rule 2), transforming the strategy into the staff’s routine job (rule 3), making the strategy as a continuing procedure (rule 4) and conducting a change plan by the senior management (rule 5).
As the conclusive recommendation, certain mechanisms integrated for facilitating practical availability are submitted to small and medium non-life insurance companies in Taiwan: 1. Key differentiated strategy - targeted markets: a “Sweet Inn”; 2. Merit evaluated based on certain assumptions; 3. Demonstrated service agreements among units; 4. Integrated compensation system; and 5. Revised budgeting plans.
Keywords: The Balanced Scorecard、The Strategy-Focused Organization、Economy Mission、Five Perspectives、Change Plan、Sweet Inn
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生態中心論及道家之環境教育思想研究 / A Study of Thinking on Environmental Education of Eco-centrism and Daoism王智弘, Wang , Jih Hung Unknown Date (has links)
整體而言,本文嘗試建構一個環境教育的進路,使自然中的小生命,回歸到生命與自然的真實面貌,並從此一更深廣的本質出發,以達到最終生命意義的實現。而第五章討論之華德福教育中的環境教育觀,亦為本文之結論提供旁證。 / To look for a proper approach of environmental education, through concerning recent worldly crisis, the study take three aspects of seeing the relation between human beings and the nature, as the source of homo-centrism. They are Christian, Rationalism and mechanical paradigm of science.
Composite to the points of human-centrism, eco-centrism, including “land ethics”, “deep ecology” and “Gaia theory”, arose as a reflection to see the nature as more holistic and lively system. The ancient Chinese philosophy, Daoism, corresponds eco-centrism on a higher and more self-realizing level. These two theories, eco-centrism and Daoism, both dedicate an approach of environmental education to the common nature of human and the nature itself. Only through define selfness as part of nature, human beings will take responsibility for environment. The task of education is to recall the same essence of the nature and human beings, and experience it plenty, then to reach a clear conscious of being in nature.
The approach of teaching and curriculum of Waldorf Steiner school is taken as an example to reflect three concepts held by the author. These three concepts raised, initiating, experiencing and practicing, are the conclusion of this study.
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理性、制度與結構:胡錦濤對台政策的新制度主義分析張宇韶 Unknown Date (has links)
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企業因應中國勞動合同法之變革策略及其對心理契約、組織承諾、核心競爭力、與組織績效之影響徐維秉, Hsu, Wei Ping Unknown Date (has links)
「中華人民共和國勞動合同法」於2008年1月1日施行,導致企業用人成本提高,於是企業開始採取一些變革策略,這些策略包括1.全盤接受2.廠區內遷3.招聘退休人員4.自動化及工作外包5.遇缺不補或凍結人事6.要求員工辭職7.裁員8.勞動契約到期不續簽9.提前簽定勞動契約10.轉移員工至派遣公司11.歇業12.關廠13.外移14.棄廠潛逃等。本研究依照「接受法令」的程度,將14項變革策略分為『接受法令』、『接受但有措施因應』、『閃躲法令規定』及『不接受規定』等四類,總計收集大陸台商及員工有效樣本168份,並進行這四類在員工心理契約、組織承諾、組織核心競爭力、及組織績效量表上的信效度分析、變異數分析、及事後考驗,希冀可以作為政策發展者及企業決策者之重要參考。 / 本研究結果顯示:1.各量表之信效度頗高,在心理契約、組織核心競爭力、與組織績效方面,『接受法令』組顯著地優於『閃躲法令規定』組。2.在心理契約及組織績效方面,『接受法令』組的分數也顯著地比『接受但有措施因應』組及『不接受規定』組為佳。3.若將『接受法令』、『接受但有措施因應』歸為接受組,『閃躲法令規定』及『不接受規定』歸為拒絕組時,接受與拒絕組在員工心理契約、組織核心競爭力、及組織績效皆有顯著的差異。最後,研究者嘗試提出「變革策略之競爭力模式」。 / 總而言之,本研究結果支持心理契約、組織承諾對組織核心競爭力、及組織績效的影響,且亦支持組織核心競爭力對組織績效的影響。另外,建議後續研究者或可配合人力銀行或中國學術研究單位,再進一步進行縱貫性研究。最後本研究提出後續學術研究與實務應用之建議。 / "Labor Contract Law" in People's Republic of China was implemented on January 1, 2008. Since this Law, the corporate was increased personnel costs and started taking some change strategies. These change strategies including: 1.Entirely accept 2.Moving the factories to inland 3.Recruiting retirees 4.Automation and job-outsourcing 5. Recruiting freeze 6.Asking Staff for resignation 7.Layoff 8.Contratct un-renewed 9.Signing contracts before the Law was implemented 10.Transfering staffs to temporary worker services 11.Shutting down the business 12.Closing factories 13.Relocation 14. Abandoning factories and absconding. According to the degrees of “acceptance of the Law”, this study divided these change strategies into four categories, including “Accept”, “Accept, but taking actions”, “Dodging the Law by taking actions”, and “Un-accept”. / This study collected 168 samples, and used ANOVA and post-tests to know how these strategies can influence on employees’ psychological contract, employees’ organizational commitment, organizational core competitiveness and organizational performance. / According to the results of this study: 1.the reliability and validity of the scales were high, and the scores of “Accept” in employees’ psychological contract, organizational core competitiveness, and organizational performance were significantly higher than the scores of “Dodging the Law by taking actions”; 2.the scores of “Accept” in employees’ psychological contract and organizational performance were significantly higher than the scores of “Accept, but taking actions” and “Un-accept”; 3.when author divided these four categories into accept group and refuse group, there are significant difference between the scores of employees’ psychological contract, organizational core competitiveness, and organizational performance. Finally, “Organization change of competitiveness model” was proposed. / In summary, this study showed that employees’ psychological contract and organizational commitment do have the influence to organizational core competitiveness and organizational performance. It also showed that the organizational core competitiveness can influence the organizational performance. In conclusion, the model of this study and substantial suggestions were proposed for follow-up academic studies and practical applications.
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大學校院輔諮中心輔導服務品質評量指標之建構與影響因素的分析研究 / The study of the fundamental indicators construction and the assessment of counseling service quality in university counseling centers汪慧瑜, Wang, Hui Yu Unknown Date (has links)
第三.輔導服務品質指標與輔導服務品質影響因素組成因素之間的關係。(一)「品質承諾」、「控制力」對於輔導服務品質的「有形性」較具有預測力。(二)「員工適配」、「目標設置」、「加強宣導」、「工作標準化」與「學生需求調查」對於輔導服務品質的「可靠性」較具有預測力。(三)「員工適配」、「水平溝通」、「加強宣導」、「學生需求調查」、「監控系統」與「工作標準化」對於輔導服務品質「反應性」較具有預測力。(四)「員工適配」、「控制力」、「加強宣導」、「水平溝通」、「監控系統」與「學生需求調查」對於輔導服務品質「保證性」較具有預測力。(五)「員工適配」、「加強宣導」、「工作標準化」對於輔導服務品質「體貼性」較具有預測力。其中「員工適配」為主要預測變項。(六) 「品質承諾」、「加強宣導」、「水平溝通」、「團隊合作」與「目標設置」對於輔導服務品質的「認同性」較具有預測力。
最後,根據研究結果對輔導實務工作及未來相關研究提出建議以供參考。 / The main purpose of this research was to construct fundamental indicators of counseling service quality, develop an inventory of counseling service quality, and assess counseling service quality of university counseling centers. This research was conducted under three processes. First, semistructured interviews of professional scholars, deans of student affairs, directors of counseling center and students were conducted. Six indicators of counseling service quality were obtained from analyzing the responses as follows: tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and identification. The determinants of counseling service quality involved managers’ perception of students’ expectations, management commitment to service quality, counselors’ competence and attitude, as well as propagation and communication. Several specific criteria emerged for each of the determinants. Second, the inventory was constructed under the framework of literature review and Delphi method. The inventory was finally sent to 379 counselors and 1343 students from 24 universities in Taiwan. The data was analyzed by t-test, one-way ANOVA, and stepwise regression.
Our findings are summarized below:
First, regarding counselors of different backgrounds: (1) No differences were found between the public and private university counselors in perceived counseling service quality. The same results were found between counselors of differing seniority. (2) The perceived “employee-job fit” of university counselors was better than that of those from vocational university. (3) The perceived tangibility of the first district in northern universities was greater than that of southern universities. (4) There were disparities in the assessment of determinants of counseling service quality between male and female counselors. The same was true with counselors of different professional backgrounds. (5) The perceived counseling service quality of the director and counselors with doctorate degrees from the university counseling center was better than that of other counselors.
Second, students with different backgrounds: (1) The perceived counseling service quality was different between males and females, universities and technological universities, different grades, and possessing or not possessing prior counseling experience. (2) No differences were found between public and private university students in perceived counseling service quality.
Third, the relationship between counselor service quality indicators and factors of counselor service quality: (1) The criteria of management commitment to service quality and perceived control were the two major factors in predicting the tangibility of counseling service quality. (2) The criteria of “employee-job fit”, goal-setting, propagation-enhancement, task standardization, and student request investigation were the five major factors in predicting the reliability of counseling service quality.3. The criteria of “employee-job fit”, horizontal communication, propagation-enhancement, student request investigation, supervisory control systems, and task standardization were the six major factors in predicting the responsiveness of counseling service quality.4. The criteria of employee-job fit, perceived control, propagation-enhancement, horizontal communication, supervisory control systems, and student research orientation were the six major factors in predicting the assurance of counseling service quality. (5) The criteria of employee-job fit, propagation-enhancement, and task standardization were the six major factors in predicting the empathy of counseling service quality.(6) The criteria of management commitment to service quality, propagation-enhancement, horizontal communication, teamwork and goal-setting were the four major factors in predicting counseling service quality.
Based on the results of this study, we have proposed some suggestions and provided reference materials for the counseling profession as well as for the pursuit of further research in this area.
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高校新教科群:2 心と身体の科学 (III.中学選択プロジェクト・高校新教科群の取り組み)石川, 久美, ISHIKAWA, K., 中村, 明彦, NAKAMURA, A., 佐藤, 喜世恵, SATO, K., 山本, 裕二, YAMAMOTO, Y. 30 November 2006 (has links)
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新教科群2 : 心と身体の科学 : 揺らぎを通して多角的に学ぶ (Ⅲ. 高校新教科群の取り組み)石川, 久美, Ishikawa, K., 佐藤, 喜世恵, Sato, K., 中村, 明彦, Nakamura, A., 山本, 裕二, Yamamoto, Y. 30 November 2005 (has links)
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照明業提升核心客戶顧客關係策略之研究-以某個案為例 / The study of promoting core-customer-relationship strategy for the lighting industry - base a case for an example鄭英琴 Unknown Date (has links)
下,推廣核心顧客關係管理的過程。首先,運用Barrett(1986)提出80/20 法則定律的行銷手法,搭配Malcolm McDonald和Beth Rogers(2006)將核心客戶管理分為六個階段,接著運用HouLun和TangXiaowo(2007)指出顧客價值具有雙重屬性,即顧客感知價值和顧客資產價值。個案公司不只是提供產品創造業績的顧客資產價值,而是再升級為顧客感知價值,”挖掘需求,解決痛點,主動積極、細緻貼心”超越客戶需求的顧客服務,將核心客戶關係管理的理論與實際行銷互相配合,創造個案公司與核心客戶的雙贏。 / With upgrading lighting industry of the mainland China and Southeast Asia, the threat of cheap labor costs and the overall environment of the negative factors, Taiwan's lighting industry continues to face the situation of a powerful enemy around, the lighting export performance is getting worse without doubt. However, with the environmental protection awareness in recent years to enhance and protect the environment of the Earth of trend concept in the world, countries have advocated green energy, energy saving and carbon reduction. Meantime, it brings new opportunities of transformation for the case study company.
In this case study, the company turned to the trend of "green energy" which can re-locate and adjust the operating direction of company. The company transformed the lighting trend from traditional incandescent lamp to LED lighting integrated intelligent technology concept become core customer management business. The marketing focused on "find out the needs, solve the pain points, be aggressive and positive, detailed caring service”. To build a strong consultative sales team, to understand deeply of the top 20% of the pyramid core customers’needs,to provide solutions to enhance customer value maximization, so that the corporation of the two parties can make an unbreakable "partnership and cooperative key account management" to create mutual values and win-win strategy.
In view of this, the study of the case of small and medium enterprises using the characteristics of SMEs in the premise of limited resources,
First of all, the promotion of core customer relationship management process, this paper divides key account management into six stages by using Barrett's (1986) marketing approach of 80/20 rule and Malcolm McDonald and Beth Rogers (2006), then using HouLun and Tang Xiaowo (2007) to point out that customer value has dual Attributes, named customer perceived value and customer asset value. Case-based company is not only to provide customers with product creation performance value of assets, but also upgrade customer perceived value. More than customers’expectation to "Find out the needs, solve the pain points, be aggressive and positive, detailed caring service”. Key account relationship management theory and the practical marketing of the interaction between the case in the company and the core customers to create win-win situation.
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統一後德國歐洲政策之取向(一九九一~一九九四) / German European Policy after Unification (1991∼1994)李大中, Li, Da Jung Unknown Date (has links)
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體驗與意向內容-早期胡賽爾經驗既與性之研究 / Mantal Process and Intentional Content李志成, Henry Lee Unknown Date (has links)
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